A&P 2: Test 1

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What hormone also aids the stress response by promoting water retention and acting as a vasoconstrictor?

ADH (vasopressin)

Which of the following is NOT characterized by high levels of cortisol in the blood?

Addison's disease

The hypophyseal portal system

All of the answers are correct.

All of the following are true of steroid hormones except that they

are produced by the adrenal medulla.

Tropic hormones include which of the following?

both ACTH and CRH

Which of the following hormones has intracellular receptors?


Choose which condition has all of the following symptoms: hypertension, hyperglycemia, and a "moon face."

cushing's disease

The primary function of ADH is to

decrease the amount of water lost at the kidneys.

Peptide hormones include which of the following?

follicle-stimulating hormone and calcitonin

All of the following are true of the nervous system, except that it doesn't

function independently of the endocrine system.

After a steroid hormone binds to its receptor to form an active complex,

gene transcription is initiated.

All target cells

have hormone receptors and can respond to chemical signals.

Which of the following are symptom(s) of pheochromocytoma?

heart palpitations

Where is antidiuretic hormone (ADH), also known as vasopressin, synthesized?


Which of the following hormones is regulated by a positive feedback mechanism?


Which hormone's receptor is always bound to DNA, even when the receptor is empty?

thyroid hormone

Which type of hormone is associated with an increase in ATP production?

thyroid hormones

Growth factor hormones, such as insulin, bind to which type of receptor?

tyrosine kinase receptors

Body cells that respond to insulin include

Liver cells, as well as most other cells of the body.

An abnormally high level of which of the following will result in goiter?


Which of the following is INCORRECTLY matched with its secreting organ?

TSH- posterior pituitary

When blood glucose levels are high

The pancreas releases insulin.

Why did the TSH have NO effect on the BMR of the thyroidectomized rat?

The rat is missing its thyroid gland

Which of the following responses do not occur when blood glucose levels are increasing above the normal range, such as after eating a meal?

There is an increase in the breakdown of fat into fatty acids in adipose tissue.

The target cells for the hormone ACTH are located in the _______.

adrenal cortex

If a diabetic patient received too much insulin, the low blood sugar could be corrected by injecting


Glucose is stored in the human body as _______.


The body's tendency to maintain relatively constant internal conditions is called


In response to stress, which of the following changes would happen?

increase insulin secretion

The hormone oxytocin does all of the following except

is responsive to osmoreceptors.

What cells in the body respond to glucagon by breaking down glycogen and releasing glucose?

liver cells

Regulatory hormones that control secretion of anterior pituitary hormones are released by neurons at the ________ of the hypothalamus.

medium eminence

The posterior lobe of the pituitary is also known as the


Which of the following adrenergic receptors increase cAMP levels?

β receptors

A decrease in the level of thyroxine would increase the secretion of _______.

Both TSH and TRH

Secretory cells of the adenohypophysis release all of the following except


If a patient is administered a powerful glucocorticoid (such as prednisone) to suppress the immune system, what unintended effects might this have on blood chemistry?

both an increase of insulin and an increase of blood glucose

The amplification of the signal from a water-soluble hormone is achieved through an increase in _______.

cAMP in the cytoplasm

Which of the following is INCORRECTLY matched with one of its functions?

calcitonin - inhibits osteoblast activity

Hormones can be divided into different groups based on their chemistry. These categories include all of the following except


Peptide hormones are

composed of amino acids.

What is the function of the ventral hypothalamic neurons?

control secretion of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)

Which type of hormone diffuses across the plasma membrane and binds to receptors in the cytoplasm? (Module 16.4C)

steroid hormones

Glucose remains in the bloodstream as a result of _______.

type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus

When a G protein becomes activated and causes an activation of enzymes,

ATP is consumed and cAMP is formed.

Which of the following improved the vertebral bone density of the rats?

both calcitonin and estrogen

The endocrine system works most closely with the ________ system to maintain homeostasis.


What keeps intracellular receptors from binding to DNA before a hormone binds to the receptor?

chaperone proteins (chaperonins)

Destruction of the supra-optic nucleus of the hypothalamus would have which result?

loss of ADH secretion

The hormone(s) that may be slowly administered by intravenous drip to accelerate labor and delivery is/are


Which of the following hormones is regulated by a neuroendocrine ("letdown") reflex?


Which patients would be diagnosed with primary hypercortisolism?

2 and 5

________ are chemical messengers that are released in one tissue and transported in the bloodstream to alter the activities of specific cells in other tissues.


When blood glucose levels are low

The pancreas releases glucagon, which eventually causes blood glucose levels to increase.

Which of the following hormones is a part of the rapid response (rather than the prolonged response) to stress?


In a dehydrated person, how would the amount of ADH released by the posterior lobe of the pituitary change? (Module 16.6C)

it would increase

Before the discovery of these glands, thyroid surgery often led to a rapid drop in blood calcium levels, which triggered muscle contractions and cardiac arrhythmias. What glands are these and which hormone is lacking?

parathyroid glands; parathyroid hormone

Which patient would be diagnosed with secondary adrenal insufficiency?

patient 1

Which patient would be diagnosed with secondary hypercortisolism?

patient 3

When a catecholamine or peptide hormone binds to receptors on the surface of a cell, the

second messenger appears in the cytoplasm.

What type of hormones bind to receptors located on the cell membrane?

water-soluble hormones, such as insulin and epinephrine

The ovaries secrete ________ when stimulated by FSH.


How do endocrine hormones reach their target cells?

Hormones are transported through the blood stream to target cells.

Which of the following is INCORRECTLY matched with its primary secreting organ?


Which second messenger causes the release of calcium from the endoplasmic reticulum?


If the pars intermedia of the pituitary is destroyed, the pituitary would no longer be able to secrete which of the following hormones?


Cyclic AMP is degraded by __________.


Which intracellular substance degrades cAMP, thus inactivating the response to a hormone?


Which of the following enzymes are important in the deactivation of cAMP and termination of signaling?


A hypophysectomized rat is missing its _______.

pituitary gland

Water-soluble hormones affect target cells by binding to __________.

plasma membrane receptors

The hypothalamus controls secretion by the anterior pituitary by

secreting releasing and inhibiting factors into a tiny portal system.

Thyroxine is a _______.

slow-acting hormone that enters the nucleus

Receptors for all of the following hormones are found in the cell membranes of target cells except

steroid hormones

After brain surgery, a patient receiving postoperative care in an intensive care unit began to pass large volumes of very dilute urine. The ICU nurse administered a medicine that mimics which of the following hormones?


The pituitary hormone that causes the kidney to reduce water loss is


Iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome is _______.

All of the above are correct.

The pituitary hormone that promotes egg development in ovaries and sperm development in testes is


Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) are intermediary hormones stimulated by which of the following hormones?

GH(growth hormone)

The hormone produced by the pars intermedia of the adenohypophysis during early childhood is


Why do signs and symptoms of decreased thyroxine concentration not appear until about a week after a thyroidectomy (surgical removal of the thyroid gland)? (Module 16.8C)

Most of the thyroxine is bound to proteins in the bloodstream and the hormones are released gradually.

The pituitary hormone that stimulates milk production by the mammary glands is


What is the role of activated protein kinases?

Phosphorylate proteins.

Why is the plasma membrane a barrier for thyroid hormone to enter a cell, but steroid hormones pass through easily?

Steroid hormones are hydrophobic and can pass through the lipid bilayer.

The pituitary hormone that triggers the release of thyroid hormone from the thyroid gland is


A liver cell responds to insulin by

Taking in glucose and converting it to glycogen.

What is the primary role of G protein in the cell?

The G protein aids in the activation of a second messenger.

Define endocrine system. (Module 16.3A)

The endocrine system includes organs whose primary role is the production of hormones or paracrines.

Which is the correct order of events for hormones activating Gs proteins?

activation of G protein, binding of GTP, activation of adenylate cyclase, conversion of ATP to cAMP

What is the mechanism of action of lipid-soluble hormones?

activation of genes, which increases protein synthesis in the cell

After a lipid-soluble hormone is bound to its intracellular receptor, what does the hormone complex do?

acts as a transcription factor and binds to DNA, activating a gene

What tropic hormone stimulates cortisol from the adrenal gland?

adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

High levels of cortisol would normally provide negative feedback to the _______.

anterior pituitary and hypothalamus

Which of the following showed the greatest improvement in vertebral bone density for the rats?


Which hormone stimulates the breakdown of polymerized glucose?


What is the most important regulatory factor controlling the circulating levels of thyroid hormone?

negative feedback

Inhibiting osteoclast activity would prevent _______.

osteopenia and osteoporosis

The baseline T score for the rats was indicative of _______.

osteoporosis, because their ovaries were removed

Excess glucose can be found in the urine _______.

when the transport maximum for reabsorption in the kidney tubules is exceeded, as a result of type 1 diabetes or as a result of type 2 diabetes

Shelly has a hormone-secreting tumor of the adrenal gland. The tumor is causing her to have a deep voice, grow extensive body hair, and stop menstruating. This tumor probably involves cells of the

zona reticularis.

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