(3) Spanish Demonstrative Pronouns "This" & "That"

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¿Cuánto cuesta éste?

How much it costs this one (masculine-singular)?

No tengo dinero, por eso no puedo ir.

I don't have any money, for that I can't go.

me gusta este coche. (masc)

I like this car (coche,m).

Me gusta esta chica.

I like this girl.

me gusta éste

I like this one. (masc)

me gusta éste (the car is implied, masc.)

I like this. (the car)

Me encanta ese coche.

I love that car. (masc)

Me encanta ésto

I love this ( neuter)

Me encanta éste.

I love this one. (masc)

Quiero esta casa.

I want this house. (fem.)

Quiero éste (masc, singular)

I want this one. (masc)

adjetivo a pronombre (Dem. adj --> dem. pronoun with an ')

If you drop the understood noun and add an accent, demunstrative adj. becomes the demunstrative pronoun.

Género desconocido (gender unknown) (use if you do not know the gender of the object)

Neuter demonstrative pronouns

el pronombre demostrativo (demonstrative pronoun)

Same as demunstrative adjectives except they take an accent mark.

Aquello (a long time ago) fue horrible. Aquello (way over there) fue horrible.

That (a along time ago) was horrible. That (way over there) was horrible.

Aquella es más grande que ésta.

That one (way over there) is bigger than this one. (feminine objects)

Aquél es más barato.

That one (way over there) is more cheaper. (masculine-singular)

Ése cuesta diez dólares.

That one cost ten dollars. (masculine-singular)

esto, eso, aquello (this, that., that over there )

The 3 neuter demonstrative pronouns

éste, ésta; éstos, éstas; ése, ésa; ésos, ésas. (this) ............ (these) .......... (that) ........... (those)

This & These, use "T's". .............That & Those, use "A's" and "E's".

Este coche es mio, pero ése es suyo.

This car is mine, but that one is his.

Esto es bueno

This is good

aquellas sillas son rojas, ésas son azules y éstas son amarillas.

Those chairs (over there) are red, those are blue and these are yellow.

Esos (aquellos) días fueron buenos, estos días son malos.

Those days were good, these days are bad

Tres tipos de adjetivos demostrativos

Three types of demonstrative adjectives; (1) Near the speaker, this, these; (2) Near the listener, that ,those; (3) Far from the speaker and listener; that over there; those over there;

¿Qué es esto?

What is this?

¿Qué es ésto?

What is this? (nueter)

(Tú) Traes esas sillas. (fem,pl)

You bring those chairs.

la tabla del adjetivos demostrativos

demunstrative adjective chart

los pronombres demostrativos (formation)

take on gender and number of the noun referred to.

ésa (fem)

that (fem)

ése (masc.)

that (masc.)


that one close to you (neuter)

aquélla (ah-keh-yah)

that one over there (f)

aquél (ah-kehl)

that one over there (masculine)


that one way over there (neuter; abstract idea, unknown object)

éstas (fem. plural)

these (fem. plural)

éstos (masc,pl)

these (masc.)

ésta (fem)

this (fem)

éste (masc)

this (masc)


this one (close) (neuter)

ésas (fem, pl)

those (fem, pl)

ésos (masc, pl)

those (masc, pl)

aquéllas (ah-keh-yahs)

those over there (feminine, plural)

aquéllos (ah-keh-yohs)

those over there (m. pl.)

los adjetivos demostrativos

used to specify the position of something or someone (noun) in space or time.

adjetivos y pronombres demostrativos

A demonstrative adjective describes a noun. A demonstrative pronoun takes the place of a noun and identifies it in space or time.

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