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In which year did the French, led by Napoleon, begin a series of wars with Britain?


What year saw two major British victories?


In what year were there two major American victories?


In what year was the poem that would eventually become the United States' "National Anthem" written? *


Foreign Policy definition

A government's strategy when dealing with other nations

What was the relationship between the War of 1812 and westward expansion?

After the War of 1812, westward expansion increased in the United States.

What were two outcomes negotiated in the Treaty of Ghent, that ended War 1812?

All prisoners wars were free and land was returned to the original owner.

Which historical figure led the United States to a decisive 1815 victory at New Orleans?

Andrew Jackson

Which battle took place TWO weeks after the war had ended with the signing of a peace treaty?

Battle of New Orleans

1811 battle between the Shawnee Confederation and the U.S. Military.

Battle of Tippecanoe

Which battle happened before the United States declared war against Britain?

Battle of Tippecanoe

Which event took place at Prophetstown?

Battle of Tippecanoe

How did the war between Britain and France. affect the American shipping industry?

Both countries tried to block American ships from entering enemy ports.

Many americans believed what European nation was assisting Native American resistance in the newly settled Northwest Territories?


All of the following was done to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the national anthem EXCEPT:

Christina Aguilera was called in to perform at the Super Bowl.

writ of mandamus

Court order directing an official to perform an official duty.

A law that restricts commerce with one or more nations. *


This Act of Congress blocked imports from ALL foreign nations.

Embargo act of 1807

What TWO financial problems made the War of 1812 difficult to finance for the United States Government?

Ended trade with britain and france, which lost a great deal of income tariffs and less stable banks had to provide war loans, because the national bank charter had expired

TRUE or FALSE: The United States secured huge land cessions from Great Britain that would eventually become 6 new states in the Union. *

FALSE; at the end of the conflict the United States and Great Britain agreed to return borders to their locations from before the War of 1812.

Why did farmers and merchants dislike the declaration of war?

Farmers and merchants did not like the War of 1812, because of economic reasons.

What battle in baltimore, Maryland inspired Francis Scott Key's poem?

Fort Mchenry

In 1809 Congress passed a new law the opened trade with every country except__________________and _________________________.

France and Britain

Who wrote the poem that would become eventually become the "National Anthem"? *

Francis Scott Key

In June 1812 the United States Congress officially declared war against what European power?

Great Britain

What foreign policy did President Jefferson follow as war erupted between Britain and France in 1803?

He remained neutral.

Select the sentence that is MOST important to include in a summary of the article. *

He wrote the four verses on a single sheet and called it "The Defence of Fort McHenry," in honor of the defenders of the fort.

Why was Britain not heavily invovled in the war at first?

Involved in war with Napoleon and France

What purpose did the Non-Importation Act serve?

It banned British imports.

What effect did the war between Britain and France have on the War of 1812? *

It caused Britain to become exhausted and sign a treaty to end fighting in the U.S.

What effect did the Treaty of Ghent have on the United States' territory?

It established a boundary between the United States and Canada.

Based on the article, what is "The Star-Spangled Banner"?

It is the flag that was flying over Fort McHenry.

What makes the national anthem difficult to sing for many artists?

It requires a singer with a wide range.

After eight years as president, Thomas Jefferson supported_____________________ in the Election of 1808.

James Madison

Who replaced Thomas Jefferson as president in 1808?

James Madison

Why did jefferson feel that neutrality was a reasonable policy when dealing with foreign nations?

Jefferson felt that this was reasonable because then they could sell weapons to the countries that are fighting and that did work for the first part. Then, both countries stopped American merchant ships from coming to the other and Britain used impressment, or forced people from the U.S. to be a soldier for them.

Americans felt that it was their fate to expand from "sea to shining sea" or from "pole to pole" in North America. What term was coined in support of this theory?

Manifest Destiny

What were the terms of the Treaty of Fort Wayne?

Native Americans would sell 2.9 million acres of land to the United States for less than a penny per acre.

The final battle of the war 1812 was fought over which American port city?

New Orleans

What is this quote saying about land ownership and who it belongs to?

No one can own the earth

Congress passed the________________ that stopped all British______________from arriving in American Harbors.

Non-importation act and imports

American expansion into the____________________ increased conflict with Native American nations.


When did the Battle of Tippecanoe happen?

November 1811

When did U.S. troops prevent a British invasion of Fort McHenry?

September 1814

Key's poem would be set to music. What is the name of this song, our national anthem?

Star Spangled Banner

What Shawnee chief worked to form a confederacy of Native American tribes in the early 1800s?


What was the name of the Shawnee chief who tried to Unite Native Americans ot negotiate with the U.S


Who wrote the Mystery Document


Who was the spiritual leader of Prophetstown?


Explain the effects of the embargo act of 1807 had on the American economy, especially on the New England States?

The Embargo Act of 1807 had many bad effects on the economy. The Treasury's chief source of income customs, or taxes placed on imported and exported goods dwindled . The embargo particularly affected New England farmers, whose crops were no longer being exported abroad, and New England merchants, who depended on European trade for much of their business.

The Federalist supported trade and an alliance with Great Britain. Even with Federalist feelings, why did America still end up going to war against Great Britain? *

The Federalist did not hold a majority in Congress, therefore they were not able to block the Democratic-Republicans from voting/declaring war.

Which of the following statements would Great Britain have been MOST likely to agree with prior to the War of 1812? *

The United States should not trade with France if it is going to trade with Great Britain.

Which of the following statements BEST represents the United States' approach toward getting involved in a second war with Great Britain? *

The United States was so deeply conflicted on the subject of the war that it nearly divided the country.

What two landmarks did Britain burn down?

The capitol and the white house

What did Tecumseh speak out against?

The destructions against native cultures and economies and selling Native Lands to the U.S

Which political party of the early United States opposed the declaration of war against Great Britain? *

The federalist party

Which of the following events MOST influenced westward expansion in the United States? *

The louisiana purchase

Which of the following sentences is TRUE? *

The national anthem tells the story of a giant flag.

What treaty signed by both Great Britain and the United States formally ended the War of 1812? *

The treaty of Ghent

In 1814, what brought about an increase in British troops in the War of 1812?

The war between Britain and France was ending.

What inspired the poet to write the poem that later became the national anthem?

They wanted to honor the fighter of the battle of baltimore

Signed in 1816, what treaty ended formally ended the War of 1812 ?

Treaty of Ghent

The War of 1812 was fought between what two countries? (Select 2) *

United States and Great Britain

What people wanted the U.S. to go to war?

War Hawks

Which governor led the attack on Prophetstown against native americans? Would later become our 9th president

William Henry Harrison

How did the War of 1812 end?

Without declaring a winner, the two countries signed a peace treaty at the end of 1814.

From 1790 to 18220, the population of the United States expanded from approximately 4 million people to... *

a population of nearly 10 million.

Why did the United States declare war on Great Britain in the War of 1812?

because the British forced American seamen to serve in the Royal Navy

What was the U.S. chief source of income in the 1800's?

customs on imports and exports

TRUE or FALSE: The events that inspired the song occurred during the Revolutionary War.


The North supported the war because it would help with American trade.


The War of 1812 marked the end of this political party


What item did Native Americans acquire from the British that convinced the United States that the British were openly supporting Native American Resistance in the Northwest Territory?


The act of forcing men into military or naval service. *


What is the most common cause given for the War of 1812?


Tecumseh warned against the selling of Native American lands and the ______________________.

loss of native american culture

What was Jefferson's foreign policy?


In the early 1800's, what was the United States federal government's main source of income? *

tariffs on imports and exports

To mark the National Anthem's 200th anniversary in 2014, what was included in a special display at the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History? Please select ALL correct answers.

the song's original manuscript and the flag that flew over Fort McHenry during the Battle of Baltimore

Look at the picture near the bottom of the article. Which statement BEST explains why this picture is included in the article? *

to show the United States and Great Britain ended the War of 1812 on friendly terms.

In 1809, the U.S. signed the___________________ with several tribes paying almost nothing for 2.9 million dollars of land.

treaty of fort wayne

The War of 1812 was the first time the U.S. declared war on another country.


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