5300 Transportation Final Exam, Geog 5300 morton okelly

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a planer undirected graph in which all nodes are connected to exactly two other nodes is an example of

Delta network

Length of shortest path between most distant nodes. High diameter, network tends to be less linked

Diameter of a network

Transport system management

Disaggregate increase efficiency incentivize better patterns evolves into a concert with sustainable practices modal split is a key component need to understand behavioral response.

In the Gravity Equation beta.....

increases as the price of transportation increases

The Winnipeg-type of interior articulation point is best characterized as

A number of inbound convergent flows out over a single (or a few) routes.

What is the main entry and exit node of a region called?

a gateway

Bike Sharing Systems (BSS)

- 600,000 by 2013 - located in 600 cities

Harris/ Ullman model

- Cities are often much more complex than Hoyt and Burgess models suggest - Cities can be multi-nuclear - that is, they have more than one business or industrial center. - Feedback between different types of land use; industrial zones, for example- lower land prices, so residential housing nearby is chepaer due to the negative externalities Best for columbus because: - The center is not a generic circle and there are many surrounding of different types - There are many areas around the city that serve as central nodes for different types of development (polaris, easton,etc.) - Gives options to people of all socioeconomic status - Good proportion of manufacturing and logistics are pieced along the suburban areas ringing I-270

What is an example of Spatial Interaction.

- Commuting OSU students - Shipping oranges from one region to another - Phone calls between cities.

In a minimaly connected network

- Each vertex in a connected to the network - there are no superfluous edges (linkages) - The removal of a single edge would divide the network into two disconnected parts.

Hoyt model

- Suggests that certain types of economic activities will cluster around major transportation routes - Land prices will reflect route accessibility, hence a corridor of high-value residential areas along a main transportation route.

What are the constraints of the transportation allocation problem

- The total row sums (supply) - The total column sums (demand) - The flow needs to be non-negative

Effects of the automobile/interstates

- truck freight takes business from rail for certain cargo - development of suburbs - "Car Culture" - Expansion of oil consumption

Matrix Summary

-C: basic, direct, two nodes are directly connected/ disconnnected -T; basic, direct and indirect, total number of direct and indirect connections between nodes -D; basic, direct and indirect, minimum steps taken to reach another node -L; valued, direct and indirect, minimum distances between nodes.

Node Hierarchy (Nystuen- Dacey Method)

-Dominant center: city with the Largest flow to a smaller center -Subdominant: city with largest flow to a larger center, but in turn has the largest flow for one or more smaller centers

Effects of Railroads

-reorientation of east-west as opposed to north-south -easier year-round transportation -Much faster transportation - Integration of chicago and easter manufacturing with supplies and consumption in the midwest

Change in transport costs relate to...

-space price equilibrium - Market growth pushing for agricultural products - overcoming of spatial barriers - Opening up news supply areas.

Hub and Spoke models

A center that is a major interactor within a region of cities; a node of interaction dominance; a "switching center" for intereaction between cities. A node of high degree - Telecommunication networks, airline, freight, border crossings. Advantages and disadvantages: - Point to point requires many more aircraft and flights for the same conncections - if you take out the hub, the network will fail - Point to point is good for keeping congestion down and makes it more resilient for bad weather events - A hub system like Delta can be vulnerable with knock on effects of delays there felt throughout the system - Disadvantages of the hub and spoke network is the amount of time (waiting for a connection a the central hub) along with multiple plane changes. - Given the increase in distance, why would we want a hub system? - it can be simplififed way to connect a lot of places - Fewer aircraft with better load factor - the hub system allows for a better organization of a network since a high portion of travel comes through these locations

In a nodal hierarchy, a center whose largest flow is to a smaller center is defined as

A dominant center.

What is a field?

A field is the areas where hinterlands cross boundaries that they control --> typically when people in one region commute to work in another region.

What is a Hinterland?

A hinterland is the area of influence a region has.

Hub and spoke advantages and disadvantages

Advantages: - higher load factors on the equipment generate greater savings - equipment is used more effectively - lower transit cost per unit distance bc of larger scale of operation Disadvantages: - more circuitous routing - higher package/ passenger miles -need investment in sorting equipment and increased handling costs - increase in volume of goods to be sorted

Shimbel Distance aka D-matrix accounts for

Attenuation and redundancy also this is not based on distance, the diagonal elements are zero, its values are determined once and do not change as the iterations proceed. The row sums tell the minimum steps required to connect one node to all other nodes. Matrix sum tells the minimum steps of connections between all nodes in the network.

The ________ model of city sectors only considers distance from the city center, while the ____ model is based on the idea that transportation corridors have a significant effect on urban land use

Chicago school or burges and the Hoyt model

What is Vj Ui and Cij represent (Vj-Ci=Cij)

Cij must be greater than or equal to Vj-Ui Vj and Ui are the cities

Phases of urban transport

Horsecar (1840-1890) Electric streetcar (1890-1920) Interurban and suburban railroads (1900-1930) Automobile (1930-) Expressways (1950-1975) Beltway (orbital) present-

Huff model

How attractive a place is relative to other places.

the Weber Model

Industrial location model to minimize transport costs.

Autarky corresponds to a situation of

Least trade specialization. Refers to "complete trade seperation"

Low orders of hierarchy will result in what?

Low-order = large number of small influence hinterlands.

the goal of optimization models are to

Maximize consumer accessibility to products Maximize the total miles travels Maximize profits

The L-Matrix shows

Minimum distances between all nodal pairs in a network. No connection; (infinity sign)


Mostly blue -- direct flights

Interaction Model Equation

Pi Pj/ dij ^a+ betax Pi and Pj --> complementarity as Pi and Pj (population) grow there is high interaction dij --> transferability as distance grow there is less interaction

What factors generate flow?

Push - pull - distance

Which Matrix makes the biggest adjustments for attenuation

Scalar weighted T-matrix with a scalar weight of .2

Development of transportation

Scattered ports --> links develop connecting nodes --> development of feeder lines --> beginning of interconnection (intersections) --> complete interconnection --> emergence of high-priority "main streets"

High transport costs

Small hinterlands, need to produce lots (even things that are not well suited) Have to be more self sufficient (grow own food, make own machines) Trade is lower than it could be

spinal network

Spinal: minimally connected network. Minimum is (v-1), max is 3(v-2). The gamma index for a minimally connected network is (v-1)/ 3(v-2) Range of values for spinal is: 1/3-1/2

Weighted Centroid

Sum of i * weight i * Xi / sum of i * weight i Sum of i * weight i * Yi / sum of i * weight i

What matrix sum indicates an increase of the overall network accessibility


Ullmans Triad/ how to use Ullmans triad

Transferability (cost) = Cij Complementarity(match) = Pi, Pj. Price differential Vj- Ui Intervening opportunity (geography - how regions interact with each other) = Oij

In an optimal location, what do we do if the total supply from all sources exceeds the total demand for all sinks?

We deliver the excess supply to a fictitious sink at zero cost.

Intervening Opportunity is?

When one region has a demand for a product and another region has an excess supply of the product.

Factory Location

X and Y * Weight/ total weight

What is the most important factor in determining a cities accessibility?

attractive forces of neighboring (in close proximity) cities.

as goods are shipped longer distances rates per mile

decreases as the total cost increases


describes the effect of distance in the gravity model, has generally decreased over time.

In the transportation allocation model we want to

determine the optimal allocation of flows from location i to location j.

Gravity model overstates the effect of what with air traffic

distance (Dij)

R- Matrix

gives the exact path that must be followed to get between two nodes in the cheapest way possible.. The values in the R matrix represent the k values associated with the cheapest path found between two nodes.

Data Structure for SI

helps us see inflows and outflows of people traveling across regions

traffic shadow

negative effect of clustering whereby the largest city in any cluster of cities tends to act as a receiving point for the air traffic of the entire cluster.

Degree (order) of a node indicates what

number of attached links

Regression analysis

r^2 measure indicates the percentage of variation in the dependent variable (actual traffic) that can be associated with variation in the independent (gravity model estimates)


range of values; 1/2 to 2/3

As freight rates decrease, which of the following is likely to occur

regional specialization will increase

Normative Models

seek to determine the "best" or "optimal" solution to a problem.


sequence of links, traveled in same direction and must be uninterrupted

Scalar-weighted T-matrix

serves to reduce the effects of attenuation

What is an advantage of a hub network structure

transportation equipment is used more efficiently.

The relative connectivity ratio is known as

the Gamma index

A city with different types of economic and residential sectors arranged in a patchwork pattern that does not clearly follow transportation corridors would be best described by which model?

the Harris and Ullman model

the degree of a node will be

the row of a sum C1 matrix

Low transport costs mean what

we have large hitnerlands and regional specialization. Because the ease of transport allows the region to make the goods that they are best at

In the Total flow contrained grvaity models

λ is asumed to be one , β assumed to be -1.0² 1)Add up all values of all gravity model estimates between one place and all other places in the system we're considering 2) Can divide everything by Pi (weight of node i) 3) Just add up the weight of all the other places, dividing by the distance between each of them and Node i

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