Abnormal Psych Final

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In a given year, the overall suicide rate in the United States is approximately _____ suicides out of every 100,000 people


The onset of bipolar disorder usually occurs between the ages of

15 and 44

In _____, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that eugenic sterilization was constitutional.


The lobotomy was first developed in the late _____ by a Portuguese neuropsychiatrist


Respect for clinical assessment was high prior to the


After 6 to 12 ECT treatments, spaced over _____ weeks, most patients feel less depressed

2 to 4

It is now known that as many as _____ percent of all Vietnam veterans suffered an acute or posttraumatic stress disorder


Self-help groups in the United States are attended by _____ percent of the population each year

3 to 4

More than _____ forms of therapy are currently practiced in the clinical field


The divorce rate in Canada, the United States, and Europe is now close to _____ percent of the marriage rate


Although it is complicated to say exactly how many disorders are included in DSM-5, the textbook estimates that the number of psychological disorders is more than:


Approximately how many people are admitted to a U.S. hospital each year for injuries resulting from efforts to harm themselves?


According to the textbook, which country has civil commitment laws?


The current and most widely used classification system in the United States is the:


In 1883, he published an influential textbook arguing that physical factors were responsible for mental dysfunction

Emil Kraepelin

_____ is related to the idea that a number of different developmental pathways lead to the same psychological disorder.


He developed a type of therapy in the 1950s that guided clients toward self-recognition and self-acceptance

Frederick (Fritz) Perls

________ disorder is sometimes described as free-floating anxiety

Generalized anxiety

The view that people will be more likely to commit suicide if they perceive they are a burden, they lack a sense of belongingness, and they have a psychological capability to carry out suicide comes from

Joiner's interpersonal theory of suicide

_____ prevention consists of efforts to improve community attitudes and policies


Which guideline was added to the APA's code of ethics in 2017?

Psychologists may not participate in or assist with torture

He believed that unconscious psychological processes are the root of abnormal functioning

Sigmund Freud

Dr. Phil McGraw—the media personality who hosts a television show on which he gives psychological advice to individuals, couples, and groups on a wide range of topics—would be covered under which aspect of the American Psychological Association's code of ethics?

The APA code permits the provision of psychological advice in such media as radio, print, and television, provided that the advice is given responsibly and professionally

_____ is a systematic procedure for helping people change abnormal behavior into more normal behavior.


He believed that the whole concept of mental illness is invalid and is a myth

Thomas Szasz

This type of drug is used to help patients with dissociative amnesia regain their memories

a barbiturate

_____ therapy is a new cognitive-behavioral therapy that helps clients accept many of their problematic thoughts rather than judging those thoughts, acting on them, or trying fruitlessly to change them.

acceptance and commitment

Sarah was the victim of an assault. Just two days after the assault, she started experiencing nightmares, flashbacks, and sleep disturbances, and avoided going out at night because it reminded her of the assault. It has been three weeks since this trauma, and Sarah is now able to go out with friends and sleep through the night without experiencing any disturbances. Her MOST likely diagnosis is _____ stress disorder


According to the text book, panic disorders are often accompanied by


This is the fear of being in public places or situations where escape might be difficult or help unavailable if panic-like symptoms were to occur


Maurice has decided to talk to his physician about the fact that he often achieves orgasm after very minimal stimulation. He reports that this is affecting his marriage, as his wife (though loving and supportive) is getting terribly frustrated about the duration of their sexual encounters. Maurice's doctor decides to take a two-pronged approach to treating Maurice's difficulties with premature ejaculation: First, he provides Maurice with several referrals to experts in sex therapy, and second, he gives Maurice a prescription for _____, which has been shown to help with the treatment of this frustrating issue


Farrah is experiencing a persistent pattern of excessive worry, concern, and avoidance. Given these symptoms, she would most likely be diagnosed as having a disorder categorized in

anxiety disorders

Children who are wary of new people, environments, and objects and are always on guard against potential threats show a pattern of

behavioral inhibition

Dr. Jacob supports this model, which holds that a full understanding of a patient's thoughts, emotions, and behavior must also include an understanding of the biological basis of those thoughts, emotions, and behaviors


Research has demonstrated that bipolar disorder is BEST explained by

biological factors

John experiences full manic and depressive episodes, which is indicative of _____ disorder

bipolar 1

Repeatedly checking one's appearance in a mirror is indicative of ______ disorder

body dysmorphia

When a therapist reports in an article about one client's experience with dissociative identity disorder, what method of investigation is the therapist using?

case study

Many cases of sexual masochism disorder seem to develop through

classical conditioning

cognitive-behavioral theorists propose ______ as a common way of acquiring phobic reactions

classical conditioning

The extreme suicide rates found on American Indian reservations are called _____ suicides.


These inventories are used to reveal a person's typical thoughts and assumptions and can uncover counterproductive patterns of thinking.


_____ therapy helps people recognize and change their faulty thinking processes.


Research shows that clinical problems respond BEST to

combined therapeutic approaches

The latest depression instrument was found to correlate highly with the Hamilton Depression Inventory, thus showing _____ when compared with the Hamilton Depression Inventory

concurrent validity

Researchers have found increases in the risk of suicide among the relatives and friends of people who recently committed suicide. This risk factor is often called the social _____ effect


These are a group of hormones that are released by the adrenal glands at times of stress


This therapeutic approach involves a therapist working with two people who share a long-term relationship

couple therapy

which psychological perspective understands anxiety disorders by examining temperament, parenting, and life stress?

developmental psychology

Which psychological perspective emphasizes prevention and early intervention for vulnerable individuals?

developmental psychopathology

The most common theme that runs through the thoughts of people troubled by obsessive thinking appears to be

dirt or contamination

The MOST successful approach to treating bipolar disorders is

drug therapy accompanied by psychotherapy

Individuals who experience gender _____ often feel that nature has made a mistake and that they were born with the body of the wrong sex. They may be very uncomfortable wearing clothing and engaging in activities traditionally associated with their physical gender, and they desire not to conform to expectations of such behaviors


Eileen has chosen not to get married and not to have children, and she lives with ten dogs. She rarely goes out, yet she has a job that allows her to telecommute, she does not bother anyone, and she is content with her life. This is considered an example of:


Nick is a father of an 11-year-old boy named Tobias. Nick never leaves Tobias alone at gymnastics, choir practice, or birthday parties, no matter how well-supervised he is. Nick designated himself "room parent" and is in Tobias's classroom at least half of every school day. A family systems therapist might say that Nick and Tobias' relationship was


This is the practice of killing someone who is terminally ill or badly injured, in order to stop their suffering


Trying to understand how genes that once helped our ancestors survive and reproduce but now leave us prone to anxiety disorders is a goal of

evolutionary theory

A reactive depression is referred to as


Anika is rarely able to achieve an orgasm when having sex, and for the past five years she has been resigned to faking orgasm during intercourse with her partner. She recently got tired of this "act" and told her partner that she has rarely, if ever, achieved an orgasm during their sexual experiences. Anika's partner was pretty upset at hearing this, and now Anika is increasingly distraught and anxious about not being able to experience an orgasm. She would most likely be diagnosed with

female orgasmic disorder

Studies have found that people who scored high on anxiety-sensitive surveys are up to _______ times more likely than others to develop panic disorders


This is the final merging of two or more subpersonalities in multiple personality disorder.


What is the only sexual disorder still included in the DMS-5

gender dysphoria

Role-playing is often a part of

gestalt therapy

Which psychological perspective holds that we all have a basic need to receive positive regard from our parents?

humanistic theory

The features of arousal and fear are set in motion by the brain area called the


_______ exposure is found to be more effective than ______ exposure for treating specific phobias

in vivo; covert

clinical assessment is important for

making proper diagnoses and having effective treatments

Being in the present moment, intentionally and nonjudgmentally, is known as


When civilly committed patients in mental hospitals work as part of their commitment and recovery, court decisions have warranted that the patients must receive

minimum wage for their work hours

Julie was driving her 4-year-old son, Alec, to preschool when another driver cut her off. She immediately shouted an expletive at the other driver. During the day, when Alec became angry at another child for taking his toy, he used the same expletive that his mother had used earlier. This is an example of


Studies suggest that therapy often is ______ no treatment or the use of placebos

more helpful than

Which of these groups has the HIGHEST teenage suicide rate?

non-Hispanic white Americans

Research suggests that mania may be linked to high _____ activity


If you decide to stand on your desk when your professor is lecturing, your conduct would be outside the stated:


"Subway Therapy" in which individuals write down their feelings on a sticky note and put the note on a subway wall is:

not considered to be therapy, because there is no "trained healer" present

Compared to experiments, what do case studies allow researchers to do?

obtain rich detail

The proper order of Sigmund Freud's stages of development is

oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital

What is the primary mode of treatment for people with severe psychological disturbances?

outpatient care

Which anxiety disorder has a female to male ratio of 5 to 2 in prevelance

panic disorder

According to the textbook, what type of professional typically answers calls that come in on suicide hotlines?


Social anxiety disorder is more common in

poor people

Suicide programs that are put into action following an individual's suicide are referred to as


Before the 1950s, which theoretical perspective was dominant in the clinical field?


This psychological model looks at people's underlying psychological forces and the conflicts between them


In order to understand the causes of a suicide and the factors contributing to a suicide, researchers often gather information about a person who has ended his or her life. They may talk to friends, family members, or colleagues. They may examine paperwork or records. With appropriate permission, they may talk to doctors or other professionals in an attempt to build a picture of the suicide victim's state of mind and motivation. This kind of "psychological autopsy" is formally called a(n)

retrospective analysis

Nancy is trying to stop smoking, but she doesn't realize what triggers her need to smoke. What technique could help her understand what her triggers are?

self monitoring

Some theorists have concluded that dissociative disorders may be a form of


The activity level of the neurotransmitter _____ has been found to be low in people who commit suicide


During their sexual encounters, Jim enjoys engaging in activities that cause his partner intense humiliation, pain, or suffering. Despite the fact that his partner occasionally enjoys these activities, Jim continues to do them even when his partner is not willing. In fact, Jim has gotten to the point where sex without these "extras" is simply boring and unsatisfying, which has become a source of distress to him. The most likely diagnosis for Jim is

sexual sadism disorder

In this disorder, a person has repeated and intense sexual urges or fantasies that involve inflicting suffering on others, and the person either must act on these urges with nonconsenting individuals or experience clinically significant distress

sexual sadism disorder

Currently, _____ are the largest group of mental health professionals in the United States.

social workers

Self-mutilation is an example of

subintentional death

Which psychological perspective offers the leading explanation for the cause of social anxiety disorder

the cognitive-behavioral perspective

These are the nerve fibers that slow organ functioning after stimulation and return other bodily processes to normal

the parasympathetic nervous system

Which stage of the human sexual response cycle has no associated sexual disorders?

the resolution stage

One current concern that therapists express related to the treatment of sexual dysfunction is

the significant increase in the use of drugs and other medical interventions

When people have a strong sense that their gender identity is different from their birth anatomy, they are said to be


In a number of international studies, _____ percent of participants given cognitive treatments have been found to be free of panic attacks


This is a FALSE belief that all therapies are equivalent despite differences in the therapists' training, experience, theoretical orientations, and personalities.

uniformity myth

The word anomie, which is at the heart of one of the three types of suicide proposed by Emile Durkheim, means

without law

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