A & P Test 1

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A _______ is a single muscle cell. a) myofilament b) myofibril c) muscle fiber d) muscular fasciculus e) whole skeletal muscle


A __________ is a term describing a hole found in bone a) canal or meatus b) fissure c) fossa d) sinus e) foramen


A patient arrives at an emergency room with a traumatic pneumothorax after a car accident. In the course of the accident, the patient suffered a penetration wound which allowed air to fill the space around one of his lungs causing it to collapse. Which cavity must the doctor remove the air from? a) abdominopelvic cavity b) pleural cavity c) abdominal cavity d) thoracic cavity e) pelvic cavity


A single motor neuron and all the skeletal muscle fiber it innervates is called a a) neuromuscular junction b) synaptic cleft c) motor unit d) synapse e) presynaptic terminal


All of the following occur during endochondral ossification EXCEPT: a) A primary ossification center forms in the center of the diaphysis as blood vessels and osteoblasts invade the calcified cartilage. b) A medullary cavity is formed as the osteoblasts remove bone and calcified cartilage. c) The presence of blood vessels in the outer surface of the future bone causes some of the unspecified connective tissue cells on the surface to become osteoblasts. d) Chondrocytes in the cartilage model enlarge, then die. e) The cartilage is calcified.


Anatomical position refers to individuals that are a) laying supine, upper limbs extended over their head. b) standing erect, upper limbs at their sides and palms facing anterior. c) standing erect, upper limbs at their sides and palms facing inward. d) laying supine, upper limbs at their sides and palms facing inward. e) laying supine, upper limbs at their sides and palms facing anterior.


Cell connections that bind adjacent cells together and form permeability barriers are called a) tight junctions. b) desmosomes. c) gap junctions. d) plasma junctions. e) tonosomes.


Compact bone consists of cells called osteocytes located within spaces in the matrix called a) haversian canals. b) canaliculi. c) medullary cavities. d) lacunae. e) lamellae.


Connective tissue that surrounds the fasciculi is called a) perimysium b) endomysium c) fascia d) fasciculi e) microfibrils


During growth of a long bone, the site of growth in length is the a) medullary cavity b) marrow c) epiphyseal plate d) endosteum e) periosteum


During tissue repair, the clot is first replaced by _____, a delicate connective tissue that consists of fibroblasts, collagen, and capillaries. a) dense connective tissue b) granulation tissue c) phagocytic tissue d) pus e) fibrin tissue


Fibrous joints between the bones of the skill are called a) sutures b) synovial joints c) gomphoses d) cartilaginous joints e) syndesmose


Fingerprints and footprints are produced by dermal projections into the epidermis called a) striae b) cleavage lines c) papillae d) reticular lines e) subcutaneous tissue


Given the cavities: 1) abdominal cavity 2) pelvic cavity 3) oral cavity 4) pericardial cavity Which of these cavities are lined with serous membranes? a) 2, 3, 4 b) 1 and 2 only c) 1, 2, 3 d) 1, 2, 3, 4 e) 1, 2, 4


Given these events: 1) calcium ions move along their concentration gradient 2) action potential in cell membrane 3) opening of ion channels in sarcoplasmic reticulum 4) action potential in T tubules 5) actin to myosin cross-bridges form Arrange them in the correct sequence as they participate during skeletal muscle contraction. a) 2, 1, 5, 3, 4 b) 2, 4, 3, 1, 5 c) 5, 3, 4, 2, 1 d) 1, 2, 5, 3, 4 e) 1, 5, 4, 3, 2


In ______ contraction the amount of tension increases during contraction, but the length of the muscle does not change a) concentric b) eccentric c) isotonic d) isometric


In compact bone, a haversian canal, with the lamellae and osteocytes surrounding it are called a) lacunae b) osteon c) canaliculi d) spongy bone e) medullary cavity


In connective tissue, cells whose names contain the suffix - blast: a) maintain the matrix b) break down the matrix for remodeling c) ingest foreign substances through phagocytosis d) produce matrix e) are non-motile cells that release histamines and other chemicals to promote inflammation.


Increased carbon dioxide in the blood increases respiration (breathing rate). Which of these statements would apply to this mechanism? a) This is positive feedback, because an increased respiration rate increases oxygen in the blood. b) This is a rare example of a positive-feedback system in the body, because increased carbon dioxide increases respiration rate. c) This is negative feedback because a deviation from normal is enhanced and made larger. d) Both this is negative feedback because increased respiration rate decreases carbon dioxide in the blood and this is negative feedback because a deviation from normal is enhanced and made larger apply. e) This is negative feedback because increased respiration rate decreases carbon dioxide in the blood.


Intramembranous ossification a) occurs in the bones of the roof of the skull. b) is the process that produces most of the skeletal system. c) occurs when bones develop from cartilage models. d) occurs when osteoblasts invade the spaces left by dying cartilage cells. e) has all of these characteristics.


Major components of the extracellular matrix of connective tissue include a) protein fibers, carbohydrates, and lipids. b) phospholipids, glycoproteins, and proteins. c) ground substance, glycoproteins, and phospholipids. d) protein fibers, ground substance, and fluid. e) ground substance, carbohydrates, and fluid.


Pick out the FALSE statement about epithelial tissue. a) Epithelial tissue functions in absorption & secretion. b) Epithelial tissue is vascular. c) Epithelial tissue controls the permeability into and out of an area/organ. d) Epithelial tissue provides physical protection for organs. e) Epithelial tissue consists almost entirely of cells with very little extracellular material between them thereby forming a barrier against entry into the body.


Put the following events in chronological order. (Some of the steps may be missing.) 1) Ca++ floods into the pre-synaptic neuron. 2) Ach (Acetylcholine) binds to ACh receptors in the sarcolemma. 3) Na+ floods into the post-synaptic muscle cell. 4) The A.P arrives at the pre-synaptic terminal causing Ca++ channels to open. 5) Ach from the synaptic vesicles spills into the pre-synaptic cleft. 6) A post-synaptic action potential results in the muscle fiber (depolarization). a) 3, 6, 5, 4, 1, 2 b) 4, 1, 2, 5, 3, 6 c) 6, 3, 2, 5, 1, 4 d) 4, 1, 5, 2, 3, 6 e) 2, 1, 6, 3, 4, 5


The _________ is the functional unit of skeletal muscle because it is the smallest portion of the skeletal muscle capable of _________ a) muscle fiber, receiving a stimulus b) muscle fiber, contracting c) sacromere, contracting d) sacromere, receiving a stimulus e) myofibril, contracting


The _________ is the layer of the skin made of epithelial tissue and the _________ is composed of dense connective tissue. a) epidermis; dermis b) epidermis; subcutaneous tissue c) dermis; epidermis d) dermis; subcutaneous tissue e) subcutaneous tisse; dermis


The ___________ is the most stationary end of a muscle. a) insertion b) antagonist c) prime mover d) agonist e) origin


The anatomical term for a cavity found in bone is a) fossa. b) fissure. c) canal or meatus. d) foramen. e) sinus.


The biceps brachii muscle and the triceps brachii muscle a) are synergists b) are antagonists c) both flex the forearm d) are both antagonists and flexors of the forearm e) are both synergists and flexors of the forearm


The connective tissue that covers muscle, glands, and nerves is a) Dense collagenous connective tissue b) Hyaline cartilage c) Fibrocartilage d) Elastic cartilage e) Loose or areolar connective tissue


The dermis a) consists of collagen and elastic fibers. b) is responsible for most of the structural strength of the skin. c) contains fibroblasts, fat cells, and macrophages. d) has dermal papillae. e) has all of these characteristics.


The extracellular matrix of bone a) contains collagen and minerals and has a high proportion of calcium phosphate crystals (hydroxyapatite) are correct. b) is entirely composed of proteoglycans. c) contains collagen and minerals. d) has a high proportion of calcium phosphate crystals (hydroxyapatite) and is entirely composed of proteoglycans are correct. e) has a high proportion of calcium phosphate crystals (hydroxyapatite).


The pectoral girdle a) attaches the lower limb to the body. b) consists of the clavicle and scapula. c) is part of the axial skeleton. d) is attached to the body only where the clavicle attaches to the vertebrae. e) has all of these characteristics.


The functions of the skeletal system include all of the following EXCEPT: a) blood cell production b) movement and leverage c) storage of minerals d) transport of materials via its fluid matrix e) support and protection


The hypodermis a) is also called subcutaneous tissue b) is loose connective tissue that attaches the skin to underlying bone and muscle c) is important for padding and insulation d) contains about half of the body's stored fat e) has all of these characteristics


The interconnecting rods or plates of bone in spongy bone are called a) osteocytes b) trabeculae c) haversian canals d) haversian systems e) epiphyses


The presence of mediators of inflammation results in a) vasodilation of blood vessels. b) increased permeability of blood vessels. c) pain. d) symptoms of redness and heat. e) All of these are directly or indirectly the result of mediators of inflammation.


The long bones of the body form through ___________ ossification. a) chondralmembranous b) intramembranous c) endochondral d) endomembranous


The most correct classification of an epithelial tissue consisting of many layers of cells, in which the outer layers are flat and thin, and the basal layers are cuboidal or columnar is a) simple columnar epithelium b) pseudo-stratified epithelium c) stratified squamous epithelium d) transitional epithelium e) simple squamous epithelium


The region designated by the letter "E" (center of 9 regions) is known as the ________ region. a) umbilical b) hypogastric c) lumbar d) hypochondriac e) iliac


The region designated by the letter "H" (lower center of 9 regions) is known as the _______ region a) umbilical b) hypogastric c) lumbar d) hypochondriac e) iliac


The specific molecules that provide calcium binding sites on actin are _______ molecules a) troponin b) tropomyosin c) titin d) myosin


The structure designated by the letter A (hole in the vertebrae) is the a) articular facet b) transverse process c) vertebral foramen d) spinous process e) body


The structure designated by the letter B (center point on vertebrae) is the a) articular facet b) transverse process c) vertebral foramen d) spinous process e) body


The supportive cells of the nervous system are called a) axon. b) dendrites. c) neuroglia. d) cell body. e) neuron.


The thoracic cavity is separated from the abdominal cavity by the a) liver. b) pelvic muscles. c) diaphragm. d) mediastinum. e) lungs.


The two bones of the skull in which teeth are located are the a) maxilla and mandible. b) frontal and mandible. c) maxilla and zygomatic. d) zygomatic and mandible. e) maxilla and frontal.


The type of glands that open into a hair follicle and have a thick organic secretion are a) sebaceous glands. b) All glands of the skin have this property. c) eccrine sweat glands. d) both eccrine and apocrine sweat glands. e) apocrine sweat glands.


The type of glands that open on surface of skin and have a watery secretion are a) sebaceous glands. b) All glands of the skin have this property. c) eccrine sweat glands. d) both eccrine and apocrine sweat glands. e) apocrine sweat glands.


The type of muscle shown in the diagram is: a) cardiac b) smooth c) skeletal


Vertebrae are best classified as a) irregular bones. b) long bones. c) short bones. d) flat bones.


What are the relative concentrations of NA+, K+ and dissolved proteins in the intracellular solution (i.e. cystol) as opposed to in the extracellular fluid? a) Up Na, Up K, and Up dissolved proteins inside the cell b) Up Na, Down K, and Up dissolved proteins inside the cell c) Down Na, Up K, and Up dissolved proteins inside the cell d) Down Na, Down K, and Down dissolved proteins inside the cell


When a person is in anatomical position, the wrist is _____ to the elbow. a) ventral b) proximal c) superior d) dorsal e) distal


When you scratch a cat's back along its spine, which of the following terms would apply to the skin you are scratching? a) ventral, inferior, posterior, lateral b) dorsal, superior, medial, superficial c) ventral, superior, medial, deep d) ventral, inferior, anterior, medial, deep e) dorsal, superior, posterior, lateral


Which of the following statements about glands of the skin is true? a) Sebaceous glands produce an oily white substance rich in lipids b) Sebum is important in cooling the body c) Eccrine sweat glands become active at puberty because of the influence of sex hormones d) Eccrine sweat glands produce a thick secretion rich in organic substances e) All of these are true


Which of the following functions of the integumentary system is NOT correctly matched with an example? a) sensation — pain, heat, cold, and pressure receptors in the skin b) temperature regulation — radiation and convection of heat from blood flowing in the dermis c) excretion — hydrogen ions are moved from the skin into the urine d) vitamin D production — active vitamin D is produced from a precursor molecule e) All of these are correctly matched.


Which of the following is INCORRECT? a) Spongy bone is located in the epiphysis of long bones and interior of all other bones b) Compact bone is located in the diaphysis of long bones and thinner superficial surface of all other bones c) Compact bone is located in the epiphysis of long bones and interior of all other bones d) Lamellae are thin sheets of extracellular matrix in which bone is formed e) An osteon is a central canal with concentric layers of lamellae and osteocytes surrounding it


Which of the following statements about hair is NOT correct? a) The hair follicle is an extension of the epidermis into the dermis. b) The cuticle is a single layer of overlapping cells that holds the hair in the follicle. c) Hair grows in cycles. d) The hair root and shaft are made up of continuously dividing cells. e) The hair follicle can be an important source of epithelial cells for repairing areas of the surface epidermis.


Which of the following statements is FALSE? a) The production of cells within the nail matrix results in the growth of the nail. b) The cells of a nail are filled with a special hard type of keratin. c) The nail consists of layers of living cells from the stratum corneum. d) Nails grow continually and do not have a resting stage. e) The nail matrix and nail bed have a stratum basale.


Which of the sections below separates the body into dorsal and ventral parts? a) frontal section b) sagittal section c) transverse section d) longitudinal section e) oblique section


Which of the sections below separates the body into superior and inferior parts? a) frontal section b) oblique section c) transverse section d) sagittal section e) longitudinal section


Which of the types of epithelial types is correctly matched with its function? a) simple squamous epithelium - diffusion or filtration b) stratified squamous epithelium - protection from abrasion c) simple cuboidal epithelium - active transport, facilitated diffusion, or secretion d) simple columnar epithelium - secretion or absorption e) All these are correctly paired


Which of these atomically terms for bone features is NOT correctly matched with its description? a) condyle - smooth, rounded end of bone where it forms a joint with another bone b) tubercle or tuberosity - knob or enlargement c) process - prominent indentation d) head - enlarged (often rounded) head e) facet - small, flattened articular surface


Which of these bones is a part of the appendicular skeleton? a) sternum b) clavicle c) ribs d) skull e) hyoid


Which of these connective tissue types is NOT correctly matched with its description? a) adipose tissue - very little extracellular matrix; cells filled with lipids b) bone- hard connective tissue with mineralized matrix c) dense collagenous connective tissue - widely separated collage fibers running in random directions d) fibrocartilage - more collage and less ground substance than hyaline cartilage e) blood - liquid matrix


Which of these sections of the vertebral column is matched with its correct number of vertebrae? a) thoracic - 7 vertebrae b) cervical - 12 vertebrae c) sacral - 5 vertebrae fused into one sacrum d) lumbar - 8 vertebrae e) coccygeal - 2 vertebrae fused into one coccyx


Which of these statements concerning the ability of certain cells to divide and produce new cells is correct? a) Permanent cells cannot undergo mitosis and divide b) Labile cells do not actively replicate, but retain the ability to divide after an injury c) Stable cells continue to divide throughout life d) Neuron and skeletal muscle cells are considered to be stable cells e) Permanent cells are routinely replaced by regeneration


Which of these statements concerning the upper limb is true? a) the hand is composed of 5 metatarsals b) each digit is composed of 4 phalanges c) the wrist is composed of 10 carpal bones d) The head of the ulna is closer to the thumb than is the distal end of the radius e) Epicondyles on the radius and ulna provide attachment sites for forearm muslces


Which two bones contribute to the nasal septum? a) vomer and maxilla b) vomer and sphenoid c) maxillary and palatine d) vomer and ethmoid e) ethmoid and sphenoid


You turn the doorknob clockwise with your right hand to open the door. The movement your hand makes would be called a) extension b) flexion c) adduction d) pronation e) supination


You would normally expect to find ______ lining the small intestine a) simple squamous epithelium b) simple cuboidal epithelium c) stratified squamous epithelium d) transitional epithelium e) simple columnar epithelium


_________ are small channels that allow materials to pass from one epithelial cell to another. a) Tight junctions b) Hemidesmosomes c) Desmosomes d) Gap junctions


_________ forms the disks between vertebrae a) Dense collagenous connective tissue b) Hyaline cartilage c) Fibrocartilage d) Elastic cartilage e) Loose or areolar connective tissue

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