310Exam 3

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Alcohol absorption

80% absorbed in the small intestine and 20% in the stomach lining

alcohol metabolism in the liver

90-95% of alcohol is metabolized in the liver by alcohol dehydrogenase

Pain transmission in the spinal cord can be blocked by

the action of inhibitory spinal interneurons that release endorphins

Opiates are dangerous at high doses due mostly to

the suppression of the brain stem's respiratory center

Yeast excrement

yeast breaks down sugars to carbon dioxide and alcohol

Which statement regarding cocaine's status in the late 1800s is false? a.Freud wrote an essay, Über Coca, warning people about the dangers of cocaine. b.Cocaine was being used as a treatment for morphine addiction and teething pain. c.Cocaine was an ingredient of beverages like Vin Mariani and Coca Cola. d. Cocaine abuse was becoming widespread throughout the population.

.Freud wrote an essay, Über Coca, warning people about the dangers of cocaine.

A blood alcohol level of _______% is lethal in half of the population, but because unconsciousness occurs at a BAC of around _______%, drinking is often stopped before the lethal level is reached.

0.45; 0.35

Alcohol rate of metabolism

17 mg of alcohol per 100 mL of blood is metabolized each hour

Alcohol excretion

2-8% is excreted unchanged in the kidneys, the rest is through the liver

What is the minimum dopamine transporter (DAT) occupancy required to achieve a "high" from either cocaine or methylphenidate, based on imaging studies?


Which of the following does not modify the concentration of alcohol in the blood? a.The presence of food in the stomach b.The dose of alcohol consumed c.Gender differences in metabolism d.A cold shower

A cold shower

Alcohol First-pass metabolism

Alcohol dehydrogenase is an enzyme found in high concentrations in the liver that breaks down most of the alcohol in the system

which of the following is not an advantage of buprenorphine maintenance compared to methadone maintenance? a.Buprenorphine's shorter duration of action reduces the chance of overdose. b.Buprenorphine can be administered with subcutaneous implants. c.Buprenorphine does not require daily clinic visits. d.Neonatal abstinence syndrome is milder in buprenorphine withdrawal.

Buprenorphine's shorter duration of action reduces the chance of overdose.

Metabolic tolerance

Chronic drinkers have an increase in P450 enzymes causing rapid metabolism, making blood alcohol levels reduce

____ is the natural ligand for the d-receptor


Which of the following is not a drug used to treat ADHD? a. Ritalin b. Ephedrine c. Vyvanse d. Strattera


Behavioral tolerance

Frequent use of alcohol allows behaviors to be adjusted when they are practiced (ex. running on the treadmill)

All of the following are naturally occurring opiates except a. thebaine. b. codeine. c. morphine. d. heroin.


Which statement about opium is false? a. It has a long history of recreational use but has only recently been used medicinally. b. It was once a popular remedy for women, in the form of laudanum. c. It replaced alcohol as the most popular recreational drug in some cultures. d. It was given to infants and children.

It has a long history of recreational use but has only recently been used medicinally.

Which statement about high cocaine responding (HCR) and low cocaine responding (LCR) rats is true? a.HCR and LCR rats differ in their responses to cocaine despite being genetically identical. b.LCR rats express more dopamine transporters in the nucleus accumbens and dorsal striatum than HCR rats. c.HCR rats show greater levels of extracellular dopamine than LCR rats, under drug-free conditions. d.When the animals are given a moderate dose of cocaine, extracellular dopamine levels increase more in the LCR rats than in the HCR rats.

LCR rats express more dopamine transporters in the nucleus accumbens and dorsal striatum than HCR rats.

Which statement concerning the drugs used to treat ADHD is true? a.Side effects of these medications have not been of great concern to physicians. b.Low doses of these medications increase activity and arousal in children but not adults. c.Most of these drugs affect dopamine, with the exception of new drug Strattera that works by affecting norepinephrine. d.These drugs are safe to you because they have no abuse potential.

Most of these drugs affect dopamine, with the exception of new drug Strattera that works by affecting norepinephrine.

Which drug would be considered a partial agonist? a. Codeine b. Pentazocine c. Methadone d. Hydromorphone


Acute alcohol _______ the effectiveness of glutamate at NMDA receptors and _______ glutamate release.

Reduces; reduces

Which of the following is not a potential explanation for a hangover?

Residual acetic acid in the body

Which statement about cocaine abuse/dependence and cognitive function is true? a.Despite their compulsive drug use, people diagnosed with cocaine abuse or dependence do not show significant abnormalities on standard tests of cognitive function. b.Any cognitive deficits observed in cocaine abusing/dependent individuals must have been caused by their drug use, since numerous longitudinal studies have demonstrated that these individuals had normal cognitive function prior to the onset of drug use. c.Some abnormalities in cognitive function have been related to reduced gray matter volume of specific brain areas, based on MRI studies. d.Loss of white matter is the most important effect of cocaine that results in cognitive deficits.

Some abnormalities in cognitive function have been related to reduced gray matter volume of specific brain areas, based on MRI studies.

Which statement about pure opiate antagonists is false? a. They include drugs like naloxone and nalorphine. b. They are important in understanding the action of opiate analgesics. c. They can reverse the effects of an opiate overdose in approximately two hours. d. They have structures similar to opiates but produce no activity at the receptor.

They can reverse the effects of an opiate overdose in approximately two hours.

Which statement about the effects of opiates on synaptic transmission is false? a.They act on receptors that are coupled to G proteins that open potassium channels, close calcium channels, and inhibit adenylyl cyclase. b.They affect presynaptic autoreceptors and reduce the amount of transmitter released. c.They cause postsynaptic depolarization by opening potassium channels. d.They cause less transmitter to be released via axoaxonic inhibition.

They cause postsynaptic depolarization by opening potassium channels

Alcohol administration

Usually orally

Some researchers believe that opiates exert their effects on reinforcement by affecting cell bodies in the _______ that release _______.

VTA; dopamine

Sympathomimetic drug

a drug that mimics the effects fo the sympathetic nervous system

How is amphetamine different from methamphetamine?

a form of methamphetamine can be taken by smoking

The first step in the metabolism of alcohol is its conversion to


In _______ tolerance, the effects of alcohol _______ when blood alcohol levels are falling compared to when they are rising.

acute; decrease

Alcohol is metabolized in the liver by two systems of enzymes, _______ and _______.

alcohol dehydrogenase; cytochrome P450

Pharmacodynamic tolernace

alcohol is frequently used and causes compensatory changes in cell function.

A decrease in _______ activity can lead to toxicity, including flushing, nausea and vomiting.

aldehyde dehydrogenase

Mu opiate receptor

beta-endorphin; most potent and has roles in analgesia, motor coordination, feeding, and positive reinforcement

Lack of cocaine self-administration by mutant mice expressing a cocaine-insensitive dopamine transporter tells us that

blockade of the dopamine transporter plays a key role in the reinforcing action of cocaine

Disulfiram makes consumption of alcohol unpleasant because it

blocks the conversion of acetaldehyde to acetic acid

Alcohol dose-response curve

blood alcohol level continues to rise as side effects decline

Body fat and blood alcohol level

body fat contains less water than lean muscle, so the blood alcohol level is higher in someone with high body fat

The opiate withdrawal or abstinence syndrome

can be explained as a form of rebound CNS hyperactivity

Alcohol increased urination

caused by vasopressin, an antidiuretic hormone, that alcohol inhibits

Cocaine mechanism of action

cocaine blocks the reuptake of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin by binding to transporters


collecting the steam from heating a fermented substance to create spirits

Naturally occuring opiates

come straight from opium; morphine, codeine, thebaine

Vaccines against cocaine

could act by creating antibodies that bind the cocaine molecules, reducing the amount of drug that crosses the BBB

An intense withdrawal syndrome after long-term heavy drinking that includes irritability, convulsions, and hallucinations would be considered

delirium tremens

All of the following are effects of the class of drugs called narcotic analgesics except a.relaxation. b.diarrhea. c.pain reduction. d.euphoria.


Alcohol distribution

distributed freely and uniformly throughout the body, proportional to the water content in the tissue

_______ are two neurotransmitters that most likely are involved in the reinforcing effects of alcohol.

dopamine and the opioids

Kappa opiate receptor

dynorphins; very distinct distribution, and has roles in dysphoria, regulate gut motility and pain, and temperature control

Alcohol and benzodiazepines most likely show cross-tolerance and cross-dependence because they both _______ the effects of _______ at _______ receptors.

enhance; GABA; GABAa

Chronic methamphetamine use has been associated with all the following except a.psychosis and flashbacks. b.enhanced cognition. c.increased risk of stroke and myocardial infarction. d.premature aging.

enhanced cognition

Delta opiate receptor

enkephalin; more restricted than mu, and has roles in motor integration, cognitive function, and modulating olfacation

One common effect of increasing opiate dose is


Binge drinking is defined as

five or more drinks in a row for males and four in a row for females

Ethyl alcohol (ethanol)

form of alcohol used in beverages

Methyl alcohol (wood alcohol)

form of toxic that is highly toxic

After withdrawal from chronic alcohol use, an increase in _______ is correlated with an increase in behavioral signs of _______.

glutamate release; withdrawal hyperexcitability

Synthetic opiates

have distinct structures due to them being made; fentanyl, methadone

Female drinkers

have less metabolic activity towards alcohol due to less activity of alcohol dehydrogenase in the stomach as well as having a higher fat to muscle ratio

Cocaine sympathetic effects

increased heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature, dilated pupils

Chronic, high dose of psychostimulants can lead to all the following effects except a.irritability and anxiety. b.increased sexual interest. c.delusions. d.violence.

increased sexual interest

How can limited alcohol use improve health?

increases blood flow to the brain and decreases risk of dementia, heart disease, blood clots, and stroke.

Alcohol increases synaptic levels of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens by

increasing the firing rate of cells in the VTA

Nociceptors detect

intense pressure, extreme temperature, and chemical irritants

The peptide nociceptin/ orphanin FQ (NOP-R)

is an analgesic at the spinal level


is especially dangerous because the ether used to extract the cocaine is highly flammable

The nociceptin/ orphanin FQ receptor (NOP-R)

is genetically related to the classical opioid receptors, µ, δ, κ

Alcohol sexual dimorphism

men are bigger, taller, and heavier than women, and they have more lean muscle

Neurochemical effects of methylphenidate

methylphenidate binds to DAT and NET to block reuptake

Some researchers have hypothesized that optimal prefrontal cortical (PFC) functioning and cognitive performance occur with _______ activation of _______ adrenergic receptors and _______ DA receptors in the PFC.

moderate; a2a; D1

Cocaine acts in the nervous system by blocking ___ and ___ channels

monoamine transporters; voltage-gated sodium

Electrical stimulation of the PAG

most likely releases endogenous opiates that act on μ- and κ-receptors

Modafinil is primarily used therapeutically for the treatment of


Endogenous opioids

naturally made in body; endorphins, enkephalins

Tolerance to opiate effects

occurs rapidly for analgesic effects and slowly for constipating effects

The μ-receptor

plays a role in analgesia and the rewarding effects of morphine

At low doses, opiates exert all of the following effects except a.pain relief. b.pupil dilation. c.drowsiness. d.depressed respiration.

pupil dilation

Semisynthetic opiates

require chemical modifications; heroin, dilaudid

Amphetamine and related psychostimulants in the amphetamine-like family

resemble the neurotransmitter DA in their chemical structure

Cocaine binges

result in a period of exhaustion, depression, and cravings

Amphetamines increase catecholamine release in part by

reversing the transporter

Both early and late pain activate the

secondary somatosensory cortex

Peripherally acting opiate drugs have a specific therapeutic use that is also an unfortunate side effect of some opiate medications/drugs. Which of the following is this side effect? a.Reduction in saliva b.Slowing of gastrointestinal function/motility c.Decrease in body temperature d.Decrease in appetite

slowing of gastrointestinal function/ motility


started in 1920 due to the 18th amendment that inhibited the manufacture, sale, transportation, and importation of liquor

During fermentation, yeast converts each _______ molecule into two molecules of _______ and two molecules of carbon dioxide.

sugar; alcohol

While widespread brain damage can be seen in alcoholics, thiamine deficiency causes specific damage to the


Fatalities from acute alcohol ingestion occur because

the respiratory centers in the brain stem shut down

Fatty liver occurs because of a buildup of _______, while cirrhosis is the result of the formation of _______.

triglycerides; scar tissue

Alcohol Proof

twice the alcohol content

Treatment programs for opiate addicts

typically use methadone maintenance strategies


was banned by the FDA after many adverse reactions were reported

Cocaine use in the 20th century

was prohibited in OTC medicines by the Harrison Narcotic Act and involved administration via injection, snorting, and smoking.

NOP-R opiate receptor

widely distributed in the CNS and PNS, and has roles in analgesia, feeding, and learning

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