2181 Chapter 11

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Creative Behaviour (Task Work Processes)

- Activities focused on generating novel and useful ideas and solutions - Creativity in teams may be affected by characteristics like conformity and attention to detail, team environment uniquely suited to foster creativity - Depend more than just putting diverse mix of people together, fostered the members participate in specific set of activities Brainstorming: - Face to face meeting of team embers in which each offers as many ideas as possible about some focal problem or issue - If team follows rules develops large pool of ideas that it can use to address issue at hand - Rarely work as well as intended, research shows team members better off coming up wit ideas on own before pooling ideas and evaluating them to arrive at solution Four Rules: 1. Express all ideas that come to mind (no matter how strange) 2. Go for quantity of ideas rather than quality 3. Don't criticize or evlaute the ideas of others 4. Build on ideas of others Why Companies Use Brain Storming: - General idea of it is well know, common sense leads people to believe it works as advertised - Benefits beyond generating ideas, builds moral and sharing of knowledge that otherwise be locked inside minds of people. More useful for issues arising in feature, not useful for particular purpose Why brainstorming doesn't work: - Tendency for people to social loaf in sessions. Members don't work as hard thinking up ideas as they would if they had to turn in an individually generated list with name on it - While it explicitly forbid criticizing others ideas, members hesitant to express ideas that seem silly or not well thought out - Creates production blocking since members have to wait their turn to express ideas, consumes time otherwise used to generate ore ideas

Boundary Spanning (Task Work Processes)

- Activities with individuals and groups other than those who are considered part of the team. - As important to determining success as processes that occur entirely within team since companies involved with complex work that requires going outside team to coordinate for support - Beneficial to have members with expertise, experiences and type of disposition to engage in these. Scout Activities: - Things team embers do to obtain information about ethnology, competitors, or broader marketplace - Meeting with engineer to seek information about new materials if your in marketing

Team Development Challenges

- Although theory of group development intuitively appealing, identifies what may occur as team gains experience working, factors in organization that alter what occurs over team life Less applicable the teams are formed with clear expectations regarding what's expected from the team and members - Action teams have established rules and operating procedures that guide member behaviour and interaction - Aircraft crew doesn't need this to figure out pilot flies, stewardess serves drinks Adjourning stage only happens once, implications worse for team types with longer lifespan requiring high member involvement - dissolving team together for 4 years greater anxiety and emotions among members than 1 year commitment Punctuated Equilibrium: - Initial team meeting, members make assumptions and establish pattern of behaviour that lasts for first half of project life - Behaviour pattern becomes matter of habit for members, creates inertia continuing until midway point of project - Then members realize they have to change approach to task to complete it on time, take opportunity to plan new approach during transition tend to do well, new framework dominates behaviour until completion - Team not changing approach persist with original pattern and may go down with sinking ship, realization that things have to change at midway occurs regardless of time frame of project

Team Task Roles

- Behaviours that direly facilitate the accomplishment of team tasks (task orientated) -Importance of specific task orientated roles depends on nature of work team is involved in - Initiator-Contributor: Proposes new ideas Devils Advocate: Offers constructive challenges to team's status quo. Important for team contexts where decisions are high stakes Energizer: Motivates team members to work harder toward team goals. Most important in contexts where work is important, but not intnically motivating

Team-Building Roles

- Behaviours that influence the quality of team's social climate - Presence of member's how take social roles helps teams manage conflicts that hinder effectiveness Encourager: Praises the work of teammates Compromiser: Helps team see alternative solutions that teammates can accept. Follower: Accepts the ideas of teammates

Nominal Group Technique (Brainstorming Offshoot)

- Bringing team together and outline purpose of meeting - Next takes place on individual level, as members have set period of time to write down their own ideas on piece of paper - Next step goes back to team setting, as members share ideas with team in round robin fashion - After ideas recorded, members have discussion clarifying and building on ideas - Then afterward, back to individual environment where members rank order ideas on card they submit to facilitator - Facilitator tabulates scores to determine winning idea - By making people write down ideas on own, decreases social loafing and production blocking - Team members still hesitant about expressing wild ideas, do so less threatening than having nothin to contribute to group - Ranking items as individuals makes people less apprehensive about going against the grain by voicing support for unpopular ideas

Taskwork Processes

- Category of team processes that can help teams increase synergy and reduce inefficiency - Activities of team embers that relate directly to the accomplish of team tasks - Occurs any time team embers interact with tools or technologies used t complete work, similar to task performance - Three types f creative behaviour, decision making and boundary spanning (more important for knowledge work)

Team Building

- Conducted by consultant and intended to facilitate development of team processes related to goal setting interpersonal relations, problem solving and role clarification - Ropes course with team members working together to go over wooden beams, ropes, zip lines mid air - Laser tag and paintball, whirly ball (lacrosse in bumper cars), whitewater rafting, scavenger hunts ,beating drums - Popular within all sizes, lots of fun - Difficult to gauge effectiveness since many exercises used, but meta analysis found team building didn't have a significant effect on team performance when performance was defined for productivity - Positive effects for smaller teams and in situations where exercise emphasizes and importance of clarifying role responsibilities, facilitator of team needs to be competent in helping members see connection between exercise and work, ensuring inclusion and participation of all embers.

Decision Making (Task Work Processes)

- Decisions result from interaction among team members - Some share information regarding problem, work together to reach consensus to final solution like a jury In other contexts, involves multiple members gathering and considering information that's relevant to area of specialization then making recommendation tho team leader ultimately responsible for final decision, judged with regard to accuracy or effectiveness - Degree of specializing and hierarchy of teams vary, this type is understandable when considering what happens on project teams with assigned leader and members responsible for different aspects of design, engineering, marketing etc.

Team Diversity

- Degree members are different form one another in terms of any attribute that might be used y someone as basis of categorizing people - Difficult since theirs so many categories Physical appearance, values and beliefs, variety in knowledge and expertise, disparity among members in social status and power - Matter more or less depending on nature of team and company context (men and women vary depending on whether organization dominated by members or balanced)

Potency (Team States)

- Degree members believe that the team can be effective across variety of situations and tasks - Confident team can perform well, focus energy on tasks and teamwork of achieving team goals (HIGH) - Not as confident, question team's goals and one another resulting in energies that don't benefit team (LOW) - Strong positive impact on team performance - Confidence can be too high, and very early in team existence decreases beneficial discussion entered on relevant diverse viewpoints. Developing high potency comes form team embers confidence in own capabilities trust in other members , feedback about past performance - Promoted in teams where members are confident in themselves and their team-mates and hone team has past success

Task Interdependence (Pooled, Sequential, Reciprocal, Comprehensive)

- Degree team members interact with and rely on other tam members for information, materials and resources needed to accomplish work for time - No one right way, but tradeoffs with each one - As T/I increases members spend more time communication and coordinating with other members to complete tasks. Decreases productivity (ratio of work completed per amount of time worked) - As T/I increases, increases ability of time to adapt to new situations. MoRe members interacting, more likely you can devise solutions to novel problems Pooled Interdependence: - Lowest required coordination - Group members complete work assignments independently, then work is simply piled up to represent group's output - Fishing team. Everyone fishes by themselves, put fish in big tank, all fish caught = total team output Sequential Interdependence: - Different tasks are done in prescribed order, group is strutted such that members specialize in these tasks - Interact to carry out work, interactions occurs only between members who perform task that are next to each other in sequence - Member performing task in latter part of sequence depends on member performing task in earlier part of sequence - Assembly Lines!!! Reciprocal Interdependence: - Members specialized to perform specific tasks - Members interact with subset of other members to complete team's work - Design custom homes for clients. After meeting with client, salesperson provides criteria, design details, rough stretches to architect who work up intitula plans. Architect submit initial plans to salesperson to review plans with customer. - Going back and forth between people before moving on to next stage of task (BUILDING HOMES) Comprehensive Interdependence: - Requires highest level of interaction and coordination amongst members to accomplish work - Each member has a lot of discretion in terms of what they do and with whom they interact in course of collaboration to finish work - Teams with diverse backgrounds, meet as team to share knowledge and ideas to solve problems

Member Ability

- Depending on nature of tasks involved inseams work, some important to consider in team design Physical Ability: - Teams involved unphysical work, pit crew in stock car racing where victory is tenth of second - Flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, explosive strength etc Cognitive Ability: - Smarter teams perform neater because teamwork tends to be complex - Members involved in several aspects of tasks, but have to learn how best to combine individual efforts to accomplish goals (more of this type of learning, more important cognitive ability is) - Research shows more important to teams when members have to learn from one another to adapt to unexpected changes, compared with contexts where members perform assigned tasks routinely

Team Interdependence

- Describe teams talking about interdependence that governs connections among members - way members of team are linked together, taking place as team accomplishes work and with repeat to goals and rewards

Value in Diversity Problem-Solving Approach

- Diversity in teams is beneficial because it provides larger pool of knowledge and perspectives from which team can draw as it carries out work - Stimulates exchange off information, fostering learning - Knowledge is shared and integrated with knowledge of there members, helping team perform effectively - Benefits more likely to occur when team includes members able and willing to put in effort to understand and integrate different perspectives, work thats complex and creativity benefits most from diversity. - Teams diverse in many characteristics related to knowledge and perspectives, ethnicity, expertise personality, attitudes, supports idea

Surface Level Diversity

- Diversity regarding observable attributes like race, ethnicity ,sex and age - Negative impact on teams early in existence because of similarity attraction, disappear as members become knowledgeable about each other. - Stereotypes based on surface differences replaced with knowledge regarding underlying characteristics more relevant to social and task tine reactions

Deep-level Diversity

- Diversity with respect to attributes that dress less easy to observe initially, but can be inferred after more direct experience - Differences in attitudes, values, personality - Time increases negative effects of deep ell diversity on team functioning and effectiveness - As team embers learn more about one another, differences relating to underlying lakes and goals become apparent, create problems that reduce effectiveness - Negative effects can be managed - Diversity in approach to pursuing goals shown to hinder team functioning and effectiveness, but reduced if teams are instructed to take time to reflect on progress toward goals and strategies - Positive effects on team creativity when members instructed to take perspective of teammates - Negative effects respecting values reduced the leaders emphasize tasks and provide ezpxlciti direction regarding procedures, standards, roles and expectations - Team leaders can exacerbate problems. Conflict resulting from values increase in terms with leaders who emphasize freedom of expression and participation. - While personality is normally considered deep else, some specific types don't function this way. Whereas diversity on deep level problematic for teams, claim doesn't apply to extraversion and agreeableness since extroversion and agreeableness, teams benefit form having mix of members

Team Composition

- Effectiveness hinges on mix of people who make up team - Mix of KSA's and personalities, capable of performing responsibilities and cooperated and got along well

Similarity-Attraction Approach of Diversity

- Explains why diversity has detrimental effects on teams - People more attached to others who are perceived as more similar, and covid interacting with those perceived as dissimilar, to reduce likelihood of uncomfortable disagreements - Diversity on attributes such as cultural background, race, attitudes with communication problems and ultimately poor team effectiveness Both Theories good, need to understand general type of diversity and length of time team has been in existence

Project Teams

- Formed to take on one time task s generally complex and require a lot of input with different types of training and expertise - Exist for however long it takes to finish project, some projects complex, take years - Some work full time, others demand only part time commitment - Planning team designing mall work together full time for year or more, but design team for creating toothbrush only for a month on project while seeing other teams - Life span and member involvement varies, product design teams, research group, planning team

Process Loss (Coordination Loss, Production Blocking, Motivational Loss, Social Loafing)

- Getting less from team you would expect on basis of capabilities of individual members - You felt team was a sure bet to do well based on capabilities, didn't achieve level of success expected Factors creating it: - Members have to work not only to accomplish their own tasks but coordinate activities with activities of teammates Coordination Loss: - Extra effort focused on integrating work is necessary spect, but consumes time and energy that might otherwise by devoted to task activity Production Blocking: - Drives coordination loss occurring when embers have to wait on one another before they can do their part of team task. Motivational Loss: - Loss in team productivity that occurs when team members don't work as hard as they could - Because difficult to gauge how much each team member contributes to team, can work together for extended time, difficult to keep account of who does what - Members contribute to their team in many ways, some are less obvious than others - Don't always work together at same time as unit, uncertainty regarding g how contributes what creates feeling less accountable for team outcomes Social Loafing: - Creation of motivational loss, Feelings of reduced accountability cause members to exert less effort when working on team tasks than they would if they worked alone on those same tasks - Hinders effectiveness, and motivation loss and loafing occur if team spends on student who is doing all the work

Process Gain

- Getting more form team than you would expect according to capabilities of its individual members - Synergy, more critical in situations which complexity of work high or task require members to combine their KS, and efforts to problem solve - Results in useful resources and capabilities that didn't exist before team created them

Team Size

- Having greater number of members is beneficial for management and project teams, but not for teams engaged in production tasks - Management and project teams work complex and knowledge intensive, benefit from more resources and expertise from more people. - Production teams engage in routine tasks, less complex, having more members beyond what's needed creates unnecessary coordination and communication problems, additional embers less productive more socializing, feel less accountable for team outcomes - Team members most satisfied with team when number if between four and five

Transportable Teamwork Competencies

- Help individual team embers develop general competencies related to teamwork activities involving KSA enhancement - Trainees can transport what they learn about teamwork from one team and apply to another Study of aviators in advanced pilot training: - One group went through two days of training where they got instruction one communication practices, communication suggesting and asking questions, communication potential problems - Pilots gone through felt in addition to building teamwork KS, increase mission effectiveness and safety - Teams were more effective than teams composed of pilots who didn't do it - Effectiveness judged by performance in dangerous scenarios

Team States

- Helps teams increase prices gain while minimizing process loss less visible to naked eye - Types of feelings and thoughts that coalesce in the minds of members as a consequence of their experience working together - Ostracism in teams painful and creates disengagement and other negative consequences Psychological Safety: - Consequence of supportively leadership and member interactions, develop sense that its okay to do things interpersonally risky, or expressing opinions and making suggestions challenging status quo won't be embarrassing or rejected

Outcome Interdependence

- How members linked to one another tin tears of feedback and outcomes they receive as consequence of working in team - High degree exists when team members shares rewards that team earns. Pay bonuses, formal feedback, recognition, time off, continued team survival - Since achievements depends on individual performance, high amounts implies team members depend on performance of other team members for rewards they receive - Low in terms in which individual members receive rewards and punishments of basis of own performance, without regard to performance of team - Research in consulting, finance and RD shows teams where members reflects on performance, higher levels increase amounts of information shared, promotes learning, enhances team performance

Transactive Memory (Team States)

- How specialized knowledge is distributed among members in a manner that results in effective system of memory for team - Considers not everyone possesses same knowledge, team requires members understand own specialized knowledge relevant to team, and how combined together it accomplishes goal - Work gets done very efficiently since everyone focuses on speciality/ what they do best, everyone knows where to go to get information for gaps in knowledge creating synergy - Can be fragile since memory system depends on each and every member (if slow to respond to request or forgot importance of somethings, memory fails, and if member leaves, lose important node in system) Meta-Knowledge: - Team members possess useful specialized knowledge and knowledge of who knows what

Effective Conflict Management Practices

- Important for members to stay focused on team's mission, so they can rationally evaluate relative merits of each position - Any benefits of task conflict disappear if level of conflict gets too heated, if parties act self interested rather than team interest, or high relationship conflict - To manage task conflict, members need ot discuss their positions openly and willing to exchange information that fosters collaborative problem solving

Action Processes (Teamwork Processes)

- Important the task work is being accomplished Coordination: - Synchronizing team embers activities in a way that makes them mesh effectively and seamlessly - Poor coordination results in team embers constantly having to wait on others for information or other resources necessary to do part of team's work

Fault Lines of Diversity

- Informal subgroups developed based on similarity in surface leave attributes such as gender org other characteristics - Knowledge and information possessed by one subgroup may not be communicated to other subgroups in manner that helps entire team perform - STUDY: Board of directors, presence of strong fault lines decreased discussion that members had with each other to entrepreneurial issues that could affect companies - Detrimental effects of having subgroups offset with training that reinforces idea that teams may benefit from diversity - Leadership or rewards arctics reinforcing value of sharing information and promoting sense of identity help diverse teams perform better

Teamwork Processes

- Interpersonal activities that facilitate the accomplishment of team's work but don't directly involve task accomplishment itself - Behaviours that create setting or context in which task work can be carried out

Mental Modes (Team States)

- Level of common understanding among team members with regard to import aspects of team and its task - With respect to capabilities that members bring, and processes team needs for effectiveness = two kinds Increasing: - When members are understanding of one another's capabilities likely to know where to go for help from others and can anticipate when another members needs help on his work - Shared understanding of processes makes it efficiently and smoothly resolvable for managing conflict

Virtual Teams (Variation within Teams)

- Members are geographically dispersed, interdependent activity through electronic communication primarily email, IM, calendars, web conferences, social media - Communication and networking software advanced to point its possible for teams to do variety of work to function - 800 percent increase in number of virtual employees over last decade, tens of million operating today - Time zone different aren't hindrances since it gives competitive advantage by letting work follow the sun

Cohesion (Team States)

- Members develop strong emotional bonds to each other and to team itself - Fosters motivation and commitment, promotes higher team performance - Higher team performance, from cohesion further enhance team cohesion Is it a good thing? - NO! Groupthink: Highly cohesive teams, try to maintain harmony and strive toward consensus without offering, seeking alternative viewpoints, at expense of other priorities and is thought to be associated with feelings of overconfidence about team's capabilities

Parallel Teams

- Members form various jobs who provide recommendations to managers about important issues that run parallel to organization's production process - Require only part time commitment, permanent or temporary depending on aim - Life span varies low member involvement, quality circles, advisory councils, committees Committees: - temporary parallel team formed to deal wit unique issues of issues that arise only periodically - Changes to work procedures, purchases of new equipment or services, non routine hiring Quality circles: - invidious who normally perform core production tasks and meet regularly with people form other work groups to find production related problems and chances for improvement.

Team Process Training

- Occurs in the context of a team experience that facilitates the team being able to function and perform more effectively as an intact unit Action Learning: - Team give real problem that's relevant to company then held accountable for analyzing the problem, developing an action plan, and carrying it out - Team receives coaching to help facilitate more effective processes during phases of project - Meetings during which members encouraged to reflect on processes used as they work and discuss what they observed and learned and what they'd do differently Second Type: - Experience in team context when tasks demands that highlight importance of effective teamwork processes - Achieving goals requires teamwork, communication and strict adherence to standardized team procedures - IF team fails to follow procedures and work together, tools miscalled, parts drop,d members get in way

Action Teams

- Perform tasks normally limited in duration - Quite complex and take place in contexts highly loisible to audience or highly challenging nature, and some for extended period - Sports teams for a season, AC/DC for decades - Others stay together only as long as task takes to complete, like surgical team and aircraft flow crews for single 2 hour session life span and member involvement vary, surgical teams, musical groups, expedition teams, sports teams.

Team Characteristics and Processes

- Provides means of categorizing and examining terms, important since tams come in many shapes and sizes - Determine what team tis capable of achieving, influences straggles team used to reach goals - Can fit into more than one category of team Processes: - Specific actions and behaviour team engage in to achieve synergy

Individualistic Roles

- Reflect behaviours that benefit the individu lat expense of the team - Damaging to team, foster negative feelings amongst members, hinder ability to function effectively Recognition Seeker: Takes credit for team successes, brags and calls attention to himself Slacker: Acts cynically or nonchalantly, goofs off

Team Processes

- Reflects different types of interactions that occur within team as team works toward its goals - Team characteristics like diversity, interdependence, size affect processes, on processes have strong impact on effectiveness - Interactions among members that occur behaviourally, and hard to see feelings and thoughts created during interactions

Work Teams

- Relatively permanent - Produce goods or provide services, requiring members full time commitment - Teams responsible for work involved in assembly line, and for quality control and developing ideas to improve production - Inspect each other's work , find problems, stop until its resolved. - Long life span, high member involvement - self managed work teams production, maintenance , sales - Focus on core operational level production and service tasks

Management Teams

- Relatively permanent, participate in managerial level tasks that affect entire organization - Coordination activities of organizational subunits in departments or functional areas to achieve long term goals of company - Senior level executives make decisions about strategic direction, also since they're heads of departments, commitment to management offset by responsibilities in running units - Long life span, moderate member involvement, top management team

Goal Interdependence

- Team meets have shared vision of team's goal and align their individual goals with that vision - Paddling in boat, if everyone wants to go to same place everyone rows in direction and get to destination. But if each person believes boat should go elsewhere, row in different directions, can't get anywhere - Problem: For most teams, asymmetries in goals of individual members interfere with team goals, management difficult since realization of incompatibilities comes too late. Increasing IT? Mission Statements: - Create formalized mission statement members buy into, variety of forms, good one s calmly describe what team to trying accomplish that creates commitment and urgency - Directly from organization or team leaders, but more sense for teams to develop their own because it helps members identify important goals and action to need to achieve goals, increases ownership towards it - Not easy to create statement since people have conflicting personal goals. Team projects: some want to pass, get 100%, learn the material etc - Although reaching consensus on mission not easy where individual goals vary, research shows teams of students experience greater effectiveness s if they invest time into doing so after team forms

Variations within Team Types

- Team type doesn't tell whole story - Important variation needed to understanding functioning Degree of Autonomy and Self Management: - Members have lela of freedom to work together to establish own goals, procedures, roles and membership - Opposite is strict rules for goals, procedures and roles, team leaders of managers make most decisions for team in membership context - research show people prefer working in teams where its high, appropriate level of self management to overall team effectiveness depends on variety of factors - High elves of self management most advantageous for teams where members ave high levels of team relevant knowledge obtained from outside experts and others in social networks

Transition Process (Teamwork Processes)

- Teamwork activiteit that focus on preparation for future work - Important between periods of work activity, teams may switch from transition processes to task work, then back to transition - After action reviews (systematic discussions and review of performances) improve the effectiveness of teams too Mission Analysis: - Analysis of team's task, the challenge that face the team, and resources available for completing the team's work

More Research on Teams

- Teamwork processes have moderate positive relationship with team performance and odds true regardless of whether research examines transition processes, action processes or interpersonal processes - Effectiveness respecting variety of interactions needed to help team achieve process gain and perform, prepares teams for future work just as important as those that help members integrate task work and those building confidence and positive climate - Team processes and team performance strongly positive in teams in which there are higher levels of interdependence, since activities meant to improve integration of members work more important in team contexts where work needs integration Team work processes have strong positive relationship with commitment. Tams engage in teamwork processes continue to exist Goethe into the future - People satisfied in tams where there is effective interpersonal interaction, go out of way to do things they believe ell team stick together - Opposite where members had different goals from team, coordination was difficult and filled with emotional conflict, everyone pessimistic

Interpersonal Processes (Teamwork Processes)

- Teamwork recesses such as motivating and confidence building, that focus on the management of relationships among team members important before, during or between periods of task work. Conflict Management: - Activities that team uses to manage conflicts that arise in course of its work - Negative impact on team, but nature of effect depends on focus of conflict and manner conflict managed Relationship Conflict: - Disagreements among team embers in terms of interpersonal relationships or incompatibilities with personal values or preferences - Issues not directly connected to team task - Results in reduced team performance Task Conflict: - Disagreements among members about team task - Beneficial to teams if it creates conservations that result in development ad expression of new ideas Research shows it reduces team effectiveness unless: - Members trust one another and confident they can express opinions openly without reprisal - Members engage in effective conflict management practices since task conflict is most beneficial to teams when relationship conflict low, (so relationship conflict) - Benefit teams as long they're composed in certain ways for members who are emotionally stable and or open to new experiences - Most evident when conflict is positively skewed, when majority of members unaware one conflict that occurs among few members of team

Cross Training

- Training members in the duties and repsonsbiliteils of their teammates - Team members develop shared mental models of what's involved inch of the roles in the team and how roles fit together to form system Three Levels: Personal Clarification: - Shallowest level , members simply relieve information regarding growls of the other team embers - Highly specialized members of surgical team, they learn about others roles and how each contributes to team's goal of achieving patient well being Positional Modelling: - Team members observe how other members perform their roles - Surgeons spend day shadowing operating room nurses as they perform duties, gain better understanding of nurse duties and provides insight on how activities in respective jobs integrated more effectively Positional Rotation: - Gives members aural experience carrying out responsibilities of their team's - Expands kills so they might actually perform duties of teammates, level required to achieve proficiency or certification is probative since it can take years to become sturgeon, or impractical t rain nurse to perform job through positional rotation.


- Two or more people who work interdependently over some time period to accomplish common goals related to a task orientated purpose - National survey of large and small companies half use form of teamwork to accomplish work Special Since: - Interaction among members revolve around deeper dependence on one another than interactions within groups - interactions occur with specific task related purpose in mind since they dpeodn on each other for critical information and to accomplish goals related to together purpose

Why are Teams So Widely Used?

- Work has become more complex, interactions among multiple team members more vital since interactions allows team to pool complementary K/S. - Useful in ways beyond work itself, study showed problem solving teams composed of rank and rifle workers boosts productivity by devising ways to increase enceint of productions lines and quality control - Makes sen in settings where nature of work problems complex, vary great deal from one another in effectiveness

3 Factors of Decision Making (Task Work Processes)

Decision Informity: - Reflects whether members possess adequate information about their own task responsibilities - Projects fail when team member in charge of marketing doesn't gather information necessary to help team understand desires and needs of clients Staff Validity: - Degree members make good recommendations to leader - Members can possess all information to make good recommendation, fail because of lack of ability, insight or good judgment Hierarchal Sensitivity: - Degree leader effectively weighs recommendations of the members - who he listens to and who he ignores - Good decisions come for leaders who d good job giving recommendation the weight they deserve TOGETHER: Large role in how effective teams in terms of decision making Research: - More experienced teams tend to make better decisions because they develop understanding of information that's needed and how to use it, an have leaders that develop understanding of which members provided best recommendations - Team decision making improving by giving members feedback about three variables involved, like if members told they have to share and consider additional information before making recommendations to leader (seems obvious, but often teams receive feedback about final decision, not along the way) - Benefit to press of sharing information form recess of making recommendations and final decisions, in terms of how information communicated among members - Teams share more info face to face, leaders do better job considering recommendations and making final decision the nthey're away form members - Leaders who aren't separated don't have to deal with pressure from embers who may be more assertive or better at articulating and defending positions

Disjunctive, Conjunctive, Additive Tasks

Disjunctive Tasks: Not every member needs high levels of physical or cognitive. In tasks with objectively verifiable best solution, member who possesses highest level of ability relevant to task will have most influence on the effectiveness of team Conjunctive Tasks: - Everyone on team possessed relevant abilities. Team's performance depends on the abilities of the weakest link Additive Tasks: - Contributions resulting from the abilities of every member add up to determine team performance. - Sum of all sales combined together

5 Stages of Team Development

Forming: - Members orient themselves by understanding their boundaries in team - Get feel for what is expected of them, what behaviours aren't allowed, who's in charge Storming: - Members remain committed to ideas they bring with them to team - Initial unwillingness to accomdatoe others triggers conflict negatively affecting interpersonal relationships and harms progress Norming: - Members realize they need to work together to accomplish team goals, begin to cooperate - Feels of solidarity develop through working toward team goal ,norms and expectations develop for what members are responsible for Performing: - Comfortable working within roles, team makes progress toward goals Adjourning: - Since lifespan limited sometimes, members have anxiety and other emotions as they disengage and ultimately separate from team

Member Personality (Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion)

Personality trait affect roles team members take on and how teams function and perform as units Agreeableness: - Tend to be more cooperative and trusting, promote positive attitudes about team and smith interpersonal interactions - More concerned about their teams interest than own, work hard on behalf of team - Prefer harmony and cooperation instead of conflict and competition, less apt to speak up and offer criticism that might improve team - Too much agreeableness, members behave enhancing harmony at expense of accomplishment Conscientiousness: - Almost any team benefits form having members who tend to be dependable and work hard to achieve team goals - Strong negative effect on team of having even one who's low - Some motivate him to be more responsible and work harder, others try to get person ejected from team, but natural reaction like these divert attention from accomplishing work, create uncomfortable and time wasted interpersonal conflict - Even if you compensate for his missed work, difficult to perform effectively as other teams Extroversion: - More effective in interpersonal contexts and more positive and optimistic - Beneficial to social climate, and team effectiveness in eyes of bosses - Too many members with extroversion hurts since there will be too much assertiveness and dominance creating power struggles and unproductive conflict

Member Roles

Role: - Pattern of behaviour person is generally expected to display in a given context - In teams, variety of roles take or develop in interaction course, depending on specific situation, presence of embers who take on roles have strong impact of effectiveness. - Distinguished considering specific sets of task focused activities defining what members expected to do, but effectiveness hinges on coordination and integration of all members (high scoring team fails if goal tender lets in too many goals) Leader Staff Teams: - Leaders make decisions for team and provide direction and control over members who perform assigned tasks - Makes sense leader will be different from everyone else on team, members still have latitude to exhibit individual behaviours - Team roles described in categories more general than task focused roles above (roles apply to different types of teams) - Team task roles, team building roles, individualistic roles

How Important are Team Characteristics and Processes

Team Performance: - Includes metrics like quantity and quality of goods produced, customer satisfaction ,effectiveness of decisions, victories, completed reports, successful investigations Team Viability (Commitment): - Likelihood that tam can work together effectively into the future - If experience not satisfying, embers disillusioned and focus energy on activities away from team - Although low levels still able to work together on short term, long run big problems - Instead future task planning and working through issues that improve tam, more apt to loo ahead to ultimate demise if low Relationship Data: - High task interdependence one thin that distinguishes true teams from mere groups of individuals - Relationship between TI and performance is moderately positive (task performance higher where teams members depend on one another and have to coordinate activities rather than less T/I - T/I and Performance is stronger int teams for complex knowledge work since there is need for members to interact and share resources and info (simple work less necessary and can work by yourself) - T/I and commitment is weaker, only slightly higher chance of including members committed to team continued existence (stronger effect for complex knowledge work since sharing resources in context where unnecessary is dissatisfying to members and reduces prospects of continued existence

Effects of Team Characteristics on Performance and Commitment

Team Performance: - Task Interdependence has a moderate positive effect on Performance - Correlation higher for teams involved in more complex knowledge work rather tap ness complex work Team Commitment: - Task Interdependence has a weak relationship with team commitment. - Correlation stronger for teams involved in more complex knowledge work the teams involved in less complex work

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