A&P Blood - Review

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What type of cells are Leukocytes

(WBC's) white blood cells

What percent can hemoglobin combined with carbon dioxide transport


Catastrphic bleeding will result if Thrombocytes fall to (normal range 150,000 - 400,000)

20,000 or less

How many 'Heme Groups' make up one hemoglobin


What causes the blood to clot


What becomes 'sticky' at the point of injury near the opening in the broken blood vessel

platelet plug

These are cells that are important in the clotting of blood, they come from the cell mega-palette

platelets or thrombocytes

A serious blood disorder with a dramatic increase in RBC numbers and causes cancerous transformation in the red bone marrow, RBC may exceed levels of 10millon/mm3 and increases blood viscosity or thickness


What defines a high percent of RBC's that have too many red blood cells


What is it called in the 1st step of clotting when damaged tissues cell release particular clotting factors into the plasma, then rapidly react with other already present in the plasma to from

prothrombin activator

How many times will RBC's with a normal life span travel through the entire circulatory system

100,000 or more

Normal hemoglobin ranges of whole blood for females

12 to 14 grams per 100ml

Normal hemoglobin ranges of whole blood for males

14 to 17 grams per 100ml

What percent of all oxygen is required for the body's cells to transport into hemoglobin


Is primarily a disease of children and constitutes the most common form of 'blood cancer' in children between 3 and 7 yrs

acute lymphocytic leukemia

This is a pathological transformation of myeloid stem cells, 80% in adults and 20% in children

acute myeloid leukemia

What plasma protein helps retain water in the blood and many times when the blood volume is low it is sometimes used as a plasma expander


A hemoglobin value less than 9g/ 100ml indicates


What defines a low percent of RBC's that do not have enough red blood cells


Abnormally low RBC counts and damage to the bone marrow, from being exposed to certain toxic chemicals

aplastic anemia

WBC (granular leukocytes) that are related to mass cells found in tissue, and releases histamine and heparin and stains readily by (basic) a blue color


What is it called when hemoglobin can also combined with CD2 and transports 1/5 of the CD2 that is produced as waste product for cellular metabolism


Caused by cancerous transformation of granulocytic precursor cells in the bone marrow

chronic myeloid anemia

This accounts for 20% of all cases of leukemia and occurs most often between 25 - 60 years of age- results from cancerous transformation of granulocytic, most often have a bone marrow transplant

chronic myeloid leukemia

Due to lacking something, such as iron or b12

deficiency anemia

WBC (granular leukocytes) that have phagocytes that are weak, their main function is to protect against infections caused by parasites and parasitic worms, also involved in allergic reaction and stains readily by (eosin) a red color


These cells are important because they carry a protein known as hemoglobin


In the last step of clotting a normal plasma protein called fibrinogen changes into a gel called


What plasma protein are associated are necessary for blood clotting (it is a protein but is not an active protein)

fibrinogen and prothrombin

Due to decrease in folic acid, sometimes caused by alcoholism and malnourishment

foliate deficiency anemia

What plasma protein include the antibodies that help prevent us from infections and are part of the antibodies


What type of cells have granules in their cytoplasm

granular leukocytes

A condition of an inadequate number of circulating red blood cells due to the premature destruction of red blood cells by the spleen

hemolytic anemia

clotting disorders-classic-hemophilia A - factor VIII deficiency-liver disease-primary site of clotting factor synthesis(alcoholics bruise easily-liver serosis-chronic hepatitis)-vit K deficiency- required for synthesis, females carry it


An important and potent anticoagulant which helps to keep the blood from clotting


A chemical that is released during inflammatory reactions


the disease is usually caused by the Epstein-Barr virus found in the saliva of an infected individual

infectious mononucleosis

What will make osmosis draw about three to four times its volume

injection of albumin

A microcytic-hypochromic type of anemia characterized by a lack of iron, affecting productionof hemoglobin and characterized by small red blood cells containing low amounts of hemoglobins

iron deficiency anemia

Excess number of blood cancers affecting the WBC with no function, normally excess of 100,000 mm3


Blood plasma is what portion of the blood


Plasma cells that are formed in the bone marrow but do not mature


WBC (non-granular leukocytes) that is one type of a white blood cell, helps protect against infection but they do it different then the process from phagocytosis


Arise from precursor cells that normally produce B and T lymphocytes

lymphoid neoplasms

Formed in large numbers in a type of bone marrow cancer known as multiple myeloma

mature B lymphocytes

WBC (non-granular leukocytes) they are know as the large eater and are aggressive phagocytic cells, common against bacterial and cancerous invaders largest type of white blood cell; often involved in phagocytosis of abnormal cells or particles


This is a cancer of mature antibody-secreting B lymphocytes called plasma cells, most deadliest cancer with no antibodies to fight it

multiple myeloma

These are the result of malignant transformation of the produces granulocytic WBC, monocytes, RBC and platelets

myeloid neoplasms

WBC (granular leukocytes) that is the most numerous of the WBC's and that stains readily with a neutral color or no color


What type of cells do not have granules in their cytoplasm

nongranular leukocytes

What is the term used when oxygen unites with the red blood cells to form oxygen-hemoglobin complex


This is a dietary deficiency in vitamin B12 or from the failure of the stomach lining to produce intrinsic factor which is needed to absorb B12

pernicious anemia

What is the most abundant type of solute in the plasma is a group of

plasma proteins

What is blood is the plasma minus the clotting factor, it is obtained by whole blood by allowing the blood to first clot in the bottom of a tube and then the liquid that remains at the top is poured off, it still contains antibodies so it can be used to treat PT's who have a need for specific antibodies


A human genetic disease of red blood cells caused by the substitution of a single amino acid in the hemoglobin protein; it is the most common inherited disease among African Americans.

sickle cell anemia

an inherited blood disorder that causes mild or severe anemia due to reduced hemoglobin and few red blood cells than normal

thalassemia anemia

The 2nd step in clotting is by converting Prothrombin (a protein in normal blood) to


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