AAOS Chapter 2 EMT Eleventh Edition - Workforce Safety and Wellness

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Which of the following statements regarding the different stages of the grieving process is correct?

The stages of the grieving process may occur simultaneously.

Which of the following statements regarding HIV is correct?

There is no vaccine against HIV infection.

Physiologic manifestations of stress include:

perspiration, increased blood glucose levels, and dilated pupils.

Upon arriving at the scene of a motor vehicle crash, you note that two small cars collided head-on; the occupants are still in their vehicles. The fire department is in the process of stabilizing the vehicles and law enforcement personnel are directing traffic. After parking the ambulance at a safe distance, you and your partner should:

put on high-visibility safety vests.

After assessing a patient's blood glucose level, you accidentally stick yourself with the contaminated lancet. You should:

report the incident to your supervisor after the call.

The simplest, yet most effective method of preventing the spread of an infectious disease is to:

wash your hands in between patient contacts.

If you use a waterless handwashing substitute in the field, it is important to:

wash your hands with soap and water at the hospital.

Critical incident stress management (CISM) can occur at an ongoing scene in all of the following circumstances, EXCEPT:

when patients are actively being assessed or treated.

Gloves, a mask, eye protection, and a face shield should be used:

when performing endotracheal intubation.

A positive TB skin test indicates that:

you have been exposed to TB.8

While trying to make a family member feel better after a loved one has died, your partner states, "I know how you are feeling." The family members may view this as:

your partner's attempt to diminish their grief.

Vector-borne transmission of an infectious organism occurs via:

animals or insects.

Prescription glasses do not provide adequate eye protection because they:

offer little or no side protection.

The EMT's first priority is __________.

personal safety

Which of the following statements is MOST consistent with the bargaining phase of the grieving process?

"I will be compliant with all my medications if I can just see my grandson graduate."

Which of the following statements would NOT be appropriate to say to the family of a dying patient?

"Things will get better in time."

Common questions asked by patients with a serious illness or injury include all of the following, EXCEPT:

"Which hospital am I going to?"

A critical incident stress debriefing should be conducted no more than ________ hours following the incident.


Which of the following would provide the EMT with the BEST cover in a situation involving active gunfire?

A concrete barricade

General adaptation syndrome is characterized by which of the following phases?

Alarm response, reaction and resistance, and recovery

Which of the following scenarios MOST accurately depicts a posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) reaction?

An EMT becomes distracted at the scene of a motor vehicle crash involving the same type of car in which a child was previously killed.

You and your partner respond to the residence of a 66-year-old male with shortness of breath. As you are assessing the patient, his wife tells you that he was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. The patient is verbally abusive and tells you that failure of the health care system caused his disease. Which stage of the grieving process is this patient's behavior consistent with?


Which type of stress reaction occurs when an EMT is exposed to many insignificant stressors over a period of several months or years?

Cumulative stress reaction

Which of the following is an effective stress management strategy?

Developing a social network outside of EMS

Which of the following is the MOST significant factor in determining whether a person will become ill from certain germs?

Immunity''Which of the following statements regarding the hepatitis B vaccine is correct?

While providing care to a patient, blood got onto the ambulance stretcher. Because the stretcher was not properly cleaned afterward, a virus was transmitted to another emergency medical technician (EMT) several days later. Which route of transmission does this scenario describe?

Indirect contact

Which of the following signs would indicate that your partner is experiencing significant stress?

Isolation from the rest of the crew

Which of the following infectious diseases confers no protection from reinfection after exposure?


The final stage of death and dying MOST commonly takes the form of:


You are transporting an elderly woman who has possibly experienced a stroke. She is obviously scared but is unable to talk and cannot move the entire right side of her body. In addition to providing the medical care that she needs, you should:

acknowledge that she is scared and tell her that you will take good care of her.

When caring for the parents of a child who has died of leukemia, the EMT should:

acknowledge the death of their child in private.

The BEST way to reduce your risk of contracting a work-related disease following exposure is to:

activate your department's infection control plan as soon as possible.

A 15-year-old boy was killed when he was struck by a car while riding his bicycle. He has numerous disfiguring injuries and has been placed in the back of the ambulance to shield him from curious bystanders. When the child's parents arrive at the scene, they demand to see him. You should:

advise them that their son had severely disfiguring injuries and ask them if there is anyone they would like you to contact first.

When decontaminating the back of your ambulance after a call, you should:

allow surfaces to air dry unless otherwise indicated in the product directions.

You are transporting a 40-year-old male with respiratory distress. The patient tells you that he recently had a positive tuberculosis (TB) skin test and is currently being evaluated for possible TB. You should:

apply a nonrebreathing mask on the patient and a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) respirator on yourself.\Ahead: Infectious and Communicable Diseases Complexity: Moderate Simplified Functional Taxonomy: Application Subject: Infectious and Communicable Disease

Common factors that influence how a patient reacts to the stress of an illness or injury include all of the following, EXCEPT:

assessment by the EMT.

When a patient is dying, he or she may experience regression. This is MOST accurately defined as:

behavior consistent with an earlier developmental stage.

The spread of HIV and hepatitis in the health care setting can usually be traced to:

careless handling of sharps.\According to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations, an employer must:\offer a workplace environment that reduces the risk of exposure.

If it is not possible to adequately clean your ambulance at the hospital following a call, you should:

clean the ambulance at your station in a designated area that is well ventilated.

Determination of exposure is an important component of an infection control plan because it:

defines who is at risk for contact with blood and body fluids and which tasks pose a risk of exposure

You are caring for a 35-year-old female with pregnancy-related complications. She is clearly experiencing significant stress and is crying uncontrollably. Your MOST appropriate action would be to:

demonstrate courtesy and speak with a professional tone of voice.

It is especially important for EMS personnel to develop nonadversarial relationships with their coworkers because they:

depend on one another for their safety.

Common factors that influence how a patient reacts to the stress of an illness or injury include all of the following, EXCEPT:

distrust of EMTs.

You are assessing a middle-aged man with chest pain that you suspect is caused by a cardiac problem. The patient tells you that he does not want to go to the hospital and insists that you leave him alone. You should:

explain the seriousness of the situation to him, but avoid causing undue alarm.

The hepatitis B vaccine program, a component of the infection control plan, addresses all of the following issues, EXCEPT:

family history of hepatitis.

When considering his or her personal life, it is important for the EMT to realize that:

family or friends may not understand the stress associated with EMS.

Vaccination against the hepatitis A virus is unnecessary if you:

have been infected with hepatitis in the past.

You are summoned to a convalescent center for an 88-year-old female with an altered mental status. A staff nurse advises you that the patient has terminal cancer and her physician stated that she would probably die within the next few hours; a valid do not resuscitate (DNR) order is presented to you. When caring for this patient, you should:

make her comfortable and provide emotional support.

At the scene of an automobile crash, a utility pole has been broken and power lines are lying across the car. The patients inside the car are conscious. You should:

mark off a danger zone around the downed lines.

As an EMT, it is important to remember that the signs and symptoms of cumulative stress:

may not be obvious or present all the time.

Quid pro quo, a type of sexual harassment, occurs when the harasser:

requests sexual favors in exchange for something else.

A 75-year-old male with a terminal illness has died at home. As you and your partner enter the residence, a family member becomes verbally abusive, pushes you, and states that you took too long to get there. You should:

retreat and notify law enforcement personnel.

Patients who become dependent upon EMS personnel or other health care providers often feel:


The MOST serious consequence of drug or alcohol abuse among EMS personnel is:

substandard or inappropriate patient care.

While you are on duty, your partner asks you out on a date and touches you in an inappropriate location without your consent. You should:

tell your partner to stop and report the incident to your supervisor.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), recommended immunizations and tests include a:

tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis booster every 10 years.

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