4.1 Test Study Review

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la camisa

(nice) shirt

un sueter verde

* una chaqueta marron

unas bufandas verdes


What is flamenco and what does it involve?

During the Feria de Abril celebration, girls wear Seville's traditional costume, el trade de sevillana. Sevillanas are similar to flamenco and involve singing, dancing, and guitar as well as rhythmic clapping or foot taps.

La chaqueta cuesta ciento sesenta (160) dólares.

El gorro cuesta doce euros.

Spain does not use the dollar. What currency does it share with 11 other countries in Europe?


What country is north of Spain?


el traje de sevillana is work by las sevillanas. what popular southern city in Spain do las sevillanas represent?

In Sevilla Spain (that is the southern city) During Feria de Abril celebration, girls wear Seville's traditional costume, el trade de sevillana. Sevillanas are similar to flamenco, which involves singing, dance, and guitar as well as rhythmic clapping or foot taps. (Bailarinas de flamenco en Sevilla)

En Espana, hay cuatro estaciones. Maribel siempre tiene calor durante el verano. Me gusta el invierno, pero siempre tengo frío.

In Spain, there are 4 seasons. Maribel always feels warm during summer. I like winter because I am always cold.

La camisa cuesta treinta y dos dolares.

La camiseta cuesta cincuenta y siete euros.

La blusa cuesta cuarenta y cinco dólares.

Los calcetines cuestan quince euros.

Los pantalones cuestan setenta y ocho dólares.

Los pantalones cortos cuestan veintiséis euros.

Page 190: What is the capital of Spain?


Maribel piensa que el vestido es un poco feo. Ella tiene razón; no es muy bonita. Ella compra otro vestido que le gusta más.

Maribel thinks the dress is slightly ugly. She is right; it isn't very beautiful. She shops for other ones to like more.

What 2 bodies of water come in contact with Spain?

Océano Atlantico (Atlantic Ocean) y Mer Mediterraneano (Mediterranean Sea)

Who is Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)?

Pablo Picasso is one of the 20th century's greatest artists who portrayed traditional Spanish themes in his work. He made this print of fictional characters Don Quijote and Sancho Panza exactly 350 years after Cervantes wrote his famous novel, El ingenious hidalgo Don Quijote de La Mancha.

What country is just west of Spain?


pg 203: Who is Salvador Dalí? What type of art was he known for? What does surrealist art reflect?

Salvador Dalí is an artist from Spain is well known for his surrealist paintings. In surrealist art, the imagery reflects an artist's IMAGINATION and is often inspired by DREAMS.

unas corbatas rojas

Unos trajes blancos

una camiseta verde y unos pantalones cortos azules

a green t-shirt and blue shorts

a red tie: Una corbata roja

a white suit: un traje blanco

una gorra

baseball cap

un gorro


Un cinturón


la blusa


una blusa


unas botas




el vestido


un vestido


los zapatos cuestan noventa dólares.

el suéter cuesta cincuenta y un euros.

el sombrero cuesta cuarenta dólares.

el vestido cuesta ochenta y cinco euros

Page 212: Who occupied the southern Spain area known as Al-Andalus for almost 800 years? What is this area in southern Spain known as today? The Alhambra in Granada, Spain, is an example of what type of architecture?

from 711-1492, the Moors, Arab Muslims from Northern Africa, occupied an area in southern Spain called AI-Andalus. The area is now known as Andalucia. The Alhambra in Granada, Spain, is an example of Moorish architecture in Spain.

Unos guantes


el sombrero


un sombrero


Pg 191: What do Real Madrid and FC Barcelona have in common?

himnos oficiales are an important part of the Spanish soccer experience. Fans of the Real Madrid team sing ¡Hala Madrid! (Let's go, Madrid!), especially during games against rival team FC Barcelona, known as El Barca.

tener calor

it feels warm

tener frío, el gorro

it is cold, a beanie

la chaqueta


una chaqueta


In Spain, the word for jeans is los vaqueros. They also use los tejanos.


el dinero


los euros

money frequency used in Spain and other 11 countries in Europe

una camisa

nice shirt

anaranjado y negros

orange and black

Unas piyamas


Unos pantalones


los pantalones


los jeans/pantalones


el precio


una bufanda


los zapatos


unos zapatos


unos pantalones cortos


una falda


los calcentines


unos calcetines


Read and understand the Presentacion de Vocabulario on pages 194 and 195 in the Avancemos 1 Spanish textbook. la tienda


un traje


un sueter


una camiseta


el centro commercial

the mall

las estaciones: la primavera, el verano, el otoño, y el invierno

the seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter

una corbata


tener suerte

to be lucky


to pay

ir de compras

to shop


to think


to wear

What are 3 of the most popular foods found in Spain?

tortilla española, paella, gazpacho

orange t-shirt: una camiseta anaranjada

un calcetine amarillo

un gorro morado

un zapato negro

una blusa marron

una bata de bano roja

las pijamas cuesta catorce dólares.

una bata de baño: bathing robe

una falda rosada

una camisa azul

un cinturon blanco

una gorra anaranjada

unas blusas marrones

unas batas de banos rojas

unas faldas rosadas

unas camisas azules

unos suéteres verdes

unas chaquetas marrones

unos cinturones blancos

unas gorras anaranjadas

unas camisetas anaranjadas

unos calcetines amarillos

una bufanda verde

unos vestidos rojos.

unos gorros morados

unos zapatos negros

blanca, rojo, y marrón

white, red, and brown

amarilla y blancos

yellow and white

Know how to ask what something costs-page 196Cuanto cuesta el/la...? El/la....cuesta...dolares/euros.Cuanto cuestan los/las...? Los/las...cuestan...dolares/euros. el vestido cuesta cuarenta y nueve euros. los jeans cuestan cuarenta y seis euros. los zapatos cuestan setenta y cuatro euros. la chaqueta cuesta sesenta y cinco euros. la camiseta cuesta diecisiete euros los pantalones cortos cuestan veintidós euros la blusa cuesta treinta y tres euros.

¿De qué color son los zapatos? Los zapatos son rojos.

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