44430- Ch. 4

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person specification

(or job specification) summarizes the characteristics of someone able to perform the job well

Employer Value Proposition

(sometimes called the employer value proposition) the balance between the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards an employee receives by working for a particular employer in return for the employee's job performance

Competency Modeling

Analyzes the broader competencies needed to perform well in roles as opposed to jobs

A behavior that interferes with leader performance is a ________. Select one: A. detractor B. derailer C. job element D. competency


A summary of the characteristics of someone able to perform the job well is a ________. Select one: A. job description B. person specification C. job analysis D. job requisition


A systematic process of identifying and describing the important aspects of a job and the characteristic a worker needs to perform the job well is a ________. Select one: A. job specification B. job analysis C. bona fide occupational qualification D. legal audit


General Stores Inc., a chain of retail stores short-listed four candidates for the two vacant positions of store manager. They were particularly keen on Mark Evans, who had an excellent background and impressive interpersonal skills. To lure Mark in, they offered him an extremely lucrative package that he was unlikely to get anywhere else. They also hired Doug Pyers for the other vacancy, although Mark got a better deal than Doug. In spite of this, General Stores was unable to retain Mark for more than a few months. Which of the following, if true, could explain this apparent discrepancy? Select one: A. Average salaries in the industry matched the remuneration Doug received. B. The company did not accurately gauge Mark's need for intrinsic rewards. C. Doug was unhappy about the inequity in pay that existed between him and his colleague, Mark. D. Mark is more concerned with the extrinsic aspects of a job than anything else.


If speaking German is something that it is nice for employees to be able to do but is not necessary for good job performance, then speaking German is a(n) ________. Select one: A. essential criteria B. desirable criteria C. job description D. competency


If the job of a loader exists to load packages on delivery trucks, the ability to safely lift and load packages onto a truck is a(n) ________. Select one: A. job qualifications B. essential function C. desirable criteria D. job grade


The job analysis technique that identifies behaviors that lead to extremely effective or extremely ineffective job performance is ________. Select one: A. task inventory method B. critical incidents method C. job elements method D. structured interview method


structured questionnaire method

a job analysis method that involves using a list of preplanned questions designed to analyze a job


a more broadly defined component of a successful worker's repertoire of behavior needed to do the job well


a more stable and enduring capability to perform a variety of tasks than a skill allows

future-oriented job analysis

a technique for analyzing new jobs or how jobs will look in the future

job description

a written description of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities associated with a job itself


an increased conscious or unconscious sensitivity to certain stimuli due to recent cues or experiences

job task

an observable unit of work with a beginning and an end


an organized body of factual or procedural information that can be applied to a task

job rewards analysis

analyzes both the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards of a job

workflow analysis

analyzing how work progresses through the organization to improve efficiency

job redesign

any changes to a job that increase work quality or productivity

structured job analysis interview

asks job experts to provide information about the job verbally in structured face-to-face interviews using preidentified questions

desirable criteria

criteria that can enhance the new hire's success on the job but that are not essential

value creators

directly generate revenue, lower operating costs, and increase capital efficiency (e.g. leaders of research and development, marketing, human resources, or finance)


expected patterns or sets of behaviors people play in a company

Job Elements Method

focuses on identifying the characteristics of workers who are able to do the job at a satisfactory level

Job enargement

giving the the employee more tasks to do

job enrichment

giving the worker more autonomy in planning controlling their work


how consistent the reward is across different employees


how reliable the reward is

The balance between the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards an employee receives by working for a particular employer in return for their job performance is the ________. Select one: A. employee value proposition B. job's total compensation package C. work-life balance D. job's total rewards


The degree to which the composition of a reward package matches the needs and preferences of applicants or employees is the package's ________. Select one: A. mix B. differential C. amount D. stability


The first step in conducting a job analysis is to ________. Select one: A. get the support of top management B. write the job description and person specification C. collect critical incidents D. communicate the purpose of the job analysis to the job experts


_____generates a list of 50 to 200 tasks grouped in categories reflecting major functions of the job as the functions relate to selection purposes. Select one: A. A task inventory B. A personality assessment C. A skills inventory D. A job analysis


"other" characteristics

Catchall category for worker characteristics that do not fall neatly into the knowledge, skills, and abilities categories

A job analysis ________. Select one: A. ensures that equal numbers of all protected groups are in a firm's workforce B. is generated by an affirmative action plan C. establishes hiring quotas for different protected groups D. determines a job's entry requirements and duties


A job task is a(n)________. Select one: A. set of related tasks that are repeated on the job B. employee characteristic related to job performance C. set of KSAOs D. observable unit of work with a beginning and an end


A(n) ________ is an essential new hire qualification. Select one: A. KSAO B. O*NET C. PAQ D. BFOQ


Dana works as a financial consultant at a start-up company called MoneyCare. While some of her friends earn more than she does working for similar positions in other companies, Dana finds her work far more interesting and challenging than what her friends do. As MoneyCare is a small organization, Dana has a lot of responsibilities and believes that she is actually learning far more on the job than she thought she would. Which of the following statements is true about Dana? Select one: A. She thinks total rewards from her job are low. B. The extrinsic rewards account for the bulk of the total rewards she gets from this job. C. She thinks the extrinsic rewards from this job are very high. D. She finds the intrinsic rewards from this job very satisfying.


critical incident technique

a job analysis method that identifies extremely effective and ineffective behaviors by documenting critical incidents that have occurred on the job

unstructured job analysis interview

a informal conversation with a job expert, usually a capable job incumbent or the manager of a job incumbent, with no prepared questions


a behavior that interferes with leader performance or career advancement

job task

a collection of more elemental activities directed toward the achievement o a specific objective on the job

Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)

a copyrighted, standardized job analysis questionnaire that can be used for just about any job


a formal group or cluster of tasks

Job Families

a grouping of jobs that either call for similar worker characteristics or contain parallel work tasks

job duty (or task dimension)

a grouping of related job tasks and responsibilities

Competency Modeling

a job analysis method that identifies the necessary worker competencies for high performance

essential criteria

job candidate characteristics that are critical to job success

intrinsic rewards

nonmonetary rewards derived from the work itself and from the organization's culture

value enablers

perform indispensable work that enables the creators (e.g. leaders of support functions such as cybersecurity or risk management)

Task Inventory Approach

relies on job experts to generate a list of job relevant tasks

extrinsic rewards

rewards that have monetary value

job design

specifying the content and method of doing a job, and the relationship between jobs, to meet both the technological and organizational requirements of the job as well as the social and personal requirements of the works doing the job


the capability to perform tasks accurately and with ease

essential functions

the fundamental duties or tasks of the position

job elements

the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics that reflect a broad range of job behaviors, intellectual behaviors, motor behaviors, and work habits

total rewards

the sum of a job's intrinsic and extrinsic rewards

job analysis

the systematic process of identifying and describing the important aspects of a job and the characteristics a worker needs to do it well

job rotation

workers move from one job to another rather than performing a single job

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