7.4:What Effects does Tabasco smoke have on human health?
Chronic bronchitis
-Excessive mucus on the epithelium -Cilia is paralysed,so mucus and dust cannot be removed -Air passages are blocked which makes it harder to breathe -In order to breathe.persistent coughing occurs to clear the air passage which increases risk of lung infections
Lung Cancer
-It is the uncontrolled division of cells -Lump of tissues are found
Why is Tar bad?
-Paralysed cilia,so dust part particles cannot be removed. -Increased risk of chronic bronchitis and emphysema -Increases the risk of cancer in the lungs as tar can cause uncontrolled cell division.
Why is carbon monoxide bad?
-Reduces ability of blood to transport oxygen as it binds permanently to haemoglobin.So there will be less to transport -In a pregnant woman,less oxygen reaches the fetus which can stunt its fetal development -Increased risk of coronary heart disease.(Same as nicotine)
-The partition walls between the alveoli break down due to violent and continuous coughing -Results in decreased surface area for gaseous exchange -Lungs lose elasticity and become inflated with air -Breathing becomes difficult,Wheezing and breathlessness result.
Why is nicotine bad?
It increases heart rate and blood pressure It increases the risk of blood clots in arteries which leads to increased risk of coronary heart diseases It increases the risk of arteries to narrow. In pregnant mother,such narrow arteries decrease food reaching the fetus and affect its growth,and miscarriage
What diseases are caused by tobacco smoke?
Lung Cancer Emphysema Chronic Bronchitis
What are the chemicals involved in tobacco smoke?
Nicotine Carbon monoxide Tar