3.2 Cell Organelles

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Cells have a division of labor and contain special structures that work together.

How do cells work together to carry out life processes?

by modifying proteins

How does the Golgi apparatus work with the E.R.

......90% of cell

In plants they contain on very large vacuole which is up to ....

Smooth E.R.

Makes lipids and breakdowns toxins

...and ribosomes

Mitochondria cells have their own DNA and....

a nucleolus

Most nuclei contain a small spherical area called...

most of the cell devoted to making proteins.

Organelles that are involved in protein production have...


Powerhouse of the cell (energy) Processes your food energy into chemical energy your cells can use


Since proteins carry out critical function, they need to be made..


Specialized structures that work together inside a cell are called....

....outside of the cell membrane

The cell wall lies...

..the DNA

The nucleus stores the....

...cell cytoskeleton (a network of protein fibers)

The organelles are anchored in the cytoplasm by the....

They only work with one specific substrate.

There are many different enzymes located in the cytoplasm of a single cell. How is a specific enzyme able to catalyze a specific reaction?


These are short microtubules that help with cell division and In animal cells it contains 2 small structures called...


Trace the path of a protein in the cell from start to finish (being released from the cell).


...are tiny organelles that link together amino acids together to make proteins


A 2 membrane system that contains ribosomes and DNA (Photosynthesis reactions-----solar entergy ...turns to food energy)

...algae, plants and bacteria

Cell walls are found in ...


Cells that require more energy contain the....

cilia and flagella

Centrioles can also form...


Chloroplasts contain membrane stacks called...

chlorophyll (green)

Chloroplasts contain...

..Lysosomes (somes = body) (Lyse = to break up / destroy)

Common in animal, fungi, and protests...not usually in plants

Rough E.R.

Covered with ribosomes and make the bulk of the proteins and modifies them before export.


Eukaryotic cells are highly organized....

long hollow tubes....act as tracks for organelle movement...also add in cell division.

What are Microtubules?

They are used for transportation and have holes.

What are nuclear pores?

amino acids and have unique characteristics (size, polarity, acidity)

What are proteins made of?

They link together with amino acids to make proteins.

What are ribosomes?

1) DNA must be protected 2) Info must be available

What are the 2 major demands of the nucleus?

They are the cells nuclear envelope, nuclear pores, nucleolus, ribosomes.

What are the components of the nucleus and what is the function of each?

It supports and shapes the cell

What are the functions of the cytoskeleton?

chloroplasts and cell walls an big vacuole are present in plant cells but not in animal cells.

What are the main differences between plant and animal cells?

Outer - barrier from cytosol Inner - membrane is folded to increase surface area (cristae)

What are the names of the mitochondria membranes?

Small membrane-bound sacs that divide materials in the cytoplasm and transport materials within the cell.

What are vesicles?

mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own DNA and ribosomes.

What characteristics do mitochondria and chloroplasts share?

The instructions for making proteins.

What does the DNA contain?

E.R. (endoplasmic reticulum)

What is an interconnected network of thin folded membranes?

Fluid that is known as cytosol and is mostly water.

What is cytoplasm?

tiny threads that enable cells to move, (muscle contraction )

What is microfilament?

Modifies, packages and transports proteins.

What is the function of the Golgi apparatus?

It is a dense region where tiny organelles (ribosomes) essential for making proteins are assembled.

What is the function of the nucleolus?

They shape, protect and support individual cells and the entire organism.

What is the main function of a cell wall?

Surrounds the DNA by a double membrane.

What is the nuclear envelope?

Site where ribosomes are assembled to form proteins and RNA.

What is the nucleolus?

To produce microtubules

What is the role of the Centrosome?

modifies proteins and cellular pathways

What is the role of the ER?

processing, packaging, and secreting organelle of the cell

What is the role of the Golgi apparatus?

to supply energy to the cell

What is the roll of Mitochondria

the cytoplasm

What is the term for the jelly-like substance that is contained inside the cell membrane?


Which cell structure contains the cell's genetic material and controls the cell's activities?


Which organelle can be found in the cytoplasm and on the surface of the endoplasmic reticulum?


Which organelle contains digestive enzymes that break down damaged cell parts, debris and invading bacteria and viruses?


Which organelle is a membrane-bound sac that divides material from the rest of the cell and transports material around the cell?


Which organelle is the "powerhouse of the cell?" (be able to draw a pic of it and identify it)


Which organelle manufactures proteins?


Which organelle stores water, salts, carbohydrates and wastes in plant cells ( be able to ID it!!!)

The organelle involved in defending a cell against viruses is the lysosomes.

Which organelles are involved in defending a cell against viruses?

both inside and on the surface: ribosomes

Which organelles are present both inside the nucleus and on the surface of the E.R.?

chloroplasts and cell walls

Which organelles/structures would expect to find only in plants?

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