Naturalization Interview n400

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Were you from a town or a city?

A town/a city

Have you been waiting a long time to talk to me today? = Did you wait long?

About 15 minutes.

How much do you weigh? = How heavy are you?

100 pounds

How many years of education did you study in Vietnam?

12 years at school, and 2 years at college.

What is your current address? = Where do you currently live? = Can you confirm your physical address?

12161 Anzio Street, Garden Grove, California, 92840.

What is your Alien registration number? = Can you verify your Alien registration number?


What kind of housing are you living in? = What kind of accommodation are you living in?

A single house.

When did you start living here?

March 2017

What is your mailing address? = That's your current mailing address, too? = Is that also your mailing address?

My current address is the same as my mailing address.

Did you have any trouble finding the building?

No, officer.

Do you have any expired passports?

No, officer.

I'm good. Thanks. Did you have problems getting here?

No, officer.

Did your husband come with you today?


Do you have any questions before we start?


Have you been directed to self-quarantine or self-isolate by a health care provider or public health official within the last 14 days?


Have you been in close contact with anyone known or suspected to have Covid-19 within the last 14 days?


Have you ever gone by any other names? = Do you have any aliases? = What other names have you had?


Have you had any symptoms of Covid-19, including cough, fever, or difficulty breathing?


Have you travelled out of the country within the last 14 days?


Are either of your parents United States citizens? = Is your mother or father a U.S citizen?

No. They passed away.

Was the traffic bad?

Not bad.

What is your previous address? = Where else have you lived in the past five (or three) years? = Have you lived at any other addresses in the past 5 years?

507 South Euclid Street, 164 Santa Ana, California, 92704.

What is the best phone number to contact you? = What's the best number to reach you? = What is your phone number in case we contact you?


What is your U.S. Social Security Number? = Can you verify your Social Security Number?


When did you become a legal permanent resident? = When did you become a lawful permanent resident? = What is your date of admission to become a lawful permanent resident?

February 23rd, 2017.

When were you approved for your green card (permanent residence)?

February 23rd, 2017.

How many times have you left the U.S. to avoid being drafted into the military?

Never, Officer.

Good. Please come in. Watch your step.

Thank you.

Great. Here is your appointment letter and your ID. Please take this waiting number and have a seat in the waiting area. We will call you when your interview is ready.

Thank you.

Here's your appointment letter and your ID. Please take everything and go to the customer service counter ahead. Someone there will assist you. Please pay close attention to the markings on the floor.

Thank you.

Put down your hand. You may sit down.

Thank you.

How much rent do you pay per month?

$1000 a month

What is your race?


What color is your hair?


What is it?

Application for Citizenship.

What time is your appointment?

At 10 a.m.

What port did you enter the United States? = What entry did you enter the U.S.? = At what port were you admitted to the United States?

At the LA airport.

How did you get here?

By Uber.

Can you spell your given name? = Can you spell your first name?


When were you lawfully admitted for permanent residence? = When were you lawfully admitted for permanent residency? = When did you take up permanent residency? = When were you granted permanent residence?

February 23rd, 2017.

What is your sex?


How tall are you? = What is your height?

Five feet one inch.

Good morning. How can I help you?

Good morning. I'm here for my citizenship interview.

Can I also have your USCIS appointment letter and your ID please?

Here you go.

Did you do anything fun over the weekend?

I go to the church on the weekend.

Do you know what an oath is? = What did you just promise?

I promise to tell the truth.

Do you own your house or do you rent it?

I rent it./I own it.

Why do you want to vote?

I want to help elect new people to office.

Why do you want to become an American citizen?

I want to vote.

What did you do in Vietnam? = What was your job/occupation in Vietnam?

I was a teacher.

What would happen if you didn't tell the truth?

I will fail my citizenship interview.

How are you eligible to become a United States citizen? = What is your eligibility to become a U.S. citizen?

I'm 62 years old. I married a U.S citizen. I have had a green card for over 4 years.

Hello. How are you doing?

I'm great. Thank you. How about you?

Do you understand why you are here today?

I'm here for my citizenship interview.

How can I assist you?

I'm here for my citizenship interview.

Why did you move to the current address?

It has a cheaper rent.

How's the weather outside?

It's sunny.

What is your date of birth? = When is your birthday? = When were you born?

Jan. 10th, 1959.

How did you come to the United States?

My husband sponsored me.

How did you get your green card?

My husband sponsored me.

I need to ask you a few questions before letting you in. Please listen carefully and answer them truthfully.


Just a reminder that you have to have your mask on the entire time unless instructed otherwise. Please put all of your belongings including things in your pocket into the bin. Then walk through the metal detector.


Let's go over some logistics before we start the interview. First, I will review your application form to make sure all the information is correct. Then, we will do the Civics test, and the English reading and writing test. If everything goes well, we will be done in about 20 to 30 minutes.


Please come in and remain standing. Before we start our interview, I need you to take the oath. Please raise your right hand.


Please sign in on this sheet.


How many people accompanied you to the United States?

Only me.

How long have you been a permanent resident?

Over 4 years.

How long have you had your green card (permanent residence card)?

Over 4 years.

How long have you lived at this address? = How long have you lived there?

Over 4 years.

Can you spell your last name? = Can you spell your family name? = Can you spell your surname?


Part 1: Information about your eligibility.

Part 1.

Part 2: Information about you.

Part 2.

What is your full name? = Can you confirm your legal name, please? = What is the name listed on your green card?

Pham Dung Thi Ngoc.

When did you live there? = When did you live at your last address?

September 2015

Show me your green card, your state-issued ID, and all your passports.

Sure, officer.

Good. I'm Officer Dan, and I'm going to conduct your interview today. Please follow me.


Can you spell your middle name?


What is your country of origin? = Where were you born? = What is your place of birth?


What is your nationality?


Are you ready for the interview?

Yes, I am ready.

Are you able to sign your name in English? = Can you give your signature in English?

Yes, I can.

Can you speak, read, and write English? = Are you able to speak, read, and write English? = Can you communicate in English?

Yes, I can.

"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?"

Yes, I do.

Do you know what Form N-400 is?

Yes, I do.

Do you understand what you have written on your application?

Yes, I do.

Mrs. Dung Pham.

Yes, I'm here.

Did you come here voluntarily?

Yes, officer.

Do you believe in religious freedom?


Could you show me your appointment letter and your ID please?

Yes. Here you go.

Are you Hispanic or Latino? = Do you ever identify as a person of Hispanic or Latino origin?


Did you have any disability that requires an accommodation for this interview? = Did you have any mental illnesses?


Did you have other visas before you got your green card?


Do you still live at the same address since you've submitted your application? = Did you move after applying for naturalization?


Is this a mobile number?


Is this your home number?


Were your parents married prior to your 18th birthday? = Were your parents married before you turned 18 years old?


What color are your eyes? = What is the color of your eyes?


What is your email address?

[email protected]

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