A&P chapter 7

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foramen magnum

"big hole" on the anterior and inferior surface of occipital bone through with the spinal cord passes to enter the vertebral column

thoracic vertebrae

-12 -articulate with the ribs

coccygeal vertebrae

-3-5 fused vertebrae -collectively called coccyx -most inferior end of the vertebral column - tail bone

upper limb

-30 bones humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals, phalanges

lumbar vertebrae

-5 lower back

sacral vertebrae

-5 fused vertebrae -articulate with pelvic bones

cervical vertebrae

-7 -neck

parts of the femur

-Head -Fovea Capitis -neck -Greater and lesser trochanter -Linea aspera -Medial and lateral condyle -Medial and lateral epicondyles -intertrochanteric line and crest -intercondylar fossa

What are the arches of the foot?

-Medial longitudinal arch -Lateral longitudinal arch -Transverse arch

Primary curvatures of the spine

-Thoracic and sacral -Develop during fetal period and are anteriorly concave.

types of fontanels

-anterior fontanel -posterior fontanel -sphenoid fontanel -mastoid fontanel

three parts of the upper limb

-arm -forearm -wrist/hand

three parts of metacarpals

-base (proximal epiphysis) -body (diaphysis) -head (distal epiphysis)

parts of the scapula

-body -Lateral, Medial, and superior borders -superior, inferior, and lateral angles -Acromion -Coracoid process -Glenoid cavity -Spine -supraspinous fossa and infraspinous fossa

structure of the vertebrae

-body -vertebral arch (pedicles and laminae) -vertebral foramen -transverse process -spinous process -superior and inferior articular processes

types of openings

-canal (meatus) -fissure -foramen

main components of sphenoid bone

-central body -greater wings -lesser wings -pterygoid processes

secondary curvatures

-cervical and lumbar -critical to our species ability to walk upright -develop after fetal period

types of projections

-condyle -crest -head -tubercle/tuberosity -epicondyle -process -spine -protuberance -trochanter -line

the parietal bones articulate with several cranial bones at other sutures such as

-coronal suture (meet the frontal bone) -squamous suture (meet the temporal bone) -lambdoid suture (meet the occipital bone)

on either side of the mandibular notch are two processes

-coronoid process -condylar process


-deepest facial bone -forms the inferior and posterior parts of the nasal septum

types of depressions

-facet -fossa -fovea -groove (sulcus)

features of occipital bone

-foramen magnum -occipital condyles -superior/inferior nuchal lines -external occipital protuberance

parts of the humerus

-head -anatomical neck -greater & lesser tubercles -intratubercular sulcus -surgical neck -radial groove -deltoid tuberosity -capitulum -trochlea -coronoid fossa -olecranon fossa -medial & lateral epicondyle

parts of the fibula

-head -lateral malleolus

pelvic bone is formed by three bones that fuse during childhood:

-ilium -ischium -pubis


-inferior jaw bone -only movable bone of the adult skull -central mandibular body -right and left mandibular rami

how are the metacarpals numbered

1-5 starting with thumb (lateral to medial)

how many bones are in the hand


the wrist consists of ___ short bones (how many)



A triangular sesamoid bone located within a tendon (of the quadriceps femurs muscle group-a group of four muscles in the thigh) that passes over the knee -articulates with both the femur and the tibia -also known as the kneecap.

T/F the paranasal sinuses add significant weight to the skull

FALSE! significantly lighten the skull and enhance voice resonance

Module 7.1

Module 7.1

Module 7.2

Module 7.2

Module 7.3

Module 7.3

Module 7.4

Module 7.4

Module 7.5

Module 7.5

superior/inferior nuchal lines

Raised parallel ridges on posterior surface of occipital bone, points where neck and spine muscles attach

facet example rib

Rib -articular facet for articulation with a transverse process (of vertebrae)

groove (sulcus) example

Rib -costal groove

nemonic to remember the carpal bones

Some Lunchers Try Peppers That They Can't Handle

how to tell tibia and fibula apart

TIBia = Thick, Inner Bone FibuLA = LAteral bone


The anterosuperior bone of the pectoral girdle that spans from the scapula to the sternum -has two distinct ends: sternal and acromial end

iliac fossa

The broad, slightly concave inner surface of the ilium

how do ischial tuberosities differ in males and females

The female ischial tuberosities tend to point laterally, whereas those of the male point medially. This gives the female buttocks a more rounded appearance.

how do the pelvic inlet and outlet differ in males and females

The female pelvic inlet is usually wider and oval, whereas the male pelvic inlet is narrow and vaguely heart-shaped The female pelvic outlet is also typically wider than that of the male

Medial longitudinal arch

The highest of the three arches of the foot (most prominent); runs along the medial side of the foot from the calcaneus to metatarsals I-III (composed of the calcaneus, talus, navicular, cuneiforms, and the first three metatarsals)


The lateral and smaller bone of the lower leg

the inferior surface of the sacrum that articulates with the coccyx is the ___


transverse arch

arch of the foot that runs along the middle of the foot, and involves the distal tarsals and the bases of all five metatarsals

The bones of the foot generally do not rest flat on the ground during standing or walking, why


medial and lateral condyles of femur

articulate with the tibia to form the knee joint

trapezium carpal bone

articulates proximally with the scaphoid

trapezoid carpal bone

articulates proximally with the scaphoid

radial notch of the ulna

articulates with head of radius

mandibular fossa

articulates with the mandible

mandibular condyle

articulates with the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone to form the temporomandibular joint

condylar process

at the top of which is the mandibular condyle -posterior side of mandibular notch

hyoid bone

U-shaped bone in the superior neck that supports the tongue and its muscles


a bony outgrowth or protruding part

internal acoustic meatus

a canal leading to the inner ear

jugular foramen

a posterior opening where the temporal bone meets the occipital bone through which the jugular vein and nerves pass

coronoid process

a projection from the front of the trochlear notch forming part of the articulation of the elbow; fits into the coronoid fossa of the humerus

difference between tubercle and tuberosity

a tuberosity is a large tubercle


abnormal increase in the forward curvature of the lumbar spine (swayback)


abnormal lateral curvature of the spine (S or C-shaped curve)

Surrounding the head of the humerus is a groove called the ___

anatomical neck

the apices (plural of apex, meaning peak or summit) of the scapular triangle are called___

angles -superior, inferior and lateral angles

the lateral surfaces of the sacrum that articulate with the pelvic bones are the ___

auricular surfaces

divisions of the skeleton

axial and appendicular

the fusion of the maxillary bones creates a bony midline projection called the ___

anterior nasal spine

ischial ramus

anterior part of ischium; forms part of the obturator foramen

where does the iliac crest terminates anteriorly where does the iliac crest terminate posteriorly

anteriorly -in a bony projection known as the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS), which can be palpated in some people on the anterior pelvis -Just inferior to the ASIS is another, smaller ridge called the anterior inferior iliac spine posteriorly -the posterior superior iliac spine -a smaller projection inferior to it is the posterior inferior iliac spine

the superior surface of the sacrum that articulates with the fifth lumbar vertebrae is its ___


the proximal end of the patella is the ___ while the distal end is the ___

base; apex

articulations containing hyaline cartilage are found

between the bones of the upper and lower limbs as well as those between the ribs and sternum can also be found in the epiphyseal plates, where bone growth occurs

types of vertebrae

cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccygeal

vertebral foramen shape of thoracic vertebrae


the pectoral girdle contains two bones:

clavicle and scapula

lesser wings of sphenoid bone

project from the superior surface of the sphenoids body

bone markings that provide sites to which ligaments and tendons attach or where bones articulate (some fit into depressions of other bones to stabilize joints)


ischial spine

projects posteriorly and medially from the ischial body; ligament of the sacrum attaches

linear aspera of femur

prominent line that runs down the shaft


prominent projection on a bone

radial head

proximal epiphysis of radius; articulates with the capitulum of the humerus

head of femur

proximal epiphysis; articulates with the acetabulum

the smallest component of the pelvic bone is the ___

pubis or pubic bone

Just proximal to the capitulum and trochlea are two small indentations: the lateral ___ and the medial ___

radial fossa; coronoid fossa

which parts of the radius and ulna articulate with the humerus

radial head of radius trochlear notch of ulna

the radius and ulna articulate with each other at two joints called the ___

radioulnar joints

the bones of the forearm, or antebrachium

radius and ulna

the forearm consists of the

radius and ulna

deltoid tuberosity

raised area on lateral surface of humerus to which deltoid muscle attaches

intertrochanteric line

region formed anteriorly between the greater and lesser trochanters

intertrochanteric crest

region formed posteriorly between the greater and lesser trochanters

the nasal cavity is the first part of the ___

respiratory tract

what ribs have slight variations in their structures

ribs 1 and 10-12 -each of these ribs attaches to the body of only one thoracic vertebrae so their heads lack separate superior and inferior articular facets -floating ribs have no articulation with the transverse process of the vertebrae so they lack tubercles


ridge or projection

ethmoidal sinuses

right and left small hollow spaces found in the lateral masses which are located right behind the perpendicular plate

medial and lateral epicondyles of femur

roughened projections on the medial and lateral surfaces of the condyles on the distal epiphysis of the bone


round projection from a bone's epiphysis


rounded end of a bone that articulates with another bone


rounded; articulates proximally with the scaphoid and lunate

radial groove

runs along posterior margin of the deltoid tuberosity; marks the path of the radial nerve

external occipital protuberance

runs through superior nuchal line and continues inferiorly as the external occipital crest

what are the two pelvic bones

sacrum and coccyx

where do the two parietal bones meet?

sagittal suture

process example

scapula -coracoid process

spine example

scapula -spine

abnormal spine curvatures

scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis

purpose of hyoid bone

serves as an attachment point for numerous muscles, including those for swelling and speech

coronoid process

serves as attachment site for muscles that move jaw during chewing and talking -anterior side of mandibular notch


shallow convex or concave where two bones articulate


shallow pit


sharp process

supraorbital margin

sharp ridges that form the superior and supraoritbital boundaries of the orbit

purpose of thoracic cage

shield the heart, lungs, and great blood vessels

transverse process of lumbar vertebrae

short with no facets or foramina

cranial bones (types)

single bones -frontal -occipital -ethmoid -sphenoid paired bones -tempora -parietal

greater and lesser trochanters

sites of muscle attachment on the proximal end of the femur

the ___ is the skeletons most complex structure


lunate carpal bone

slightly moon-shaped; articulates primarily with the radius but also has contact with the ulna

body shape and size of cervical vertebrae

small and oval


small projection usually proximal to a condyle

pisiform carpal bone

small, found; articulates with the anterior surface of the triquetrum


small, rounded bony projection

gluteal surface

smooth lateral surface of ilium where gluteal muscles attach marked by three lines: posterior, anterior, and inferior gluteal lines


smooth region between the two supraorbital margins

what are fontanels

soft spots in the skull

nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc

soft, inner, jelly-like substance that is a resilient shock absorber

fissure example

sphenoid bone -superior orbital fissure

On the posterior side of the scapula, we find a ridge of bone, the ___ that crosses from medial to lateral along its superior border


the ankle consists of 7 short bones called ___ that connect the leg with the foot


ankle/foot consists of

tarsals, metatarsals, and phalanges

the ankle/foot is made up of

tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges

canal (meatus) example

temporal bone -external acoustic meatus

pubic arch

the angle where the two pubic bodies meet; important in determining sex

what is the largest portion of the scapula

the body


the bony socket formed by the iliim, ischium, and pubis into which the femur fits to form the hip joint

body of sternum

the bony structure that forms the middle (and largest) portion of the sternum

two rounded knobs on the anterior side of the humerus are ___

the capitulum and trochlea

be careful not to confuse the coracoid process of the scapula with ___

the coronoid processes of the mandible and ulna

how do the coccyx and sacrum differ in males and females

the female sacrum tends to be wider and shorter than the male sacrum the female coccyx is generally situated more posteriorly and is more moveable than the male coccyx. A woman with a coccyx situated anteriorly could suffer coccygeal fractures during childbirth.

thigh consists of

the femur

trochlear notch

the first U-shaped notch of the ulna that articulates with the trochlea of the humerus


the lower, posterior portions of the pelvis

xiphoid process

the most inferior portion of the sternum; site of attachment for abdominal muscles

what asses through the superior orbital fissure

the nerves that control eye movement

what is significant abut the sternoclavicular joint

the only place where the pectoral girdle articulates with the axial skeleton

pelvic outlet

the opening located at the inferior boundary of the lesser pelvis

the thoracic cage is also known as

the rib cage

the roof of the oral cavity is formed by

the same structure as the floor of the nasal cavity (hard palate)

what is the spine of the scapula more commonly known as?

the shoulder blade that you can easily feel on your back

___ consists of groups of bones that work together to perform common functions

the skeleton

intercostal space

the space between two ribs

body of vertebrae

the thick, disc-shaped anterior portion which is the weight bearing portion

ischial tuberosity

thick and most prominent feature of the ischium; located on its posteroinferior side

spinous process of lumbar vertebrae

thick; point posteriorly

the femur is the only bone of the ___


___ consists of 12 pairs of ribs, the sternum, and part of the vertebral column

thoracic cage

each pelvic bone is composed of ___

three fused bones -ilium -ischium -pubis

carotid canal

through which the internal carotid artery passes as it enters the cranial cavity, supplying blood to most of the brain

What two bones make up the leg

tibia and fibula

leg consists of

tibia and fibula

the tibia and fibula articulate with each other at the distal and proximal ___ joints


mandibular ramus (plural for rami)

topped by the U-shaped mandibular notch, inferior to which we find the mandibular foramen

vertebral foramen shape of cervical vertebrae


triquetrum carpal bone

triangular; articulates with the ulna

lesser pelvis

true pelvis; portion of the pelvis inferior to the pelvic brim

T/F like the metacarpals, the phalanges have a base, body, and head


T/F like the radius and ulna, the tibia and fibula are united by an interosseous membrane


T/F the frontal sinuses are a part of the paranasal sinuses?


T/F only one tarsal actually articulates with the leg

true! the talus which forms the ankle joint with the tibia and fibula

canal (meatus)

tunnel through a bone

maxillary bones

two fused bones that form the upper jaw, house the upper teeth, and connect to all other bones of the face, with the exception of the mandible

the pelvic girldle is made up of

two pelvic bones and the sacrum

the medial side of each lateral mass features ___

two projections into the nasal cavity called the superior and middle nasal conchae

the narrow distal epiphysis of the ulna contains the ___

ulnar head

what is the main difference between the radial head and the ulnar head?

ulnar head is at the distal epiphysis and the radial head is at the proximal epiphysis

at the widened distal epiphysis of the radius, we find an indentation called the ___

ulnar notch


upper portion of the sternum

what are the bones of the vertebral column called?


the ___ is inferior to the skull

vertebral column

floating ribs

vertebral ribs Ribs 11-12; lacks attachment to the sternum

false ribs

vertebrochondral ribs ribs 8-10; attach indirectly to the sternum through their costal cartilage attaching to the cartilage of the 7th rib

true ribs

vertebrosternal ribs ribs 1-7; attach directly to sternum via their own costal cartilage

iliac crest

what you feel when you put your hands on your hips

where do we find skeletal cartilage

where two bones meet at articulations, or joints

describe the shape/size of the ulna

wide proximally and narrow distally


named for its anterior hooklike projection; articulates proximally with the triquetrum

describe the shape/size of the radius

narrow proximally and becomes progressively broader as we move down


narrow slit in a bone or between adjacent parts of bones

the weakest part of the femur that is most like to fracture


two main components of intervertebral discs

nucleus pulposus and annulus fibrosus

protuberance example

occipital bone -external occipital protuberance

cribriform plate of ethmoid bone

on the superior surface and forms the roof of the nasal cavity

bone markings that allow blood vessels and nerves to travel through a bone, permit access to middle and inner ear, or encase delicate structures and protect them from trauma


the lateral side of each lateral mass contributes to the ___


pubic symphysis

pad of fibrocartilage between the two pubic bones; where the two pubic bodies meet

facial bones (types)

paired -maxillary -zygomatic -nasal -lacrimal -palatine -inferior nasal conchal bones unpaired -mandible -vomer

four bones around the nasal cavity contain large sinuses called ___

paranasal sinuses

what bone articulates with the femur's patellar surface


the smooth space between the condyles of the femur is called the ___

patellar surface

___ support the upper limb the upper limb and anchor it to the trunk

pectoral girdle

the bony ridge surrounding the pelvic inlet is the ___

pelvic brim

the pelvis establishes boundaries for the ___ which houses organs of the digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems

pelvic cavity

___ supports the lower limb and anchor it to its trunk

pelvic girdle

the ___ is the superior opening of the bony pelvis and is formed by the pelvic girdle and sacrum

pelvic inlet

purpose of thoracic cage

encase and protect the lungs, heart, and other delicate structures in the thoracic cavity

cranial bones (purpose)

encase the brain

radial tuberosity

end of the radial neck; sits on the medial side of the bone and is site of the biceps brachii muscle


excessive outward curvature of the spine, causing hunching of the back

perpendicular plate

extend inferiorly from the crista galli; forms part of nasal septum that divides the nasal cavity into two sides

greater wings of sphenoid bone

extend laterally from the body -temporal bone: form part of the middle cranial fossae -frontal bone: form part of the posterior walls of the orbit contain three foramina that allow the passage of blood vessels and nerves -foramen rotundum (anterior) -foramen ovale (middle) -foramen spinosum (posterior)

tympanic region of temporal bone

external acoustic meatus -entry into the canal that leads to the middle ear styloid process -a needle-like spur in the bone


eye sockets; contain the eyeballs

greater pelvis

false pelvis; portion of the pelvis superior to the pelvic brim

T/F ALL skull bones are united in adults by immovable joints called sutures

false! all with the exception of the mandible (lower jaw bone)

T/F skeleton just consists of bones

false! also consists of associated skeletal cartilages

T/F the fibula bears no weight

false! it does much bear much but it bears SOME

T/F the patella is a thigh bone

false! it just articulates with the femur (thigh bone)

T/F the male pelvis is generally wider and shallower than the female pelvis

false! the female pelvis is generally wider and shallower than the male pelvis

T/F all of the bones in the vertebral column are individual vertebrae?

false! the first 24 are individual vertebrae which encase the spinal cord but the two inferior bones, the sacrum and coccyx are made up of fused vertebrae

T/F all cavities in the skull have bony floors and posterior walls

false! the oral cavity has no bony floor or posterior wall, instead the floor and wall are formed by soft tissue including muscle and connective tissue

T/F the tibiofibular joints allow for a lot of movement, just like the radioulnar joints

false! the tibiofibular joints do not allow for as much movement which makes the lower limb more stable

T/F since floating ribs do not attach to sternum they do not have hyaline cartilage

false! they still contain hyaline cartilage

T/F hyoid bone is a skull bone

false; it is in close proximity to them but it does not articulate with any bone, instead its suspended in the superior neck by ligaments and muscles that attach it to the styloid process of the temporal bone and to the larynx

the largest and strongest bone of the body is the ___


fovea example

femur -fovea capitis

trochanter example

femur -greater trochanter

line example

femur -linea aspera

intervertebral discs

fibrocartilage pads that separate and cushion the vertebrae in order to absorb shock, bind the vertebral column together, and help support the weight of the body

vertebral foramen shape of lumbar vertebrae

flattened triangular

what are found in fetal skulls but not in adult skulls?


superior and middle nasal conchae

form part of the lateral walls of the nasal cavity and increase the turbulence of air flowing through the nasal passages

facial bones (purpose)

form the framework of the face

zygomatic process

forms part of the zygomatic arch


forms the anterior, median part of the rib cage and is divided into three parts

mandibular body

forms the chin and meets the two rami at the right and left mandibular angles -mental foramen (small hole in chin) -inferior teeth (housed in deep sockets called dental alveoli within a ridge known as alveolar process

axial skeleton

forms the longitudinal axis of the body


forms the top part of the pelvic bone

radial styloid process

found at lateral tip of radius; forms lateral boundary of wrist and provides joint stabilization

occipital condyles

found on either side of the foramen magnum and articulate with the first cervical vertebrae

foramen example

frontal bone -supraorbital foramen

sinuses in frontal bone

frontal sinuses

the frontal bone forms the ___, or forehead

frontal squama

the oral cavity is the first part of the ___

gastrointestinal tract

what animal do the thoracic vertebrae look like?


a ___ is a structure that surrounds and supports something


the head of the humerus articulates with the ___ to form the shoulder joint

glenoid cavity

the pelvic brim defines the boundaries between the ___ and ___

greater pelvis; lesser pelvis

the anatomical term for the big toe


the proximal epiphysis of the humerus features a ball-shaped humeral ___ on its medial side


structure of ribs

head (capitulum) -rounded; articulates with the body of thoracic vertebrae -inferior and superior articular facet neck -lateral to the head -runs along the transverse process tubercle -a projection of bone that articulates with the transverse process of the vertebrae shaft/body -curves interiorly at an angle


hole in a bone

plates of palatine bones

horizontal plates -form the posterior part of the hard palate -smaller perpendicular plate -vertical projections that form part of the lateral walls of the nasal cavity and a tiny piece of the orbit -larger


indentation in a bone into which another structure fits

the superior articular facet of one vertebrae form joints with the ___ of the vertebrae above it

inferior articulate facet

pterygoid processes

inferior protections of the sphenoid bone -form part of the posterior wall of the oral and nasal cavities and are the site of attachment for muscles of mastication (chewing)

lesser sciatic notch

inferior to ischial spine; provides a passageway for blood vessels and nerves

what is the xiphoid process made of

initially hyaline cartilage but is usually fully ossified by age 40

how are the radius and ulna held together

interosseous membrane

what separates the greater and lesser tubercles

intertubercular sulcus or bicipital groove

the superior and inferior vertebral notches off successive vertebrae stacked on top of each other form the ___

intervertebral foramina

components of the ischium that form a C shape

ischial body and ischial ramus

what bears our weight when we sit?

ischial tuberosities

What makes the sphenoid bone unique?

it articulates with every other cranial bone

how does the shape of greater pelvis differ in males and females

it is wider in females, with the anterior superior iliac spines farther apart, and with flared iliac crests


knob of the elbow; posterior side of trochlear notch

the lacrimal bones contain a depression called ___ through which ___

lacrimal fossa; tears drain

body shape and size of thoracic vertebrae

large and heart shaped; contain costal facets

obturator foramen

large hole in the anterior pelvis formed by the ischium and the pubis through which nerves and blood vessels pass


large process found only on the femur

central body of the sphenoid bone

largely hollow, containing air filled sphenoidal sinuses -anterior surface: two optic foramina leading to two optic canals (through which nerves that transmit vision pass) -superior surface: saddle like depression called sella turcica (houses pituitary glands)

body shape and size of lumbar vertebrae

largest and kidney-shaped


largest tarsal bone; makes up the heel of the foot


lateral bone of the forearm

glenoid cavity

lateral depression of the scapula that articulates with the humerus at the shoulder joint

acromial end of clavicle

lateral end of the clavicle that articulates with the acromion of the scapula

the two temporal bones form the ___ of the cranium

lateral walls

lateral longitudinal arch

less prominent arch of the foot; extends from the lateral side of the calcaneus to metatarsals IV and V (from the heel to the little toe)

in addition to the intervertebral discs, a number of ___ support the vertebral column

ligaments and muscles

ethmoid bone

located deep in the anterior cranium between the eyes and posterior to the nasal bones contains: -cribriform plate -crista galli -perpendicular plate -ethmoidal sinuses -superior/middle nasal conchae


long bones of the foot

groove (sulcus)

long indentation along which a narrow structure travels


long narrow ridge of bone; less prominent than a crest

transverse process of thoracic vertebrae

long; contain articular facets for ribs

spinous process of thoracic vertebrae

long; point inferiorly

condyle example

mandible -mandibular condyle

three parts of the sternum

manubrium, body, xiphoid process

the hand is also called the ___


mastoid process is filled with tiny sinuses called ___

mastoid air cells


medial bone of the forearm

sternal end of the clavicle

medial end of the clavicle that articulates with the manubrium of the sternum

The distal epiphysis of the humerus has two flared ends, the ___, which are sites of muscle attachment

medial epicondyle and lateral epicondyle


medial leg bone

the borders of the body of the scapula

medial, lateral and superior borders

what is the long bone of the fingers/toes


fovea capitis

pit on the head of femur; a ligament attaches from the acetabulum to this spot to help stabilize the hip joint

the thumb is called the ___ and has what bones?

pollex; only has proximal and distal phalanx

the occipital bone forms the posterior part of the cranial cavity and the ___

posterior cranial fossa

ischial body

posterior part of the ischium; forms the acetabulum

what are the tarsals (names)

-lateral cuneiform -intermediate cuneiform -medial cuneiform -cuboid -navicular -talus -calcaneus

petrous region of temporal bone

-located on the internal or medial surface where it forms part of the middle cranial fossa -contains: internal acoustic meatus, jugular foramen, carotid canal, foramen lacerum

parts of the tibia

-medial and lateral condyles -intercondylar eminence -tibial tuberosity -anterior crest -medial malleolus

parts of the ulna

-olecranon -coronoid process -radial notch of the ulna -trochlear notch -body -ulnar head -styloid process

small cavities in the skull that house delicate structures

-orbits -nasal cavity -oral cavity

Spinous process of vertebra

-projects posteriorly from vertebral arch -site for muscle attachment -helps protect spinal cord

each finger (minus the thumb) has 3 bones:

-proximal phalanx -middle (or intermediate) phalanx -distal phalanx

parts of the radius

-radial head -radial neck -radial tuberosity -ulnar notch -radial styloid process

what are the carpals (names)

-scaphoid -lunate -triquetrum -pisiform -trapezium -trapezoid -capitate -hamate

paranasal sinuses

-sinuses within the frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, and maxillary bones -connect to nasal cavity through small bony openings -lined with mucous membranes

the basic parts of the skeleton are

-skull -vertebral column -thoracic cage -pectoral girdle -upper limb -pelvic girdle -lower limb

four regions of each temporal bone

-squamous region -tympanic region -mastoid region -petrous region

parts of the clavicle

-sternal end -acromial end -conoid tubercle

three parts of the pubis bone that form a C shape

-superior pubic ramus -pubic body -inferior pubic ramus

features of the frontal bone

-supraorbital margins -supraorbital foramen -glabella

squamous region of temporal bone

-the bones broad, flat surface -contains: zygomatic process and mandibular fossa

transverse process of vertebrae

-the portion of the vertebrae that points out laterally -serve as attachment sites for muscles

three parts of the lower limb

-thigh -leg -ankle/foot


-triangular -the posterolateral bone of the pectoral girdle that articulates with the humerus and the clavicle -sits on the posteriosuperior rib cage, extending from ribs 2-7

palatine bones

-two -L-shaped -located in the posterior nasal cavity between the maxillae and pterygoid processes of the sphenoid -each one is composed of two plates

nasal bones

-two -form bridge of the nose -articulate with the hyaline cartilage that form most of the framework of the nose

zygomatic bones

-two -form the bulk of the cheekbone -form the lateral all and part of the inferior border of the orbit

lacrimal bones

-two -smallest and most delicate facial bones -found in the medial wall of the orbit

superior and inferior articular processes

-two small processes found at the junctions of the pedicles and laminae -surfaces of both contain smooth regions called facets that are covered with hyaline cartilage

how many phalanges in the bones of fingers?


the bones of the tow consist of ___ phalanges


how many bones are in the skull

22 (8 cranial, 14 facial)

How many intervertebral discs are there?


how many bones (vertebrae) in vertebral column


how many bones in a vertebral column (adult)


atlas(C1) and axis(C2) shape and size

C1 lacks body C2 has the dens of the superior surface of its body

annulus fibrosus

Composed of fibrocartilage, it is the outer portion/ring of the intervertebral disc

rib cage

Consists of 12 pairs of ribs and the anterior costal cartilage

pectoral girdle

Consists of the clavicle and scapula; reside along the superior and posterior thoracic cage; support the upper limb, particularly the humerus and are sites of muscle attachment

how does the acetabula differ in males and females

Female acetabula are generally farther apart and pointed more anteriorly than those of males. This affects gait patterns, giving many women a "swaying" walk.

fossa example

Humerus -distal portion with olecranon fossa

arcuate line

Marks where ilium forms part of pelvic brim; runs from auricular surface along body of ilium

greater and lesser tubercles

On humerus, attachments for muscles that move the arm and shoulder (proximal end)

what's a good way to remember the location of the radius and ulna

PU! pinky - ulna


The posterior, proximal projection from the ulna; commonly known as the "elbow"

how does the pubic arch differ in males and females

The pubic arch in females tends to have an angle between 90° and 100°, whereas the male pubic arch has a narrower angle of 60°-70°. If an investigator has only a single pelvic bone, the angle of the pubic arch can still be estimated by holding the bone against a mirror and measuring the angle in the reflection.

radial neck

The slender segment of the radius between the head and the radial tuberosity.

nemonic to remember the tarsal bones

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the articulation between the acromion of the scapula and the lateral portion of the clavicle

acromioclavicular (AC) joint

what joint does the acromial end of the clavicle form

acromioclavicular joint

the spine of the clavicle terminates in the enlarged ___.


purpose of the mucous membranes in the paranasal sinuses

air flowing through the nasal cavity passes through the small openings into the sinuses, where the mucous membranes filter, warm, and humidify the air


air-filled membrane lined spaces

greater sciatic notch

allows blood vessels and the large sciatic nerve to pass from the pelvis posteriorly into the thigh

supraorbital foramen

allows the passage of blood vessels (supraorbital artery) and nerves to the forehead

formanen lacerum

allows the passage of small blood vessels and nerves

supraorbital foramen location

along the middle of the supraorbital margin

articulations containing fibrocartilage are found

between the vertebrae and two pelvic bones

scaphoid carpal bone

boat shaped; articulates with the radius

bones have a number of surface features (depressions, openings, and projections) known as

bone markings

contained in axial skeleton

bones of the skull, vertebral column, and the thoracic cage


bowl shaped bony structure formed by the two coal bones ad the sacrum

how to remember the number of vertebrae

breakfast at 7 (cervical) lunch a 12 (thoracic) dinner at 5 (lumbar)

vertebral foramen

canal through which spinal cord passes

the short bones of the wrist are called


the wrist/hand consist of the

carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges

the wrist is also called the ___


divisions of the cranial base

divided into 3 indentations/fossae -anterior -middle -posterior

vertebral arch

composed of pedicles, laminae, and a spinous process, it represents the junction of all posterior extensions from the vertebral body -inferior side of pedicles curve up creating a deep inferior vertebral notch -superior side of pedicles curve up creating a superior vertebral notch -the pedicles merge into the laminae which enclose the posterior part of the vertebral foramina

patellar ligament

connects the tibial tuberosity to the quadriceps tendon -inserts into the tibia and secures there patella over the anterior knee

near the acromial end of the clavicle we the ___, which is the site of muscle attachment

conoid tubercle

thoracic cage

consists of -sternum -12 pairs of ribs -thoracic vertebrae

appendicular skeleton

consists of the bones of the upper and lower limbs and the pectoral and pelvic girdles

transverse process of cervical vertebrae

contain transverse foramina

mastoid region of temporal bone

contains the thick projection called mastoid process which is posterior and lateral to the styloid process

the anterior surface of the scapula features a hook-shaped projection called ___

coracoid process

the concave internal surface of the shaft contains a groove called the ___. what is the function of this?

costal groove, along which blood vessels and nerves travel

the 8 cranial bones form

cranial cavity

cranial cavity consists of a superior portion, called ___ and an inferior portion, called ___

cranial vault; cranial base

tiny nerves that detect smell pass through the ___ from the nasal cavity to the brain

cribriform (olfactory) foramen

intercondylar fossa of femur

deep depression located between the two condyles and beneath the popliteal surface

bone markings that allow blood vessels and nerves to travel along a bone, or provide a place where two bones can articulate (form a joint)


cervical curvature

develops when a child begins to hold up its head

lumbar curvature

develops when baby begins to walk

the metacarpals articulate with the ___ proximally and the ___ distally

distal carpal bones; bones of the fingers

medial and lateral malleolus

distal ends of the tibia and fibula that become the medial and lateral ankle bones

interosseous membrane

distributes the force borne by the bones more equally, reducing the load on each bone

oral cavity

houses teeth, the tongue, and structures such as certain salivary glands

nasal cavity

houses the scenery receptors for smell

The largest and strongest bone of the upper limb, and the only bone of the brachium, or arm, is the ___


the arm consists of the


tubercle example

humerus -deltoid tuberosity

head example

humerus -head

epicondyle example

humerus -medial epicondyle

the radius and ulna articulate with the ___ at their proximal ends and with the ___ at their distal ends

humerus; carpal bones

skeletal cartilages are composed of

hyaline and fibrocartilage

causes of scoliosis

idiopathic (80% of cases) -unknown cause congenital -caused by deformities present at birth neuromuscular -caused by abnormalities or trauma to the nerves and muscles around the vertebral column)

how does a hyoid aid in forensics

if this bone is broken it indicates that a crime victim was strangled

the superior boundary of the ala of the ilium is the ___

iliac crest

crest example

ilium -iliac crest

the five long bones of the hand are called


what animal do the lumbar vertebrae look like?


spinous process of cervical vertebrae

most are fork-shaped; C1 lacks a spinous process

what is the function of the cartilage on the anterior portion of the ribs

mostly composed of hyaline e cartilage which gives the rib cage some flexibility during movement and breathing

what joint does the sternal end of the clavicle form

sternoclavicular joint

purpose of bones in the appendicular skeleton

structured largely for motion and act primarily as levers and supportive structures ti which muscles attach

the medial side of the ulnar head has a small ___

styloid process

Inferior to the coracoid process on the scapula is a broad indentation called ___

subscapular fossa

what muscle attaches to the subscapular fossa

subscapularis muscle

parts of the ilium

superior flared ala inferior body

what is found between the greater and lesser wings of the sphenoid bone

superior orbital fissure

crista galli

superior projection of the cribriform plate to which membranes that surround the brain attach

superior and inferior pubic rami

superior pubic ramus contributes to the acetabulum both rami form parts of the boundary of the obturator foramen

the two parietal bones for the ___ and part of the ___ of the cranial vault

superior wall; lateral wall

the area superior to the spine of the clavicle is called the ___while the area inferior to the spine is the ___

supraspinous fossa; infraspinous fossa

The junction between the proximal epiphysis and the diaphysis is a region called the ___

surgical neck

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