300 - Philosophy Here and Now

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What are the differences between empiricism and rationalism?

* Empiricism - the belief that the source of all knowledge is sensory experience * Rationalism - the belief that at least some knowledge is acquired independent of sense experience

What are the differences between Hume's ideas and impressions?

* Ideas - are less vivid thoughts reflections and impressions * Impressions - we directly and vividly experience the raw sense data and psychological states

Aristotle's immanent forms are (tangible)

* Material - out of what is an object made * Efficient - who or what made the object * Formal - What is it that is being made * Final - for what purpose is the object being made

The beliefs of Pythagoras are

* The earth is not the center of the universe * All living things have a soul * When the body dies, the soul reincarnates in a new body.

What are the misconceptions of philosophy?

* Useless subject * Has progress ever been made * No social usefulness

What are the "things" a good argument must have?

* supportive evidence * relevant evidence * consider all viable options * charity

What are the six ways to read a philosophical work?

1 - reading for conclusion - what the author writes 2 - reading for argument - finding out why the authors concluded 3 - reading for dialectic - finding out how the authors work is grounded 4 - assessing the authors argument and conclusion 5 - assessing the authors work within the context of others original worksize 6 - moving beyond reading an constructing your own inquiry

Explain Aristotle's FOUR causes

1. Material - out of what is an object being made 2. Efficient - who or what made the object 3. Formal - what is it that is being made 4. Final - for what purpose is the object being made

What is Plato's theory of knowledge?

??? Always about forms The objects of perception are in a state of flux???

What is the theory of "The Ghost in the Machine"

A human being then is a fusion of body and mind, but the essential person, the self is pure mind, an immortal soul.

What is the theory of "The Ghost in the Machine"

A human being, then is a fusion of body and mind, but the essential person, the self, is pure mind, and immortal soul.


According to Hume what we call the ___________ is nothing more than a steady stream of consciousness.


Accourding to Descartes the essential attribute of mind is __________.


Aesthetics studies the nature of __________.

What are the differences between Plato's ideal forms and the forms of Aristotle?

Aristotle says forms are immanent and within. Essence must be connected to material. Plato says ideals forms are outside.


As an Atheist, Berkeley has no need for God in his explanation of redan knowledge.

What is the role of God in Berkeley's beliefs concerning reality and perceptions of reality?

Berkeley's answer is that things are never unperceived, for God continually perceives them and thus causes them to be as they are.

Allegory of The Cave

Captures the fact that most of us confuse transitory appearances with ultimate reality.

Bishop Berkeley

Coined the phrase "to be is to be perceived."

Conceptual Analysis

Contemporary analytic philosopher's focus on ___________.

Wrecking Ball

David Hume's radical skepticism has been described as a ___________.

Wax Example

Descartes __________ proved to him that the senses cannot provide the certainties he seeks.

Methodological Doubt

Descartes discovered the self-evident principle upon which to base his philosophy using a process of __________.


Epistemology studies the nature of ___________.

Moral Value

Ethics studies the nature of __________.

The Belief of Superiority

Ethocentrism is

What is the basic argument on the feminist perspective of knowledge?

Feminist argue that such prejudice, disadvantage arising, remedying harm, basis against women, are common throughout society and academia, and that they lead to the widespread discrediting of women's ideas and experiences and the relegating of women to subordination roles.


For Descartes, knowledge is to be achieved through the combined mental operations of intuition and __________.

Impressions Thoughts

For Hume, those perceptions of the mind with the greatest force of vivacity are called __________, while those with lesser force and vivacity are called ____________ of ideas.

Active construction

For Kant, knowledge of experience is not a passive recording, but an ____________.

Primary Qualities Secondary Qualities

For Locke, ___________ are found in the object, whereas __________ are located in the subject perceiving them.


For Thales the basic substance of all things is__________.

Parmenides basic interest in philosophy was to

How can the visible not be visible and vice versa

What are Hume's sense impressions and why are they important?

Hume's sense impressions come through our senses, emotions and other mental phenomena. (Vivid, imidiato, extremes) / we can never know if they actually exist.


In human epistemology, there is no sense impression that corresponds to ____________.

What are the a priori principles?

Is knowledge gained independently of or prior to sense experience.


Is the science of reasoning.


Is the study of morals and human conduct.


Is the study of values

What is atomism?

Is the theory that all of reality and all the objects in the universe are composed of very small indivisible and indestructible building blocks that are known as atoms.

Explain the importance of John Locke's Tabula Raza.

John Locke's empirical view that human beings possess no innate (inborn) ideas or principles.


Kant's epistemology can be seen as a ___________ between rationalism and empiricism.

What is synthetic a priori knowledge?

Knowledge not derived from sense experience, such as mathematics (sense prior to experience)

Innate Ideas

Locke rejects the notion of ____________.

Correct Reasoning

Logic studies the nature of ____________.


Metaphysics studies the nature of __________.

The Tabula Raza

Notion of the mind presents it as passive and receptive.

Western Rational Tradition

Philosopher's belonging to the _____________ are curious, detached, objective, and critical minded.


Philosophy has both intrinsic and __________ value.


Philosophy means the love of ____________.

According to Plato, the lowest degree of reality is found in these objects?

Shadows Pictures And other Images

Irrational leap

Some religious philosopher's believe that an __________ of faith is required to live at the highest level of human existence.

What did Borges "man" understand about himself at the end of the story?

That he does not exist


The branch of philosophy which studies ultimate and transcendent reality is __________.

What is determinism?

The doctrine that every event is determined by preceeding events and the laws of nature.

What is logical behavioralism?

The idea that mental states are dispositions to behave in a particular way in certain circumstances.


The lower and higher forms belong to the intelligible world of __________.

What is double aspect theory?

The mental and the material are different aspects or attributes of a unitary reality, which itself is neither mental nor material.

What is the dual aspect theory?

The mental and the material are different aspects or attributes of a unitary reality, which itself is neither mental nor material.


The most significant __________ of the 17th century is Rene Descartes.

What is epiphenomealism?

The notion that mental properties do not cause anything, but merely accompany physical processes.

Explain Kant's noumena.

The noumenal world consists of things we seem compelled to believe in, but which we can never know.


The philosopher whose ideas include concept of primary and secondary qualities is __________.


The study of philosophy can __________ one from ethocentrism and subject bias.


The term meaning the study of knowledge is __________.

What is the identity theory?

The view that mental states are identical to physical brain states.

What is Cartesian dualism?

The view that mind (or soul) and body are completely independent of one another and interact casually.

What is dualism?

The view that reality consists of two fundamental distinct entities.

What is functionalism?

The view that the mind is the functions that the brain performs.


Unlike John Locke, who agrees with Descartes that primary qualities belong to the object, Bishop Berkeley locates them in the ___________.


What guarantees the existence of the world while we sleep or fall unconscious is ___________ the "perpetual perceiver" accourding to Berkeley.

What is Hume's argument against the principles of induction?

What justifies our assumption that the future will be like the past. He argues that the principle cannot be an a priori truth and it cannot be an a posteriori fact

What is the importance of Descartes statement, "I think therefore I am."

When he perceives something clearly and distinctly, he knows it beyond all doubt, he has knowledge, and skepticism is defeated.

How do Socrates interest differ from those of the sophists?

Whether or not a truth (or knowledge) might be absolute.


Wisdom is not the same thing as __________ or intelligence.

John Locke

Wishes to clear the "metaphysical rubbish" from philosophical inquiry.

Bertrand Russell

___________ focuses on the existence of matter in his writings and does not believe it can be proven.

Bertrand Russell

_____________________ focuses on the existence of matter in his writing and does not believe that it can be proven.


is the study of knowledge.

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