Western Civ Industrial Revolution

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A strong, pantheistic worship of nature, a preoccupation with sentiment, suffering, and self-sacrifice, a reverence of history that inspired nationalism, and finally a reaction to the excesses of Industrial Revolution

Edwin Chadwick

Advocated modern sanitary reforms and made England's first Public Health Act

The Trade Union Movement

Allied socialist parties

There was a larger pool of unskilled laborers in the U.S.

American Industrialzation was a capital intensive endeavor because _____

The desire to improve working and living conditions for most workers

An issue that united all socialist together was

Thomas Carlyle

Argued that historical events were largely determined by the deeds of Romantic heroes who transformed society

The Luddites

Artisans that destroyed machines that ruined their liveihood


Believed that Violence was the best way to achieve true freedom

Edward Bernstein

Believed that socialism could be best achieved through the democratic process

Industrial Artisans

Britain prevented _____ from traveling abroad to prevent industrial monopoly's

Crystal Palace

Britain's Great Exhibition of 1851

Rapid population growth, surplus of labor, ready supply of domestic and colonial markets, and developed financial system

Britian's emergance as the first industrial power was aided by ____


By 1900, _____ had emergence as a leader in dyestuffs, controlling 90 percent of the market..

The Romantic Movement

Can be viewed as a reaction against the Enlightenment's preoccupation with reason

United States and Western Europe

Closing the gap in industry with Great Britain.

The failure of the potato crop

Crop that failed in Ireland

Women labor

Did nothing to change traditional female working patterns


Energy source that drove the second industrial revolution

The English Poor Act of 1834

Established workhouse where jobless poor people were forced to live

Neo-Gothic buildings

Exhibited the nineteenth-century revival of medieval architecture

A life of harsh disciple and rigors of competitive wage labor

Factors owners instituted ____

Britain's cotton textile industry

First industry to industrialize in England

Female Prostitution

Heavy migration to cities by country women and their increasingly desperate struggle for urban economic lead to what for women?

Henry Ford

Helped the car industry with the Model-T

Raw Cotton

Imports of ______ increased dramatically during the 1700's

A Cartel

Independent enterprises work together to control prices and fix production quotas.

Richard Arkwright

Invented the water frame spinning maching

Industrial Revolution

It was widely believed that the _____ began after 1750

Sweating Jobs

Jobs for women involved the subcontracting of piecework


Most important form of Romantic literary expressoin


Most successful socialist state


Played a larger role in Continental industialization in the European Continent.


Power behind steam engines in the first industrial revolution


Reason European population increased

A Catholic Revival

Religion in the age of Romanticism experienced

The lower classes

Remained in poverty in despite the emergence of the later nineteenth-century mass society.


Romanticism in art and music was well characterized by the compositions of

Labor saving innovations in manufacturing

The American system reduced costs and revolutionized production through

Aggressive entrepreneurs

The Industrial Revolution in Britain was inspired by ____

Betterment of the middle classes, an increased disparity between the riches and poorest classes in society, and led to an overall increase in purchasing power for the working class

The Industrial Revolution resulted in ______


The Second Industrial Revolution saw the advent of ____


The country that industrialized was a result of government planning and initiative

Resourceful individuals with diverse social backgrounds

The new industrial entrepreneurial class was mostly _____

Mutual aid societies

Trade Unions primary functioned as ___ in the early nineteenth century

"Airy visions, painted with tinted steam"

Turner's paintings were described as

Repeated beatings

Way to discipline boys and girls in British industries

Means of production and could only sell their labor for a wage

Workers lost ______ as a result of Industrialization


Working class organizations during the Second Industrial Revolution saw women as what?

Romantic artist

focused on landscapes and depictions of nature in their art

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