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List several "hot spots" in schools where bullying is more likely to occur when there is little adult supervision.

1. Cafeteria 2. playground 3. School bus

How does the 2010 version of the NJ ABR differ from earlier versions?

1. Investigation is helmed by both principal and ABS (previously, no ABS) 2. Range of responses - determined by principal and ABS 3. Added policy for off-grounds incidents

Please list 2 theories that help explain bullying among peers.

1. Social Ecological Theory (everything else in the world needs to be taken in account. They encounter and model individuals/family/peers/school/community) 2. Social Dominance Theory students (esp. in elementary school) use aggression to assert dominance and establish themselves as people to be respected)

When does bullying begin (what grade or age)?

12, middle school

A principal has how many school days to send the findings about a bullying investigation to the superintendent or chief school administrator (CSA)?

2 School Days

When should a principal notify parents that their child has been involved in a reported HIB incident?


Four Square Model

Anyone can be in any given box at any time: Bullying behavior Being an Ally Being a Bystander Being a Target

Which of the following is NOT likely to prevent bullying? a) A public awareness campaign sending the message bullying is unacceptable. b) In school suspension. c) School wide pledge to be civil and respectful. d) Embedding anti-bullying messages into instruction. e) Teaching bystanders the power of numbers and how to befriend targets of bullying.

B) In school suspension

Name two ways the school can involve parents in preventing and reducing bullying.

Conduct training sessions for parents. Make anti-bullying the focus of some PTA meetings.

Why does an improvement in school climate help to reduce HIB?

Creates a more comfortable atmosphere that can act as an outlet for students when they are not home.

What message does punishment send to perpetrators of bullying?

Don't do it!!!

Effective HIB prevention requires the support of which of the following: a) Administration b) Students c) Parents d) Faculty e) All of the above

E) All of the above

T or F: Food service workers are not required to receive anti-HIB training.


T or F: Physical bullying is more harmful than relational or cyber-bullying?


T or F: Punishment is an effective consequence for engaging in bullying.


T or F: The best anti-bullying programs are complex and expensive.


How can curriculum and instruction be used to shape school climate?

Incorporate anti-bullying policies in a curriculum in a fun, effective way.

Does bullying change in high school? How?

It becomes harassment.

Why are anti-bullying laws and policies important?

It shows that the government takes bullying very seriously and cares about students' well-beings and are trying to make a difference.

How effective are zero-tolerance or "1 strike and you are out" policies in reducing or preventing bullying?

Not effective because it is not addressing the issue or making them self-analyze the issue. It unfairly targets victims of bullying who have lashed out and been caught. It establishes a negative school climate and does not allow for remediation.

There are cases reported in the literature where teachers refused to intervene if they did not directly see bullying taking place. What should teachers do when they hear about acts of bullying that they did not see themselves?

Report it and start investigation. Show students that they are listening and respect their voices.

Please list 2 effective ways for students or bystanders to support or come to the aid of targets of bullying?

Report the incident. Do not look the other way.

In your own words, please define "school climate."

The general atmosphere of the school and school community including the relationships among students and staff and beliefs/values.

A principal and ABS meet to decide the responses or consequences for an act of bullying. What are some of the factors that they should consider when deciding on consequences for bullying?

The severity of the offenses, consider the developmental ages of the student offenders and students' histories of inappropriate behaviors, per the code of student conduct

Why does the literature recommend a "central coordinating group" as one of the key steps for preventing or reducing bullying?

To have a cohesive school community to ensure everyone is on the same page.

T or F: A negative school climate is associated with higher levels of bullying.


T or F: A school district's HIB policy should be included in its code of student conduct and student handbook?


T or F: Bystanders should report bullying rather than trying to stop it themselves.


T or F: Embedding Anti-bullying messages in the curriculum may help to reduce bullying.


T or F: Homophily Is A Theory That Explains Bullying By suggesting that "birds of a feather, flock together." In other words, bullies associate with peers who also like to bully.


T or F: If a teacher witnesses bullying, she or he should immediately act to ensure the target's or victim's safety.


T or F: Out-of-school suspension is an effective consequence for bullying?


T or F: People who have problems with anger- management are more likely to bully others.


T or F: Perpetrators (those engaging in bullying) may experience depression and other negative psychological or physical effects.


T or F: Schools that stress social emotional learning usually will have lower levels of bullying.


T or F: Stamping out bullying is everyone's job.


T or F: The NJ ABR protects a person reporting bullying from acts of reprisals.


T or F: The Week of Respect takes place beginning on the first Monday in October?


T or F: There are no consequences for false reports of bullying


T or F: Victims should be encouraged to walk away from bullying (and not "give the bullying a lot of lip)."


T or F: When students see respectful behavior modeled by adults, they are less likely to engage in bullying.


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