(24)31-32 EMT Quizzes

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What is the most dangerous, and most common, emergency in scuba diving?

Air embolism

What is the primary goal of in-line traction

Avoid further neurovascular compromise

Which of the following structures is regulated by smooth muscle?

Blood vessels

What is often the first sign of heat stroke?

Change in behavior

A person who stands outside in windy, wintry weather and wears only lightweight clothing is experiencing heat loss mainly by what method?


A disruption of a joint in which the bone ends are no longer in contact is known as what


Common signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion include all of the following, EXCEPT:

Hot, dry skin

In which of the following situations should the EMT splint an injured limb in the position of deformity?

If resistance is encountered or the patient experiences severe pain

You suspect that the patient you are treating was bitten by a rattlesnake. What should you do first?

If you suspect a patient has been bitten by a pit viper such as a rattlesnake, place the person in a supine position to keep the venom from spreading.

Which of the following statements regarding drowning is correct?

Laryngospasm following submersion in water makes rescue breathing difficult.

In which of the following environmental emergencies are you most likely to encounter laryngospasm?

Laryngospasm is usually encountered in drowning accidents when water irritates the larynx and vocal cords.

The venom of a black widow spider is toxic to the:

Nervous system

Of the following musculoskeletal injuries, which is considered to be the LEAST severe?

Nondisplaced pelvic fracture

Which of the following musculoskeletal injuries would pose the greatest threat to a patient's life?

Pelvic fracture with hypotension

Burns associated with lightning strikes are typically:


Which of the following MOST accurately describes hyperthermia?

The body is exposed to more heat than it can lose.

Rough handling of a patient with severe hypothermia may cause which of the following dysrhythmias?

Ventricular fibrillation

In which situations should you splint the limb in the position of deformity?

When you encounter resistance or extreme pain when applying traction. When the deformity is the result of a dislocation and is severe.

The MOST prominent symptom of decompression sickness is:

abdominal or joint pain.

A 76-year-old male experienced sudden pain to his left thigh when he was standing in line at the grocery store. Your assessment reveals ecchymosis and deformity to the distal aspect of his left femur, just above the knee. Distal circulation and sensory and motor functions are intact. You should:

apply padded board splints to both sides of the leg.

With regard to musculoskeletal injuries, the zone of injury is defined as the:

area of soft-tissue damage surrounding the injury.

A 30-year-old male was rescued after being lost in the woods for approximately 18 hours. The outside temperature is 30°F (-1°C). He is immediately placed in the warmed ambulance, where you perform a primary assessment. He is unresponsive, pale, and apneic. You should:

assess for a carotid pulse for up to 60 seconds.

The musculoskeletal system refers to the:

bones and voluntary muscles of the body.

In contrast to Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever:

can cause paralysis and cardiorespiratory collapse.

The transfer of heat to circulating air, such as when cool air moves across the body's surface, is called:


The MOST significant hazard associated with splinting is:

delaying transport of a critically injured patient.

The body's natural cooling mechanism, in which sweat is converted to a gas, is called:


Geriatric patients, newborns, and infants are especially prone to hyperthermia because they:

exhibit poor thermoregulation.

All of the following terms refer to a body part that is cold but not frozen, EXCEPT:


A 17-year-old football player collided with another player and has pain to his left clavicle. He is holding his arm against his chest and refuses to move it. Your assessment reveals obvious deformity to the midshaft clavicle. After assessing distal pulse, sensory, and motor functions, you should:

immobilize the injury with a sling and swathe.

During your secondary assessment of a 19-year-old female with multiple trauma, you note bilateral humeral deformities and a deformity to the left midshaft femur. Her skin is diaphoretic and her pulse is rapid and weak. Your partner has appropriately managed her airway and is maintaining manual stabilization of her head. The MOST appropriate treatment for this patient includes:

immobilizing her to a backboard and rapidly transporting.

Shivering is a mechanism in which the body generates heat by:

increasing the metabolic rate.

You receive a call to a residence for a sick patient. Upon your arrival, you find the patient, a 53-year-old diabetic male, lying down on his front porch. His wife tells you that he had been mowing the lawn in the heat for the past 3 hours. The patient is confused and has hot, moist skin. His pulse is weak and thready, and his blood pressure is 90/50 mm Hg. You should:

load him into the ambulance and begin rapid cooling interventions.

A frostbitten foot can be identified by the presence of:

mottling and blisters.

You and your partner are standing by at a large social event at a river resort when a frantic woman tells you that she found a young male floating face-down in the water. Nobody claims to have witnessed the event. After you and your partner enter the water and reach the patient, you should:

move him as a unit to a supine position.

Signs and symptoms of an air embolism include all of the following, EXCEPT:

pale skin.

Which of the following fractures has the greatest potential for internal blood loss and shock?


Your assessment of a 23-year-old female reveals a core body temperature of 93.4°F (34°C). She is conscious, answers your questions appropriately, is shivering, and complains of nausea. Her skin is cold and pale, her muscles appear rigid, and her respirations are rapid. You should:

place heat packs to her groin, axillae, and behind her neck; cover her with warm blankets; and avoid rough handling.

Crepitus and false motion are:

positive indicators of a fracture.

Lateral and medial dislocations to the knee are less common than

posterior dislocations and are less likely to injure the popliteal artery.

A 30-year-old man complains of severe pain to his right tibia following an injury that occurred the day before. The patient's leg is pale and he is unable to move his foot. The EMT should suspect that:

pressure in the fascial compartment is elevated.

The primary purpose for splinting a musculoskeletal injury is to:

prevent further injury.

A patient with a core body temperature of 95°F (35°C) will MOST likely experience:

rapid breathing.

Applying ice to and elevating an injured extremity are performed in order to:

reduce pain and swelling.

The pectoral girdle consists of the:

scapulae and clavicles.

A 31-year-old male fell and landed on his left elbow. Your assessment reveals that the elbow is grossly deformed, his forearm is cool and pale, and the distal pulse is barely palpable. His vital signs are stable and he denies any other injuries. Your transport time to the closest appropriate hospital is approximately 12 minutes. You should:

splint the elbow in the position found and transport.

If you are unable to restore the distal pulse

splint the limb in the position that is most comfortable for the patient and provide prompt transport to the hospital.

During your secondary assessment of a 30 year old male who fell 25 feet, you note crepitus when palpating his pelvis. Your partner advises you that the patient's blood pressure is 80/50 mm Hg and his heart rate is 120 beats/min and weak. After completing your assessment, you should:

stabilize the pelvis with a pelvic binder and protect the spine.

A 31-year-old male was bitten on the leg by an unidentified snake. The patient is conscious and alert and in no apparent distress. Your assessment of his leg reveals two small puncture marks with minimal pain and swelling. In addition to administering oxygen and providing reassurance, further care for this patient should include:

supine positioning, splinting the leg, and transporting.

Skeletal muscle is attached to the bone by tough, ropelike, fibrous structures called:


An open fracture is MOST accurately defined as a fracture in which:

the overlying skin is no longer intact.

Most of the serious injuries associated with scuba diving are caused by:

too rapid of an ascent.

Hypothermia is diagnosed when the core body temperature falls below what temperature?

95°F (35°C)

Hypothermia occurs when the core body temperature falls below:

95°F (35°C).

Which of the following scenarios is an example of a direct injury?

A passenger fractures her patella after it strikes the dashboard.

Which of the following statements regarding compartment syndrome is correct?

Compartment syndrome typically develops within 6 to 12 hours after an injury.

When a warm hand is immersed in water that is 70°F (21°C), heat is transferred from the hand to the water through a process called:


Which of the following musculoskeletal injuries would MOST likely result in deformity?

Displaced fracture

Which sign/symptom would give you a high index of suspicion that a patient may have compartment syndrome

Disproportionate pain

A supracondylar or intercondylar fracture is also known as a fracture of the:

Distal humorus

Which MOI causes a fracture or dislocation at a distant point

Indirect force

When splinting a possible fracture of the foot, it is MOST important for the EMT to:

Leave the toes exposed.

Which of the following is an early sign of pit viper envenomation?

Local swelling and ecchymosis

Which of the following statements regarding shoulder dislocations is correct?

Most shoulder dislocations occur anteriorly.

The MOST reliable indicator of an underlying fracture is:

Point tenderness

What is the most reliable indicator of an underlying fracture

Point tenderness

When assessing distal circulation in a patient's lower extremities, which pulse should you palpate


The EMT must assume that any unwitnessed water-related incident is accompanied by:

Possible spinal injury.

A "hip" fracture is actually a fracture of the:

Proximal femur

In the musculoskeletal injury grading system, under which category would you place a laceration of a major nerve or blood vessel


Shivering stops and muscle activity ceases once the body's core temperature reaches what?

Shivering stops at 90°F (32.2°C). This is a sign of severe hypothermia.

Which of the following would you use to stabilize an AC separation

Sling and swathe

You are attending to a patient with a nondisplaced elbow fracture. She has a strong pulse and good capillary refill. How should you address this type of injury

Splint from the shoulder joint to the wrist joint to stabilize the entire arm.

Which of the following are goals of in-line traction

Stabilize the fragments to prevent movement Align the limb for splinting Avoid neurovascular compromise

Which of the following is a drawback of an air splint

Temperature changes affect air pressure in the splint.

In the context of an environment that is 90°F with 85% humidity, what does moist, pale, cool skin indicate?

There has been excessive fluid and salt loss.

You are treating a patient who was climbing a 10,000-foot mountain when he began to experience a severe, constant, throbbing headache; ataxia; and extreme fatigue. He is nauseated and, as you assess him, he loses consciousness. Which of the following should you suspect?

These are signs and symptoms of HACE (high-altitude cerebral edema).

Breath-holding syncope is caused by a decreased stimulus to breathe and occurs when:

a swimmer hyperventilates prior to entering the water.

A fracture of the femoral shaft is best stabilized with

a traction splint such as a Sager splint.

Signs of late heat stroke include:

a weak, rapid pulse.

A construction worker's arm was severed just above the elbow when a steel girder fell on it. The stump is covered with a blood-soaked towel. The patient's skin is cool, clammy, and pale. The EMT should:

apply a tourniquet just below the shoulder.

During your assessment of a 29 year old female with significant deformity to her left elbow, you are unable to palpate a radial pulse. Your transport time to the hospital is approximately 40 minutes. You should:

apply gentle manual traction in line with the limb and reassess for a pulse.

You have applied a zippered air splint to a patient's left arm. During transport, the patient complains of increased numbness and tingling in his left hand. You reassess distal circulation and note that it remains present. Your MOST appropriate action should be to:

assess the amount of air in the splint and let air out as necessary.

The diving reflex may allow a person to survive extended periods of submersion in cold water secondary to:

bradycardia and a slowing of the metabolic rate.

A fracture is MOST accurately defined as a(n):

break in the continuity of the bone.

A 54 year old male accidentally shot himself in the leg while cleaning his gun. Your assessment reveals a small entrance wound to the medial aspect of his right leg. The exit wound is on the opposite side of the leg and is actively bleeding. The patient complains of numbness and tingling in his right foot. You should:

control the bleeding and cover the wound with a sterile dressing.

You are transporting a 28-year-old man with a frostbitten foot. The patient's vital signs are stable and he denies any other injuries or symptoms. The weather is treacherous and your transport time to the hospital is approximately 45 minutes. During transport, you should:

protect the affected part from further injury.

A ____________ is a musculoskeletal injury in which there is partial or temporary separation of the bone ends as well as partial stretching or tearing of the supporting ligaments.


A 22 year old female was ejected from her car after striking a tree head on. As you approach her, you note obvious closed deformities to both of her femurs. She is not moving and does not appear to be conscious. You should:

stabilize her head and perform a primary assessment.

You respond to a local lake where a diver complains of difficulty breathing that occurred immediately after rapidly ascending from a depth of approximately 30 feet. On assessment, you note that he has cyanosis around his lips and has pink froth coming from his nose and mouth. You should:

suction his mouth and nose, apply high-flow oxygen, monitor the patient's breath sounds for a pneumothorax, and contact medical control regarding transport to a recompression facility.

You and your partner respond to a park where several people were reportedly struck by lightning. When you arrive, you find three patients. The first patient is lying supine on the ground; he is unresponsive and does not appear to be breathing. The second patient is ambulatory, appears confused, and is holding his arm against his chest. The third patient is sitting on the ground holding the sides of his head. After calling for backup, you should:

assess the unresponsive patient's pulse, begin CPR starting with chest compressions if he is pulseless, and attach the AED as soon as possible.

A dysbarism injury refers to the signs and symptoms related to changes in:

barometric pressure.

When caring for a patient with a possible fracture of the scapula, the EMT should:

carefully assess the patient for breathing problems.

When assessing a patient with a possible fracture of the leg, the EMT should:

compare it to the uninjured leg.

Drowning is MOST accurately defined as:

death from suffocation after submersion in water.

A 17 year old female dislocated her patella while playing soccer. Her knee is flexed and she complains of severe pain. You should:

keep her knee flexed and secure it with padded board splints.

You are dispatched to a local high school track and field event for a 16-year-old male who fainted. The outside temperature is approximately 95°F (35°C) with high humidity. Upon your arrival, the patient is conscious, alert, and complains of nausea and a headache. His skin is cool, clammy, and pale. You should:

move him into the cooled ambulance.

Skeletal muscle is also referred to as __________ muscle.


In general, musculoskeletal injuries should be splinted before moving the patient unless:

the patient is clinically unstable.

Fractures of the proximal femur are

usually called hip fractures but they rarely involve the hip joint.

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