A&P chapter 3

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What is the principle of aggregation under measurement factors?

States that a general attitude will predict a behavioral domain, but not a specific behavior.

What factors affect the attitude-behavior relationship?

-Measurement factors -behavioral control beliefs -formation factors -cognitive processing factors -situational factors

What was the LaPiere (1934) study and what did it conclude about attitudes and behaviors?

-Surveyed guests to see if they would be willing to serve chinese guests -concluded that attitudes did not influence behavior

What 4 factors did Azjen & Fishbein suggest be taken into account when measuring attitudes and behaviors (that help us increase the level of specificity)

-action- the specific behavior performed -target - to what is the action directed towards? -context- location of the action/situation -time - when the action was performed

What 3 categories did Abelson (1982) divide situational factors that affect the attitude-behavior relationship into?

-individuated situations -deindividuated situations -scripted situations

What is measurement specificity mean under measurement factors?

-the extent to which both attitude and behavior are measured in the same way with regard to the action, target, context and time

What is the behavioral domain under measurement factors?

A set of related behaviors. - it is important to distinguish between specific behaviors and behavioral domains.

What are scripted situations?

A situation when individuals know the expected behavior and therefore do not need to think in order to behave.

(Under formation factors) What is indirect experience?

An attitude formed without direct interaction with the attitude object, but learned secondhand through reading about it or hearing about it from others.

What is perceived behavioral control under behavioral control beliefs?

An individual's perception of the level f control he or she had over a behavior.

How can messages directly address the issue of perceived behavior control?

By including information about how to take control over an issue can help increase the chances that the target of a persuasive message will perceive the ability to control that behavior.

Explain correlation vs causation

Correlation should not be confused with causation. Just because two things are correlated (happen at the same time), does not mean that one causes the other.

(Under formation factors) Do attitudes formed through direct or indirect experience tend to have more influence on behavior?


(Under formation factors) what is vested interest?

Having a personal stake in the outcome of a situation; sometimes referred to as ego-involvement in the topic

What is relevance (Under cognitive processing factors)?

In order for behavior to be influenced by attitude, it must be perceived as relevant to the behavior.

Do attitudes influence behavior?

Most people assume that attitudes influence behavior.

Did all studies show that attitudes did not influence behavior?

No, some studies showed a relationship between attitudes and behaviors.

What has been determined about the relationships between attitudes and behaviors?

That attitude can influence behavior if the right factors are considered.

What is attitude accessibility (Under cognitive processing factors)?

The availability of an attitude in a person's mind

What happens when attitudes and behaviors are measured with the same level of specificity?

There is greater measurement specificity.

What are behavioral control beliefs?

What a person believes about a behavior can also influence whether he or she will perform that behavior.

(Under cognitive processing factors) Can attitude accessibility affect the attitude-behavior relationship?

Yes- attitudes that are more accessible are more likely to be correlated with the resulting behavior.

(Under formation factors) Can the way an attitude is formed have an impact on whether attitudes impact behavior?


What is the definition of correlation?

a simple numeric measure of the relationship between two things -the letter r is the shorthand for the word

What are situational factors?

characteristics of the situation in which an individual performs the behavior in question.

What does the level of specificity mean under the measurement factors?

measuring both attitude and behavior with the same amount of detail-

What are individuated situations?

situations that encourage individuals to focus on their internal states including attitudes, beliefs, and values

What are deindividuated situations?

situations that offer the individual more anonymity, and have less focus on internal states such as attitudes and feelings

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