A&P chapter 22 test 3

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As carbon dioxide enters systemic blood, it causes more oxygen to dissociate from hemoglobin (the Haldane effect), which in turn allows more CO2 to combine with hemoglobin and more bicarbonate ion to be generated (the Bohr effect). (T/F)


Increased temperature results in decreased O2 unloading from hemoglobin. (T/F)


The alveolar ducts are part of the conducting zone. (T/F)


The loudness of a person's voice depends on the ________.

force with which air rushes across the vocal folds

Air moves out of the lungs when the pressure inside the lungs is

greater than the pressure in the atmosphere.

The symptoms of hyperventilation may be averted by breathing into a paper bag because it ________.

helps retain carbon dioxide in the blood

Hypocapnia causes ______.


Surfactant helps to prevent the alveoli from collapsing by ________.

interfering with the cohesiveness of water molecules, thereby reducing the surface tension of alveolar fluid

Surfactant helps to prevent the alveoli from collapsing by ________. -interfering with the cohesiveness of water molecules, thereby reducing the surface tension of alveolar fluid -protecting the surface of alveoli from dehydration and other environmental variations -humidifying the air before it enters -warming the air before it enters

interfering with the cohesiveness of water molecules, thereby reducing the surface tension of alveolar fluid.

Which respiratory-associated muscles would contract if you were to blow up a balloon?

internal intercostals and abdominal muscles would contract

Which pressure is the result of the natural tendency of the lungs to decrease their size (because of elasticity) and the opposing tendency of the thoracic wall to pull outward and enlarge the lungs?

intrapleural pressure

in pneumothorax, the lung collapses because ______.

intrapleural pressure is higher than intrapulmonary pressure

Inspiration occurs when the ________ is less than the ________. -intrapulmonary pressure; atmospheric pressure -intrapleural pressure; transpulmonary pressure -thoracic cavity volume; lung volume -tidal volume; vital capacity

intrapulmonary pressure; atmospheric pressure


is a protein that can bind four molecules of oxygen.

After blood becomes oxygenated,

it returns to the heart, and is then pumped to body cells.

Which of the following helps to protect against tracheal obstruction. -carina of the trachea -trachealis muscle -larynx -tracheal cartilage


Which of the following is the leading cause of cancer death for both men and women in North America? -esophageal -skin -colorectal -lung


If the transpulmonary pressure equals zero, what will happen to the lung?

lungs would collapes

What is ventilation-perfusion coupling?

matching the amount of gas reaching the alveoli to the blood flow in pulmonary capillaries

Respiratory control centers are located in the ________. -midbrain and medulla -pons and midbrain -upper spinal cord and medulla -medulla and pons

medulla and pons

What determines the respiratory rhythm in the body?

medullary respiratory centers

Which of the choices below is not a factor that promotes oxygen binding to and dissociation from hemoglobin? -number of red blood cells -temperature -partial pressure of oxygen -partial pressure of carbon dioxide

number of red blood cells

Which of these structures is/are NOT properly matched with one of its/their functions? -pharyngeal tonsil: trap and destroy pathogens entering the nasopharynx in air -nasopharynx: conduct air toward and from the larynx -paranasal sinuses: house olfactory receptors -nasal conchae: increase the mucosal surface area exposed to air

paranasal sinuses: house olfactory receptors

Which of the choices below determines the direction of respiratory gas movement? -molecular weight and size of the gas molecule -the temperature -solubility in water -partial pressure gradient

partial pressure gradient

Which of the following is the primary factor in oxygen attachment to, or release from, hemoglobin? -partial pressure of oxygen -partial pressure of carbon dioxide -temperature -blood pH

partial pressure of oxygen

Which of the following is NOT a physical factor that influences pulmonary ventilation? -alveolar surface tension -partial pressure of oxygen in the air -lung compliance -airway resistance

partial pressure of oxygen in the air

Which of the following respiratory structures is more commonly known as the "throat"? -pharynx -esophagus -larynx -trachea


Which center is located in the pons?

pontine respirator group (PRG)

Intrapulmonary pressure is the ________.

pressure within the alveoli of the lungs

Which of the following processes are unique to the respiratory system? -external and internal respiration -pulmonary ventilation and external respiration -pulmonary ventilation and internal respiration -pulmonary ventilation and transport of respiratory gase

pulmonary ventilation and external respiration

Which of the following processes are unique to the respiratory system? -pulmonary ventilation and transport of respiratory gases -pulmonary ventilation and external respiration -pulmonary ventilation and internal respiration -external and internal respiration

pulmonary ventilation and external respiration

According to this spirographic record, what is the total volume of exchangeable air for a normal male?

question number 7 in class 15a

The normal CFTR protein is a membrane channel protein that controls chloride ion flow into and out of cells. The sweat of cystic fibrosis patients has an abnormally high concentration of salt (NaCl) because the presence of faulty CFTR proteins directly causes ______.

reduced absorption of certain anions from sweat into the sweat duct cells

Which of the following arterial blood levels is the most powerful respiratory stimulant? -arterial pH -low CO2 level -rising CO2 levels -low oxygen level

rising CO2 levels

Which of the following arterial blood levels is the most powerful respiratory stimulant? -low CO2 level -arterial pH -low oxygen level -rising CO2 levels

rising CO2 levels

Which of the following is not a stimulus for breathing? -arterial Po2 below 60 mm Hg -acidosis resulting from CO2 retention -rising carbon dioxide levels -rising blood pressure

rising blood pressure

Which of the following is NOT a function of the nasal conchae? -reclaiming heat and moisture from expired air -filtering, heating, and moistening incoming air during inhalation -increasing the mucosal surface area exposed to air -routing air and food into proper channels

routing air and food into proper channels

The walls of the alveoli are composed of two types of cells, type I and type II. The function of type II is to ________.

secrete surfactant

Which of the following is NOT a function of the larynx? -routing air and food into the proper channels -providing a patent airway -voice production -serving as part of the respiratory zone

serving as part of the respiratory zone

What type of epithelial tissue forms the walls of the alveoli?

simple squamous epithelium

The factors responsible for holding the lungs to the thorax wall are ________. -the smooth muscles of the lung -the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles alone -the visceral pleurae and the changing volume of the lungs -surface tension from pleural fluid and negative pressure in the pleural cavity

surface tension from pleural fluid and negative pressure in the pleural cavity

alveolar ducts

terminates in alveoli.

During inhalation,

the diaphragm and rib muscles contract.

Patients with rhinitis often have "watery eyes" because ______.

the infection has caused inflammation of the nasolacrimal ducts

Which of the choices below describes the forces that act to pull the lungs away from the thorax wall and thus collapse the lungs? -the natural tendency for the lungs to recoil and the surface tension of the alveolar fluid -the natural tendency for the lungs to recoil and transpulmonary pressures -compliance and transpulmonary pressures -compliance and the surface tension of the alveolar fluid

the natural tendency for the lungs to recoil and the surface tension of the alveolar fluid

Although lung cancer is difficult to cure, it is highly preventable. (T/F)


Dalton's law of partial pressures states that the total pressure exerted by a mixture of gases is the sum of the pressures exerted independently by each gas in the mixture. (T/F)


Intrapleural pressure is normally about 4 mm Hg less than the pressure in the alveoli. (T/F)


Labored breathing is termed dyspnea. (T/F)


Smoking diminishes ciliary action and eventually destroys the cilia. (T/F)


Strong emotions and pain, acting through the limbic system and hypothalamus, send signals to the respiratory centers that modulate respiratory rate and depth. (T/F)


The alveolar ventilation rate is the best index of effective ventilation. (T/F)


The alveolar ventilation rate is the best index of effective ventilation. T/F


The lungs are perfused by two circulations: the pulmonary and the bronchial. The pulmonary circulation is for oxygenation of blood. The bronchial circulation supplies blood to the lung structures (tissue). (T/F)


The local matching of blood flow with ventilation is ________.

ventilation-perfusion coupling

Which of the following initiate(s) inspiration? -dorsal respiratory group (DRG) -midbrain -pontine respiratory centers -ventral respiratory group (VRG)

ventral respiratory group (VRG)

The lung volume that represents the total volume of exchangeable air is the ________. -vital capacity -inspiratory capacity -expiratory reserve volume -tidal volume

vital capacity

What is the amount of air that can be exhaled with the greatest possible exhalation after the deepest inhalation called? -vital capacity -inspiratory reserve volume -expiratory reserve volume -tidal volume

vital capacity

Type I cells

-Composed of simple squamous epithelium. -The respiratory membrane is composed of fused basement membrane of the capillary walls and

segmental bronchi

-No exchange of gases occurs here.

Type II cells

-Secrete a fluid containing surfactant. -Composed of cuboidal cells.

Which of the following represents all of the processes involved in respiration in the correct order? -pulmonary ventilation; external respiration; transport of respiratory gases; internal respiration; -pulmonary ventilation; external ventilation; internal ventilation; transport of respiratory gases -pulmonary respiration; external ventilation; transport of respiratory gases; internal ventilation; -external respiration; internal respiration; transport of respiratory gases

-pulmonary ventilation; external respiration; transport of respiratory gases; internal respiration;

For gas exchange to be efficient, the respiratory membrane must be ________.

0.5 to 1 micrometer thic

A premature baby usually has difficulty breathing. However, the respiratory system is developed enough for survival by ________.

28 weeks

According to the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve, PO2 in the lungs of 100 mm Hg results in Hb being 98% saturated. At high altitude, there is less O2. At a PO2in the lungs of 80 mm Hg, Hb would be ________ saturated.


From which structures do oxygen molecules move from the lungs to the blood?


Quiet inspiration is __________, and quiet expiration is __________. -a passive process; an active process -a passive process; also a passive process -an active process; a passive process -an active process; also an active proces

An active process; a passive process.

Select the correct statement about the physical factors influencing pulmonary ventilation. -A decrease in compliance causes an increase in ventilation. -A lung that is less elastic will require less muscle action to perform adequate ventilation. -As alveolar surface tension increases, additional muscle action will be required. -Surfactant helps increase alveolar surface tension.

As alveolar surface tension increases, additional muscle action will be required.

In pneumothorax, the lung collapses because ______. A. intrapleural pressure is lower than transpulmonary pressure B.intrapleural pressure is equal to intrapulmonary pressure C.intrapulmonary pressure is lower than transpulmonary pressure D.intrapulmonary pressure is higher than atmospheric pressure

B. intrapleural pressure is equal to intrapulmonary pressure.

The relationship between gas pressure and gas volume is described by ________.

Boyle's law

The relationship between gas pressure and gas volume is described by ________. -Dalton's law -Boyle's law -Charles' law -Henry's law

Boyles law

Which of the following maintains the patency (openness) of the trachea? -surfactant production -C-shaped cartilage rings -pseudostratified ciliated epithelium -surface tension of water

C-shaped cartilage rings

The statement, "in a mixture of gases, the total pressure is the sum of the individual partial pressures of gases in the mixture" paraphrases ________.

Dalton's law

Why is a patient with tuberculosis often noncompliant with treatment?

Due to the time length of treatment, the patient may stop taking the medication when they start to feel better

Functional residual capacity


The law that applies to the amount of CO2 you could dissolve in a soda is called ________ law.


Which statement is correct? -In the blood, oxygen is bound to hemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells. -Carbon dioxide diffuses from the alveoli into surrounding capillaries. -Oxygen is released from the mitochondria as a product of cellular respiration. -Oxygen diffuses from large blood vessels into the body's cells. -As oxygen diffuses from the lungs into capillaries, blood becomes deoxygenated.

In the blood, oxygen is bound to hemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells.

A patient was admitted to the hospital with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. His PO2 was 55 and PCO2 was 65. A new resident orders 54% oxygen via the venturi mask. One hour later, after the oxygen was placed, the nurse finds the patient with no respiration or pulse. She calls for a Code Blue and begins cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Why did the patient stop breathing?

Oxygen dilates pulmonary arterioles, increasing perfusion and worsening an already poor ventilation-perfusion mismatch. In addition, oxygen drives more CO2 off of hemoglobin, dumping it into alveoli from which it cannot be removed.

Which of the following is not possible? -The amount of gas flowing in and out of the alveoli is directly proportional to the difference in pressure or pressure gradient between the external atmosphere and the alveoli. -Pressure gradient equals gas flow over resistance. -Gas flow equals pressure gradient over resistance. -Resistance equals pressure gradient over gas flow.

Pressure gradient equals gas flow over resistance.

How will the lungs compensate for an acute rise in the partial pressure of CO2 in arterial blood?

Respiratory rate will increase.

Inspiratory capacity


Vital capacity


Total lung capacity


Which of the following descriptions accurately describes Boyle's law? -The pressure of gas in your lungs is inversely proportional to the volume in your lungs. -The partial pressure of a gas in the air you breathe in is equal to the total atmospheric pressure times the fractional concentration of the gas. -How well a gas dissolves in a liquid such as blood depends on both its partial pressure and its solubility.

The pressure of gas in your lungs is inversely proportional to the volume in your lungs.

__________, the difference between the intrapulmonary and intrapleural pressures, prevents the lungs from collapsing.

Transpulmonary pressure

respiratory bronchioles

Where the respiratory zone of the lungs begins.

Which of the choices below is not a role of the pleura? -helps limit the spread of local infection -sallows the lungs to inflate and deflate without friction -aids in blood flow to and from the heart because the heart sits between the lungs -helps divide the thoracic cavity into three chambers

aids in blood flow to and from the heart because the heart sits between the lungs

The respiratory membrane is a combination of ________.

alveolar and capillary walls and their fused basement membranes

Since mucus-producing cells and cilia are sparse in the bronchioles and alveoli, how does the body remove microorganisms that make their way into the respiratory zone?

alveolar macrophages crawl freely along internal alveolar surfaces

Which of the following determines lung compliance? -alveolar surface tension -flexibility of the thoracic cage -muscles of inspiration -airway opening

alveolar surface tension

Which parts of the respiratory system function as the main sites of gas exchange?


Quiet inspiration is __________, and quiet expiration is __________.

an active process; a passive process

Which form of hypoxia reflects poor O2 delivery resulting from too few RBCs or from RBCs that contain abnormal or too little hemoglobin?

anemic hypoxia

What is the most powerful respiratory stimulant in a healthy person?

arterial blood carbon dioxide level

Which cartilage belonging to the larynx anchors the vocal cords? -cricoid cartilage -epiglottis -arytenoid cartilages -thyroid cartilage

arytenoid cartilages

What is the primary form in which carbon dioxide is carried in blood?

as a bicarbonate ion in plasma

How is the bulk of carbon dioxide transported in blood?

as bicarbonate ions in plasma after first entering the red blood cells

The nose serves all of the following functions EXCEPT ________. -as a passageway for air movement -as the direct initiator of the cough reflex -cleansing the air -warming and humidifying the air

as the direct initiator of the cough reflex

The nose serves all the following functions except ________. -as the direct initiator of the cough reflex -cleansing the air -as a passageway for air movement -warming and humidifying the air

as the direct initiator of the cough reflex

Which blood vessels supply oxygenated systemic blood to the lung tissue?

bronchial arteries

Most inspired particles such as dust fail to reach the lungs because of the ________.

ciliated mucous lining in the nose

The erythrocyte count increases after a while when an individual goes from a low to a high altitude because the ________.

concentration of oxygen and/or total atmospheric pressure is lower at high altitudes

With the Bohr effect, more oxygen is released because a(n) ________.

decrease in pH (acidosis) weakens the hemoglobin-oxygen bond

Which muscles, when contracted, would increase the volume of air in the thoracic cavity? -internal intercostals and external oblique -diaphragm and external intercostals -diaphragm and internal intercostals

diaphragm and external intercostals

Oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged in the lungs and through all cell membranes by ________.


In babies born prematurely, pulmonary surfactant may not be present in adequate amounts ______.

due to insufficient exocytosis in the type II alveolar cells

Smoking inhibits cilia by inhibiting the movements of ______.

dynein molecules

Which of the disorders below is characterized by destruction of the walls of the alveoli producing abnormally large air spaces that remain filled with air during exhalation? -pneumonia -coryza -emphysema -tuberculosis


Which of the disorders below is characterized by destruction of the walls of the alveoli producing abnormally large air spaces that remain filled with air during exhalation? -tuberculosis -coryza -pneumonia -emphysema


During an allergic reaction, which of the following would aid respiration? -acetylcholine (ACh) -an increase in the parasympathetic nervous system -histamine -epinephrine


Which of the following processes is NOT properly matched with its description? -external respiration: CO2 diffuses into the blood stream -internal respiration: O2 diffuses out of the blood -pulmonary ventilation: movement of gases into and out of the lungs -transport of respiratory gases: O2 is bound to hemoglobin

external respiration: CO2 diffuses into the blood stream

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