10. Eating Disorders

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how many binge episodes might someone with bulimia nervosa have per week?

1 to 30

what is the peak onset of eating disorders?

15 to 21

what % of gymnasts have an eating disorder


what % of patients with bulimia are helped by antidepressant medications?


about what % of elementary school girls are dieting? and middle school?

50% ; 61%

what % of college athletes meet the criteria for an eating disorder?


what % of anorexia and bulimia nervosa cases occur in females?


what does repeated vomiting do that may be lead to worsening the severity of bulimia?

affects the ability to feel satiated leading to greater hunger and bingeing

what does psychodynamic disorder think causes anorexia? (2)

an effort to delay or interrupt sexual maturation passive-aggressive response to conflicts around control and autonomy

what has the rise in eating disorders over the last three decades due to?

an irrational fear of weight gain and obsession with thinness

if someone is thinking like this, what disorder may they have?: Usually have a low opinion of their body shape Tend to overestimate their actual size / proportions Hold maladaptive attitudes and misperceptions?


Amenorrhea Low blood pressure Reduced bone density Metabolic and electrolyte imbalances Poor circulation Body swelling are all medical comorbidities of what disorder?

anorexia nervosa

low self esteem, insomnia, substance abuse, OCD, perfectionism and body dysmorphic disorder are all comorbid disorders of what disorder?

anorexia nervosa

what are the two main eating disorders?

anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa

what medication often helped people with eating disorders?


what is known as "binge-purge syndrome?

bulimia nervosa

what might have to occur in life-threatening cases of anorexia?

clinicians may need to force feed through a tube and IV feedings

what do people with bulimia nervosa attempt to do after a binge?

compensate for and "undo" the caloric effects

what kind of behaviors may temporarily relieve negative feelings attached to binge eating?


what are the two main goes of treating eating disorders?

correct dangerous eating patterns addressing broader psychological and situational factors that led to and maintain the eating problem

what psychological disorders are comorbid with anorexia?

depression and anxiety

what common psychological disorder do persons with an eating disorder have a higher rate of?

depressive disorder

what behavioral techniques are used to treat bulimia?

eating and purging diaries exposure and response prevention used to break the binge-purge cycle

What disorder has the highest mortality rate?

eating disorder

what are the treatment goals (2) for bulimia?

eliminate binge-purge patterns promote normal eating behaviors

what feelings usually follow binges?

extreme self-blame, guilt, depression and fears of being discovered

what compensatory behaviors are included in bulimia nervosa?

forced vomiting, misusing laxatives, diuretics or enemas, fasting or exercising aggressively

what are weight thermostat set by?

genetic inheritance and early eating practices

what kind of intervention format for bulimia allow patients the opportunity for them to express their thoughts, concerns and experiences with one another?

group formats

what are the characteristics more than half of the families of those with an eating disorder?

have a long history of emphasizing shyness, appearance and dieting

what cognitive techniques are used to treat bulimia?

help clients recognize and change their maladaptive attitudes toward food, eating, weight and shape teach individuals to identify the negative thoughts that precede the urge to binge

what happens if weight goes above a set point?

hunger goes down and metabolic rate goes up

what happens if weight falls below a set point?

hunger increase, metabolic rate decreases and binges increase

what area of the brain may be responsible for the weight 'set point'?

hypothalamus and related brain areas

what is considered a negative outcome of treatment for anorexia?

initial recovery not being permanent lingering emotional problems

who are relapses of bulimia more likely to occur in?

longer history of symptoms vomited frequently had histories of substance use have lingering interpersonal problems

what is included in most cognitive-behavioral treatment programs for anorexia?

monitoring feelings, hunger levels and food intake encouragement to recognize their underlying feelings helped to change their attitudes about eating and weight

what are the difference between people with anorexia vs. bulimia?

people bulimia nervosa are more likely to be sexually experience and active and have more history of mood swings, low frustration tolerance and poor coping

what are the treatment goals (3) for anorexia?

promote normal eating behavior regain lost weight recover from malnourishment

what does the psychodynamic theory think causes bulimia?

reflects self-nurturing with food in the absence of adequate parental nurturing

what are binges?

repeated bouts of uncontrolled overeating during a limited period of time

what might cause some men to develop eating disorder?

requirements or pressures of a job or sport

what new kind of eating disorder might men exhibit?

reverse anorexia nervosa or muscle dysmorphia

how are binges carried out?

secretly, involving massive amount of food with little chewing

what neurotransmitter abnormality do people with bulimia nervosa have?


what may relapses be triggered by?


what is the most popular weight restoration technique the combination of?

supportive nursing care, nutritional counseling and high calorie diets

what kind of food might be consumed in binges?

sweet, high calorie foods with soft texture

what does binge eating disorder cause in 2/3rds of sufferers?

they become overweight or obese

what is the difference between people with binge eating disorder and bulimia?

those with binge eating disorder do not perform inappropriate compensatory behaviors

what is considered a positive outcome of treatment of anorexia?

weight gain and patients maintaining improvements for years menstruation returning to normal

what standards may contribute to the emergence of eating disorders?

western standards of female attractiveness

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