575 Advanced Spanish Verbs with 3, 4 or 5 usage sentences

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

Cristina soñó con su abuelita anoche.

Last night Christina dreamed of her dear grandmother.

La promoción del año pasado significó mucho para mí.

Last year's promotion meant a lot to me.

Laura se sostiene a sí misma trabajando como programadora.

Laura supports herself working as a programmer.

¡Qué se figuren lo que quieran!

Let them imagine whatever they want!

¡Ayudémonos los unos a los otros!

Let us help each other.

¡Brindemos por el nuevo ascenso!

Let us toast the new promotion!

¡Záfate el pelo que lo tienes muy bonito!

Let your hair be loose because it is very pretty.

Acomodemos los libros del estante.

Let's arrange the books on the bookshelf.

Calmemos a los niños para que se duerman.

Let's calm down the children so they go to sleep.

Eduquemos a los niños dándoles buenos ejemplos morales.

Let's educate the children by setting good moral examples.

Perdonemos a los que nos hacen mal.

Let's forgive those who harm us.

¡Casémonos mi amor!

Let's get married my love!

Mojémonos con la lluvia.

Let's get wet in the rain.

Mejoremos las condiciones de vida de la gente pobre.

Let's improve the living conditions of the poor people.

Protejamos nuestro planeta.

Let's protect our planet.

¡Castiguemos a los culpables!

Let's punish the guilty ones!

¡Cantemos con alegría!

Let's sing with joy!

Aprovechemos el buen clima y vayamos a la playa.

Let's take advantage of the good weather and go to the beach.

Votemos en todas las elecciones.

Let's vote in all elections.

Trabajemos para tener un planeta sin contaminación.

Let's work for a clean planet.

La vida le había exigido demasiado.

Life had demanded a great deal from him.

¡Oye, ven acá!

Listen, come here!

Poco a poco se va lejos.

Little by little one travels far.

Liz y mamá organizarán la fiesta.

Liz and mom will organize the party.

¡Ubique su negocio en un buen centro comercial!

Locate your store in a good mall!

¡Mira antes de cruzar la calle!

Look before you cross the street!

¡Antes que te cases mira lo que haces!

Look before you leap!

Lidia está cabalgando desde los cinco años de edad.

Lydia has been riding horses since she was five years old.

Lidia monta a la inglesa.

Lydia rides the horse English style.

Magali recibió muchos regalos de su hermana.

Magali received many gifts from her sister.

Mami está aprendiendo a cocinar comida mejicana.

Mami is learning to cook Mexican food.

El hombre siempre ha tratado de volar.

Mankind has always tried to fly.

Manuel pidió la mano de Lili.

Manuel asked Lilly to marry him.

Manuel sustituyó al profesor Martínez por muchos meses.

Manuel substituted for professor Martinez for several months.

Manuel estaba desafiando al famoso boxeador en público.

Manuel was challenging the famous boxer in public.

Muchos niños padecen de hambre en el mundo.

Many children suffer from hunger in the world.

Muchas personas murieron en el accidente aéreo.

Many people died in the airplane accident.

Nacieron muchas plantitas en el jardín.

Many plants were germinated in the garden.

Están apareciendo muchos virus en la computadora.

Many viruses are appearing in the computer.

A Margarita le faltaban cinco dólares para comprar el regalo.

Margaret was lacking five dollars to buy the gift.

¿María hallaste la tela para el vestido?

Maria did you find the fabric for the dress?

María estaba guardando sus joyas cuando vio el brazalete.

Maria was putting away her jewels when she saw the bracelet.

Mariana ha pescado un resfriado fuerte.

Mariana has caught a very bad cold.

Marianela acomoda su cuarto todo el tiempo.

Marianela arranges her room all the time.

Marina estaba disponiendo de sus ahorros para ayudar a su amiga.

Marina was making use of her savings to help her friend.

Mario nació en Bogotá.

Mario was born in Bogota.

Marcos siempre cuelga su ropa.

Mark always hangs up his clothing.

Marta está remendando las camisas.

Martha is mending the shirts.

El cabello de María crece rápidamente.

Mary's hair grows very fast.

Matilde estaba organizándose para el viaje.

Matilde was getting organized for her trip.

Mayela ya había destruido las cartas cuando su papá entró.

Mayela had already destroyed the letters when her father entered.

Melisa nunca ofendería a Jennifer.

Melissa would never offend Jennifer.

Mindy siempre se ducha antes de acostarse.

Mindy always takes a shower before going to sleep.

Mire y Miguel ejercen la medicina.

Mire and Michael practice medicine.

Mirla si has recogido tu ropa puedes salir.

Mirla if you have finished picking up your clothes you may leave.

Mizuki no quiso peinar a Hanna.

Mizuki refused to comb Hanna's hair.

Moe pasea al perro todas las tardes.

Moe takes the dog for a walk every afternoon.

Mamá no quiere que yo zurza el ruedo del vestido.

Mom doesn't want me to sew the hem of the dress.

Mamá quiere que saque la basura los lunes por la noche.

Mom wants me to take out the garbage on Monday nights.

Mamá ya había recogido los libros.

Mother had already picked up the books.



La Senora Marquis enseña matemática.

Mrs Marquis teaches mathematics.

Mi jefe espera que resolvamos el asunto pronto.

My boss hopes that we solve the problem soon.

Mi papá freía pescado todos los sábados.

My father used to fry fish every Saturday.

¡Mi papá quiere que me acueste a las diez!

My father wants me to go to bed at ten o'clock!

Mi papá estaba cocinando cuando se le derramó la olla.

My father was cooking when the pan spilled over.

Se están muriendo mis flores.

My flowers are dying.

Mis amigas y yo estuvimos platicando toda la noche.

My friends and I were talking all night long.

Mis amigos se afeitan todos los días.

My friends shave themselves every day.

Mis amigos querían que yo excluyera del grupo a Bonita.

My friends wanted me to exclude Bonita from our group.

Mi madrina me dijo que no me peinara con ese peine.

My godmother told me not to comb my hair with that comb.

Mi abuelito contribuyó mucho en mi vida.

My grandfather contributed much to my life.

Mi abuelita ha cocinado tamales para Navidad.

My grandma has cooked tamales for Christmas.

Mi esposo quiere que me dedique a la familia.

My husband wants me to dedicate myself to the family.

¡Me está fallando la memoria!

My memory is failing me!

Mi mamá me dijo que no regresara tarde.

My mom told me not to come back late.

Mamá me aconseja que pague los impuestos a tiempo.

My mother advises me to pay taxes on time.

Mi mamá evitaba conducir en las autopistas.

My mother avoided driving on the highways.

Yo me llamo Benjamín y tú ¿cómo te llamas?

My name is Benjamin and what is your name?

Mi vecina zurcía unas mentiras de telenovela.

My neighbor used to make up lies worthy of a soap opera.

Mis padres esperan que me gradúe el próximo semestre.

My parents hope that I graduate next semester.

Mis padres quieren que les avise cuando voy a llegar tarde.

My parents want me to inform them when I am coming late.

Mis padres quieren que aprenda español bien.

My parents want me to learn to speak Spanish well.

Mis padres quieren que anunciemos el compromiso pronto.

My parents want us to announce the engagement soon.

Mi mascota ha digerido su comida en un santiamén.

My pet has digested its food in a jiffy.

Mi cuñada ha dibujado puentes y edificios.

My sister-in-law has designed bridges and buildings.

Mis hermanas me pidieron que no cancelara mi viaje.

My sisters asked me not to cancel my trip.

Me fue bien en el examen.

My test went well.

Mi esposa acaricia su collar nuevo de diamantes.

My wife caresses her new diamond necklace.

Las novelas de misterio no me aburren.

Mystery novels don't bore me.

Nancy ha transferido todos los disfraces a la nueva tienda.

Nancy has transferred all the costumes to the new store.

Nancy está necesitando los sobres.

Nancy is needing the envelopes.

A Natalie la confundieron con Patricia.

Natalie was mistaken for Patricia.

Más enseña la necesidad que diez años de universidad.

Necessity teaches more than ten years of school.

Nelson había echado las redes cuando vio el cardumen.

Nelson had cast the nets when he saw a school of fish.

Nelson se fue navegando en alta mar.

Nelson went sailing on high seas.

Nunca desafíes a tus padres.

Never challenge your parents.

Nunca enciendas un cigarrillo.

Never light a cigarette.

Nunca riñas con tu mejor amiga.

Never quarrel with your best friend.

Nunca esparzas rumores falsos.

Never spread bad rumors.

Se prohíbe la entrada.

No admittance.

Aunque sientas lo que sientas no te des por vencido.

No matter how you feel don't give up.

Prohibido estacionar.

No parking.

Se prohíbe fumar.

No smoking.

Dicho y hecho.

No sooner said than done.

No, no nos interesan gracias.

No thank you, they don't interest us.

Norma se refería al problema de los padres divorciados.

Norma was referring to the problem of the divorced parents.

No todo lo que brilla es oro.

Not all that glitters is gold.

Nada servía.

Nothing worked.

¡Ah está granizando de nuevo!

Oh it is hailing again!

Olga es ingeniera pero no ha ejercido la profesión desde 1990.

Olga is an engineer but she hasn't practiced her profession since 1990.

En el barco todos los pasajeros se enfermaron al mismo tiempo.

On the ship all passengers got sick at the same time.

¿En qué día cae el 23?

On what day does the 23rd fall?

Después que hayamos calzado a las tropas con botas nos iremos a marchar.

Once we have fitted the troops with boots we will march.

Cuando hayas tentado esa tela te darás cuenta de lo suave que es.

Once you have felt that fabric you will realize how soft it is.

Hay que estar preparado para cualquier eventualidad.

One has to be prepared for any emergency.

Hay que comer sentado.

One has to eat sitting down.

Hay que respetar la autoridad.

One has to respect authority.

Cien presos huyeron de la cárcel.

One hundred prisoners escaped from the prison.

Hay que trabajar para lograr el éxito.

One must work hard to reach success.

Se nos fue la onda.

Our minds went blank.

A través de los siglos el hombre ha desafiado la naturaleza.

Over the centuries man has challenged Mother Nature.

A Pablo lo estacionaron en China.

Pablo was stationed in China.

Patricia siempre saca buenas notas en matemáticas.

Patricia always gets good grades in Math.

¡Fíjate en lo que haces!

Pay attention to what you are doing!

Paguen sus deudas.

Pay your debts.

La paz había influido en la prosperidad del país.

Peace influenced the prosperity of the country.

Mucha gente engaña a los niños ofreciéndoles dulces.

People trick their children by offering them candies.

Quizás hayan huido lejos pero los atraparán pronto.

Perhaps they have run far away, but they will be caught soon.

Pedro le obsequió a Carolina un libro muy interesante.

Peter gave Caroline a very interesting book.

Pinocho mintió y su nariz creció.

Pinocchio lied and his nose grew.

Muevan los muebles a la sala por favor.

Please move the furniture to the living room.

La contaminación está matando muchas especies de animales.

Pollution is killing many species of animals.

Raquel estaba peinándose en el balcón.

Rachel was combing her hair on the balcony.

Rafael ha vendido su automóvil.

Raphael has sold his car.

Ramón ha solicitado una entrevista con el cónsul.

Raymond is requesting an interview with the consul.

La razón vence el pánico.

Reason overcomes panic.

Acuérdate de devolver los libros a la biblioteca.

Remember to return the books to the library.

René se ha puesto cinco blusas diferentes hoy.

Rene has worn five different blouses today.

Solicita pronto la visa para viajar al extranjero.

Request your visa to travel abroad soon.

Resuelve tus problemas primero y después los de los demás.

Resolve your problems first and then everybody else's.

Regresen los libros a la biblioteca.

Return the books to the library.

¡Repasen el vocabulario para mañana!

Review the vocabulary for tomorrow!

Las ciudades ricas yacen a orillas de ríos.

Rich cities lie on the banks of rivers.

Ricardo se juntó con sus amigos en el restaurante.

Richard joined his friends at the restaurant.

Ricardo se untó la cera en la cara.

Richard smeared his face with wax.

Roberto los ha felicitado ya.

Robert has congratulated them already.

Rodolfo canta como un canario.

Rodolfo sings like a canary.

Rolando se montó en el tren de las ocho.

Roland rode on the eight o'clock train.

Roy riega el césped por favor.

Roy water the lawn please.

Sandra estaba depositando el dinero cuando el banco cerró.

Sandra was depositing the money when the bank closed.

Sara se había opuesto a tomar la clase de matemáticas.

Sara had been opposed to taking the Math class.

¡Habla de lo que quieras!

Say anything you want!

¡A mí que me registren!

Search me! (I have nothing to hide.)

Sergio ha padecido de insomnio por mucho tiempo.

Sergio has suffered from insomnia for a long time.

Serrano y Segovia reanudaron sus relaciones comerciales.

Serrano and Segovia resumed their commercial relations.

Ella siempre se fija en todos los detalles.

She always pays attention to all of the details.

Ella siempre usaba pantalones largos.

She always wore long pants.

Ella fundaba su opinión en las estadísticas que leyó.

She based her opinion on the statistics that she read.

¡Se pintó el pelo de morado!

She colored her hair purple!

Lloró hasta que se cansó.

She cried herself to sleep.

Ella estaba zambullida en la lectura de Romeo y Julieta.

She dived into the reading of Romeo and Juliet.

Ella dudaba de sus palabras.

She doubted what he said to her.

Ella ya había visto esa película.

She had already seen that movie.

Ella ya se había probado diez sombreros cuando llegamos.

She had already tried on ten hats when we got there.

La habían juzgado injustamente.

She had been judged unjustly.

Ella se había cepillado el pelo cuando el novio llegó.

She had brushed her hair when her boyfriend arrived.

Había llorado toda la noche.

She had cried all night long.

Ella había soñado con tener hijos.

She had dreamed of having children.

Ella siempre se ha mantenido en buena forma.

She has always kept herself in good shape.

Ella ha estado sintiéndose mejor.

She has been feeling better.

Ella no ha permitido que él salga solo.

She has not allowed him to go out by himself.

Ella se ha recuperado rápidamente del accidente.

She has recovered very quickly from her accident.

Ella ha regado la noticia del divorcio de Pamela por todo el pueblo.

She has spread the news about Pamela's divorce all around the town.

Ella ha conseguido graduarse de abogada.

She has succeeded in becoming a lawyer.

Ella ha revuelto la casa buscando las llaves.

She has turned the house upside down looking for the keys.

Ella se ha matado para conseguir esa posición.

She has worked very hard to get that job.

Ella no ha digerido la pérdida de su hermanita.

She hasn't been able to accept the loss of her younger sister.

Ella se contuvo de decirle la verdad.

She held herself back from telling him the truth.

Ella mejoró lentamente.

She improved slowly.

Ella siempre está soñando en clase.

She is always daydreaming in class.

Ella siempre está enojándose por nada.

She is always getting mad about every little thing.

La estiman mucho en su trabajo.

She is highly respected at work.

Ella siguió hablando como si nada estuviera pasando.

She kept on talking like nothing was happening.

Ella se apoyó en sus amigas durante su luto.

She leaned on her friends during her time of grief.

Ella maduró a muy temprana edad.

She matured at a very early age.

Ella les brindó la casa a sus amigos.

She offered the house to her friends to stay.

Ella pagó los platos rotos por su hermano.

She paid the consequences for her brother's actions.

Ella depositó toda su confianza en su amiga.

She placed all her trust in her friend.

Ella se comprometió a ayudarnos.

She promised to help us.

Ella se protegió de la lluvia cubriéndose con el impermeable.

She protected herself from the rain by covering herself with the raincoat.

Ella llegó a la meta.

She reached the goal.

Ella pidió las vacaciones.

She requested her vacation time.

Ella satisfizo todos los requisitos que le exigían.

She satisfied all the requirements they asked.

Ella debería haber ido a clase.

She should have gone to class.

Ella se presentó a la fiesta sola.

She showed up at the party alone.

Ella firmó y se olvidó del asunto.

She signed it and she forgot about it.

Ella pisó el piso con los zapatos mojados.

She stepped on the floor with her wet shoes.

Ella paró en seco cuando lo vio.

She stopped dead when she saw him.

Ella creyó que yo creí lo que dijo.

She thought that I believed what she said.

Ella se arrojó a la cama llorando.

She threw herself on the bed crying.

Ella nos dijo que repasáramos el examen antes de entregárselo.

She told us to go over the test before handing it in to her.

Ella se tomó su tiempo decorando la casa.

She took her time decorating the house.

Ella se ponía colorada cada vez que lo veía.

She used to blush every time she saw him.

Ella se ruborizaba por nada.

She used to blush for nothing.

Ella ocultaba los libros para que el ogro no los viera.

She used to hide the books so the ogre wouldn't see them.

Ella se encerraba en su trabajo por días.

She used to lock herself up in her work for days.

Ella padecía de dolores de cabeza.

She used to suffer from headaches.

Se ofendía por nada.

She used to take offense for no reason.

Ella mojaba la ropa para plancharla.

She used to wet the clothing to iron it.

Ella estaba llorando porque el novio la dejó.

She was crying because her boyfriend left her.

Ella manejaba un auto verde cuando la vi.

She was driving a green car when I saw her.

Estaba registrándose en la universidad cuando la vi.

She was enrolling in the university when I saw her.

Ella estaba friendo papas para la cena.

She was frying potatoes for dinner.

Ella se estaba guiando por el mapa.

She was guiding herself with the map.

Ella escuchaba música cuando el radio se descompuso.

She was listening to music when the radio stopped working.

Ella estaba buscando su anillo de perlas.

She was looking for her pearl ring.

¡¡¿Que le faltaba qué?!!

She was missing what?!!

Ella los necesitaba para enviar las invitaciones.

She was needing them to send the invitations.

Ella estuvo practicando toda la tarde.

She was practicing all afternoon.

La promovieron a supervisora de planta.

She was promoted to plant supervisor.

Me estaba atendiendo cuando el teléfono repicó.

She was waiting on me when the phone rang.

A ella no le importaban sus estudios antes pero ahora sí.

She wasn't concerned about her studies before but now she is.

Ella volvió a salir porque se le olvidó el pan.

She went out again because she forgot the bread.

Ella le añadirá un broche al vestido.

She will add a brooch to the dress.

Ella cumplirá doce años en junio.

She will be twelve years old in June.

Ella se preocupa mucho por el medio ambiente.

She worries a lot about the environment.

Ella adquiriría ese carro pero cuesta mucho dinero.

She would get that car but it costs too much money.

Ella habría contestado la carta pero se le perdió.

She would have answered the letter but she lost it.

Ella habría evitado el peligro no corriendo de noche.

She would have avoided danger by not running at night.

Ella habría sollozado más pero se le acabaron las lágrimas.

She would have cried more but she ran out of tears.

Ella se hubiese regresado a su ciudad pero no tenía dinero.

She would have gone back but she didn't have any money.

Ella habría entrevistado al actor pero él llegó tarde.

She would have interviewed the actor but he got there late.

No negaría sus errores si fuera más honesta.

She wouldn't deny her mistakes if she were more honest.

Chila frenó el caballo justo a tiempo.

Shirley restrained the horse just in time.

¡Muéstrame en qué me he equivocado!

Show me where I have made the mistake!

Respeta para que te respeten.

Show respect so respect can be shown to you.

¡Mostrad los discos compactos!

Show the compact discs!

Quien calla otorga.

Silence grants consent.

¡Sonrían la cámara está lista!

Smile the camera is ready!

Sofía merecía el premio por su excelente proyecto.

Sofia deserved the award for her excellent project.

Algunas enfermedades se transmiten por el aire.

Some diseases are transmitted by air.

Se robaron unas pinturas en el museo y acusan al guardia.

Some paintings were stolen from the museum and they accused the guard.

Alguien está tocando la puerta.

Somebody is knocking on the door.

Alguien está golpeando a la puerta.

Someone is knocking on the door.


Speak your mind!

¡Úntale la mantequilla al pan por favor!

Spread the butter on the bread please!

¡Comienza una nueva vida ahora!

Start a new life now!

¡Empieza a hacer la tarea!

Start doing your homework!

Revuelve la sopa por favor.

Stir the soup please.

Para de hacer lo que estás haciendo.

Stop doing what you are doing.

¡Que me maten si miento!

Strike me dead if I lie!

¡Apoyemos al candidato!

Support the candidate!

Susana siempre cabalga con su suegro.

Susan always rides horses with her father-in-law.

Susana regó las semillas en el jardín.

Susan scattered the seeds in the garden.

Suzi se cortó el dedo cuando le cortaba el pelo a Marcos.

Suzi cut her finger when she was cutting Mark's hair.

¡Ocúpate de tus asuntos y no de los míos!

Take care of your own business and not mine!

Saca la tarea para que comparemos las respuestas.

Take out your homework so we can compare the answers.

Hablar sin pensar es tirar sin apuntar.

Talking without thinking is like shooting without aiming.

Los maestros significan mucho en la vida de los estudiantes.

Teachers are of great importance in the life of the students.

Los maestros educan con mucha dedicación y paciencia.

Teachers educate with dedication and patience.

Ese autor siempre citaba filósofos famosos.

That author always quoted famous philosophers.

Ese libro le pertenece a María.

That book belongs to Mary.

Esa botella contiene un litro.

That bottle contains one liter.

Se vende ese edificio.

That building is for sale.

Ese negocio ha echado raíces.

That business has been growing.

Ese testimonio hubiera sido válido si hubiesen tenido las pruebas.

That confession would have been valid if they have had the proof.

Eso no reza conmigo.

That has nothing to do with me.

Esa oficina se alquila.

That office is for rent.

Ese radio le pertenecía a Cody pero me lo vendió.

That radio used to belong to Cody but she sold it to me.

Ese cantante ha competido dos veces en el concurso.

That singer has competed twice in the contest.

Ese supervisor ha utilizado muy bien los recursos del equipo.

That supervisor has utilized the resources of the team very well.

Esa nadadora romperá el record.

That swimmer will break the record.

Esa muchacha se ha tostado demasiado.

That young girl has tanned herself too much.

¡Ya se acabó!

That's it! It's all over!

¡No faltaba más!

That's the last straw!

Las danzas afrocubanas se bailan con mucha energía.

The Afro-Cuban dances are danced with a lot of energy.

El puente Golden Gate fue construido en 1937.

The Golden Gate Bridge was built in 1937.

Los Ortega siempre cenan temprano.

The Ortegas always eat dinner early.

El Papa predica la tolerancia hacia todas las personas.

The Pope preaches tolerance for all people.

El senador se abstuvo de votar.

The Senator abstained himself from voting.

La universidad la becó para estudiar Astrofísica.

The University granted her a scholarship to study Astrophysics.

El actor estaba abrazando a la bella actriz.

The actor was embracing the pretty actress.

La actriz se miraba en el espejo orgullosa de su figura.

The actress looked at herself in the mirror proud of her figure.

La actriz yacía perezosamente sobre el diván rojo.

The actress was lying down lazily on the red sofa.

El avión está listo para partir.

The airplane is ready to take off.

El analista ha evaluado el local por cinco millones de euros.

The analyst has evaluated the site for five million euros.

El locutor narra las noticias con gran detalle.

The anchorman narrates the news in great detail.

Ya se colorean las manzanas.

The apples are getting their ripened color.

El arquitecto ha coloreado los diseños.

The architect has colored the designs.

El pintor había pintado el retrato del presidente dos veces.

The artist had painted the portrait of the president twice.

El pasante ha adquirido mucha experiencia durante el entrenamiento.

The assistant has acquired a lot of experience during the training.

Los astronautas se atrevieron a ir a la luna.

The astronauts dared to go to the moon.

Los astronautas agitaron la bandera en la luna.

The astronauts waved the flag on the moon.

El atleta trató de saltar una valla de dos metros de altura.

The athlete attempted to jump the hurdle of two meters high.

El autor narraba el drama con pasión.

The author was narrating the drama with passion.

El autor estaba refiriéndose a los otros libros que ha escrito.

The author was referring to the other books he has written.

El bebé tiene gripe y ha tosido mucho.

The baby has a cold and has coughed a lot.

La niñera cepillaba el pelo de la niña cuando los padres llegaron.

The baby sitter was brushing the girl's hair when her parents came home.

La niñera había tomado al niño de la mano.

The babysitter had gotten hold of the boy's hand.

La bailarina bailaba como un ángel.

The ballerina was dancing like an angel.

Las bananas han madurado ya.

The bananas have already ripened.

La banda tocó toda la noche.

The band played all night long.

Robaron el banco.

The bank has been robbed.

El banco se abre a las nueve.

The bank opens at nine.

El banquero estaba presentando al nuevo inversionista.

The banker was introducing the new investor.

El banquero habría transferido el dinero pero las computadoras no funcionaban.

The banker would have transferred the money but the computers were down.

Los bancos cobran el interés acumulado al comienzo del mes.

The banks collect the accrued interest at the beginning of the month.

El pelotero cogió la pelota con su guante de béisbol.

The baseball player caught the ball with his glove.

El lanzador hubiera arrojado la pelota más lejos pero la luz lo cegó.

The baseball player would have flung the ball farther but the light blinded him.

Los jugadores de béisbol mastican chicles durante el partido.

The baseball players chew bubblegum during the games.

Los cobradores cobraron los recibos.

The bill collectors collected the bills.

El pájaro ha muerto de frío.

The bird had died because of the cold.

El libro habría aparecido antes pero lo tenían escondido.

The book would have appeared before but they had hidden it.

Los libros estaban sobre la mesa.

The books were on the table.

El boxeador le hubiese pegado más fuerte pero se contuvo.

The boxer would have beaten him harder but he held himself back.

Los boxeadores se golpeaban con fuerza.

The boxers were hitting each other with strength.

El niño rompió sus juguetes.

The boy broke his toys.

El niño no le hizo caso a su mamá.

The boy did not obey his mother.

El niño se asustó cuando vio al perro.

The boy was scared when he saw the dog.

El niño hubiera mentido para salvarle la vida a su mamá.

The boy would have lied to save his mother's life.

Le extrajeron una muela al niño.

The boy's tooth was pulled out.

El novio la había engañado con otra chica.

The boyfriend had deceived her with another girl.

Los muchachos están afeitando al perro ahora.

The boys are shaving the dog now.

Los muchachos golpearon el árbol hasta que las frutas cayeron.

The boys hit the tree until the fruits fell down.

Los novios se miraban con mucho amor.

The bride and the groom were looking at each other with love.

¡El candidato ya está frito con lo que dijo!

The candidate's campaign is over because of what he said!

El auto se había descompuesto anteriormente.

The car had broken down before.

Los carros brillaban después de pulidos.

The cars were shining after being polished.

Las animadoras se maquillaban para verse más bonitas.

The cheerleaders were putting on makeup to look prettier.

¡Los pollitos han nacido!

The chicks have been born!

El niño se negaba a comer.

The child refused to eat.

Los pequeños dibujan muy entretenidos.

The children are drawing happily.

Los hijos han cumplido con los deseos de sus padres.

The children had fulfilled the desires of their parents.

Los niños han abierto todos los regalos.

The children have opened all the gifts.

Los niños nadaron todo el día.

The children swam all day.

Los niños aguardaron pacientemente por su mamá.

The children waited patiently for their mother.

Los muchachos estaban zabulléndose en la piscina.

The children were diving in the swimming pool.

Los niños estaban riñendo por los juguetes.

The children were fighting for the toys.

Los niños sonreirían si vieran los regalos.

The children would smile if they were to see the gifts.

La iglesia está ubicada en la calle principal del pueblo.

The church is located on the town's main street.

El empleado presentó su renuncia al supervisor.

The clerk presented his resignation to his supervisor.

Los alpinistas tenían frío en el tope de la montaña.

The climbers were cold at the top of the mountain.

El reloj se paró a las cuatro.

The clock stopped at four o'clock.

Las nubes figuraban aviones.

The clouds took the figures of airplanes.

El payaso divirtió a los niños.

The clown entertained the children.

El payaso alegró a los niños.

The clown made the children happy.

Los payasos ríen para que el público se ría también.

The clowns laugh for the public to laugh too.

El entrenador quería que los jugadores se ducharan después de las prácticas.

The coach wanted the players to take a shower after the training sessions.

Las columnas sostienen el techo.

The columns support the roof.

El comediante entretuvo al público con sus chistes.

The comedian entertained the audience with his jokes.

El cómico se burló de los políticos.

The comedian made fun of the politician.

El comandante ha hablado por tres horas.

The commander has spoken for three hours.

La empresa ha otorgado becas a los hijos de los trabajadores.

The company has granted scholarships to the employees' children.

La compañía está adoptando nuevas disposiciones.

The company is adopting new regulations.

La computadora ordena los archivos en orden alfabético.

The computer arranges the files in alphabetical order.

El conductor había frenado pero el tren siguió moviéndose.

The conductor had applied the brakes but the train kept on moving.

Los excursionistas cuidadosos botan la basura en el basurero.

The conscientious hikers throw the trash in the trashcans.

La concursante contestó las cien preguntas correctamente.

The contestant answered the one hundred questions correctly.

El contrato le obliga a vender su casa.

The contract forces him to sell the house.

La cocinera nos cocinaba todo lo que queríamos.

The cook cooked every thing we wanted.

El cocinero está mezclando todos los ingredientes.

The cook is mixing all the ingredients.

El país demuestra al mundo que la democracia es una buena forma de gobierno.

The country shows the world that democracy is a good way of governing.

La pareja adoptó dos niñas.

The couple adopted two girls.

La pareja se abrazó.

The couple embraced each other.

La pareja ha reñido por una tontería.

The couple has quarreled over a silly thing.

La pareja se despedía amorosamente en el puerto.

The couple was saying goodbye to each other lovingly.

La corte castigó a los criminales.

The court punished the criminals.

El reo negó las acusaciones.

The criminal denied the accusations.

El criminal vaciló cuando le hicieron preguntas.

The criminal hesitated when he was asked a question.

El criminal fue perdonado justo antes de la ejecución.

The criminal was pardoned just before the execution.

La multitud se habría calmado si el líder le hubiese hablado.

The crowd would have calmed down if the leader would have spoken to them.

Las cortinas habían bloqueado la luz solar y la planta murió.

The curtains had blocked the light and the plant died.

El muro está sosteniendo el agua del río.

The dam is holding back the water of the river.

Los delegados han reanudado las conversaciones de paz.

The delegates have resumed the peace talks.

La delegación estaba dispuesta a recibir las medallas.

The delegation was ready to accept the medals.

La demostración ha demostrado que los productos son buenos.

The demonstration has proved that the products are good.

El dentista recomienda que mastiquemos los alimentos lentamente.

The dentist recommends chewing the food slowly.

El diseñador ha agrandado sus tiendas.

The designer has increased the size of his stores.

El detective persiguió al ladrón por la autopista.

The detective chased the thief down the highway.

El director estaba excusándose por su retraso.

The director was apologizing for being late.

Los buzos se zambullen en los océanos buscando tesoros.

The divers plunge into the ocean looking for treasures.

El doctor le ha recomendado reposo.

The doctor has recommended rest.

La doctora se mantiene al día con los últimos adelantos científicos.

The doctor keeps herself up-to-date with the latest scientific discoveries.

El doctor tentó al niño para ver si tenía fiebre.

The doctor touched the boy to see if he had a fever.

Los doctores agotaron todos los recursos para salvarle la vida.

The doctors exhausted all their resources to save his life.

El perro ha despertado a los vecinos muchas veces.

The dog has awakened the neighbors many times.

El perro masticaba su hueso con placer.

The dog was chewing his bone with pleasure.

El perro guiaba al ciego al cruzar la calle.

The dog was guiding the blind man across the street.

El vestido quedó muy bonito.

The dress was made very well.

El dúo agregó un baterista a la banda.

The duet added a drummer to the band.

Al que madruga Dios le ayuda.

The early bird catches the worm. (God helps those who get up early.)

La editora tomó los papeles y se fue.

The editor took the papers and left.

El editor se fijaba en el mínimo detalle.

The editor used to take notice of the smallest details.

El canal educativo transmite buenos programas.

The educational channel transmits good programs.

El electricista revisó las conexiones eléctricas.

The electrician inspected the electric connections.

Los empleados han pegado las estampillas a todas las cartas.

The employees had glued the stamps to the letters.

Los empleados habrían renunciado si no hubiésemos llegado a un acuerdo.

The employees would have resigned if we had not reached an agreement.

La ingeniera ha corregido los cálculos de nuevo.

The engineer has corrected the calculations again.

Los excursionistas se dividieron en dos grupos antes de partir.

The excursionists divided themselves into two groups before leaving.

¡La exposición se resumió a unos poquitos cuadros!

The exhibition was reduced to a few paintings!

Los exploradores subieron la montaña más alta.

The explorers climbed the highest mountain.

Las fábricas desprenden gases nocivos a la atmósfera.

The factories release harmful gases to the atmosphere.

La profetiza de la feria adivinó mi futuro.

The fair fortuneteller foretold my future.

La familia acomodó a sus huéspedes cómodamente.

The family accommodated its guests comfortably.

La familia está sentándose a la mesa para cenar.

The family is sitting down at the table to have dinner.

El famoso pintor la estaba ignorando mirándola como si no la conociera.

The famous painter was ignoring her looking at her as if he didn't know her.

Las admiradoras estaban bloqueando al famoso cantante y no lo dejaron salir.

The fans were blocking the famous singer from leaving.

Las admiradoras habrían perseguido al actor pero él se escondió.

The fans would have run after the actor but he hid himself.

Los granjeros recogieron la cosecha de mangos.

The farmers gathered the harvest of mangos.

El papá ha duchado a los niños con la manguera.

The father has sprayed the boys with the hose.

El padre habría castigado al niño pero la mamá lo defendió.

The father would have punished the boy but his mother defended him.

Los libros de Alejandra fueron destruidos en el incendio.

The fire destroyed Alexandra's books.

Los bomberos han contenido el incendio a tiempo.

The firefighters have contained the fire just in time.

Los bomberos acaban de extinguir el fuego.

The firefighters just finished extinguishing the fire.

Los bomberos salvaron a toda la familia del incendio.

The firefighters rescued the whole family from the fire.

El pescador había zafado las sogas de la barca.

The fisherman had loosened the ropes of the boat.

Los pescadores hubieran colgado la red pero hacía mucho viento.

The fishermen would have hung up the net but it was too windy.

¡La azafata había contado los pasajeros tres veces!

The flight attendant had counted the passengers three times!

Cancelaron el vuelo a Bogotá.

The flight to Bogota was canceled.

El piso está mojado.

The floor is wet.

Las flores atraen a los pájaros con su néctar.

The flowers attract the birds with their nectar.

Han subido los precios de los alimentos.

The food prices have gone up.

Los alimentos se estaban echando a perder porque hacía calor.

The food was starting to get spoiled because it was hot.

El capataz medirá todo y le dirá cuánto es.

The foreman will measure everything and he will tell you how much it is going to be.

Las gemas han sido evaluadas en un alto precio.

The gems have been evaluated at a high price.

Las muchachas se morían por José Raphael.

The girls were crazy about Jose Raphael.

Las niñas se estaban moviendo como bailarinas.

The girls were moving (dancing) as ballerinas.

Los buenos estudiantes han obtenido las mejores calificaciones.

The good students have gotten the best grades.

El gobierno está becando a muchos estudiantes.

The government is giving scholarships to many students.

El gobernador fue elegido por la gran mayoría.

The governor was elected by the majority of the people.

La abuelita les contaba relatos de su época.

The grandmother used to tell them stories of her time.

Las uvas cuestan un dólar la libra.

The grapes cost a dollar a pound.

La bandera verde significa el comienzo de la carrera.

The green flag signifies the beginning of the race.

Los supermercados están ofreciendo productos mejicanos ahora.

The grocery stores are offering Mexican products now.

El novio se acercó a su novia y la abrazó.

The groom approached his bride and gave her a hug.

Los invitados ya habían cenado cuando empezó el baile.

The guests had already had dinner when the dance started.

Los invitados brindan por la felicidad de los novios.

The guests toast to the happiness of the newlyweds.

Los invitados estaban tan aburridos que se fueron temprano.

The guests were so bored that they left early.

La guía observó que faltaba una persona en el grupo.

The guide observed that there was a person missing from the group.

El culpable se contradijo en su testimonio.

The guilty man contradicted himself in his testimony.

La gimnasta cruzó las piernas en el salto final!

The gymnast crossed her legs in the final jump.

La granizada abatió los árboles.

The hailstorm cut down the trees.

Los hombres guapos siempre han atraído a las mujeres.

The handsome men have always attracted women.

Han adoptado unas nuevas normas en la oficina.

The have adopted new norms at the office.

El entrenador estaba cepillándole las crines al caballo.

The horse trainer was brushing the horse's mane.

Calzaron a los caballos con herraduras nuevas.

The horses were shoed with new horseshoes.

Los anfitriones han obsequiado al Primer Ministro con un banquete.

The hosts have flattered the Prime Minister with a banquet.

Los cazadores estaban cazando venados.

The hunters were hunting deer.

Las patinadoras sobre hielo brillaban como las estrellas.

The ice skaters were shining like stars.

El inspector deseaba que yo revisara todo el equipo.

The inspector wanted me to examine all the equipment.

Los inspectores habían estimado los daños en siete mil euros.

The inspectors had estimated the damages to be seven thousand euros.

La compañía de seguros siempre está cobrando primas altas.

The insurance company is always collecting high premiums.

Los investigadores no han ignorado ningún detalle del crimen.

The investigators didn't ignore any detail of the crime.

Los inversionistas estaban estudiando la propuesta.

The investors were studying the offer.

Los inversionistas desean que sus inversiones produzcan altos dividendos.

The investors wish that their investments would produce high yields.

La periodista ha entrevistado a personas muy famosas.

The journalist has interviewed very famous people.

El juez ha juzgado a los criminales severamente.

The judge has judged the criminal severely.

Los jueces juzgaron en favor de la candidata de Colombia.

The judges judged in favor of Miss Colombia.

El jurado ha fallado a favor del acusado.

The jury has judged in favor of the accused.

El jurado la citó para las once.

The jury summoned her at eleven o'clock.

El juez de paz ha casado a las tres hermanas.

The justice of the peace has married the three sisters.

Los secuestradores bloquearon el camino con sus carros blindados.

The kidnappers blocked the road with their armored cars.

Las damas cabalgaban en los desfiles.

The ladies used to ride horses in the parades.

El arrendador remienda las alfombras.

The landlord mends the carpets.

El abogado me preguntó qué pasó el 24 de julio.

The lawyer asked me what happened on July 24th.

El abogado introdujo el testigo en la corte.

The lawyer brought in the witness to the court.

La abogada estaba ocupándose de los negocios de ella.

The lawyer was taking care of her businesses.

El abogado la contradecirá en todo lo que pueda.

The lawyer will contradict her in everything he can.

El líder del sindicato marchó en la manifestación.

The leader of the union marched in the demonstration.

Las hojas se desprenden de los árboles en el otoño.

The leaves fall from the trees in the fall season.

El salvavidas se broncea más que la secretaria.

The lifeguard tans more than the secretary.

Los salvavidas de las piscinas salvan a muchos niños.

The lifeguards of the swimming pools save many children.

El faro guió al barco al puerto anoche.

The lighthouse guided the ship to the port last night.

Los leones han caído en la trampa.

The lions have fallen into the trap.

El niñito agarró la pelota.

The little boy caught the ball.

El niño coloreó las paredes.

The little boy colored the walls.

El niño está abatido por la enfermedad.

The little boy is discouraged because of his illness.

La niña se desvistió para bañarse.

The little girl got undressed (by herself) to take a bath.

La niña se puso la peluca de su abuelita.

The little girl put on her grandmother's wig.

La niña vestía y desvestía a su muñeca.

The little girl was dressing and undressing her doll.

Los enamorados se besaban debajo de la luz de la luna.

The lovers were kissing under the light of the moon.

La fortuna de un loco es encontrarse con otro.

The luck of the foolish is to meet another fool.

El mago desaparecía y aparecía en el escenario.

The magician was disappearing and reappearing on the stage.

El imán atrae a las limaduras de hierro.

The magnet attracts the iron filings.

La mayoría no cree que la firma del tratado signifique el fin de la guerra.

The majority doesn't think that the signing of the treaty means the end of the war.

La maquilladora maquilla a las actrices.

The makeup artist puts makeup on the actresses.

El hombre habría llegado a tiempo pero el auto se le descompuso.

The man would have arrived on time but his car broke down.

El gerente prohibió a los empleados usar las computadoras para uso personal.

The manager forbade the employees to use the computers for personal use.

El gerente me entrevistó y me dio el trabajo.

The manager interviewed me and gave me the job.

El matador mató al bravo toro.

The matador killed the brave bull.

La alcaldesa cortará la cinta en la inauguración del edificio.

The mayor will cut the ribbon in the inauguration of the building.

El mecánico ha compuesto el auto.

The mechanic has fixed the car.

Los medios de comunicación influyen mucho en la opinión pública.

The media influences public opinion a lot.

Los hombres prepararán la cena hoy.

The men will prepare dinner today.

La leche se dañó.

The milk is spoiled.

El millonario ha agregado un nuevo cuadro a su colección.

The millionaire has added a new painting to his collection.

El misionero predicaba el amor de Dios.

The missionary was preaching the love of God.

El ama de casa moderna utiliza muchos aparatos electrodomésticos.

The modern housewife uses many electrical appliances.

El dinero fue transferido electrónicamente.

The money was transferred electronically.

La madre acarició a su bebé muy tiernamente.

The mother caressed her baby very tenderly.

La madre sostuvo al bebe en sus brazos.

The mother held the baby in her arms.

La mamá acostó a su niña en la cuna.

The mother put her little girl in the crib.

La mamá sentó a la niña en la silla porque lloraba.

The mother sat the girl in the chair because she was crying.

La mamá desviste a sus hijos.

The mother undresses her children.

La mamá le untaba la loción al bebé.

The mother was applying the lotion on the baby.

La mamá se puso alegre cuando supo las buenas noticias.

The mother was happy when she learned the good news.

El motor está fallando.

The motor is not working properly.

Los profesores de música juntaron las tres bandas para el último concierto.

The music teachers brought together the three bands for the last concert.

El nuevo Congreso ha aprobado las nuevas leyes.

The new Congress has approved the new laws.

La nueva compañía estaba fracasando.

The new company was failing.

El nuevo gerente ha despedido a muchos empleados.

The new manager has fired many employees.

El nuevo programa comenzará pronto.

The new program will start soon.

La nueva dependienta atiende a los clientes bien.

The new sales woman attends the clients well.

Las tijeras nuevas no sirvieron para nada.

The new scissors were useless.

Los recién casados se ganaron el gordo.

The newlyweds won the lottery.

El periódico ha publicado los ganadores del viaje a Canaima.

The newspaper has published the winners of the trip to Canaima.

El ruido de los aviones nos despertó.

The noise of the airplanes woke us up.

La enfermera velaba por la salud del enfermo.

The nurse was keeping vigil over the sick man.

Las olas del mar están acariciando la playa constantemente.

The ocean waves are caressing the beach constantly.

Las compañías habrían extraído más pero limitaron la exploración.

The oil companies would have extracted more oil but explorations were limited.

La viejita se cae constantemente.

The old lady falls down constantly.

El propietario ha reparado los apartamentos.

The owner has repaired the apartments.

Los dueños han dividido la compañía en cuatro partes.

The owners have divided the company into four parts.

Los paleontólogos han descubierto nuevas ruinas en México.

The paleontologists have discovered new ruins in Mexico.

Los padres bendicen a sus hijos todos los días.

The parents bless their children every day.

Los padres han mezclado los diferentes caramelos en la piñata.

The parents have mixed the different candies into the piñata.

Los padres soportan los arrebatos de los hijos.

The parents put up with the children's tantrums.

Los padres respondieron con su asistencia a la reunión.

The parents responded by attending the meeting.

Los padres estaban avergonzados de la conducta del hijo.

The parents were embarrassed of their son's behavior.

Los padres estaban buscando a la niña perdida.

The parents were looking for their lost girl.

El parlamento ha sustituido al director por otro con más experiencía.

The parliament has replaced the director with one who has more experience.

Los concursantes estaban respetando las reglas del concurso.

The participants were respecting the contest's rules.

Se acabó la fiesta.

The party is finished.

La fiesta fue en casa del profesor de español.

The party was at the Spanish teacher's home.

El manicero está tostando el maní.

The peanut vendor is roasting the peanuts.

La farmacia está ubicada en la calle San Juan.

The pharmacy is located on San Juan Street.

El lanzador se lastimó al lanzar la pelota.

The pitcher got injured while throwing the ball.

El lanzador tiró la pelota a la tercera base.

The pitcher threw the ball to third base.

El jugador fue tachado de la lista de jugadores.

The player was crossed off the players' list.

La policía siempre ha velado por la seguridad de la ciudadanía.

The police force has always guarded the security of the people.

La policía registró el auto en busca del contrabando.

The police inspected the car searching for the contraband.

La policía cogerá al ladrón cuando salga del edificio.

The police will seize the thief when he leaves the building.

El policía recomendó que marcharan por el otro lado.

The policeman suggested that they march on the other side (of the road).

Los policías han cazado al ladrón.

The policemen have tracked down the thief.

Los pobres hombres estaban huyendo de la pobreza en su país.

The poor men were fleeing from the poverty of their country.

La oficina de correos repartirá la correspondencia por la mañana.

The post office will deliver the mail in the mornings.

El presidente de la compañía ha renunciado a su posición.

The president of the company has resigned from his position.

El presidente se mantuvo firme en sus ideas.

The president stood firm in his ideas.

El cura casó a la pareja en su casa.

The priest married the couple in their house.

El cura predicó un corto sermón el domingo.

The priest preached a short sermon on Sunday.

El cura bendecirá a los feligreses después de la misa.

The priest will bless the congregation after the mass.

La profesora pasa la lista todos los días.

The professor calls the roll everyday.

Las ganancias crecieron un cinco por ciento.

The profits increased by five percent.

Los protestantes están abatiendo al gobierno.

The protesters are overthrowing the government.

El perrito dañó el juguete.

The puppy damaged the toy.

Las lluvias barrieron el llano.

The rain swept down the plain.

La reportera escribía el artículo cuando su jefe entró.

The reporter was writing the article when her boss came in.

Están llegando los reporteros también.

The reporters are arriving too.

El jinete montó el caballo con elegancia.

The rider mounted the horse with elegance.

Las rosas estaban desprendiendo un aroma divino.

The roses were giving off a divine aroma.

Las normas del instituto han obligado a usar el uniforme desde 1980.

The rules of the academy have required the use of the uniform since 1980.

El vendedor engañó al cliente aumentando el precio.

The sales man deceived the customer by raising the price.

El vendedor charló con el cliente hasta que consiguió la venta.

The salesman chatted with the client until he made the sale.

El vendedor me había ofrecido un vehículo de lujo a bajo precio.

The salesman had offered me a luxury vehicle at a low price.

El vendedor fijó el precio en cinco dólares.

The salesman set the price at five dollars.

El científico se dirigió al público presente.

The scientist spoke to the public.

Los científicos están tratando de salvar los ríos contaminados.

The scientists are trying to save the contaminated rivers.

Los científicos han observado las manchas solares por muchos años.

The scientists have observed the sunspots for many years.

El biombo bloqueaba a la actriz.

The screen was blocking the actress.

El escultor había mirado a la modelo con admiración.

The sculptor had looked at the model with admiration.

La vendedora había mostrado toda la mercancía.

The seller had shown all her merchandise.

El buque navegaba plácidamente.

The ship was navigating placidly.

El enfermo estaba comiendo muy despacio.

The sick man was eating very slowly.

Las tonterías de Bonita hicieron reír a Olga.

The silliness of Bonita made Olga laugh.

La cantante surgió rápidamente en su carrera artística.

The singer rose rapidly in her singing career.

El fumador está fumando un cigarro.

The smoker is smoking a cigar.

El soldado cayó en las manos del enemigo.

The soldier fell into the enemy's hands.

Al soldado le otorgaron una medalla por su valentía.

The soldier was granted a medal for his courage.

El soldado colocaba los cañones cautelosamente.

The soldier was placing the cannons cautiously.

Los soldados ocuparon el país.

The soldiers took possession of the country.

Los soldados atacaban la ciudad cuando llegaron los refuerzos.

The soldiers were attacking the city when help arrived.

El espía tosió para dar la señal.

The spy coughed to give the signal.

El corredor de la bolsa vela por los intereses de sus clientes.

The stockbroker watches over the investments of his customers.

El alumno sacudió el borrador de la pizarra.

The student beat the blackboard eraser.

El estudiante cumplió su promesa y obtuvo altas notas.

The student carried out his promise and got good grades.

El estudiante se confundió explicando el problema.

The student got confused while explaining the problem.

El alumno no ha respondido la pregunta.

The student has not answered the question.

El estudiante se fue sin excusarse.

The student left without excusing himself.

Los estudiantes están construyendo un futuro mejor para ellos.

The students are building a better future for themselves.

Los estudiantes están demandando que les explique los problemas del examen.

The students are demanding that I explain the questions on the exam.

Los estudiantes están resueltos a pasar Química Orgánica.

The students are determined to pass Organic Chemistry.

Los estudiantes están haciendo la tarea.

The students are doing their homework.

Los estudiantes están preparados para presentar los exámenes finales.

The students are ready to take final exams.

Los estudiantes no agarraban la idea.

The students did not grasp the idea.

Los alumnos olvidaron el examen de hoy.

The students forgot about today's test.

Los estudiantes siempre han almorzado a las doce.

The students have always had lunch at twelve.

Los estudiantes han devuelto los libros a la biblioteca.

The students have returned the books to the library.

Los estudiantes han entendido cómo usar las fórmulas.

The students have understood how to use the formulas.

Los estudiantes mejoraron el informe con los dibujos.

The students improved the report with the illustrations.

Los estudiantes me han importado desde que empecé a enseñar.

The students matter to me since I started teaching.

Los estudiantes montaron el equipo estereofónico en la cafetería.

The students mounted the stereo equipment in the cafeteria.

Los estudiantes renunciaron al uso de las drogas.

The students renounced the use of drugs.

Los estudiantes desean que la profesora no exija mucho.

The students want the professor to not demand too much.

Las estudiantes estaban charlando cuando la profesora entró.

The students were chatting when the teacher came in.

El submarino se hundió en dos minutos.

The submarine submerged in two minutes.

El sol ha brillado por billones de años.

The sun has shone for trillions of years.

Las costureras han zurcido los uniformes rotos.

The tailors have mended the torn uniforms.

La profesora insistió en que estudiáramos estas páginas.

The teacher emphasized that we should study these pages.

La profesora está satisfecha con el trabajo que hicimos.

The teacher is satisfied with the work we did.

La profesora repasó las lecciones 4 y 5 hoy.

The teacher reviewed chapters 4 & 5 today.

La profesora dijo que abriéramos los libros.

The teacher said to open the books.

La maestra resumió lo estudiado hasta hoy.

The teacher summarized all we have studied up today.

El profesor les dijo que no molestaran la clase.

The teacher told them not to bother the class.

La profesora evaluará las pruebas mañana.

The teacher will grade the tests tomorrow.

Los profesores corrigen los exámenes.

The teachers are grading the exams.

Los profesores conocen a sus estudiantes.

The teachers know their students.

El equipo sintió la cálida bienvenida de los espectadores.

The team felt the warm welcome of the fans.

Los miembros del equipo siempre afeitan las cabezas de los novatos.

The team members always shave the rookies' heads.

El equipo se llama Las estrellas.

The team's name is The Stars.

Los técnicos hundieron las columnas de cemento.

The technicians sank the concrete columns.

El jovencito ya calzaba el mismo número que el papá.

The teen was already wearing the same shoe size as his father.

Las jovencitas se ruborizaron cuando vieron al joven actor.

The teenagers blushed when they saw the young actor.

Los adolescentes han cogido el afiche de su cantante favorito.

The teenagers have taken the poster of their favorite singer.

El televisor no cupo en el armario.

The television did not fit in the entertainment center.

Desaparecieron los exámenes de la oficina del director.

The tests have disappeared from the principal's office.

El ladrón admitió su culpa.

The thief admitted his guilt.

El ladrón ocultó las joyas en una casa vieja.

The thief hid the jewelry in an old house.

El tractor había despedido tuercas y tornillos.

The tractor had thrown nuts and bolts.

El gremio de obreros está rechazando la última propuesta.

The trade union is rejecting the last proposal.

El tren para en Chicago.

The train stops in Chicago.

Los viajeros están demandando mejores servicios.

The travelers are demanding better services.

Se hubiera reanudado el acuerdo pero el balance comercial no era justo.

The treaty would have been renewed but the balance of trade was not fair.

Los árboles echan hojas cada primavera.

The trees grow leaves every spring.

Las tropas lucharon por la libertad del país.

The troops fought for the freedom of the country.

La universidad ha admitido a esos estudiantes.

The university has granted admission to those students.

El virus borró la memoria de la computadora.

The virus erased the memory of the computer.

El virus se esparció por toda Europa.

The virus spread throughout Europe.

El virus se habría esparcido más rápidamente si no fuera por los antibióticos.

The virus would have spread faster if it were not for the use of antibiotics.

El volcán despedía lava y humo.

The volcano was spitting lava and smoke.

Los voluntarios están abasteciendo el asilo de huérfanos con camas.

The volunteers are furnishing the orphanage with beds.

¡Los voluntarios se cruzaron de brazos y no hicieron nada!

The volunteers refrained from helping and did nothing!

El mesero siempre cuenta sus propinas.

The waiter always counts his money.

El almacenista almacenó muchas latas de sopa.

The warehouse owner stored lots of canned soup.

Las aguas han dañado el puente.

The waters have damaged the bridge.

Las olas agitaban el barco violentamente.

The waves were shaking the ship violently.

El tiempo está revuelto.

The weather is stormy.

El viento había revuelto todos los papeles.

The wind had mixed up all the papers.

El viento ha barrido las calles.

The wind has swept through the streets.

El viento mezcló todos los papeles.

The wind mixed up all the papers.

El viento acariciaba mi cara cuando corría.

The wind was caressing my face when I was running.

Las mujeres han luchado por sus derechos.

The women have fought for their rights.

Las mujeres aguardaban ansiosas en el andén.

The women were waiting anxiously at the train platform.

El trabajador se había merecido esas vacaciones largas.

The worker had deserved that long vacation.

Los trabajadores están pidiendo mejores condiciones en el trabajo.

The workers are asking for better work conditions.

Los trabajadores estaban compartiendo su dinero con los pobres.

The workers were sharing their money with the poor.

Los trabajadores fijaban los sellos en los sobres.

The workers were sticking the stamps on the envelopes.

La herida se cerró muy bien.

The wound healed very well.

La escritora compuso un poema muy bello.

The writer composed a beautiful poem.

El muchacho destruyó su futuro al usar drogas.

The young man destroyed his future because of drug abuse.

El joven explicó su teoría como si fuera un experto.

The young man explained his theory as if he were an expert.

El joven mantuvo su promesa de mejorar en los estudios.

The young man kept his promise to do better in his classes.

El joven quería que la muchacha lo besara.

The young man wanted the girl to kiss him.

Los muchachos están barriendo el piso.

The young men are sweeping the floor.

Los jóvenes se habrían salvado si se hubieran puesto el cinturón de seguridad.

The young men would have been saved if they had worn seat belts.

Los jóvenes se desahogan en sus amigos.

The young people confide in their friends.

Los muchachos se aburrían de nada.

The youngsters were bored easily.

Sus padres querían que ellas compitieran en las competencias nacionales.

Their parents wanted them to compete in the national competitions.

Están surgiendo muchos productos hechos en China.

There are appearing many products that are made in China.

Falta dinero para comprar los libros.

There is a lack of money to buy the books.

No hay nadie que no los haya entendido.

There is not one who hasn't understood them.

No había nadie que satisficiera sus exigencias.

There wasn't a single person that would satisfy his demands.

Ellas se han afeitado las piernas por muchos años.

They (females) have shaved their legs for many years.

Lo acusaron de robar el banco.

They accused him of robbing the bank.

Quedaron en ir al cine el domingo.

They agreed to go to the movies on Sunday.

Ellos siempre tuestan el pan para el desayuno.

They always toast the bread for breakfast.

Ellos siempre trataban de sacar buenas notas.

They always tried to get good grades.

Aparecieron cuando menos los esperaban.

They appeared when they were least expected.

La están acusando de haber robado las joyas.

They are accusing her of stealing the jewelry.

Ellos están todos revueltos.

They are all confused.

¡Están anunciando la salida del vuelo 575!

They are announcing the departure of flight 575!

Ellas están solicitando fondos para el asilo de ancianos.

They are asking for money for the senior citizens home.

Están abatiendo los árboles de los bosques.

They are cutting down the trees of the forests.

Ellos están repartiendo los juguetes a los niños pobres.

They are distributing the toys to the poor children.

Tienen problemas con la computadora.

They are having problems with the computer.

Ellos ignoran la situación política y económica de su país.

They are not aware of the political and economic situation of their country.

Ellas están ordenando los adornos de Navidad.

They are putting the Christmas ornaments in order.

Están sustituyendo la leche entera por la leche sin grasa en las escuelas.

They are replacing whole milk with skim milk in the schools.

Ellos nadan en la abundancia.

They are rolling in money.

Ellos están resolviendo muchos problemas de matemáticas.

They are solving lots of math problems.

Ellas están aprovechándose de las gangas de las tiendas.

They are taking advantage of the bargains at the stores.

Ellos se están previniendo para el viaje a la selva.

They are taking all the necessary precautions for their trip to the jungle.

Se están arrojando muchos desperdicios a los ríos.

They are throwing a lot of waste into the rivers.

Creían que nos habíamos aprovechado de ellos.

They believed we had taken advantage of them.

Lo cazaron con las manos en la masa.

They caught him in the act.

Ellos lloraron de alegría al ver a su bebé caminar.

They cried happily when they saw their baby walking.

Presentaron la nueva mercancía en la exposición.

They displayed the new merchandise in the exhibition.

La pasaron por alto en la promoción.

They disregarded her for the promotion.

Ellos compartieron la herencia entre todos.

They divided the inheritance between themselves.

Ellos se desayunan con huevos y pan tostado.

They eat eggs and toast for breakfast.

Le registraron la cartera a la actriz antes de salir de la tienda.

They examined the actress's purse before she left the store.

Le perdonaron la falta al estudiante porque estaba enfermo.

They excused the student's absence because he was sick.

Lo excluyeron del proyecto.

They expelled him from the project.

Ellos sintieron el calor de la ciudad cuando llegaron al aeropuerto.

They felt the heat of the city when they arrived at the airport.

Se organizaron en un santiamén.

They got organized in a jiffy.

Ellas se dispusieron a trotar en la competencia.

They got ready to go jogging in the competition.

¡Se metieron en un tremendo lío!

They got themselves into a terrible fight!

Ya ellos nos habían referido lo sucedido.

They had already told us what happened.

Habían abandonado el proyecto pero lo empezaron de nuevo.

They had quit the project but they restarted it again.

Han acusado al joven sin pruebas.

They have accused the young man without proof.

Ya han movido todos los artefactos eléctricos.

They have already moved all the electrical appliances.

Han anunciado unas gangas muy buenas.

They have announced a very good sale.

Les habían prohibido hablar durante el examen.

They have been forbidden from talking during the test.

Ellas se han criado en un hogar con amor.

They have been raised in a home with love.

Ellos han estado jubilados desde hace tres meses.

They have been retired for three months.

Ellos han dedicado el monumento al libertador de la patria.

They have dedicated the monument to the liberator of the country.

Han extraído mucho petróleo del Lago de Maracaibo.

They have extracted a lot of oil from the Maracaibo basin.

Han demandado al dueño de la mueblería.

They have filed suit against the owner of the furniture store.

Lo han botado del trabajo sin previo aviso.

They have fired him without warning.

Ellos han invertido mucho dinero en la bolsa.

They have invested lots of money in the stock market.

Se han equivocado al juzgarla.

They have made a mistake in judging her.

Ellos han madurado en su trabajo.

They have matured in their work.

Ellos han remendado las redes de pescar.

They have mended the fishing nets.

Ellos han cancelado todas las cuentas.

They have paid off all their bills.

¡Ellas han estacionado el coche en medio de la calle!

They have parked the car in the middle of the street!

Han promovido la nueva película en todo el país.

They have promoted the new movie nationally.

Han detenido las inundaciones con la nueva represa.

They have stopped the floods with the new dam.

Ellos importaron el vino de España.

They imported the wine from Spain.

Ellos invirtieron sus ahorros y perdieron todo de un día para otro.

They invested their savings and lost everything overnight.

Ellos se conocían desde niños.

They knew each other since they were children.

Ellas se rieron tanto que comenzaron a llorar.

They laughed so much that they started to cry.

Ellos se echaron en la cama a descansar.

They lay down on the bed to rest.

Ellas aprendieron francés cuando tenían cinco años.

They learned French when they were five years old.

Se marcharon tan pronto terminó la fiesta.

They left as soon as the party ended.

Ellos quieren que almorcemos con ellos.

They like for us to have lunch with them.

Movieron cielo y tierra para encontrar el anillo que ella quería.

They moved heaven and earth to find the ring she wanted.

Ellos se brindaron a traer los refrescos.

They offered to bring the sodas.

¡Le colgaron el muerto!

They passed the buck to him!

Lo acomodaron de carnicero en el abasto.

They placed him as a butcher at the grocery store.

Ellos le sacan partido a cualquier oportunidad.

They profit from every opportunity there is.

Metieron a siete payasos en un coche pequeñísimo.

They put seven clowns into a very small car.

Ellos vuelven muy cansados de sus prácticas de básquetbol.

They return very tired from their basketball practice.

Ellos se mostraron muy amigables.

They showed themselves to be very friendly.

Almacenaron toda la mercancía en el cuarto.

They stored all the merchandise in the room.

Ellos estudian todos los días.

They study every day.

Abastecieron la escuela con nuevos libros.

They supplied the school with new books.

Ellos criaban gallinas en su hacienda.

They used to raise hens in their ranch.

Nos atendieron con mucha cortesía.

They waited on us courteously.

Nos avisaron de las tormentas esta noche.

They warned us of storms tonight.

Ellos se cepillaban los dientes cuando el teléfono repicó.

They were brushing their teeth when the telephone rang.

Estaban comprando las revistas cuando los vimos.

They were buying the magazines when we saw them.

Lo estaban persiguiendo porque había robado una joyería.

They were chasing him because he had assaulted a jewelry store.

Ellos estaban subiendo las escaleras cuando los vi.

They were climbing the stairs when I saw them.

Le exigían al hijo que pagara todas las deudas.

They were demanding of their son to pay all his debts.

Estaban depositando el boleto de la rifa cuando los vi.

They were depositing the raffle ticket when I saw them.

Estaban tentando al novato con un buen contrato.

They were enticing the rookie with a good contract.

Estaban siguiendo al ladrón pero lo perdieron.

They were following the shoplifter but they lost him.

Ellos estaban adivinando las respuestas de los problemas de física.

They were guessing the answers to the physics problems.

Ellas estaban divirtiéndose en el club mientras los esposos trabajaban.

They were having fun at the club while their husbands were working.

Ellas estaban invirtiendo bastantes horas en ese proyecto.

They were investing lots of hours on that project.

Ellos se iban a las seis.

They were leaving at six o'clock.

Se opusieron a trabajar en el día de fiesta.

They were opposed to working on the holiday.

Ellas estuvieron corriendo hasta las cinco de la tarde.

They were running until five o'clock in the afternoon.

Ellas estaban sollozando por la pérdida de su mascota.

They were sobbing because of the loss of their pet.

Ellos nadaban corrían y comían.

They were swimming running and eating.

Los previnieron de la tormenta que se avecinaba.

They were warned of the storm that was coming.

Ellos estaban vacilando entre irse de vacaciones o ahorrar dinero.

They were wavering between going on vacation and saving money.

Cerrarán el teatro durante el invierno.

They will close the theater during the winter.

Dividirán la herencia ente los hijos.

They will divide the inheritance between the children.

¡Ocuparán a cien trabajadores para decorar el patio!

They will employ one hundred workers to decorate the patio!

Ellas almorzarán en la playa.

They will have lunch at the beach.

Me avisarán mañana si van a venir.

They will inform me tomorrow if they are coming.

Ellos pasarán por aquí a eso de las seis.

They will pass by around six o'clock.

Aprobarían el préstamo si ganáramos más dinero.

They would approve the loan if we made more money.

Ellos le untarían la mano al agente de aduana pero es un delito.

They would bribe the customs agent but it is a felony.

Lo hubiesen detenido antes pero necesitaban más pruebas.

They would have arrested him but they needed more evidence.

Hubiesen agarrado al culpable pero llegaron tarde.

They would have caught the guilty one but they got there late.

Hubieran cerrado temprano pero tenían muchos clientes.

They would have closed early but they had many customers.

Habrían luchado hasta morir si hubiese sido necesario.

They would have fought to the death if it had been necessary.

Ellos hubiesen escuchado más atentamente pero el ruido los distrajo.

They would have listened more attentively but the noise distracted them

La hubieran colocado de decoradora pero ella no quiso.

They would have placed her as a decorator but she didn't want to be a decorator.

Me habrían pisado si no me muevo rápido.

They would have stepped on me if I didn't move quickly.

Las hubiesen entendido más rápidamente pero los ejemplos eran difíciles.

They would have understood them faster but the exercises were difficult.

Aprenderían más si estudiaran más.

They would learn more if they studied more.

Esta compañía jubila a los empleados a los sesenta y cinco años de edad.

This company retires the employees at the age of sixty five.

Esta mañana recé por la salud de Elena.

This morning I prayed for Helen's health.

Esta mañana nos hemos dedicado a sembrar flores.

This morning we have devoted ourselves to planting flowers.

Este boleto ya se ha vencido.

This ticket has already expired.

Este pueblo ha crecido mucho desde el año pasado.

This town has grown more since last year.

Esos libros no caben en la mochila.

Those books don't fit in the backpack.

Esos boletos cuestan un ojo de la cara.

Those tickets are very expensive. (They cost an arm and a leg.)

Esos árboles están maduros y listos para producir frutas.

Those trees have reached maturity and they are ready to produce fruit.

Esos árboles produjeron frutas muy dulces este año.

Those trees produced very sweet fruits this year.

El que no oye consejo no llega a viejo.

Those who don't listen to counsel don't grow wiser.

Aunque haya navegado muchas veces él siempre tiene cuidado.

Though he has navigated it many times he is still very careful.

Aunque mida con cuidado siempre hay un pequeño margen de error.

Though he will measure with care there is always a small margin of error.

Aunque ellos hayan fumado antes ahora no fuman.

Though they have smoked before they don't smoke now.

Aunque te encuentres sólo habrá más oportunidades.

Though you will be alone there will be more opportunities.

Hallarse en el pellejo de otro.

To be in somebody else's shoes.

Hervirle la sangre.

To be very angry.

Para calmarme tuve que respirar hondo tres veces.

To calm myself down I had to breathe deeply three times.

Matar dos pájaros de un tiro.

To kill two birds with one stone.

Aprender de memoria.

To learn by heart.

Muy pocos han saltado del Salto Ángel.

Very few people have jumped off of Angel Falls.

Visita a un amigo que esté enfermo.

Visit a sick friend.

¡Esperen no se maquillen todavía!

Wait! Don't put on your makeup yet.

Pisa con cuidado.

Walk carefully.

¿Era necesario que te quedaras allí?

Was it necessary for you to remain there?

¿Estaba criando ella diez niños huérfanos?

Was she raising ten orphan children?

El agua hierve a 100° C.

Water boils at 100° C (212° F).

Admiramos la Catedral de Burgos cuando fuimos a España.

We admired the Burgos' Cathedral when we went to Spain.

Todos cupimos en este auto antes ¿por qué no cabemos ahora?

We all fit into this car before why not now?

Todos trabajábamos en la misma oficina.

We all worked in the same office.

Siempre festejamos la Navidad en familia.

We always celebrate Christmas with the family.

Estamos añadiéndole más agua a la limonada ¿está bien?

We are adding more water to the lemonade is this OK?

Vamos a la playa esta tarde.

We are going to the beach this afternoon.

Nos alegra que él haya dirigido el Departamento de Finanzas.

We are happy he has managed the Finance Department.

Nos alegramos de verte.

We are happy to see you.

Nos ocupamos de vender seguros en esta área.

We are in charge of selling insurance in this area.

Estamos ahorrando para ir a Australia.

We are saving so we can go to Australia.

Estamos vendiendo la casa.

We are selling the house.

Estamos platicando sobre política.

We are talking about politics.

Estamos probando la impresora para ver si funciona.

We are testing the printer to see if it works.

Digerimos todo lo que el profesor dijo.

We assimilated everything the professor said.

Nos devolvimos de casa de Roxana porque no estaba allí.

We came back from Roxanna's house because she wasn't there.

Podremos viajar sólo cuando hayamos obtenido los pasaportes.

We can travel only after we have obtained the passports.

Elegimos ir a Costa Rica este año.

We chose to go to Costa Rica this year.

Juntamos muchas rocas durante la excursión.

We collected lots of rocks during the excursion.

Habríamos aguardado más pero estábamos muy cansados.

We could have waited more but we were very tired.

No soportábamos estar en ese hotel.

We couldn't bear to be in that hotel.

No caímos en cuenta que nos mintió.

We did not realize that he lied to us.

Dudamos que María Elena prefiera trabajar en el centro.

We doubt that Maria Elena will prefer to work downtown.

Dudábamos que ellas se hubieran extraviado por el camino.

We doubted that they had gotten lost on the road.

Nos habíamos confundido y casi nos perdíamos.

We got confused and we almost got lost.

Madrugamos para comprar los boletos del concierto de José Rafael.

We got up early to buy the tickets for Jose Raphael's concert.

Ya habíamos cruzado el puente cuando tuvimos que regresarnos.

We had already crossed the bridge when we had to turn back.

Ya nos habíamos mojado cuando entramos en la casa.

We had already gotten wet when we entered the house.

Nos habíamos entretenido viendo las maniobras de los aviones.

We had amused ourselves by watching the maneuvers of the planes.

Le habíamos agregado aceite al motor cuando se nos apagó.

We had just added oil to the motor when it died.

Apenas habíamos agrandado el cuarto cuando el niño llegó.

We had just enlarged the room when the little boy arrived.

Hemos convenido en ir con ellos a Inglaterra.

We have agreed to go with them to England.

Siempre hemos admirado una persona sincera.

We have always admired a sincere person.

Siempre hemos respetado a los mayores.

We have always honored the elderly.

Nos hemos preguntado lo mismo mil veces.

We have asked ourselves the same question a thousand times.

Hemos estado admirando las nuevas pinturas del museo.

We have been admiring the new paintings of the museum.

Hemos estado ahorrando desde que nos casamos.

We have been saving since we got married.

Hemos comprado los libros.

We have bought the books.

Hemos depositado el dinero para comprar el coche.

We have deposited the money to buy the car.

Nos hemos abstenido de comer helado porque estamos a dieta.

We have deprived ourselves of eating ice cream because we are on a diet.

Hemos descubierto una nueva discoteca.

We have discovered a new discotheque.

Hemos dividido el equipo entre los técnicos.

We have divided the equipment among the technicians.

Hemos encontrado buenos amigos en este pueblo.

We have found good friends in this town.

Ya hemos ido allí y por eso no quiero ir de nuevo.

We have gone there already and that's why I don't want to go again.

Nos hemos asustado por nada.

We have gotten scared for nothing.

Hemos alquilado el carro por tres años.

We have leased the car for three years.

Hemos vivido muchos años en esta ciudad.

We have lived many years in this city.

Hemos perdido mucho dinero apostando.

We have lost a lot of money betting.

Hemos rezado por los amigos enfermos.

We have prayed for our sick friends.

Hemos abastecido la tienda con todo tipo de víveres.

We have replenished the store with all types of provisions.

Hemos resuelto estudiar mercadeo en lugar de ingeniería.

We have resolved to study marketing instead of engineering.

Hemos probado varios instrumentos pero no nos gusta ninguno.

We have tested several instruments but we don't like any.

Hemos de reconocer que la prueba era fácil.

We have to admit that the test was easy.

Hemos usado todos nuestros recursos económicos.

We have used all our economic resources.

Hemos ganado dos mil dólares.

We have won two thousand dollars.

Esperamos que no se haya lastimado el hombro.

We hope he didn't hurt his shoulder.

Ojalá que le permitan ir con nosotras.

We hope she is allowed to go with us.

Esperamos que Pablo haya mantenido el carro en excelentes condiciones.

We hope that Paul has kept his car in excellent condition.

Esperamos que el jardinero haya agrandado nuestro jardín.

We hope the gardener has increased the size of our garden.

Esperamos que la beata haya bendecido las cruces.

We hope the lay sister has blessed the crosses.

Ojalá que recuperen todo lo que les robaron.

We hope they recover all that was stolen from them.

Esperamos que no hayas tirado la casa por la ventana con esa fiesta tan grande.

We hope you didn't spend lavishly on that big party.

Insistimos en que alquilen el apartamento.

We insist that they rent the apartment.

Nos reímos mucho con esa película.

We laughed a lot with that movie.

Salimos cuando empezaba el día.

We left when day was breaking.

Nosotros medimos el largo y el ancho del terreno.

We measured the length and the width of the lot.

Nos encontramos con José en el cine.

We met Jose at the movie theater.

Debemos honrar a nuestros padres.

We must honor our parents.

Necesitamos que compongan el refrigerador.

We need the refrigerator to be fixed.

Hemos pagado el auto en cómodas cuotas mensuales.

We paid for the car in easy monthly installments.

Jugamos (al) béisbol todos los fines de semana.

We play baseball every weekend.

Rezamos en la misa todos los domingos.

We prayed during mass every Sunday.

Debemos utilizar nuestros recursos naturales con cuidado.

We should use our natural resources with care.

Nos ahorramos muchos dolores de cabeza tomando el tren.

We spare lots of headaches by riding the train.

Pasamos el día jugando a las cartas.

We spent the day playing cards.

Nos divertíamos jugando a las canicas.

We used to have a good time playing marbles.

Antes jugábamos los martes pero ahora es los sábados.

We used to play on Tuesday but now we play on Saturdays.

Nos parábamos por dondequiera cuando viajábamos para ver el paisaje.

We used to stop everywhere while traveling to see the countryside.

Estudiábamos hasta muy tarde.

We used to study until very late.

Visitamos a nuestros amigos anoche.

We visited our friends last night.

Nos ofrecimos para ayudar en la iglesia.

We volunteered to help at the church.

Estábamos pescando cuando empezó a llover.

We were fishing when it started to rain.

Íbamos al museo pero al final no fuimos.

We were going to the museum but in the end we didn't go.

Estábamos viviendo en Puerto Rico cuando lanzaron el cohete a la luna.

We were living in Puerto Rico when they launched the rocket to the moon.

Estábamos paseándonos por la plaza Bolívar.

We were strolling through the Bolivar Plaza.

Sacábamos fotos cuando llegaron los turistas.

We were taking pictures when the tourists arrived.

Estábamos aguardando a mis padres cuando el espectáculo empezó.

We were waiting for my parents when the show started.

Le añadiremos aceite al motor cuando lo necesite.

We will add oil to the car when it needs it.

Madrugaremos para salir temprano.

We will get up early so we can leave early.

Nos acostaremos temprano para salir temprano.

We will go to bed early so we can leave early.

Le ocultaremos la verdad para que no sufra.

We will hide the truth from her so she doesn't suffer.

Citaremos al abogado para consultarlo.

We will make an appointment with the lawyer to see him.

No fracasaremos porque estamos trabajando duro.

We will not fail because we are working very hard.

No descansaremos hasta que terminemos de estudiar.

We will not rest until we finish studying.

Nosotros conseguiremos nuestras metas si trabajamos duro.

We will obtain our goals if we work hard.

Jugaremos un partido de tenis el domingo.

We will play a match of tennis on Sunday.

Publicaremos esa noticia cuando esté confirmada.

We will publish that news when it is confirmed.

Nos recuperaremos económicamente tan pronto como las acciones suban de valor.

We will recover economically as soon as the stocks go up in value.

Regresaremos a eso de las seis.

We will return around six o'clock.

Apoyaremos al presidente hasta el final.

We will support the president until the end.

Visitaremos las ruinas de la cultura maya la próxima primavera.

We will visit the Mayan ruins next spring.

Festejaríamos nuestro aniversario pero tenemos que trabajar.

We would celebrate our anniversary but we have to work.

Hubiésemos aprobado el proyecto pero no teníamos dinero.

We would have approved the project but we did not have the money.

Nos hubiésemos educado aquí pero papá fue transferido a Georgia.

We would have been educated here but my father was transferred to Georgia.

Le hubiésemos cobrado por todos los servicios pero tienen muy poco dinero.

We would have charged for all the services but they did not have enough money.

Hubiéramos almorzado afuera si no hubiera llovido.

We would have had lunch outside if it had not rained.

Nos hubiésemos marchado temprano pero la fiesta estaba muy buena.

We would have left earlier but the party was very nice.

Hubiésemos buscado el libro pero no tuvimos tiempo.

We would have looked for the book but we didn't have time.

Habríamos descansado pero nos llamaron del hospital.

We would have rested but we received a call from the hospital.

Te habríamos enviado la carta electrónica pero la computadora tenía un virus.

We would have sent you the email but the computer had a virus.

Habríamos almacenado más agua pero no teníamos espacio.

We would have stored more water but we didn't have enough room.

Habríamos estudiado más pero estábamos muy cansados.

We would have studied more but we were very tired.

Habríamos tomado el tren pero se nos hizo tarde.

We would have taken the train but we were running late.

Nos hubiésemos bronceado más pero se nubló.

We would have tanned more but it got cloudy.

Hubiésemos ganado la carrera si nos hubiéramos preparado mejor.

We would have won the race if we had prepared better.

Nosotros cazaríamos pero no nos gusta matar animales.

We would hunt but we do not like to kill animals.

Nos gustaría que los árboles de pino crecieran más.

We would like for the pine trees to grow more.

Viviríamos en Japón si pudiéramos.

We would live in Japan if we could.

Ya nos vamos.

We're leaving now.

Ponte el rojo.

Wear the red one.

¡Mójale el pelo!

Wet her hair!

¡Qué jugarreta nos hizo!

What a dirty trick he played on us!

¡Qué lástima que se lastimó en la primera entrada!

What a pity he got injured in the first inning!

¡Qué pena!

What a pity!

¿En qué piensas?

What are you thinking about?

¿En qué puedo servirles?

What can I do for you? / May I help you?

¿Qué me recomiendas que haga?

What do you recommend me to do?

¿Qué significa "tener éxito" en inglés?

What does "tener éxito" mean in English?

¿Qué pasó?

What happened?

¿De qué se trata la reunión?

What is the meeting all about?

¿Qué piensas del doctor?

What is your opinion of the doctor?

¿Qué hora era cuando llegaste?

What time was it when you came in?

¿Qué estabas hirviendo?

What were you boiling?

¿Qué me regalará mi esposo para mi cumpleaños?

What will my husband give me for my birthday?

¿Qué harías si te enfermaras?

What would you do if you got sick?

¿Qué servirías tú en la fiesta?

What would you serve at the party?

Cuando acabe de usar la computadora te la devuelvo.

When I finish using the computer I will return it to you.

Cuando haya juntado doscientos mil dólares me compraré una casa bien grande.

When I have saved two hundred thousand dollars I will buy a huge house.

Cuando era niño tiraba piedras al río.

When I was a little boy I used to throw pebbles to the river.

Cuando era niña comía muchas frutas frescas.

When I was a little girl I used to eat lots of fresh fruits.

Cuando era niña yo saltaba a la cuerda.

When I was a little girl I used to jump rope.

Cuando me despertaba ya el pescado estaba frito.

When I woke up the fish was already fried.

¿Cuándo vas a comprar el vestido?

When are you going to buy the dress?

¿Cuándo te vas a inscribir en La universidad?

When are you registering at the university?

Cuando el artista se acerque tú le hablas.

When the artist gets closer you talk to him.

Cuando la gimnasta demuestre su talento el entrenador la aceptará en el equipo.

When the gymnast shows her talent the coach will accept her on the team.

Cuando éramos jóvenes paseábamos más.

When we were young we used to go for walks more often.

Cuando peines a Miguelito ponle gomina.

When you comb Michael's hair put on some gel.

¿De dónde son Ustedes?

Where are you from?

Donde guardaba Gary las fotos?

Where did Gary keep the pictures?

¿Adónde prefieres ir de compras?

Where do you prefer to go shopping?

¿Dónde queda el edificio Las Américas?

Where is the Las Americas building?

Mientras lo frenaba ella se cayó.

While she was restraining the horse she fell down.

¿Quién creó esa idea tan genial?

Who created that ingenious idea?

¿Por qué rechazaste a Pedro?

Why did you reject Peter?

¿Por qué me contradices todo lo que digo?

Why do you contradict everything I say?

¿Transmitirá la radio ese programa?

Will the radio station transmit that program?

¿Valdrá la pena comprar esas acciones?

Would it be worth it to buy those stocks?

¿Se expresaría así ante otras personas?

Would she express herself like that before other people?

¿Les interesarían estos discos compactos a Ustedes?

Would you all be interested in these compact disks?

¿Te hubiese alegrado reunirte con tu familia de nuevo?

Would you have been glad to get together with your family again?

¡Has invertido los números de las cuentas!

You have reversed the accounts' numbers!

Hay que verlo para creerlo.

You have to see it to believe it.

Te faltan tres monedas para completar tu colección.

You lack three coins to complete your coin collection.

Le hubieses preguntado a tu mamá si podías ir.

You should have asked your mother if you could go.

No hubieses enviado todos los libros.

You shouldn't have sent all the books.

Te mostraste muy interesado en el problema.

You showed yourself to be very interested in the problem.

Encontrarás un futuro mejor en esa ciudad.

You will find a better future in that city.

Recibirá el pasaporte dentro de un mes.

You will receive the passport in a month.

Tu hija sirve para este trabajo.

Your daughter is suitable for this job.

Tu casa habrá costado una fortuna.

Your house might have cost a fortune.

¡No me ofenden tus insultos!

Your insults don't offend me!

Tus palabras ofenden tanto como tus actos.

Your words offend as much as your actions.

La juventud siempre desafía la autoridad.

Youth always challenges authority.


to abstain, to deprive oneself


to accommodate, to arrange, to employ


to accuse


to achieve


to acquire, to obtain, to get


to add


to add, to collect, to aggregate


to admire, to amaze, to be surprised or amazed


to admit, to grant, to permit


to adopt


to agitate, to shake, to wave, to stir


to amuse or entertain oneself


to anger, to get mad


to announce


to annoy, to bother, to pester


to answer, to reply


to appear, to arise, to rise in the world


to appear, to figure out, to imagine


to appear, to show up, to turn up


to approve of, to ratify, to pass a test


to be, to exist, to be in a place


to arrange, to put in order, to order, to command


to arrive, to reach, to get


to begin, to commence, to start


to begin, to start


to believe


to belong, to pertain


to bite, to gnaw


to bless, to consecrate


to block, to obstruct, to block an account


to blush


to boil

Conchita paseaba a caballo los veranos.

Connie used to go riding during the summer.

¡Cuenten conmigo!

Count on me!

Cruce la calle Alma y luego doble a la derecha.

Cross Alma Street and then turn to the right.

En la aduana están revisando las maletas minuciosamente.

Customs is inspecting the luggage thoroughly.

El bailar alegra los corazones.

Dancing makes your hearts happy.

Daniela y Virginia han bailado flamenco por muchos años.

Daniela and Virginia have danced the Flamenco for many years.

¡Reparte las barajas ya!

Deal the cards now!

Delia no responde a mis llamadas.

Delia doesn't answer my calls.

¿Sentiste la tormenta anoche?

Did you hear the storm last night?

¿Se prepararon Ustedes para el examen?

Did you prepare for the test?

¿Publicaste la revista?

Did you publish the magazine?

¿Untaste los bocadillos con queso crema?

Did you spread the cream cheese on the appetizers?

¿Tú esperabas a tu novia todos los días?

Did you use to wait for your girlfriend everyday?

¿No te acordaste de lo que te pedí?

Didn't you remember what I asked you?

Diego habría marchado con los soldados si no hubiera estado enfermo.

Diego would have marched with the soldiers if he had not been sick.

A Dixon le gusta enseñar en la escuela secundaria.

Dixon likes teaching in high school.

¿Me pongo el vestido verde o el rojo?

Do I wear the green dress or the red dress?

No recibas nada de extraños.

Do not accept anything from strangers.

No le agregues sal a la salsa por favor.

Do not add salt to the salsa please.

¡No inscribas a los niños en esa escuela!

Do not enroll the children in that school!

No juzguen sin saber toda la verdad.

Do not pass judgment without knowing the whole truth.

No introduzcas los papeles para la beca todavía.

Do not submit the scholarship papers yet.

¡Haz la tarea!

Do the homework!

¿Tú tomas té con azúcar?

Do you drink tea with sugar?

¿Sabes a qué me refiero?

Do you know what I am referring to?

¿Entiendes lo que te digo?

Do you understand what I am telling you?

¿Protege la nueva ley al consumidor?

Does the new law protect the consumer?

¡No abandonéis a vuestras mascotas!

Don't abandon your pets!

¡No agiten la solución!

Don't agitate the solution!

No permitas que ellos fumen en la casa.

Don't allow them to smoke in the house.

No te avergüences de ser pobre.

Don't be ashamed of being poor.

No creas todo lo que te dicen.

Don't believe all that you hear.

¡No muerdas a tu hermanita Daniel!

Don't bite your little sister Daniel!

¡No molestes a tu hermano!

Don't bother your brother!

No rompas mi corazón.

Don't break my heart.

No acerquen tanto el carro a la cochera por favor.

Don't bring the car so close to the garage please.

¡No te subas al árbol!

Don't climb on the tree!

¡No te cierres a las posibilidades de ese trabajo!

Don't close yourself to the possibility of that job!

¡No colorees con grafito las paredes de la escuela!

Don't color the school walls with graffiti!

No te devuelvas sin traer el dinero.

Don't come back without bringing the money.

No se comprometan si no van a cumplir su palabra.

Don't commit yourself if you cannot keep your promise.

No te quejes por cualquier cosa.

Don't complain about every little thing.

No se desahogue en desconocidos.

Don't confide in strangers.

¡No tosas en la cara de las personas!

Don't cough in someone's face!

¡No dañes tu carro!

Don't damage your car!

No engañes a tus amigos.

Don't deceive your friends.

No descompongas la sala por favor.

Don't disarrange the living room please.

¡Ni soñarlo! / ¡Ni lo sueñes!

Don't dream about it!

¡No coman alimentos fritos!

Don't eat fried food!

No coman tarde.

Don't eat late!

¡No borren el pizarrón todavía por favor!

Don't erase the board yet please!

¡Ni lo pienses!

Don't even think about it!

No agotemos nuestros recursos naturales.

Don't exhaust the natural resources.

¡No te olvides de hacer la tarea!

Don't forget to do the homework!

¡No te agites!

Don't get agitated!

¡No te pierdas en el bosque Caperucita Roja.

Don't get lost in the forest Little Red Riding Hood!

No madrugues mañana querido, estás de vacaciones.

Don't get up early tomorrow dear, you are on vacation.

¡No lo agarres!

Don't grab it!

¡No cuelgues por favor!

Don't hang up the telephone please!

No dudes en decirme la verdad.

Don't hesitate in telling me the truth.

¡No le pegues al perro Felipe!

Don't hit the dog Philip!

¡No lo abraces!

Don't hug him!

¡No cacéis a los leopardos!

Don't hunt the leopards!

No te lastimes con las piedras.

Don't hurt yourself with the rocks.

No deseches un buen consejo.

Don't ignore good advice!

¡No te metas donde no te importa!

Don't interfere with things that don't concern you!

No guardes resentimientos en tu corazón.

Don't keep resentments growing in your heart.

¡No yazcas en la paja Carlos!

Don't lie on the hay Charles!

¡No te burles de tu hermana Daniel!

Don't make fun of your sister Daniel!

¡No lo abra!

Don't open it!

No estacionen en la zona de minusválidos.

Don't park in the handicapped parking space.

¡No prediques lo que no practiques!

Don't preach what you don't practice!

No metas todas las maletas en el coche.

Don't put all the luggage in the car.

No empiece la casa por el tejado.

Don't put the cart before the horse.

No riegues tu ropa por donde quiera.

Don't scatter your clothes everywhere.

¡No firmes el contrato sin antes leerlo!

Don't sign the contract until you read it!

No te hundas en el lodo Ramón.

Don't sink in the mud Ramon.

¡No se siente en esa silla porque está mojada!

Don't sit down on that chair because it is wet!

No duches al gato.

Don't spray the cat.

No comiencen a pelear de nuevo.

Don't start fighting again!

Agua que no has de beber déjala correr.

Don't take it if you are not going to use it.

¡No tardes mucho!

Don't take too long!

¡No cojas lo que no es tuyo!

Don't take what is not yours!

¡No hables mientras mastiques!

Don't talk while chewing!

No me tientes con ese helado porque estoy a dieta.

Don't tempt me with that ice cream because I am on a diet.

¡No arrojéis las anclas todavía!

Don't throw the anchors yet!

¡No eches la basura en la calle!

Don't throw the trash on the street!

No tiréis la basura en la calle.

Don't throw the trash on the street.

¡No boten los desperdicios en la calle!

Don't throw the trash on the streets.

¡No toquéis el auto nuevo!

Don't touch the new car!

No pierdas el tiempo charlando tonterías.

Don't waste time talking nonsense.

¡No te mojes los zapatos!

Don't wet your shoes!

¡No te molestes!

Don't worry yourself!

¡No te atrevas a decir eso!

Don't you dare say that!

La doctura Pirela promueve las artes donando su dinero.

Dr Pirela furthers the arts by donating money.

¡Sueña en tu futuro!

Dream of your future!

Desayúnate todos los días.

Eat breakfast everyday.

Edison fracasó muchas veces antes de inventar el telégrafo.

Edison failed many times before he invented the telegraph.

Edna y Eli platican mucho por teléfono.

Edna and Eli chat a lot over the phone.

Edna ha estado nerviosa pero ya está tranquila.

Edna has been nervous but now she is calm.

Tachen los problemas cuatro y cinco.

Eliminate problems four and five.

Todos los días Elisa obligaba a Carlos a ir al colegio.

Elisa used to force Carlos to go to school everyday.

Aunque fracase en este negocio empezaré otro.

Even if I fail in this business I will start another one.

Aunque haya hallado la tela nadie puede hacerme el vestido ahora.

Even if I found the fabric nobody can make the dress for me now.

Aunque los hubiera conocido no los habría reconocido.

Even if I had met them I would have not recognized them.

Aunque me oponga a sus ideas ella hará lo que quiere.

Even if I oppose her ideas she will do what she wants.

Aunque organice todo siempre hay papeles por dondequiera.

Even if I organize everything there are always papers everywhere.

Aunque sacuda los pantalones siempre están arrugados.

Even if I shake out the pants they are always wrinkled.

Aunque encienda las luces ella siempre tiene miedo.

Even if I turn the lights on she is afraid.

Aunque se excusara profusamente no lo iban a perdonar.

Even if he excused himself profusely they were not going to forgive him.

Aunque reparara el auto éste no va a funcionar porque está muy viejo.

Even if he were to fix the car it will not work because it is too old.

Aunque haya nevado todo el día vamos a ir al teatro.

Even if it has snowed all day long we will still go to the theater.

Aunque ella admita su inocencia, no le creerán.

Even if she admits her innocence, they will not believe her.

Aunque lo hubieran obligado no lo habría hecho.

Even if they had forced him he wouldn't have done it.

Aunque hayan desaparecido la policía las encontrará.

Even if they have disappeared the police will find them.

Aunque lo introduzcan con bombas y platillos no se va a vender.

Even if they introduced it with fanfare it will not sell.

Aunque no ganemos nada en Las Vegas nos habremos divertido.

Even if we don't win anything in Las Vegas we will have had fun.

Aunque la llames veinte veces no te va a responder.

Even if you call her twenty times she is not going to answer you.

Aunque no pertenezcas al Club de Español puedes ir conmigo.

Even if you don't belong to the Spanish Club you can go with me.

Aunque hayas vencido a mis amigos no me vas a vencer a mí.

Even if you have defeated my friends, you will not defeat me.

Aunque insistas por mil días, no las llevaré.

Even if you insisted for a thousand days I will not bring them.

Aunque te equivoques sigue adelante.

Even if you make mistakes keep on going.

Si bien expresé mis ideas claramente todavía hicieron preguntas.

Even though I expressed my ideas clearly they still asked questions.

Aunque haya elegido la fotografía submarina puedo estudiar la fotografía aérea también.

Even though I have chosen underwater photography I can study aerial photography too.

Aunque el bateador haya golpeado la pelota no fue un pelotazo bueno.

Even though the batter hit the ball it was not a fair ball.

Aunque no hayas competido antes hazlo ahora.

Even though you have not competed before, do it now.

Aunque hayas firmado la declaración todavía puedes agregarle algo.

Even though you have signed the statement, you can still add to it.

¡Sálvese el que pueda!

Every man for himself!

Todo estaba descompuesto en la hacienda.

Everything was broken at the ranch.

Perdone la molestia.

Excuse me (for bothering you).

Perdone Usted.

Excuse me! / Pardon me!

Llena la jarra con agua por favor.

Fill the pitcher with water please.

Por fin lo encerraron en la cárcel.

Finally they locked him up in jail.

Finalmente zafamos el collar del perro.

Finally we loosened the dog's collar.

¡Compón mi pelo por favor!

Fix my hair please!

Sigue las instrucciones.

Follow the instructions.

Hombre prevenido vale por dos.

Forewarned is forearmed.

¡Borrón y cuenta nueva!

Forget and start fresh!

Olvida lo que te dije.

Forget what I told you.

Francisco estaba afeitándose cuando Beto lo llamó.

Frank was shaving when Beto called him.

Francisco siempre ordenaba hamburguesas y papas fritas.

Franklin used to order hamburgers and french fries.

Freddy ha repartido el material didáctico.

Freddy has distributed the teaching materials.

Las frutas se descomponen rápido.

Fruits decompose rapidly.

Gabriel reconoce su mal carácter.

Gabriel acknowledges his bad temper.

Están narrando la vida de Gandhi en la radio.

Gandhi's life is being narrated on the radio.

Gerardo está dirigiendo el nuevo proyecto.

Gerald is directing the new project.

Desecha todas las dudas y sigue tus sueños.

Get rid of your doubts and follow your dreams.

¡Conozcan a sus vecinos!

Get to know your neighbors!

Adelántate tú primero.

Go ahead first.

Paséate por La Casa Rosada cuando vayas a Buenos Aires.

Go for a stroll by the Pink House when you go to Buenos Aires.

¡Vaya con Dios!

Go with God!

Gregorio estuvo tosiendo toda la noche.

Gregory was coughing all night.

¡Adivina qué...!

Guess what...!

Guillermo se jubiló a los setenta y cinco años.

Guillermo retired at age seventy five.

¿He satisfecho tu curiosidad al contarte todo?

Have I satisfied your curiosity by telling you everything?

¡Cenad con vuestros amigos!

Have dinner with your friends!

¿Os habéis divertido en el cine?

Have you all had a good time at the movies?

¿Has esperado aquí por mucho tiempo?

Have you been waiting here for very long?

¿Has acabado de leer el libro?

Have you finished reading the book?

¿Vosotros habéis seguido las enseñanzas de Aristóteles?

Have you followed Aristotle's teachings?

¿Has oído las noticias de hoy?

Have you heard today's news?

¿Has perdido la cabeza?

Have you lost your mind?

¿Has probado el vino tinto?

Have you tasted the red wine?

Él siempre madrugaba cuando estudiaba en la universidad.

He always got up early when he was studying at the university.

Se volvió loco.

He became mad.

Él pidió prestado mil euros para el viaje.

He borrowed a thousand euros for the trip.

Se quejó toda la noche del dolor.

He complained all night about the pain.

Él se mejoró cuando le dijeron que no tenía que presentar los exámenes.

He got better when they told him he didn't have to take the tests.

Se mató en un accidente de tránsito.

He got killed in a traffic accident.

Ya se había burlado de la ley muchas veces.

He had already evaded the law many times.

Él se había ocultado en la oscuridad de la noche.

He had hidden himself in the dark of the night.

Él había guardado su mejor vino para una ocasión especial.

He had kept his best wine for a special occasion.

Él se ha vuelto más serio desde que lo promovieron a supervisor.

He has become more serious since he was promoted to supervisor.

Ha sollozado toda la noche porque se fue su novia.

He has been crying all night because his girlfriend left.

Él ha frito muchos vegetales.

He has fried many vegetables.

Él ha sostenido esas ideas por mucho tiempo.

He has held those ideas for a long time.

Él ha surgido en su trabajo como diseñador.

He has risen in his job as a designer.

Él ha tropezado con varios obstáculos en su corta vida.

He has run into several difficulties in his short life.

Él está transfiriendo su dinero a un banco en Europa.

He is transferring his money to a bank in Europe.

Él se interesa mucho en sus estudios.

He is very interested in his studies.

Volvió en sí después de cinco minutos.

He regained consciousness after five minutes.

Él debiera tener más cuidado en su trabajo.

He should be more careful at work.

Luchó para llegar a esa posición.

He struggled to get to that position.

Se tiró a la piscina sin pensarlo dos veces.

He threw himself in the pool without thinking twice.

Hizo un viaje de ida y vuelta.

He took a round trip.

Él quiere que rompamos el compromiso.

He wants us to break our relationship.

Él nació con estrella.

He was born lucky.

Estuvo pintando la casa todo el día.

He was painting the house all day long.

Él estaba acostumbrado a levantarse temprano.

He was used to getting up early.

Él estaba echando chispas cuando lo vimos.

He was very angry when we saw him.

Él barrerá el patio cuando tenga tiempo.

He will sweep the patio when he has time.

Lo habrían encerrado antes pero esperaban su juicio.

He would have been jailed sooner but they were waiting on the verdict.

Se hubiese salvado si hubiera sabido nadar.

He would have been saved if he had known how to swim.

La hubiese explicado mejor pero se le acabó el tiempo.

He would have explained it better but he ran out of time.

La habría fundado antes pero necesitaba más dinero.

He would have founded it before but he needed more money.

Lo habría matado más rápido pero el público no lo dejó.

He would have killed it faster but the fans did not allow him to.

Él abandonaría todo por el amor de ella.

He would leave everything for her love.

Él repararía su auto pero no tiene las herramientas necesarias.

He would repair his car but he doesn't have the necessary tools.

Elena figurará en las revistas de modas.

Helen will appear in the fashion magazines.

Enrique fundó una nueva compañía.

Henry founded a new company.

Su novio la recogía a las 9:00 de la mañana.

Her boyfriend used to pick her up at 9:00 in the morning.

Su negocio adquirió varias computadoras.

Her business acquired several computers.

Sus hijos le obsequiaron flores para su cumpleaños.

Her children gave her flowers for her birthday.

Ella calza treinta y siete.

Her shoe size is seven.

Su sonrisa nace de su felicidad.

Her smile is born from her happiness.

Aprovecha gaviota que no hay otra.

Here is your chance!

Aquí yace sepultado don Marín.

Here lies buried Mr Marin.

Su conducta demostró que es una persona educada.

His behavior demonstrated that he is a fine person.

Él ha sido becado por su compañía.

His company has awarded him a scholarship.

Su amigo le prometió que mantendría el secreto.

His friend promised him that he would keep his secret.

El deseo de sus padres ha influido en su decisión de estudiar medicina.

His parent's desire has influenced his decision to study medicine.

¿Cómo estás?

How are you?

¿Cómo te sientes?

How do you feel?

¿Cómo se ha sentido últimamente la señora Esperanza?

How has Mrs Esperanza felt lately?

Cómo es Carolina?

How is Caroline?

¿Cómo te va?

How is it going?

¿Cuánto cuestan las uvas?

How much are the grapes?

¿Cuánto vale esta casa?

How much is this house worth?

¿Con cuánto habías contribuido tú?

How much money had you contributed?

¿Cuánto mides?

How tall are you?

Yo me abstuve de votar en las elecciones pasadas.

I abstained myself from voting in the last elections.

Reconozco tu cordura pero también tus locuras.

I acknowledge your good judgment but also your silliness.

Te aconsejo que no remiendes la tubería.

I advise you not to repair the pipes.

Ya me inscribí en enero.

I already enrolled in January.

Ya pagué las cuentas.

I already paid the bills.

Ya publiqué los poemas que escribí cuando niño.

I already published the poems I wrote when I was a little boy.

Siempre logro las metas que me pongo.

I always achieve the goals that I set for myself.

Siempre pierdo las llaves del auto.

I always lose my car keys.

Yo siempre extravío mis llaves.

I always lose my keys.

Siempre descanso media hora después del almuerzo.

I always rest half an hour after lunch.

Temo que mis calificaciones no satisfagan los deseos de mis padres.

I am afraid that my grades won't satisfy the wishes of my parents.

Temo que la gimnasta no salte bien.

I am afraid that the gymnast will not jump well.

Temo que ellos la hayan enojado demasiado.

I am afraid that they have gotten her too angry.

Yo estoy contribuyendo con cien mil euros.

I am contributing with one hundred thousand euros.

Yo soy de Guatemala y ella es de Panamá.

I am from Guatemala and she is from Panama.

Me alegro de que Ignacio y Beatriz hayan platicado sobre sus problemas.

I am glad that Ignacio and Beatriz have talked through their problems.

Me gusta que vivas cerca de nosotros.

I am glad that you are living close to us.

Me alegro que el juez le haya creído.

I am glad the judge believed her.

Me alegro de que hayan anunciado la fecha de la boda.

I am glad you have announced the date of the wedding.

Me alegro de que él haya pescado un pez grande.

I am happy that he has caught a big fish.

Ya me voy.

I am leaving now.

Estoy perdida.

I am lost.

No acostumbro a decir mentiras.

I am not in the habit of telling lies.

Lo siento mucho pero el doctor no se encuentra.

I am sorry but the doctor is not here.

Les cuento que sacando la basura me encontré un reloj de oro.

I am telling you that while taking out the garbage I found a gold watch.

Estoy muy agotada.

I am very exhausted.

Llegué al aeropuerto justo cuando el avión llegaba.

I arrived at the airport just when the airplane was landing.

Me pregunté si había dado la respuesta correcta.

I asked myself if I had given the right answer.

Me muerdo la lengua para no decirle la verdad.

I bite my tongue as to not tell him the truth.

No puedo creer que Pablo haya padecido tantos insultos.

I cannot believe Paul has endured so many insults.

No puedo opinar hasta que haya observado el evento.

I cannot give my opinion until I have seen the event.

Taché los nombres de las personas que no quieren ir.

I crossed out the names of the people who don't want to go.

Les dedico este libro a mis padres.

I dedicate this book to my parents.

Merezco un aumento de salario.

I deserve a salary increase.

No reparé en eso.

I didn't notice that.

No te reconocí cuando te vi.

I didn't recognize you when I saw you.

No lo dudo.

I don't doubt it.

No me siento bien.

I don't feel good.

No sé qué hacer.

I don't know what to do.

No creo que ese equipo se merezca el trofeo.

I don't think that team deserves the trophy.

Dudo que tú lo logres.

I doubt that you can achieve it.

Dudé que le permitieran comprarse el auto.

I doubted that they would allow him to buy the car.

Sueño con ir a España con mis estudiantes.

I dream of going to Spain with my students.

Siento en el alma lo que está pasándote.

I feel terribly sorry for what is happening to you.

Ese joven me cae muy pesado.

I find that young man very unpleasant.

Pesqué en el lago ayer.

I fished on the lake yesterday.

Les prohíbo a mis hijos decir malas palabras.

I forbid my children from saying bad words.

Se me olvidó la tarea.

I forgot my homework.

¡Olvidé mis calcetines!

I forgot my socks!

Le regalé el libro que tanto quería.

I gave him the book that he wanted so much.

Le otorgué a mi hermana mis derechos a la herencia.

I gave my sister my rights to the inheritance.

Me aburrí tanto en el concierto que me dormí.

I got so bored in the concert that I fell asleep.

Ya la había asustado cuando mi mamá me vio.

I had already frightened her when my mom saw me.

Ya había revuelto los huevos cuando me dijeron que los querían enteros.

I had already scrambled the eggs when they told me they wanted them sunny-side up.

No había prevenido tantos gastos.

I had not prepared myself for all these expenses.

¡La he llamado ya diez veces!

I have already called her ten times!

Ya las he extraviado muchas veces.

I have already lost them many times.

Ya he faltado tres días a clase.

I have already missed three days of classes.

Me he inscrito en el club de Debate también.

I have also enrolled in the Debate Club.

He atendido a los invitados por varias horas.

I have attended the guests for several hours.

Llamo y llamo a Rebeca pero no me responde.

I have been calling and calling Rebecca but she doesn't answer.

He pedido la nueva mercancía.

I have ordered the new merchandise.

He vuelto a la universidad para estudiar medicina.

I have returned to the university to study medicine.

He estudiado toda la tarde.

I have studied all afternoon.

Tengo que estudiar.

I have to study.

Le he transmitido tu mensaje al general.

I have transmitted your message to the general.

No oigo nada.

I hear nothing.

Vacilé antes de responder porque no entendí la pregunta.

I hesitated before answering because I didn't understand the question.

Espero que Carlos maneje el carro con mucho cuidado.

I hope Carlos drives the car very carefully.

¡Ojalá que Paola practique la trompeta en su cuarto!

I hope Paola practices the trumpet in her bedroom.

¡Ojalá que mi mamá cocine mi plato favorito!

I hope my mom has cooked my favorite dish.

Ojalá la promuevan a gerente pronto.

I hope she is promoted to manager soon.

Ojalá que no necesiten los pasaportes.

I hope they don't need the passports.

Ojalá ellos hayan protegido su casa con un seguro.

I hope they have protected their house with a safety device.

Espero que no los hayamos molestado.

I hope we have not bothered them.

Lastimé sus sentimientos sin querer.

I hurt her feelings without wanting to.

Insisto en que lleves las modelos a la fiesta.

I insist that you bring the models to the party.

Sé que ella niega sus errores.

I know that she denies her wrongdoings.

Me falta una moneda de un centavo para completar mi colección.

I lack one penny to complete my coin collection.

Me gusta pasear en bicicleta los domingos.

I like going bicycling on Sundays.

Viví en Nueva York dos años.

I lived in New York for two years.

Cito a mis estudiantes para discutir sus notas.

I make an appointment with my students to discuss their grades.

Yo me burlo de mis propios errores.

I make fun of my own mistakes.

Llené todos los requisitos que exigen.

I met all the requirements they ask for.

Nunca pensé que Ana se expresara tan abiertamente.

I never thought Ana would express herself so openly.

Me opongo a lo que Peggy dijo.

I object to what Peggy said.

Ordené pollo asado y ensalada.

I ordered grilled chicken and a salad.

Organicé los libros en los estantes.

I organized the books on the bookshelves.

Venzo mis temores con oraciones.

I overcome my fears with prayer.

Le debo dinero al banco.

I owe money to the bank.

Practiqué karate esta mañana.

I practiced karate this morning.

Coloqué esta pintura aquí porque se ve mejor.

I put this painting here because it looks better.

Lo soporté por unos meses nada más.

I put up with him for a few months only.

Me tropecé con Cody en el supermercado.

I ran into Cody at the grocery store.

Te aconsejo que festejen el aniversario el sábado.

I recommend that you celebrate the anniversary on Saturday.

Te recomiendo que te cases pronto.

I recommend that you get married soon!

Me niego a escuchar esa música.

I refuse to listen to that music.

Me registré para votar.

I registered to vote.

Rechacé esa oferta porque no era muy buena.

I rejected that offer because it was not a good one.

Abastecí mi despensa con más alimentos.

I replenished the pantry with more food.

Me ahorré tiempo viajando por avión.

I saved time by traveling by plane.

Yo asusto a mi hermanita cuando estamos jugando.

I scare my little sister when we are playing.

Debí dar las gracias en ese momento.

I should have given thanks at that time (but I didn't).

Me siento aquí porque me siento mal.

I sit down here because I don't feel good.

Sollocé todo el día cuando supe la mala noticia.

I sobbed all day when I heard the bad news.

¡Empecé a hacer el reporte a las doce de la noche!

I started doing my report at midnight!

Me quedé en casa porque me quedé sin dinero para el autobús.

I stayed at home because I didn't have any money left for the bus.

Me paré y me fui.

I stood up and I left.

Me detuve por unos minutos y olí las rosas.

I stopped for a while and smelled the roses.

Se me figura que él es de España.

I think he is from Spain.

Creo que ellos manejarán esa cuenta a través de la oficina central.

I think they will handle that account via the corporate office.

Creo que nos hemos prevenido con suficiente alimentos.

I think we have prepared ourselves with enough food.

Le dije que me regalara un viaje a Alaska.

I told him to give me a trip to Alaska.

Tardé en venir porque había un accidente en la autopista.

I took a long time coming because there was an accident on the highway.

Me desahogaba escribiendo mis pensamientos.

I used to console myself by writing my thoughts.

Yo voto porque mi voto cuenta.

I vote because my vote counts.

Estaba hirviendo los huevos para la ensalada.

I was boiling the eggs for the salad.

Me alegré cuando supe de tu ascenso.

I was happy when I heard of your promotion.

Me dirigía a la casa cuando el accidente ocurrió.

I was making my way home when the accident happened.

Estaba pensando en comprar el vestido hoy.

I was thinking about buying the dress today.

Pensaba en el examen.

I was thinking about the test.

Estaba cortándome el bigote cuando sonó la alarma.

I was trimming my mustache when the alarm went off.

Me moría por ir a su concierto.

I was yearning (dying) to go to his concert.

Compraré los regalos cuando la Navidad se acerque.

I will buy the gifts when Christmas draws closer.

La abrazaré cuando la vea.

I will give her a hug when I see her.

Colgaré los cuadros esta tarde.

I will hang up the pictures this afternoon.

Los ayudaré a mudarse.

I will help you move.

Te beso si cierras los ojos.

I will kiss you if you close your eyes.

Memorizaré el vocabulario de español para mañana.

I will memorize the Spanish vocabulary for tomorrow.

No renunciaré al cargo aunque me lo pidan.

I will not resign from my job even if they were to ask me.

Me acordaré de su cumpleaños si escribo una notita.

I will remember her birthday if I write myself a note.

Te enviaré la carta por correo.

I will send you the letter by mail.

Estudiaré más fuerte para adelantarme en mis estudios.

I will study harder to get ahead in my career.

Aprovecharé su viaje de negocios para tomarme unas vacaciones.

I will take advantage of his business trip to have a vacation.

Le diré que lo quiero aunque me ruborice.

I will tell him I love him even if I blush.

¡Ojalá que aparezcan las joyas!

I wish the jewels would appear!

¡Ojalá que no riñesen tanto!

I wish they wouldn't fight so much!

Quisiera que adelantaras más en tus investigaciones.

I wish you would make more progress in your research.

¡Ojalá hubiese memorizado todos estos verbos para el examen!

I wished I had memorized all these verbs for the test!

Me gustaría que hubiese enseñado el año pasado.

I wished that she had taught last year.

Me desperté muy tarde hoy.

I woke very late today.

¿Habrá construido la casa el constructor?

I wonder if the builder has built the house yet.

Me avergonzaría que el jefe me viera vestida así.

I would be embarrassed if my boss saw me dressed like this.

Compraría los boletos pero no estoy segura si vamos a ir.

I would buy the tickets but I am not sure we are going.

Yo me desayunaría en casa pero no me apetece.

I would eat breakfast at home but it doesn't appeal to me.

Le obsequiaría el auto pero es muy caro.

I would give her the car but it is very expensive.

Yo lo apoyaría pero no lo conozco bien.

I would give him my support but I do not know him very well.

Habría respondido la carta a tiempo pero se me perdió.

I would have answered the letter on time but I lost it.

Los hubiera hervido por más tiempo pero estaba apurada.

I would have boiled them longer but I was in a rush.

Yo habría felicitado al capitán del equipo pero no lo vi.

I would have congratulated the captain of the team but I didn't see him.

Habría llorado si no me hubiese contenido.

I would have cried if I hadn't held myself back.

Me hubiese caído sino hubiera sido por la pared.

I would have fallen if it hadn't been for the wall.

Yo hubiese ido pero estaba ocupada.

I would have gone but I was busy.

Yo también me habría zambullido pero acababa de almorzar.

I would have gone diving too but I had just finished eating lunch.

Me hubiese acercado al precipicio pero me dio miedo.

I would have gotten closer to the cliff but I was afraid.

Le hubiese ayudado a pintar pero no necesitó mi ayuda.

I would have helped him to paint but he didn't need my help.

Me hubiese ofrecido a cantar pero no tenía tiempo para practicar.

I would have offered to sing but I didn't have time to practice.

Yo habría preferido ir de paseo.

I would have preferred to go for a stroll.

Me habría maquillado esta mañana pero estaba apurada.

I would have put makeup on this morning but I was rushing.

Me hubiera jubilado en junio pero necesito ahorrar más dinero.

I would have retired in June but I need to save more money.

Yo hubiese devuelto los zapatos pero me gustaban mucho.

I would have returned the shoes but I liked them a lot.

Habría corrido en el maratón pero me dolían los pies.

I would have run in the marathon but my feet were hurting.

Haría la cena pero no tengo tiempo.

I would make dinner but I do not have time.

Me equivocaré más si no presto atención.

I would make more mistakes if I don't pay attention.

Yo nunca fumaría.

I would never smoke.

Preferiría ir a Mimis.

I would prefer to go to Mimis'.

Yo le recomendaría a ella que hiciera más ejercicios.

I would recommend her to exercise more.

Recomendaría esa película pero tiene mucha violencia.

I would recommend that movie but it is very violent.

Sentiría mucho que no asistieras a mi boda.

I would regret very much if you would not attend my wedding.

Alquilaría esa casa pero es muy cara.

I would rent that house but it is too expensive.

Descansaría más pero hay que trabajar.

I would rest more but one has to work.

Les vendería las joyas si me dieran más dinero por ellas.

I would sell them the jewelry if they were to give me more money for them.

Yo usaría más la computadora pero los chicos siempre la están usando.

I would use the computer more but the kids are always using it.

No le hubiese contradicho pero yo tenía la razón.

I wouldn't have contradicted him but I was right.

Si adivinara el futuro sería rica.

If I could foretell the future I would be rich.

Si hubiera soportado el calor habría visitado la pirámide.

If I could have put up with the heat I would have visited the pyramid.

Si quepo en este vestido iré a la fiesta.

If I fit into this dress I will go to the party.

Si me enojo me contento de nuevo.

If I get mad I make myself happy again.

Si adquiero más experiencia me pagarán mejor.

If I get more experience they will pay me better.

Si obtengo la licencia hoy podré conducir mi auto.

If I get my drivers license today I will be able to drive my car.

Si yo hubiera manejado este asunto no habríamos tenido tantos problemas.

If I had managed this matter myself we wouldn't have had so many problems.

Si me hubiese fijado más en la actriz la habría reconocido.

If I had paid more attention to the actress I would have recognized her.

Si tuviera dinero agrandaría la oficina.

If I had the money I would enlarge the office.

Si hubiese visitado el museo habría visto las nuevas pinturas.

If I had visited the museum I would have seen the new paintings.

Si nadara bien rompería olas en Hawai.

If I knew how to swim well I would surf the waves in Hawaii.

Si memorizara este poema sacaría una mejor nota en inglés.

If I memorized this poem I would get a better grade in English.

Si jugara (al) fútbol estaría en mejores condiciones.

If I played soccer I would be in better shape.

Si fuera maestra no daría tantas tareas para la casa.

If I were a teacher I wouldn't assign so much homework.

Si mejorara mis notas papá me compraría el carro.

If I were to improve my grades my father would buy me the car.

Aunque recibiera la carta no la contestaría.

If I were to receive the letter I wouldn't answer it.

Si dibujara tan bonito como ella estaría en París.

If I would draw as well as she does I would be in Paris.

Si Miguel y José estuvieran aquí se habrían reído de tus ocurrencias.

If Miguel and Jose were here they would have laughed at your witty remarks.

Si se hubiesen enfermado unos pocos los habrían ayudado en el puerto.

If a few had gotten sick they would have been helped at the port.

Si descubrieran una vacuna para la gripe muchas personas serían felices.

If a vaccine for the common cold were discovered many people would be very happy.

Si pudiera él borraría su pasado.

If he could he would erase his past.

Si él hubiese hablado solamente una hora habría dicho lo mismo.

If he had spoken just one hour he would have said the same thing.

Si él lo narrara con más pasión yo lloraría de tristeza.

If he narrated it with more passion I would cry from sadness.

Si él usara más color en sus pinturas las vendería más rápido.

If he were to use more color in his paintings he would sell them faster.

Si no fuese por los padres la televisión habría ejercido más control sobre los niños.

If it weren't because of the parents television would have exercised more influence over the children.

Si ella hubiese tardado más la habrían despedido.

If she had taken longer they would have fired her.

Si se pintara se vería más bonita.

If she were to put makeup on she would look prettier.

Si esa chica te importara la tratarías mejor.

If that girl mattered to you you would treat her better.

Si los niños se entretuviesen por unos minutos podría tomar una siesta.

If the children would entertain themselves for a few minutes I could take a nap.

Si los países hubiesen adoptado leyes de protección a los océanos hoy estarían menos contaminados.

If the countries had adopted laws to protect the oceans they would be less contaminated.

Si la decoradora mezclara los colores la sala se vería mejor.

If the decorator were to mix the colors the living room would look much better.

Si el niño cabalgara en los hombros de su papá no estaría tan cansado.

If the little boy were riding on his father's shoulders he wouldn't be so tired.

Si los delincuentes fuesen castigados fuertemente no cometerían tantos delitos.

If the offenders were punished hard they wouldn't commit so many offenses.

Si las refinerías fijaran más bajo el precio del petróleo podríamos viajar a menudo.

If the refineries would set the oil prices lower we could travel more often.

Si el taller produjera más podríamos comprar las máquinas.

If the shop were to produce more we could buy the machinery.

Si le robaran el examen a la profesora no tendríamos que presentarlo.

If the test were to be stolen from the teacher we wouldn't have to take the test.

Si costaran cincuenta centavos las compraría.

If they cost fifty cents I would buy them.

Si lograran la libertad de prensa lograrían publicar estos libros.

If they were to achieve the freedom of the press they would be able to publish these books.

Si lo llenamos ahora no tenemos que hacerlo más tarde.

If we fill it now we don't have to do it later on.

Si la hubiésemos excluido me habría sentido muy mal.

If we had excluded her I would have felt very bad.

Si hubiésemos desechado su ayuda no habríamos terminado el trabajo.

If we had rejected his help we would not have been able to finish.

Si tuviéramos boletos iríamos al concierto.

If we had tickets we would go to the concert.

Si nos desayunáramos más temprano llegaríamos a tiempo.

If we have breakfast earlier we would be there on time.

Si hubiésemos dudado de ella no le habríamos dicho la verdad.

If we have doubted her we wouldn't have told her the truth.

Si nos ocultamos aquí ella no nos encontrará.

If we hide here she will not be able to find us.

Si aprobamos los exámenes iremos a Canaima.

If we pass the tests we will go to Canaima.

Si compartimos más tendremos más.

If we share more we will have more.

Si votamos escogemos a los candidatos que defienden nuestros principios.

If we vote we get to choose the candidates that defend our principles.

Si estuviéramos en Madrid estaríamos de fiesta.

If we were in Madrid we would be partying.

Si hallásemos las pinturas robadas nos haríamos famosos.

If we were to find the stolen paintings we would become famous.

Si saltáramos la cuerda más frecuentemente estaríamos más sanos.

If we were to jump rope more often we would be healthier.

Si riéramos más seríamos más felices.

If we were to laugh more we would be happier.

Si trabajamos horas extras nos adelantaremos en el trabajo.

If we work extra hours we will be ahead in the work.

Si cumples lo que prometes tendrás buena reputación.

If you carryout your promises you will have a good reputation.

Si no te acuestas ya no jugaremos juegos de video mañana.

If you don't go to bed now we won't play video games tomorrow.

Si hubieses hecho los deberes habrías ido a la fiesta.

If you had done your chores you would have gone to the party.

Si te hubieses tropezado con ella habrías visto lo bonita que está.

If you had run into her you would have seen how pretty she is.

Si lo hubieses pensado mejor no estarías en problemas ahora.

If you had thought about it better you wouldn't be in trouble now.

Si besas a la rana se convertirá en un príncipe.

If you kiss the toad it may turn into a prince.

Si necesitan algo por favor díganmelo.

If you need anything please let me know.

Si te hundes en los libros sacarás mejores notas.

If you submerge yourself in the books you will get better grades.

Si solicitaras ese empleo probablemente te lo darían.

If you were to apply for that job they would probably give it to you.

Si te quejaras te podrían devolver el dinero.

If you were to complain they might return your money.

¿Si obtuvieras el préstamo comprarías la franquicia?

If you were to get the loan would you buy the franchise?

Si te fueras mañana por la mañana tendrías tiempo para ir de compras.

If you were to leave tomorrow morning you would have time to go shopping.

Si sirvieras en el ejército podrías estudiar en la universidad.

If you were to serve in the military you could study at the university.

Si velaras más por tus valores no tendrías tantas pérdidas.

If you were to watch over your stocks more you wouldn't have so many losses.

Si tú trabajaras más horas podrías ahorrar dinero.

If you worked more hours you would be able to save money.

Si tú corrieses yo correría también.

If you would run I would run also.

Si charlaras menos por teléfono te rendiría más el trabajo.

If you would talk less on the phone your work would be more productive.

A su tiempo maduran las uvas.

In due time one matures.

Los jugadores se atacan muy reciamente en el fútbol americano.

In football the players attack each other very strongly.

En nuestro estado han comenzado las lluvias.

In our state the rains have begun.

En la edad media desecharon las ideas de Copérnico.

In the Middle Ages Copernicus' ideas were rejected.

En la oscuridad tropecé con una piedra.

In the dark I stumbled on a rock.

En el otoño adelantan la hora.

In the fall season the time is moved forward one hour.

En la biblioteca los libros están ubicados por tema.

In the library the books are placed by subject.

En el refugio la ayudaron muchas personas.

In the shelter many people helped her.

Una taza de té verde nos calma después de un largo viaje.

A cup of green tea calms us after a long trip.

Un perro le ha mordido la pierna.

A dog has bitten her leg.

Un nuevo producto de belleza fue introducido en el mercado.

A new beauty product was introduced in the market.

Un ladrón estaba robando una casa cuando lo agarraron.

A thief was caught robbing a house.

Añade el azúcar primero y luego la mantequilla.

Add the sugar first and then the butter.

Adriana le había sonreído al joven.

Adriana had smiled to the young man.

Cuando los hayan corregido ellos darán las calificaciones.

After they have graded them they will give out the grades.

¡Después de tres años Juan y Miguel han abandonado sus estudios!

After three years Juan and Miguel have abandoned their careers!

Después de hacer la tarea tendremos tiempo para jugar.

After we do the homework we will have time to play.

Después que hayas cenado limpia los platos.

After you have dinner you can wash the dishes.

Aída no se montará en ese avión tan pequeño.

Aida will not ride in such a small airplane.

Alfredo charla con sus hermanos en el Internet hasta la media noche.

Alfred chats with his brothers in the internet until midnight.

Alfredo practicaba básquetbol todos los días.

Alfred used to practice basketball every day.

Alicia logró su meta de viajar a Europa.

Alice reached her goal of traveling to Europe.

Todo el petróleo se habrá agotado para el año 2050.

All oil will be used up by the year 2050.

Me ruborizó todo lo que me dijo.

All that he said made me blush.

Me confunden todos estos problemas.

All these problems confuse me.

Deja que los niños rieguen las flores.

Allow the children to water the flowers.

Aunque hayas ido muchas veces ve con tus amigos ahora.

Although you have gone many times, go with your friends now.

Álvaro se quejaba del mal servicio del restaurante.

Alvaro was complaining about the restaurant's bad service.

Escucha siempre los consejos de los viejos.

Always listen to the advice of the elders.

Se produjo un accidente en la avenida San Martín.

An accident has taken place on San Martin Avenue.

Más vale prevenir que lamentar.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Ana Laura hubiese escrito las cartas pero se le olvidó.

Ana Laura would have written the letters but she forgot to do it.

Ángela evitó el contagio lavándose las manos.

Angela avoided catching the disease by washing her hands.

Ángela quería meterse a monja.

Angela wanted to become a nun.

Angélica ofreció traer la torta.

Angelica offered to bring the cake.

No se admiten animales en este restaurante.

Animals are not admitted in this restaurant.

Anna se vale pro sí misma.

Anna fends for herself.

Ana hubiese cantado el himno nacional pero se enfermó.

Anna would have sung the national anthem but she got sick.

¡Responda la pregunta!

Answer the question!

¿Tú compites mañana?

Are you competing tomorrow?

¿Me estás oyendo?

Are you listening to me?

¿Sigues estudiando abogacía?

Are you still studying law?

¿Nadarás mañana?

Are you swimming tomorrow?

¿No se avergüenza de lo que ha hecho?

Aren't you ashamed of what you have done?

Los artistas siempre quieren que la gente los admire.

Artists always want people to admire them.

Tan pronto como los niños peguen las calcomanías saldrán al parque.

As soon as the children glue the stickers they will go to the park.

Pregúntele a su compañero.

Ask your classmate.

Cueste lo que cueste iré a España.

At any cost I will go to Spain.

En la playa el viento sacude las palmeras.

At the beach the wind shakes the palm trees.

¿A qué horas te habrías despertado hoy?

At what time would you have woken up today?

Observen la conducta de los animales cuidadosamente.

Attentively watch the behavior of the animals.

Perro que ladra no muerde.

Barking dogs seldom bite.

¡Bendita seas!

Be blessed!


Be careful!

Preocúpese de todos los detalles de la grabación.

Be concerned about all the details on the recording.

Beatriz zurció el pantalón de su esposo.

Beatriz mended her husband's pants.

Como ellos tardaban me fui.

Because they were late I left.

Antes de salir repasé mi presentación.

Before I left I went over my presentation.

¡Antes que te cases mira lo que haces!

Before you get married look at what you are doing.

Benjamín ha revisado los libros para ver si están en buenas condiciones.

Benjamin has checked the books to see if they are in good condition.

Beti siempre faltaba a clase los viernes.

Betty always missed school on Fridays.

Dios los cría y ellos se juntan.

Birds of a feather flock together.

Niños, despídanse de los abuelitos.

Boys, say goodbye to grandpa and grandma.

Bruce me estaba vacilando.

Bruce was kidding me.

Cepíllate los dientes tres veces al día.

Brush your teeth three times a day.

Con preocuparse no va a arreglar nada.

By worrying about it you are not going to solve the problem.

Calma a los padres por favor.

Calm down the parents please.

¿Podrás maquillarte en cinco minutos?

Can you put on makeup in five minutes?

¿Puedes resumirme el libro que acabas de leer?

Can you summarize the book you just read?

Carlita ¿desde cuándo te interesas por la música clásica?

Carlita since when are you interested in classical music?

Carolina es bajita, rubia y muy simpática.

Caroline is short, blonde and very nice.

Cumple con tus obligaciones.

Carry out your responsibilities.

Celeste recuperó su cartera.

Celeste recovered her purse.

El teléfono celular está de moda.

Cellular phones are very fashionable (popular).

Los niños demandan atención y cariño.

Children require attention and love.

Cristina mereció buenas calificaciones porque estudió mucho.

Christina deserved good grades because she studied a lot.

Cristóbal Colón descubrió América en 1492.

Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.

Cristóbal Colón estimaba llegar al oriente navegando hacia occidente.

Christopher Columbus estimated to arrive in the east by navigating through the west.

Cristóbal Colón se atrevió a navegar el océano Atlántico.

Christopher Columbus ventured to navigate the Atlantic Ocean.

Reanudarán las clases tan pronto como terminen el edifico.

Classes will be resumed as soon as the building is finished.

La música clásica ayuda a relajarse.

Classical music helps to relax.

Cierren la puerta cuando salgan.

Close the door when you leave.

¡Vuelvan pronto!

Come back soon!

Pase por favor.

Come in please.

¡Felicitaciones por tu graduación!

Congratulations on your graduation!

El Congreso está oponiéndose al cambio de ciertas leyes.

Congress is opposing the change of certain laws.

Inés consigue lo que se propone.

Inez gets whatever she sets her mind to.

Inés sonrió ante las ocurrencias de su hija.

Inez smiled when she heard her daughter's funny stories.

Irma ha insistido en ir sola al concierto.

Irma has insisted on going by herself to the concert.

¿Es casada o soltera?

Is she married or single?

Me entretenía ver el vaivén de las olas.

It amused me to see the waves coming and going.

Me molesta cuando llamas a las once de la noche.

It bothers me when you call at eleven o'clock at night.

Puede explotar.

It can explode.

El soñar no cuesta nada.

It doesn't cost anything to dream.

No había granizado así desde hace dos años.

It had not hailed like that since two years ago.

Ya había nevado cuando ellos llegaron.

It had snowed when they arrived.

Graniza mucho en la primavera.

It hails a lot in spring.

Está nevando desde las siete.

It has been snowing since seven o'clock.

Es una lástima que no contestara esa carta.

It is a pity she didn't reply to that letter.

Es una lástima que Paola no haya utilizado la computadora para su investigación.

It is a pity that Paola has not utilized the computer for her research.

Conviene comprar el carro en lugar de alquilarlo.

It is advisable to buy the car instead of renting it.

Es mejor que él contribuya con su tiempo.

It is better that he contribute with his time.

Es mejor que metamos todo dentro de la casa porque hace mucho viento.

It is better that we put everything inside the house because it is too windy.

Más vale que hagas la tarea ahora.

It is better that you do the homework now.

Es mejor que memoricéis el vocabulario para el jueves.

It is better that you memorize the vocabulary by Thursday.

Es mejor equivocarse que no arriesgarse.

It is better to make a mistake than never to try at all

Es mejor cortar por lo sano.

It is better to settle a matter quickly and decisively.

Es mejor votar que no votar.

It is better to vote than not to vote.

Es muy difícil creer que Mario mienta porque es muy honesto.

It is difficult to believe that Mario may lie because he is very honest.

Es bueno que Usted tueste las nueces.

It is good that you roast the nuts.

Es bueno acostumbrarse a lavarse los dientes tres veces al día.

It is good to be in the habit of brushing your teeth three times a day.

Es saludable reírse de uno mismo.

It is healthy to laugh at yourself.

Te puedes quemar.

It is hot.

Es preciso que nos despertemos temprano mañana.

It is imperative that we wake up early tomorrow.

Es importante que ella trabaje en su tesis.

It is important that she work on her dissertation.

Es importante que no ataquemos a los animales.

It is important that we do not attack the animals.

Es importante que visitemos a nuestros abuelos frecuentemente.

It is important that we visit our grandparents often.

Es importante que no rechaces el nuevo entrenamiento.

It is important that you don't refuse the new training.

Es imposible que el mago surja del aire.

It is impossible that the magician would appear out of thin air.

¡Es increíble que los gusanos digieran las hojas tan bien!

It is incredible that the worms digest the leaves so well!

Es preciso que pesque un pez grande para ganar el torneo.

It is necessary that I catch a big fish so I can win the tournament.

Es necesario que ellos sustituyan ese carro por uno más nuevo.

It is necessary that they replace that car with a newer one.

Es necesario que ellos resuman los temas a discutir en la reunión.

It is necessary that they summarize all the subjects to be discussed in the meeting.

Es necesario que ellos boten toda su ropa vieja.

It is necessary that they throw away all their old clothes.

Es necesario que felicitemos a nuestros oponentes.

It is necessary that we congratulate our opponents.

Es necesario que llenemos el tanque con gasolina antes de partir.

It is necessary that we fill the tank with gas before leaving.

Es necesario que nos acordemos de nuestros viejos amigos.

It is necessary to remember our old friends.

No es bueno para la salud broncearse frecuentemente.

It is not healthy to tan often.

Es posible que hayan encendido las luces del estadio.

It is probable that the stadium's lights are on.

Está prohibido conducir sin licencia.

It is prohibited to drive without a driver's license.

Es malísima.

It is really bad!

Dicen que los niños no mienten.

It is said that children don't lie.

Es el primero de mayo.

It is the first of May.

Es hora de que la banda toque.

It is time for the band to play.

Es hora de que tache varios nombres del directorio telefónico.

It is time that I eliminate some names from the address book.

Hay que trabajar.

It is time to work.

Te toca a ti.

It is your turn.

Me siento orgulloso que ella demande sus derechos.

It makes me proud that she demands her rights.

Anoche también nevó.

It snowed last night too.

Nos costó encontrar la casa de Ignacio.

It was hard for us to find Ignacio's house.

Fue necesario que el escritor escribiera el discurso del presidente.

It was necessary for the writer to write the president's speech.

Era necesario que compartiera el helado con mis hermanos.

It was necessary that I share the ice cream with my brothers.

¡No era necesario que regalases todos tus abrigos!

It was not necessary for you to give away all your coats!

Saltaba a la vista quien iba a ser la ganadora del concurso.

It was obvious who the winner of the contest was going to be.

Era el gato maullando.

It was the cat howling.

Eran las tres.

It was three o'clock.

Valía cien mil dólares, pero ahora vale ciento cincuenta mil dólares.

It was worth one hundred thousand dollars but now it is worth one hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

Les preocupaba a sus padres la clase de amigos que la hija tenía.

It worried the parents about the type of friends her daughter was having.

Le convendría aceptar ese trabajo.

It would be convenient for her to accept that job.

Es importante educarse en algo que le guste.

It's important to educate yourself in something you enjoy.

Jaime y Rebeca se comprometerán el sábado.

Jaime and Rebecca will get engaged on Saturday.

Yanet ha sacudido las alfombras.

Janet has shaken off the dust from the rugs.

Jazmín y Lucía desean navegar por el Mar Rojo.

Jasmine and Lucy wish to navigate through the Red Sea.

Jodee cantaba cuando era niña.

Jodee used to sing when she was a little girl.

Juan Carlos le ha robado el corazón a Rosa.

John Charles has stolen Rose's heart.

Juan se casó con Miranda.

John married Miranda.

Juanito se zafó de su mamá pero ella lo atajó.

Johnny got away from his mother but she stopped him.

Josefina ha estado rezando todo el día.

Josephine has been praying all day.

Josefina acostumbró a sus hijos a dar las gracias.

Josephine taught her children to be in the habit of saying thanks.

Juan Carlos habla como si perteneciera a la realeza.

Juan Carlos speaks as if he belonged to royalty.

Juanes canceló el concierto del sábado.

Juanes canceled his Saturday's concert.

No pisen el césped.

Keep off the grass.

Guarda sólo lo necesario.

Keep only what is needed.


to have, to possess


to hear, to listen


to help, to aid, to assist


to hesitate, to waver


to hide, to conceal


to learn


to listen, to pay attention


to live


to locate, to situate, to place


to make a mistake, to be mistaken


to make an appointment, to quote, to summon


to makeup one's face, to color one's hair


to obtain, to get


to occupy, to busy or employ oneself


to offend, to insult, to give (take) offense, to


to offer


to organize, to arrange, to setup


to owe, must, ought


to pace, to stride, to go on


to pardon, to forgive, to excuse


to park, to station


to pass (by), to happen, to spend time


to memorize


to mend, to darn, to join, to make up lies


to mend, to fix


to misplace, to lose, to go astray, to get lost


to mix


to mix up, to mistake, to be confused


to mount, to ride


to move, to shift


to narrate, to tell


to navigate, to sail


to need


to oblige, to force, to make, to compel


to observe, to notice, to watch attentively


to produce, to yield


to promote, to further, to advance


to protect


to publish


to brake, to restrain, to hold back


to break, to tear


to brush oneself


to close, to shut, to heal


to collect, to charge, to recuperate


to color, to tint


to comb one's hair


to cry, to weep


to cut


to damage, to injure


to dance


to dare, to venture


to dive, to plunge into water, to hide


to divide, to split, to separate from


to do, to make


to doubt, to hesitate


to draw near, to approach


to dream, to dream of


to fail, to be unsuccessful


to fight, to quarrel, to scold


to fight, to struggle


to get wet, to wet oneself


to get, to obtain, to succeed


to give a present


to fill, to fill up


to find


to find, to discover


to go to bed, to lie down


to grant, to give


to grasp, to seize, to grab, to catch


to grow


to guess, to foretell, to read someone's mind


to guide, to lead


to hail


to fry


to get a tan, to bronze, to tan


to punish, to chastise


to pursue, to chase, to run after


to rent, to hire


to ripen, to mature, to get experience


to run, to flow


to satisfy


to save (money time), to spare


to save (someone or something), to rescue


to sell


to send


to seek, to look for


to serve, to wait on, to be suitable (useful)


to sit down


to take a shower


to take advantage of, to make use of


to think, to ponder


to throw away, to cast off, to fire


to try, to attempt


to warn, to prevent, to get ready, to prepare


to work


to smear, to spread, to apply


to smile


to smoke


to snow


to sob, to cry


to stay, to remain, to be left


to steal


to step on, to tread on, to trample on


to stir, to revolve, to turn upside down


to stop oneself, to stand up


to stop, to detain, to attest


to store, to accumulate


to study


to stumble, to run into, to trip over


to substitute, to replace


to suffer, to endure, to suffer from


to sum up, to summarize


to supply, to replenish, to furnish with


to worry about, to be concerned

¿A La Española o a la juguetería Mimis?

To the Española or Mimis' toys?


to kiss, to , to uch lightly


to knock (cut) down, to overthrow, to be discouraged


to know, to be acquainted with


to lack, to need, to miss


to laugh


to prefer


to present, to introduce (a person), to display


to ride (a horse)


to ridicule, to make fun of, to evade


to tell, to count


to test, to try, to taste (food)


to talk, to discuss, to chat


to talk, to speak


to teach


to value, to be worth


to visit


to vote


to wait for, to expect


to wait on, to care for, to pay attention


to wait, to hope for, to expect

Hoy es viernes.

Today is Friday.

Las computadoras de hoy almacenan más información que antes.

Today's computers store more information than before.

El bien que se hace hoy constituye la felicidad de mañana.

Today's good deeds are tomorrow's happiness.

Trata bien a tus amigos.

Treat your friends well.

¡Pruébate los zapatos!

Try on the shoes!

Desvístete y ponte el traje de baño.

Undress and put on your bathing suit.

Los vegetarianos se abstienen de comer carne.

Vegetarians abstain themselves from eating meat.

Las pinturas de Velázquez han desaparecido del museo.

Velázquez's paintings have disappeared from the museum.


to be concerned, to matter


to be embarrassed, to be ashamed


to be ignorant of unaware of not, to know


to be interested in, to be concerned


to deny


to deposit, to place, to entrust


to deserve, to merit


to design, to draw


to destroy, to ruin


to devote oneself, to


to die


to digest, to assimilate


to direct, to manage a business


to disappear, to make disappear, to vanish


to disarrange, to break up, to decompose


to discover


to elect, to choose


to embrace, to hug, to clamp


to enclose, to lock up


to enlarge, to make larger, to increase


to enroll yourself, to register, to inscribe


to erase, to rub out, to scratch out, to delete


to escape, to flee, to run away


to establish, to stick, to set


to estimate, to value, to respect


to evaluate, to assess, to grade


to examine, to inspect, to search


to exclude, to expell


to excuse, to excuse from, to apologize


to exhaust, to use up


to explain


to express (an idea etc.), to express oneself


to extract, to take out


to fling, to throw, to hurl


to follow, to pursue, to continue, to keep on


to forbid, to prohibit


to forget, to leave behind


to found, to establish, to be one's opinion


to improve, to make better


to ask for, to request, to apply for


to ask for, to request, to order


to ask, to question


to attack, to assault, to contradict


to attract, to allure, to charm


to avoid


to awaken, to wake up oneself


to award or grant a scholarship or fellowship


to be


to be accustomed, to be in the habit of


to be advisable, to be convenient, to agree


to be bored, to grow tired, to grow weary


to be born


to be long, to be or take a long time


to be missing, to be lacking


to be or feel glad (happy), to rejoice


to be prepared, to get ready


to be scared, to be frightened


to bury, to inter


to buy


to call, to name


to calm, to soothe, to calm down


to cancel, to annul, to pay off


to caress, to treat tenderly


to carry out, to fulfill, to execute, to have one's birthday


to catch, to seize, to take


to challenge, to dare, to defy


to chat, to converse


to chew, to crunch, to masticate, to munch


to climb, to go up


to compete, to contest


to complain, to grumble


to complete, to end, to finish


to compose, to fix


to compromise (oneself), to promise


to confide in, to comfort, to console


to congratulate


to conquer, to overcome, to defeat, to expire


to construct, to build


to contain, to hold


to contradict, to oppose, to contradict oneself


to contribute


to cook


to correct, to grade, to modify


to cost


to cough


to cross (the road one's legs arms)


to cross out, to cross off, to eliminate


to distribute, to deliver, to deal cards


to deceive, to trick


to demand, to claim, to request


to demand, to require


to demonstrate, to prove, to show


to drive, to handle, to manage


to eat


to eat breakfast


to eat dinner


to eat lunch, to have lunch


to educate


to fall, to drop


to feast, to celebrate


to feel (well happy ill)


to feel, to be sorry, to regret


to kill, to butcher, to stave off hunger


to fish, to catch


to fit into


to get married


to get sick, to become ill


to get undressed, to undress oneself


to get up early, to be ahead


to give, to flatter with, to compliment


to go


to go ahead, to go forward


to go away, to depart, to leave


to go for a walk or stroll, to take a ride


to hang up, to suspend


to have


to have a good time, to amuse


to hit, to beat, to glue


to hit, to strike, to knock


to hold, to support, to stand


to hunt, to chase, to track down


to hurt oneself, to injure, to regret


to influence


to inform, to advise, to warn


to insist, to emphasize


to interview


to introduce, to bring in, to submit


to invest, to invert, to reverse


to join, to collect, to save


to judge, to not work properly, to fail


to judge, to pass a judgment on


to jump, to leap


to keep, to guard, to put away


to leave, to abandon, to quit


to lie, to deceive


to lie, to lie buried, to rest


to light, to turn on


to look, to look at, to watch


to loosen, to escape, to untie, to get away


to lose, to waste (time)


to maintain, to keep


to mean, to signify, to be important


to measure


to offer, to toast, to invite


to open


to oppose, to object, to be opposed, to


to pay


to permit, to allow, to grant


to pick up, to harvest, to gather


to place, to make use


to play


to preach


to practice


to practice a profession or a trade, to exert


to pray


to transmit, to broadcast


to put in, to something, to get involved in, to be part of


to put on clothing, to become


to put on makeup


to put shoes or boots, to shoe, to wear a certain size


to put up with, to bear, to suffer


to put, to place, to situate


to raise, to bring up, to breed, to create


to receive, to get


to recognize, to acknowledge, to admit


to recommend


to recover, to recuperate, to regain


to refer, to mean, to relate


to reject, to get rid of, to throw off


to reject, to turn down, to repel, to refuse


to release, to let loose, to give away


to remember


to renounce, to resign from, to give up, to waive


to repair, to mend, to fix, to notice


to resolve, to solve, to decide, to be determined


to respect, to honor, to revere


to respond, to answer


to rest


to rest, to lean, to support, to help


to resume, to renew


to retire, to be pentioned


to return, to come back, to go back


to return, to give back, to go back


to return, to refund, to come back


to revise, to examine, to inspect, to check, to audit


to revise, to review (lesson), to go over


to scatter, to spread


to shake, to beat, to shake off the dust


to share, to divide


to shave oneself


to shine, to sparkle, to glitter


to show, to display


to sign


to sing


to sink, to submerge, to overwhelm


to sweep, to sweep away


to swim


to take notice, to pay attention, to settle


to take out, to remove


to take, to drink, to get hold of, to take (a bus train cab etc.)


to throw, to dismiss, to fire


to throw, to fling, to pitch, to slam (the door)


to throw, to pitch, to cast


to toast, to roast, to tan


to touch, to feel, to tempt, to incite


to touch, to play an instrument, to knock (on a door)


to transfer, to differ


to understand


to use, to utilize, to make use of


to use, to wear


to watch over, to guard, to keep vigil


to water, to irrigate, to scatter, to sprinkle


to win, to earn, to gain


to write

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