102 Final

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!


T\F Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) has been most commonly found in professional athletes participating in American football, rugby, ice hockey, bull riding, stunt performing and rodeo.


T\F Currently, researchers believe that heavy cell phone use does not contribute to brain tumors.


T\F Oil glands are located in the epidermis of the integument.


T\F Researchers believe that long-term memory is limited.


T\F Sensory neurons in the brain and spinal cord integrate input and output signals.


T\F The refractory period is a reference to resting membrane potential.


T\F The right cerebral hemisphere deals with speech, math and analytical skills.

After fleeing mainland China in 1949, the Chinese Nationalist government relocated the Republic of China to the island of ________________, where it still rules today.



Term used to describe archaeological sites that accumulate artifacts from use or settlement across time.

Spartan Steel v Martin

cannot claim for things that 'were' going to be produced


capital city

بِطاقَةٌ, بِطاقاتٌ



causing anger or hurt feelings

سَنْتِيْمِتْرٌ, سنتيمتراتٌ

centimeter (f)

كُرْسيٌّ, كَراسٍ,كَراسيٌّ








according to appiah the word europeans was firs used to contrast

christians and muslims





مَدينَةٌ, مُدُنٌ



clarify by giving an example of,explain

فَصْلٌ, فُصولٌ



class period

Ionic Order

classical Greek architectural style that features a fluted column shaft, capitals with volutes (spiral scroll-like ornaments) and a large base (feminine and more delicate)






clot of blood

قُماشٌ, أَقْمِشَةٌ


ثَوْبٌ, ثِيابٌ






كُلِّيَّةٌ , كُلِّيَّاتٌ

college (within a university ie. college of law)

مُشْطٌ, أَمْشاطٌ


sexual harassment

comments, gestures, or physical contacts of a sexual nature that are deliberate, repeated, and unwelcome


common set of signs and symptoms

شَرِكَةٌ , شَرِكاتٌ


Output Zone

comprised of axon terminals

زِرٌّ, أَزْرارٌ


All of the following characterized China's Boxer Rebellion except: a. it was partly motivated by anger with imported cotton prices. b. it was xenophobic. c. it was finally crushed by a Chinese army from Beijing. d. it targeted and persecuted foreign missionaries and Chinese Christians. e. it was based in poor, rural northeast China.

c. it was finally crushed by a Chinese army from Beijing.


calm and quiet

Pure Economic Loss

Allowed if the class of plaintiffs are restricted and vulnerable; Does not matter if they were individually recognised at the time for the breach

The countries represented by the term "BRICS" share what in common?

Experts expect that their economies will dominate the twenty-first century


Explain the meaning of

Rose v Plenty

Express Prohibition; employee has to do something theyre employed to do

Bugge v Brown

Express Prohibition; tort had to be committed in course of employment


Extreme form of communism, featuring guerrilla warfare and periodic upheavals


Extreme nationalism and violent authoritarian rule

Sun Yat-sen

First president of the Republic of China Founder of the Nationalist Party (Guomindang aka GMD) Leader of the Chinese Nationalist movement

which best describes Luther's doctrine of justification by faith alone?

Salvation for Christians can only come from faith in God and not through good works.



Starting position for triceps muscle length test

Seated or supine

Japanese occupation of china

Second sino-Japanese war

Starting position for biceps muscle length test

Supine (at edge of table), palm down, shoulder extended

In the Soviet Union, the Gulag was the name for the

System of labor camps for political prisoners






T\F "Inside" is a reference to the cytoplasmic fluid of the neuron.


T\F A function of the integument is to help control internal temperature.


T\F Acetylcholine is the transmitter released at neuromuscular junctions and it leads to inhibitory impacts on muscle fibers.


T\F Addictive drugs inhibit the release of dopamine.


T\F Carcinomas account for less than 50% of all cancers.

the vietnamese declaration of independence of september 1945 reflected the influence of

enlightenment ideas, anti colonialism, us declaration of independence, and marxist history



the most valuable capital asset property owners in North America could own in the first half of the nineteenth century was:

enslaved people

ظَرْفٌ, طُرُوْفٌ






Kwame Nkrumah

founder of Ghana's independence movement and Ghana's first president





جَنَّةٌ, جَنّانٌ




the so-called jewel in the crown of the british empire was


which country is today known as the worlds largest democracy



induces skeletal muscle contractions; slows cardiac muscle contraction; affects mood and memory




instrument for viewing 范围




involved in reward-based motivation and learning; and motor control

the 1979 an islamist revolution overthrew the authoritarian us backed government of


in 1953-54, the united states helped to overthrow democratically elected governments and to replace them with authoritarian regimes in

iran and quatemala


iron or metal

Axnometric projection

is a way to show an object tilted about one of its axis


is a worldwide high incidence of a communicable disease

opportunistic infections

is caused by organisms normally found in the environment that the immune-suppressed individual cannot resist

which of the following is not true of the French Revolution?

it brought to power a government founded on the ideas of Marxism and communism

which of the following best describes the primary purpose of a secondary source?

it interprets primary sources to present an argument about the past.

which of the following best describes the impact that popular and underground literature had on public opinion in France in the late 18th century?

it popularized Enlightenment ideas and spread court gossip that destabilized the monarchy

all of the following was true of the Concert of Europe except:

it sought to protect liberal democracies against conservative monarchial forces

نَبِيٌّ, نَبِيُّونَ/أَنْبِياءُ


صَفٌّ, صُفُوْفٌ


رُوبيَّةٌ, رُوبِيَّاتٌ




نَمُوْذَجٌ, نَماذِجُ


مَدْرَسَة, مَدارِسُ


عَقْرَبٌ, عَقارِبُ

scorpion (female)

Secondary health care

screening for early detection

بَحرٌ, بِحار


مَقْعَدُ, مَقاعِدُ


T OR F: The average person on the planet was better educated, lived a longer and healthier life, and had a higher income in 2010 than in 1970.


True or False? By 2012, only 35 percent of the worlds population used the internet


among the reasons many people in France distrusted Marie Antoinette by 1789 was the fact that she was a foreigner


an example of a primary source from 17th- century France be a diary written by a noblewoman in Paris in 1693.


عِمارَةٌ, عَمائِرُ



endowment (trusts)

مِنْرٌ, أَمْتارٌ


مَكْتَبٌ, مَكاتِبُ


جُنَيْهٌ, جُنَيْهاتٌ

pound (money)

Battle of Midway

Broken Japanese code allowed the US to position carriers for victory

Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

Japanese plan to establish an empire in Asia

MMT 2-/5

Less than 1/2 the available ROM gravity eliminated


Lie back


Marines came under the Department of the Navy.

Warsaw Pact

Military alliance between soviets and their allies

Warsaw Pact

Military alliance between the Soviet Union and its eastern European allies

National self determination

People make their own country

Start position for the passive straight leg raise (SLR)


Start position of the passive knee extension test


Start position of the supine gastroc test


which of the following is most likely to be a secondary source?

a monograph

اِجْتِماعٌ، اِجْتِماعـاتٌ





practice widely observed in a group; custom; accepted technique or device





CAM is the process of

product development

ذَهاب و إياب


الإمْتِحان, امتحانات

test (at school)

سِنٌّ, أَسْنانٌ




Kwame Nkrumah quote

" what other countries have taken 300 years or more to achieve, a once dependent territory must try to accomplish in a generation if it is to survive"

Stage 0 cancer

"Carcinoma in situ": cancer in place and the cancer cells have not yet invaded into surrounding tissues


"The Base" A group led by Osama Bin Laden dedicated to international jihad and the spread of Islam throughout the Middle East


"The Base" dedicated to jihad


"The Students" Islamic extremist group who gained control of Afghanistan in 1996


"Warriors of God" The anti-Soviet insurgency in Afghanistan who received weapons and training covertly from the US Drove the Soviets out of Afghanistan by 1989 after receiving help from the US


"Warriors of God" antisoviet insurgents


"salt-loving" archaea that live in environments that have very high salt concentrations

Key anatomical landmarks of goniometery

- Lateral femoral condyle - Greater trochanter - Lateral malleolus - ASIS - Fibular head - Midline trunk - Mid patella


Acquiring the minimum essential logistic support to begin combat operations


Actions or processes that involve the entire world and result in making something worldwide in scope.

Naval Logistics

Addresses the full range of logistical capabilities that are essential in the support of naval forces.

During the Cold War, all of the following countries implemented communist models of political economy

- North Vietnam - North Korea - China - Poland


(adj.) last, final; most important or extreme; eventual; basic, fundamental

Doric order

(n.) The oldest and simplest of the three main orders of classical Greek architecture, characterized by heavy fluted columns with plain, saucer-shaped capitals and no base; A Roman order of similar design but with the addition of a base. (masculine)


(of action) having no effect or achieving nothing (nafile,yararsız,faydasız)


(v.) to bring into existence; to be the cause of


(v.) to develop gradually; to rise to a higher level


(v.) to find and bring back, get back; to put right, make good -bulup çıkarmak


(v.) to portray; to represent or show in the form of a picture

How do you calculate exercise intensity?

*RANGE 40-65% (220-age) - Resting HR = HRR HRR x .4 then add resting HR HRR x .65 then add resting HR ------------------- example: A 60 year old patient has a resting heart rate of 70 bpm. (220-60) = 160 160-70 = 90 ← this is HRR 90 x .4 = 36 + 70 = 106 90 x .65 = 58.5 + 70 = 128.5 Range for this patient is 106-128.5 bpm

Purpose of doing MMT

- Assess medical conditions (neurological disorders) - Loss of cortical control in the CNS - Knowing limitations in treatment

All of the following characterized the Soviet Union in the 1970s

- It could not deliver the same quantity and variety of consumer goods as the West - It was spending more than it could afford on the arms race and proxy wars - It was the worlds largest oil producer - its people were growing weary of authoritarian government

Signs/symptoms of cancer

- Change in bowl/bladder routine - A sore that will not heal - Unusual bleeding/discharge - Thickening/lump develops - Indigestion or difficulty swallowing - Obvious change in wart/mole (color, shape, size, bleeding) - Nagging cough/hoarseness


A 19th century artistic movement in which writers and painters sought to show life as it is rather than life as it should be (how it is)

Contraindications of goniometry

- Ectopic ossification - Dislocation - Non-healed fracture - AROM muscle contraction causes injury - PROM joint motion impedes healing

Purpose of goniometry

- Establish goals - Determine progress or lack of - Change in POC - Provides objective data - Helps with fabrication of equipment - Motivation

All of the following became newly independent countries in the years following the Second World War

- Malaysia - Vietnam - India - Indonesia

The Vietnamese Declaration of Independence of September 1945 reflected the influence of all of the following

- Marxist theory - Anti-colonialism - the US Declaration of Independence - Enlightenment ideas

Goals of goniometry

- Measure patient progress - Motivate patient - Report progress back to the PR using objective measures

مَبْنَى , مَبانِي

Building (m) (ends in alif maksoorah so it doesn't change case)

What is balance grade normal?

- Patient able to maintain balance without support - Accepts MAXIMAL challenge and can shift weight in all directions

Chinese Communist leader Deng Xiaoping was responsible for all of the following

- Reforms that transformed China into the worlds largest trading nation - Moving the country toward what he called "Socialism with Chinese characters" - A modernization campaign that valued experimentation over communist principles - Violent repression of pro-democracy protestors in Tiananmen Square in 1989

What does the basal ganglia do?

- Regulate gross intentional movement - Ability to make postural adjustments - Maintain normal background muscle tone - Ability to do automatic movements

How can you improve reliability?

- Same person should take measurements - Patient same position - Same goniometer - Proper size goniometer - Taken same time of day - Taken in same sequence in treatment - Read at eye level

The Battle of Guadalcanal

07 Aug 1942, 1st Marine division landed in the Solomon Islands, 1st U.S. Land offensive of WWII, 1st combat test of the new amphibious doctrine. Amphibious landings followed in New Georgia, Bougainville and Choiseul.

Normal ROM for knee extension

Normal ROM for the Thomas test (iliopsoas)

0° hip flexion

Why did Japan invade China?

1) Chinese instability 2) Resources 3) Markets 4) No one to say "no"

Soviet demands for postwar Germany

1) resource through reparations 2) a demilitarized Germany 3) a "friendly" Germany



All of the following characterized Nazi fascism

- Ultranationalism - Scapegoating of Jews - Military-style political organizations - opposition to communism and liberalism

Exercise guidelines for cancer

- Verify guidelines with physician - Monitor blood values daily - Exercise intensity should range 40-65% of heart rate reserve - RPE <12 on 20 point RPE scale - Modify exercise to accommodate adverse side effects of treatment

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Alliance)

Military alliance between the US and its western European allies

February 26 incident

Military uprising in Japan (failed)

What is the MMT conventional scale?

0 (weakest) - 5 (strongest)

"Gains from Trade" Hypothesis "Financial Oligarchy"

1. "Gains From Trade" → Theory that claims that globalization helps the environment. Hypothesis states that trade leads to growth via specialization and comparative advantage. As people get wealthier, they demand and receive a better environment. Therefore globalization improves the environment. This theory meets the Environmental Kuznets Curve which demonstrates that there is an inverse U relationship between pollution and per capital GDP. Starts with environmental decay, where higher incomes mean more production and consumption and these activities increase pollution. These are "bad" institutions with limited political freedom, weak rule of law, and poor property rights. Then, reaches turning point where we see improvement: as income grows, demands for environmental protection increase, leading to a development path characterized by both economic growth and environmental improvements. This is characterized by "good" institutions with political and economic freedoms, rule of law and strong property rights. 2. "Financial Oligarchy" → Form of power, governmental or operations, where such power effectively rests with a small, elite group of inside individuals, sometimes from a small group of educational institutions, or influential economic entities or devices (banks, commercial entities, lobbyists) that act in complicity with, or at the whim of the oligarchy, often with little or no regard for constitutionally protected prerogative. Monopolies are sometimes granted to state-controlled entities (Royal Charter to the East India Company). Today's MNCs function as corporate oligarchies with influence over democratically elected officials. - SIGNIFICANCE:

Elements of damage

1. Duty of care establishment 2. Breach of duty of care (a) standard of care (b) breach of standard (c) reasonable response 3. Damage (a) Question of law (b) Question of fact (c) Scope of liability

Berlin Blockade/Airlift

Blockade by the Soviet union of Britain and US trains, trucks, etc. the US starts flying supplies into Berlin in response

Leichardt Municipal Council v Montgomery

NDD of road construction to others


Border between Germany and Belgium that Hitler re-militarized in violation of the Treaty of Versailles

Across Europe people were repeatedly revolting against their governments in the 19th century. one year in particular saw dozens of attempted nationalist revolutions, earning it the nickname "Spring of Nations" which year was that?


What other year has 1968 been compared to

1848, with its wave of widespread idealistic but ultimately failed revolutions

What is balance grade zero?

Patient requires MAXIMAL assistance to maintain balance


1.the act of contradicting; gainsaying or opposition. 2.assertion of the contrary or opposite; denial. 3. a statement or proposition that contradicts or denies another or itself and is logically incongruous.



Normal ROM for hip flexion


Normal ROM for knee flexion


Action Potential

Brief reversal of the voltage difference across the plasma membrane of a neuron or muscle cell

When and who established ONI

1882 SECNAV William Hunt

when did europeans start referring to themselves and their kin in north america as the west


The Battle of Iwo Jima

19 Feb 1945, Largest and Bloodiest all-marine battle. Marine Corps suffered >23,300 casualties. ADM Chester Nimitz said, " Among the Americans who served on Iwo Island, Uncommon valor is a common virtue"

Paris Peace Conference

1919, meeting of the Allies at the end of WWI, concluded with Treaty of Versailles; Woodrow Wilson promotes self-determination

Year of miracles

1989 collapse of communist countries

When and Why the current Navy Core Values were developed

1992 service wide effort aimed to strengthen the Navy as a valued community


1st battle of Fallujah, Operation Vigilant Resolve. Failed attempt to capture the city in APR 2004

D-Day (June 6, 1944)

2 years of planning; Germans were fooled into believing that Allied Forces would land elsewhere

The Battle of Tarawa

20 Nov 1943, Tarawa Atoll and Betio Island. Japanese commander proclaimed it would take 100 million Americans 100 years to conquer it, Marines landed and secured it within 76 hours. Because of Extended reefs Marines were offloaded hundreds of yards off the beaches which lead to heavy deaths from enemy fire and drowning.

Normal ROM for ankle dorsiflexion


Normal ROM for ankle eversion


2004 (cont.)

2nd Battle of Fallujah, Operation Al-Fajr (Arabic for, "The Dawn") and operation Phantom Fury. A Joint U.S.- Iraqi-British offensive in Nov and Dec. Led By the Marine corps authorized by the U.S. appointed Iraqi interim Government.

Normal ROM for ankle inversion


Normal ROM for hip aDduction


Normal ROM for hip extension


History of technical drawing goes back to

4000 BC

Normal ROM for hip IR/ER


Normal ROM for hip aBduction


Normal ROM for ankle plantarflexion


Apollo 17

7-19 Dec 1972 The 7th & final lunar landing mission Cernan and Evans

Normal ROM for the Thomas test (rectus femoris)

80° knee flexion

lag phase


Cap-and-Trade System

A "Cap and Trade" system issues tradable permits, representing a right to emit a specified quantity of a public bad. In the Kyoto Protocol the cap and trade system was put in place for greenhouse gases. By issuing only a limited number of permits (a "cap"), treaty members can reduce the total quantity of gas emitted at the international level. Because permits are limited to a quantity that is less than the amount of gas that would normally be emitted, the right to emit becomes a valuable commodity. Buying and selling permits establishes a market price of them. Nations wishing to emit gases beyond permitted levels must either reduce their emission or purchase permits to emit. Polluters able to reduce their emissions relatively cheaply will do so, rather than purchase permits. Polluters who face higher abatement costs will buy permits to satisfy requirements. In this way, reduction in emissions are made by those polluters who can do so at least cost, being compensated by polluters who face higher costs. - SIGNIFICANCE: In the US, the 1990 Clean Air Act sought to reduce acid rain by reducing SO2 emissions from electricity generating plants to half their 1980 levels by 2000. This cap and trade system Created a market in tradable permits to pollute. The clean air act was successful. In 1995, emissions fell to about 5.3 million tons from 10.3 million tons in 1980. It is important to note that the success of acid rain was due to the fact that it was not a global problem. The localized nature of acid rain meant that countries could solve it by taking individual action. Whereas climate change requires global action. This is why Kyoto "died". Kyoto was plagued by free-riding. Furthermore, A major weakness was that only developed countries had emissions reductions. With China the world's largest emitter, this approach was bound to fail - Since the world's 2nd largest emitter - the U.S. - also did not participate, other nations failed to meet their targets


A Marxist who leads the Russian Revolution in 1917 and calls for internationalism


A Roman public meeting place


A change in a gene or chromosome.


A city-state in ancient Greece.


A community in which land is held in common and where members live and work together


A comparison of two different things that are similar in some way


A fertilized egg that has gone through less than four divisions is best classified as ? A) Pluripotent B) Totipotent C) Unipotent D) potent


A figure pose which shows the human body twisted usually the shoulders and chest face a different direction than hips and legs. Done to add motion to works of art.


A general and progressive increase in prices


A group organized by rank


A man of leisure, who strolls about. Associated with impressionist paintings.

Potsdamer Platz

A once-thriving business and cultural district in Berlin that was cut in half by the Berlin Wall

Meiji Revolution

A period of rapid modernization and use of European ideas for Japan


A person running for office


A philosophy in which interests and values of human beings are of primary importance


A predominantly German speaking area in Czechoslovakia that Hitler overtook


A protein-carbohydrate compound that makes the cell walls of bacteria rigid

The "Unholy Trinity"

AKA: The trilemma. This principle includes the 3 goals of most economies: Fixed-Exchange rates, International Capital Mobility and Domestic Monetary Policy. It is called the unholy trinity because only 2 of these objectives are possible at any time. 1. Gold Standard: international capital mobility, fixed- exchange rates (gold standard) 2. Bretton Woods: Fixed Exchange Rates, and Domestic Monetary Policy. Countries had to limit international capital mobility in order to pursue the social welfare programs (like New Deal in the US, and the "cradle to grave" programs in Scandinavian countries) 3. Present: International Capital Mobility and Domestic Monetary Policy. - SIGNIFICANCE:


Ability to adapt


Ability to maintain operations in any environment


Abnormal eye movement

What makes a reflex abnormal?

Absent at birth, abnormal at birth, persistence past the age that it usually disappears, and redevelopment of primitive reflexes

Positive feedback

A response intensifies the conditions that caused its occurrence


A schedule that allows workers to choose work hours that fit their particular needs.

Secure property rights

A secure property right is the exclusive authority to determine how a resource is used, whether that resource is owned by gov't or by individuals. Society approves the uses selected by the holder of the property right with governmental administered force and with social ostracism. - SIGNIFICANCE: Having secure property rights allows for protection of environmental services like biodiversity/ prevention of public bads (like pollution) being produced. In relation to pollution, we see that institutions play a vital role. With good institutions, there are secure property rights, strong rule of law, and political/economic freedom that allows for people to push for environmental policies to be put in place. In relation to the Kuznets Curve (the inverted U-shaped curve relating pollution with increasing GDP per capita), countries with better institutions have a lower curve compared to countries with bad institutions. In other words, the costs of pollution and abating pollution in countries with better institutions are less than the costs of countries with bad institutions. When ordinary people have both political power and civil/economic rights, economic growth is more environmentally friendly and "sustainable".

Arab Spring

A series of popular revolts against authoritarian regimes in North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula Created instability and civil war in Libya and Syria


A style of art and architecture that emerged in the later 18th century. Part of a general revival of interest in classical cultures, Neoclassicism was characterized by the utilization of themes and styles from ancient Greece and Rome.


A term coined by literary scholar Edward Said to describe the way Westerners misunderstood and described colonial subjects and cultures.


A vertical stack of cells in a table or worksheet.

Osama bin Laden

A wealthy Saudi who was the commander in the Mujahideen

Substitutions for hip IR/ER and how to prevent it

Adduction and stabilizing pelvis with body while maintaining position of the femur

In 1979, the Soviet Union invaded the country of __________ in an effort to stabilize an unpopular communist government


In 1979, The Soviet Union invaded the country of _________ in an effort to stabilize an unpopular communist government


the "Scramble for blank" after 1870 was driven by intense national rivalries in Europe and resulted in the colonization of almost an entire continent


Bretton Woods Exchange-Rate System

After WWII, delegates met to design a new international system (promised by England to the US in the Atlantic Charter during WWII). It established a new form of international governance to manage the financial interactions of nations. It is the landmark system for monetary and exchange rate management established in 1944. It was developed at the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference held in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. Under the agreement, currencies were pegged to the price of gold, and the U.S. dollar ($35/ounce) was seen as a reserve currency linked to the price of gold. The system also established the IMF to provide BOP loans and the World Bank to provide loans for economic development and reconstruction. - SIGNIFICANCE: A compromise was made with regards to the Trilemma; US had to give up capital mobility to get a fixed exchange rate and monetary policy. The Bretton Woods exchange-rate system prioritized the need for full employment & social insurance policies at the national level over complete international capital mobility. In the 1960s, high inflation caused by the need to finance the Vietnam War led to the collapse of the Bretton Woods system. The "Nixon shock" suddenly ended gold convertibility of US dollar in 1971. The currencies of industrialized countries' exchange rates were allowed to float.

MMT position for ankle plantarflexion

Against gravity: Prone Gravity eliminated: Sidelying on side you are testing

MMT position for knee flexion

Against gravity: Prone with pillow under hips Gravity eliminated: Sidelying

MMT position for ankle eversion

Against gravity: Sidelying Gravity eliminated: Sitting

MMT position for ankle inversion

Against gravity: Sidelying Gravity eliminated: Sitting

MMT position for ankle dorsiflexion

Against gravity: Sitting Gravity eliminated: Sidelying on side you are testing

MMT position for knee extension

Against gravity: Sitting (stabilize opposite leg with stool) Gravity eliminated: Sidelying

Molotov Ribbentrop non aggression Pact

Agreement between Nazi and USSR

Axis of the goniometer

Aligned with the axis of rotation at the joint (anatomical landmark)

Stationary arm of the goniometer

Aligned with the part of the body that provides a beginning or reference point. Replicates "anatomical zero"

Moveable arm of the goniometer

Aligned with the part of the limb that is moving

CLA s 57

All future damages will be discounted by 5%

Second Indochina War

Also known as Vietnam War. United States vs. Vietnam. Proxy war. The US's unsuccessful effort to defeat the communist insurgency of the NLF and south Vietnam

"Socialism with a human face"

Ambitious reform campaign under Gorbachev


American Forces in France. Part of 8 Distinct Operations, Awarded a number of Decorations, French Fourragere still worn by 5th and 6th marines

Dawes Plan

An American plan for Germany's reparations

ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria)

An Islamic militia formed out of the remnants of al-Queda in Iraq


An anti-communist political party who took over the Polish government, led by Lech Walesa


An art movement in sculpture and painting that began in the 1950s and emphasized extreme simplification of form and colour


An artistic movement of the 1920s and 1930s that attacked all accepted standards of art and behaviour and delighted in outrageous conduct.


An artistic style of the seventeenth century characterized by complex forms, bold ornamentation, and contrasting elements

Indemnity Principle

An award of damages should not enrich the Plaintiff, nor should the Plaintiff be under compensated

What is a normal reflex?

An involuntary muscular response to a sensory stimulus

the blank was the system of political, economic, and social privileges under which the French aristocracy and clergy thrived before the French Revolution

Ancien Regime


Another Autarkic Authoritarian response to the Great Depression. Communism was developed in the Soviet Union. It was characterized by protectionist dictatorships that served labor at the expense of land and capital. This was a backlash in developing countries against globalization that they felt had been unjust. Separated from world economy, through protectionism and state control over the economy. - SIGNIFICANCE:

Substitutions for hip extension and how to prevent it

Anterior pelvis tilt and stabilize the pelvis (strap if necessary)


Anti-Marxist, anti-Semitic-and antiliberal

Viet Minh

Anti-colonial communist revolutionary forces fighting against the French empire during the first Indochina war


April 12-14 1981 First orbital test flight of Space Shuttle. All Navy crew. John W. Young Robert L. Crippen

The 2011 wave of antigovernment protests and revolts across North Africa and Southwest Asia is known as the:

Arab Spring

the Rialto Market and the Doge's Palace in Venice are examples of the influence of what kind of architecture and culture on Italian cities?

Arab and Muslim

Much of scholars' modern understanding of classical philosophy among the ancient Greeks was preserved throughout the Middle Ages by:



Archaea that thrive in very hot environments, such as volcanic springs.

Cauda Equina

Arise from the lumbar enlargement and the conus medullaris of the spinal cord.

Abstract art

Art that depicts natural objects in simplified, distorted, or exaggerated ways


Artistic movement against the Renaissance ideals of symmetry, balance, and simplicity; went against the perfection the High Renaissance created in art. Used elongated proportions, twisted poise and compression of space.


Artists of the post-WW1 period pushed conventions to new limits. Some went as far as to reject the idea of aesthetics

Bletchy Park

Britain's cryptology center; deciphered German ENIGMA: also known as Station

Spinocerebellar tract

Ascending pathway, unconscious info relayed to the cerebellum

Spinothalamic tracts

Ascending pathways. There are the lateral = pain and temperature. There are the anterior = Light touch and pressure.

Capture of USS Pueblo

Attacked by North Korean Patrol boats due to Poor Communications, ship was retained by North Korea

The term "Anschluss" refers to Hitler's annexation of which country?


the Empire of blank was multiethnic state in Central Europe in the nineteenth century. tensions between its many national groups, which included Czech, Slovaks, Serbs, Croatians, and Italians, would be a major cause of World War I.

Austria- Hungary

John Maynard Keynes

British system of social welfare was grounded in the economic theories of:

Which of the following is an application of CAM


for most of the 14th century, popes ruled over Christian Europe from this French citym



Avoiding unnecessary complexity in organizing, preparing, planning and conducting military operations

Joint alignment with goniometer for hip aBduction

Axis: ASIS Stationary arm: ASIS Moving arm: center patella

Joint alignment with goniometer for hip aDduction

Axis: ASIS Stationary arm: ASIS Moving arm: center patella

Joint alignment with goniometer for IR/ER

Axis: center patella Stationary arm: perpendicular to floor Moving arm: anterior shin

Joint alignment with goniometer for dorsiflexion

Axis: distal lateral malleolus Stationary arm: fibular head Moving arm: parallel to calcaneus

Joint alignment with goniometer for plantarflexion

Axis: distal lateral malleolus Stationary arm: fibular head Moving arm: parallel to calcaneus

Joint alignment with goniometer for hip extension

Axis: greater trochanter Stationary arm: midline trunk Moving arm: lateral femoral condyle

Joint alignment with goniometer for hip flexion

Axis: greater trochanter Stationary arm: midline trunk Moving arm: lateral femoral condyle

Joint alignment with goniometer for knee extension

Axis: lateral femoral condyle Stationary arm: greater trochanter Moving arm: lateral malleolus

Joint alignment with goniometer for knee flexion

Axis: lateral femoral condyle Stationary arm: greater trochanter Moving arm: lateral malleolus

log phase


Deatons v Flew

Barmaid employed by the defendant hotel intentionally threw a glass of beer into the face of a customer Was not in the course of her employment, and was a personal act thus her employer (Deatons Pty Ltd) is not liable

Berlin Wall

Barrier set up in 1961 to separate East and West Berlin built by communist East Germany (East Berlin)

Foramen Magnum

Beginning of the spinal cord

The Battle Of Belleau Wood

Belleau Wood, France during WWI. Germany Threatened Paris. French renamed the woods to "the wood of the brigade of marines" Germans evaluated Marines as "Storm Troops" the highest rating on the enemy fighting scale. "Teufelhunden" or "Devil Dogs"

Chinese Civil War

Between Chiang's nationalists (GMD) and Mao Zedong's Chinese Communists (CCP)

Yalta Conference

Big Three met for the last time to decide the fate of Europe

Tehran conference

Big Three met to discuss postwar

Business cycles

Business cycles are periods of of economic growth and recession. During the Great Depression, Liquidationism (and others who adhered to financial orthodoxy) believed that the economy always went through stages of boom and bust. They argued that business cycles were self- correcting, and that that the Great Depression was just another "bust" stage. They believed that the reason the Great Depression was so severe was due to the excesses of the 1920's. They also argued against government intervention in the business cycle due to economic beliefs like the invisible hand. - SIGNIFICANCE: In America, the Republican Hoover administration's inaction simply worsened the Great Depression. Never before seen levels of unemployment, seen in the existence of the shantytowns dubbed "Hoovervilles", is an example of how severe the depression was. In a global context, those believing in letting business cycles run their course and adhering to the Gold Standard led to the rise of either Social Democratic (reliant on countercyclical demand management) or Autarkic- Autocratic (protectionist) responses to the downturn.

Contraindications/precautions of manual muscle testing

Contraindications - Inflammation - Pain Precautions - History of cardiovascular dysfunction - Patients must avoid valsalva maneuver - Abdominal surgeries - Fatigue - Conditions that limit ability to overwork

Oral contraceptives

Contributing factors to the sexual revolution

stationary phase


Long march

CCP armies running from GMD

Epithelial cells

Carcinomas, which account for 95% of all cancers, originate from ? cells. A. chondrocytes B. epithelial cells C. osteocytes D. neuroglia


Cardiac Muscle lines walls of arteries ?

Frontal Lobe

Carries out higher mental processes such as thinking, decision making, and planning

Collective Action Theory and OPEC

Cartels are inherently unstable due to incentives to free ride and cheat. Each member wants others to cut production but wants to maximize its own production and profits. Free riding occurs when a member enjoys benefits of the high cartel prices without reducing its own production; this increases individual profits, but decreases cartel profits. If too many producers cheat, the cartel is unsuccessful. Conditions for cartel success are inherent in Collective Action Theory. Small groups are easier to organize: fewer members organize, cheating is more obvious and enforcement relatively easy. Groups with unequal members collude better as well. A very large member can manipulate prices even if others free ride in order to keep the cartel together. - SIGNIFICANCE: We see collective action theory at work in the maintenance/ initial success of OPEC. OPEC had one dominant producer, Saudi Arabia, which made it easier to collude. Saudi Arabia had half of OPEC's oil reserves. Saudis had the power to punish free riders in OPEC by flooding the market with oil, driving prices very low in OPEC.

Saddam Hussein

Caused US invasion of Iraq in 2001 hiding weapons

What controls coordination?

Cerebellum (CNS)

The Chinese Nationalist general who unified China in the 1920's and eventually led it in war against Imperial Japan and the Chinese Communist Party was:

Chiang Kai-shek

Northern Expedition

Chiang Kai-shek lead Nationalists to Northern China in three prongs, defeating warlords. Joined by Mao Zedong (CCP)

A nationalist revolution in the country of _____________________ overthrew the ancient imperial system in 1911. The nationalist government was then overthrown in 1949 by a Communist revolution.


All of the following became newly independent countries in the years following the Second World War except:


Sun Yat sen

China nationalist movement leader, founder of the nationalist party(Goumindang)


Chinese Communist Party (led by Mao Zedong)

Hainan Island EP-3 Incident

Chinese J-811 Interceptor collided with an EP-3, which was forced down. Emergency destruct occured on EP-3. Mid-air collision with a chinese fighter that sparked intl. debate

Mao Zedong

Chinese communist party leader

CLA s 23(2)(a)

Contributory Neg: standard of care

Joslyn v Berryman

Contributory Negligence

Velvet Divorce

Collapse of Czechoslovakia into the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Collective Action Problems in Agriculture

Collective Action Theory states that there is a free-rider problem because government policies that benefit a group of people do not differentiate between individuals in that group. This creates incentives for individuals to "free ride" on the efforts of others in the group because lobbying is costly. Solutions to free riding are small group solutions because fewer members are better able to organize, form lobbies, and keep each other accountable. Unequal Groups is another solution, when some members in a group benefit more than others. "Selective incentives" is a third solution that gives special benefits to members that contribute, motivating them to help (think of AMA- american medical association, and the medical journals talking about new medicines/ new information). Members contribute to obtain these special goodies, and the surplus is used to promote the group's general political goals Finally, "Social" Selective incentives used by orgs like the sierra club that pine on doing the right thing and social benefits (give stickers out, water bottles, etc. showing you contributed to the cause). - SIGNIFICANCE: In agriculture, the problem is that producers have high incentives of maintaining tariffs on agricultural imports. Producers face a much larger per-capita gain through the maintenance of agriculture programs than a consumer that wants to lower the price of sugar. For example, US sugar producers are an unequal group (only a few large plantations in Florida control the majority of the industry), therefore it's easy for them to create powerful lobbies. Also, now Corn growers now lobby for the continuation of the Sugar Program because it increases the demand for high fructose corn syrup.

Osama bin laden

Commander in the Mujahideen


Communism took control of this country through revolution


Communist Party of the Soviet Union

National liberation Front NLF

Communist insurgency that develops in South Vietnam that gets support from north Vietnam through the Ho Chi Minh trail

Ho Chi Minh

Communist leader of North Vietnam; leader of the Viet Minh


Complete domination of public and private life

Within field of engineering CAE stands for

Computer assisted engineering

Bandung Conference

Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement that was made up of countries that chose to side with neither the US nor the Soviet union in the emerging cold war after 1945; held in Indonesia

Anticolonial Revolutionaries

Conflicts fought by nationalities to gain independence; First organized after WWI

The phrase "crimes against humanity" was likely used for the first time to describe the Belgian government's atrocities where?


Law Reform Act s 10

Consequences to Contributory Neg: damages are reduced to an amount the court thinks is just and equitable


Continued prevalence of specific infection or disease in a specific population or area

Employer to Employee Test (Hollis v Vabu)

Control; Mode of remuneration; Provision of maintenance and equipment; Obligation to work exclusively for the employer; Hours of work; Provision of holidays; Deduction of income tax;

What is the role of the cerebellum?

Coordinates voluntary motor movements, balance, equilibrium and muscle tone

Social Democracy

Countries reacted to the Great Depression either by social democracy approaches, or by "autarkic-authoritarian" responses. Social democracy emphasized staying connected with the world economy, whereas the autarkic authoritarian responses pushed for protectionism and isolation from the world. SIGNIFICANCE: 1. Responses to the Great Depression in US: Counter-cyclical demand management, Social insurance (unemployment, social security), Class bargain between labor and capital, with the appeasement of land (farm sector). 2. Responses in Scandinavian countries (e.g. Sweden): Same as U.S. but with more extensive "cradle to grave" social insurance and a direct role for labor in industrial relations.

"Race to the Bottom" Hypothesis

Countries that are open to trade and investment adopt weaker environmental (or labor) regulations out of fear of a loss in competitiveness. The hypothesis makes two main predictions: 1) MNCs choose to invest in countries with less restrictive standards (little or no evidence). The argument being it is cheaper to produce in places with lower standards. 2) Foreign countries competitively undercut each other's standards in order to attract FDI (some evidence). Therefore leading to the lowest levels of environmental/labor regulations. - SIGNIFICANCE: This hypothesis is used as a reason against globalization; it makes the claim that the environment is hurt by globalization. The turn to protectionism and unilateral reforms is not the way to go in relation to international public bads like global warming. Global warming is affected by all countries and there has to be international cooperation in abating it.

West Germany

Country that had spectacular recovery and experienced remarkable growth rates

CLA s26 and 27

Covers single entities who help in an emergency

Five year plans

Crash industrialization USSR

In 1989 this Eastern European country experienced a non-violent "Velvet Revolution" that culminated in the downfall of its communist government


The Sudetenland was the German speaking region of which Central European country?


death phase


Wagon Mound

Damage: Damage was not RF as it 'would not normally-'

Haber v Walker

Damage: Voluntary Act


Deal or trade in something illegal

Voyage of the Great White Fleet

December 16 1907 to February 22 1909 started in VA and cicumvented the world. Used to show strength of US navy

E. three of the above

Depression has been linked to lower levels of A) serotonin B) Dopamine C) norepinephrine D)two of the above E)three of the above

Nuremberg decrees of 1935

Deprived Jews of citizenship in the Reich

Reticulospinal tract

Descending pathway, through the white matter. Activate or Inhibit voluntary movement or reflex activity and modulation of some sensory and autonomic functions

Vestibulospinal tract

Descending pathway, through the white matter. Maintains head & eye coordination, upright posture and balance

Tectospinal tract

Descending pathway, through the white matter. Reflex & posture maintenance in response to visual stimuli

Rubrospinal tract

Descending pathway, through the white matter. Responsible for activating the flexor & inhibits the extensor muscles in the upper body

Coritcospinal tract

Descending pathway, through the white matter. Responsible for voluntary, skilled movement

Naval Warfare

Describes the inherent nature and enduring principles of naval forces.

What went wrong with ISI?

Despite initial positive outcomes, countries that adopted ISI never managed to let their infant industries grow up, and they never exported high quality manufactured goods that other countries wanted to buy. Under the cover of high tariffs, domestic firms had little incentive to be competitive, efficient, or productive. ISI created vested interests with stakes in continuing ISI. Since consumers couldn't buy foreign products, they suffered with shoddy outdated domestic goods. - SIGNIFICANCE: Ironically, ISI caused greater dependence on industrial countries because new factories needed capital goods that went into producing final goods, which all had to be imported. This created BOP problems where imports were greater than exports. This set the stage for the Debt Crisis of the 1980s where Latin American countries were unable to repay their loans used to support ISI.The Anti-market philosophy of ISI also promoted excessive regulations and corruption that these countries still struggle with today.

What best describes how governments pursue a policy of Import Substitution Industrialization?

Develop a manufacturing base to meet domestic demand for a variety of goods.

Naval Operations

Develops doctrine to reaffirm the foundation of U.S. Navy and Marine Corps expeditionary maritime traditions.


Disturbance in ability to judge distance or range of movement/when to stop

Heydon v NRMA Ltd

DoC: Law Professionals to Clients

Donoghue v Stevenson

DoC: Manufacturer to Consumer

Rogers v Whitaker

DoC: Medical Professionals to Patients | SoC: heightened for those of special skill

Australian Safeway Stores v Zaluzna

DoC: Occupier to Entrant

Strong v Woolworths

DoC: Occupier to Entrant

Imbree v McNeilly

DoC: Road users to road users

Commonwealth v Introvine

DoC: School to Students

Smith v Charles Banker and Sons

DoC; Employer to Employees

The Classical Orders

Doric, Ionic, Corinthian

Blank is the common language between all different displines of enineering


Attack on USS Liberty

Due to ineffective message handling and routing the CPA change we're not received until after the attack

U.S. Sugar Program

Due to tariffs and quotas, the price of sugar in the US is much higher compared to the world market price for sugar. American consumers bear the burden of protection of the sugar industry. The reason protection persists is because the cost of sugar protection to each consumer is just $10/year, whereas farmers gain huge benefits from protection. The small group of sugar producers therefore have a much stronger incentive to lobby than the large group on sugar consumers. On top of this, sugar producers are an unequal group. More than ½ of all sugar is produced in Florida by 17 plantations. Since the payoff to these huge plantations is enormous, they have very strong incentives to lobby, even if the 12,983 free ride. The implication is that farmers are powerful in rich countries, where they benefit from a vast array of trade policies, subsidies, etc... Their costs are borne by everyone else. They are powerful because they are such a small and unequal group. - SIGNIFICANCE:

Lend-Lease Program

During WWII, the US "leased" arms to the allies via this program. They supplied $50 billion in munitions, planes, vehicles, food to the allies. It was fiction because allies were supposed to return the armaments but it was just a way for the US to avoid another war debts problem. This was significant because it helped the Allies win the war and also created a huge export boom for U.S. industry. - SIGNIFICANCE:


During the Mexican War, Marines occupied the "Halls of Montezuma" during the Battle of Chapultepec in Mexico City. The royal palace fell to invading Marines, who were among the first United States troops to enter the capital. Marines also helped take California.

Liberty Loans

During the war, European countries borrowed from the US via Liberty Loans to finance their efforts. After the war, the US expected the loans to be returned in full. Unlike other countries, the US economy benefitted from the war and became a leading economic nation. The US refused to forgive or reduce the debts despite its economic prowess over war-torn Europe and this paved the way for the Great Depression and WWII. - SIGNIFICANCE:

EC-121 Shoot Down

EC-121 was attacked without warning by North Korean MIG while flying its last mission with a double crew (31 Sailors) Everyone died. Prompted US to adopt reconnaissance aircraft with more protection

"Beggar-thy-neighbor" Trade Policies

Each country tried to increase demand for domestic industries by raising tariffs on imports or competitive devaluation. This led to the collapse of world trade and economy. For example, Canada responded to the high tariffs the US government imposed by imposing their own tariffs on US goods. The US raised their tariffs instead of backing down, and so on. This is an instance of the prisoner's dilemma: each country individually has an incentive to follow such a policy, making everyone worse off. Tariff wars hurt all nations and goes against comparative advantage. - SIGNIFICANCE: As the world's dominant economy and major surplus nation, the U.S. needed to open its markets so that deficit countries could earn foreign exchange to pay their bills. Smoot-Hawley raised U.S. tariffs on over 900 imported goods to record levels, triggering retaliation by trading partners => sparks tariff war. These beggar thy neighbor policies of the interwar period led to the collapse of world trade.

some historians prefer what term, rather than "Renaissance," to describe Europe and its overseas empires in from roughly the 15th to the 18th centuries?

Early modern

What are some therapeutic agents for cancer?

Electrotherapy, heat and mechanical modalities may be contraindicated NO ultrasound or e-stim




Employing assets effectively

Conus Medullaris

End of the spinal cord


Epithelial tissue are named based on the shape of the cells and numbers of layers ?


Established 1st Aviation unit. 1st Pilot was Major Alfred. A Cunningham

to advise him on the French state's financial crisis, Louis XVI called to order the blank, a representative advisory body that had not been called to order in nearly 200 years

Estates General

Menelink II ruled the nation of _______________, which defeated Italian armies in the 1890s and preserved its independence at a time when nearly all of the rest of Africa felt to European imperial conquests.


Geneva Conference

European powers and china agreed to the division of Vietnam along the 17th parallel, with a communist north and a liberal democratic south

Reichstag fire

Event that led to Hitler being given unlimited power

Naval Planning

Examines force planning and the relationship between our capabilities and operational planning in the joint and multinational environment

Physical therapy implications for cancer

Exercise guidelines, therapeutic agents, and compromised immune system

The countries represented by the term "BRICS" share what in common?

Experts expect that their economies will dominate the 21st century.

Fortuna Seafoods

Factors: RF of the harm; Indeterminate Liability; Would a duty impair defendants commercial pursuits; Def. control; Def. must know the plaintiffs were part of an ascertainable class of vulnerable people unable to protect themselves from the harm. REMEMBER: CLOSENESS OF RELATIONSHIP, INTERRELATED BUSINESS, LIMITED SIZE OF THE CLASS OF VICTIMS (lack of indeterminacy)

Attack on USS Stark

Failed to detect attack; example of poor warning

Charles Darwin defined the "survival of the fittest" as a kind of struggle for resources among groups to determine who was most fit to control the environment. True or False


In isometric projection, the vertical lines stay vertical and other sides make a 30 degree angle with horizon


T/F oral contraceptives greatly affected the birth rate in the west


T/F student protests remained an exclusively American method of challenging decisions


T/F the US didn't offer the USSR an opportunity to participate in the Marshall Plan


T/F the nazis were especially popular among Germany's young because of their liberal social and cultural policies


True or False? During the Second World War, the Allies refrained from bombing civilian populations


True or False? The consensus among historians is that U.S. president Ronald Reagan was chiefly responsible for the end of the Cold War and the collapse of communism


True or False? Among historians there is a general consensus that British imperialism was more beneficent and humane than what other European powers practiced


identify with

Feel sympathy with

Mikhail Gorbachev

Final General Secretary of the CPSU who was most responsible for the series of dramatic events that transformed the world at the end of the decade


First Marine Landing at New Providence Island in the Bahamas. They Seized guns/supplies. Uniform of the day was Stiff Leather Stock worn around the neck. "Leatherneck"

CLA s 26-27

First aid/Medical Defence

Mao Zedong

First dictator of Communist China; Leader of the Chinese communist revolution

Mikhail Gorbachev

First general secretary of CPSU

Pope John Paul II

First polish pope


First president of Indonesia

Ngo Dinh Diem

First president of independent South Vietnam Refuses to participate in the 1956 elections

State RADM Grace Hopper's contributions to the U.S. Navy.

First programmer of the Harvard Mark I computer Conceptualized and led the development of COBAL ( computer programming language) First female ADM USS Hopper (DDG-70) was named for her

Naval Logistics (FEARSSS)

Flexibility Economy Attainability Responsiveness Simplicity Sustainability Survivability

Top to bottom spinal cord

Foramen Magnum to Conus Medlaris

Republic of China

Founded because of Sun Yat-sen's successful revolution against the Qing

V.I. Lenin

Founder of USSR and Bolshevik party

Prussia defeated this country in a quick and decisive 1870 military campaign, resulting in the proclamation of the German Empire and the crowning of Emperor Wilhelm I.


The First Indochina War was a conflict between:

France and Vietnam

which europeans first used the word "Renaissance" to describe the period in which art and culture flourished throughout the continent?

French and German historians in the 19th century

Storey v Ashton


Rules of the GATT

GATT was founded to foster trade liberalization after WWII and to unwind protectionist measures. Reciprocity is key to the GATT; bilateral negotiations set the terms of reciprocal tariff/trade agreements. UNLIKE THE RTAA, the final bargain is then able to extend to all members via the MFN clause. The most favored nation clause binds parties to extend benefits to other nations, which allows for the spread of free trade and low tariffs. Reciprocity makes trade agreements politically palatable within member nations as export industries have a special interest in their success - SIGNIFICANCE: GATT was very successful. It brought tariffs down considerably. By the Tokyo Round in 1979, the average tariff on manufactured products was 4.7% (compared to about 40% in 1948) - GATT was able to survive the Cold War, the Vietnam War, many wars of independence, decolonization, the creation of EC. The WTO incorporated all GATT provisions, but added the dispute settlement mechanism that gave a greater voice to smaller countries.

Lost generation

Generation that was lost to WW1

Rosa Luxemburg and Karl liebknecht

German communists killed in Germany

Sturmabteilung or brown shirts

German paramilitary force

In 1949, ___________ was formally divided into two new countries, East and West


Weimar republic

Germany after WW1

What Russian word referred to Gorbachevs policy of greater "openness" both within Soviet society and in international relations?


New Thinking

Gorbachev's ideas of domestic reform known as glasnost (reconstructing) and perestroika (openness)

White terror

Goumindang eradicated the communist in China

What grades are gravity eliminated in MMT?

Grades 0-2

What grades are against gravity in MMT?

Grades 3-5

What forces are related to MMT

Gravity and manual resistance

among the reasons France faced a fiscal crisis in the 1780s was the cost of several military conflicts during its nearly century long rivalry with blank.

Great Britain

Opium wars

Great Britain asserted military dominance over china

Japan's fake goal

Greater east Asia prosperity sphere

MMT 3-/5

Greater than 1/2 the available ROM against gravity

MMT 4-/5

Greater than 1/2 the available ROM against gravity and against moderate resistance

Pablo Picasso painted one of the most famous paintings of the twentieth century to memorialize a Nazi German aerial bombardment on the small north Spanish town of


Pablo Picasso painted one of the most famous paintings of the twentieth century to memorialize a Nazi German aerial bombardment on the small north Spanish town of:



Guomindang aka Chinese Nationalist Party (led by Sun Yat-sen)

All of the following territories were at one point part of the United States' formal empire except: a. Puerto Rico b. Hawaii c. Haiti Correct d. Cuba e. Philippines


Cold war

Half century struggle between US and USSR



Anti Semitism

Hatred against jews

be responsible for ___ing

Having a duty to be in charge of or to look after someone or something.

Fernando Henrique Cardoso

He was the first Brazilian President to start a program to address the inequality issue in Brazil—the enormous gap between rich and poor in the country. He started the following programs: Bolsa Escola, the Auxílio Gás, the Bolsa Alimentação, and the Cartão Alimentação. - SIGNIFICANCE: A key feature of Cardoso's administration was the deepening of the privatization program. During his first term, several government-owned enterprises in areas such as steel milling, telecommunications and mining, such as Telebras and Companhia Vale do Rio Doce were sold to the private sector, marking the deepest process of denationalisation in Brazilian history amidst a polarized political debate between "neoliberals" and "developmentalists". Ironically, this time Cardoso was against the latter group, generating uproar among former academic colleagues and political allies that accused him of reneging his previous work as an intellectual. Economists still contend over its long-term effects; research shows that the companies sold by the government achieved better profitability as a result of their disengagement from the State.

Benito Mussolini

Head of the Italian national fascist party

Substitutions for knee extension and how to prevent it

Hip flexion and stabilizes the femur

Substitutions for knee flexion and how to prevent it

Hip flexion and stabilizes the femur

Substitutions for hip aBduction and how to prevent it

Hip hike, hip flexion, ER and stabilize at the pelvis

Substitutions for hip aDduction and how to prevent it

Hip hike, hip flexion, ER and stabilize at the pelvis

What does the biceps muscle length test measure?

How much elbow extension there is (length of biceps)

What does the triceps muscle length test measure?

How much elbow flexion there is (length of triceps)

George Soros

Hungarian-American George Soros was one of the world's most prominent financiers/philanthropists. He was the target of the Malaysian prime minister who accused him of obtaining his wealth by impoverishing others, arguing that investors like him had too much money and power. Soros was a strong proponent of global capitalism and currency trading. He started of by working for an international banking firm. His reputation grew as he bet billions of dollars against the British government and he won (England devalued its currency). To many, his speculation against the Sterling made it seem like wealthy speculators had single-handedly pushed a major government to reverse its economic course. His actions showed that governments were under massive pressures to satisfy international investors, even if the domestic political costs were high. The Malaysian prime minister's attack on Soros represented a broadly held view that global capital markets had gone too far in constraining government policies. - SIGNIFICANCE: Soros' financial and philanthropic activities put him in a unique position to encourage the development of capitalism and democracy in the former Communist countries. He was also a strong supporter of open societies on both principled and pragmatic bounds, believing that the new international economic order necessitated a commitment to social justice. He argued that global capitalism would be safe only if attention were paid to national and social confers. Soros represented both the achievements and the anxieties of international finance. Global financial system moved trillions of dollar around the world with extraordinary speed and efficiency.



CLA s 61

ISV to an injury

Effect of two joint muscles in MMT

If testing a two-joint muscle, resistance is applied mid-range of its overall length

Rebound phenomenon

If the limb releases from resistance, the limb will move slowly

primary health care

Illness prevention

Fiscal Implications of Immigration

Immigration has tax implications for welfare programs; immigrants are more likely to benefit from these programs. Immigration increases the net tax burden on native taxpayers. Adults in low-skilled workforce tend to be more anti-immigrant since their jobs face a direct threat. Larger welfare states i.e. California are more anti-immigrant because of the increase in tax burdens, versus Texas with its smaller welfare programs. - SIGNIFICANCE: In the 19th century, tariffs brought fiscal benefits while immigrants imposed no fiscal burden so high tariffs and free immigration made political sense. Now, we have alternatives to tariffs for revenue and much larger welfare programs. Today's policy mix of free trade and closed immigration makes political sense.


In 1945, 700 million people, 1/3 of the world's population lived under colonial rule. By 1970, less than 2 million remained colonial subjects. Between 1945 & 1970, formal colonialism came to an end largely at US insistence. The US disliked empires since they were closed to American business. The US also opposed colonialism on moral grounds as a former colony. Empires were no longer vital to security since US military forces provided global security. - SIGNIFICNACE:

Warsaw Pact

In 1955 the Soviet Union and its allies responded to the formation of NATO with what

Fed Chairman Paul Volcker

In 1979, Jimmy Carter appointed Paul Volcker to head the Federal Reserve. Volcker's goal was to end high inflation. Volcker used high interest rates to reduce inflation from above 10%. The high interest rates worked in reversing inflation but they resulted in a deep recession with unemployment near 10%. Recovery did not happen until the late 1980s. - SIGNIFICANCE: The Oil Crisis sparked by OPEC's successful cartelization created stagflation which directly impacted developed nations. The Fuel- Dependent United States experienced a "wage-price inflationary cycle", low growth, and high inflation. Volcker's actions show the Bretton Woods Era ability to have autonomy in monetary policy and stable exchange rates.

Unemployment in Europe

In Europe, low-skilled workers have experience high and persistent unemployment rather than falling wages. This is due to stronger labor market restrictions in Europe that prevent firms from adjusting wages such as higher minimum wages and legal restraints on adjusting wages. Since employers in Europe can't reduce wages, they don't hire as many workers, high European unemployment is thus the flip side of falling wages in the US. - SIGNIFICANCE: This is part of a global phenomenon of increasing inequality.


In ancient Mesopotamia, a large, stepped platform thought to have been topped by a temple dedicated to a city's chief god or goddess


In support of foreign policy, Marines from ships on the Asiatic station defended the American Legation in Peking, China during the Boxer Rebellion. The Marines were part of a multinational defense force that protected the Legation Quarter against attack. This small defense force held out against the Boxers until a relief force was able to reach Peking and end the rebellion.

Export-Oriented Industrialization (EOI)

In the 1960s, East Asian countries adopted policies that promoted exports. These nations experienced rapid growth in exports of manufactured goods and rapid economic growth and convergence. The high export volumes followed comparative advantage; countries took advantage of their heavy endowments in unskilled labor. Government policies focused on promoting export industries rather than protecting import-competing industries. South Korea went from one of the least developed countries in the world to a leading industrial nation. - SIGNIFICANCE: It's hard to say whether EOI caused rapid economic growth, but helped it along with other factors such as mass education, government policies, & high savings/investment. EOI shows the benefits of following comparative advantage.

the Czech religious reformer blank was burned at the stake in 1415 for, among other things, denouncing the sale of indulgences and promoting reading the Bible in the vernacular.

Jan Hus

Fukuzawa Yukichi was a reformer in ______________ who argued that his country should say "Goodbye Asia" and adopt Western technologies, institutions, and ideas.


Mukden incident

Japan seized a region of northeast china

Manchurian Incident (Mukden Incident)

Japan seized region of North East China and established a puppet state, Manchukuo

Welfare capitalists

In the U.S. during the 1920s, welfare capitalism refers to the policies of large, usually non-unionized, companies that have developed internal welfare systems for their employees. Based on the idea that Americans should look not to governments or labor unions but to the workplace benefits provided by the private sector for protection against the fluctuations of the market economy. The benefits offered by welfare capitalist employers were often inconsistent and varied widely from firm to firm. They included minimal benefits such as cafeteria plans, company-sponsored sports teams, lunchrooms and water fountains in plants, and company newsletters/magazines—as well as more extensive plans providing retirement benefits, healthcare, and employee profit-sharing. Welfare capitalism was also used as a way to resist government regulation of markets, independent labor union organizing, and the emergence of a welfare state. - SIGNIFICANCE: Welfare capitalists went to great lengths to quash independent trade union organizing, strikes, and other expressions of labor collectivism — through a combination of violent suppression, worker sanctions, and benefits in exchange for loyalty. Also, employee stock-ownership programs meant to tie workers to the success of companies (and accordingly to management). Workers would then be actual partners with owners—and capitalists themselves. Owners intended these programs to ward off the threat of "Bolshevism" and undermine the appeal of unions. In the end, welfare capitalism programs benefited white-collar workers far more than those on the factory floor in the early 20th century.


Inability to initiate movement


Inability to perform rapid alternating movements

The so-called "Jewel in the Crown" of the British empire was


Which country is today known as the "worlds largest democracy"?


Jawaharlal Nehru

India's first prime minister; The political and spiritual leader of the Indian anti-colonial movement against the British Empire

What beliefs did the Boxers of China, the Maji-Maji of East Africa, and the Ghost Dancers of North America share?

Indigenous cultural revivals could counteract Western imperialism.

Filum terminale

Inferior extension of the pia mater beyond the conus medullaris that anchors the spinal cord to the coccyx (bone) in the vertebral canal.

CLA 16

Inherent Risk Defence

Point of the sailors creed

Instill a clear understanding of Navy Virtues into every recruit

Intangible Assets

Intangible assets are a case of "Market Imperfection", one of the conditions for horizontal FDI. They are considered firm "knowledge", assets that are difficult to price and protect (like secret formulas, managerial skills, prestige, etc.). Once intangible assets are out in the open, any competitor can use the assets at no cost, and they become worthless. Horizontal FDI exists to control and protect these intangible assets in order to maintain the asset within the firm where they can control them. - SIGNIFICANCE: Examples of Horizontal FDI: Walmart, Coca Cola, McDonalds. This is explained by a combination of intangible assets (secret formula, brand name) and locational advantages (market/ efficiency/ natural resource oriented investments). MNCs engage in Horizontal FDI over contracting production to local firms or exporting from home due to these locational advantages and intangible assets.


Intention tremor - voluntary movement Resting tremor

CPA s 58

Interest may be awarded on special damages; not gratuitous services

December 7, 1941

Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

Purple Code

Japanese cipher machine, broken by a team from the US army signals Intelligence Service

International Commodity Cartels

International commodity cartels were seen as an alternative path of development from ISI. When a group of developing countries cooperates to artificially reduce supply in order to raise the price of a commodity (like oil) it has formed a cartel. A cartel is an attempt by producers to cut production in order to obtain higher prices for their products. The goal of these int'l commodity cartels was to improve the terms of trade by way of production limits: to raise export prices of primary products. This rationale came from Raul Prebisch. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is the prime example of a successful international commodity cartel. - SIGNIFICANCE: Like ISI, Int'l Commodity Cartels sought to address the terms of trade problem identified by Prebisch. Other than in OPEC, other efforts to cartelize commodity output (bauxite, copper, tin, coffee, bananas) were not successful. This was due to the inherent instability of cartels and their tendency to free-ride. Each member has the incentive to cheat the cartel and cut production in order to maximize it own production and profits (cheaters enjoy the benefits of the high cartel prices without reducing its own production). The problem is that when too many people free-ride the cartel falls apart => production rises and prices go down.

CLA s 47 - 49

Intoxication (CLA Sch 2) as a defence

CLA s 46

Intoxication doesn't change SoC

US in 2003

Invades Iraq and removes he Hussein regime from power No significant stockpiles of WMD's were found


Invasion of Iraq- United States, United Kingdom and smaller contingents from Australia and Poland participated in the initial phase. MAR20- 01MAY

In 1979, an Islamist revolution overthrew the authoritarian U.S. - backed government of


In 1979, an Islamist revolution overthrew the authoritarian U.S.-backed government of:


In 1953-54, the United States helped to overthrow democratically elected governments and to replace them with authoritarian regimes in:

Iran and Guatemala

In March 2003 The United States invaded __________, claiming that the country's government was concealing programs to develop weapons of mass destruction


Saddam Hussien

Iraqi dictator who was hiding deadly "weapons of mass destruction" (WMD's)

CLA s9

Is there a breach of SoC


Islamic extremist group


Islamic state of iraq and syria

different types of axonometric projection are

Isometric, Diametric and Trimetric

"Good" Political Institutions

It is thought that government policies and institutions impact economic growth. Countries with good policies and endowments but "bad" institutions have lower growth rates and are diverging. Endowments have a large historical influence on institutions. Engerman and Sokoloff argue that initial endowments have led to extreme inequalities such as plantation and conquest economies. Where elites established "bad" institutions that were characterized by vote restrictions, restricted access to education, etc..., that maintained their positions but were harmful to growth. By contrast, where initial endowments led to greater equality like settlement economies, "good" institutions were established, characterized by unrestricted franchise and public education, that provided the foundations for long-run economic growth. - SIGNIFICANCE: Having secure property rights allows for protection of environmental services like biodiversity/ prevention of public bads (like pollution) being produced. In relation to pollution, we see that institutions play a vital role. With good institutions, there are secure property rights, strong rule of law, and political/economic freedom that allows for people to push for environmental policies to be put in place. In relation to the Kuznets Curve (the inverted U-shaped curve relating pollution with increasing GDP per capita), countries with better institutions have a lower curve compared to countries with bad institutions. In other words, the costs of pollution and abating pollution in countries with better institutions are less than the costs of countries with bad institutions. When ordinary people have both political power and civil/economic rights, economic growth is more environmentally friendly and "sustainable".

Fiji Gas

It would seem strange if the result was different merely if, perhaps by social contract while ashore, those responsible for the Fiji Gas had happened to come to know the appellants as members of the crew of the fishing vessel; Caltex's proximity and physical propinquity tests were not satisfied

19th century nationalist ambitions resulted in the unification of two new nation states in the 1870s. which two were they?

Italy and Germany

the influential religious reformer blank wrote the Institute of the Christian Religion and established a reformed Christian society in the Swiss town of Geneva in the 16th century, where he banished things like music, dancing, candles, and fun.

Jean Calvin

Gala v Preston

Joint Illegal Enterprise: Connection between breach and illegal activity

Miller v Miller

Joint Illegal Enterprise: engaged in illegal activity at the same time

When the founding ruler of the Society Union, Vladimir Lenin, died in 1924, _______________ emerged from a group of world-be successors to gain control of the Communist Party and the future of the Soviet Union

Josef Stalin

Apollo 11

July 16-24 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin make first lunar landing

The Battle of Mariana Islands

Jun-Jul 1943, Need of airfields by the Air Force and advanced bases for the Navy, the Marianas were invaded. Under Command of LTGEN Holland smith a combined force of 136,000 landed on Saipan, Guam and Tinian, Greatest Number of troops under Marine Command.


June 3-5 1942, turning point in the battle for the pacific

Battle or Normandy

June 6 1944, single largest amphibious landing

in The Communist Manifesto (1848), the philosopher blank argued that class conflict was the driving engine of historical change

Karl Marx

Neuroglial cells

Keep Neurons positioned where they should be and provide them with nutrients

Countercyclical Demand Management

Keynes argues that if the aggregate demand is too low, investors will not put their capital into new ventures. This is due to investor expectations that are dependent on the behavior of other investors. With low aggregate demand, there would be abysmal profits from creating new businesses because nobody would buy the goods/ services they created.Keynes argued that with government's growing involvement in the market and higher worker demand for basic protections (unionization,etc.) there had to be a turn away from orthodoxy. Keynes recognized that only the government could help break from orthodoxy (laissez faire, business cycles, liquidationism). Keynes emphasized that government needed to use public policy to shift expectations about demand. Keynes emphasized fiscal policy because it stimulates aggregate demand directly, and even if interest rates were pushed to 0, capitalists wouldn't invest if they expected demand to stay low. By increasing government spending and lowering taxes, economic activity and aggregate demand would increase. Keynes also argued that countries had to break away from the Gold Standard to allow for countercyclical management to take place (allows for greater autonomy in monetary policy). - SIGNIFICANCE: In the United States the fiscal policy using Keynesian countercyclical demand management policies can be seen through FDR's New Deal Programs. The WPA (millions of construction jobs/ art work/ etc.), CCC (temporary jobs to unemployed), CWA (employing unskilled youth by putting them to work in rural areas under U.S. supervision) all worked to employ Americans and increase aggregate demand for goods and services. Countercyclical demand management was successful and it allowed the US to move past the Great Depression. The United States and Scandinavian countries had social democratic responses to the Great Depression whereas the developing world, Central/Eastern/Southern Europe, and Soviet Union all turned to Autarkic- Authoritarian responses.


Kleptocracy is a form of political and government corruption where the government exists to increase the personal wealth and political power of its official and the ruling class at the expense of the wider population, often with a pretense of honest service. These are generally associated with corrupt forms of authoritarian governments. It is most common in developing countries who economies are based on the export of natural resources (Resource curse and Settler Death). The effects are typically adverse in regards to the state's economy. An example in King Leopold in the Republic in Congo. - SIGNIFICANCE:

Substitutions for ankle dorsiflexion and how to prevent it

Knee and toe extension. Put the knee in flexion (Stabilize the tibia and fibula)

Substitutions for ankle plantarflexion and how to prevent it

Knee and toe flexion. Put the knee in flexion (Stabilize the tibia and fibula)

The first major conflict of the Cold War began in 1950, when war broke out on the peninsula of:


The earliest major military conflict of the Cold War began in 1950 on the _____________ peninsula, when the communist north invaded its neighbor to the south.



Lack of confidence in the power, wisdom, or good intent of any person.

Global War on Teror

Launched by the US in response to the twin towers dedicated to dining al-Qaeda and destroying it

Chiang Kai-Shek

Lead the First United Front in the Northern Expedition

Lech Walesa

Leader of Solidarity

Vaclav Havel

Leader of Velvet Revolution

Lech Watesa

Leader of solidarity in Poland


Lebanon, Multinational Peace keeping force restored peace. October 23, 1983 Suicide truck bombing killed 241 Americans and wounded 70 others, last unit withdrew JUL1984.

This German word for "living space" referred to Hitler's plans


Mistags Kemal ataturk

Led Turks in the war for independence

Czechoslovakia's Velvet Revolution

Led by Vaclav Hav Another ex of a communist government peacefully collapsing

General Chiang Kai shek

Led the northern expedition

MMT 2+/5

Less than 1/2 the available ROM against gravity

MMT 3+/5

Less than 1/2 the available ROM against gravity and against minimal resistance


Living space for Germans

Logrolling in the U.S. Congress

Logrolling is the process of voting for tariffs on goods in one congressman's district in exchange for his vote for tariffs on goods in your district. In other words, legislators would trade votes in order to ensure that their protectionists trade policies were ensured in the districts and states they represented. An example of logrolling can be seen during the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 which was amended over 2,000 times. With the RTAA, Congress delegated trade policy decisions to the executive branch (president), and made it impossible for Congressman to influence the outcome of trade policies, ergo severely limiting logrolling. With this delegation of trade matters to the President, the process of unilateral trade agreements shifted to bilateral trade agreements (trade policies more efficient). Therefore allowing the United States to prevent the "beggar thy neighbor" policies that had defined the destructive trade policies of the InterWar period. - SIGNIFICANCE:


Loss of coordination of motor movement

Europe's most powerful absolutist monarch, blank of France, famously proclaimed, "L'Etat, Crest moi" ("I am the state")

Louis XIV

Fasiculus Gracilus

Lower limb






Major Western artistic style that gained prominence in the second half of the 1800s and into the 1900s. Against Realism, visual impression of a moment, style that seeks to capture a feeling or experience, often very colourful. (how we see/experience it)


Major tool of political campaigning during the Great Depression

How did Stalin's Revolution effect the families of Russians

Making divorce difficult and abortions illegal except to save the mothers life

In 1949 ____________________ led the Chinese Communist Party and proclaimed the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Mao Zedong

Gemini 3

March 23 1965, First two person space flight; first spacecraft to maneuver from one orbit to another LCDR Young and CDR Grism


Marine Corps adopted the EGA from British Royal Marines. Brigadier General Jacob Zeilin, 7th Commandant, modified the emblem: Eagle- Nation Globe- Worldwide Service Anchor- Sea Traditions


Marines deployed to Lebanon as part of a multinational peacekeeping force in an effort to restore peace and order to this war-torn country. This action further displayed the Marine concept of a "Force in Readiness." On October 23, 1983, a suicide truck bomb attack on the headquarters building killed 241 Americans and wounded 70 others. The last Marine unit withdrew in July of 1984.


Marines from ships in the Asiatic Station Defended the American Legation in Peking, China during the "Boxer Rebellion" Marines were part of a multinational defense force that defended the Legation Quarter.


Marines landed as part of the American force in France. Marines, participating in eight distinct operations, distinguished themselves and were awarded a number of decorations, among them the French Fourragere still worn by members of the 5th and 6th Marines.


Marines landed in South Vietnam, which committed the Marine Corps to the longest war in its history. Marines conducted numerous large-scale offensive operations throughout the course of the war, as well as participating in the pacification program designed to win the support of the local populace. Also, in response to an attempted coup of the local government, Marines landed in the Dominican Republic to evacuate and protect U.S. citizens.


Marines occupied the Halls of Montezuma during the battle of Chapultepec in Mexico City. Marines also helped take California


Marines stormed the Barbary Pirates at Burma on the Shores Of Tripoli. Raised the "Stars and Stripes" for the first time on the Eastern hemisphere.


Marines stormed the Barbary pirates' stronghold at Burma on the "Shores of Tripoli." Marines raised the "Stars and Stripes" for the first time in the Eastern Hemisphere.

From 1948 to 1952, billions of dollars in aid from the United States helped to rebuild Western Europe after the Second World War through a program known as the

Marshall Plan

CLA s 54

Maximum Allowed = 3x Australian Average Weekly Earning

Mercury 3

May 5, 1961 Alan Shepard pilots the first US manned space flight

Battle of the Coral Sea

May 7-8 1942, first carrier on carrier battle

Indications of goniometry

Measuring ROM and muscle length

Summit Diplomacy

Meetings between Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan to discuss issues of conflict between the two superpowers. Signaled the end of the Cold War

OPEC "Hawks" and "Doves"

Members of OPEC are internally divided into "Hawks" and "Doves". "Hawks" are those countries like Iran and Iraq that have large populations and relatively small oil reserves. Hawks prefer high oil prices in the short run. "Doves" are those countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and UAE, which have small populations and large oil reserves. Preference is for moderate oil prices to prevent consumers from reducing dependence on oil by finding substitutes. The Yom Kippur War united OPEC in 1973, when they overcame differences and achieved a four-fold increase in oil prices by cutting production. The key to success was Saudi Arabia, who absorbed the largest burden of production cuts and punished free riders by flooding the market with oil, driving prices very low. - SIGNIFICANCE: OPEC has been unsuccessful since 1973. In addition to this, when the hawks and doves came together to form OPEC, they pursued policies that led to the 1973 Oil Crisis. OPEC triggered a "wage-price inflationary spiral" where producers raised prices to compensate for higher energy costs; workers then demanded higher wages to compensate for rising costs of everything; producers then raised prices to deal with higher labor costs...repeat. "Stagflation" defines the mix of recession and inflation (sustained rise in prices) in response to OPEC policies. With so much uncertainty about prices, and with high energy costs eating into profits, firms also cut back on production and investment. This led to slow growth and high unemployment (recession).

Limbic Lobe


Dipping the Ensign

Merchant ships salute Navy ships by lowering (dipping) their ensign. The US NEVER salutes first.

According to the ideal of Japan's Tokugawa rulers, which social class was at the bottom of the social hierarchy?


By ___ing,

Method someone uses to do something. E.g., En faisant ceci, je réussis cela.

Jean Monnet and European Integration

Monnet was a French brandy salesman; he believed in "economic internationalism." He believed "that the new industrial capitalism would look American and that Europe's economic and political fragmentation crippled its ability to take advantage of the new mass production and mass consumption". Monnet argued that "American-style industrialism required a market the size of the American market, corporations as big as American corporations, financial markets as deep as Wall Street. European businesses could not compete with American businesses without a home base like that of the US, and if they could not compete, they could not tap the potential of the Continent. In addition, Monnet worked during WWII in Washington/New York to "channel supplies to the French and British". - SIGNIFICANCE: European unification embraced the Bretton Woods compromises. On the one hand, it was the most ambitious trade liberalization in history, eliminating tariffs among six rich societies". Monnet argued that "High standards would reinforce productivity growth, which would permit funding of the region's generous welfare states". In 1955, Monnet founded the Action Committee for the United States of Europe in order to revive European construction following the failure of the EDC. It brought political parties and European trade unions together to become a driving force behind the initiatives which laid the foundation for the EU as it eventually emerged: first the European Economic Community (1958), established by the Treaty of Rome of 1957; later the European Community (1967) with its corresponding bodies, the European Commission and the European Council of Ministers, British membership in the Community (1973), the European Council (1974), the European Monetary System (1979), and the European Parliament (1979).This process reflected Monnet's belief in a gradualist approach for constructing European unity.

the philosophe blank argued for a number of important innovations to political thought in his The Spirit of the Laws (1748), including the separation and balance of governing powers.


Corinthian order

Most ornate of the orders- contains a base, a fluted column shaft, and the capital is elaborate and decorated with leaf carvings

MMT 3/5

Move through ROM against gravity

MMT 5/5

Move through ROM against gravity and against maximal manual resistance

MMT 4/5

Move through ROM against gravity and against moderate resistance

MMT 2/5

Move through ROM with gravity eliminated

Basal Ganglia

Movement, Reward

MNCs and National Sovereignty

Multi National Corporations are firms that own and manage productive facilities in more than 1 country. They engage in FDI, and they are important for world trade. For example, in 2000, the world's 500 largest MNCs had sales of $13.7 trillion - nearly half the value of all goods and services in the world. Largest MNCs have revenues greater than GDPs of some nations. Tensions can arise because the goals of MNCs may conflict with the goals of governments. The huge size of MNC's, combined with the control of its assets (aka: FDI) creates potential problems for national governments on a range of issues: use of profits, location of production, jobs, technology, managerial expertise, etc. - SIGNIFICANCE: Historically, developing countries have been more concerned about MNCs because of legacy of colonialism and the concern of foreign domination. Typically, MNCs face a higher degree of regulation in developing countries: restrictions on profit repatriation, technology transfer requirement, employment requirements, local content requirements, ownership restrictions. At one extreme, governments can turn to expropriation, where the Host Government can seize and nationalize the company. Expropriation can happen due to the "obsolescing bargain"; the power of MNCs grows weaker over time relative to the host government. At some point the host government no longer needs the MNC to operate the affiliate and expropriates it. These expropriations peaked in the 1970's but have gone down since then due to the fact that MNCs investments are primarily in manufacturing (vertical integration requiring specific assets).

In September 1938, European leaders met in the German City of ____________________ to address the German claims for territory in Central Europe. This led to the infamous movement of "appeasement," when European leaders caved to Hitler's demands, believing he had no further territorial ambitions.


Witham v Shire of Bright

NDD of Employer to Employee

Kondis v State Transport Authority

NDD of Hospitals to Patients

Burnie v State Transport Authority

NDD of occupier to entrant

Newly Industrializing Countries (NICs)

NICs are countries whose economies have not yet reached developed country status but have, in a macroeconomic sense, outpaced their developing counterparts. Another characterization of NICs is that of nations undergoing rapid economic growth (usually export-oriented). Incipient or ongoing industrialization is an important indicator of an NIC. In many NICs, social upheaval can occur as primarily rural, or agricultural, populations migrate to the cities, where the growth of manufacturing concerns and factories can draw many thousands of laborers. - SIGNIFICANCE:



Navajo Code Talkers

Native Americans from the Navajo tribe used their own language to make a code for the U.S. military that the Japanese could not desipher

Operation Barbarossa

Nazi's invaded Russia

CLA s 59(1)(a) & (b)

Necessary care from the injury must be compensated; care must be different to that of before the injury

Threshold Potential

Neuron membrane potential at which gated sodium potassium channels open causing an action potential to occur

Sensory Neurons

Neurons excited by specific stimuli such as light or pressure


Neurons that allow the brain to store information and coordinate responses to stimuli

Motor Neurons

Neurons that relay commands from the brain and spinal cord to glands and muscle cells

The set of Great Depression policies aimed at changing the relationship between the United States' government and the economy, based on the premise that the modern state had an obligation to manage the economy and address social welfare needs, was known as the

New Deal

Iron Curtain

Nicknamed given by Winston Churchill to the line separating soviet Europe from the capitalist Europe


Night of the broken glass


Nineteenth-century movement in which writers and philosophers believed in the innate goodness of man, and that insight was more important than logic when searching for truths.

Normal ROM for passive knee extension (PKE)

No norm, compare to other side

Normal ROM for the Ely test

No norm, compare to other side

The Bandung Conference of 1955 was the founding moment of the:

Non-Aligned Movement

This was the name of the Chinese Nationalists' military campaign to eliminate separatist warlords and unify China in the 1920's.

Northern Expedition

MMT 0/5

Not palpable or observable muscle contraction (PROM)


November 13-15 1942, 5 Sullivan brothers insisted on serving together. The Juneau carrying the Sullivan brothers was torpedoed in the Guadalcanal. Reinstated family separation policy by the navy.



What is balance grade poor?

Patient requires support to maintain balance, cannot move without loss of balance (LOB)

Founded in 1960, _________ is an international organization that at the time aimed to protect its member nations "permanent sovereignty over their natural resources in the interest of national development" and to challenge the power of the United States and Europe


Founded in 1960, _______________ is an international organization that at the time aimed to protect its member nations' "permanent sovereignty over their natural resources in the interest of national development" and to challenge the power of the United States and Europe.


Birthday of the Navy

October 13, 1775

Battle of Leyte Gulf

October 23 1944, final blow to the Japanese navy. Japan's last chance to secure the phillipines but they failed


Official Motto Of the Marine Corps, "Semper Fidelis", Latin for "Always Faithful"

Offshoring of services

Offshoring of services refers to moving a company's processes or services overseas. Until recently, offshoring involved sending manufacturing jobs overseas to take advantage of lower labor costs. - SIGNIFICANCE: Now, information technology (like the internet/ video calling) has made it possible to deliver services from afar. Not only low-skilled services, but also high-skilled services can now be done from abroad. Entry of 1.5 billion "new" workers into the world economy means that there are plenty of people willing to provide services from afar, and many are not low skilled. Think of x rays being sent from the US, being analyzed in labs in Bombay. Offshoring has created a lot of anxiety in relation to globalization. Conversely, most economists would say that US economy is enriched by off shoring, but some have also expressed concern about the distributional implications. Winners: US capital owners who substitute cheap foreign labor in the service sector for expensive domestic labor AND US consumers who gain from decline in prices. Losers: US workers that experience falling wages and increasing job insecurity at all skill levels. With powerful lobbies, these groups could initiate a backlash. Yet, not everything is off-shorable: physical proximity, experience and cultural nuance are needed to perform the higher level services. Highly specialized and require physical proximity should remain immune.

which of the following did Martin Luther not advocate?

Peasants revolting against the lords and princes of Germany

Simone de Beauvoir wrote in "the second sex" that:

One is not born a woman, one becomes one

Pope John Paul II

One of the most outspoken anti-communist leaders in the world who pressed governments to do more to recognize human rights and freedoms




Operation Desert Storm was launched after the Iraqi government refused to comply with United Nations resolutions. Marine aviation was heavily used when the air phase commenced in January of 1991. When massive bombing failed to dislodge Iraqi forces, Marine ground forces swept into Kuwait and liberated the country, causing severe damage to the Iraqi military capability


Operation Desert Storm- Iraqi Government Refused to Comply with the UN Resolutions. JAN1991 Air raids commenced, failed to dislodge Iraqi forces- followed with ground elements which liberated Kuwait


Operation Enduring Freedom- War on Afghanistan with 3 smaller military actions under GWOT. on October 7, 2001 combat operations began, tomahawk cruise missiles launched from both U.S and British ships and submarines signaled the start.


Operation enduring freedom is the official name used by the US government for the war in Afghanistan, together with three smaller actions, under the umbrella of the global war on terror. On October 7, 2001, operations including a mix of strikes from land-based B1 Lancer, B2 Spirit and B52 bombers; Carrier-based F14 Tomcat and FA18 Hornet fighters; And tomahawk cruise missile's launched from both US and British ships signaled the start of operation enduring freedom.

who was the political mastermind of German unification and the first chancellor of the German empire?

Otto von Bismarck

this empire captured Constantinople in 1453, ending a thousand years of Christian rule in the city.

Ottoman Empire



Four Types of damages that are assessed?

Pain and suffering - capped by legislation Expenses - past and future (to recovery/death) Wages - past and future (to retirement) Care - past and future (to recovery/death)

MMT 1/5

Palpable or observable muscle contraction with NO joint movement (PROM)



"Pax Americana"

Parallel to the name given to the British during their leadership of the world economy, Pax Americana demonstrates the acceptance of US world leadership after WWII. - SIGNIFICANCE:


Paramilitary fascist police force in Italy

What is balance grade good?

Patient able to maintain balance without support, limited postural sway - Accepts MODERATE challenge and can shift weight, but limitations are evident - Can pick up objects from the floor in BOS

What is balance grade fair?

Patient is able to maintain balance without support. - Cannot tolerate challenge or maintain balance while weight shifting


People's republic of china

This was one of Gorbachev's major reform campaigns in the Soviet Union. It aimed to "restructure" the Soviet economy, preparing it for competition with the West in the 1980s.



Period in European history from 12th C AD through the 16th C AD distinguished by its spirit of inquiry and return to secular learning.

Petrodollar Recycling

Petrodollar recycling was when 1) the 1973 rise in oil prices provided OPEC members with huge profits. OPEC nations deposited these "petrodollars" in British and American commercial banks. 2) Onward lending by these banks to developing countries who were keen to industrialize under ISI and saw loans as a way to finance development and... 3) Pay their growing oil import bills. - SIGNIFICANCE: The 1973 Oil Crisis caused a "wage-price inflationary spiral" (and stagflation). Producers raised prices to compensate for higher energy costs, so workers demanded higher wages, so producers raised prices to deal with higher labor costs: a vicious cycle. With so many price uncertainties, and with high energy costs eating into profits, firms cut back on production and investment. Slow growth and high unemployment resulted. The resulting debt crises were a major threat to borrowers and to the world financial system. Banks had over lended because they wanted to recycle OPEC petrodollars. The initial success of ISI encouraged the herd mentality that investing in developing in countries was a good idea. Borrowers over borrowed because loans were needed to pay for factory machinery and oil imports. Additionally, borrowers were wary of MNCs and the threat of losing domestic control to them (think of CIA intervention in deposing Allende => Pinochet).

agenda (n)

Plan of action; purpose

Naval Intelligence

Points the way for intelligence support in meeting the requirements of both regional conflicts and operations other than war.


Political unrest in Eastern Europe was sparked by the rise of this Polis labor union

Substitutions for hip flexion and how to prevent it

Posterior pelvis tilt and stabilize at ASIS/iliac crest

CAE process comprises of three steps:

Pre-processing, solving, post-processing

Raul Prebisch and the Declining Terms of Trade

Prebisch was the head of Argentina's central bank during the Great Depression. He observed that prices of primary products (produced in the "periphery") fell much more during the Depression than prices of manufactured products (produced in the "center"). - SIGNIFICANCE: The Terms of Trade are the price of a nation's exports divided by price of imports. The TOT of nations exporting primary products & importing manufactured goods may deteriorate over time. By this train of thought, free trade based on comparative advantage may be harmful to less developed nations. He argued that developing countries should lessen dependence on primary commodity exports by developing their own manufacturing industries and this became the economic rationale for ISI.

The on the roof gang

Radio operators specially trained at unique school located on the roof of the old Navy Department building during 1928-1941. Trained to intercept and analyze foreign radio communications. Laid the cornerstone of Naval Cryptology

Truman Doctrine

President Truman's promise to help and support any nations struggling against communist movements

Stage II cancer

Primary tumor is larger, but there is still no clinical evidence of spread

RTA v Dederer

Probability of harm, seriousness, burden of precautions

gel electrophoresis

Procedure used to separate and analyze DNA fragments by placing a mixture of DNA fragments at one end of a porous gel and applying an electrical voltage to the gel

genetic engineering

Process of making changes in the DNA code of living organisms

Parietal Lobe

Processes sensory information that had to do with taste, temperature, and touch

PLM stands for _____________________ and is a software for managing the entire lifecycle of a product.

Product Life-Cycle Management

CLA s 22

Professional Defence

Start position of the Ely test


Developmental Nationalism

Protectionist, populist dictatorships that served urban labor and capital at the expense of landowners. Developing countries suffered greatly from the Great Depression with the devaluation of primary products compared to manufactured products. These countries were no longer making money through exports to the North and couldn't afford to import manufactured goods from the North. After the Great Depression, many people expressed their distrust for globalization which led to the rise of dictators. - SIGNIFICANCE:

Naval Command and Control

Provides the basic concepts to fulfill the information needs of commanders, forces, and weapon systems.


Providing logistic support for the duration of operation


Providing the right support at the right time and place

Cattle v Stockton Waterworks

Pure Econ. Loss; damage is not reasonably foreseeable

Sullivan v Moody

Pure Psych Injury Test; Coherency

Annetts v Australian Stations

Pure Psych Injury Test; Direct perception; Sudden shock; Control and Vulnerability; Coherency

Tame v New South Wales

Pure Psych Injury Test; expert advise is not final when looking at normal fortitude

Gifford v Strang

Pure Psych Injury Test; reasonable foreseeability that they would suffer based off defendants negligence.




Russian mob violence against Jews

which of the following is a term for an opportunistic and pragmatic approach to international relations?


Wyong Shire Council v Shirt

Reasonable care to avoid risk (probability of harm arising, seriousness of harm, burden of taking precautions).


Recognized into Fleet Marine Force. Marine Corps Equipment board established in Quantico, VA. developed Materials for Landing operation and Expeditionary Service.

"Thaw" generation

Refers to the age after the worst excesses of Stalinism

Eastern Front

Region along German-Russian border where much fighting in the Cold War took place

Trigger Zone

Region of a neuron nearest the cell body

Spheres of influence

Regions of economic control

After achieving its independence in 1947, the former British colony of India descended into violence due to regional differences in


Truman doctrine

Resistance of "free peoples" to communism by economics



Temporal Lobe

Responsible for processing auditory information from the ears (hearing)

Occipital Lobe

Responsible for processing visual information from the eyes



What did John Walker do?

Retired warrant officer who spied for Russians allowing them to make significant gains in naval warfare

German punishment treaty of Versailles

Return territory, military occupation, pay reparations, reduce military, no colonies

The first U.S. president to visit China was

Richard Nixon

Landing at Inchon

Risky assault over extremely unfavorable terrain, resulted in capture of Inchon by US and South Korean forces

"Whites" Russian civil war

Royalists opposed to the communist regime

Qing Dynasty

Ruled over a vast empire of China in the 19th century, but faced many challenges and was overthrown by revolutionaries

Napoleon was forced to flee back to France after a failed invasion of blank in 1812. he left with only 90,000 of the 600,000 troops with which he arrived.


the 1825 Decembrist revolt in the century of blank failed, but it created a revolutionary tradition from which future rebels would draw inspiration


Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

Russian and German non aggression agreement not to attack each other

Thaw generation

Russian generation escaping the chains of communism


Serving as a preparation; introductory

First 3 classes of naval Vessels

Ships of the line Frigates Sloops of War

Wage inequality

Since the 1970s, low-skilled wages in the U.S. have fallen sharply while wages for the high-skilled have increased. In Europe, by contrast, low-skilled workers have experience high unemployment rather than falling wages. This is due to stronger labor market restriction in Europe that prevent firms from adjusting wages such as higher minimum wages and legal restraints on adjusting wages. So instead of lowering wages, they simply don't hire as many workers. High European unemployment is thus the flip side of falling wages in the US. Determine that with globalization, less-skilled wages are determined by the global supply of less-skilled labor, rather than by domestic labor market conditions. - SIGNIFICANCE: "Factor-Price-Equalization" (FPE) estimations suggest that globalization explains at best 30% of income inequality and attributes the other 70% of rising wage inequality with the technological upgrading of the economy which has created a wage premium, the de-unionization of the private sector which has reduced the bargaining power of workers and the super salaries of CEOs, who have seen their incomes explode since the 1970s. Also, increasing supply of low-skilled labor in the U.S. with immigration puts downward pressure on wages of native-born low-skilled adults.

Wage inequality in the U.S.

Since the 70s, low-skilled wages in the US have fallen sharply while wages for the high-skilled have increased, widening the gap between rich and poor. - SIGNIFICANCE: Government can reduce inequality if politicians and citizens wanted to, by increasing the minimum wage, increasing estate taxes, and marginal tax rates on highest earners. These policies aren't likely if rising economic equality translates into rising political inequality and top earners are opposed to such policies. Top earners are more politically active and give more money to politicians. Such redistributive policies may be possible if the super rich will accept higher taxes on themselves to ensure social stability and the preservation of the capitalist system. Fear of anti-rich, anti-globalization extremism may compel the elite to submit to higher taxes.


Single celled organisms that can cause disease in humans 3 types cocci,bacilli,spirilla can be viewed under microscope

Start position of the Thomas test


What does a basal ganglia dysfunction cause?

Slow movement, involuntary movement, an alternation in posture and muscle tone


Slow movements (little to no arm swing)


Slow, writhing movements, and CP


Slurred speech

Stage I cancer

Small primary tumor but invasive into surrounding tissues and has not spread

Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930

Smoot-Hawley added to the extent of the Fordney-McCumber Tariff. Endowments and interests from farmers along the Canadian border and Eastern seaboard who faced competition from cheap Canadian goods and light manufacturing industries that were labor-intensive and faced foreign competition. Republican protectionist interests in Congress traded their votes for imposing tariffs on products produced by import-competing industries. President Hoover did not intervene. Both Presidency and Congress were controlled by Republican party (Protectionist). - SIGNIFICANCE: As the world's net creditor, the US needed to open its markets so that deficit countries could earn foreign exchange and pay their bills. Instead, US raised tariffs on over 9,000 imported goods to record levels, triggering retaliation by trading partners. This started an era of economic isolation. Started a tariff "war" defined by "beggar-thy-neighbor policies" that imposed cost of adjustment on foreigners.


Smooth Muscle tissue pulls on bones to move body parts

McHale v Watson

SoC: Children lowered

Glasglow Corp v Muir

SoC: Objective Test based on a reasonable person

Reichstag fire decree

Stripped civil liberties ending the Weimar Republic

Nuremberg laws

Strips Jews of German citizenship


Sudden jerky and wild flailing movements


South Vietnam, Longest war in history. conducted Large-Scale offensive operations and Participated in the pacification program, Attempted coup in Dominican republic marines protected/evacuated U.S. Citizens multinational force restored peace

At the Congress of Berlin (1878), the great powers of Europe unilaterally redrew boundaries where?

Southeastern Europe

In 1989 communist governments collapsed in all of the following countries except:

Soviet Union

Specific Assets

Specific assets are a case of "Market Imperfection", one of the conditions for vertical FDI. They are both physical and human investments that are specialized and unique to a certain task. One example is the production of a certain component that may require specialized equipment. They are dedicated to a particular use and cannot easily be adapted to another purpose. They give rise to "hold-up" problems if the MNCs are dependent on a single supplier for an input, in which the seller could demand more money. To avoid this, the firm buys the supplier and "internalizes" the transaction within the firm. - SIGNIFICANCE: Vertical FDI occurs when specific assets combine with efficiency-oriented locational advantages (need both) . When Ford wants to lower its costs by sourcing production of an input to a country with cheap labor, it sets up a Ford-owned factory there to make sure it is not held.


Stagflation is a condition of slow economic growth and relatively high unemployment accompanied by rising prices, or inflation, or inflation and a decline in GDP (AKA: high inflation, stagnation, and unemployment). Usually, when unemployment is high, spending declines, as do prices of goods. Stagflation occurs when the prices of goods rise while unemployment increases and spending declines. Stagflation can prove to be a particularly tough problem for governments to deal with due to the fact that most policies designed to lower inflation tend to make it tougher for the unemployed, and policies designed to ease unemployment raise inflation. - SIGNIFICANCE: OPEC triggered a "wage-price inflationary spiral." Producers raised prices to compensate for higher energy costs; workers then demanded higher wages to compensate for rising costs of everything; producers then raised prices to deal with higher labor costs → repetitive cycle.

Ataxic gait

Staggering gait, wide base of support, and irregular

Great Purge

Stalin eliminated his political opponents

The "Big Three"

Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill. The three major world powers

Battle of _______________, where the Soviet Red Army turned back the Nazi German Invasion of Russia, was the turning point on the Eastern Front in World War II.


Start position of the standing gastroc test





Stated by Lenin to be "the highest stage of capitalism"

CLA s 9 'Other Things'

Statutory Standards; Anticipations; Sudden Emergency


Stick too firmly



What is the MMT screen?

Testing the patient's full ROM against gravity first

The Annus Mirabilis

The "Year of Miracles" 1989 The year in which communist countries chose to remove their communist governments with almost NO BLOODSHED

B. Medulla Oblongata

The ? has influence over respiration, sleep/waking cycles and swallowing. A) Cerebellum B)Medulla Oblongata C) Corpus Callosum D) Pons E)Olfactory lobes


The Afrikaner government of South Africa instituted its racial policy known as what

The Brady Plan of 1989

The Brady Plan by US Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady states that debtor countries negotiate large reductions of 30-50% of overall levels of debt, and that their bank loans be converted to dollar denominated "Brady Bonds" which diversified risk away from commercial banks. Developing countries then adopted ambitious economic reforms and regained access to the international capital markets. - SIGNIFICANCE: This plan successfully reduced debt and lowered interest rates that allowed a return to growth.


The Marine Corps adopted an emblem that consisted of an eagle, globe, and anchor. Brigadier General Jacob Zeilin, 7th Commandant, Modified the British Marine emblem to depict the Marines as both American and maritime. The globe and anchor signify worldwide service and sea traditions. The spread eagle is a symbol of the nation itself.


The Marine Corps established it's aviation unit. Marine Major Alfred A. Cunningham was the first pilot.


The Marine Corps was created on November 10, 1775 in Philadelphia Pennsylvania at Tun Tavern by a resolution of the continental Congress, which raised two battalions of Marines. Captain Samuel Nicholas became the commander of these two battalions and is considered the first Commandant of the Marine Corps.

Debt Crises of the 1980's

The Debt Crises of the 1980's is tied to the 1973 Oil Crisis fueled by OPEC's four-fold increase in oil prices. The proximate causes of the Debt Crisis are: stagflation, higher interest rates, and appreciation of the US$. Stagflation caused by the Oil Crisis in the U.S. reduced the demand for developing country exports (therefore they're unable to pay off loans). The rise in interest rates to combat U.S. inflation increased developing countries' debt burden because loans were contracted on variable interest rate terms. Furthermore, the appreciation of US dollar increased the debt burden of developing countries because loans were repayable in US$. Fed Chairman Volcker's high interest rate policy strengthened the US$, and the appreciation of the dollar led to an increase in how much they owed. - SIGNIFICANCE: There were two phases of resolution of the Debt Crisis. Phase 1: Maintain loans to prevent int'l financial collapse; this put all the burden on the debtors. There were IMF-sanctioned austerity programs (raising taxes and cutting govt. spending). This resulted in a "Lost Decade" of growth for developing countries. Phase 2: Debt reduction as seen in the Brady Plan of 1989. The Brady Plan reduced debt and lowered interest rates, which led to a return to growth beginning by about 1990.

In August 1789 the French revolutionaries produced a document outlining a range of liberties for French citizens, including freedom from arbitrary arrest and freedom of expression and religion. what was this document called?

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

Successes of the GATT

The GATT brought tariffs down considerably and was very robust. It was successful despite many wars, decolonization, etc. By the Tokyo Round in 1979, the average tariff on manufactured products was 4.7% (compared to about 40% in 1948) - GATT was able to survive the Cold War, the Vietnam War, many wars of independence, decolonization, the creation of EC. The WTO incorporated all GATT provisions, but added the dispute settlement mechanism that gave a greater voice to smaller countries. - SIGNIFICANCE:

White Terror

The GMD purged important CCP leaders from Chinese political life

What began WWII?

The German invasion of Poland

Which of the following was not a justification for Japanese imperial expansion in the 1930s and 1940s?

The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere would bring democracy to the region.

prodomal period

The Initial stage of disease, the intraval between the earliest symtoms and appearance of a rash or fever

10 November 1775

The Marine Corps was created. Philadelphia, PA @ Tun Tavern by continental congress which raised 2 battalions. Captain Samuel Nicholas was considered the 1st commandant of the Marine Corps.


The Marine Corps was re-organized into the fleet marine force, formally establishing the command in administrative relations between the fleet and The Marine Corps. The Marine Corps equipment board was established at Quantico Virginia and Marines begin to devote long hours to testing and developing materials for landing operations and expeditionary service.

When Winston Churchill said in 1946, "From Stettin in Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the continent," to what was he referring?

The Soviet Unions imposition of communist regimes in Eastern Europe

The Truman Doctrine

The Truman Doctrine committed the United States to a global effort against the Soviet Union and their allies. In 1947, launched the Economic Recovery Plan, also known as the Marshal Plan. The Marshall Plan sent $13.5 billion to Europe to rebuild the economies of the Western Europe. - SIGNIFICANCE: led to the creation of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), an American military bloc to accompany its sphere of economic influence established by the Marshall Plan. This was a way of countering the "Soviet" treat and containing communism.

Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

The US drop two atomic bomb's effectively ending Pacific war

Destabilizing U.S. policies after World War I

The US refused to forgive war debts which would've fixed the issue of reparations (liberty loans). US also raised tariffs instead of lowering them, which intensified adjustment problems (Fordney- Mccumber and Smoot-Hawley). Finally, the US refused to join the League of Nations, which undermined the global efforts to prevent another war. - SIGNIFICANCE: America's domestic policies had not developed as far as its economy had, and the United States did not take up the leadership position that was left by England.

The nation in the best position to drive global economic recovery after World War I was

The United States

Which nation was in the best position to drive global economic recovery after World War I?

The United States

emissaries from which Western country arrived in Japan in 1853 and demanded that the isolated nation open trade with the West?

The United States


The ability to move your body parts through their full range of motion 灵活性


The annexation of Austria

Second Sino-Japanese War

The atrocious Japanese invasion of China


The belief that nations must engage in international problem solving regardless of ethnicity, nation, or race

What ended the Pacific War?

The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Stage IV cancer

The cancer has spread beyond the region where it initiated to distant tissue organ


The choice between two mutually exclusive possibilities, a situation presenting such a choice 替代

Gorbachev's (unintended) accomplishments

The end of the Cold War The end of communism in Eastern Europe The collapse of the Soviet Union


The first Marine landing took place during the revolutionary war. Marines invaded new providence island in the Bahamas seizing guns and supplies. The uniform of the day included a stiff leather stock that was worn around the neck, hence the name "Leatherneck."

2004 (first)

The first battle of Fallujah, operation Vigilant Resolve, was an unsuccessful attempt by the United States military to capture the city in April 2004.

Import Substituting Industrialization (ISI)

The goal of ISI was to replace imports of manufactured products by promoting the expansion of domestic industries, using high tariffs to protect these "infant" industries. The rationale was to break away from comparative advantage, where developing nations specialized in primary products & imported manufactured goods from the North. While it did lead to industrialization, it didn't lead to growth or convergence. - SIGNIFICANCE:

What best describes the thinking of the May Fourth Movement in China?

The great powers had betrayed China in its effort to build a functioning state

What is validity?

The instrument measures what it is suppose to measure

What is reliability?

The instrument yields the same result on repeated uses but either the same operator or different operators


The invasion of Iraq was led by the United States, alongside the United Kingdom and other smaller contingents from Australia and Poland. Four countries participated with the troops during the initial Invasion phase, which lasted from March 20 to May 1.


The national security act of 1947, amended in 1952, states the Marine Corps' present structure.

Sphere of Influence

The regions of economic control in China carved up by European powers- which the Qing were powerless to stop

All of the following were Soviet goals for Germany after World War II except:

The restoration of the prewar German economy


The right of people to choose their own form of government


The official motto of the Marine Corps, "Semper Fidelis," (Latin for "Always Faithful") was adopted. The phrase is more commonly heard as its abbreviation, "Semper Fi".

November 11, 1989

The people of East Germany tore down the Berlin Wall that had divided their city, country, and continent


The physical property of being stiff and resisting bending

Factor-Price-Equalization (FPE)

The process between falling less-skilled wages in the United States (and other developed countries) and increasing imports from developing countries. With globalization (trade, immigration, FDI), less-skilled wages are determined by the global supply of less-skilled labor, rather than by domestic labor market conditions. There's movement towards the law of one price (the hypothetical case under complete globalization where price differences disappear between different goods and services). At first glance, FPE seems compelling: If the U.S. imports goods that are produced by low paid Chinese workers, surely low-skilled Americans, who produce these goods at wages 10 times those of the Chinese, will face a difficult time in the labor market. - SIGNIFICANCE: Globalization "explains" at best about 30% of income inequality in the US. The other 70% is due to tech upgrading of the economy, de-unionization, and very high salaries for CEOs. The gain in wealth share is all about the top 0.01%, who have quadrupled its share of the country's wealth in 50 years. Globalization has partly led to falling wages for low-skilled labor in the United States (and high unemployment in the EU). Nevertheless, there should not be a protectionist backlash; there needs to be a New Deal for globalization that redistributes wealth in developed nations.

selective breeding

The process of selecting a few organisms with desired traits to serve as parents of the next generation


The year in which Germany was officially in permanently divided

2004 (second)

The second battle of Fallujah, operation Al-Fajr (The Dawn), was a joint US-Iraqi-British offensive in November and December 2004. It was led by the US Marine Corps against the Iraqi insurgency stronghold in the city of Fallujah and was authorized by the US-appointed Iraqi interim government.

incubation period

The time between exposure to a disease and the appearance of the symtoms

Stage III cancer

The tumor has spread to lymph glands in that region of the body

Delegation and Reciprocity

The two key components of the RTAA. Delegation meant that Congress delegated its constitutional authority on trade matters to the executive branch: the President. This led to more free-trade policy, because in opposition to Congress who is more influenced by personal interest President has national interests at heart. This reduced logrolling because Congress gave up power to set tariffs on specific goods. Reciprocity couples US tariff reductions with reciprocal foreign tariff reductions, meaning that trade policy was no longer unilateral and therefore US was not subject to foreign protectionism while it was free trader. Reciprocity bolstered the lobbying position of exporters, creating winners from trade and increasing the size of the export sector. This made Republicans begin to support free trade, explaining why RTAA was not repealed in 1953 when Republicans took power again. - SIGNIFICANCE:


The use of living organisms to detoxify and restore polluted and degraded ecosystems


The voltage across a cell's membrane is called membrane potential

Which of the following best describes the Mujahideen?

They made up the resistance against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan in the 1980's

Atlantic Charter

This charter was negotiated by Churchill and Roosevelt aboard a warship in 1941. It was the plan for the post-WWII world economic order. The US required the UK's acceptance before it would help with the war. No territorial gains were to be sought, everyone had the right to self-determination, trade barriers were to be lowered, and there would be global economic cooperation after the war. It was a secret because many in Congress were isolationists as well as the majority of Americans. - SIGNIFICANCE: This was significant because the US planned the postwar order even before entering the war. It also influenced the way the world economy would be shaped after WW2 (Bretton Woods currency system, decolonization, WTO, IMF, World Bank). This would allow for unprecedented growth, stable exchange rates, ISI/ EOI in decolonized countries, cartelization, etc.

Environmental Kuznets Curve

This describes the inverse-U relationship between pollution and per capital GDP. By increasing national income, international trade and globalization more generally should work to protect the environment. Furthermore with appropriate institutions in place, the extent and duration of the high pollution phase of development can be mitigated. Curve begins by upward sloping: this is the environmental decay. Higher incomes initially mean more production and consumption and these activities increase pollution. At some level of GDP, there is a turning point, where we begin to see environmental improvement characterized by a downward sloping curve. - SIGNIFICANCE: As income grows, demands for environmental protection increase, leading to a development path characterized by both economic growth and environment improvements. Good institutions flatten the EKC for these pollutant because demands of citizens translate into effective regulation and reduction of pollution. However, there is not evidence of a Kuznets curve for CO2.

Dawes Plan of 1924

This plan was created by an American banker in order to alleviate the burden of war reparations owed by Germany to the allies and by the allies to the US. US bankers took charge of the German central bank and fiscal policy. This created a cycle of money from US to Germany, which made reparations to other European nations, who then used the money to pay off war debts to the US. This was an effective but risky solution to the war debts issue. - SIGNIFICANCE:

What best describes the goals of the 1944 international meeting at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire?

To establish a blueprint for postwar international economic cooperation

Asian Financial Crisis

This financial crisis was caused by poor institutions as a result of corruption, cronyism, and lax banking policy. Banks took risks with borrowing of foreign money and figured their government would bail them out. They used foreign investments to buy real estate, creating a bubble. The collapse began with the devaluation of the Thai baht, followed by speculation on other Southeast Asian currencies (Hong Kong the only one that did not devalue). As the crisis spread to other Southeast Asian countries and Japan, they saw devalued markets and a rise in privates debt. IMF stepped in to initiate a $40 billion program to stabilize the currencies of South Korea, Thailand and Indonesia (malaysia did not want help from IMF). - SIGNIFICANCE: This demonstrates the fragility of the international finance system, and how easily crisis spread from one economy to others, exemplifying how interrelated globalization has made countries. This ignited the debate on which exchange-rate regime is viable for small economies open to international capital flows. Many claimed that the intermediate exchange regimes weren't viable when foreign capital flows were volatile (these asian countries used intermediate exchange rates like crawling peg, basket of currencies, etc.). Since then, fewer countries have chosen these regimes.

The Resource Curse

This is an endowments-based argument that determines what causes good (or conversely bad) institutions. The resource curse dictates that the easy availability of natural resources such as copper in Zambia, oil, gold, etc.) stunts institutional development. Instead of promoting economic and political liberties, elites can dig wealth from ground and put it in Swiss bank accounts. Paradoxically, countries with lots of valuable natural resources are "cursed" to experience lower growth. Resources may preclude the development of good institutions. Clear negative relationship between primary product exports and economic growth. - SIGNIFICANCE:

WTO dispute settlement mechanism

This is the most important feature of the WTO, and it differentiated the WTO from the GATT. If the parties cannot reach a settlement, the dispute goes to an impartial panel of experts. The experts issue a ruling which goes into effect unless all WTO members vote to block the ruling. The defendant must end the policy or compensate the complainant. If no agreement can be reached on compensation, the injured party can impose retaliatory tariffs. - SIGNIFICANCE: The dispute settlement mechanism helps small countries since they are more insulated from bullying by large countries (e.g., US vs Venezuela on the gasoline issue and Shrimp/Turtle Case). In 1995, Venezuela complained to the WTO that the U.S. applied stricter rules under the Clean Air Act on imported gasoline than it did for domestically-refined gasoline. In 1996, the expert panel completed its final report, finding that the U.S. had discriminated against imports. Shows that the Dispute settlement allows smaller countries to have a fair chance as a complainant and respondent.

Washington Consensus

This is the set of 10 policies that the US government and the international financial institutions (IMF, world bank, WTO) believe are necessary elements that all countries should adopt to increase economic growth. Emphasizes importance of macroeconomic stability and integration into the international economy. The framework: 1. Fiscal discipline - strict criteria for limiting budget deficits 2. Public expenditure priorities - moving them away from subsidies and administration towards previously neglected fields with high economic returns 3. Tax reform - broadening the tax base and cutting marginal tax rates 4. Financial liberalization - interest rates should ideally be market-determined 5. Exchange rates - should be managed to induce rapid growth in non-traditional exports 6. Trade liberalization 7. Increasing foreign direct investment (FDI) - by reducing barriers 8. Privatization - state enterprises should be privatized 9. Deregulation - abolition of regulations that impede the entry of new firms or restrict competition (except in the areas of safety, environment and finance) 10. Secure intellectual property rights (IPR) - without excessive costs and available to the informal sector Implications: Support of free trade through WTO and NAFTA - North Atlantic Free Trade association reduce tariff barriers. IMF bailouts tended to involve free market reforms as a condition of receiving money. Belief in free trade suggests countries, should specialise in goods / services where they have a comparative advantage. This may mean developing economies need to stick with producing primary products. - SIGNIFICANCE:

"New Deal" for Globalization

This new deal is essential in preventing a protectionist backlash. This "New Deal" needs to link trade and investment liberalization to a significant income redistribution that serves to share globalization's gains more widely. Expanding the political support for open borders/globalization requires dramatic changes in fiscal policy. One way to expand political support for globalization would be through eliminating the full payroll tax for all workers earning below the national median. The payroll tax is large and regressive, and it reinforces pre-tax inequality. By creating this tax cut, there would be a real gain in after- tax real income for those working below the national medium (typically low-skill/ unspecialized workers affected by globalization). This would lead to meaningful income redistribution within the United States. - SIGNIFICANCE: (Background) In the US economy, real income growth has been extremely skewed, with relatively few high earners doing well while incomes for most workers have stagnated or fallen. By some measures, inequality in the US is greater today than at any time since the 1920s. US policy is becoming more protectionist because the American public is becoming more protectionist, and this shift in attitudes is a result of stagnant or falling incomes. Public support for engagement w/ world economy is strongly linked to labor-market performance, and for most workers labor-market performance has been poor.More investment in education and more trade adjustment assistance for dislocated workers (the two most common responses) are not adequate. Significant payoffs from education investment will take decades to be realized, and trade adjustment assistance is too small and too narrowly targeted on specific industries to have much effect. AKA: essential we change fiscal policy in the US.

The "Obsolescing Bargain"

This posits a negative relationship between MNC "power" over host governments and time. At the time of initial investment, MNCs are powerful but power gradually shifts to the host government over time. At some point, the host government no longer needs the MNC to operate affiliates and it expropriates it. This exemplifies the downward sloping power of MNC relative to Host Government over Time. Initially, the MNC controls capital and expertise and has bargaining power. Over time, the host country develops the skills to run the MNC affiliate and market its products. Power of MNC declines and the situation is ripe for expropriation. - SIGNIFICANCE: Extractive and raw materials industries (e.g. oil, minerals) were the most vulnerable to expropriation. Locals learned how to operate the affiliates and could easily sell the minerals and oil. However, expropriations don't usually occur anymore because those in raw materials industries have already been expropriated and others don't serve any purpose outside of MNC.

Kyoto Protocol

This protocol demanded that rich countries cut emissions of greenhouse gases by 5% from 1990 levels by 2012 (5% was the global target, but different countries have different targets). Countries are able to offset cuts by properly managing forests and farmlands that absorb CO2. Furthermore, the developing nations are not required to reduce emissions, but they had to monitor and report their emissions (it's supposed to be a form of moral suasion). The Kyoto Protocol also developed a "Cap and Trade" system that issued tradable permits, representing a right to emit a specified quantity of greenhouse gases. By issuing only a limited number of permits (a "cap"), treaty members can reduce the total quantity of gas emitted at the international level. Because permits are limited to a quantity that is less than the amount of gas that would normally be emitted, the right to emit becomes a valuable commodity. Buying and selling permits establishes a market price of them. Nations wishing to emit gases beyond permitted levels must either reduce their emission or purchase permits to emit. Polluters able to reduce their emissions relatively cheaply will do so, rather than purchase permits. Polluters who face higher abatement costs will buy permits to satisfy requirements. In this way, reduction in emissions are made by those polluters who can do so at least cost, being compensated by polluters who face higher costs. - SIGNIFICANCE: The problem with the Kyoto protocol was that developing nations were not willing to reduce emissions. With the US and China refusing to take part in the Kyoto Protocol, developing nations had no incentive to join. Other nations simply felt like they could free ride on the progress of reducing greenhouse gasses without contributing to it themselves. The failure of the Kyoto Protocol shows how essential it is for international cooperation (a treaty) in resolving international issues like global warming.

Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act of 1934

This switched the decision power for trade policies from the Congress to the president and ended logrolling of votes. The RTAA required that reciprocal foreign tariff reductions be offered. The value of tariff reductions the US offers to other nations had to equal the value that the US received in return. It aided domestic job creation through trade in the New Deal programs. - SIGNIFICANCE: The RTAA was the first time Congress and a President worked together to enact trade negotiating authority to help pass new trade agreements to increase exports and support new job creation. It served as an integral step in America's transition from economic crisis to global leadership.

Pre-1929 Orthodoxy

This was the prevailing wisdom that the economy was self-correcting. Laissez faire opposed government regulation beyond the minimum necessary for a free enterprise system to operate, and business cycles were considered natural and necessary. By this train of thought, the Recession of the 1930s was inevitable after the Roaring Twenties. Liquidationism argued that the economy had to liquidate all bad investments, loans, and useless products before recovery could happen. - SIGNIFICANCE: This was significant because it affected the response to the Great Depression. Orthodoxy believed that price and wage declines would automatically increase aggregate demand until balance was restored, so government should do nothing. Liquidationism ultimately did not work.

I'm looking forward to ____ing

To be excited and pleased about something that is going to happen.


To describe something as larger or greater than it really is.

Medical Professionals to Clients Scope

To exercise reasonable care and skill in the provision of professional advice and treatment. Extends to the examination, diagnosis and treatment of the patient and the provision of the information in an appropriate case: Include providing information about material risks A risk is material if a reasonable person in the patient's position, if warned of the risks, would be likely to attach significance to it Hospitals also owe a duty.

Law Professionals to Clients Scope

To exercise reasonable due care and diligence in carrying out the terms of the retainer. Barristers however do not owe a duty of care to clients in respect of in court work and work which affects the conduct of their case in court Barristers are immune from negligence

I'm used to _____ing

To have the habit of doing something.

Indications of MMT

To measure function and strength of an individual's muscle(s)


To state or express firmly

Employer to Employee Scope

To take reasonable care not to expose employees to unnecessary or foreseeable risk of injury Encompasses: Safe system of work How the work is carried out Instructions given Working environment Bullies, harassment etc. Warnings Proper plant and equipment Supervisors be sufficiently trained Competent supervisory staff Proper equipment to be provided and maintained

Occupier to Entrant Scope

To take reasonable care to avoid foreseeable risks of injury arising from the state or condition of the premises; Extends to ensuring that the behavior of other persons, and activities carried out on the premises, do not place others at risk of foreseeable harm Does not extend to all things: Potential criminal activities, drunkenness, etc.

Manufacturer to Consumer Scope

To take reasonable care to prevent the product causing injury or loss to the consumer where: The product is sold in such a form as to show that it was intended that it reach the ultimate consumer in the form that it left the manufacturer; There is so reasonable possibility of intermediate examination of the product; It is reasonably foreseeable that the absence of reasonable care in thee preparation or putting up of the products will result in injury.

School Authorities to Students scope (Ramsay v Larsen)

To take reasonable care to protect against reasonably foreseeable risks of injury To take such precautions for safety on the occasion in question as reasonable parent would have taken in the circumstances

Road users to other road users scope (Bourhill v Young)

To use reasonable or proper care not to cause injury to other road users Avoidance of excessive speed, keeping a lookout, observing the traffic rules and signals


Too secret

Eggshell Skull Rule

Tortfeasor must take their victim as they find them; once an injury has occured due to def. negligence, any further damages they're liable for

Trade Adjustment Assistance

Trade Adjustment Assistance is a federal program that provides a path for employment growth and opportunity through aid to US workers who have lost their jobs as a result of foreign trade. This act was put in place as a way to reduce the damaging impact of imports felt by certain sectors of the U.S. economy. It was 4 components: Workers, Firms, Farmers, Communities. - SIGNIFICANCE: It was a way for government to compensate for the effects of free trade. TAA participants come from a variety of backgrounds and industries, and therefore many enter the program with a wide array of skills and experience. However, the majority of TAA participants who enter the program face similar challenges in obtaining reemployment, which can include no post-secondary degree, job skills solely in the manufacturing sector, or experience in a specific job that may no longer exist. The TAA program has been developed through legislation, regulation, and administrative guidance to best serve the needs of this unique population.


Traditionally German speaking territories

The idea that the best of human culture had passed from Greece through rome and then on to Western Europe was commonly accepted in the Middle Ages and was known as:

Transiatic studii

Compromised immune system for cancer

Use reverse isolation techniques. Massage and heat (irradiated areas for a minimum of 12 months)

British Invasion

Trends that reversed the Americanization of Europe

the seven liberal arts of a Renaissance education- grammar, logic, rhetoric, arithmetic, music, geometry, and astronomy- were collectively known as the:

Trivium and Quadriviuim

A 7B pencil lead is softer than 7H


In the eighteenth century, the passenger pigeon was the most abundant bird on earth, but by 1915 it was extinct. True or False


Isometric is the most common type of projection associated with 3D models


Multiview sketch to show the object from different angles


Scaling can be used both to make an object bigger or smaller


T/F Stalin had originally been destined for a career in the priesthood


T/F fascio means group or band and derives from the symbol of an ax and sticks


True or False? Japan's 1946 constitution contains a clause that prohibits the country from maintaining a military for the purposes of waging war


True or False? The United States and the Soviet Union fought together as allies against fascism during the Second World War.


True or False? The average person on the planet was better educated, lived a linger and healthier life, and had a higher income in 2010 than in 1970.


The most prominent internationally recognized, fully sovereign independent state to emerge from the former lands of the Ottoman Empire at the end of the First World War was the Republic of



Turkish lands

Battle of Stalingrad

Turning point. Bloodiest battle to that point

Bretton Woods

Two of the most influential international agencies were designed at a conference where?

WTO and the Shrimp/Turtle Case

U.S. law protects sea turtles from shrimp nets by requiring "turtle exclusion devices". US law prohibits shrimp imports from countries that don't require TEDs. Foreign shrimp producers from India, Malaysia and Pakistan filed a WTO case. The WTO struck down US law because the US discriminated between WTO members when it applied its law. The U.S. had provided some Caribbean countries with technical and financial assistance, as well as longer transition periods to start using TEDs. The complaining nations in Asia did not get this special treatment. The US adjusted its policy and this is significant because it shows the necessity of non-discrimination in trade laws. - SIGNIFICANCE: Some environmentalists think the WTO undermines national sovereignty by preventing countries from setting their own environmental policies due to the dispute settlement mechanism.




US alliance between allies

Summit diplomacy

US and Russia meeting to end the Cold War

Proper technique of MMT

Using gravity such as gravity resisted and gravity eliminated while patient performs ROM

in the painting Saint Mark Preaching in Alexandria, the artists Gentile and Giovanni Bellini intended to celebrate new commercial connections between Alexandria, Egypt, and what European city?


French king Louis XIV built for himself one of the world's most elaborate and ostentatious palaces in blank


Marshall Plan

US government foreign aid plan that provided over 13 billion in foreign aid to assist European economies in recovering from WW2. The aid was very effective and facilitated European economic integration since it erased trade barriers & set up institutions to coordinate European economies. By accepting US foreign aid, European countries had to establish a commitment to free trade and stable exchange rates (pegged to the US $). In addition to this, Marshall Plan recipients had to establish cooperative institutions in Europe. This gave the geopolitical rationale for the European Community (EC). - SIGNIFICANCE: The threat of communism was used to push past isolationist tendencies of the Republican party post ww2. President Truman exploited Republican's fears of Soviet expansion to convince them that the US had to implement the Marshall Plan. Truman warned that a post-war economic crisis in Europe would fuel support for Soviet communism. The way the US could contain the Soviet empire was by encouraging European economic prosperity. By giving US aid to Europe, they would prevent a repeat of the interwar hyperinflation and depression that fueled Hitler's rise to power. Truman thus conjoined the Marshall Plan with anti-Soviet "containment" via NATO.

First Navy ship named after an enlisted man

USS Osmond Ingram. First enlisted man killed in WWI

The Berlin Blockade

USSR cuts off support to Berlin

Japanese popular culture was vibrant during the Tokugawa era, evidenced by the popularity of woodblock prints, known in Japanese as:





Under Command of Col. Robert E. Lee (US Army) Marines stormed the arsenal at Harpers Ferry and stopped an attempted slave revolt led by abolitionist John Brown.

"Golden Fetters"

Under the Gold Standard, government's couldn't lower interest rates to stimulate demand. Keynes argued that in order to use monetary policy for countercyclical demand management, countries had to break from the Gold Standard. The nations that broke from the Gold Standard earlier did better during the Great Depression than those who held on to it. - SIGNIFICANCE: This is significant because it demonstrates the Unholy Trinity; the Gold Standard had fixed exchange rates and international capital mobility, but it did not allow for governments to pursue countercyclical monetary policy. To begin the economic recovery from the Great Depression, there had to be an increase in aggregate demand. There had to be devaluations in currencies, lower interest rates, and new fiscal policies.


Under the command of Colonel Robert E. Lee, U.S. Army, Marines stormed the United States arsenal at Harper's Ferry to put down an attempted slave revolt lead by abolitionist John Brown.



Italian Irredentism

Unite all Italian speaking people

Fasiculus Cuneatus

Upper limb

Vertical Integration

Vertical Integration refers to MNCs with vertical FDI. In vertical integration the MNC owns and controls different stages of a worldwide production process. It also exists due to the market imperfection of specific assets (e.g. specialized/ unique human or physical inputs). - SIGNIFICANCE: An example is Exxon, who owns and controls everything from oil wells, to transportation pipelines, to refining firms, to storage and distribution facilities, to retail gasoline stations. This demonstrates the importance and the reach of MNCs within the world economy and international trade. Vertical Integration, along with Horizontal integration, allows for MNCs to participate in international/ "Intra Firm" trade, which makes about 1/3 of all international trade.

Hollis v Vabu

Vicarious Liability; employee test

State of New South Wales v Lepore

Vicarious Liability; tort had to be committed in course of employment

fiercely (adv)

Violently; furiously; with rage- etremely (şiddetle,cayır cayır)

Which revolutionary leader wrote that imperialism was the "highest stage of capitalism," and urged anticolonial revolutionaries to unite across the boundaries of nations and empires?

Vladimir Lenin

Charles Baker and Sons (Defence)

Volenti: Plaintiff had knowledge of full risk AND Plaintiff freely and voluntarily accepted the risk

What was the final nail in the coffin for European colonial empires?


Civil Proceedings Act s60(2)

Wages are calculated net of tax

Korean War

War against Korea in 1950-1953

Russo-Japanese War

War between Russia and Japan over imperial possessions. Japan emerges victorious. The first time an Asian defeated a European nation in war

in the history of Japan the era that preceded the Tokugawa era, an era characterized by nearly constant conflict among Japan's many daimyō, is known as the:

Warring States Period

Opium Wars

Wars of the 19th century in which Great Britain asserted political and military dominance over China

Prague Spring

Warsaw Pact violently crushed a democratic movement

B) the cytoplasmic fluid will contain more potassium ions

When comparing the interstitial fluid to the cytoplasmic fluid of a resting neuron, ? A) the voltage difference across the membrane is equal B) the cytoplasmic fluid will contain more potassium ions C) the sodium-potassium pump does not operate D) two of the above statements are true E) three of the above statements are true

Malec v Hutton

Working till Retirement

By 2012, more than 150 member states of the __________ were responsible for 95 percent of international commerce

World Trade Organization

The process of decolonization, during which dozens of countries gained their independence from European empires, began immediately after:

World War II


Weak muscle tone

Transistor radios

What invention helped further the spread of popular music

Batch bioreactor

What kind of bioreactor uses sterile media that is innoculated once (no additional media is added)?

Government workers

What segment of the labor force expanded significantly

Mahoney v Kruschich

When a Plaintiff receives further injury due to the medical treatment of injuries caused by the Defendant, some degree of negligence in treatment is foreseeable, and provided that the Plaintiff acts reasonably in seeking or accepting treatment, negligent treatment will only break the chain of causation if it was "inexcusably bad".

Input Zone

Where a neuron receives chemical signals from other neurons

West Berlin

Where liberal democratic capitalism was thriving and the quality of life was improving across Western Europe

A. Frontal

Which lobe of the brain houses centers for speech and complex sentences? A) Frontal B) Occipital C) Temporal D) Parietal


Which of the following autoimmune diseases leads to a destruction of melanocytes? A) Diabetes (Type 1) B) Diabetes (Type 2) C) Multiple Sclerosis D) Vitiligo

B. Limbic System

Which of the following governs our emotions, has roles in memory and allows us to correlate organ activities with self-gratifying behaviors? A) Cerebrum B) Limbic System C) Medulla Oblongata D) Parietal lobe E) Broca's area


Which of the following ions lead to the release of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft? A) Calcium B) Sodium C) Potassium D) Magnesium E) Lithium

All of the above

Which of the following is a function of skin? A. Protective covering B. Protection from bacterial attack C. Production of Vitamin D D. Regulates internal temperature E. all of the above

Two of the above

Which of the following muscle tissues is\are striated in appearance? A. Skeletal B. Smooth C. Cardiac D. two of the above E. three of the above

D. Two of the above

Which of the following statements is\are TRUE? A. Repeated blows to the head can cause irreversible damage and result in CTE. B. A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that typically disrupts brain function for about 10 days. C. nerves that extend from the brain and spinal cord through the rest of the body are best classified as part of the central nervous system. D. two of the above E. three of the above

D. Two Of the above

Which of the following statements is\are TRUE? A) Action potentials travel more quickly down myelinated neurons when compared to nonmyelinated neurons B) Action potentials jump from node to node in myelinated neurons C) Alzheimer's disease has been linked to high levels of acetylcholine D) two of the above E)three of the above

Two Of the above

Which of the following statements is\are TRUE? A) Once a stimulus reaches a minimum threshold, sodium channels open and sodium ions move into the cytoplasmic fluid B) Once depolarization has ended, sodium gates open C) an action potential is self-propagating D) two of the above E) three of the above

C) Autonomic nerves are under involuntary control

Which of the following statements is\are TRUE? A) Parasympathetic nerves tend to speed the body up B) Sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves are synergistic C) Autonomic nerves are under involuntary control D) two of the above E)three of the above

D. Two of the above

Which of the following statements is\are TRUE? A) meninges cover the spinal cord and brain B) the blood-brain barrier is non- existent around the hypothalamus C) the cerebral spinal fluid does not protect the brain from sudden, jarring movements D) two of the above E) three of the above

Two of the above

Which of the following statements is\are true? A) Cnidarians have radial symmetry and a nerve net that allow for simple, stereotyped movements B) Nearly all animals have a nervous system C) Echinoderms are characterized by a ladder-like nervous system which includes longitudinal nerve cords, nerves, and ganglia D) two of the above E) three of the above

A. Dense Regular Connective

Which tissue is found in ligaments and tendons? A. Dense Regular Connective B. Loose Connective C. Dense Irregular Connective D. Smooth Muscle


Which type of tissue is located at the ends of long bones, and between the vertebrae? (It is resilient to compression). A. adipose B. cartilage C. dense connective tissue D. loose connective tissue


Worlds first operational switching network Led the way to the modern internet

In Feb. 1945, the "Big Three" (Churchill,Roosevelt, and Stalin) met for the last time at this resort on the Black Sea. There they discussed the division of Germany and the fate of Eastern Europe.


Iron Curtain

a "curtain" split between the democratic nations and communist nations. Winston Churchill

ethidium bromide

a DNA stain (indicator); glows orange when it is mixed with DNA and exposed to UV light; abbreviated EtBr

agricultural biotechnology

a collection of scientific techniques, including genetic engineering, that are used to create, improve,or modify plants, animals, and microorganisms.


a cytoplasmic extension of a motor neuron or interneuron that receives chemical signals and converts them to electrical signals


a difficult or perplexing situation or problem


a feeling of anger or displeasure about someone or something unfair


a group of firms acting in unison


a group of related families 部落


a hard choice

disservice (n)

a harmful action; an ill turn (kırmak,incitmek,kötülük,zararlı iş,hasar)


a horizontal group of cells in a worksheet identified by numbers


a law or set of laws


a major category or type of literature


a method or way of expressing something

مِكْنَسَةٌ, مَكانِسُ


عِدَّةُ كُتُبٍ

a number of books

عَدَّةُ أَسْئِلَةٍ

a number of questions

agent (n)

a person who acts or does business for another


a person who belongs to early stage of civilization


a person who wants to improve society

وَرَقَةٌ, اوْراق

a plant leaf or a sheet of paper


a quality, skill, or experience that makes a person suited to do a job


a quotation from or reference to a book, paper, or author, especially in a scholarly work.


a search, hunt; to search, seek, ask (araştırma)

ثانِيَةٌ, ثَوانٍ, الثَواني

a second in time


a series of activities trying to bring about a particular result


a short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person


a statement that is the opposite of another statement

frame (n)

a structure that provides premise or setting for a narrative (şekillendirme,ayarlamak,çerçeve)

gene therapy

a technique that places a gene into a cell to correct a hereditary disease or to improve the genome

Velum is

a thin translucent paper best for reproduction

Korean War

a war between North and South Korea; result of the spread of communism


a while


absolutely necessary

عُنْوانٌ, عَناوِيْنُ


إدارةٌ, إداراتٌ




in 1979 the soviet union invaded what country in an effort to stabilize an unpopular communist government


Tertiary Health Care

after illness is diagnosed and treated


age, tooth


air or wind

خُطُوطٌ جَوِّيَّةٌ


مَكْتَبُ خُطُوطٍ جَوِّيَّةٍ

airlines office

مطار, مطارات


osama bin ladin was the founder of an international terroris organization called

al qaeda

Osama bin Laden was the founder of an international terrorist organization called


خَمْرٌ, خمُوْرٌ

alcoholic drink

Medical Biotechnology

all the areas of research, development, and manufacturing of items that prevent or treat disease or alleviate the symptoms of disease

A radical political ideology committed to the dissolution of the state and direct control of the industrial economy by the working classes is known as what?



ancient Greek word meaning "people power"

أَخٌ, إخْواتٌ, إخْوَةٌ


جَوابٌ, أَجْوِبَةٌ


which of the following best describes a primary source?

any source produced during the time period being studied


application of mathematics and computer science to store, retrieve, and analyze biological data

عَقيدَةٌ , عَقائِدُ


much of scholars modern understanding of classical philosophy among the ancient greeks was preserved throughout the middle ages by


A scale with factors like 1/8 and 3/32 is a _________ scale


Pop Art

art based on modern popular culture and the mass media, especially as a critical or ironic comment on traditional fine art values.

there are two broad categories of primary sources: documents, which are texts that can be "read," and blank , which are objects that can be interpreted


Caltex Oil v The Dredge

ascertained class test; an individual has to be RF to suffer financial harm rather than a class of people(s). Proximity and Physical of the people and their work

قاعَةٌ , قاعَاتٌ

auditorium, hall

Which of the following ideas emerged out of the claims made by Charles Darwin and Sigmund Freud? Options: a. Enlightenment ideas were responsible for the global spread of progress and civilization. b. Humans' ability to rationally control the world, or even understand it, is limited. c. Increasing rationalization would eventually lead to the end of human conflict. d. Humans are essentially rational, self-interested beings with predictable behavior. e. With enough data and time, science could understand and predict human behavior.

b. Humans' ability to rationally control the world, or even understand it, is limited.

The era of "New Imperialism" was new compared to earlier eras of imperialism in all the following ways except: Options: a. it more effectively integrated colonies into global economic networks. b. it was driven primarily by Catholic missionary activities. c. it was more extensive in its territorial claims. d. it was facilitated by industrialization. e. it was more intensive in its reorganization of societies.

b. it was driven primarily by Catholic missionary activities



مَصْرِفٌ, مَصارِفُ


حَلّاقٌ, حلّاقُونَ


كُرَةُ السَلَّةِ


لِحْيَةٌ, لِحُىً


سَرِيرٌ، سُرُرٌ





belief that something will happen

جَرَسٌ, أَجْراسٌ



black or white board

شَقِيْقٌ, أَشِقَّاءُ

blood brother

كِتابٌ, كُتُبٌ



book cover

وَلَدٌ, أوْلادٌ





brocade (a kind of silk)

عِلاقَةٌ, علاقاتٌ


which of the following best describes the Enlightenment notion of "progress"?

continuous improvement is possible through the application of natural science to all aspects of life



نُسْخَةٌ, نُسَخٌ


مُصْحَفٌ, مَصاحِفُ

copy of the Quran

The term "Third World" most accurately refers to:

countries aligned with neither the United States nor the Soviet Union during the Cold War

The term "third world" most accurately refers to

countries aligned with neither the United States nor the USSR during the Cold War.

the term third world most accurately refers to

countries aligned with neither the united states nor the ussr during the cold war

دَوْلَةٌ, دُوَلٌ

country (f)

بَلَدٌ, بلادٌ, بُلْدانٌ

country (m)



Blueprint is

creating a copy of an existing drawing through chemical reaction

divergers (imaginative)

creative involve others in their process try to view concrete solutions from different perspectives do something new just for the sake of it people orientated can miss the point difficulty actually making decisions focus vs. more ideas

matthew arnold and edward burnett tylor were both prominent nineteenth century scholars of






يَوْمٌ, أيّام




Dien Bein Phu

defeat of the French forces by Vietnamese (led by Viet Minh) Last battle of the First Indochina War

enlightenment thinkers like Thomas Paine often criticized organized religion but still maintained an abstract belief in the existence of a supreme creator. we call this religious philosophy:


قِسْمٌ, أَقْسامٌ


the French "National Assembly," founded in June 1789, referred to what?

deputies of the Third Estate who claimed to represent the interests of all French people

what best describes how governments pursue a policy of import substitution industrialization

develop a manufacturing base to meet domestic demand for a variety of goods

which term refers to Karl Marx's philosophy of history?

dialectical materialism

مُعْجَمٌ, مَعاجِمُ


فَرْقٌ, فُرُوْقٌ



dirt or dust


disease outbreak that affects many people in a community or region at the same time



دُوْلارٌ, دُوْلاراتٌ


بابٌ, أبْوابٌ


مَهْجَعٌ, مَهاجِعُ






Gerund as a subject

e.g., 'Taking' a gap year is beneficial. e.g., Doctors should wash their hands before surgery. 'Hand washing' prevents spreading infection.



بَيْضَةٌ, بَيْضٌ



elevates mood; role in memory





إمْتِحانٌ, إمتحانات

exam or test (at school)

مِثالٌ, أَمْثِلَةٌ



expert who analyzes, explains and gives opinions on events 评论员

the countries represented by the term brick share who in common

experts expect that their economies will dominate the twenty first century


expressing much in few words

نَظّارَةٌ, نَظّاراتٌ

eye glasses

وَجْهٌ, وَجُوْة


The Vietnamese Declaration of Independence of September 1945 reflected the influence of all of the following except:




During the Tokugawa era in Japan, Japanese subjects were permitted to leave Japan to travel the world, but foreigners were not permitted to enter Japan


Napoleon was able to rise quickly through the ranks of the French military because of his noble background


Our modern categories of "left" and "right" in politics derived from the French Revolution. During the era of the "Reign of Terror," for instance, historians say the revolution moved increasingly to the "right."


Pre-Columbian Indian societies respected the land much more than their European counterparts, making sure to leave no lasting impact on their environment


T OR F: Despite the fact that both nations were at war with Nazi Germany, the United States refused to participate in an alliance with the Soviet Union because of Americans' deep-seated suspicions of communism.


T OR F: During the Second World War, the Allies refrained from bombing civilian populations.


T OR F: The consensus among historians is that U.S. president Ronald Reagan was chiefly responsible for the end of the Cold War and the collapse of communism.


among historians there is a general consensus that British imperialism was more beneficent and humane than what other European powers practiced


an example of a primary source from 17th-century France is the book, The Cat's Meow: The History of Cats in Seventeenth- century Paris, written by Mario Puzo in 2007.


delegates of the First and Second Estates insisted on their right to vote by head, since the representatives of those two orders outnumbered the representatives of the Third Estate


during the second world war the allies refrained from bombing civilian populations


if we were studying life in the New World under Spanish rule, a letter from a priest in Mexico to his superiors in Spain, written in 1623, would be considered a secondary source.


the "Whites Man's Burden" in nineteenth century British referred to white men's obligations to liberate colonized people from European empires.


the consnsus among historians is that us president ronald reagan was chiefly responsible of the end of the cold war and the collapse of communism


the period beginning with the execution of Louis XVI and characterized by increasing radicalization and violence in French society and politics is known as the "Thermidorian Reaction."


today, Germany is an exclusively Protestant country because it was the birthplace of Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation.


while Enlightenment thinkers often attacked organized religion, they did not attack the Catholic Church for fear that their lives might be n danger.


أُسْرَةٌ, أُسَرٌ


أبٌ, آباءٌ



feel and do


feel and watch





شَقَّةٌ, شَقَقٌ

flat or apartment

الذُبانُ, ذُبّانٌ


دَقِيْقٌ او طَحِيْن




quality assurance

focuses on the performance of workers, urging employees to strive for "zero defects"

in his influential work The Social Contract, the philosophe Jean-Jacques Rousseau popularized the concept of the blank, the idea that individuals in society had to surrender their natural liberties and fuse their individual will with a greater, communal identity in order to make fair and just laws.

general will



accommodators (dynamic)

getting things done initiating tasks getting personally involved willing to take risks strong sense of urgency need patience speed vs. input



بِنْتٌ, بِناتٌ


كُوْبٌ, أَكْوابٌ

glass or cup

إلَهٌ, آلِهَةٌ





going forward to something considered better



حُكومَةٌ , حُكوماتٌ


غِرام, غِراماتٌ




Pablo Picasso painted one of the most famous paintings of the twentieth century to memorialize a nazi german aerial bombardment on the small north Spanish town of...


ضَيْفٌ, ضُيُوْفٌ


عادَةٌ, غاداتٌ


حَدِيثٌ ، أَحادِيثُ




يَدٌ, أَيْدٍ/الأيْدِى





having to do with sight





Detail paper is

high cotton content paper best for initial design





خَيْلٌ, خُيُوْلٌ


مُسْتَشْفَى, مستشفيات

hospital (f)

فُنْدُقٌ , فنادق



hour, watch

بيت, بيوت



if someone or sth 's noteworthy , they are important or interesting ( önemli-dikkate değer)





The first generation of computers was made _____ and was funded by_________

in 1940 (s), military

Dense irregular connective

in deep skin layers, around intestine, and in kidney capsule

Dense regular connective

in tendons connecting muscle to bone and ligaments that attach bone to bone; provides stretchable attachment between body parts.

Tehran Conference

meeting of the Big Three to discuss war strategy, postwar planning, and the final attack on Germany

all of the following characterized the soviet union in the 1970s

it was the worlds largest oil producer, its people were growing weary of authoritarian government, it could not deliver the same quantity and variety of consumer goods as the west, it was spending more than it could afford on the arms race and proxy wars



عَصيرٌ, عَصائِر




Battle of Stalingrad

key battle in which Soviets stopped German advance. The turning point on the Eastern Front

كِيْلُوْمِتْرٌ, كيلومتراتٌ

kilometer (f)

the first major conflict of the cold war began in 1950, when war broke out on the peninsula of


سُلَّمٌ, سَلالِمُ

ladder or stairs

أرض, أَراضٍ, أَرْضونَ

land (f)

لغَةُ ، لغَـاتٌ




Yalta Conference

last meeting of the Big 3 to discuss 1) The fate of postwar Eastern Europe and 2) the occupation and division of postwar Germany


lasting for a very short time; brief


law (in regards to deen)


left hand





دَرْس, دُرُوس




دَرْسٌ , دُروسٌ


رِسالَةٌ , رَسائِلُ


The Soviet model for third-world development included all of the following characteristics except:

liberal democracy

مَكْتَبَةٌ , مَكْتَبَاتٌ



lie detector 测谎器


like that

قائِمَعٌ, قَوائِمُ



lively; pulsing with energy


loss of appetite



مَجَلَّة, مَجَلَّات


مَجَلَّةٌ, مَجَلّاتٌ


convergers (common sense)

make decisions from alternatives available move towards decisions very fast finds practical uses for theories may shut out info that doesn't fit the solution they develop may not involve others with different views technical vs. people

all of the following became newly independent countries in the years following the second world war

malaysia, india, indonesia, vietnam

رجل, رِجالٌ


Microbial Biotechnology

manipulation of microorganisms such as yeast and bacteria



All of the following social changes occurred during the 250 years of Tokugawa rule in Japan except:

many samurai abandoned their military posts and became farmers or merchants.

from 1948 to 1952 billions of dollars in aid from the united states helped to rebuild western europe after the second world war through program known as the

marshall plan

The foundation of drafting is laid on

mathematics and science



دَوائٌ, أَدْوِيَةٌ






The first CAD systems were running on _________

military facilities

مَنارَةٌ, مَنائِرُ



minute parasitic microbes that cause a disease

مِرْآةٌ, مَرايا


خَطَأٌ, أَخْطاءٌ




نَقْدٌ, نُقُوْدٌ

money or cash

شَهْرٌ, شُهُوْرٌ, أَشْهُرٌ




أُمٌّ, أُمَّهاتٌ


chinese communist leader ding xiaoping was responsible for

moving the country towards what he called "socialism with chinese characteristics", reforms that transformed china into the worlds largest trading nation, violent repression of prodemocracy protestors in tiananmen square in 1989, a modernization campaign that valued experimentation over communist principles



مُتْحَفٌ, مَتاحِفُ


اسْمٌ, أسْماءٌ


وَطَنٌ، أَوْطانٌ

nation (m)



جارٌ, جِيْرانٌ


Some scholars have used the word _______________ to describe the phenomenon, beginning in the nineteenth century, by which formally independent states, like many in Latin America, operated under a compromised sovereignty because they depended on external economic and/or military power in order to behave like a state.


the set of great depression policies aimed at changing the relationship between the united states and government and the economy, based on the premise that the modern state had an obligation to manage the economy and address social welfare needs, was known as the

new deal

جَرِيدَةٌ، جَرائِدُ






لَيْلٌ ، لَيالٍ





not certain


not clear


not obvious

دَقْتِرٌ, دَفاتِر


رَقْمٌ, أَرْقامٌ


مَرَّةٌ ، مَرَّاتٌ


Cell Body

of a neuron, contains the nucleus and other organelles



In oblique sketch

one face of the object is parallel to paper and the other sides are at an angle


only (sole usage or just doing something)

founded in 1960 whites an international organization that at the time aimed to protect its member nations "permanent sovereignty over their natural resources in the interest of national development" and the challenge the power of the united states and europe


characterized nazi fascism

opposition to communism and liberalism, scapegoating of jews, military style political organizations, ultranationalism



transgenic organisms

organism that contains genes from other organisms

assimilators (analytical)

organizing and integrating info planners creating models developing theories slow to make decisions



Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

ownership of productive assets by foreign residents for purposes of controlling uses of those assets; CONTROL distinguishes FDI from foreign bank loans or bond lending

عُلْبَةٌ, عُلَبٌ

packet or can

صَفْحَةٌ, صَفَحاتٌ


كَفٌّ, أَكُبٌّ


وَرَقٌ, اوْراق


linear perspective

parallel lines appear to converge with distance


parents submit to their children's desires


part of a line with two endpoints

راكِبٌ, رُكَّابٌ


قَلَمٌ, أقْلامٌ




أَهْلٌ ، أَهَالٍ، أَهْلُونَ





people (pl. m.)



هاتِفٌ, هَواتِفُ


صُوْرَةٌ, صُوَرٌ




قُرْصٌ, أَقْراصٌ

pill or tablet

مِخَدَّةٌ, مَخادُّ


مَكانٌ، أَماكِنُ وأَمْكِنَةٌ




كَوْكَبٌ, كَواكِبُ


لاعِبٌ, لاعِبُوْنَ




خَيْبٌ, خُيُوْبٌ


which countries implemented communist models of political economy

poland, china, north korea, north vietnam


polymerase chain reaction

مَكْتَبُ البَريدِ

post office


public announcement


purified or concentrated 蒸馏

حَقيبَةٌ , حَقائِبُ

purse, briefcase, suitcase

سُؤَالٌ, أَسْئِلَةٌ




إذاعَةٌ, إذاعاتٌ

radio station









Conducting Zone

region through which signals flow from the trigger zone to the output zone


related to a major city


relating to races

قَرِيْبٌ, أَقْرِباءُ


After achieving its independence in 1947, the former British colony of India descended into violence due to regional differences in:


after achieving its independence in 1947 the former british colony of india descended into violence due to regional differences in


مَطَعَمٌ, مَطاعِمُ


Long March

retreat by Mao Zedong (CCP) and his followers evading the GMD



when someone is accused of revising a story of the past to fit a contemporary political agenda, that person is being accused of


جائِزَةٌ, جَواءِزُ




first us president to visit china

richard nixon


right hand

نَهْرٌ, أَنْهارٌ



shape,growth (kalıba dökme,şekil verme,kalıp,şekil)

قَمِيْصٌ, قُمْصان


حذاءٌ, أَحْذِيَةٌ


دُكَّانٌ, دَكاكِيْنُ



short account of event




shows which genes are being actively transcribed in a sample from a cell





أُخْتٌ, أخَواتٌ


The difference between technical drawing and sketch is

sketch lacks scale, accurate dimension and annotation

عَبْدٌ, عِبادٌ


Historians' interpretations of the U.S. Civil War have changed over time. Most used to believe that the Civil War was fought over something called "states' rights." Today, there is a general historical consensus that the cause of the Civil War was:


all of the following are true of radicalized chattel slavery in North America in the nineteenth century except:

slavery was becoming prohibitively expensive and fewer planters chose to use slave labor

كُمٌّ, أَكْمَامٌ




حَيَّةٌ, حَيَّاتٌ




كُرَةُ القَدَمِ


all of the following were true of nineteenth century socialism except:

socialists promoted free market capitalism and rejected government regulation of economic life


something suggested

ابْنٌ, أبْناءٌ





spirit 精神


sports (phy ed)

when the founding ruler of the soviet union vladimir lenin died who emerged as the new leader


مَحَطَّةٌ, مَحَطّاتٌ

station (gas, train, etc)







Which of the following best describes the goal of the Truman Doctrine and the policy of containment?


قِصَّةٌ, قِصَصٌ





strong enough to overcome host resistance and cause disease


study of the structure and function of proteins in the human body


study of whole genomes, including genes and their functions

مادَّة , مُوادٌ

subject (of study)

عُطْلَةُ الصَّيْفِ

summer vacation



سُوْرَةٌ, سُوَرٌ


In the Soviet Union, the Gulag was the name for the:

system of labor camps for political prisoners

in the soviet union the gulag was the name for the

system of labor camps for political prisoners

تَفْسيرٌ , تَفاسير



taking credit for someone else's writing or ideas


taking or eating



فَرِيْقٌ, فُرَقَاءُ


polymerase chain reaction

technique that allows molecular biologists to make many copies of a particular gene

Recombinant DNA technology

technology that combines genes from different sources into a single DNA molecule

بَرْقِيَّةٌ, بَرْقِيّاتٌ


When did Europeans start referring to themselves and their "kin" in North America as "the west"?

the 1940s


the Hereafter


the Prophet's biography

The Second Indochina War was a conflict between:

the United States and North Vietnam

Animal Biotechnology

the application of biotechnology methods to improve animals.

from where did Europeans borrow mathematical innovations like algebra and the algorithm.

the arab and muslim worlds


the failure to show up for work

which of the following best describes the thinking of the may fourth movement in china

the great powers had betrayed china in its effort to build a functioning state


the interplay that occurs when the effect of one factor (such as environment) depends on another factor (such as heredity) 相互作用


the marketplace in ancient Greece


the negative

which of the following was not an explanation for the French government's fiscal crisis in the 1780s

the peasantry persistently revolted against the crown and refused to pay its fair share of taxes

Policy of Containment

the policy that tried to keep communism from spreading; led to the US involvement in the Korean War and the Vietnam War

Cold War

the power struggle between the Soviet Union and the United States after World War II in order to dominate international affairs

كُتُبٌ مُقَرَّرَةٌ

the prescribed textbooks

Parthenon Frieze

the procession of the Panathenaea in relief sculpture

the "Great Schism" (sometimes called the "Western Schism") refers to what?

the simultaneous rule of two popes in the 14th and 15th centuries

quality control

the strategy for minimizing errors by managing each stage of production


the study of how genetic inheritance affects the body's response to drugs

the idea that the best human culture had passed from greece through rome and then onto western europe was commonly accepted in the middle ages and was known as

translation studii





Calvinism is a branch of Protestantism


T OR F: By 2012, only 35% of the worlds population used the internet.


T OR F: Japans 1946 constitution contains a clause that prohibits the country from maintaining a military for the purposes of waging war.


T OR F: The Persian Gulf War of 1990-1991 motivated Osama Bin Laden and al-Qaeda to declare a jihad against the U.S. and its allies.


the nation in the best position to drive global economic recovery after world war 1 was

the united states

Forensic Biotechnology

the use of biotechnology to establish identities

First Indochina War

the war between the Viet Minh and the French from 1946 to 1954



which best describes the way that Bartolomé de las Casas, a conquistadors turned priest, portrayed the inhabitants of the New World?

they were peaceful, innocent, and gentle.

ِشَيْءٌ, أَشْياءُ



think and do


think and watch


this world

تَذْكِرَةٌ, تَذاكِرُ


وَقْتٌ, أَوْقاتٌ


وَقْتٌ، أَوْقاتٌ



to bring about


to cause (events, esp in newspaper reports) to seem more vivid, shocking, etc., than they really are 危言耸听


to come together


to communicate


to deal or bargain with another or others 谈判


to delay; to stop or prevent from happening


to deprive of the right to vote (haklarından mahrum etmek)

which of the following best describes the goals of the 1944 international meeting at bretton word, New Hampshire

to establish a blueprint for postwar international economic cooperation


to expect beforehand


to gather and combine


to make clear


to put in


to receive (with لِل....على )

portray (v)

to represent or describe in pictures or words (resmetmek,sergilemek)


to reserve


to separate from others


to show clearly


to stop

مِرْحاضٌ, مَراحِيْض


historians once believed that pre-Columbian Indian societies were small and scattered, but they now believe they were large- some estimates claim as many as 100 million- and integrated with each other through sophisticated trade networks.


if we were studying life in the New World under Spanish rule, a book by Andrés Reséndez titled The Other Slavery: The Uncovered Story of Indian Enslavement in America, published in 2015, would be considered a secondary source.


japans 1946 constitution contains a clause that prohibits the country from maintaining a military for the purpose of waging war


only 35 percent of the worlds population used internet


the "scientific socialism" of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels rejected the naive idealism of the "utopian socialists" of the early nineteenth century


the average person on the planet was better educated, lived longer and healthier life, and had a higher income in 2010 than in 1970


the united states and the soviet union fought together as allies against fascism during the second world war


the most prominent internationally recognized, fully sovereign independent state to emerge from the former lands of the ottoman empire at the end of the first world war was the republic of...




ّّذُو وَجْهَيْنِ






Loose Connective

underlies most epithelia; provides support and serves as a fluid reservoir

Adipose Tissue

underlies skin and occurs around heart and kidneys; stores energy, provides insulation, cushions and protects some body parts

جامِعَةٌ , جامَعاتٌ


جامِعَةٌ , جامِعَاتٌ


stem cells

unspecialized cells that are able to renew themselves for long periods of time by cell division


unwilling to make or express an apology

CAE is the process of

using computer in analysis and design of a model using CAD model

زيارةٌ , زياراتٌ



visiting the sick

صَوْتٌ, أَصْواتٌ

voice or sound





طَريقٌ, طُرُق

way or road

which of the following best describes how we know what we know about pre-Columbian civilizations?

we can read many Europeans accounts, but we must take into account European ethnocentrism.





أُسْبوعٌ , أَسابيعٌ

week (m)





عَجَلَةٌ, عَجَلٌ




نافِذَةٌ, نَوافِذُ


أمرأَةٌ ( المرأة ), نِساءٌ, نِسْوةٌ


كَلِمَةٌ, كَلِماتٌ




عَمَلٌ، أَعْمالٌ




by 2012 more than 150 member states of what organization were responsible for 95 percent of international commerce

world trade organization



سَنَةٌ , سَنَواتٌ, سَنون

year (f)

عامٌ , أَعْوامٌ

year (m)

eukaryotic microbes

yeast, algae, and protozoans

فَتَى, فِتِيَّةٌ

young man

فَتاةٌ, فَتَياتٌ

young woman

حَدِيْقَةُ الحَيَواناتِ


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