Ab Psych Final

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Which is MOST likely to be said by an elderly person regarding long-term care?

"I'm worried about how my life will change."

premature ejaculation DSM 5 criteria

1. for at least 6 months, individual usually ejaculates within 1 minutes of beginning sex with partner and earlier than he wants to 2. individual experiences significant distress

female organismic disorder DSM 5 criteria

1. for at least 6 months, the individual usually displays a significant delay, infrequency, or absence of orgasm, and/or is unable to achieve past orgasmic intensity 2. individual experiences significant distress

What percentage of rape victims qualified for the diagnosis of acute stress disorder in Rothbaum et al.'s (1992) study?

76 percent

malpractice suit

a lawsuit charging a therapist with improper conduct in the course of treatment

criminal commitment

a legal process by which people accused of a crime are judged mentally unstable and sent to a treatment facility

Durham test

a legal standard that holds people to be insane at the time they committed a crime if their act was the result of a mental disorder or defect

irresistible impulse test

a legal standard that holds people to be insane at the time they committed a crime if they were driven to do so by an uncontrollable "fit of passion"

American Law Institute test

a legal standard that holds people to be insane at the time they committed a crime if, because of a mental disorder, they did not know right from wrong or could not resist an uncontrollable impulse to act

delayed ejaculation

a male dysfunction characterized by persistent inability to ejaculate or very delayed ejaculations during sexual activity with a partner

male hypoactive sexual desire disorder

a male dysfunction marked by a persistent reduction or lack of interest in sex and hence a low level of sexual activity

employee assistance program

a mental health program offered by a business to its employees

The therapy Eliot is receiving emphasizes dealing with his compulsions but not his obsessions. In addition, he does "homework" in the form of self-help procedures between therapy sessions. Most likely, Eliot is receiving which kind of therapy?


Shelly has started smoking to help ease her stress from work. If she develops a psychophysiological disorder, it will be a result of:

behavioral changes.

mental incompetence

a state of mental instability that leaves defendants unable to understand the legal charges and proceedings they are facing and unable to prepare an adequate defense with their attorney

spectator role

a state of mind that some people experience during sex, focusing on their sexual performance to such an extent that their performance and their enjoyment are reduced

peer review system

a system by which clinicians paid by an insurance company may periodically review a patient's progress and recommend the continuation or termination of insurance benefits

guilty but mentally ill

a verdict stating that defendants are guilty of committing a crime but are also suffering from a mental illness that should be treated during their imprisonment

not guilty by reason of insanity (NGRI)

a verdict stating that defendants are not guilty of a crime because they were insane at the time of the crime

Dorian was only 10 miles away from Mount St. Helens when it erupted with one of the largest blasts in history. There was ash and lava everywhere, and he was terrified and sure he was going to die. When rescue teams found him a week later, he was cold, hungry, and scared. More than a year later, he still had nightmares and woke up in a cold sweat. This description BEST fits a(n):

acute stress disorder

The central feature of bulimia nervosa is:

binge eating followed by a compensatory behavior.

An emergency medical technician (EMT) arrives at the scene of a bad car accident and calmly prepares a severely injured passenger for transport to a hospital while others at the scene are screaming and crying with fear and grief. The EMT's training has resulted in behavior similar to the symptom of schizophrenia called:

blunted affect.

A person with schizophrenia who is experiencing anhedonia is displaying:

blunted or flat affect.

"That personality disorder has become so common, I encounter it almost every day in the emergency room." MOST likely, this doctor is talking about which personality disorder?


Transported to the hospital after a suicide attempt, a man is later admitted to the hospital's psychiatric wing. His history showed other self-destructive behaviors and recklessness. MOST likely, if the man is diagnosed with a personality disorder, it will be:


Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is MORE common in _____ than in _____.

boys; girls

The MOST recent research has provided evidence that the primary causes of autism spectrum disorder include:

brain abnormalities

Salina was terrified during the San Francisco earthquake of 1989—who wouldn't be? For a couple of weeks after, she did not sleep well or feel comfortable inside a building. However, the fears gradually diminished, disappearing within a month. Her reaction to the earthquake would MOST likely be diagnosed as

acute stress disorder

the decline in men's sexual activity usually comes gradually as they

advance in age and their health fails

Which behavior pattern is NOT listed in the DSM-5 as an obsessive-compulsive-related disorder?


managed care program

an insurance program in which the insurance company decides the cost, method, provider, and length of treatment

Jena is experiencing sadness, lack of energy, and low self-worth. The condition is chronic and severe. If her psychiatrist prescribed medication, it would likely be a(n) __________ drug.


The MOST common mental disorders in the United States are:

anxiety disorders

Families that display high levels of expressed emotion do all EXCEPT:

approve of one another's actions.

One reason that the personality disorders are difficult to treat is that the afflicted individuals:

are frequently unaware that they have a problem.

Like those with paranoid personality disorder, those with avoidant personality disorder usually:

are very sensitive to criticism and avoid close relationships.

A young boy's parents constantly tell him to "Be a man!" whenever he is in conflict with friends. In turn, his parents themselves often act aggressively toward each other and toward him. The theorist who would BEST be able to explain an adult diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder for this boy would be a _____ theorist.


A 7-year-old child is wetting the bed at night. The bed-wetting apparently is beyond the child's control. The BEST diagnosis is:


nocturnal penile tumescence

erection during sleep

A person with posttraumatic stress disorder who is upset by what she or he had to do to survive and perhaps even feels unworthy of surviving is:

experiencing increased anger, anxiety, and guilt

A therapist who sat with a patient with bulimia while the patient ate appropriate quantities of "forbidden" foods, and then stayed until the patient no longer had the urge to purge, would be practicing:

exposure and response prevention

The word lanugo refers to:

fine silky body hair that develops in people with anorexia nervosa.

When Janice drinks her milk, she is sure from the taste that someone put salt in it. Janice is most likely experiencing a(n) _____ hallucination.


Just after doing well in an intramural basketball game—something which left me very happy, and in a high state of excitement—I sat down and studied for my abnormal psychology test. Research shows I would perform best on that test if, at the time of the test, I was:

happy and excited.

Stephanie is chronically anxious about her health and is convinced that she is developing cancer. However, there are no somatic symptoms. Which of the following disorders is she likely to be diagnosed with?

illness anxiety disorder.

George has difficulty falling asleep almost each night and once he finally does doze off, he awakens easily. George is suffering from:


If you are receiving therapy designed to teach you and your spouse specific communication and problem-solving skills, your therapist is practicing:

integrative behavioral couples therapy

Therapists who teach clients to make statements such as "It's not a real voice; it's my illness" are using a technique from the cognitive-behavioral approach that involves:

interpreting their hallucinations.

Vomiting as a compensatory behavior for those experiencing bulimia nervosa:

ironically, leads to greater hunger and more frequent binges.

Which is a motivational symptom of depression?

lack of a desire to eat

from the ages of 25 to 59, sexual relationships

last longer and are more monogamous

According to Freud, another term for the symbolic meaning of dreams is:

latent content

Among the elderly, schizophrenia is:

less common than among younger individuals.

Compared to younger people, those older than 65 are:

less likely to experience depression if not living in a nursing home and more likely to experience depression if living in a nursing home.

Relapse for people with bulimia and people with anorexia nervosa is MOST likely triggered by:

life stresses.

A person with schizophrenia who is feeling apathetic, drained, and unable to start or follow through on any projects is displaying:

loss of volition.

Schizophrenia is found in all socioeconomic classes. However, it is MOST likely to be found in someone from a:

lower socioeconomic level.

Several studies have demonstrated that Hispanic American combat veterans and police officers have higher rates of PTSD than other veterans or officers. Research into the causes of this difference have MOST often focused on possible:

cultural belief system and social support factor

Despite popular misconceptions, most people with psychological problems are not:


A person who was receiving the best and most current treatment for an eating disorder would receive treatment designed to:

deal first with changing the eating habits and then with what caused them.

sexual activity is more likely to drop off sharply for elderly women, commonly because of

death or illness of a partner

A clouding of consciousness that develops over a short period of time and can often be reversed if its underlying cause can be found is called:


"I am the Virgin Mary, and I've come to give birth to a new savior," says someone experiencing:

delusions of grandeur.

The part of the personality that guides us to know when we can and cannot express our impulses is the:


An individual seeking help from a geropsychologist is MOST likely


A person feeling _____ is likely to eat nutritional food only.


Recently, a client diagnosed with schizophrenia has begun to exhibit more symptoms, often saying, "They tell me I'm crazy, so I must be crazy." MOST likely, this is an example of:

self-fulfilling prophecy

A friend says, "I'm thinking about getting some help for my problem drinking. What's the most commonly used form of treatment?" The correct answer is:

self-help groups.

A child does almost everything with her mother and seems extremely anxious at school, getting frequent stomachaches and wanting to go home. If the child has an anxiety disorder, it is MOST likely:

separation anxiety disorder

The case study MOST likely to be helpful in the study of abnormality would be one that included a well-tested, research-supported form of therapy used to treat a(n):

uncommon disorder.

Mark's mother is suffering from depression and needs therapy. Mark tells her "all therapies are pretty much the same." Mark is demonstrating which of the following?

uniformity myth

A person quite suddenly begins to show specific cognitive impairment and difficulty in speaking, yet other cognitive functions appear normal. MOST likely, that person is experiencing:

vascular neurocognitive disorder.

The finding that the highest rates of schizophrenia are found among people who are born during the winter supports which theory of schizophrenia?

viral theory

Research on the relationship between religious beliefs and psychological health shows that people:

who are devout and see God as caring and helpful are the healthiest.

How to determine if erectile disorder is caused by physical symptoms

measuring nocturnal penile tumescence, absent or abnormal nightly erections usually indicate a physical basis

An individual who has been diagnosed with a somatic symptom disorder would MOST likely first seek:

medical help.

sociocultural causes of erectile disorder

men who have lost their jobs and are under financial stress are more likely to develop erectile disorder AND marital stress

The basis for moral treatment of asylum patients was the belief that:

mental illness should be treated humanely and with respect.

Jamal observed his parents' generous behavior throughout his childhood. As a result, he developed a positive and generous attitude toward the world. According to the behavioral model, Jamal has acquired his lifestyle through the process of:


Studies of the "oldest old" show that compared to people in their 80s and early 90s, the oldest old are usually:

more agile, healthier, and clearheaded.

Sally is never sure of the right thing to do. She married Tod and has been wondering for years if that was the right decision. She is exhibiting:

obsessive doubts

Which person would be diagnosed correctly with intellectual disability?

one with an IQ of 69 having problems coping with life

Most sexually experienced teens engage in

only one sexual relationship at a time


patterns in which a person has recurrent and intense sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors involving nonhuman objects, children, nonconsenting adults, or experiences of suffering or humiliation

One of the features of Alcoholics Anonymous is:

peer support.

Psychological causes of erectile disorder: Cognitive Behavioral Theory

performance anxiety and the spectator role

If you wanted to write a book about a fictional character who is a "typical" example of antisocial personality disorder, you might have the character exhibit all of the following EXCEPT:

periods of very high anxiety.

Apparently, people develop phobias more readily to such objects as spiders and the dark than they do to such objects as computers and radios. This observation supports the idea of:


Efforts to address the needs of children who are at risk for developing mental disorders (babies of teenage mothers, children of those with severe mental disorders) are categorized as:


The model of abnormality that focuses on unconscious internal processes and conflicts in behavior is the:

psychodynamic model.

Researchers have found that men with a repressive coping style tend to have a particularly sharp rise in blood pressure and heart rate when they are stressed. This may lead to the development of psychophysiological disorders in which the cause was primarily:


A psychiatrist says, "I'm a strong believer in a combined approach to therapy. In fact, I frequently participate in combined approaches, although I don't do psychotherapy." Based on this statement, this psychiatrist's specialty is MOST likely:


Which have sociocultural theorists suggested as a cause for the emergence of borderline personality disorder?

rapid social change

According to Freudian theory, depression results in part from:

regression to the oral stage.

Jason, a recovering heavy drinker, has been trained to identify the situations that might cause him to drink and to be aware of when he should stop drinking. This approach best describes:

relapse-prevention training.

Brenda does not get along well with Samantha. Brenda has started a rumor around school about Samantha and has told most of Samantha's friends that she has been talking about them, which is not true. Which pattern of aggression is Brenda exhibiting?

relational aggression

If I'm in a depressed mood and all I do is think about my mood without trying to change it, I'm making what kind of response?


performance anxiety

the fear of performing inadequately and a related tension experienced during sex

An elderly individual has just been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. MOST likely, the diagnosis is:

generalized anxiety disorder.

What would be the BEST advice to give someone who wants to retain good cognitive functioning as long as possible in old age?

"Exercise your body and your mind—use it or lose it."

If you were a therapist with a behavioral view, which question would you be MOST likely ask someone you suspected might have a somatic symptom disorder?

"Has any friend of yours had similar symptoms recently?"

A friend says, "My 70-year-old grandmother is in good physical health but has been diagnosed with depression. Should she even bother getting therapy? She is pretty old, after all." Your BEST research-based answer is:

"Yes, more than half of elderly patients show improvement with treatment."

A friend says to you, "He must have antisocial personality disorder; look how careful he is about his own well-being but how careless he is about others' safety." Your MOST accurate reply would be:

"You're partly right; most people with antisocial personality disorder are careless about their own safety, as well as the safety of others."

genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder DSM 5 criteria

1. For at least 6 months, individual repeatedly experiences at least two of the following problems: difficulty having vaginal penetration during intercourse, significant vaginal or pelvic pain when trying to have intercourse or penetration, significant fear that vaginal penetration will cause vaginal or pelvic pain, significant tensing of the pelvic muscles during vaginal penetration 2. individual experiences significant distress from this

Modern Sex Therapy includes:

1. assessing and conceptualizing the problem 2. mutual responsibility 3. education about sexuality 4. emotion identification 5. attitude change 6. elimination of performance anxiety and spectator role 7. increasing sexual and general communication skills 8. changing destructive lifestyles and marital interactions 9. addressing physical and medical factors

delayed ejaculation DSM 5 Criteria

1. for at least 6 months, individual usually displays a significant delay, infrequency, or absence of ejaculation during sexual activity with a partner 2. individual experiences significant distress

Brandon is a college student with average sleep needs. How much sleep does he need each day?

8 hours

If an elderly person lives to the age of 80, he or she can expect to live an additional

8 years

Psychological causes of erectile disorder

90% of men with severe depression experience some degree of erectile disfunction

biological explanations for premature ejaculation

91% has 1st degree relatives who also had premature ejaculation problems, over/under active serotonin levels, and greater sensitivity/nerve conduction in the penis

Elimination disorders are diagnosed when which criteria have been met?

A child has reached an age at which he or she is expected to control bodily functions.

M'Naghten test

A legal standard that holds people to be insane at the time they committed a crime if, because of a mental disorder, they did not know the nature of the act or did not know right from wrong

Which parents would be LEAST likely to have children who receive effective treatment for ADHD?

African Americans who are Medicaid-insured

_____ experience greater stress than _____ in response to a major personal injury or illness, a major change in work responsibilities, or a major change in living conditions.

African Americans; white Americans

Which is a correct match of person and approach?

Beck and cognitive therapy

_____ is a field that combines psychological and physical interventions to treat or prevent medical problems.

Behavioral medicine

Vagus nerve stimulation is MOST similar to:


Humanists would say that an individual who cares about others, is spontaneous, courageous, and independent is:

Humanists would say that an individual who cares about others, is spontaneous, courageous, and independent is:

Studies show that eccentric individuals are more likely than those with mental disorders to say:

I'm different and I like it.

Female sexual interest/arousal disorder DSM 5 Criteria 2

Individual experiences significant distress

Paraphilic Disorder DSM 5 Criteria 2

Individual experiences significant distress or impairment over the fantasies, urges, or behaviors (in some disorders this isn't necessary)

The popular star whose death raised awareness of eating disorders was:

Karen Carpenter.

What does the research show that nursing homes should do to meet the emotional needs of their patients?

Let patients do what they want to do, so long as it's not harmful or disruptive.

"I feel great!" a friend says, "Let's go to the casino and play the slots." Your friend has been to the casino several times in the past two weeks and just can't seem to stay away. Does your friend qualify for the diagnosis of gambling disorder?

Maybe; an elevated mood goes with gambling and your friend's behavior seems out of control.

_____ is a technique of turning one's concentration inward, achieving a slightly changed state of consciousness, and temporarily ignoring all stressors


Which statement is true about research on the effectiveness of cognitive therapy for treating unipolar depression?

Research studies show its effectiveness.

An infant is diagnosed with a biological disorder. As she ages, her physical and mental conditions deteriorate steadily so that she loses vision and motor control, and, at the age of 3, she dies. Most likely, she was suffering from:

Tay-Sachs disease.

A person with dissociative identity disorder has just experienced "switching." What MOST likely has happened?

The person has changed from one personality to another.

Which statement about couple therapy is MOST accurate?

There is no one theoretical approach used in couple therapy.

What do acute and posttraumatic stress disorder have in common with dissociative disorders?

They are triggered by traumatic events.

How concerned should we be about victims of sexual assault and terror? Is there a very great risk that they will experience PTSD?

Yes, the risk is great; more than a third of sexual assault victims and about half of terror victims experience PTSD.

masturbatory satiation

a behavioral treatment in which a client masturbates for a long period of time while fantasizing in detail about a paraphilic object. The procedure is expected to produce a feeling of boredom that becomes linked to the object

code of ethics

a body of principles and rules for ethical behavior, designed to guide decisions and actions by members of a profession

gender dysphoria

a disorder in which a person persistently feels clinically significant distress or impairment due to his or her assigned gender and strongly wishes to be a member of another gender

paraphilic disorder

a disorder in which a person's paraphilia causes great distress, interferes with social or occupational activities, or places the person or others at risk of harm-- either currently or in the past

sexual dysfunction

a disorder marked by a persistent inability to function normally in some area of the sexual response cycle

premature ejaculation

a dysfunction in which a man persistently reaches orgasm and ejaculates within one minute of beginning sexual activity with a partner and before he wishes to

erectile disorder

a dysfunction in which a man repeatedly fails to attain or maintain an erection during sexual activity

female sexual interest/arousal disorder

a female dysfunction marked by a persistent reduction or lack of interest in sex, as well as, in some cases, limited excitement and few sexual sensations during sexual activity

fetishistic disorder

a paraphilic disorder consisting of recurrent and intense sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors that involve the use of a nonliving object or nongenital part, often to the exclusion of all other stimuli, accompanied by clinically significant distress or impairment

transvestic disorder

a paraphilic disorder consisting of repeated and intense sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors that involve dressing in clothes of the opposite sex, accompanied by clinically significant distress or impairment

voyeuristic disorder

a paraphilic disorder in which a person has repeated and intense sexual desires to observe unsuspecting people in secret as they undress or to spy on couples having intercourse, and either acts on these urges with nonconsenting people or experiences clinically significant distress or impairment

pedophilic disorder

a paraphilic disorder in which a person has repeated and intense sexual urges or fantasies about watching, touching, or engaging in sexual acts with children and either acts on those urges or experiences clinically significant distress or impairment

sexual sadism disorder

a paraphilic disorder in which a person has repeated and intense sexual urges or fantasies that involve inflicting suffering on others, and either acts on these urges with nonconsenting individuals or experiences clinically significant distress or impairment

frotteuristic disorder

a paraphilic disorder in which a person has repeated and intense sexual urges or fantasies that involve touching and rubbing against a nonconsenting person, and either acts o these urges with the nonconsenting person or experiences clinically significant distress or impairment

sexual masochism disorder

a paraphilic disorder in which a person has repeated and intense sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors that involve being humiliated, beaten, bound, or otherwise made to suffer, accompanied by clinically significant distress or impairment

exhibitionistic disorder

a paraphilic disorder in which persons have repeated sexually arousing urges or fantasies about exposing their genitals to others, and either act on these urges with nonconsenting individuals or experience clinically significant distress or impairment

orgasmic reorientation

a procedure for treating certain paraphilias by teaching clients to respond to new, more appropriate sources of sexual stimulation

genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder

a sexual dysfunction characterized by significant physical discomfort during intercourse

Depressed people sometimes experience a steady train of unpleasant thoughts that suggest to them that they are inadequate and that their situation is helpless. These are known as:

automatic thoughts

Those who are anxious unless their books are perfectly lined up on their desks and who must eat the food on their plates in a balanced order are exhibiting a ________ compulsion.


Noreen has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. She is totally unresponsive to her environment. She does not move for hours on end and never responds to contact from others. This is an example of:

catatonic stupor.

In the face of fear, a person is unable to concentrate and develops a distorted view of the world. This person is showing which fear response?


The childhood disorder that has been related to later antisocial personality disorder is:

conduct disorder.

Albert had finally had enough of his inability to walk. He went to a psychologist, who told him there was nothing medically wrong with him. The therapist was using the treatment approach of:


the majority of very elderly people

continue to have sexual fantasies

The leading cause of death globally, resulting in 7.3 million deaths each year, is:

coronary heart disease

The effects of taking hallucinogens accompanied by feelings that objects are changing size, that other people are distorted, and that one might be mechanical is MOST similar to:


Deciding that a client's psychological problems represent a particular disorder is called:


Which convinces researchers that panic disorder is biologically different from generalized anxiety disorder?

differences in the brain circuitry in the two disorders.

DSM-5 has been described as functioning like a light switch, which can be "on" or "off." In other words, one either does or does not qualify for a personality disorder diagnosis. Some theorists suggest that degree of symptoms, not symptom absence or presence, is more important and similar to a:

dimmer switch, with the light adjustable from all the way off to all the way on.

Someone who is experiencing bulimia nervosa is more likely to _____ than someone experiencing anorexia.

display characteristics of borderline personality disorder

Paraphilic Disorder DSM 5 Criteria 1

for at least 6 months, individual experiences recurrent and intense sexually arousing fantasies, urges, or behaviors involving objects or situations outside the usual sexual norms

Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder DSM 5 Criteria 1.

for at least 6 months, individual repeatedly experiences few or no sexual thoughts, fantasies, or desires

Female sexual interest/arousal disorder DSM 5 Criteria 1

for at least 6 months, individual usually displays reduced or no sexual interest or arousal, characterized by the reduction or absence of at least 3 of the following: sexual interest, sexual thoughts or fantasies, sexual initiation or receptiveness, excitement or pleasure during sex, responsiveness to sexual cues, genital or nongenital sensations during sex

Erectile disorder DSM 5 Criteria 1.

for at least 6 months, individual usually finds it difficult to obtain an erection, maintain an erection, and/or achieve past levels of erectile rigidity during sex

For the majority of women what is the most satisfying component of sexual activity?


People who diet to lose weight usually:

gain the weight back.

When the seat belt light in DiDi's car stays on for a few extra seconds, she bursts into tears. She always craves attention and reacts to even the smallest event with an elaborate show of emotion. She probably could receive a diagnosis of:

histrionic personality disorder.

The "moral treatment" movement rapidly declined in the late nineteenth century because:

hospitals became underfunded and overcrowded.

"Phobic and generalized anxiety disorders arise when people stop looking at themselves honestly and with acceptance and instead deny and distort their true thoughts, emotions, and behavior." This explanation for anxiety disorders would MOST likely be offered by:

humanistic theorists

Adults need an average of eight hours of sleep each night, but Mary finds that she actually needs more than that. If she gets less than ten hours of sleep a night, she has difficulty concentrating, is forgetful, has problems driving, and cannot work effectively. Mary would most likely be diagnosed with:

hypersomnolence disorder.

A person with schizophrenia who laughs when told sad news and screams in situations that most people see as warm and tender is experiencing:

inappropriate affect

Which is NOT listed in text as associated with depression in the elderly?

increased financial problems

Erectile disorder DSM 5 Criteria 2

individual experiences significant distress

Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder DSM 5 Criteria 2

individual experiences significant distress about this

Although lying, even compulsive lying, is not considered a psychological disorder, it is sometimes characteristic of people with:

narcissistic personality disorde

A client reports having infrequent, but extremely disturbing, tactile hallucinations. The MOST useful way to gather information about this person would involve:

naturalistic observation

According to cognitive theorists, compulsive acts serve to:


Studies attempting to relate personality traits to potential for developing substance abuse show that:

no single trait or combination of traits predicts substance abuse.

A present-day clinician uses terms like "dementia" and "mental retardation" for diagnostic categories. That clinician is using terms:

not used in the DSM-5 but used in previous forms of the DSM.

A child is openly hostile toward his parents. He argues with them constantly and will not do anything they say. They cannot control him. The diagnosis he is MOST likely to receive is:

oppositional defiant disorder.

Having frequent headaches, disturbances in sleep, and loss of appetite are _____ symptoms of depression.


Since immediately after the birth of her son, Maria has experienced a period of sadness that interferes with her ability to take care of him. She has never felt this way before, and this has been going on for several weeks. With what type of major depression would she MOST likely be diagnosed?


behavioral explanations for premature ejaculation

sexually inexperienced, men who only have sex occasionally, anxiety, hurried masturbating experiences during adolescence, and poor recognition of one's own sexual arousal

The model of abnormality that examines the effects of society and culture is the:

sociocultural model.

The fact that some people in the advanced stages of AIDS experience neurological damage that results in psychological abnormality supports what type of perspective about abnormal psychological functioning?


An important factor to consider in using drugs for the treatment of abnormality would be that:

some people do not benefit from drug treatment

Wes has a drink in the morning on rising. He has a cocktail with breakfast. He usually sneaks a snort during the morning ("just to get through the day") and then drinks during his lunch. When he leaves work, he goes to a singles bar and immediately has a drink to ease his nerves about approaching the women there. Later, at home, he generally has a small dinner and then sits in front of the TV watching sports and drinking beer (as many as 12 cans). Somehow he manages to get up and go to work the next morning. Wes is displaying:

substance use disorder.

A young adult used LSD and now experiences hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized speech. This would be referred to as:

substance/medication-induced psychotic disorder.

While under the influence of LSD, Matilda believes that she can feel the sounds around her. This effect is known as:


Which is the MOST accurate biological explanation for people who gain weight after losing it?

the brain is trying to restore the person to a set weight point

forensic psychology

the branch of psychology concerned with interactions between psychological practice and research and the judicial system

According to the psychodynamic perspective, if someone keeps obsessing about immoral sexual behavior and repeatedly scrubs his or her face and hands in response to those thoughts:

the immoral images represent id impulses.

right to refuse treatment

the legal right of patients to refuse certain forms of treatment

right to treatment

the legal right of patients, particularly those who are involuntarily committed, to receive adequate treatment

desire phase

the phase of the sexual response cycle consisting of an urge to have sex, sexual fantasies, and sexual attraction

orgasm phase

the phase of the sexual response cycle during which a person's sexual tension is released as muscles in the pelvic region contract rhythmically

excitement phase

the phase of the sexual response cycle marked by changes in the pelvic region, general physical arousal, and increases in heart rate, muscle tension, blood pressure, and rate of breathing

Infants tend to do things that feel good. This is in accord with what Freud called

the pleasure principle


the principle that certain professionals will not divulge the information they obtain from a client

duty to protect

the principle that therapists must break confidentiality in order to protect a person who may be the intended victim of a client

One difference between eating disorders and other disorders is:

the recovered person often misses his or her symptoms.

The second-generation antipsychotic drugs were called atypical because:

their biological operations differ from that of the conventional antipsychotic medications.

Lady Gaga and other eccentrics are usually not considered to be experiencing a mental illness because:

they freely choose and enjoy their behavior

stress-reduction seminars

workshops or group sessions offered by businesses, in which mental health professionals teach employees how to cope, solve problems, and/or reduce stress

If you had lost your sense of identity, what would MOST likely be disrupted?

your memory.

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