104.4 Consult Service Essential
Some tips for successful consultation include maintain _____ contact and sit ____ to your client during consultation so they don't have to look up at you. Ask the client what they _____ about their hair and any _____ they have. Add any relevant notes to the client consultation card or _____.
eye, next, like, concerns, record
To consult, analyze the client's ______ and ____, visualize _____ results, organize the _____ for follow-through and obtain client ______.
wants, needs, end, plan, consent
When consulting with a client, be sure to gain the clients _____ before continuing on with the service. Be sure to ask the client if you can make _______ or share _____. Help them see the link between what they _____ and what they ______. Be sure to gain _____ from the client and explain ____ of upkeep and home care for the style. If you sense hesitation, ask additional ________ to clarify what the client really wants. Ensure that all ____ for the service have bee explained and _______ is clear.
consent, recommendation, ideas, want, have, feedback, cost, questions, costs, timeframe
When consulting, visualize the ____ results. Ask yourself the following questions: "what type of ____ is needed to achieve this look?,""what type of ________ services or _______ was used to achieve this look?," "what _____ were used to achieve this look?," "what additional services were used to achieve this overall look?"
end, haircut, chemical, treatments, products
Consultations help connect to your client; Be ____ with your client and maintain and ____ smile and a _____ tone. If you can't give the client what they want, explain why instead of saying ___. Be sure to schedule enough time to consult ____ the service and schedule extra time for _____ clients. When consulting, use ____ aids to help the client communicate and explain what they ____.
honest, kind, reassuring, no, before, new, visual, want
When consulting, analyze the client's wants and needs. Consider your client's _____, _______ preferences and budget _______. Analyze the client's _________ attributions such as body type, facial shape, and natural hair scheme. Be sure to ask _____-____ questions. Use "_____" questions to help uncover what the client wants but does not currently have. Use "____ questions to determine what their current challenges and problems they currently have.
lifestyle, maintenance, considerations, physical, open-ended, want, have
When consulting with a client, you need to organize the ____ for the follow-through. Be sure to share a brief _____ with the client and explain the need for any _______ services if required to create the desired result; _______ becomes natural process when your clients desire a particular look.
plan, summary, additional,upselling
When dealing with consultation records, be sure to never leave them where anybody can ______ them. Keep all records safely ______ and/or put away. ______ to client records before each consultation/visit with the client. Update the client records at the _____ of the consultation and/or service.
read, secured, refer, end