A&P Chapter 11 Connect

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The mnemonic PAD-DAB may help you remember the functions of the two of the midpalmar groups of intrinsic hand muscles. Fill in the blanks to complete this mnemonic device. _________ interossei _________ the fingers, while _________ interossei _________ the fingers.

- Palmer & ADduct - Dorsal & ABduct

What are included in the four subgroups of intrinsic hand muscles within the midpalmar group?

-adductor pollicis -lumbricals -palmar interossei -dorsal interossei

Identify the proximal attachments of the pectoralis major.

-costal cartilages of ribs 2-6 -medial clavicle -body of sternum

Muscles that move the pectoral girdle ______.

-elevate or depress the scapula -protract or retract the scapula -rotate the scapula inferiorly or superiorly

Which of the following are functions of the scalene muscles?

-elevation of first and second ribs -flexion of the neck

When the gluteus maximus contracts, the thigh is

-extended -rotated laterally

The functions of the erector spinae muscles include ______.

-extension of vertebral column -lateral flexion of vertebral column -maintenance of posture

Which are forearm muscles in the superficial layer of the posterior compartment?

-extensor digiti minimi -extensor digitorum -extensor carpi ulnaris -extensor carpi radialis longus -extensor carpi radialis brevis

Which are the muscles of the hypothenar group of intrinsic hand muscles?

-flexor digiti minimi brevis -abductor digiti minimi -opponens digiti minimi

Which are the muscles that flex the toes?

-flexor digitorum longus -flexor digitorum brevis -flexor hallucis longus -flexor digiti minimi brevis -flexor hallucis brevis

Identify the proximal attachments of the teres major.

-inferior angle of the scapula -Inferior lateral border of the scapula

Which statements correctly describe the digastric muscle?

-it has two bellies -It depresses the mandible -It attaches to the hyoid

Identify the movements of the glenohumeral joint that occur with contraction of the infraspinatus and teres minor.

-lateral rotation of the arm -adduction of the arm

Which correctly described the actions of the biceps femoris?

-laterally rotates leg -flexes leg

Identify the movements of the glenohumeral joint that occur with contraction of the deltoid.

-medial rotation of the arm -extension of the arm -lateral rotation of the arm -abduction of the arm -flexion of the arm

Which are the muscles that extend and/or pronate the arm at the elbow?

-pronator teres -aconeus -pronator quadratus -triceps brachii

Which are muscles that flex the leg at the knee joint?

-semimembranosus -semitendinosus -sartorius -biceps femoris -gracilis

The anterior thoracic muscles that move the pectoral girdle are the _________, ________, and ________.

-serratus anterior -pectoralis minor -subclavius

Which muscles superiorly rotate the scapula?

-serratus anterior -trapezius

The anterolateral abdominal muscles include

-the external oblique muscle -the internal oblique muscle -the transverses abdominis muscle

What are some terms used in making muscles according to shape?

-trapezius -rhomboid -deltoid

What are the four muscles of the quadriceps group?

-vastus lateralis -vastus intermedius -vastus medialis -rectus femoralis

Match the movement of the hip joint with the muscles responsible for that action. 1. abduction 2. adduction 3. extension

1. gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, tensor fasciae latae 2. adductor brevis, adductor longus, adductor Magnus, gracilis, pectineus 3. gluteus maximus, hamstring region of adductor Magnus, long head of the biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus

From lateral to medial, indicate the order of the following erector spinae muscles of the vertebral column.

1. illiocostalis group 2. longissimus group 3. spinalis group

From lateral to medial, the forearm muscles of the superficial layer of the anterior compartment are the _________.

1. pronator teres 2. flexor carpi radialis 3. palmaris longus 4. flexor carpi ulnaris

List the pharyngeal constrictors from innermost to outermost.

1. superior constrictor 2. middle constrictor 3. inferior constrictor

TF the internal intercostals are superficial to the external intercostals.


lateral fibers

abduct the arm

The scapula is elevated by contraction of

any and all of the posterior thoracic muscles


assists the agonist

orbicularis oculi



broad muscle; separates thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities

circular fascicle arrangement

concentrically arranged fibers around an opening

Muscles of respiration are

covered by more superficial muscles that move the upper limb

In general, the infrahyoid muscles function to

depress the hyoid bone

The dome-shaped muscle that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominopelvic cavity is the


fibularis tertius

dorsiflexes and weakly everts the foot

The function of the geniohyoid is to

elevate the hyoid bone

palatopharyngeus muscle

elevates pharynx and larynx

levator veli palatini muscle

elevates soft palate when swallowing

Which are the functions of the digastric muscle?

elevating the hyoid bone and depressing the mandible

external intercostals

eleven pairs of oblique fiber between the ribs; project anteroinferiorly

The broad tendon between the frontal and occipitalis muscles is called the ______ aponeurosis.


fibularis longus

everts the foot and is a weak plantar flexor

posterior fibers

extend and laterally rotate the arm

Extensor digitorum longus

extends toes 2-5 and dorsiflexes the foot

The common action of the muscles of the anterior compartment collectively called the quadriceps femoris is ______ at the knee joint.

extension of the leg

The muscles that assist the serrates posterior superior muscles in expanding the thoracic cavity, by elevating the ribs, during inhalation are the ______ intercostals.


The subclavius inferiorly attaches on the _______ rib and superiorly attaches on the _______.

first; clavicle

anterior fibers

flex and medially rotate the arm

Bilateral contraction of the sternocleidomastoid muscles functions to

flex the neck

Which best summarizes the movements of the glenohumeral joint that occur with contraction of the deltoid?

flexion, abduction, medial rotation and lateral rotation

pharyngeal constrictors

force bolus into esophagus

depressor anguli oris


convergent fascicle arrangement

have widespread muscle fibers over a broad area that meet on a common attachment site

During inspiration, muscles of respiration _______.

increase the space of the thoracic cavity

transversus thoracis

inferior attachment is costal cartilages 2-6; assist in decreasing diameter of thoracic cavity

As swallowing ends, the anterior neck muscles that contract to influence the position of the hyoid bone and the larynx are the ____ muscles.



inserts on pubic symphysis; assists in the erection of the clitoris or penis

deep transverse perineal muscle

inserts on the median raphe of the urogenital diaphragm

tibialis anterior

inverts and dorsiflexes the foot

orbicularis oris


Unilateral contraction of the erector spinae muscles causes _____.

lateral flexion of the vertebral column

The obturator externes is one of the muscles of the ______ compartment of the thigh.


Which category is utilized in the naming of the extensor radials longus muscle?

muscle action

parallel fascicle arrangement

often associated with cylindrical muscles with a central body tendon


opposes the agonist

The _______ is formed by three layers of muscles and associated fasciae.

pelvic diaphragm

The diamond-shape region between lower appendages is called the



prime mover

frontal belly of occipitofrontalis

raising eyebrows

Which muscle extends the leg?

rectus femoris

The rectus absominis muscles of the abdominal wall are enclosed within a fibrous sleeve all the _________ ________ (A), and consist of right and left portions that are united by a vertical fibrous strip called the ______________ (B).

rectus sheath (A) linea alba (B)

At the wrist, the deep fascia of the forearm thickens and forms fibrous bands termed


zygomaticus major


bulbospongiosus muscle

stiffens the clitoris or penis

wind-up of pitch


superficial transverse perineal muscle

supports pelvic organs; originates from the rays of the ischium

delivery of pitch


tensor veli palatini muscle

tenses soft palate and opens auditory tubes when swallowing or yawning


tensing skin of neck

follow-through: slows the arm after the pitch is thrown

teres minor

The pelvic diaphragm extends from the ossa coxae to

the sacrum and coccyx

The scapula is depressed by contraction of

the trapezius and pectoralis minor

pennate fascicle arrangement

these fascicles are arranged at an oblique angle to the tendon

serrates posterior inferior

thin intermediate back muscle; splits into four separate muscle segments

The muscles that invert the foot are the

tibialis anterior and tibialis posterior

Which muscles of the abdominal wall forms the deepest muscle sheet?

transversus abdominis

Unilateral contraction of the splenius cervicis, semispinalis capitis, and longissimus capitis causes

turning of the head

TF the fibularis muscles are very powerful evertors of the foot and weak dorsi flexors.


TF All anterior muscles that move the pectoral girdle are deep to other thoracic muscles.


TF The tensor fasciae latae is a muscle in the lateral thigh compartment.


Why is the forearm larger near the elbow than it is near the wrist?

The bellies of the forearm muscles that move the wrist are located near the elbow; the tendons of these muscles extend toward the wrist.

the muscles of mastication are innervated by the mandibular division of the _____ cranial nerve.


The ______ muscles of the anterior neck are associated with the floor of the mouth.


The muscles of the anterior neck that are superior to the hyoid bone are called _______.

suprahyoid muscles

With regard to extension of the arm, the latissimus dorsi is an agonist; with regard to adducting and medially rotating the arm, this muscles is a(n)


Which muscle compresses the cheek against the teeth, as in chewing, when it contracts?

the buccinator muscle

The dorsal group of intrinsic foot muscles contain _______.

the extensor hallucis brevis

Which muscle attaches to the anteroinferior part of the sclera and pulls the eye inferiorly, as in looking down?

the inferior rectus muscle

Which muscle elevates and protracts the mandible during mastication?

the masseter muscle

Which muscle attaches to the lower lip and protrudes the lower lip, as in pouting, when it contracts?

the mentalis muscle

Which muscle elevates and retracts the tongue when it contracts?

the styloglossus muscle

Which muscle attaches to the posterolateral part of the eye, depresses the eye and turns the eye laterally when it contracts?

the superior oblique muscle

The muscles that retract the scapula are the

trapezius and rhomboids (minor and major)

The levator scapulae ______.

-is superior to the rhomboids (minor and major) -Is a posterior thoracic muscle -Is deep to the trapezius

The term mastication refers to the process of


Which of the following is an example of a convergent muscle?

pectoralis major

The _____ is commonly called the throat.


Identify the location of the triceps brachii.

posterior arm

To locate the tires major, where would you look?

posterior of body, inferior to rotator cuff muscles

The genioglossus muscle acts to ______ the tongue.


middle fibers

retract scapula

Contraction of the deep muscles of the gluteal region results in

rotation of the thigh

The overall, general function of all the muscles of the rotator cuff is to

stabilize the glenohumeral joint

Superior fibers

superiorly rotate scapula

Which muscle of the posterior forearm compartment performs a function unlike that of all the others?


In addition to its role in the compartmentalization of the thigh, the fasciae latae

supports and binds the thigh muscles

Identify the movements of the glenohumeral joint that occur with contraction of the coracobrachialis.

-adduction of the arm -flexion of the arm

Which are the muscles of the posterior thigh, commonly referred to collectively as the "hamstrings"

-biceps femoris -semitendinosus -semimembranosus

Functions of the trapezius muscle include

-depress scapula -extension of the head and neck -movement of the pectoral girdle -retract scapula -elevate scapula

Which of the following best describes the actions of the subclavius?

-depresses the clavicle -stabilizes the clavicle

In general, muscles in the anterior compartment of the thigh tend to

-extend the leg at the knee joint -flex the thigh at the hip joint

Identify the movements of the glenohumeral joint that occur with contraction of the triceps brachii (long head).

-extension of the arm -adduction of the arm

Identify the actions provided by the contraction of the triceps brachii.

-extension of the humerus -adduction of the humerus -extension of the forearm

Extrinsic muscles of the wrist and hand ________.

-flex or extend in the hand -originate in the forearm -flex or extend the thumb and fingers

In general, muscles in the medical compartment of the thigh tend to

-flex the leg at the knee joint -adduct the thigh at the hip joint

in general, muscles in the posterior compartment of the thigh tend to

-flex the leg at the knee joint -extend the thigh at the hip joint

Identify the movements of the glenohumeral joint that occur with contraction of the pectorals major.

-flexion of the arm -adduction of the arm -medial rotation of the arm

Identify the actions provided by contraction of the biceps brachii.

-flexion of the humerus -supination of the forearm -flexion of the forearm

Contraction of the medial muscles of the thigh results in

-flexion of the thigh -lateral rotation of the thigh -adduction of the thigh -extension of the thigh

Which of the following are the muscles of the gluteal group of the posterior thigh?

-gluteus medius -gluteus minimus -gluteus maximus

The actions of muscles in the anterior compartment of the leg include

-inversion of the foot -extension of the toes -eversion of the foot -dorsiflexion of the foot

What happens to the scapula when the levator scapulae contracts?

-it is elevated -It is rotated, inferiorly

Which muscles move the glenohumeral joint and originate on the axial skeleton?

-latissimus dorsi -pectoralis major

Identify the movements of the glenohumeral joint that occur with contraction of the teres major.

-medial rotation of the arm -adduction of the arm -extension of the arm

Which are functions of the medial and lateral pterygoid muscles?

-move the mandible side to side during chewing -protract the mandible

What are some terms used in naming muscles according to orientation of fascicles?

-oblique -rectus

Compartments in the forearm contain muscles with similar

-origins -actions at the wrist joint

Contraction of the pectoralis minor

-protracts the scapula -depresses the scapula

Contraction of the minor and major rhomboids results in which of the following movements of the scapula?

-retraction -elevation -rotation, inferiorly

Which of the following are posterior thoracic muscles that move the pectoral girdle?

-rhomboid major -rhomboid minor -trapezius -levator scapulae

When the tensor fasciae latae contracts, the thigh is ________.

-rotated medially -abducted

Contraction of the superficial muscles in the gluteal region results in

-rotation of the thigh -extension of the thigh -abduction of the thigh

The serrates anterior

-superiorly rotates the scapula -stabilizes the scapula

Which of the following is/are functions of the intrinsic muscles of the foot?

-support the arches -abduct and adduct the toes -flex and extend the toes

Which of the following are considered muscles of mastication?

-the masseter muscle -the medial pterygoid muscle -the lateral pterygoid muscle -the temporalis muscle

Which muscles extend the forearm?

-triceps brachii -anconeus

Muscles that move the knee joint

-within each compartment have similar actions on the knee joint -are separated into anatomical compartments by deep fascia

Place the posterior forearm muscles in the superficial layer in order from lateral to medial; remember you must recall the position of the arm in the anatomical position in order to get the order of the muscles correct.

1. extensor carpi radialis longus 2. extensor carpi radialis brevis 3. extensor digitorum 4. extensor digiti minimi 5. extensor carpi ulnaris

The posterior compartment of the forearm consists of a total of _____ muscles distributed between ______ layers.

10; superficial and deep

Which cranial nerve innervates the superior oblique muscle?


When the triceps brachii extends the elbow, its action is considered to be that of which of the following?


Anatomically, muscles that move the pectoral girdle are classified as

anterior or posterior thoracic

Which of the following identifies the compartments of the thigh?

anterior, posterior, lateral, medial

Identify the location of the brachioradialis.

anterolateral forearm

The inferior attachments of the muscles that move the head and neck are the

bones of the vertebral column

Which type of muscle has a widespread muscle fibers over a broad area that collect themselves onto a common attachment site?

convergent muscles

inferior fibers

depress scapula

The muscles of the thenar and hypothenar group form fleshy masses, each called a(n) _________, a term given to a circumscribed area raised above the general level of the surrounding surface.


The posterior compartment of the forearm contains muscles that ______ the wrist, the metacarpophalangeal joints, and interphalangeal joints.


Contraction of gluteal muscles results in

extension of the thigh

Which of the following summarizes the movements of the glenohumeral joint that occur with contraction of the latissimus dorsi?

extension, adduction, medial rotation

Which muscles end in the suffix -glossus, meaning tongue?

extrinsic tongue muscles

The anterolateral neck muscles function to

flex the head and neck

when the iliacus contracts, the thigh is _____


Contraction of the long head of the biceps brachii results in a single type of movement of the glenohumeral joint: what type of movement is this?

flexion of the arm

Identify the single muscle of the intermediate layer in the anterior compartment of the forearm.

flexor digitorum superficialis

Many parallel muscles are cylindrical with an expanded central region called a

gaster or body

Which muscle is used to protract the tongue?

genioglossus muscle

in addition to the compartments, muscles in two other groups move the hip joint/thigh, the _______

gluteal group and deep muscles of the gluteal region

Which correctly describes the location of the pectoralis minor?

it is deep to the pectoralis major

Which of the following best describes the location of the serrates anterior?

it is located between the anterior surface of the ribs and the anterior surface of the scapula

Which of the following compartments contains one or more muscles that move the hip joint but not the knee joint?


In addition to extending the thigh, the biceps femoris rotates the thigh ________ whereas the semimembranosus and semitendinosus rotate the thigh.

laterally; medially

The prime mover of the extension of the arm is the

latissimus dorsi

The prime movers of the glenohumeral joint are the

latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major

Which muscle adducts the eye?

medial rectus

The sternocleidomastoid muscle gets its name from which category for naming muscles?

muscle attachments

Which category is utilized in the naming of the deltoid muscle?

muscle shape

What is the superior attachment for the muscles that move the head and neck?

on the bones of the cranium

Which of the following is considered a circular muscle?

orbicularis oris

The vagus nerve innervates which extrinsic tongue muscle?

palatoglossus muscle

The prime mover of the flexion of the arm is the

pectoralis major

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