7.3 Memory application review questions for test

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Emotional intensity increases the vividness of memory, but does not guarantee _______

less than a second

Everything you see first enters a sensory store. If you do not attend to it, how long will the information stay there?

nonsense syllables

When Ebbinghaus pioneered the experimental study of memory, the information he memorized was

believe must have happened

When people cannot remember certain gaps in a complex story, they reconstruct the information on the basis of what they


A psychologist asks participants to read a story and then tell it. The psychologist notes the ways in which the story is distorted and the ways in which participants fill in gaps in their memory. Which aspect of memory is the psychogist probably investigating?

retrieval cue

A reminder, or an association with information in long-term memory is essentially a

levels of processing

According to the ____ _____ _____principle, some memories are easier to recall than others because we thought about them during the storage process


After damage to his hippocampus, he lost most of his ability to store new long-term memories


After the end of the semester, certain students seem to have forgotten everything they learned. To find out whether their amnesia is complete or only partial, their professor taught them the material again to see whether they learn any faster the second time then they did the first. What kind of memory is this?


After you witness a robbery, you have trouble describing the theif. The police show you several photographs and ask whether any of them was a theif. They are checking your memory by which method?


An experimenter flashes an array of nine numbers or letters on a screen for a spit second and asks a person to recall then. Most people can only recall about four items. They can't recall the others because the sensory store has a capacity of only about ____items


An experimenter has subjects listen to some information then begin counting backwards by threes. After 20 seconds the subject is most likely to remember the information if the material is ________.


An experimenter reads a series of letters, such as TGWNR, and asks college students to recall it 20 seconds later. They are likely to forget the letters if they fail to _____ during the 20 seconds.


Because of the concept of short-term memory seems to be incomplete and misleading, current researchers often substitute the term _____ memory.


Despite severe memory impairments, most-brain damages with amnesia perform well on tests of either _____ or ______ memory


Drew reads a list of words, including CLOVER. Later he is given three letter combinations such as clo-and asked to complete it to make a word. He may complete clover or clocks or clowns,etc.; the question is whether he completes the three-letter combinations to match the words he just read. What kind of memory test is this?


First you memorize the street map of Detroit. If you memorize the street map of Philadelphia, you might forget the Detroit map because of ________ interference.

free recall

If asked to tell your social security number(without looking it up), you are being asked to perform a ____memory test.

sensory store

If you glance at a bright scene on television and close your eyes and still see the exact image for less than a second, the image is in your _______ _______.


If you were trying to remember the names of US presidents, you would probably have the most trouble remembering the ones near the ___ of the order.


In Ebbinghaus's studies of memorization, who did the memorizing?


In a study of memory for stories, US participants and Mexican participants heard a story about going on a date. One version was a typical American date, and the other a typical Mexican date where the man's sister was a chaperone. The results showed that each group remembered the version of their own culture because of _________.


In the fall semester you took a class on African history. In the following spring you took a class on Asian history. Over the course the summer you will probably forget Asian history faster than your friend who took the Asian course but not the African history course. This happens because of ______ interference.


Korsakoff's sydrome is caused by prolonged deficiency of what vitamin?


Many students are dismayed because they have forgotten everything they learned in some courses. However, some weak memories are probably left. Which method would most likely show those weak memories?


Memory for specific events such as graduating from high school, or getting married, is known as


One difference between long-term memory and short-term memory is last LTM can hold___ amounts of information.

sexual abuse

One of the most controversial topics among current psychologists is the ability of patients to accurately recover repressed memories of _______

method of testing

People who have forgotten some information may be able to remember that same information if you change the ____ _____ ______.


People with prefrontal cortex damage answer questions partly with wild guesses. These guesses are called ______.

hindsight bias

People's tendency to overestimate their own predictions of an event after an event occurs is called _____ ______.


Psychologists use the term ______ to refer to the process of retaining information as well as the information retrieved.


Remembering how to tie your shoes is an examples of a ______memory


Research in the 1950s suggested that the capacity for short-term memory is about ____items.


Someone ask you what time it is. You check your watch and answer. A few seconds later, after you have been distracted, someone asks you what time you said it was. You have forgotten. According to the traditional information-processing view, what type of memory is this?


Studies of individuals engaged in working memory tasks who are asked to perform an additional distracting task, such as tapping a rhythm with their fingers, have found that the performance of those with ____ working memory are most impaired.


Suppose you were given a list of names that included (among others) people who had been in your fourth grade class. If you were asked to check off the names of those who were in your class, this would be a test of _____memory.


The ___ effect is a tendency to remember the first items on a list.

phonological loop

The ______ ______ and the visuospatial sketch pad are two aspects of working memory.


The ___effect is the tendency to remember the last items on a list.


The fact that people have such a difficult time identifying the picture of a real penny from a fake penny illustrates the fact that _____ does not lead to good memory.


The telephone company's use of area codes and 3-digit local exchanges followed by different 4-digit phone numbers makes it easier to remember the numbers of several different friend due to

state-dependent memory

The tendency to remember something better if your body is in the same condition as it was during original learning.

serial-order effect

The tendency to remember the first and last items on a list better than those in the middle is called the

central executive

This component of working memory that is responsible for shifting attention between two tasks is called the _____ ________.


To use the method of _____, you would first memorize a list of place in order.


When reconstructing a memory for a story that they were asked to real, people are most likely to leave out _____ or confusing events.

one at a time

When witnesses choose a subject from a lineup, they sometimes identify the wrong person. To minimize such errors, psychologists recommend presenting subjects____

prior knowledge

You read two newspaper articles- one on your favorite sports team and one on a topic that is completely new. You will remember the sports topic better because ___ _______makes it easier to learn even more.

cued recall

Your history professor gives you a list of the initials of all the US presidents and vice presidents and asks you to fill in the names. What kind of memory is this?


Your memory for the RULES of basketball or golf is a type of _____ memory

declarative and episodic

Your memory of an event that happened the first day of high school is both a ____ memory and a ____memory.

encoding specificity principle

Your memory will be more reliable if you use the same cue when you try to retrieve a memory that you used when you stored it. This statement is an examples of the ____ ________ principle.

recovered memories

reports of long-lost memories, prompted by clinical techniques, are known as _______ _______.

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