11th grade. Lesson 4. Stress less

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

(to) ace an exam

to ace an exam (здати екзамен на високий бал): - if I could ace the exam, I would be extremely happy

(to) scrape through an exam / (to) pass an exam by the skin of your teeth

to barely pass an exam with a lot of difficulty (ледве скласти іспит з великими труднощами): - if Jeanne were more attentive at the lessons, she wouldn't scrape through an exam. I'm sure her usual results would be better then; - did you pass the test? Yeah, I managed to scrape through, but I was hoping to do better

(to) flunk an exam

to fail an exam (завалити екзамен): - if I didn't like English so much, I would definitely flunk the tests

(to) pass an exam with flying colors / (to) sail through an exam

to pass an exam easily, with an excellent result (здати екзамен легко та з гарними результатами): - believe me, you would sail through the exams, if you dedicated more time to your preparation; - Samantha was rather nervous taking her final exam, but she passed with flying colors! Her parents are very proud of her now

(to) pull all-nighters

to stay up all night to study, work etc. (вчитися, працювати, тощо всю ніч): - who is happy with constant studying? That's why students sometimes ignore preparation during the school year and start to cram for exams (actively learning everything) a few days before the tests; - if Tom knew history better, he wouldn't have to pull all-nighters before the exam; - today, I haven't been able to finish my homework, and there's a lot left, so I think I might have to pull all-nighters

(to) cram for an exam

to study a lot shortly before the test (зубрити перед екзаменом): - who is happy with constant studying? That's why students sometimes ignore preparation during the school year and start to cram for exams (actively learning everything) a few days before the tests; - if I were you, I would cram for an exam right now instead of watching that reality-show


Ігнорувати; не звертати увагу; нехтувати; зневажати

plenty of

багато; достатня кількість


безсумнівно; звичайно; певно

messy room

брудна кімната: - not everyone prefers the same conditions. For some people, studying with music or in a little messy room can be more comfortable

(to) be drowsy

бути сонним: - remember that a few things you may learn during last night aren't worth the possible failure because of being drowsy, inattentive and tired at the test


в будь-якому випадку; все одно; що б там не було


впевненість; самовпевненість; довіра


відкривати; довідуватися; виявляти


відчайдушний; безнадійний; безрозсудний; розпачливий: - who is happy with constant studying? That's why students sometimes ignore preparation during the school year and start to cram for exams (actively learning everything) a few days before the tests

get ready

готуватися; збиратися

till the next meeting!

до наступної зустрічі!


досліджувати; оглядати; вивчати; розглядати; перевіряти


досягати; добиватися; успішно виконувати: - whatever I get, I will be proud of myself and value how much I have already achieved


замість; замість цього; натомість: - have a cup of coffee or a cola if you like, but don't go overboard. Drink a cup of herbal tea instead. It can make you feel more relaxed and increase your water balance


занепокоєння; тривога; неспокій: - be careful with caffeine. It can make you feel nervous, which can contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety


запобігати; перешкоджати; попереджати; відвертати; упереджати: - a lot of health problems could be prevented if people ate better

fall asleep

засинати; заснути

stressed out

застосовується тоді, коли мова йде про людину, що сильно перехвилювалася: - I want to speak to you about tests and exams that are waiting for you. Do these words make you feel anxious, scared or stressed out?


зберігати; залишати; утримувати; лишати; пам'ятати: - when you "chunk" your study time over the course of a longer period of time, such as a few days or weeks, you will retain more of the information


required by law or a rule; obligatory (обов'язковий; обов'язковий для всіх; примусовий)


тиск; натиск; нагніт


about to happen soon (майбутній; прийдешній)


as a noun - безладдя; безлад; as a verb - захаращувати: - decide whether you work better with a bit of clutter or if a clean, fresh workspace is what you prefer


as a verb - збільшувати; збільшуватися; зростати; наростати; підвищуватися; as a noun - зростання; підвищення; приріст; наростання; надбавка: - have a cup of coffee or a cola if you like, but don't go overboard. Drink a cup of herbal tea instead. It can make you feel more relaxed and increase your water balance


as a verb - стежити; простежувати; відслідковувати; прокладати шлях; іти по сліду; as a noun - траса; колія; трек; слід: - track the level of light in the room

pay attention to (...)

звертати увагу на (...): - pay attention to background noise. Does music help you concentrate or do you need a quiet environment in which to study?


звичка, звичай; схильність; навичка


зменшити; зменшувати; знижувати; убавляти; скорочувати: - getting a good night's sleep reduces the effects of stress

release stress

зняти стрес

take a deep breath

зробити глибокий вдих



(a) condition

кондиція; стан; умова; становище; положення; хвороба: - not everyone prefers the same conditions. For some people, studying with music or in a little messy room can be more comfortable


м'ята; перцева м'ята: - peppermint, chamomile and passionflower are also choices to consider

afford (something)

мати змогу дозволити собі щось: - you could afford a new mobile if you didn't waste your money on sweets and games


мудро; розумно


навколишнє середовище; оточення; довкілля: - pay attention to background noise. Does music help you concentrate or do you need a quiet environment in which to study?


наляканий; зляканий; переляканий


наслідок; результат; підсумок; розв'язка

don't go overboard

не перестарайтеся: - be careful with caffeine. It can make you feel nervous, which can contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety. Have a cup of coffee or a cola if you like, but don't go overboard


неохайний; брудний; безладний: - not everyone prefers the same conditions. For some people, studying with music or in a little messy room can be more comfortable

lack of sleep

нестача сну: - coffee and lack of sleep increase the level of stress


неуважний: - remember that a few things you may learn during last night aren't worth the possible failure because of being drowsy, inattentive and tired at the test


обстановка; краєвид; пейзаж; декорації: - a change of scenery can give you a fresh look at the material


перевантажений; приголомшений; переповнений; пригнічений: - exam time is not easy, so you are not alone in feeling a bit overwhelmed with preparation


переповнювати; сповнювати; завалювати чимсь; вражати; пригнічувати

proud of myself

пишаюся собою


планування: - scheduling your studying helps to be focused during an exam


повторювати; переглядати; перевіряти: - my parents would feel disappointed if I didn't revise for my exams


попереду; спереду; уперед: - a lot of opportunities are waiting for you ahead

(a) tip

порада; чайові; підказка; наконечник; кінчик; мундштук:

sleep disorders

порушення сну


постійний; сталий; незмінний

lead to stress

приводити до стресу


присвячувати; присвячувати себе; відкривати: - believe me, you would sail through the exams, if you dedicated more time to your preparation


реаліті-шоу: - if I were you, I would cram for an exam right now instead of watching that reality-show


розглядати; вважати; враховувати; брати до уваги: - peppermint, chamomile and passionflower are also choices to consider

cut into

розділити на частини; перерізати; переривати


розчарований; засмучений: - my parents would feel disappointed if I didn't revise for my exams

break up

розійтися (про пару); розірвати стосунки; також у формі "break something up" має значення - ділити щось на певну кількість шматків: - break up your study time into chunks over days, or even weeks


ромашка: - peppermint, chamomile and passionflower are also choices to consider


спокій; незворушність; тиша


сприяти; робити внесок; вкладати; жертвувати: - be careful with caffeine. It can make you feel nervous, which can contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety

manage to

спромогтися; справитися; змогти: - did you pass the test? Yeah, I managed to scrape through, but I was hoping to do better

(to) face

стикатися; зустрічати сміливо

herbal tea

трав'яний чай: - have a cup of coffee or a cola if you like, but don't go overboard. Drink a cup of herbal tea instead. It can make you feel more relaxed and increase your water balance


тривожний; занепокоєний; стурбований; заклопотаний; неспокійний

dim light

тьмяне світло; приглушене (слабке) світло: - some people study better with light, others study better in dimmer light


тільки; ледве; лише


уважний (зокрема уважний до людей); турботливий


уникати; ухилятися; обминати

background noise

фоновий шум: - pay attention to background noise. Does music help you concentrate or do you need a quiet environment in which to study?


хвилювання; тривожний; хвилюючий

it makes me so anxious (it makes me feel anxious)

це мене так хвилює: - I want to speak to you about tests and exams that are waiting for you. Do these words make you feel anxious, scared or stressed out?


шматок; кусень; скиба; товстий шматок: - break up your study time into chunks over days, or even weeks


щасливий; везучий


явно; очевидно; безсумнівно

if I were you, (...)

якби я був на твоєму місці (...): - if I were you, I would cram for an exam right now instead of watching that reality-show; - I wouldn't drink that milk if I were you

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