316-Quizzes from the Reading

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All experiments must include a minimum of two groups of subjects. True or False


All libraries use the same system for organizing their collections. True or False


All sources retrieved from the internet are applicable to EBP True or False


All useful resources on the web are free and accessible to all True or False


Any study that involves collecting data at multiple points in time is a longitudinal study. True or False


Authors who publish their work in professional journals never draw conclusions beyond their findings. True or False


Computer software programs used to analyze qualitative data automatically generate themes based on participants' words. True or False


Concepts of the metaparadigm of nursing include: nursing, health, disease, social interaction, and persons. True or False


Decisions about clinical practice are based solely on evidence. True or False


Grand nursing theories were first introduced in the 1980s. True or False


If a conflict exists between evidence and facility policy, the nurse should implement procedures based on the evidence. True or False


In a factorial design, only one group of subjects is required because they act as their own control. True or False


In nonexperimental designs, researchers manipulate the IV to determine cause and effect relationships. True or False


In retrospective designs, also known as ex post facto designs, the researcher manipulates the IV. True or False


In the discipline of nursing, it is easy to follow how knowledge has developed since theorists have carefully provided citations for their ideas. True or False


Patient care must follow clinical guidelines exactly. True or False


Qualitative researchers do not have to adhere to the usual protection of human subjects because most studies are noninvasive. True or False


Qualitative researchers do not need to obtain informed consent because they participate in the process. True or False


Researchers use correlations to determine if there are differences between two groups. True or False


Table of contents and indexes can be useful to narrow searches for evidence. True or False


The purpose of research is to prove something is true. True or False


The threat of mortality is greater in cross-sectional designs than in longitudinal designs. True or False


Theory, research, and practice should be developed in isolation. True or False


There are no differences between research questions and EBP questions. True or False


There is no harm or risk associated with participation in qualitative research since data are typically collected through interviews. True or False


When a nurse researcher suspects abuse it is unethical to report it since this information was obtained during a research interview. True or False


When reading a quantitative research article, you would expect to see words being analyzed as data. True or False


Which of the following are techniques for maintaining scientific rigor in qualitative studies? a. achieving saturation b. thick descriptions c. peer debriefing d. generalizing to populations e. a, b, and c

a, b, and c

Which of the following strategies reduce uncertainty during decision making? a. pilot testing b. reviewing samples c. listening to the opinions of peers d. relying on intuition e. a, b, and c

a, b, and c

Researchable problems are identified through: a. current nursing theories b. personal clinical experiences c. philosophical questions d. national initiatives e. a, b, and d

a, b, and d

Plagiarism is avoided by: a. using quotations with proper citations b. paraphrasing the work of others c. erring on the side of caution d. cutting and pasting from websites e. a, b, and c

a, b, c

Which of the following are strategies for drawing and verifying conclusions? a. checking for representativeness b. ignoring negative cases c. being sensitive to bias d. confirming findings through replication e. a, c, and d

a, c, and d

Which of the following would be considered when appraising quantitative studies? a. representativeness of the sample b. trustworthiness c. sample size d. control over extraneous variables e. a, c, and d

a, c, and d

4: Learning to perform a quality literature review is essential for which of the following reasons? a. Lays the foundation for writing quality undergraduate academic papers b. Identifies gaps in current research c. Provides basis for making best practice decisions d. Develops skills necessary for lifelong learning e. all of the above

all of the above

Ethical issues associated with the development of research questions include: a. limited resources b. respecting human rights c. interests of the researcher d. patient preferences e. all of the above

all of the above

Strategies to promote EBP must include: a. lack of commitment to EBP b. lack of computer skills c. lack of time d. research in practice not valued e. all of the above

all of the above

The systematic review involves which of the following? a. methodical review of the literature b. obtaining published and unpublished sources c. creating a grid for summarizing data collection d. establishing inclusion criteria e. all of the above

all of the above

When designing a study, which of the following should the researcher consider: a. research question b. review of the literature c. theoretical framework d. study purpose e. all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following are techniques used by qualitative researchers? a. peer review b. member checks c. data saturation d. audit trails e. b, c, and d

b, c, and d

Which of the following would be considered when appraising qualitative studies? a. validity and reliability b. audit trail c. thick description d. participants are experienced in the phenomenon e. b, c, and d

b, c, and d

10: Quasiexperimental designs include which of the following essential components. a. randomization, control group, and manipulation of the IV b. randomization and control group c. control group and manipulation of the IV d. randomization and manipulation of the IV e. c and d

c and d

4: A researcher is conducting a study to determine if a radio advertisement about the importance of early detection for colorectal cancer increases the attendance of middle-aged men at a free screening. This is an example of: a. basic research b. community based participatory action research c. health services research d. translational research e. c and d

c and d

Which of the following are primary sources? a. biography b. systematic review c. research article d. dissertation e. c and d

c and d

Experimental designs have control groups. Quasiexperimental designs have which of the following: a. control groups b. comparison groups c. extraneous groups d. peer groups

comparison groups

The researcher's ability to manipulate or regulate extraneous variables is known as: a. control b. manipulation c. bias d. probability


Nurses who use EBP are best described as: a. change agents b. early adopters c. innovators d. laggards

early adopters

7: Which of the following is not a purpose of nonexperimental designs: a. describe phenomenon b. explain relationships c. predict relationships d. examine causality

examine causality

The degree to which the results of studies can be generalized to other individuals, settings, or time is: a. external validity b. construct validity c. internal validity d. statistical conclusion validity

external validity

A researcher plans to observe children in a kindergarten class. Students have always been told to be on their best behavior when guests are present in the classroom. What is the greatest threat to external validity: a. construct validity b. Hawthorne effect c. selection d. interaction of treatment setting

Hawthorne effect

Which method would you choose to answer the question, what process do older adults use when they quit smoking? a. ethnography b. historical c. phenomenology d. grounded theory

grounded theory

During a study examining nurses' job satisfaction, the union decides to hold a strike. This is what type of threat to internal validity: a. selection bias b. mortality c. history d. testing


A review that synthesizes only published articles to answer questions about phenomena of interest is known as: a. narrative review b. integrative review c. meta-analysis d. systematic review

integrative review

Evidence-based practice involves all of the following except: a. clinical expertise b. nursing research c. organizational culture d. patient preferences

organizational culture

A panel of experts synthesizes evidence to make recommendations for clinical guidelines. True or False


Access to computers and technical resources is critical to link research to EBP True or False


Analysis of data in qualitative research is done simultaneously with data collection. True or False


As the cycle of science continues, more mid-range and practice theories will emerge that will be useful in clinical settings. True or False


Cohort comparison studies can save time because more than one group of subjects is studied. True or False


Descriptive data are usually cross-sectional and can be collected through surveys and questionnaires. True or False


Each historical era contributed to the development of nursing science. True or False


Fictitious names should be used when transcribing data so that actual participants remain unknown to others. True or False


Giving credit to those who provide the basis for ideas is ethical practice. True or False


In the 1980s, DRGs were a driving force by focusing nursing research on cost effectiveness. True of False


It is possible for a descriptive, qualitative study to be applied to practice. True of False


Knowing key terms used in an index can facilitate effective searches. True or False


Librarians are searching and system experts True or False


Nonexperimental designs can be used to develop and test theories. True or False


Nurses are encouraged to collaborate with researchers and theorists to expand nursing knowledge. True or False


Nurses are ethically obligated to follow practice guidelines. True or False


Nurses should evaluate clinical guidelines as they may be biased. True or False


Nursing research popular in the 1950s involved the study of nursing students. True or False


Patients who are not in the intervention group must receive the standard of care. True or False


Qualitative findings must be shared with participants. True or False


Technological advances created a knowledge explosion that has vastly influenced nursing research. True or False


The PICO model is useful when considering EBP questions. True or False


The Solomon Four Group design is more effective at controlling for the threat of testing than is the two group pre posttest design. True or False


The purposes of nonexperimental designs are to describe, explain, and predict relationships. True or False


The standard of care or alternate interventions can be used as comparisons of interest in the PICO model. True or False


There are many different strategies for coding data. True or False


Which of the following are considered to be at the bottom of the pyramid of evidence? a. meta-analyses b. concept analyses c. synopses d. systems e. a and b

a and b

Which of the following are criteria for establishing trustworthiness? a. credibility b. reliability c. confirmability d. inferability e. a and c

a and c

Which of the following terms are associated with qualitative sampling? a. snowball b. random c. purposive d. subjects e. a and c

a and c

7: Which of the following journals are considered scholarly journals? a. Nursing Research b. RN Magazine c. American Journal of Nursing d. Journal of Nursing Scholarship e. a and d

a and d

A nurse is reading an article and reads the following statement: This study aims to examine the effect of guided imagery on postoperative pain in adults. This is an example of a: a. problem statement b. research question c. purpose statement d. hypothesis

purpose statement

3: When a researcher assigns subjects to groups by tossing a coin, the researcher is using: a. random selection b. random assignment c. bias d. within-groups design

random assignment

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