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folate vs folic acid

***folate: naturally occuring forms -- multiple glutamic acids, intestinal track cleaves all but one glutamate before absorption ***folic acid: supplemental/fortified foods --synthethic form and monoglutamate

magnesium functions

-Helps stabilize ATP -Bone structure -Nerve and muscle function -Glucose and insulin metabolism

4 signs of dehydration

1) Speech difficulty 2) Confusion 3) Sunken appearance of eyes 4) Muscle weakness (upper-body) NOT: Edema

where is most vitmain K sources in body

10% comes from bacterial synthesis in colon

upper level of vitamin D is set at

100 mg/day for 9 year old and older and above this can cause excess blood calcium, koint pain, muscle weakness, neuropathy, neasea, and death

What is the Adequate Intake level of vitamin K for men?

120 μg/day

adequate intake water

15 cups for men 11 cups for women

programs to increase food security in the US

15 food and nutrition assistance programs administered by the USDA, 25% of americans participate in at least 1 of the programs

how is most vitamin E absorbed

20-70-% of vitamin E is absorbed by passive diffusion incorportated into micelles dependent on bile and pancreative enzymes then incorporated in chylomicrons to be transported into lymph

sodium upper limit

2300 mg/day

water food and air max

3 weeks without food, 3 days without water, 3 minutes without air

RDI potassium

4700 mg

what percent of B12 that we eat is absorbed

50% and reabsorbed from bile

what percent of body weight is water and where

55-60%, 2/3 intracellular and 1/3 extracellular

What is the Adequate Intake level of vitamin K for women?

90 μg/day


95% or more organic ingredients

optimal blood pressure


Which fat-soluble vitamins are not readily excreted from the body?


isotonic solution

A solution in which the concentration of solutes is essentially equal to that of the cell which resides in the solution, no net water movement

hypertonic solution

A solution in which the concentration of solutes is greater than that of the cell that resides in the solution resulting of shrinkage of RBC

hypotonic solution

A solution in which the concentration of solutes is less than that of the cell that resides in the solution resulting in swelling

fat soluable vitamins

A, D, E, K

vitamin b-12 is found in ___ foods only


Hemochromatosis overrides what protection the body usually has from iron toxicity?

Mucosal block

Which B-vitamin is synthesized from tryptophan?


Why are corn-based diets associated with pellagra?

Niacin in corn is unavailable. Corn contains little tryptophan.

Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome

Organic brain syndrome resulting from prolonged heavy alcohol use caused by a deficiency of thiamine, a vitamin metabolized poorly by heavy drinkers. Causes changes in vision, balance, confusion, and memory loss

Which B-vitamin is found in a wide variety of foods?

Pantothenic acid

vitamin K includes

Phylloquinones (vit K1) from plants v the main biologically active form v Menaquinones (vit K2) produced by bacteria in large intestine v Vit K2 also found in meats and fish oils

____ acid can limit the absorption of some minerals by chemically binding to them and preventing their release during digestion.


What is the term for a constituent of plant fibers found in whole grains and legumes that binds to minerals and decreases their bioavailabilit

Phytic acid

What factors decrease iron's bioavailability?

Phytic acid Oxalic acid

what are the three factors that affect the bioavailability of a mineral

The form of minerals present in the body. The supplements that are taken apart from the meals. Excretory loss of a mineral.

Where is calcium absorption most efficient?

The upper part of the small intestine

What is the function of the superoxide dismutase enzymes?

They reduce oxidative damage to cell membranes.

Beriberi (I cant) results from a deficiency of

Thiamin (B1)

Coenzyme A, the coenzyme form of pantothenic acid, is essential for the formation of ______.


incidental food additives

additives that appear in food products indirectly, from environmental contamination of food ingredients or during the manufacturing process

Calcium ions are often found in the blood, bound to the blood protein _____.


function of vitamin c

collagen synthewsis, wound healing, antioxidant, immune system

selenium functions

componenet of 25 enzymes and proteins, antioxidant enzymes and converts T4 to T3

phosphorus functions

components of bone and teeht, part of ATP and DNA, regulates acid-base balance

iron deficiency

anemia, RBC micotytic and hypochromic, reduced hemoglobin syntehsis, energy metabolism

In response to increased osmotic pressure, the pituitary gland releases ______, which signals the kidneys to retain water, thus reducing urine output.

antidiuretic hormone

what are functions of vitamin E

antioxidant protects lipids in body, protects cell membranes

made with organic ingredients

at least 70% org ingredients

Who gets Vitamin K deficiency?

babies so given injection right away

Vitamin K is needed for the ____

conversion of preprothrombin to prothrombin synthesis of blood clotting factors

where is vitamin E excreted

bile and urine and skin

role of vitamin e

blood clotting hemorrahaging agent

Once absorbed, minerals travel in the blood __

bound to proteins in a free form

potassium functions

can help normalize high blood pressure and reduce effects of high sodium intake, electrolyte

functions of copper

copper containing enzymes, regulates neurotransmitters, inovlved in connective tissue syhtesis,

Lead issues

damages organs, especially nervous system and kidneys

fucntions of calcium

deelopment and maitnence of bones and teeth, blood clotting, transmission of nerve impulses, muscle contraction, cell metabolism

Zinc deficiency

delayed growth and sexual maturation, immune disfunction and poor wound healing, hairloss, appetite

how are water soluable vitamins transported

delivered to bloodstream and distributed

wtaer toxicitity

develops when kidneys cannot remove water fast enough relative to intake

what do food insecure individuals eat less of

eat less nutrient dense foods

who is at risk of vitamin B-12

elderly, persons with malabsorption, vegans, vegetarians, infants, gastic bypass surgery

vitamins are needed for

energy metabolism, growth, development, and maitencence


enlargement of the thyroid gland

functions of iodide

essential componenet of thyroid hormones, criticala for normal metabolissm

major minerals

essential inorganic elements needed for growth and tissue maitnence

vitamins are

essential organic compounds and are not energy source

how to vitamin interacrions work

excessive A can interfere with vit K avsorption

Thiamin is a key component required to metabolize the macronutrient ______.


vitamin D2 foods

fatty fish, cod liver oil, fortified milk, fortified breakfast cereals

the water soluable vitamin deficiency that may eventually lead to megaloblastic anemia is duer to lack of which vitamin


Which B-vitamin is critical for DNA synthesis and amino acid metabolism?


organic foods

food produced with biological pest management, compposting, manure applications, crop rotations

microorganisms infect cells of gastrointestional tract directly

foodborne infection

microorganisms secrete toxin into food we eat

foodborne intoxication

the role of B-vitamins

form coenzymes, function in energy metabolism

functions of riboflavin

forms coenzymes in energy metabolism FMN & FAD, helps with formation of other B-vitamins niacin, folate, B-6, antioxidant function

magnesium food sources

found in cholophyll so richest sources are plant products asin green leafy veggies, brocolli, beans, sunts, seed, whole grain chocolate and tap water

What are carotenoids ?

found in dark green and yellow orange veggies and frouts, fat soluable can be converted to vit A, no UL

food desert

geographic areas wjere fresh, affordable, healthy foods cannot be purchaseed easily

Manganese functions in many processes including ____. (Check all that apply.)

gluconeogenesis antioxidant defense collagen formation

functions of sodium

glucose and amino acid absorption, required for nromal nerve and muscke function, aids in fluid balance

functions of vitamin a

healthy vision in night, development, cell growth, immunity, reproduction, bones

signs of vitamin E deficiency

hemolytic nemia, impoaired immune function, and neurological changes in the spinal cord and pheripheral nervous system

GM crops primarily is used for

herbicide tolerance, insect resistance, increase nutrient content

similarities among foods with a lot of vitamin E

highly susceptible to destruction by oxygen, lights, and heat

Vitamin B-12 is required for an enzymatic reaction involved in _____ metabolism.


excess sodium causes

hypertensison, heart disease, stroke

Weakness, fatigue, constipation, and irregular heartbeat are all symptoms of ________, a life-threatening problem associated with low blood potassium


potassium deficiency

hypokalemia can be caused by excessive losses through urine or feces

Where can 95% of the body's potassium be found?

inside the body's cells

functions of vitamin d

iregulate immune function, secretion of hormones, cell cycle. protects against diabetes hypertension, dementia, and cancer

Most common nutritional deficiency?

iron deficiency

Injection of menadione, a synthetic form of vitamin K, can cause ____

jaundice hemolytic anemia

too much calcium can cause

kidney stones, hypercalcemia

which organ plays most important role in water regulation


food insecurity

lack of access to food for healthy lifestyle contributing to health and nutrition problems


life threateneing when potassium taken in excess

where are water soluable vitamins stored

limited storage so should be consumed daily

Riboflavin's conversion to its coenzyme form occurs mainly in the _____.

liver heart small intestine

where are retinoids found

liver, fish, fish oils, fortified milk, eggs

water is attached to electrolytes and moves via osmosis from

low to high conentrations

functions of water

maintains blood volume, transports nutrients and oxygen, major fluid componrnt, forms lubricants, serves as a solvent, participates in chemical reacrions (hydrolysis)

chloride functions

maintains fluid balance with sodiu, aids in transmission of nerve impulses, componenet of HCl

neural tube defects

malformations of the brain, spinal cord, or both during embryonic development that often result in lifelong disability or death. May cause spina bifida anecephaly, and ancephalocely. Also linked to clept lip and palate and hear defects

functions of chromium

may enhance insulin action, promotes glucose uptake, normalize blood sugar levels

as countries become westernized, diets contain more ________ ehich is called

meat, dairy, sugarm rpocessed foods, fat, nutrition transition

potassium sources

meat, fruits, vegetables (banana, orange, tomato, potato, cantaloupe)

chloride comes from

most from table salt

what cancers does vitamin c help prevent

mouth, esophagus, stomach, lungs

function of thiamin

needed for metabolism of carbs and BCAA, functions as coenzyme for transketolase which is necessary for DNA and RNA and the nervous system

mercucry issues

nerve damage, fatigue, food learning abilities

folate helps form and maintain

neurotransmitters and maintain normal blood pressure and reduce risk of colon cancer

2 forms of niacin

nicotinic acid and nicotinamide

pharmacological use of niacin

nicotinic acid may increase HDL and decrease triglycerides

he function of PLP, the coenzyme form of vitamin B-6, pertains mainly to enzymatic reactions involving ______.

nitrogen-containing compounds

can vitamins be synthesized in the body


vitamin k toxitity

no UL, storage in liver and bone is limited, more ready than others

Potassium Upper Limit


where are fat soluable vitamins stored

not excreted from body so stored in liver and adipose tissue (except K)

Copper food sources

organ meats, seafood, legumes, nuts and seeds, oysters, beef liver

importance of iron

oxygen transport and makes red color in blood with protein

how are fat soluable vitamins transported

packaged and delivered with dietary fats in chylomicrons and lipoproteins

Pantothenic acid function

part of coenzyme A, used in energy metabolism

functions of zinc

part of dna and rna synthesis, enxume cofactor, helps with development, activities, immune function, and insulin regulation

results of B-12 deficiency

pernicious anemia, macrocytic anemia, neurological chnages and nerve degeneration and elevated plasma homocysteine concentrations

health consequences of undernutrition

physical and mental activit declines, growth slows or ceases, muscle and fat wasting occurs, immune system weakens, macronutrient deficiencies become common


poor calcification of newly synthesized bones in adults "soft bones" results in fractions due to vitamin D deficiency

Which minerals play a role in regulating water balance?

potassium sodium calcium

Vitamin D is different from other vitamins in that it has a site of synthesis that is different from the location of action, so it is considered to be a _______.


chloride deficiency

rare but may occur ith freqeunt vomiting coupled with poor diet

seborrheic dermatitis

rare vitamin B-6 deficiency that causes convulsion, depression, and confusion

what cells are at risk during folate deficiency

red blood cells, GI cells, white blood cells

what do antioxidents do

regulate free radicals

Select the functions of copper in the human body. (Check all that apply.)

regulating iron transport part of enzymes preventing oxidative damage to cell membranes

functions of vitamin B12

required for 2 enxymatic functions including formation of methionine from homocysteine and metabolism of some fatty acids in TCA cycle, also protects myelin sheath and necessary for folate metabolism


riboflavin deficiency affecting mouth, skin, and red blood cells causing inflammation

vitamin c deficiency causes

scurvy, prevents normal collagen synthesis, impaired wound healing, depression

Water-soluble vitamins are essential organic substances needed in _____ amounts.


Where does the absorption of vitamin C occur?

small intestine

Where is thiamin absorbed?

small intestine

where are vitamins absorbed

small intestine

The pantothenic acid portion of coenzyme A is released during digestion in the ____.

small intestines

functions of vitamin K

stnthesis of blood cotting factors, bone metabolism, and prevents calcification of blood vessels

Which organ produces the intrinsic factor that enhances vitamin B-12 absorption?


what do both forms of niacin do

synthesize niacin coenzymes NAD+ and NADP+ during redox reactions

floride function

teeth and gum formation

food security

the access by all people at all times to be enough for an active healthy life

The coenzyme form of pantothenic acid participates in _______.

the breakdown of carbohydrates, protein, alcohol, and fats fatty acid synthesis


the niacin-deficiency disease, characterized by diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia, and eventually death

Pork products are excellent sources of _____.


processing makes grains not so great so we make them great again by adding back

thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, and iron

how are vitamins absorbed

through dietary fats deoending on bile and pancreatic lipase

The chemical name for 4 of the 8 forms of Vitamin E is ____.


vitamin e consists of

tocopherols and tocotrienols where msot active form is a tocopherol


use3d to maintain blood levels of calcium and phosphorus and increase absorption from gut and takes from bone

food waste

worldwide 1.3 of all food produced ins lost and about 40% of food goes to waste in the US

Which forms of vitamin K, when consumed in excess, do not cause any harmful effects?

Menaquinones Phylloquinones

intentional food additives

-purposely added to achieve a goal (longer shelf life, greater nutritional value, more appealing color or flavor)

water needs vary by

Body size, physical activity, environmental conditions, and dietary intake

foods high in calcium

Cheese *Collard greens* Milk and *soy milk* *Rhubarb* *Sardines* Spinach *Tofu* Yogurt

foods high in phosphorus

Fish *Organ meats* *Nuts* Pork, beef, and chicken Whole-grain breads and cereals

Selenium acts as an antioxidant as part of what group of enzymes?

Glutathione peroxidase

functions of vitamin B-6

-PLP (pyridoxal phosphate) helps metabolize amino acids, folate, releases glucose from glycogen, and is a coenzyme -heme synthesis -neurotransmitter syntheis -histamine synthesis -regulates gene expression

What type of transport is utilized when copper is absorbed into the intestinal cells?

Active transport Simple diffusion


An iron-containing protein in red blood cells that reversibly binds oxygen.


An oxygen-storing, pigmented protein in muscle cells.

water soluable vitamins are

B and C

about vitamin d

D3 is active form, 7-dehydrocholesterol in skin is transformed to UVB radiation

what is the tetrahydrogolic acid (THFA) coenzyme needed for

DNA synthesis and normal cell division, amino acid metabolism, B12 coenzyme needed to recycle folate coenzyme for DNA syntheisis

dash diet

Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, Low in saturated fat, total fat, cholesterol, Rich in fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy, Whole grains, poultry, fish, nuts, Reduced amounts of fats, red meats, sweets, sugared beverages

Explain the relationship between vitamin E and vitamin K.

Excessive levels of vitamin E will reduce the clotting ability of vitamin K.

who regualtes food additives


what regulates GM food


Which is true about riboflavin?

In the blood, riboflavin is transported by protein carriers. Hydrochloric acid releases riboflavin from its bound forms. 60 to 65% of riboflavin is absorbed via active transport or facilitated diffusion in the small intestine.

Where does most sodium absorption occur?


Which vitamin was discovered when scientists fed chicks a nonfat diet and observed hemorrhages?


Where is niacin found and synthesized by?

Lean meats (chicken, fish, peanuts, yeast) and can be synthesized by tryptophan

Which is true about the transport and storage of thiamin?

Little thiamin is stored in the body Transported by red blood cells

vitamin a

Retinoids, exist in 3 forms: Retinol (alcohol) v Retinal (aldehyde) v Retinoic acid,which cannot be converted back to other forms

rod and cones in rentra

Rods = black-and-white images and detecting motion. v Cones = color images.


a coenzyme used in fatty acid synthesis, amino acid metabolism, and the formation of glucose


a condition characterized by a decrease in bone density, producing porous and fragile bones

food sustainability

ability to produce enough food to aintain human population.


abnormal condition that can occur in children mineralization of bones in children and bones will be weak; caused by a lack of vitamin D

sodium RDI

about 1500

food borne illness greatest risk from

viruses and bacteria

how does vitamin d from the doos or synthsis in skin become active

vit D from food or syntehsis in skin must be modified by liver and kidney to become active

Which water-soluble vitamin acts as an electron donor and has a cofactor role for several metalloenzymes?

vit c

what is the least stable vitamin

vitamin c

how to minimize exposure to pesticides

wash and peel frusts and vegetables, trim fats

Vitamin A Deficiency diseases

•Leading cause of blindness in the developing world •Night blindness -The rhodopsin is recycled more slowly •Retinoic acid maintains the mucus forming cell -Without mucus the the eye cannot maintain its moisture or wash away dirt particles -Bibot's spots -Leads to xeropthalmia (softening and scarring of the cornea

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