2018 APS World History Q3 - A.P.P.L.e Digital

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Which three statements are true about Sergei Witte?

- He encouraged the funding of the Trans-Siberian Railway. - He established a network of government-run savings banks. - He put Russia's currency, the ruble, on the gold standard

In a nationalist's view, what defines a nation?

A shared identity based on culture or language

What prohibited the slave trade in Africa?

Berlin Act of 1885

What settled territorial disputes between European nations?

Berlin Conference of 1884

What marked the beginning of Scramble for Africa?

Colonization of the Congo

Means of production owned by the people and the government for the welfare of society.


Which war during the mid-1800s weakened the economy of the Ottoman Empire?

Crimean War

Whose invention led to an increased demand for labor on cotton plantations?

Eli Whitney's Cotton Gin

By 1942, Germany was fighting a war on two fronts. Which nation was part of Germany's western front?


What US-related development declared Cuba a U.S. protectorate?

Platt Amendment

The unification of Italy and Germany was masterminded by strong leaders who relied on _____________________.


What US-related development stated that the United States would act as a police force for economic disputes between Latin America and Europe?

Roosevelt's Corollary

Who controlled the Phillipines during the Age of Imperialism?

The United States

Which factor contributed to the Great Famine in Ukraine?

collectivization of farms

What was President Wilson's main motivation in drafting his Fourteen Points?

securing a just and lasting peace in Europe

What were two actions that Czar Alexander III took in response to the assassination of his father, Alexander II?

- encouraging nationalism - returning to conservative political policies

How did changes in people's living arrangements caused by the Agricultural Revolution influence the rise of industrialization in Britain?

A large labor force that had left the villages was available for work in city factories.

Which sentence best explains how the widespread application of steam power affected English agriculture in the first half of the nineteenth century?

Agricultural produce could be marketed far from the areas where it was grown.

How was Persia divided in 1907?

Among Russia, Britain, and the shah of Persia

Which Holocaust victim's writings are titled The Diary of a Young Girl?

Anne Frank

Which country fought Germany the longest during World War II and remained unoccupied to the end?


Identify whether the following actions of Alexander II were liberal or conservative. - retaining the power to overrule local government decisions - making land difficult for serfs to purchase


Put the following events of the Russian Revolution in chronological order. World War I begins. Food and fuel shortages lead to widespread revolts. Czar Nicholas II ascends to the throne. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republic is established. Czar Nicholas's family is murdered by the Red Army.

Czar Nicholas II ascends to the throne. World War I begins. Food and fuel shortages lead to widespread revolts. Czar Nicholas' family is murdered by the Red Army. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republic is established.

Cause: - Enclosure Acts prevented small farmers from working on common lands. - Paid workers increased the demand for manufactured goods. - Factory owners strived to increase profit.

Effects: - People moved from rural to urban areas. - Slavery became a less attractive form of labor. - Workers were subjected to poor working conditions and long hours.

Who controlled Indochina during the Age of Imperialism?


Who was a a part of the Allied Powers?

France, Italy, Russia, Japan

Who controlled Singapore during the Age of Imperialism?

Great Britain

Whose invention reduced the number of workers needed to plant crops?

Jethro Tull's Seed Drill

How did modernization affect Japan as a nation?

Modernization of Japan's industry helped the country become politically and financially stronger.

What US-related development stated that European interference in the Western Hemisphere would be treated as an act of aggression?

Monroe Doctrine

Otto von Bismarck and Camillo Benso leaders used _______________ to unite people in supporting their aims.


Which was the last island that the Allies captured before preparing to attack mainland Japan?


What US-related development helped the United States reduce time and costs related to trade?

Panama Canal

What effect did the Enclosure Acts have on people's working lives?

Small farmers could no longer work on common lands and had to move to cities for work.

How did the Russian Revolution impact World War I?

The Russians pulled out from the war, enabling the Germans to focus on the Western front.

What was the effect of the invention of the cotton gin on the United States in the first half of the nineteenth century?

The South became more dependent on slavery, deepening the differences between the South and the North.

Why was access to the oil fields of the Middle East important to Germany?

The oil fields would help fuel Germany's massive air force, strengthening its military.

What was the main reason behind the Sepoy Rebellion of 1857?

The sepoys were unhappy with the use of pig and cow fat for sealing rifle cartridges.

What is the common characteristic of utopianism, socialism, and communism?

They all emerged as a reaction to the harmful flaws of capitalism.

Why were the Jews stigmatized as outsiders in Europe during the Middle Ages?

They did not accept Christianity, the main religion of Europe.

What were two ways that countries used economic policies to control the cost of World War I?

They set prices on goods and materials needed for the war effort and introduced rules to ban factory workers from going on strike.

Which of the following issues was often a problem for local farmers in a colonized region?

They were forced to grow crops that benefited the colonizing nations instead of feeding their own people.

What decision did the Allies make about the future of Germany at the Yalta Conference?

They would temporarily divide Germany among the Allies in order to help rebuild it.

Which of these terms describes Benito Mussolini's form of government?


Ideal society in which everyone is treated fairly and taken care of.


Germans blamed the newly formed _______________ government for their troubles. Desperate for a new leader, they turned toward the _______________ to restore Germany's lost glory.

Weimar Republic, Nazi Socialist Party

Identify the role of women in American society after World War I.

Women had greater pride and confidence in their abilities and were granted voting rights throughout the United States.

What was the purpose of German leader Adolf Hitler's Lebensraum policy?

expanding German territory

Japan aimed at conquering the small island in the Pacific one by one. This strategy of controlling one small island after another is called...

island hopping

The higher the efficiency of production during the Agricultural Revolution resulted in _________________________.

many farm workers losing their livelihood.

The United Nations maintains peace by resolving disputes between nations. Its main objective is to _______________ wars. It also engages in various _______________ programs to encourage economic and social welfare around the world.

prevent, humanitarian

Which event started World War I?

the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie

The main leaders of the unifications were Otto von Bismarck in Germany and ___________________ in Italy.

Camillo Benso, Count of Cavour

Small percentage of private individuals have ownership over means of production.


What was one of the causes of tensions in Europe that led to World War I?

France, Germany, and other nations were competing for overseas territory in Africa and other places.

Identify two reasons that German leaders were unhappy after signing the Treaty of Versailles.

Germany was blamed for causing World War I. They resented the reparations Germany had to pay.

Who was a a part of the Central Powers?

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria

What does Thomas Malthus say about food supply and population control?

Having fewer children means more food is available to meet the needs of the population.

Sugar plantations were the backbone of the________________ economy. Sugar was also the main Hawaiian export to the United States. For many years, Hawaiian sugar was sold tariff-free in the United States. In 1890, the US Congress passed the _______________, which removed tariffs on all foreign sugar imports. This change meant that Hawaiian sugar producers had to compete with other nations in the US market.

Hawiian, McKinley Tariff Act

How did conservatism affect the nationalist movements in Europe?

It delayed or extended nationalist struggles.

Whose invention decreased the amount of coal needed to pump water out of mines?

James Watt's Watt Steam Engine

Japan wanted to expand its borders and looked for nations to colonize. In 1896, Japan convinced _______________ to open its ports to trade with Japan. However, China controlled much of Korea's trade. This conflict led to the _______________ War. Japan emerged victorious in this war. It captured part of _______________, which had been under Chinese occupation.

Korea, Sino-Japanese, Manchuria

How did the political climate in Italy change after unification?

Laws were passed to enhance the political rights of the people.

Identify whether the following actions of Alexander II were liberal or conservative. - reducing censorship - emancipating the serfs


What was the most common negative effect of imperialism on Asian nations?

Locals were oppressed, and imperialists used local natural resources for their own gain.

The _______________ between Germany and Italy came before the _______________ , which joined Germany, Italy, and Japan.

Pact of Steel, Tripartite Pact

Determine whether each characteristics describes romanticism or the Enlightenment. - national identity based on language or culture - questioning of the absolute control of monarchs - democratic principles based on basic human rights - a response to the ideals of rationalism - an intellectual and artistic movement - the importance of reason and science in studying society

Romanticism: - national identity based on language or culture - a response to the ideals of rationalism - an intellectual and artistic movement Enlightenment: - the importance of reason and science in studying society - questioning of the absolute control - democratic principles based on basic human rights

Psychoanalysis was a method of treating patients with mental illnesses, created by _______________. He believed that human behavior was _______________ and that _______________ help us to understand our unconscious thoughts.

Sigmund Freud, irrational, dreams

Why did Italy resent foreign powers after the Treaty of Versailles?

The Big Three didn't give Italy the lands that it had been promised before the war.

Japan ignored the warnings presented by the Allies in the Potsdam Declaration and continued to fight. Which of the following conclusions would the Allies have likely made regarding Japan's stance in the war at this point?

The Japanese were determined to fight to the end, even if defeat was inevitable.

Who controlled Indonesia during the Age of Imperialism?

The Netherlands (Dutch)

Why did the Meiji reformers want to modernize Japan?

To compete with the economies and military of Western nations

At the start of World War II, which country maintained an isolationist policy?

United States

Identify each characteristic with either the Russian or the Western European social structure at the time of the Crimean War. - industrial economy - absolute monarchy - outdated military - no serfs - modern military - constitutional monarchy - agricultural economy - serfs form majority of the population

Western Europe: - industrial economy - modern military - constitutional monarchy - no serfs Russia: - agricultural economy - outdated military - absolute monarch - serfs form majority of the population

Identify the role of women in American society before World War I.

Women were not as commonly found in the workforce.

Identify the role of women in American society during World War I.

Women worked as nurses near the front lines and grew "victory gardens" to support the war effort.

The increase in food production during the Agricultural Revolution led to ____________________.

a sharp increase in population

Which two of these items were requirements that the Berlin Conference imposed on European nations claiming colonies in Africa?

notifying other European nations when taking possession of African territories and actively occupying the territory, as shown by a flag and keeping a police force

During the Agricultural Revolution, the introduction of new agricultural tools and ___________________ led to a major increase in farm production in England.

selective livestock breeding

The Japanese population was unhappy with the __________________ for conforming to the wishes of the United States. The Japanese didn't want their nation influenced by a foreign nation. Under a new ruler, Japan began an era of modernization known as the _______________.

shogun, Meiji Restoration

Which event triggered the onset of the Great Depression of the 1930s?

stock market crash

Which of the following describes an outcome of Russification?

the spread of the Russian language and culture to the West

What was the main purpose of Adolf Hitler's hate propaganda campaign against Jews in Europe?

to justify the eventual mass killings of Jews

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