Abnormal psych test 2

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To be diagnosed with MDD, one has to have 5 or more specific symptoms out of 9. Name 5 symptoms of MDD

1. consistent depressed mood 2. changes in sleep patterns 3. changes in eating patterns 4. lack of energy or diminished 5. intense feelings of guilt 6. poor concentration 7. lack of interest in originally enjoyed activities

Select the statement below that best illustrates the concept of functional impairment. A) A man is unable to attend his son's wedding in another state because of a fear of flying. B) A pastor gives the sermon even though she experiences anxiety about her performance. C) After experiencing a panic attack before going on vacation, a teenager reports enjoying himself on the trip. D) Despite nervousness, a student successfully completes an in-class presentation.

A) A man is unable to attend his son's wedding in another state because of a fear of flying.

The difference between bipolar I and bipolar II disorders is the presence of __________ in the latter instead of a full-blown manic episode. A) hypomania B) alexithymia C) cyclothymia D)dysthymia

A) hypomania

. Being terrified that one has contracted a viral infection that is invading the body and weakening the immune system, despite medical tests that show no illness, and continuing to surf the Internet looking for a diagnostic match to perceived symptoms, could be a sign of_________. A) illness anxiety disorder B) pain disorder C) conversion disorder D) psychosomatic disorder

A) illness anxiety disorder

According to your text, common obsessions include thoughts about dirt and germs, aggression, failure to engage locks, and __________. A) inappropriate sexual relations B) failure at work or school C) fear of unwanted pregnancy D) fear of embarrassment

A) inappropriate sexual relations

Symptoms of bulimia nervosa include recurrent episodes of binge eating, a feeling of being "out of control" during binge eating episodes, and __________ A) inappropriate strategies for weight control B) amnesia for food consumption C) a fear of running out of food D) a desire to maintain a state of starvation

A) inappropriate strategies for weight control

. A particularly perplexing clinical feature of anorexia nervosa is the __________. A) individual's intense fear of gaining weight despite emaciation B) person's concern over parental approval and acceptance C) person's inability to articulate any food favorites D) patient's willingness to binge after long periods of starvation

A) individual's intense fear of gaining weight despite emaciation

As noted in the text, psychological factors such as __________ may be associated with sexual dysfunction in both men and women. A) negative mood states B) communication skills C) birth order D)assertiveness

A) negative mood states

In panic disorder, a person must have one or more of which of the following? A) panic attacks B) doctors C) medications D)worries

A) panic attacks

The treatment of sexual dysfunctions using psychological interventions has been shown to be effective. Among these techniques is __________. A) sensate focus B) invivo arousal technique C) demand pleasuring D)time-centered relaxation

A) sensate focus

People with PTSD often report which of the following? A) shame B) relief C) disgust D) happiness

A) shame

Agoraphobia literally means fear of __________. A) the marketplace B) the crowd C) being attacked D)expressing anger

A) the marketplace

. In the United States, the average age of onset for an anxiety disorder is __________ years. A) 5 C) 21 B) 11 D) 30

B) 11

Psychologists measure thinness by which of the following? A) ruler B) BMI C) intuition D) media ideal


As a pharmacological approach to the treatment of anxiety disorders, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) correct serotonin imbalances by __________. A) depleting it at the synapse B) increasing the amount of time serotonin remains in the synapse C) decreasing the length of time serotonin lies dormant in the synaptic region D) increasing the volume available for reuptake

B) increasing the amount of time serotonin remains in the synapse

One feature of obsessions that creates anxiety for an individual is their __________. A) extreme specificity B) intrusive nature C) startle value D) rapid onset

B) intrusive nature

A persistent sad or low mood defines __________. A) bipolar disorder B) major depressive disorder C) hypomania D) cyclothymia

B) major depressive disorder

Masters and Johnson's empirical work in human sexuality differed from that of earlier researchers because they also __________. A) interviewed adults instead of just conducting survey-based research B) observed and recorded subjects' physical responses during sexual activity C) interviewed couples together instead of just conducting individual interviews D) conducted longitudinal research on the psychosexual development of couples

B) observed and recorded subjects' physical responses during sexual activity

. Some people suffer from a feeling that a thousand eyes are watching every move they make. In addition, they may be preoccupied with the impression that they make on others, usually assuming it to be negative. As a result, these people may avoid situations in which they will have to interact with large numbers of people. How would you categorize this behavior? A) panic attack B) social anxiety disorder C) agoraphobia D) generalized anxiety disorder

B) social anxiety disorder

Donna complains of weakness in the left side of her body, nausea, difficulty walking, and severe headaches. Despite a complete medical work-up, no physiological basis for her complaints has been found. She could be diagnosed with __________. A) factitious disorder B) somatic symptom disorder C) dissociative disorder D) depersonalization disorder

B) somatic symptom disorder

Passive suicidal ideation and active suicidal ideation may be discriminated from each other on the basis of __________. A) whether psychotic thought processes were involved B) the presence or absence of a harm plan C) whether a person has made prior suicide attempts D) the presence of parasuicidal acts

B) the presence or absence of a harm plan

. Sandra often has her hair in her hands and pulls at it. When she is nervous, she tends to pull some of it out, which helps her feel better. Most of the time she does not even realize she is doing this. Which diagnosis would Kendra likely receive? A) body dysmorphic disorder B) trichotillomania C) excoriation D) delusional disorder

B) trichotillomania

Until about 25 years ago, a homosexual orientation __________. A) was never viewed as abnormal B) was considered to be a mental disorder C) was viewed as an orientation chosen by an individual D) was thought to be fairly prevalent in the general population

B) was considered to be a mental disorder

. Those with pyromania set fires in part because of the monetary profit they believe they will receive from doing so. A. True B. False

B. False

Compulsions are specific, intrusive thoughts. A. True B. False

B. False

Approximately what percentage of adults suffer from an anxiety disorder at some time in their lives? A) 8.6 C) 31 B) 15.7 D) 57

C) 31

Grandiose thoughts of having discovered the greatest invention in the world, lasting at least 3 consecutive days, bursting with energy and motivation, excessive purchasing and spending, and finding sleep to be a "waste of time", can be characterized as symptoms of a________. A) dysthymic episode B) depressive episode C) manic episode D)cyclothymic episode

C) manic episode

A consistent finding across all sex surveys is that __________. A) women think about sex more frequently B) men have a higher capacity for sex in terms of duration of activity C) men engage in more frequent sexual activity than women D) women have fewer orgasms than men

C) men engage in more frequent sexual activity than women

While the diagnostic criteria for depression are the same for all age categories, children may show __. A) a tendency to resist treatment more than adolescents B) more social withdrawal C) more nonspecific physical complaints such as headache and stomach aches D)a greater likelihood to have appetite disturbances

C) more nonspecific physical complaints such as headache and stomach aches

Gender dysphoria is characterized by a strong and persistent cross-gender identification and __________. A) a desire for the cultural advantages of the opposite sex. B) sexual arousal in wearing clothes of the opposite sex. C) persistent discomfort with one's own biological sex. D)a fetish involving wardrobe of the opposite sex

C) persistent discomfort with one's own biological sex.

. Kay suffers from anorexia nervosa. She induces vomiting. This is called __________. A) binging C) purging B)emaciationD) restricting

C) purging

Ann forces herself to consume laxatives after eating most meals. She is demonstrating which of the following anorexia nervosa subtypes? A) binging C) purging B) dieting D) restricting

C) purging

For a diagnosis of a sexual dysfunction, which of the following must be present? A) an extensive documented history B) support from multiple doctors C) significant distress D) spousal abuse

C) significant distress

In order to be diagnosed as having a major depressive single episode, a patient would have to report depressed mood or lack of interest in daily activities for a period of two _____. A) days B) months C) weeks D) years

C) weeks

The inability to recall important information, usually of a personal nature is called A) Dissociative identity disorder B) Dissociative Amnesia C) Depersonalization D) Derealization


. A factor to be considered in discriminating normal anxiety from abnormal anxiety is _______. A) the type of object feared B) the genetic component C) the patient's response to medication D) functional impairment

D) functional impairment

Gender identity as a concept __________. A) has not been widely studied in the U.S B) is aligned with a person's biological sex C) has not been shown to be a reliable predictor of relationship satisfaction D) is one's personal understanding of oneself as male or female

D) is one's personal understanding of oneself as male or female

. Post-traumatic stress disorder is initiated when an individual experiences a traumatic event or A) hears another person discuss a traumatic event and relives the experience. B) is threatened with violence by another. C) recalls a traumatic event as a flashback. D) is witness to serious injury or the violent death of another.

D) is witness to serious injury or the violent death of another.

. Pleasure in completing a behavior is associated with which of the following disorders? A) body dysmorphic disorder B) trichotillomania C) excoriation D) kleptomania

D) kleptomania

Bipolar disorder used to be called __________. A) hypomania B) dysthymic disorder C) cyclothymia D) manic depressive disorder

D) manic depressive disorder

Those who suffer from generalized anxiety disorder are characterized by excessive worry about __. A) only specific feared objects B) only cleanliness C) only safety issues D) many different things

D) many different things

Beth has been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. Her dinner last night consisted of 3 celery sticks, a spoonful of hummus, half of a slice of pita bread, and a cup of tea. Feeling full and bloated after eating, Beth decided to work out on the treadmill for 40 minutes. Which of the following anorexia nervosa subtypes accurately describes her condition? A) binging C) purging B) dieting D) restricting

D) restricting

. Anorexia nervosa may be a lethal disorder resulting in death from the effects of starvation or from __. A) breathing difficulties. B) stomach cancer. C) amenorrhea. D) suicide.

D) suicide.

The person(s) responsible for one of the first formal attempts to study human sexuality using interviews of thousands of Americans. A) B. F. Skinner B) William Masters and Virginia Johnson C) Helen Singer Kaplan D)Alfred Kinsey

D)Alfred Kinsey

. Factitious disorder was originally termed __________ after a baron who told tall tales. A) tall tale syndrome B) proxy syndrome C) faker's syndrome D)Munchausen syndrome

D)Munchausen syndrome

Which of the following has contributed to the questionable scientific status of the category dissociative identity disorder? A) low prevalence rates of the disorder B) the violent nature of persons with the disorder C) its restriction to the American culture D)the lack of empirical quantitative investigations

D)the lack of empirical quantitative investigations

To be diagnosed with Bipolar I, during the period of mood disturbance and increased energy, one has to have 3 or more symptoms out of 7 during the period of mood disturbance. Name 3 symptoms.

lack of sleep due to mania 2. excessive spending or being excessive activities 3. grandiose thoughts and inflated ego

Jack is a four-year-old who typically enjoys his 7:30 PM bedtime ritual. After the first day of preschool, Jack cries and refuses to stay in bed following his mother's goodnight kiss and demands to sleep in his parents' bed. After three unsuccessful attempts to entice Jack to sleep in his own bed, his mother gives in. This pattern is repeated every night. Which statement most appropriately applies to this scenario? A) Jack's avoidance of bedtime is maintained through negative reinforcement. B) Jack's behavior is resistant to extinction. C) The mother could overcome Jack's resistance to obedience through vicarious conditioning.

A) Jack's avoidance of bedtime is maintained through negative reinforcement.

Which of the following used to be known as multiple personality disorder? A) dissociative identity disorder B) hypochondriasis C) conversion disorder D) amnesia

A) dissociative identity disorder

Certain medical conditions may cause a person to experience sexual dysfunction. A) TRUE B) FALSE


Gender identity typically emerges by the age of 3 or 4. A) TRUEB) FALSE


There is no universal standard of "normal sexuality" or sexual behavior. A) TRUE B) FALSE


In reviewing the findings of inherited components of anxiety disorders, what appears to be inherited? A) a general vulnerability factor B) one specific gene C) overactive heart rate D)an underactive autonomic nervous system

A) a general vulnerability factor

Anorexia nervosa is most common in which of the following? A) adolescent girls C) elderly women B) adolescent boys D) elderly men

A) adolescent girls

. Cindy has a lot of trouble looking at herself in the mirror to put on her make-up. She thinks her nose is too big and that it makes her look like a witch. Which of the following would be a likely diagnosis? A) body dysmorphic disorder B) trichotillomania C) excoriation D) delusional disorder

A) body dysmorphic disorder

. Dysthymia can best be conceptualized as a(n) __________. A) chronic state of depression B) fluctuating pattern of high and low moods C) intermittent period of deep depression D) disorder caused by genetic factors

A) chronic state of depression

. Forty years of research on psychological interventions for anxiety disorders have shown behavioral therapy and __________ interventions to be the most efficacious treatments. A) cognitive-behavioral therapeutic B) psychoanalytic C) client-centered D) reality-based

A) cognitive-behavioral therapeutic

Unlike overeating too much of a favorite food, people with bulimia nervosa __________. A) consume a large amount of food in a short period of time and use compensatory behaviors B) consume a large quantity of food in a brief period of time but do not use laxatives C) do not have trouble stopping when they feel full D) feel more control over their eating because they have compensatory behaviors to regulate weight gain

A) consume a large amount of food in a short period of time and use compensatory behaviors

A dissociative disorder characterized as "being out-of-body" and as being an observer of one's own behavior. A) depersonalization B) derealization C) amnesia D) identity alteration

A) depersonalization

. Transvestic disorder is the desire to dress in clothes of the opposite sex for sexual gratification. This disorder is __________. A) diagnosed in men only B) found in both men and women C) common in homosexuals D) diagnosed in transsexuals

A) diagnosed in men only

Sexual orientation develops as a result of family dynamics. A) TRUE B) FALSE


People with factitious disorders DO NOT use deceptive practices to produce signs of illness. A) True B) False

B) False

Among young women in today's culture, anorexia nervosa is generally interpreted as ____. A) self-denial in order to attain a state of euphoria B) an attempt to achieve an ideal state of thinness C) a wish for parental attention D) a need to remain childlike in body build

B) an attempt to achieve an ideal state of thinness

Unlike anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa is __________. A) a visible eating disorder B) an invisible eating disorder C) life-threatening D) found in women only

B) an invisible eating disorder

Rob is preparing for his Psychology midterm exam. Although he has read all the material and been active in class discussions, he has recurring thoughts of failing. His thoughts persist even though he has studied and has never failed a test. Rob is experiencing __________. A) a panic attack B) anxiety C) delusions D) suicidal ideation

B) anxiety

. A doctor who tries to get his OCD patient to re-examine his irrational beliefs most likely falls into which treatment theory? A) behavioral B) cognitive C) psychodynamic D) biological

B) cognitive

Altered sensory and motor experiences are characteristic of __________ disorder. A) somatic symptom B) conversion C) illness anxiety D) factitious

B) conversion

An older man was picked up by police after he was found wandering along an interstate highway in a confused state. The man possessed no identifying information and he was unable to say who he was or where he lived. After his photograph appeared on television, a woman from an adjoining state identified the man as her father. What form of dissociative disorder did this man appear to have? A) dissociative identity disorder B) dissociative fugue C) dissociative amnesia D) depersonalization disorder

B) dissociative fugue

The success of PDE5 inhibitors for male erectile dysfunction has __________. A) led to questions about the underlying psychopathology of the disorder B) encouraged their use in clinical trials for female sexual arousal disorder C) demonstrated that the prevalence of the disorder was overestimated D) come despite the drugs' poor performance versus placebo in many studies

B) encouraged their use in clinical trials for female sexual arousal disorder

The most common behavioral expression of anxiety is __________. A) panic attacks B) escape or avoidance C) worry D) subjective distress

B) escape or avoidance

The goal of behavioral therapy in treating an anxiety disorder is to __________. A) reward the client's dependency on avoidance behaviors B) expose the client to the feared situation C) identify the cause rooted in early childhood D) identify the pattern of unconscious conflict maintaining the behavior

B) expose the client to the feared situation

. A mother brings her child into the hospital emergency room repeatedly for various illnesses. The doctors could not find anything wrong with the child and determined that the symptoms were actually induced by the mother. What would this disorder be called? A) factitious disorder imposed on self B) factitious disorder imposed on another C) dissociative disorder D)malingering

B) factitious disorder imposed on another

. According to your text, anxiety is a response oriented toward the __________. A) past B) future C) self D)present

B) future

People suffering from dysthymia may __________. A) go several months without seeking treatment B) go several years without seeking treatment C) experience many months of feeling relatively normal D) experience years of feeling relatively normal

B) go several years without seeking treatment

A disorder that is inadvertently caused by a physician, medical or surgical treatment, or a diagnostic procedure is known as a(n) __________ response. A) unconscious B) iatrogenic C) factitious D)dissociative

B) iatrogenic

The components of the autonomic nervous system are _______, and _________. A) Peripheral nervous system and brain B) Somatic sensory system and parasympathetic nervous system C) Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems D) Brain and spinal cord

C) Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems

When both manic and depressive episodes are present, the person is said to suffer from ___. A) unipolar disorder B) mania C) bipolar disorder D)psychosis

C) bipolar disorder

The diagnosis if an individual intentionally fabricated physical or psychological illness? A) hypochondriasis B) body dysmorphic disorder C) factitious disorder D) conversion disorder

C) factitious disorder

What do all types of somatic symptom and related disorders have in common? A) awareness that the symptoms are psychological B) lack of personal distress C) lack of a recognizable medical cause D) deception by the "ill" person

C) lack of a recognizable medical cause

Glove anesthesia involves __________. A) wearing gloves to avoid paralysis B) complication of the neurological system C) loss of sensitivity in the hand and wrist D)sensation of extreme pain in the han

C) loss of sensitivity in the hand and wrist

. The behavioral treatment of choice for OCD is ERP, which includes 2 primary components which are A. Exposure and desensitization B. Desensitization and response prevention C. Exposure and response prevention None of the above

C. Exposure and response prevention

Hyperarousal, intrusion, and an exaggerated startle response are symptoms of A) OCD. B) excoriation. C) generalized anxiety disorder. D) PTSD.


One way to discriminate between factitious disorder and malingering would be to look for __________ in malingering patients. A) somatic symptoms B) a parent with a need for attention C) hypochondriacal tendencies D) associated external incentives

D) associated external incentives

For bulimia nervosa to be diagnosed, binge eating must have occurred __________. A) daily for a period of two months or more B) daily for a period of three months or more C) at least weekly for a period of two months or more D) at least weekly for a period of three months or more

D) at least weekly for a period of three months or more

Body mass index (BMI) is a way of expressing __________. A) the ratio of height and weight to percent body fat B) the threshold for abnormal weight loss C) percent of body fat D) both height and weight in one measure

D) both height and weight in one measure

A hormonal condition in which too much of the hormone androgen is produced during the prenatal period and the first few years of life is known as congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). This condition causes __________. A) transvestism in boys as early as 4 to 6 years of age B) extremely feminine behavior in young boys C) hyperfeminine behavior in young girls D) early and exaggerated male sex characteristics in both sexes

D) early and exaggerated male sex characteristics in both sexes

Which of the following is indicative of transgender behavior in adolescents? A) males writing prose and poetry B) males demonstrating a preference for stereotypically female occupations C) high school females demonstrating a preference for "shop classes" over sewing classes D) females refusing to wear dresses or other feminine attire

D) females refusing to wear dresses or other feminine attire

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