1,001 CCNA Questions: Chapter 18 Cisco IOS Fundamentals

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D. The first image stored in flash By default, the first IOS image stored in flash memory is loaded on boot-up.

By default, the Cisco bootstrap program loads which IOS image if one is not specified? (A) The first image on a TFTP server (B) The last image on a TFTP server (C) The last image stored in flash (D) The first image stored in flash

A. 62720 K Looking at the results of the show version command, you can see the IOS version, the number of interfaces that exist (and their types), and the memory installed in the device. Looking at the figure in this example, you can see that there are 239 K of NVRAM and 62720 K of flash memory.

Looking at the figure below, how much flash memory exists in the device? (A) 62720 K (B) 2800 K (C) 239 K (D) 5120 K

B. boot system flash c2800nm-advipservicesk9-mz.124-15.T1.bin To configure your Cisco device to boot from a specific IOS located in flash memory, use the boot system flash command followed by the filename of the IOS image located in flash memory.

Looking at the figure below, what is the command to configure the Cisco device to boot from the IOS stored in flash memory? (A) boot system tftp c2800nm-advipservicesk9-mz.124-15.T1.bin (B) boot system flash c2800nm-advipservicesk9-mz.124-15.T1.bin (C) boot system flash sigdef-category.xml (D) boot system flash sigdef-default.xml

D. c2800nm-advipservicesk9-mz.124-15.T1.bin The Cisco IOS image is located in the bin file and, in this case, the c2800nmadvipservicesk9-mz.124-15.T1.bin file.

Looking at the figure below, what is the name of the image file that contains the Cisco IOS? (A) sigdef-default.xml (B) sigdef-category.xml (C) name/status (D) c2800nm-advipservicesk9-mz.124-15.T1.bin

A. 2800 When using the show version command, you can see the name of the IOS image that is used by the device. In this case, the IOS file is c2800nm-advipservicesk9-mz.124-15. T1.bin. The platform is displayed first (2800), then the feature set is displayed (advipservices). Following that are any options, such as the m means that the image runs in ram, and the z means that the image is zipped (-mz). After that, you have the version of the IOS; in this case, the version is 12.4 (.124).

Looking at the figure below, what is the platform for the device? (A) 2800 (B) 12.4 (C) 2 FastEthernet (D) 2102

B. show flash: The show flash: command was used. Note the top of the output and the types of files listed.

Looking at the output of the figure below, what command was used? (A) show system: (B) show flash: (C) show version (D) show nvram

C. ROM The bootstrap program is stored in ROM memory.

The bootstrap program is stored in what type of memory on the Cisco router? (A) NVRAM (B) RAM (C) ROM (D) Flash memory

B. NVRAM The startup configuration is stored in non-volatile RAM.

The startup configuration is stored in which type of memory? (A) ROM (B) NVRAM (C) RAM (D) FLASH

C. show flash To view available flash memory, use the show flash command. The show flash command displays total memory, used memory, and available flash memory.

What command can you use on your Cisco router to display the available flash memory? (A) show version (B) show memory (C) show flash (D) show mem

A. boot config <file> To change the configuration file that is applied at startup, you can use the boot config <file> command and then supply the filename with the configuration you wish to use.

What command would you use to change the configuration file that is applied on startup? (A) boot config <file> (B) set startup-file (C) boot system config <file> (D) boot private-config <file>

C. boot system tftp <filename.bin> To configure the Cisco device to boot from an IOS image located on a TFTP server, you can use the boot system TFTP <filename> command.

What command would you use to configure the Cisco device to boot from an IOS image located on a TFTP server? (A) boot tftp <filename.bin> (B) boot system <filename.bin> (C) boot system tftp <filename.bin> (D) boot system flash <filename.bin>

D. config-register 2142 You would change the configuration register value to 2142 in order to specify that you wish to skip the startup configuration during boot-up.

What command would you use to configure the router to not load the startup configuration? (A) config-register 2102 (B) config-register 1200 (C) config-register 2100 (D) config-register 2142

C. boot system tftp <filename> Use the boot system tftp command to load the IOS from a TFTP server.

What command would you use to configure your router to load the IOS image from a TFTP server? (A) boot system flash <filename> (B) boot system <filename> (C) boot system tftp <filename> (D) boot system flash-tftp <filename>

C. boot bootstrap You can use the boot command to alter a number of boot preferences, such as specifying a secondary bootstrap image. Use the boot bootstrap command to specify the secondary bootstrap image on your Cisco device.

What command would you use to specify a secondary bootstrap image? (A) boot config (B) boot system (C) boot bootstrap (D) boot

D. .bin Cisco IOS images use the .bin file extension.

What file extension do Cisco IOS images use? (A) .jpg (B) .image (C) .exe (D) .bin

C. The IOS is loaded into RAM. After the bootstrap program locates the IOS in flash memory, it then copies the IOS into RAM.

What happens after the bootstrap program locates the IOS in flash memory? (A) It formats the IOS. (B) It copies it to ROM. (C) The IOS is loaded into RAM. (D) It copies it to NVRAM.

A. The device will try to connect to a TFTP server for the configuration. If the startup config does not exist, the Cisco device will then try to load a startup configuration from a TFTP server. If a TFTP does not exist, the device will then present the initial configuration dialog to configure the device.

What happens if a startup config does not exist on boot-up? (A) The device will try to connect to a TFTP server for the configuration. (B) The device fails to boot. (C) The device loads a default config from ROM. (D) The device loads a default config from flash.

C. ROM The POST routines on a Cisco device are stored in ROM memory.

Where is the POST routines stored on a Cisco device? (A) NVRAM (B) RAM (C) ROM (D) Flash memory

A. Bootstrap The bootstrap, which is located in ROM, is responsible for locating the Cisco IOS and loading it in memory.

Which component is responsible for locating an operating system to load in memory? (A) Bootstrap (B) ROM (C) Flash (D) IOS

D. private-config.text The cryptography keys on a Cisco switch are stored in a file called private-config.text. This file is located in flash memory and can be seen with a dir flash command.

Which file contained in flash memory on a Cisco switch is used to store secured configuration data such as cryptography keys? (A) config.text (B) secured.text (C) keys.text (D) private-config.text

B. A central place to upgrade the IOS The one benefit of booting from an IOS image located on a TFTP server is that you can have multiple Cisco devices using the IOS image. When you decide to upgrade the IOS image, you simply upgrade the file on the TFTP server with no need to reconfigure each Cisco device or perform the upgrade on each device. The downfall is that if the device cannot communicate with the TFTP server, it will be unable to load the IOS.

Which of the following describes the benefit of booting from a TFTP server? (A) If the server is unavailable then the backup IOS is used. (B) A central place to upgrade the IOS (C) Faster than loading from flash (D) Slower than loading from flash

A. If the server is unavailable devices cannot boot up. The huge downfall of booting from an IOS located on a TFTP server is if you are unable to communicate with the TFTP server, you will be unable to boot the system.

Which of the following would be a downfall of loading the IOS image from a TFTP server? (A) If the server is unavailable devices cannot boot up. (B) Faster than flash (C) A central place to upgrade the IOS (D) Fault tolerance available

C. ROM The bootstrap program is stored in ROM memory.

Which type of memory is used to store the bootstrap program? (A) NVRAM (B) RAM (C) ROM (D) Flash memory

A. boot buffersize Older versions of the IOS allowed you to alter how much NVRAM is used for the IFS by using the boot buffersize command.

You are customizing the boot preferences and would like to change the size of the NVRAM buffer used for the IFS. What command would you use? (A) boot buffersize (B) boot config-file (C) buffersize-boot (D) config-file boot

D. show boot The show boot command is used to display your boot-up (or startup) settings. Note that this command is being replaced by the show bootvar command.

You are troubleshooting the startup of your Cisco switch. What command was used in the figure below to display the following output? (A) show config (B) show IOS (C) show flash (D) show boot

D. copy tftp flash You would use the copy command to copy the IOS from the TFTP server to flash memory.

You have a copy of your IOS image located on a TFTP server. What command would you use to restore the IOS to your device? (A) restore flash tftp (B) restore tftp flash (C) copy tftp rom (D) copy tftp flash

B. license install flash: r1fs-ips After you acquire a new license, you can install it by first copying it to flash memory and then using the license install command to activate the license.

You have copied a new Cisco license file called r1fs-ips from the TFTP server to flash memory. How do you install this new license on your Cisco switch? (A) license install tftp: r1fs-ips (B) license install flash: r1fs-ips (C) license rlfs-ips (D) license flash: rlfs-ips

B. show version The show version command is used to display the IOS version information, filename, and device configuration such as memory and ports that exist in the device.

You need to find out what IOS image file was used to boot the router. What command would you use? (A) show ios (B) show version (C) show boot (D) show image

A. copy flash tftp In order to back up your IOS, you can use the copy flash tftp command to copy a file from flash memory to a TFTP server. The Cisco IOS will prompt you for the filename details after the command is issued.

You wish to back up your IOS image to a TFTP server. What command would you use? (A) copy flash tftp (B) copy boot tftp (C) copy image tftp (D) copy <filename> tftp

A. delete flash:<filename> To delete a file from flash memory, use the delete command followed by the type of memory you wish to delete a file from and then the filename.

You wish to delete a file from flash memory. What command would you use? (A) delete flash:<filename> (B) kill flash:<filename> (C) delete <filename> (D) kill <filename>

A. dir nvram: To display the contents of NVRAM, you can use the dir command followed by the type of memory you wish to do a directory of; in this case, use the dir nvram: command.

You wish to display the contents of NVRAM. What command would you use? (A) dir nvram: (B) dir (C) dir flash: (D) show nvram

B. dir flash: You can use the dir flash: command to display the contents of flash memory.

You wish to display the contents of flash memory using IFS commands. What command would you use? (A) dir nvram (B) dir flash: (C) display flash (D) get flash:

B. show license file You can use the show license file command to display the license information on your Cisco device.

You wish to display the current license information. What command would you use? (A) display license file (B) show license file (C) license show file (D) show all

B. Ctrl-Break You can use the Ctrl-Break keystroke to interrupt the startup of a Cisco device. This is common in password recovery procedures.

You wish to disrupt the boot process on the Cisco device. What keystroke would you press? (A) Ctrl-Alt-Break (B) Ctrl-Break (C) Ctrl-Alt-Ins (D) Alt-Break

D. show version To find out the version of the Cisco IOS you are running, use the show version command.

You wish to find out what version of the Cisco IOS you are running. What command would you run? (A) show mem (B) show memory (C) show ios (D) show version

D. setup You can invoke the initial configuration dialog by using the setup command. The initial configuration dialog will then walk you through typical configuration of the Cisco device.

You wish to invoke the initial configuration dialog. What command would you use? (A) init (B) show init (C) init dialog (D) setup

C. license clear ipservices You can use the clear parameter on the license command to remove a license from your Cisco device.

You wish to remove a license from your Cisco device. What command would you use? (A) remove license ipservices (B) delete ipservices (C) license clear ipservices (D) delete license ipservices

B. show version You can use the show version command to display the memory installed on a Cisco device. The show version command also shows the IOS version and the ports information on the Cisco device.

You would like to know how much memory exists on the Cisco device. What command would you use? (A) show memory (B) show version (C) show ram (D) show ios

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