A&P CH. 20,21,22 nervous systems and nerve signaling

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Somatic reflexes are contractions of __________ muscle?


_______ transmits impulses of subconscious kinesthesia?

Spinocerebellar tract

_________ facilitates head and neck movement related to visual reflexes?

Tectospinal tract

Tic douloureux is damage to the _______ nerve?


Poliomyelitis results in flaccid paralysis via destruction of anterior horn neurons? T/f


The brachial plexus is found deep within the shoulder? T/f


The cerebellum is the second largest portion of the brain? T/F


The four large, fluid-filled spaces within the brain are called ventricles? T/f


The islands of gray matter inside the hemispheres of the cerebrum are called the basal ganglia? T/f


The lower end of the spinal cord is called the cauda equina? T/f


The shallow grooves of the cerebrum are called sulci?


There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves, all of which are composed of both motor and sensory fibers? T/f


The _________ nerve assists with balance or equilibrium?


The somatic motor nervous system includes all of the ____________ motor pathways outside the CNS?


Which of the following doesn't have a sensory function? A. Abducens B. Trigeminal C. Facial D. Vagus

A. Abducens

Which is the neurotransmitter in a somatic motor pathway? A. Acetylcholine B. Amines C. Amino acids D. Neuropeptides

A. Acetylcholine

The internal white matter of the cerebellum is the? A. Arbor vitae B. Vermis C. Peduncle D. None of the above

A. Arbor vitae

When the outer sole of the foot is stimulated, a normal infant will extend the great toe. This is called the? A. Babinski reflex B. Plantar reflex C. Tendon reflex D. Corneal reflex

A. Babinski reflex

The lateral ventricles are located within the? A. Cerebrum B. Cerebellum C. Spinal cord D. None of the above

A. Cerebrum

Which one of the following is not part of the diencephalon? A. Cerebrum B. Thalamus C. Hypothalamus D. Pineal gland

A. Cerebrum

Commissural tracts compose the? A. Corpus callosum B. Mammillary body C. Hippocampus D. Central sulcus

A. Corpus callosum

The type of brain wave associated with deep sleep is? A. Delta B. Beta C. Alpha D. Theta

A. Delta

From superficial to deep, which is the correct order? A. Dura mater, arachnoid membrane, pia mater B. Pia mater, arachnoid membrane, dura mater C. Arachnoid membrane, pia mater, dura mater D. Dura mater, pia mater, arachnoid membrane

A. Dura mater, arachnoid membrane, pia mater

Absence of reflexes is indicative of injury to? A. Lower motor neurons B. Upper motor neurons C. Lower sensory neurons D. Upper sensory neurons

A. Lower motor neurons

The femoral nerve arises from the? A. Lumbar plexus B. Sacral plexus C. Coccygeal plexus D. Branchial plexus

A. Lumbar plexus

The dorsal root ganglion contains? A. Sensory neuron cell bodies B. Motor neuron cell bodies C.. both sensory neuron and motor neuron cell bodies D. Motor neuron fibers

A. Sensory neuron cell bodies

Which of the following is an incorrect statement? A. There are 7 cervical nerve pairs B. There are 12 thoracic nerve pairs C. There are 5 lumbar nerve pairs D. All of the above are correct statements

A. There are 7 cervical nerve pairs

Parasympathetic innervation of the heart is assisted by the? A. Vagus nerve B. Facial nerve C. Trigeminal nerve D. Glossopharyngeal nerve

A. Vagus nerve

A degenerative disease that affects memory, generally developing during the middle to late adult years causing characteristic lesions in the cortex?

Alzheimer's disease

________ transmits impulses that control voluntary movement of muscles on the same side of the body?

Anterior corticospinal tract

____________ transmits impulses of crude touch and pressure?

Anterior spinothalmic tract

The phrenic nerve innervates the? A. Spleen B. Diaphragm C. Chest muscles D. None of the above

B. Diaphragm

The part of the brain that secretes releasing hormones is the? A. Thalamus B. Hypothalamus C. Medulla D. Pons

B. Hypothalamus

Which of the following is not a part of the brain stem? A. Medulla oblongata B. Hypothalamus C. Pons D. Midbrain

B. Hypothalamus

Emotions involve the functioning of the cerebrum's? A. Broca's area B. Limbic system C. Reticular activating system D. Caudate nucleus

B. Limbic system

Somatic effectors are? A. Smooth muscle B. Skeletal muscle C. Cardiac muscle D. Glands

B. Skeletal muscle

The cerebrospinal fluid resides in the? A. Epidural space B. Subarachnoid space C. Subdural space D. Piarachnoid space

B. Subarachnoid space

The area of the cerebrum responsible for the perception of sound lies in the______ lobe? A. Frontal B. Temporal C. Occipital D. Parietal

B. Temporal

The part of the cerebrum integral to consciousness is? A. Broca's area B. The reticular activating system C. The limbic system D. The insula

B. The reticular activating system

The largest section of the brain is the? A. Cerebellum B. Pons C. Cerebrum D. Midbrain

C. Cerebrum

Formation of the cerebrospinal fluid occurs mainly in the? A. Cerebral aqueduct B. Superior sagittal sinus C. Choroid plexus D. Median foramen

C. Choroid plexus

The spinal root that has a noticeable swelling is the? A. Ventral root B. Anterior root C. Dorsal root D. None of the above

C. Dorsal root

The layer of the meninges that serves as the inner periosteum of the cranial bones is the? A. Pia mater B. Arachnoid membrane C. Dura mater

C. Dura mater

Which nerve is involved in smiling and frowning? A. Vagus B. Trigeminal C. Facial D. Glossopharyngeal

C. Facial

The central sulcus divides the? A. Temporal lobe and parietal lobe B. Cerebrum into two hemispheres C. Frontal lobe and parietal lobe D. Occipital lobe and parietal lobe

C. Frontal lobe and parietal lobe

Visual perception is located in the ______ lobe? A. Frontal B. Temporal C. Occipital D. Parietal

C. Occipital

Which of the following is not a pathway that produces sensations of touch and pressure? A. Medial lemniscal system B. Spinothalamic pathway C. Rubrospinal tract D. All of the above are pathways that produce sensations of touch and pressure

C. Rubrospinal tract

Axons from the anterior gray horn of the spinal cord terminate in the? A. Cerebral cortex B. Sensory receptors C. Skeletal muscle D. None of the above

C. Skeletal muscle

The falx cerebra separates the? A. Two hemispheres of the cerebellum B. Cerebellum from the cerebrum C. Two hemispheres of the cerebrum D. Dura mater from the arachnoid

C. Two hemispheres of the cerebrum

A hemorrhage from or cessation fo blood flow to the cerebral vessels, which destroys neurons?

Cerebrovascular accident

Which of the following is not a component of the midbrain? A. Cerebral peduncles B. Corpora quadrigemina C. Superior colliculi D. All of the above are parts of the midbrain

D. All of the above are parts of the midbrain

CSF is absorbed into the venous blood via the? A. Cisterna magna B. Choroid plexus C. Falx cerebri D. Arachnoid villus

D. Arachnoid villus

Which one of the following is not a function of the cerebellum? A. Maintains equilibrium B. Helps produce smooth, coordinated movements C. Helps maintain normal posture D. Associates sensations with emotions

D. Associates sensations with emotions

Which one of the following is not a function of the brain stem? A. Conducts sensory impulses from the spinal cord to the higher centers of the brain? B. Conducts motor impulses from the cerebrum to the spinal cord C. Controls heartbeat, respiration, and blood vessel diameter D. Contains centers for speech and memory

D. Contains centers for speech and memory

Regulation of the body's biological clock and production of melatonin is performed by the? A. Pons B. Thalamus C. Cerebellum D. Pineal body

D. Pineal body

Which of the following is not a function of the hypothalamus? A. Major relay station between the cerebral cortex and lower autonomic centers B. Serves as a higher autonomic center C. Plays an essential role in maintaining the waking state D. Regulates voluntary motor functions E. Part of the mechanism for regulating appetite

D. Regulates voluntary motor functions

CSF is not found in the? A. Central canal B. Subarachnoid space C. Third ventricle D. Subdural space

D. Subdural space

Which one of the following parts of the brain helps in the association of sensations with emotions, as well as aiding in the arousal or alerting mechanism? A. Pons B. Hypothalamus C. Cerebellum D. Thalamus E. None of the above is correct

D. Thalamus

Which statement is false? A. The spinal cord performs two general functions B. The lumbar puncture is performed to withdraw CSF C. The cardiac, vasomotor, and respiratory control centers are called the vital centers D. The meninges end at L1 in a tapered cone called the cauda equina

D. The meninges end at the L1 in a tapered cone called the cauda equina

Which nerve is a mixed nerve that arises from the medulla and is distributed to numerous organs? A. Trochlear B. Accessory C. Hypoglossal D. Vagus

D. Vagus

The most common cause of peripheral nerve damage in the United States and Europe is __________?

Diabetes mellitus

Which one of the following is not a function of the cerebrum? A. Language B. Consciousness C. Memory D. Conscious awareness of sensations E. All of the above are functions of the cerebrum

E. All of the above are functions of the cerebrum

The portion of the brain stem that joins the spinal cord to the brain is the? A. Pons B. Cerebellum C. Diencephalon D. Hypothalamus E. Medulla

E. Medulla

Recurring or chronic seizure episodes involving sudden bursts of abnormal neuron activity


Dermatome is a term referring to a skeletal muscle group innervated by motor neuron axons from a given spinal nerve? T/f


Extrapyramidal tracts are very simple pyramidal tracts? T/f


Functions of the cerebellum include language, memory and emotions? T/F


Herpes zoster is a unique bacterial infection that almost always affects the skin of a single dermatome? T/f


Interference of CSF circulation, causing the fluid to accumulate in the subarachnoid space, is referred to as external hydrocephalus? T/F


The vomiting reflex is mediated by the cerebellum?


______ transmits impulses of discriminating touch and kinesthesia?

Fasciculi gracilis and cuneatus

An inherited form of dementia in which symptoms first appear between 30 and 40 years of age?

Hungington disease

_________ transmits impulses that control voluntary movement of muscles on the opposite side of the body?

Lateral corticospinal tract

________ transmits impulses of crude touch, pain, and temperature?

Lateral spinothalamic tract

The ________ nerves supply the diaphragm. Any disease or injury to the spinal cord between the 3rd and 5th cervical segments may paralyze the ___________ nerve and therefore the diaphragm as well?

Phrenic, phrenic

_________ helps maintain posture during skeletal muscle movements?

Reticulospinal tract

_________ transmits impulses that coordinate body movements and maintenance of posture?

Rubrospinal tract

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