Academic Team Full Practice Set 8

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Mikhail Popkov

(Russia) also known as the "Wednesday Murderer" and the "Werewolf"; former policeman who was convicted or killing 22 women in 2012 and sentenced to life in prison and he killed from 1992-2010

Richard Cottingham

(United States) also known as "The Torso Killer"; convicted of murdering 6 women around New York City between 1967 and 1980

Danny Rolling

(United States) pleaded guilty to murdering five students in Florida; executed in 2006

Joseph Paul Franklin

(United States) racist serial killer who targeted African Americans and interracial couples. Also attempted to assassinate Larry Flynt and Vernon Jordan; convicted of 11 murders and confessed to nine others; executed in 2013 [SCREW THE RACIST SERIAL KILLER I'M HAPPY HE IS DEAD]

Aileen Wuornos

(United States) shot six men to death in Florida between 1989 and 1990; executed in 2002

What are the signs of a paralysed Diaphragm and what could cause this?

- Damage to motor supply (phrenic nerve) - Paralysed half will appear higher on an x ray - Will fall during expiration

mebeverine hydrochloride

(colofac) Mebeverine is used to relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) such as abdominal (tummy) pain and cramps, diarrhoea (runny poos), constipation and flatulence (farting).Mebeverine relaxes the tummy muscles and in this way helps to ease bloating and the spasm-type pain that can occur with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Female Serialists Amoral offenders

(psychopaths, sociopaths) They commit premeditated murder without remorse for personal or material gain

Karla Homolka as Compliant victim

- Paul is violent and vicious, abused Karla during their relationship - Paul had a solo serial rapist career (Scarborough Rapist with at least 14 victims)

What does the Thoraco-Acromial artery supply?

- Pec Major - Pec Minor - Anterior Deltoid

What is the function of the Ilofemoral Ligament?

- When standing the ligament is tense which prevents trunk from falling forwards, keeps femoral head in acetabulum - As hip flexes, tension in the ligament reduces hence the amount of movements possible is increased

Aileen Wuornos Background

- abandoned by both parents as a baby - father suicided in prison after being convicted of child rape - alcoholic grandparents raised her in Troy, Michigan - grandfather was physically and sexually abusive - began engaging prostitution for cigarettes and other trinkets by 11 or 12 - rejected by peers - raped at 13 and impregnated and kicked out of house, living in woods by 14 - by 16, she was on her own as a highway hooker - lowish IQ (80s) - burned herself with matches and gas once - substance abuse problems - multiple suicide attempts - brother keith (only attachment?) died at 21

"The Monster in All of Us: When Victims Become Perpetrators" by Abbe Smith

- Smith is a public defender, believes source of crime and violence is root causes like abuse, poverty, etc. - argues that even women whose natural feminine constitution is not violent might be provoked to violence

What does the Internal Thoracic Artery terminate as?

- Superior Epigastric Artery - Musculophrenic Artery

What are the impressions of the right lung?

- Superior Vena Cava - Arch of azygous vein - Oesophagus (the big one)

What are the boundaries of the Superior Mediastinum?

- Superior: Manubrium, T1, 1st rib - Inferior: Transverse thoracic plane - Anterior: Manubrium - Posterior: Bodies of T1-4 - Lateral: Lungs & mediastinal pleura

What are the borders of the Inferior Thoracic Aperture?

- T12 (posterior) - 11&12th ribs - Xiphoid & costal cartilage of 7-10 ribs

What is the 'Unhappy Triad'

- Tear of the ACL, medial collateral ligament, medial meniscus - Valgus stress

What structures attach to the ASIS?

- Tensor Fascia Lata - Sartorius - Inguinal Ligament

What is the consequence of a cervical rib?

- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome - Cervical Rib is coming off the first rib - Would compress the Subclavian vessels and the brachial plexus - Would causes pain/tingling in the next region and the arm & hand

What structures pass through the superior thoracic aperture?

- Trachea - OE - Apex of the lung - Nerves (vagus, phrenic) - Left subc

What separates the Superior & Inferior Mediastinum & at what level is this?

- Transthoracic plane - T4/5 (sternal angle)

Geographic Profiling

- aka spatial mapping - combines geography and environmental criminology to connect crime scenes to offender habits and hunting grounds - empirically based and has not placed much value on motivation or personality - helps law enforcement personnel in deciding where to begin knocking on doors and setting up stakeouts

Crime Scene Profiling

- also referred to as criminal investigation analysis, based on FBI model developed by its Behavioral Science Unit - investigators focus on crime scene descriptions, photographs, offender behavior before and after the criminal act(s), traffic patterns, physical evidence, and victim information and place less credence on psychological data

Four "Crime Phases" of Murderer's Behavior (McCrary)

- antecedent - method and manner - body disposal - post-offense behavior

Male Serial Killers and Race

- are not nor ever have been "all white" - minority participations appears to be increasing

Satanism and Team Killers

- big satanism, ritual childhood abuse scare in the 1980s and 1990s - belief that this sort of thing was rampant in the US was widespread - fortunately, very little evidence that this was ever a big problem, more urban legend than fact - in only a few cases of team killers of children are there hints of satanism or other cult-like activities

Gary Ridgeway (Green River Killer)

- born February 1949 in Utah - moved in 2015 to a prison in Colorado - has multiple life sentences


Connective tissue surrounding a muscle fiber acts as both tendon and insertion.

Central Nervous System (CNS)

Consists of the brain and the spinal cord

Dark Figure of Healthcare Killing

- phenomenon only recently recognized - some readily available lethal drugs are: very difficult to detect post-mortem or rarely or costly to check for - victims are often expected to die so no post-mortem is even performed - may suggest that healthcare serial killing is not as comparatively rare as we thought


11th Emperor, Flavian Dynasty, persecuted thousands of Christians

How many pairs of cranial nerves are there?


how many pairs of spinal nerves attach to the thoracic


How long does it take for Stool softeners to work?

12 to 72 hours. Examples: docusate sodium, Poloxamer. They act like detergents, they lower the surface tension and encourage a mixture of dietary fat and water to penetrate hard stools. This makes it easier for stool to pass. Docusate also has some stimulant activity.

Frederick II


Conrad IV


Conrad V



12th Emperor, 1 of the 5 Good Emperors, forbid human sacrifice

What are the action & innervation of the Internal Intercostal Muscles?

Action: compresses cage and brings ribs together during EXHALATION Innervation: Intercostal nerves

Why do some people say that rome never fell

Aspects of roman law and culture are still with us

Where does Gatsby's reunion with Daisy take place?

At Nick's house

What accomplishments of Meyer Wolfshiem's does Gatsby describe to Nick? How does Nick react?

At lunch, Gatsby introduces Carraway to Meyer Wolfsheim, a disreputable character who proudly calls their attention to his cufflinks, which are made from human molars. Wolfsheim is an infamous gambler, and claims responsibility for fixing the 1919 World Series

Adam Lallana

Attacking Midfielder for Liverpool & England

Kevin De Bruyne

Attacking Midfielder for Manchester City & Belgium

David Silva

Attacking Midfielder for Manchester City & Spain

Rome was greatly influenced by


Constantine XI

Last Emperor of the Eastern Empire (Byzantium)

Romulus Augustulus

Last Emperor of the Western Empire


Last Emperor to rule the Empire as a whole unit, held the Council of Nicea

Ex. of Responsive Structures

Muscles that contract; Glands that secrete when stimulated by nerve impulses

What is the name of the rough muscle in the RA?

Musculli Pectinati

Nodes of Ranvier

Narrow gaps between Schwann Cells

What is William's next move?

Needs to learn more about his new kingdom


Network of fine threads that extend into the axons. Serve as the cytoskeleton of the neuron

Reflex Arc

One of the simplest of these pathways that includes only a few neurons

How is Cardiac Tamponade treated in an emergency?

Pericardiocentesis (fluid is removed from the pericardial sac) Subxiphoid approach, between the xiphoid and costal margin, 30-45 degrees aka Larreys Point

What is the name for inflammation of the Pericardium?



Roman Emperor after his nephew Caligula was murdered


Roman Emperor notorious for his monstrous vice and fantastic luxury (was said to have started a fire that destroyed much of Rome in 64) but the Empire remained prosperous during his rule (37-68)


Roman Emperor who succeeded Tiberius and whose uncontrolled passions resulted in manifest insanity

What did the Byzantineians stil think of the selves as


Nerve Pathways

Route nerve impulses follow as they travel through the nervous system

What does he try to extend over the church?

Royal authority


Synthesis (combination) of traditional theological and philosophical teachings

At what level does the descending aorta begin?


What level does the Pulmonary Trunk bifurcate?


At what level do the intercostal veins on the left side posteriorly drain into the Accessory Hemiazygous Vein?


What does the green light symbolize at the end of the novel?

THe colour green is a significant symbol in this novel. We usually see green as growth, money, regeneration...For Gatsby, the green light is different, it makes him "tremble." The green light reminds him of Daisy. She is an illusion of new beginnings, love, longing and desire

What part of the rib articulates with the transverse process of the vertebrae?


What is the Adductor Canal

Tunnel located in tight Extends from femoral triangle to adductor hiatus aka Hunters Canal Links femoral triangle and the popliteal fossa

In what modern country was the ancient city of Constantinople located


acute leukemia

appears suddenly, progresses rapidly, death within months

middle layer of meninges

arachnoid mater

Relationships Among Team Members

are diverse include - friends and other non-relatives - couples/spouses - relatives (biological or adopted), including brothers, parent/child (rare), and cousins

what are some of the advances the Romans gave us

art sports Coliseum transportation

3 areas of the temporal lobe

auditory, olfactory, wernickes

Regulates activities that are automatic or involuntary

autonomic NS

How does George Wilson spend the night after the accident?

begin with George, "rocked himself back and forth on the couch inside." After a suitable period of emotional meltdown George begins to figure out how he can hunt down the car. George begins to plot revenge

what happens when you get a concussion

bleeding and tearing of nerves


condition of small brain usually with intellectual disabilitiy

Female Members of "Manson Family"

example of female disciple killers - can be very cult-like - sometimes women are physically coerced into participating in the crimes other times they are psychologically coerced; come to be so dominated by their male leader

Martha Wise

example of visionary killer - 40-year-old widow who fell in love with a younger man, for which she was scorned by Aunt and Uncle - poisoned Aunt and Uncle with arsenic - confessed to the murders and claimed the devil had told her to do it

NT that cause impulses



external genitals of a female

extrinsic pathway

factors released by damaged tissues begin cascade

aplastic anemia

failure of blood cell production in the bone marrow


falling or dropping down of an organ or internal part


fast heart rate

Huntington's disease

fatal hereditary disease resulting in buildup of protein in brain

mons pubis

fatty tissue to protect the pubic bone




female hormone

Teams on average kill _______ victims than soloists.

fewer soloists also tend to have longer careers

Purkinje fibers

fibers in the ventricles that transmit impulses to the right and left ventricles, causing them to contract

cleo Patra provided Cesar with _____ help


Patronage -

financial support

MacDonald Triad

fire starting, cruelty to animals, bed wetting

Case Linkage

first step in serial cases - consistent method of operation (M.O.) - similar choice of victims - approach to victims (ruse, blitz, surprise) - similar physical and/or sexual interaction - use of similar weapons - similar causes of death - forensic results - geographical locations of murders - temporal aspects including time of day, day of week, and time of year

coronary circulation

flow of blood to and from the tissues of the heart


fluid from prostate, cowper's gland, seminal vesicles

Where does the spinal cord begin?

foramen magnum

Nerve Impluse

form of electrochemical charge

Female Serialists Masochist

generally appears stable and has a good rep, might even be strictly religious but tends to get involved with abusive or violent partners who they eventually end up killing.

ruptured blood vessels in the brain

hemorrhagic CVA


highly sensitive part of the female vulva

Richard Chase

historical vampire of Sacramento 1950-1980 drug induced schizophrenic constantly concerned about his health, hypochondriac Believed his blood was turning into powder due to made up "dish soap" poisoning and need to replenish it by taking the blood of other showed the MacDonald triad of sign of a serial killer (animal cruelty, pyromania, bed wetting) Convicted of 6 counts of murder and committed suicide after using anti-depressants

triumphiral arch

honored great Roman conquerors (Arch of Constantine, Arch of Titus)

Meyer Wolfsheim's cufflinks are made from

human molars

Discuss the title of the book. In what way is Gatsby "great"?

hus, the ironic meaning of the novel's title can be derived through the analysis of the true greatness of Gatsby: a moral failure who is only a success in the eyes of other downfallen individuals of society.

CSF in the brain usually in 3rd & 4th ventricles


regulates involuntary responses & hormone secretions of the pituitary gland



inability to achieve an erection


large pores allow water and solutes to leave but not blood cells and plasma proteins


manufactured by the liver higher density fats end up coating the arterys and causing plaque.

how to measure cardiac heart rate

max co-resting co

Why do teams tend to have fewer victims and shorter careers than soloists?

more people, more mistakes - may up the chance of someone getting caught and/or leaving evidence behind if apprehended, it might up the chances of someone talking to the authorities because of the "prisoner's dilemma"

Language and Literature of Middle Ages

most educated people spoke and wrote Latin During Middle Ages common people began to write in the vernacular (common everyday spoken languages - now used in literature)

Wilt Chamberlain

most points scored in one game


most sensitive part of the penis

Disorder in which myelin is destroyed, probably by autoimmune attack

multiple sclerosis


muscle layer of the uterus

covering that insulates the axon, sending the impulse faster and gives axon a whitish appearance

myelin sheath

Impulse conduction is fastest in neurons that are


how are cranial nerves designated

name and number


narrowing and stiffnes of the valves that prevents the blood from flowing through (doesnt open properly)


narrowing of blood vessels


neck of uterus

capillary bed

network of blood vessels blood flow can be adujsted gas exchange can take place.

nocturnal emissions

normal, involuntary ejaculation while sleeping




people willing to sacrifice their lives for the sake of a belief or a cause

Derek Jeter

played Short Stop for the New York Yankees.

Larry Bird

played for the Boston Celtics in the 80's

effects of dopamine

pleasure, addiction, movement

myelogenous leukemia

pluripotent myeloid stem cell in bone marrow, interfere with maturation of all blood cells including granulocytes, erythrocytes, and thrombocytes

Most female serialists use _____ at least some of the time.


During the resting state, a neuron is:

polarized with sodium ions outside the cell and potassium ions inside the cell

what two jobs were held by both Cesar and his rival pompey

politician and military general


produce and store ovum and hormones


produces an acidic self-cleaning fluid

Fathers of the Church

several early writers and scholars; one was Augustine

Journey man

spent several years in a craft/trade competent



main communication link between brain and rest of body

spinal cord

ventricular contraction



temporary alteration of brain function, usually from trauma

Spinal shock

temporary loss of peripheral nervous function due to non permanent spinal damage

why do you think the Roman Empire grew to be such a power

they had developed a good formations in their army and had good armor


trusted general who was named Augustus of the West


tube leading from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body

Female Power Seeking Serialists Victims

usually kill someone they have come to know occupationally

lined cavities within the brain


Female Visionary Killers Victims

victim identity depends on the nature of their psychosis

how can meningitis be caused

viral , bacterial or microorganism

occipital lobe function


1) it embraced all people 2) gave hope to the powerless 3) appealed to those who were repelled by the extravagances of imperial Rome 4) offered a personal relationship with a loving God 5) promised eternal life after death

why did Christianity have such a widespread appeal?

diffuse axonal injury

widespread damage to brain from trauma resulting in serious impairment

where is multiple sclerosis most common?

women and those under 50

Nicene Creed

writing that defined the basic beliefs of the Church

Was the Roman Empire the first to conquer most of the world.



young worker, learning a craft/trade

Julius Erving

"Dr. J"

Harold Shipman

(England, United Kingdom) also known as "Dr. Death"; doctor convicted of 15 murders; a later inquiry stated he had killed at least 215 and possibly up to 457 people over a 25-year period

What is located in the Intervertebral Foramen?

- Spinal Nerve roots

percent of psychopaths


How many neurons are in the brain?

100 billion

Conrad II the Elder


Henry III the Black


Henry V


Lothair II


Frederick I Barbarossa


Henry VI


Otto IV


When was the Magna Carta signed?


Henry VII


Louis IV the Bavarian


Charles IV



13th Emperor, 1 of the 5 Good Emperors, rebuilt the Forum, expanded the empire to its greatest length



Frederick III the Peaceful


What year did the Ottomans take over

1454 AD



Ferdinand II


Leopold II


Francis II



17th Emperor, fought as a gladiator in the arena, killed by a gladiator in his bath


18th Emperor, murdered by the Praetorian Guard in attempting to reform them

Didius Julianus

19th Emperor, won the title of Emperor in an aucton

Philip the Arab

1st Christian Emperor

Caesar Augustus

1st Emperor, Julio-Claudian Dynasty, established Pax Romana and the Empire, longest ruling emperor

vascular phase

1st hemostasis step: *blood vessel contracts*; membrane becomes sticky & hormones released

how many cranial nerves attach to the forebrain


How long does it take for bulking agents to work?

2-3 days. Examples: Psyllium Husk, Sterculia. It contains soluble fibre that swell on contact with fluid which helps to bulk up the stool and encourages peristalsis.


2-4% of WBCs


20-25 percent


21st Emperor, Severan Dynasty, murdered his brother to obtain sole power, built the Baths of Caracalla


23rd Emperor, Severan Dynasty, married Vestal Virgin, wanted a sex change

Alexander Severan

24th Emperor, Severan Dynasty, defeated the Sassnids

How many aortic sinuses are there and what are their names?

3 Right coronary Left coronary Non coronary

How many pairs of spinal nerves are there?



3rd Emperor, Julio-Claudian Dynasty, made horse consul, killed by the Praetorian Guard, waged war against Neptune

coagulation phase

3rd hemostasis step: blood clotting enzyme chain reaction, ending with *fibrinogen converted into fibrin*

percent of sociopaths


Justinian ruled for how many years



4th Emperor, Julio-Claudian Dynasty, incredibly smart, poisoned by Agrippina the Younger

By what year was the Western Roman Empire no more

500 AD

when did Rome become a Republic

509 BC

blood plasma



5th Emperor, Julio-Claudian Dynasty, blamed for the Great Fire of 64 AD, persecuted Christians, committed suicide

Son of Sam

6 killed, 7 injured, shot people in daylight and claimed to have gotten orders from a demon possessed dog


6th Emperor, Year of the 4 Emperors

How many dermatomes are found in the Thorax region?


Charlemagne I the Great


Louis I the Pious


Lothair I


Louis II


Charles II the Bald


Charles III the Fat


Guy I


Lambert I





8th Emperor, Year of the 4 Emperors

How many crusades total?


Louis III the Blind


Berengar I


Otto III


The road between West Egg and East Egg is

A "valley of ashes"

What is polytheism?

A belief in more that one God.


A blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart

Who is Ewing Klipspringer?

A boarder who lives in Gatsby's house


A circulating leukocyte that produces histamine. .5-1 percent

Why is the Transverse Pericardial Sinus important in cardiac surgery?

A clamp is placed around the vessels allowing surgeons to stop or divert circulation of blood in these arteries when performing cardiac surgery Eg CABG

hypovolemic shock

A condition in which low blood volume, due to massive internal or external bleeding or extensive loss of body water, results in inadequate perfusion.

Ed Gein

A convicted murderer and body snatcher and was said to be insane when he was tried for his murder/murders and until his death in 1984 he stayed in a mental hospital. He confessed to only 2 murders, and dug 9 mutilated corpses.

What is villa?

A country estate

What is arch?

A curved structure used as a support over an open space as in a doorway

vitamin deficency anmeia

A decrease in red blood cells when the body can't absorb enough vitamin B-12.

What is disciple?

A follower of a person or belief.


A hereditary disease where blood does not coagulate to stop bleeding


A hormone produced by the ovaries which acts with estrogen to bring about the menstrual cycle.

what cause the Roman empire to split what effects did this have on the Roman Empire

A it grew too big B The western empire collapsed in the eastern empire continued for another 1000 years

What is coliseum

A large amphitheater built in Rome around A.D 79 site of contests and combats


A macrolide used to treat infections such as infections of the chest, tonsils, skin or genitals.. The usual dose in adults is 300 mg once a day OR 150 mg two times a day. Roxithromycin is best taken on an empty stomach, about 15 minutes before food or 3 hours after food. If it makes you feel sick, then take it with food. Roxithromycin interacts with a number of other medications including warfarin and colchicine. Macrolides a potent CYP450 enzyme inhibitors. Patients should be advised not to take simvastatin or atorvastatin whilst completing their macrolide course as they are at increased risk of rhabdomyolysis as the metabolism if the statin is affected by the macrolide.

What is a staight

A narrow body of water that cuts through land

The ripper crew

A notorious satanic cult that had serial killers, cannibals, rapists, and necrophiliacs. The members of this cult were Robin Gecht, Edward Spreitzer, Andrew and Thomas Kokoraleis

Who is Meyer Wolfsheim?

A notorious underworld figure involved in organized crime

What is barbarian?

A person who belongs to a group that others consider wild or uncivilized.

What is martyr?

A person who dies for a cause, usually their faith.

What is gladiator?

A person who fought to the death as entertainment.

Stroke (cerebrovascular accident)

A rapid loss of brain function due to disturbance in the blood supply to the brain that lasts longer than 24 hours.

'Renaissance' means

A rebirth / renewal

How is the true story of Gatsby's life revealed?

A reporter comes to Gatsby's home and interviews him. Thereafter, the rumors about Gatsby's past are compared by the narrator to the true events of Gatsby's life.

due to increase of taxes, what does Edward I fear will happen

A revolt against his leadership

What is messiah?

A savior in Judaism and Christianity.

Ted Bundy

A serial killer believed to be responsible for 40 murders between 1974 and 1978 who was ultimately convicted based on forensic odontology.

Dorthea Puente

A serial killer who murdered some elderly people and 9 of her murders were confirmed.

Golden State Killer

A serial killer who raped 50 people, murdered 13 people, and did 120 burglaries in California from 1973-1986

Samuel Little

A serial rapist who was convicted in 2012 for the murders of 3 women from 1987-1989 and he was also convicted in 2018 for the murder of a woman in 1994. He had 50 confirmed victims, confessed to 93 and is suspected to have 200 victims.

Which of the following signals the start of depolarization in a neuron

A stimulus causes an opening in sodium channels

What is aqueduct?

A structure that carries water over long distances.

Arachnoid Mater

A thin, weblike membrane without blood vessels that lies between the dura and pia maters


A type of white blood cell that engulfs microbes by phagocytosis 60-70 percent


A type of white blood cell that make antibodies to fight off infections 20-25 percent

What is province?

A unit of an empire

The following events in sequence A) Julius Caesar conquers Gaul B) Cesar leads his army into rome C) Cesar revises the Roman calendar


place the following events in sequence A) The Senate is founded B) Julius Caesar becomes dictator of Rome C) The plebeians revolt


Kenalog or Oracort

AI: triamcinolone acetonide. Steroid-containing pastes help to relieve pain, inflammation (redness), discomfort and accelerate healing. A small amount of paste is pressed or dabbed on the affected area. Do not rub. These pastes are best applied at bedtime (allowing the paste to work throughout the night) but depending on how severe your symptoms are, it may be necessary to apply it 2 to 3 times a day, preferably after meals. Counsel to use it 4 times a day (after each meal) and at bedtime. Can also sell pain relief applications that are OTC: Medijel or difflam gel apply it before you eat to help make it less painful when you eat.

Was declared Emperor by his troops after they won a decisive and necessary victory against the Goths. He marched on Rome and killed Trebonianus Gallus. After being in power for only 3 months his own troops killed him when General Valerian marched on Rome with an even bigger army.

Aemilianus Augustus 253 A.D. - 253 A.D.

Information is carried toward the cns by the

Afferent nervous system

The use of the same consonant or vowel at the beginning of each stressed word


What is the moderator band and where is located in the heart?

Allows conduction to move from one wall of the ventricle to the other Right ventricle

An expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference


"It's a bona-fide piece of printed matter. It fooled me. This fella's a regular Belasco. It's a triumph." This quote from Owl Eyes mentioning Gatsby references David Belasco

Allusion Example

Kris Bryant

Also known as Bris Kryant :) and plays third base for the Chicago cubs

What is King John AKA?

Also one of the worst monarchs in English History

Progressive degenerative brain disease


What is inflation?

An economic situation in witch the government issues more money with lower value.

Who is Dr. Eckleburg?

An eye doctor whose billboard overlooks the road to West Egg

What is census?

An official count of the people living in a place.

Resposive Structures

An organ or cell that acts in response to a stimulus

The axeman of New Orleans

An unidentified serial killer who killed from May of 1918 to October of 1919 he killed 6 people and injured 6 people

Pericardium function

Anchors Prevents from overfilling

Where are intercostal nerves coming from?

Anterior rami of thoracic spinal nerves

What are the 3 papillary muscles?

Anterior, posterior & septal

What structures pass anterior and posterior to the Anterior Scalene muscle?

Anterior: Subclavian Vein Posterior: Subclavian Artery

How to use nicotine patch?

Apply the patch once a day. Some patches stay on for 16 hours, some stay on for 24 hours. You may switch to a lower strength over 3 to 4 weeks. Put the patch on in the morning to dry, non-hairy skin on the hip, trunk, or upper arm. Hold the patch on for 10-20 seconds to ensure it sticks. Remove the old patch at bedtime if it is the 16 hour patch, or in the morning if it is the 24 hour patch. Put the new patch on a different area in the morning. Avoid using the same site for several days. Dispose of used patches safely — fold the patch in half with the sticky sides together. Make sure to dispose of it out of the reach of children. If you experience abnormal dreams (removal of the patch before bed may help).

Columbine date

April 20, 1999

Name the structure the Romans used to transport water.


Philippe Coutinho

Attacking Midfielder for Liverpool & Brazil

place the following events in sequence A) Constantinople is founded; B) commodus dies; C) Romulus Augustus surrenders


What is the Transverse Pericardial Sinus?

Behind the aorta and the pulmonary trunk

Where is the Oblique Pericardial Sinus located?

Behind the heart Between the pulmonary veins

What alliance does Philip II create?

Between French state and Catholic Church


Biochemicals responsible for a synaptic transmission

What is haemarthosis?

Bleeding into joint space Common feature of haemophilia

During the 3rd century, how did new emperors claim the throne

By killing or overthrowing old emperors

processes information


Where can the Black Death be traced back to? Why?

Cannot be traced back to a specific location Blamed on shipping industry, Shipping is the dominant method of transportation, even more popular than it was during crusades.

Who was the first family ruling dynasty of France?

Capetian family dynasty


Cell bodies of some unipolar neurons aggregate in specialized masses of nervous tissue

T cells

Cells created in the thymus that produce substances that attack infected cells in the body.

Mike Trout

Center fielder for the LA Angels

Paul Pogba

Central Midfielder for Manchester United & France

Samuel Umtiti

Centreback for FC Barcelona and France

Raphael Varane

Centreback for Real Madrid and France

What nerve innervates the Platysma muscle?

Cervical branch of the facial nerve

Which term best describes rome's political situation during the 3rd century


When was Charlemagne crowned?

Charlemagne crowned on Christmas Day, 800 by pope Called "holy roman emperor"

What is the clinical significance of the Mid-axillary line?

Chest drains are done just anterior to this

How to use nicotine chewing gum?

Chew 1 piece of gum when the urge to smoke occurs. Chew the gum until the taste becomes strong, then rest it between the cheek and gum. When the taste starts to fade, repeat this process. 1 piece of gum lasts for approximately 30 minutes. SE: Tiredness, Headache, Dizziness. These are quite common when you first start taking nicotine and usually go away with time. Acidic beverages, such as coffee or fruit juice, may decrease the absorption of nicotine through the buccal mucosa and should be avoided for 15 minutes before the use of oral nicotine replacement therapy.

Was the fourth Roman emperor. He was declared emperor by the Praetorian Guard after they assassinated Caligula. He was a affective administrator and built many new roads, canals, and Aqueducts across the empire. He started the invasion of Briton and took part in Roman law. He was murdered by his own wife in 54 A.D.

Claudius Caesar 41 A.D. - 54 A.D.

Lucius Verus

Co-ruled with Marcus Aurelius

What does Louis IX do about Christianity?

Continues tradition of defending Christianity by fighting foreign wars against enemies of the church (Moors) Persecutes non-christians within France


Contorls homeostasis and the body at rest (rest and digest)


Controls skeletal muscle actions


Controls the body's response to a perceived threat (Fight or Flight)

functions of cerebellum

Coordination, posture

What are the first branches of the ascending aorta?

Coronary Arteries

Where do all the coronary veins drain into?

Coronary Sinus


Corticosteroid and it is used to PREVENT asthma if you use it regularly. It works to prevent the swelling and irritation in the walls of the small air passages in your lungs. Asthma is a long term condition, so stress the importance of using it everyday. Rinse mouth out with water and spit to prevent oral thrush. Available as a MDI or Accuhaler.

What are the aspects of the Parietal Pleura?

Costal Diaphragmatic Mediastinal Cervical (projects into the neck with apex of lung)

What are the surfaces of the lung?

Costal (front) Vertebral (back) Disphagramatic Cardiac

What are the 2 Pleural Recesses?

Costo-Mediastinal Costo-Diaphragmatic

Crusade of Constantinople

Crusading armies of Western Europe don't even reach Holy Land this time Stop in the city of Constantinople leads to looting and near destruction of the entire city

Example of spree

DC snipers

Soldiers become so efficient that the census is renamed to what?


Who drives the car that kills Myrtle?


Which millionaire hired the young Gatsby as an assistant?

Dan Cody

Who changed Gatsby's life forever, inspiring him to become rich and powerful?

Dan Cody

Who wrote 'dantes inferno' aka 'divine comedy'?

Dante Alighieri

Classical Medieval Literature

Dante Alighieri wrote the divine comedy AKA Dante's Inferno (journey through the various "circles" of Hell Geoffrey Chaucer - The Canterbury Tales Pilgrimage to Canterbury Cathedral

New York, shootings, said he was commanded to kill by his neighbor Sam Carr who delivered messages through his dog, full life sentence

David Berkowitz

Son of Sam

David Berkowitz

What day did the 4 kings kill Becket?

December 29th 1170

Javier Mascherano

Defender for FC Barcelona & Argentina

Jerome Boateng

Defender for FC Bayern & Germany

Medhi Benatia

Defender for Juventus & Morocco

Vincent Kompany

Defender for Manchester City & Belgium

Sergio Ramos

Defender for Real Madrid & Spain

BTK Killer

Dennis Rader

Body disposal ("Crime Phases")

Did the murder(s) and body disposal occur in the same location? Is there posing?

Was the second emperor in The Year of The Five Emperors. He was only emperors for nine weeks and bought the emperorship from the Praetorian Guard after the assassination of his predecessor. He was hung by a rival general after only nine weeks in power.

Didius Julianus 193 A.D. - 193 A.D.

After Justians death the Empire was on its way ____


Self care for someone with cystitis?

Drink plenty of fluids. Paracetamol or ibuprofen can be taken. Wipe front to back, or blot. Wear loose fitting underwear. D-Mannose supplement. work by making it more difficult for the bacteria that are responsible for UTIs to attach themselves to the urinary tract. Cranberry Juice. Ural satchets (alkalises the urine): Dissolve in a glass of water and drink up to 4 times a day.

How is epilepsy diagnosed?

EEG (electroencephalogram)

What are three words that describe the people of the Byzantine Empire

Educated, Christian, and Greek speaking

What is Humanism?

Education stimulates creativity They create a whole new level of education called Secondary Ed.

Soldiers become so what?


Which of the following cells are critical to the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the nervous system

Ependymal cells

shooters in Columbine

Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold

What does Philip IV do during his reign?

Establishes French legislature called Estates General

"In the morning, in the evening, ain't we got fun -"

Ewing Klipspringer


Expectorant. Suitable in pregnancy and most likely when breast feeding.

What do the nobility force King John to do?

Force him to sign a document that protects their hereditary rights

1st Crusade

French and Norman Forces Captured Jerusalem for a brief period of time; slaughter Muslim civilians

a stroke in the primary motor area has caused don to lose control over his skeletal muscles on the right side of his body. what brain lobe was likely damaged

Frontal lobe

Luke Shaw

Fullback for Manchester United & England

Merchant guilds

Gained sole right to trade in tow. So standard get standards of quality of products

Green River Killer

Gary Ridgway

Who among the following comes to Gatsby's funeral?

Gatsby's father

H.H. Holmes

Herman Mudgett

Sergio Busquets

Holding Midfielder for FC Barcelona & Spain

Carlos Carmona

Holding midfielder for Atlanta United and Chile

What is the strongest ligament in the body?

Iliofemoral Ligament

What attaches to the Lesser Trochanter of the Femur?


Visually descriptive or figurative language. Usually relates to the five senses.


Why does Gatsby throw such huge parties?

In the hopes that Daisy comes and sees his wealth

Norman Army, led by William does what?

Invades southern England

The opposite of what is expected


Brain dead

Irreversible coma

The cerebrospinal fluid

Is formed by the choroid plexus

What is the clinical significance of the LADA ?

It is the most commonly occluded coronary artery Major blood supply to the septum This would cause infarction and heart failure

what is the house of the purse

It makes the financial decisions

"Can't repeat the past? Why, of course you can."

Jay Gatsby

Kill more than 4 people in one place at one time

Mass Murderers

A term or phrase that is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest a resemblance


"He went to Oggsford College in England. You know Oggsford College?"

Meyer Wolfshiem

Andrés Iniesta

Midfielder for FC Barcelona & Spain

Multipolar neurons

Most neurons whose cell bodies lie within the brain or spinal cord

Which woman is Tom's extramarital lover?


Who burned rome


Why is first-person narrative an effective and appropriate way of telling this story?

Nick is a pretty reliable narrator as narrators go. Nick tells us that he reserves all his judgments therefore the reader is lead to believe what he is saying is coming from an 3rd person objective point of view

Describe the two ways in which Nick differs from the other guests at Gatsby's party.

Nick is actually invited to the party; everyone else just shows up. Nick is dressed more casually in white flannels and everyone else is in elegant suits and gowns.

How does Nick characterize Gatsby's state of mind before he is killed?

Nick is full of illusions about Daisy. He thinks she will be calling him. He refuses to leave even though Nick suggests that he go for his safety. Gatsby wants to stay and take care of Daisy; he is convinced that he will saver her and they will live happily ever after. Gatsby is pretty delusional to say the least.

What does Nick think of Gatsby when he first meets him?

Nick is impressed with Gatsby's smile. It seems so genuine and reassuring. Nick thinks Gatsby's formality of speech and actions are almost to a level of absurdity

What are the troubles that King John has with the English nobility?

Nobility hate him because he's taking their land and money for his own Royal estate

The gaps in myelinated containing large concentrations of sodium channels are called

Nodes of ranvier

Which of the following forms the myelin sheath in the central nervous system


What is the value for this letter ( I )


What is the value for this letter (C)

One hundred

Steve Nash

One of the best dribblers of all time

What is King John's relation to Henry II?

One of the sons of Henry II

What are the origin, insertion, innervation and action of the Gluteus Minimus?

Origin: Outer surface of ilium Insertion: Greater trochanter of femur Innervation: Superior gluteal nerve Action: Abducts thigh, medially rotates thigh

What are the origin, insertion, action and innervation of the Serratus Anterior?

Origin: upper 8 ribs Insertion: Scapula Innervation: Long Thoracic Nerve Action: abduction & rotation of scapula

What is the Annulus?

Part which surrounds Fossa Ovalis

LeBron James

Really awesome basketball player

Night Stalker

Richard Ramirez

What is the level of PSIS?


What ligament separates the Greater & Lesser Sciatic Foramen?

Sacrospinosus Ligament

What ligament of the hip is involved with correcting vaginal prolapse?

Sacrospinosus Ligament Fixation Involves stitching the prolapsed top of the vagina to the sacrospinous ligament, which is situated near the tail bone. This supports the vagina, restoring it to its normal position and preventing it from prolapsing again.

Sensory Function

Sensory receptors gather information by detection changes inside and outside the body

After he killed his predecessor, Didius, he took control, but a civil war broke out with a number of generals and their legions bidding to become emperor. After the civil war he expanded the empire to the Tigris in the east, and he re-strenghtend Hadrian's Wall. He died in England in 211 A.D..

Septimius Servus 193 A.D. - 211 A.D.

Fluticasone + salmeterol

Seretide. Fluticasone (corticosteroid) works by preventing the swelling and irritation in the walls of the small air passages in the lungs. It belongs to a group of medicines known as inhaled corticosteroids. It is also called a preventer (because when used every day it prevents asthma attacks). Salmeterol (LABA) works by relaxing and opening up the air passages and in that way makes breathing easier. Fluticasone and salmeterol does not give immediate relief from an asthma attack

Killing 3 or more with a cooling off period

Serial Killer

What type of bone is the patella?

Sesamoid Found in ligament

An action potential is caused by an influx of these ions into the cell


Alexandre Lacazette

Striker for Arsenal & France

Aritz Aduriz

Striker for Athletic Bilbao & Spain

Josef Martinez

Striker for Atlanta United and Venezuela

Antoine Griezmann

Striker for Atlético Madrid & France

Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang

Striker for Borrusia Dortmund & Gabon

Alvaro Morata

Striker for Chelsea and Spain

Wayne Rooney

Striker for Everton & England

Lionel Messi

Striker for FC Barcelona & Argentina

Luis Suárez

Striker for FC Barcelona & Uruguay

Thomas Müller

Striker for FC Bayern & Germany

Robert Lewandowski

Striker for FC Bayern & Poland

Gonzalo Higuaín

Striker for Juventus & Argentina

Mario Mandzukic

Striker for Juventus & Croatia

Jamie Vardy

Striker for Leicester City & England

Roberto Firmino

Striker for Liverpool & Brazil

How to use nicotine lozenge?

Suck 1 lozenge when the urge to smoke occurs. Slowly suck the lozenge until the taste becomes strong, then rest it between the cheek and gum; when the taste starts to fade, repeat over 30 minutes. Acidic beverages, such as coffee or fruit juice, may decrease the absorption of nicotine through the buccal mucosa and should be avoided for 15 minutes before the use of oral nicotine replacement therapy.

The Lady Killer

Ted Bundy

Pufferfish toxin & treatment

Tetrodotoxin, gastric lava get

Which two seas did the straight connect

The Black sea and the Medditeranian sea

What people finally took over the Byzantine empire

The Ottomans

if the Roman government wanted to spend money building new roads who would have to approve the funds

The Senate

What trade road,witch went as far west as Rime all the way to China

The Silk Road.

Contrast the setting of the valley of ashes with that of East Egg and West Egg

The Valley of ashes lies between West Egg and New York. It is a desolate place where, "Ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens." Everything about it is dry, grey and dirty. East Egg by contrast is full of green manicured lawns and palatial mansions. A fresh breeze blows in from the coast and nothing is out of place. West Egg is more middle class but still a much more acceptable place than the Valley.

What effect did the Roman Empire spliting do to the Western Roman empire

The Western Roman Empire ended up falling

Compare the setting of the party in this chapter with the setting of the party in Chapter One.

The apartment party is raucous, smoky, and loud. The earlier dinner party was quiet, reserved, and all tension amongst the characters was under the surface

The capital of the Roman Empire was moved from Rome to What city.

The capital of the Roman Empire was moved from Rome to Byzantium.

The new capital of Rome became known as what?

The city was renamed Constantinople. P

Who does King Henry II want to try in royal court and why?

The clergy because crimes committed by priests and such are dealt with by the church

Who does King Henry II want to tax and why?

The clergy because they are the only ones who don't pay a dime of tax money

Resting Potential

The difference in electrical charge between two regions is called a potential difference and in a resting nerve cell, the potential difference between the region inside the membrane and the region outside the membrane is called a resting potential. As long as the nerve cell is undisturbed, it will remain in a polarized state.

Synaptic knobs

The distal ends of axons have one or more extensions

The empire was split into two parts called?

The eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire) and the western Roman Empire

Why does Fitzgerald describe the party (in the passage beginning "By seven o'clock the orchestra has arrived") in the present tense?

The effect of describing one of Gatsby's parties in the present tense is to create the impression that the same thing is happening over and over.

What indications are there are the end of the chapter that Tom and Daisy are going to stay together despite his philandering and her love for Gatsby?

The filthy rich didn't get divorces, they just cheated a lot. Daisy is a very sad character. She is used to the bullying from Tom and expects it in her life. She doesn't know how to handle a loving relationship. Gatsby is also rather desperate for Daisy the illusion. The real Daisy is much to vapid to end up with Gatsby.

Jackie Robinson

The first Black man to play Major League American Baseball.

Augustus Caesar

The first empreror of Rome, the adopted son of Julius Caesar, help Rome come into Pax Romana, or the Age of Roman Peace

Rome was greatly influenced by whom

The greeks

Jerry West

The image of this famous athlete from West Virginia is used on the logo for the NBA.

Scottie Pippen

The man girraffe

Aside from the improbability of his story, what other evidence is there that Gatsby is lying when he tells Nick about his background?

The mechanical nature of the way Gatsby always says "Old sport", and never seems to have anything to talk about

What does the telephone call from Chicago tell us about Gatsby's business?

The mysterious call tells us that Gatsby was involved with organized crime.

Postsynaptic neuron

The neuron that receives this input at the synapse

How does Fitzgerald use Gatsby's parties to present a satirical portrait of the Roaring Twenties?

The noveau riche that populate Gatsby's parties are the epitome of the vapid pursuit of material wealth. Despite the opulence and grandeur of Gatsby's legendary swarays, nobody seems particularly happy

Dura Mater

The outermost layer of the meninges. This layer is composed of mainly tough, white, fibrous connective tissue and contains many blood vessels and nerves

What does the owl-eyed man in the library find extraordinary about Gatsby's library?

The owl-eyed man discovers that the books have not been 'cut'. The books are there to show us, hopefully to make us believe, that Gatsby is well-read, educated, and wealthy


The power to appoint ones own bishops

Cell Body (somma)

The rounded part of the cell that contains the nucleus

Who was Justinians wife



This is the junction between any two communicating neurons

Why did Gatsby choose a house across the lake?

To be closer to Daisy

What is the Transverses Thoracis equivalent to in the abdomen?

Transverse abdominus

What ligament joints the medial and lateral meniscus?

Transverse ligament

Three theories about serial killers

Trauma to the brain, DNA mutation, dreadful childhood

What is the name of the valves between the right and left atrium?

Tricuspid valve

Dosulepin (Dopress)

Tricyclic antidepressant.

What 2 quadricep muscles attach onto the Linea Aspera?

Vastus medialis Vastus lateralis

Was the third emperor in the Year of The Four Emperors. He was supported by the two legions in Germania. However he never had the allegiance of the eastern legions who appointed their own emperor. The two sides clashed and he lost, he was executed in Rome.

Vitellius Germanicus 69 A.D. - 69 A.D.

What was the purpose of circus Maximus?

Was the famous enough race track of Ancient Rome. Chariot racing was a popular sport too.

What was the purpose for the colosseum?

Was the greatest stadium of Ancient Rome. Romans would go to watch Gladiators fights. On special occasions,mock battles would be performed as well.


When a muscle becomes shorter and thicker and causes movement, it is said to have:

Why is Myrtle Wilson upset when she sees Tom and Jordan?

While Jordan and Tom stop for gas at the Wilson's gas store, Myrtle mistakes Jordan for Daisy. Myrtle was notoriously jealous of Daisy.

Color of Myelinated Axons


Dwayne Wade

Who is number 3 who plays for the Miami Heat?


Works to decrease the inflammatory response to urate crystals. It is a useful treatment for patients with renal impairment, or increased risk of toxicity with NSAIDs or prednisone like peptic ulcers or diabetes. Colchicine may be used at the same time as an NSAID and prednisone when the gout attack is severe, particularly when multiple joints are affected. Pt must stop taking if they develop diarrhoea, N/V, abdominal pain, burning sensation of the throat, skin or stomach. Common dosing you see: 1 mg, followed by 500 micrograms every 6 hours up to 2.5 mg on the first day; maximum 1.5 mg on subsequent days; total maximum 6 mg over 4 days; course not to be repeated within 3 days. Can be used short term as a prophylaxis when pt is started on urate lowering drug but it is an unapproved use. 500 micrograms twice daily for up to 6 months


a priest


absence of a normal body opening; occlusion; closure

when is endorphins often released

after physical activity

The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are divisions of the

autonomic nervous system



transmit impulses away from cell body


transmits impulse to next cell

axon terminals

how was Roman government different before the 12 tables were created

beforehand plebeians did not know what all of romes laws were

what controls all body functions related to skeletal muscles


Swelling from the inflammatory response

cerebral edema

Permanent set of motor problems diagnosed in infants & young children—thought to be due to damage to the motor cortex

cerebral palsy

largest part of the brain


Female Serialists Psychotic

clinically insane, similar to visionary

When Gatsby and Daisy meet in Nick's home, Gatsby almost breaks Nick's


elastic arteries

closer to the heart; allow stretch as blood is pumped into them and recoil when ventricles relax

Rising ventricular pressure results in

closing of AV valves

Serial predators prefer to operate within __________ and experience a __________ as they leave it.

comfort zones distance decay function



Nervous tissue destruction occurs and does not regenerate


What connects the left and right hemispheres?

corpus callosum


cough suppressant to relieve dry cough. Safe in pregnancy and breast feeding. Moved to PO because people have been abusing the drug (robotripping = mild euphoria, hallucinations). tranylcypromine contraindicated - serotonin syndrome.

cardiac notch

curve shape in the lungs

Functional blindness

damage to vision perception area

What are the themes of The Great Gatsby?

death of the American dream, the consequences of living in the past, the inability to get over first love, the differences between the rich and the poor


degree of stretch of the cardiac muscle fibers at the end of diastole

how are neurons classified

direction an impulse travels

if you have CVA and there is a clot present, how do they treat it?

dissolve clot using TPA


effected by the lengh of time of ventricular diastole and venous reture



symptoms of cerebral palsy

foot drag, inability to speak


glycopeptide antibiotic. severe infections caused by susceptible gram positive bacteria; meticillin-resistant staphylococcal infection (MRSA); Clostridioides difficile infection

severe, convulsive seizure.

grand mal

neurons without myelin

gray matter

ridges that increase surface area of the brain



hardening of the arteries

how did Caesar gain control of Rome

he won a Civil War

Failure to thrive

hypothalamic disorder resulting in developmental delays due to lack of nurture and warmth

how are spinal cords named?

in relation to their location on the spinal cord.

labia minora

inner skin folds to protect the genitals

what are sensory neurons sending information about?

internal environment

trabeculae carneae

internal ridges in both ventricles

connect sensory and motor neurons and process impulses


what does each NT fit with?

its own receptor


lead to addiction

effects of glutamate

learning and memory

left side heart faluire

less effective pump so more blood remains in the ventricles heart is overstretched and even more blood remains blood backs up into lungs as pulmonary edema suffication and lack of oxygen

left brain functions

logic, language, math


male hormone

nerve cells that carry electrical impulses


chemical signal that transmit an impulse across the synapse to another cell


is the brain involved in reflexes?



no blood supply


open to allow tissues contact with the blood

labia majora

out skin folds to protect the genitals



Why were solo offenders more likely to report childhood rejection than team killers?

possibly soloists are less social and able to form relationships than team killers


powerful chieftain that the Huns united under

cowper's gland


Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

progressive and fatal destruction of ventral horn neurons, lou gehrigs disease

cerebrovascular accident

prolonged oxygen and blood deprivation to part of brain-stroke


prolonged state of unconsciousness with reduced oxygen consumption

serous membrane

protects the lungs


sac-like structure

means of control


grooves that separate cerebral convolutions


if you have CVA and a ruptured blood vessel is present, how do they treat it?



surgical removal of the foreskin

Cerebral edema

swelling of the brain

exercise, excitement, emergency, and embarrassment division


Female Disciple Killer Victims

tend to kill strangers (usually at the direction of a male leader)

relay between sensory areas and cerebrum



the lack of growth of a part of embryonic brain resulting in vegetative state and death

why did the Senate assassinate Cesar

they did not like his reforms and thought he'd become too powerful

transient ischemic attack

transient and temporary lack of oxygen and blood to part of brain

blood functions

transportation, regulation, protection


used for plays, chariot races, and to entertain the poor

QRS wave

ventricular depolarization

T wave

ventricular repolarization

During Middle Ages, what did common people begin to write in?

vernacular(common everyday spoken languages - now used in literature)

what is encephalitis causes by


seminiferous tubeles

where sperm is produced

What attaches to the Pubic Tubercle?

Inguinal Ligament

"Tom's got some woman in New York."

Jordan Baker

Sergei Ryakhovsky

(Russia) also known as "The Hippopotamus"; convicted of the murders of 19 people aged between 14 and 78

The gap between two communicating neurons is termed

Synaptic effect

What is the Ligamentum Teres?

- Connects fovea to acetabulum - Contains branch of obturator artery

What 2 pleura make up the pleural membrane?

- Parietal pleura (line thoracic cavity) - Visceral pleura (line the lungs)

Dennis Nilsen

(England, United Kingdom) killer of 15 (possibly 16) men between 1978 and 1983

Amelia Dyer

(England, United Kingdom) one of the most brutal serial killers murdered infants in her care; executed in 1896

Marcel Petiot

(France) doctor who killed 63 would-be refugees from the Nazis; executed in 1946

Fritz Haarmann

(Germany) also known as the "Butcher of Hanover" and the "Vampire of Hanover"; preyed on young men and boys; executed in 1925

Holmes and Holmes Study (2010) Typologies

- visionary killers - hedonistic killers (comfort and lust/thrill) - power seekers - disciples

Nystatin (Nilstat)

1 mL) 4 times daily after food, usually for 7 days (continued for 48 hours after lesions have resolved). Any age. Administer under the tongue and try to retain the solution under the tongue for as long as possible before swallowing (by swallowing you treat the back of the throat). Refer if no improvement after a week of treatment!!! LIFESTYLE: Sterilisation of dummies, bottles and teats. Eat natural yoghurt or take probiotics, e.g. acidophilus, particularly if you are taking antibiotics (blis, go healthy).

UTI Antibiotics safe in pregnancy:

1) Amoxicillin 2) Nitrofuatinin. Check what trimester they are though.

Contributions of Rome to ancient Civilization

1) political unity- entire civilized world united under 1 ruler 2) legal unity- code of laws for empire established 3) cultural unity- Rome blended the best of Greek culture with her own and Latin 4) religious unity- Christianity became universal bond 5) economic unity- linking roads, common coinage, common weights and measures, prosperous commerce and industry

Ferdinand I


Describe the right lung

3 lobes Oblique & horizontal fissure

Panadol Osteo

A bilayer tablet that contains an immediate release as well as a sustained release dose of paracetamol. Provides long lasting pain relief for persistent pain (osteoarthritis, nerve pain). Contains a higher dose of paracetamol 665mg Provides 6-8 hours of pain relief compared to the 4-6 hours from regular paracetamol. ALWAYS ASK WHO IT IS FOR. (12yrs+) Take 1-2 caplets every 6-8 hours with a maximum of 6 tablets in 24 hours. Swallow whole (SR design). Don't take with any other paracetamol containing products.

Action potential

A change in neuron membrane polarization and return to the resting state is called an action potential. This is what forms a nerve impulse that is propagated along an axon. Depolarization and repolarization, which takes about one-thousandth of a second.

Myleinated Function

Acts as electrical conductor and improves the speed at which a transimission is made


Anti-platelet medication or blood thinner. It is usually used to prevent blood clots forming in blood vessels that lead to your brain and heart muscle in people who have:chest pain (from angina), had a stroke, had a heart attack (myocardial infarction), had a coronary stent fitted. Common for low dose aspirin to be prescribed concurrently. Common side effects include indigestion, tummy pain, nausea (feeling sick) and diarrhoea (runny poos). These usually go away with time. bleed or bruise more easily. Minor bleeding such as a nosebleed should usually stop on its own. If you have a fall or hurt your head or body, get medical attention.

Jay Gatsby is a


Serial Killers in Healthcare

Comparatively rare form of serial killing Women are somewhat over-represented in this group - particularly startling given relative absence from other types of serial killing

result of a blocked or ruptured blood vessel supplying a region of the brain


Motor fibers- (Or Efferent fibers)

Carry impulses from the CNS to effectors

What holds the papillary muscles in place?

Chordae Tendineae

How is a Pneumothorax treated?

Draining air Needle Aspiration Chest tube insertion ANTERIOR MID AXILLARY 5TH ICS

To show or indicate beforehand



Form from modified amino acids

"And now she's going whether she wants to or not. I'm going to get her away."

George Wilson

What does Gatsby tell Nick about himself?

He's from the Midwest and comes from a wealthy family. He attended Oxford because it was a family tradition

Kenneth Bianchi

Hillside Strangler; tried to fake dissociative identity disorder by telling investigators that his other personality "Steve" committed the murders

What would occur clinically due to a lesion of the Superior Gluteal Nerve?

Hip drop (Trendelnburg's gait) Lesion of Superior Gluteal Nerve (L4-S1) Impaired function of Gluteus Medius & Minimus which stabilise the hip

Hyoscine (Buscopan Fort)

Hyoscine (also called scopolamine) tablets are used to relieve tummy (stomach) cramps or pain by helping the stomach muscles relax. It helps to ease bloating and the spasm-type pain that can occur with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and diverticular disease. 20 mg tablet are pharmacist only, 10mg is on script. The usual dose of hyoscine tablets is 10 to 20 mg four times daily. If your stomach cramps or pain gets worse or does not improve after a few days, you must see your doctor. SE: Constipation, Dry mouth, blurred vision.

An extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally


"I'm sorry about the clock."

Jay Gatsby

the vital centers for the control of the activities such as heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, swallowing, and vomiting are located in the

Medulla oblangata

Who benefit from the crusades?


Describe the ambiguity in Nick's initial descriptions of Gatsby.

Nick's initial encounter with Gatsby is made at a distance.

Where did Gatsby study after the war?


the vampire of dusseldorf

Pete Kurten sexually assaulted his victims and murdered them after he confessed to police, he was executed right after


Provide structural support, join parts by their abundant cellular processes, and help regulate the concentraitions of nutrients and ions within tissue

What does the right coronary artery branch into

Right marginal artery PDA

Where is the Pulmonary valve located and how many cusps does it have ?

Pulmonary trunk RV 3 semilunar cusps

Craft Guilds

Regulated wages, set hours, set standards for working conditions supervising training

What vessels are located in the right atrioventricular groove?

Right coronary artery Small cardiac vein

What is the longest muscle in the body?


Chromatophilic Substance

Similar to rough ER, ribosomes attach to substance and function in prtein synthesis. found scattered throught the cytoplasm

A comparison of two things using like or as


What was one thing Justinians legacy Included

Simplifing the Roman Law

what does unicameral mean

Single house

King Henry II

Starts off as a "reformer" King Establishes trial by jury Really more interested in consolidating power of central government begins trying to extend royal authority over the church. Wants to tax the clergy Wants to try clergy in royal court Wants the power to appoint his own bishops

Works by Michelangelo include:

Statue of David, Pieta, Sistine Chapel

What did King Henry want to do to the central government?

Strengthen and make stronger


Swelling of the brain

Dwight Howard


What does the Posterior Sag Sign indicate?

Tear of the posterior cruciate ligament Tibia drops and sags back

Mom unmarried, grandparents raised him, faked a broken arm or leg, impersonate firemen/police, shampooing hair, put on makeup, long hair parted down the middle

Ted Bundy

What is a Mediastinoscopy ?

This is when a scope is inserted to view the mediastinum Diagnoses conditions which affect the mediastinum, also: Cancer of the bronchi Cancer of other structures in the mediastinum Infection or inflammation Cancer that starts in the lymphatic system (lymphoma), including Hodgkin disease Sarcoidosis, a condition that causes areas of inflammation in the organs such as the liver, lungs, and spleen A tumor of the thymus gland (thymoma) Stage lymph nodes in lung cancer

Myrtle Wilson is

Tom's lover

What is the rough muscle of the ventricles called?

Trabeculae Carnae

What were three reasons Constantine picked Constatinople

Trade, Food, Easy travel

He made peace with the Goth's who were ravaging the north, he also paid them every year for them to stay out of Roman lands. During this time Persia raided and destroyed most of Rome's land in the east including destroying a large Roman army. He was killed by a uprising by another general.

Trebonianus Gallus 251 A.D. - 253 A.D.


These constitute the structural and functional basis for involuntary actions

Schwann Cells

These form a myelin sheath around axons of the PNS

Excitatory neurotransmitters

These increase postsynaptic membrane permeability to sodium ions that will bring the postsynaptic membrane closer to threshold and may trigger nerve impulses

Inhibitory neurotransmitters

These make it less likely that threshold will be reached decreasing the chance of a nerve impulse

Discuss the relationship between Nick and Jordan Baker. How does it reflect, if at all, on the story of Gatsby and Daisy?

There are some similarities although Jordan and Nick are slightly less intense. Both Jordan and Daisy are self-centred opportunists. They seek the most "fun" they can get the quickest way possible. Both Gatsby and Nick and Tom merely facilitate their self indulgences.

Why does Tom insist that Daisy go home with Gatsby? What do you think this tells us about Tom's character and his relationship with Daisy?

There has just been a huge argument after Gatsby attempts to get Daisy to deny her love for Tom. Daisy backs away and Gatsby is defatted. As to rub both their noses in this humiliation, Tom tells Daisy to return with Gatsby.

Describe the events and atmosphere of the party

There is extreme decadence and luxury: there are huge bands, lots of food (two dinners), flowing cocktails, etc. Everyone is dancing and enjoying themselves. As the night goes on, women become flirtier and begin playing with the men more and enjoying themselves

Insulin key counselling points

There is no maximum insulin dose. Your doctor will keep increasing the dose until you reach a good resting blood glucose level. 1. Roll insulin pen between your hands to mix your insulin. 2. Attach your needle to your pen, and turn firmly. Keep the lid. 3. Remove the needle sheeth and chuck into your sharps bin. 4. Prime the pen. (Turn to 2 units) and push out dose to check the needle is working. 5. Turn to the # of units needles and push down and count to 10 to make sure you deliver the full dose. 6. Put the big plastic lid back on and remove needle and chuck out. 7. Put the lid back on the pen and store safely at room temperature. Note: 80 units can be injected into one site at a time. You will need to rotate the injection, as the absorption of insulin can be impacted. max of 200 needled are funded on rx.

What sports/activites could damage the sciatic nerve?

Those that require excessive use of gluteal muscles Eg ice skaters, mountain climbers, bikers

What gland is located in the Anterior Mediastinum ?

Thymus gland

Was the second emperor of the Roman Empire. He was a brilliant General, and conquered lands including Pannonia, Dalmatia, Raetia. however, he was a reclusive ruler who never wanted to be the emperor of Rome. After the death of his son he left Rome to other people in his Administration.

Tiberius Caesar 14 A.D. - 37 A.D.

What was the highest level of education in the west?


What is the function of the Poplietus muscle?

Unlocking knee Lateral rotation of femur

Haemorrhoid suppository counselling.

Unwrap suppository. Lie on one side and pull up one knee towards your chest. Gently insert the suppository, pointed end first high into the rectum. Remain lying down for about 10-15 minutes to give the suppository time to get absorbed. Proctosedyl: insert 1 suppository into the rectum 3 times daily for 1 week, followed by twice daily for 1 week, then once daily for one week

He became Emperor after marching on Rome and killing predecessor. He co-ruled with his son Gallienus, they split the empire in half, him ruling the east and Gallienus ruling the west. He also persecuted Christians by taking over their for the government. He was captured by the Sassanids where he died in captivity.

Valerian Augustus 253 A.D. - 260 A.D.


Varenicline is a selective nicotine-receptor partial agonist. It reduces the urge to smoke as well as the reward experienced from smoking. This medicine may make you sleepy. If this happens, do not drive or use tools or machines. Stop treatment and tell your doctor immediately about any symptoms such as changes in behaviour or thinking, mood swings, anxiety, depression, suicide ideation


Varenicline is a selective nicotine-receptor partial agonist. It reduces the urge to smoke as well as the reward experienced from smoking. This medicine may make you sleepy. If this happens, do not drive or use tools or machines. Varenicline is usually taken for 12 weeks. When you start taking varenicline, the dose is slowly increased to lower the chance of side effects such as nausea, and unusual dreams. Start varenicline 1 week before your target quit date. This helps build up the medicine in your body while you smoke for a few more days. 0.5 mg once a day for 3 days, 1mg once a day for 4 days, then 1mg BD for 11 weeks. Take varenicline with food. This helps to prevent stomach upset. Stop treatment and tell your doctor immediately about any symptoms such as changes in behaviour or thinking, mood swings, anxiety, depression, suicide ideation. Lifestyle: support group/quitline.

Who does Philip IV wanna tax? Who stops him?

Wants ability to tax French clergy Pope Boniface VIII insists that only he has the ability to lay and collect taxes on clergy

They were fleeing the Huns, who had moved into their lands and began destroying everything. When they were running away from the Huns, the Germanic people moved through the Roman provinces of Gaul, Spain and North Africa.

Why did so many Germanic tribes begin invading the Roman Empire?

Who does William become known as?

William the conqueror

Who does William's Norman Army meet? and where?

William's Norman Army meet Harold's Anglo-Saxon forces at the Battle of Hastings

Who sees an opportunity for invasion?

William, Duke of Normandy sees an opportunity

How do you think Wilson got Gatsby's name? Does any evidence in this chapter point to a particular person?

Wilson Gets Gatsby's name from Tom. In Chapter nine, Nick meets up with Tom. Tom says that he told Wilson that the car belonged to Gatsby.Tom claims that if he had not, Wilson would have killed him on the spot.

Stephan El Shaarawy

Winger for AS Roma & Italy

treatment for epilepsy

anticonvulsant medications

norepinephrine effects

alertness, energy, stress

endorphins effects

alertness, happy, sexual arousal

acetylcholine effects

alertness, memory, muscle contraction

isovolumetric contraction

all valves are closed


an anticoagulant or 'blood thinner'. It slows down your body's ability to clot blood. It is used to prevent and treat blood clots. To prevent stroke in people with atrial fibrillation dose is 20mg daily. To prevent clots after knee or hip surgery the dose is 10mg once daily. Normally you'd be on it for 2 to 5 weeks. To treat blood clots the dose is 15mg twice a day for 3 weeks and then 20mg once a day.. Best taken with food although the lower strength tablet (10 milligrams), can be taken without food. For the higher strength tablets (15 milligrams and 20 milligrams), more of the dose is absorbed when there is food in your stomach. If you're taking rivaroxaban ONCE A DAY: if you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember on the same day. Do not take double the dose - this increases your risk of bleeding If you're taking rivaroxaban 15 mg TWO TIMES A DAY: if you forget to take a dose; you can take two 15 mg tablets at the same time to get a total dose of 30 mg in one day. Continue your regular dose twice daily the next day. It is important to let health professionals know that you are taking rivaroxaban such as your dentist. Common side effects include nausea (feeling sick), indigestion, tummy cramps and headache. These may go away with time. Tell your doctor if troublesome. Rivaroxaban increases your risk of bleeding. You might bleed or bruise more easily while you are taking rivaroxaban. interactions: NSAIDS and herbal extracts such as garlic, ginkgo or ginseng

Subdural hemorrhage

bloody mass lodged under dura mater

anti-social personality disorder


disregard of social rules and behavioral standards


fail to feel any remorse or guilt


lack empathy




How was the roman empire similar to the Spanish empire,which decayed from the 1600s and 1800s

both empire s decayed gradually

how do most addictive drugs work

by flooding the synapse with dopamine

what Empire did the Roman empire evolve into

byzantine Empire


cancer of the blood

lymphocytic leukemia

cancer of the lymphoid tissues.

Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MBPS)

caregivers (usually mom) "sicken" child - doctor addicts (fabricators) - active inducers (creators) - present as attentive and nurturing history common among MBPS moms - neglect - loss as a child - loneliness/isolation - depression - physical and sexual abuse - suicidal tendencies - psychiatric problems - tell attention seeking falsehoods - distant/problematic relationships with husband and family - death usually "accidental" - uniquely recidivistic

vas deferens

carries sperm to the ejaculatory duct

what intensifies effects of GABA

depressant drugs and alcohol

•Skin surface area supplied by a single spinal nerve


2 reasons to prove insanity

didn't know your actions were illegal, couldn't change your behavior

artery tissue

endothelium wavy

Miconazole (Decazole or Daktarin) counselling points?

only use in 6 months or older! chocking hazard. Interacts with a lot of medications so be careful. (warfaran and statins). Adults: 2.5 mL (½ measuring spoon) in the mouth after food 4 times daily, retained near oral lesions before swallowing. Place on the tongue and keep in mouth for as long as possible before swallowing. When contributing factor involve dental prosthesis it is recommended to apply the gel directly to the denture in the evening and left overnight. Treatment should be continued for at least one week after the symptoms have disappeared. 6months-2 years: 1.25 mL (1/4 spoon) 4 times daily smeared around the inside of the mouth after meals. When treating infants and younger children give dose in several portions in the front of the mouth. Avoid dosing to the back of the throat to prevent obstruction. Treatment should be continued for at least 7 days after lesions have healed or symptoms have cleared. Refer if no improvement after a week of treatment!!! LIFESTYLE: Sterilisation of dummies, bottles and teats. Eat natural yoghurt or take probiotics, e.g. acidophilus, particularly if you are taking antibiotics (blis, go healthy).

what three things could have caused the Roman Empire to fall

over expansion government corruption and military overspend

why did the Roman empire collapsed

overpopulation and corruption

Almost half of the Angel of Death type murderers are male. Males are ___________ based upon presence in nursing population.

overrepresented Estimates place male nurses between 10% and 15% of the field, although Hickey study found 46% of killers were male

sinotrial node

pacemaker of the heart

What are the different forms art can take?

painting, sculpting, sketching, writing, engineering, architecture, ect. . .

Etiology of MBPS

unclear - desire to boost feelings of low self esteem through life and death situations which make the killer feel powerful, competent, and in control - sadistic, seeking to embarrass and humiliate doctors and other experts perhaps to get even for the humiliation they suffered as children - compensatory reaction to development of the child away from her creating an artificial, largely parasitic attachment

The phantom killer

unidentified killer. This person killed 5 people and wounded 3 people from February 22,1946-May 3,1946


urine passage


used for the treatment of chronic hyperuricaemia in patients with gout (including a history, or presence of, tophus and/or gouty arthritis), in patients who have not responded to or tolerated allopurinol, or for whom allopurinol is contra-indicated.

Angelo Buono

"Hillside Strangler" was a kidnapper and rapist him and his cousin Kenneth Bianchi were convicted of killing 10 women in LA from 1977-1978

What do Western Europeans refer to themselves as during the later Middle Ages?


Pedro Lopez

"Monster of the Andes'' killed 110 girls and claimed to have raped and killed up to 350 girls across Columbia , Peru, and Ecuador from 1969-2002

Andrei Chikatilo(1936-1994)

"Red Ripper", befriended victims, adult prostitute women, attempted rape, knife, necrophilia


"Romanized"and organized the empire- built bridges, roads, and aqueducts, ruled during the height of the Pax Romana, Built Hadrians Wall across Britain, strengthened borders

Randy Kraft

"Scorecard Killer" murdered 16 men from 1971-1983

Emma Raine

"Serial Black Widow" - convicted of murdering husband #2, suspected of murdering #1 and #3 - African American, rare within female serial killers

Stephen Port

"The Grindr Killer'' murderer of four men and has committed multiple rapes from 2014-2015

James Riva

"The Schizophrenic Vampire'' Murdered his handicapped grandmother in 1980 and sucked some blood out of her because he thought he would be able to fly and he thought he was a 700 year old vampire

John Haigh

"The acid bath murderer'' was convicted of murdering 6 people but he claimed to have murdered 9 people from 1944-1949.

What reason does Myrtle give for having an affair?

"You can't live forever."

Ed Kemper

"co-ed butcher/ killer" killed his grandparents at age 15; upon release killed 6 female hitchhikers; lastly killed his mother and her friend. Suffered from paranoid schizophrenia. currently serving 8 concurrent life sentences.

Thomas Aquinas

"father" of scholastic movement

Dean Corll

''candy man" raped, tortured, abducted, and murdered 28 teenage boys and men from 1970-1973

Paul Bernardo

(Canada) also known as "the Scarborough Rapist"; a Toronto man who killed three teenage girls (including his wife's sister) with the aid of his wife Karla Homolka and raped 13 people and tried to kill 6 people

Spinal bífida

incomplete formation of vertebral archs often exposing part of spinal cord


increase in the number of white blood cells

Risk factors for oral thrush?

infancy (banies immune system hasn't fully developed yet) or older age iron deficiency vitamin B deficiency ill-fitting, or poorly cleaned dentures smoking inhaled corticosteroids; e.g. for asthma or COPD antibiotics diabetes dry mouth (xerostomia) HIV/AIDS chemotherapy or radiotherapy. In a breastfed baby with oral thrush, the mother may also have symptoms in one or both breasts: red, sensitive or itchy nipples flaky or shiny skin on the areola (the dark area surrounding the nipples). Treat with clotrimazol or miconazole and wipe off before feeds.


infection of gray matter of spinal cord


infection of inflammation of the brain


infection of inflammation of the membranes lining the brain and spinal cord, diagnosed by lumbar tap

Where is the cerebellum located?

inferior and posterior to cerebral cortex


inflammation of the spinal cord


inflammation of virally infected sensory neurons of the skin


influential letters written by Paul to groups of believers


the sudden blockage of a blood vessel by an embolus


the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.

Where did Constantine move the Capitol to?


Who was the first Roman Christian leader


Who was the greatest of the Capetian rulers?

Philip II (Augustus)

Who is the next King after Louis IX?

Philip IV

What important structures pass inferiorly to the Piriformis?

- Sciatic nerve - Inferior gluteal nerve (L5-S2) - Inferior gluteal artery

Albert DeSalvo

"Boston Strangler'' murdered 13 women in Boston from the years 1962-1964 most people believe that Albert was in prison for a lot of his rapes.


(Daivonex) A vitamin D analogue. Calcipotriol works by slowing this overproduction of skin cells which eases the inflamed, scaly areas. OTC calcipotriol should only be used in mild to moderate psoriasis vulgaris (plaque psoriasis) where the area to be treated is not extensive.

Joachim Kroll

(Germany) also known as the "Ruhr Cannibal" and the "Ruhr Hunter"; claimed 13 victims over three decades; died in prison in 1991

Karl Denke

(Germany) cannibal; allegedly killed up to 42 people between 1914 and 1918; committed suicide in police custody

Leonarda Cianciulli

(Italy) also known as "Soap-Maker of Correggio"; murderess of three women

Tsutomu miyazaki

(Japan) also known as "The Otaku Murderer", "The Little Girl Murderer" and "Dracula"; killed four preschool-age girls and ate the hand of a victim; executed in 2008

Juana Barraza

(Mexico) also known as "Mataviejitas" ("Old Lady Killer"); operated within the metropolitan area of Mexico City from 1998-2006 and she had 42-48 victims

Javed Iqbal

(Pakistan) believed to have killed 100 boys, committed suicide while in prison in 2001.

Alexander Pichushkin

(Russia) also known as "Bitsa Maniac", "The Chessboard Killer"; convicted of 48 murders; confessed to killing 63 from 1992-2006.

Irina Gaidamachuk

(Russia) also known as "Satan in a skirt"; killed 17 elderly women between 2002 and 2010; sentenced to 20 years in prison

Anatoly Onoprienko

(Ukraine) also known as "The Terminator"; murdered 52 people from 1989 until his capture in 1996

Charles Cullen

(United States) A nurse in New Jersey and Pennsylvania who killed as many as 40 patients through lethal injection

Robert Hansen

(United States) Alaskan baker who killed prostitutes at his cabin; convicted of four murders but confessed to the murder of 17 women and the kidnap and rape of another 30. Authorities believe there were many more. Their cases are still open

Paul John Knowles

(United States) Child killer, rapist; murdered five young girls, seven women, and two men in 1974

Ottis Toole

(United States) Henry Lee Lucas' accomplice; convicted of six murders in Florida; confessed to but never tried for Adam Walsh's murder

Jeffrey Dahmer

(United States) Milwaukee cannibal who retained various body parts of his victims for masturbation stimulus and to adorn a shrine; murdered 17 teenage boys and young men between 1978 and 1991. Many of his later murders involved necrophilia

Belle Gunness

(United States) Norwegian-born murder-for-profit killer who killed her suitors and children in Indiana. Hr span of crimes were from 1884-1908.

Herbert Mullin

(United States) Schizophrenic in Santa Cruz, California who killed people to prevent earthquakes; convicted of 10 murders and confessed to three others

Lonnie David Franklin, Jr.

(United States) also known as "Grim Sleeper" for the alleged 14-year hiatus he took from murdering between 1988 and 2002. He shot and strangled his 11 victims, mostly women, around South Los Angeles. Also known as "The Strawberry murders"; Franklin was charged after DNA evidence linked him with ten murders in Los Angeles since 1985. He was convicted on all counts in May 2016 and was given the death penalty and died on March 28,2020

Rodney Alcala

(United States) also known as "The Dating Game Killer"; convicted rapist and serial killer, born in San Antonio, Texas, killed at least eight women in California, New York and Washington

William Bonin

(United States) also known as "The Freeway Killer"; with several accomplices, claimed the lives of a minimum of 21 boys in California

Nannie Doss

(United States) also known as "The Giggling Granny" and "The Jolly Black Widow"; serial poisoner who killed 11 family members her crimes were from 1927-1954

Randall Woodfield

(United States) also known as "The I-5 Killer" and "The I-5 Bandit"; convicted of one murder and linked by DNA to six others; believed responsible for an additional 14 murders

Larry Eyler

(United States) also known as "The Interstate Killer"; convicted of murdering 2 young men and confessed to stabbing and mutilating 20 more between 1982 and 1983

Richard Ramirez

(United States) also known as "The Night Stalker"; terrorized Los Angeles in 1984 and 1985; convicted of 14 murders; died in prison in June, 2013

Albert Fish

(United States) also known as the "Werewolf of Wysteria". A sadist and pedophile who cannibalized several children. Convicted of one murder, confessed to two others. Claimed to have molested 100 children.

Henry Lee Lucas

(United States) convicted of 11 murders and confessed to approximately 3,000 others, although most of his confessions are considered outlandish; a task force created to investigate his claims suggested that the true number of his murders may be as high as 213

Chester Turner

(United States) convicted of murdering ten women and a viable unborn baby in South Los Angeles between 1987 and 1998

David Parker Ray

(United States) convicted of rape and torture and sentenced to 224 years in prison; FBI believes he was responsible for the deaths of 60 women in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico

Joel Rifkin

(United States) murdered 17 women in the New York City and Long Island areas from 1989-1993

Robert Lee Yates

(United States) murdered at least 16 women in Spokane County, Washington from 1975-1998

What is Pleurisy

Aka Pleuritis, inflammation of the pleura causing sharp chest pain when breathing

Boston Strangler

Albert DeSalvo

stabbed to death in prison, exhumed the body when DNA evidence was obtained from a water bottle

Albert DeSalvo

The Chessboard Killer

Alexander Pichushkin

What are the 3 branches of the Aortic Arch?

Brachiocephalic artery Left common carotid Left subclavian artery

the midbrain, pons, and medulla oblangata are housed in the

Brain stem

Compare the direction of muscle fibres between the intercostal muscles

External: Down and in (hands in pockets) Internal: Up and in (hands on boobs) Innermost: Same as interal

What are Intertrochanteric, subchontaeric and femoral shaft fractures all examples of?

Extra capsular Fractures

What is the accessory lobe of the lung?

Extra lobe in the RIGHT lung 1% of people Azygous vein will arch over this rather than the right hilum and make this extra lobe

What is Philip IV 's relation to Louis?


Changing from warfarin to dabigatran

Warfarin should be withdrawn and dabigatran initiated at the normal dose after waiting for the patient's INR to fall below 2.0

New Studies on Team Serial Killers

- team killers account for 21% of all serial killers 2004-2014 - males 80% and females 20% - average number of accomplices: 1 - race: 59% Caucasian, 32% African American, 7% Hispanic, 2% American Indian

Architecture, trading, food during later Middle Ages :

Slight improvement from the Dark Ages Agriculture still important (9/10 "rural") 3 field system Trade and manufacturing on the rise as well

What do changes in team serial killing data suggest?

- teams recently account for slightly smaller proportion of serial killers - female participation is down somewhat - white participation in teams is down, African American and Hispanic is up

"The ********ed coward! He didn't even stop his car."

Tom Buchanan

"When I saw the box of dog biscuits...I sat down and cried like a baby..."

Tom Buchanan

What are the consequences of fractured ribs?

- Hemothorax - Pneumothorax - Pleural effusion - Ruptured lung - Injure the ribs or could rupture spleen if at the 11/12th rib

What is Shingles (Herpes Zoster)?

- Reactivation of the Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) which causes chicken pox - Virus remains inactive in cells once chicken px has resolved - Effects the nerves

What intercostal space is liver biopsy taken?

- 10th - Not at a depth greater than 6cm

How many posterior intercostal arteries are there and where do they arise from?

- 11 posterior arteries - Upper 2 from Supreme Thoracic Artery from Costocervical Trunk of Subclavian - Lower 9 from descending aorta

How many veins are located in intercostal spaces?

- 3 veins - 1 posterior - 2 anterior

Hickey's Study of Team Killers

- 49 cases of team killers, comprising 114 offenders - 26% of the 421 killers in the study were part of a team - females participated in about 35% of the serial killing teams (17 out of 49 teams had female team members) - race: 72% of team members were white, 27% were African American and 1% were Asian, no Hispanic representation

Male Serial Killers and Criminal Records (Hickey's Study)

- 63% have been incarcerated in a prison or mental hospital prior to their arrest for serial killing - 45% have a record of property crimes - 38% have a history of sex crimes - 12% prior homicide

How many anterior intercostal arteries are there and where do they arise from?

- 9 anterior - Upper 6 from Internal Thoracic Artery - Lower 3 from Musculophrenic Artery

Outline the symptoms of a Pneumothorax

- A steady ache in the chest - Shortness of breath, or dyspnea - Breaking out in a cold sweat - Tightness in the chest - Turning blue, or cyanosis - Severe tachycardia, or a fast heart rate

What are the movements at the Hip Joint?

- Abduction - Adduction - Medial Rotation - Lateral Rotation - Flexion - Extension

Where are chest drains inserted in relation to the ribs?

- Abobe rib to avoid neurovascular bundle - 5th Intercostal space - Mid axillary line - Safe triangle

Outline the impressions of the left lung

- Arch of aorta - Left common carotid - Subclavian artery

Is Thoracic Anaesthesia given below or above the rib?

- Below - Between the paravertebral line (tips of transverse processes)

How can you notice a Pneumothorax from an Xray?

- Black on one side where the lung has collapsed (black = air) - Mediastinum shift - Hemidiaphragm (part of diaphragm lower than the other)

Where does the neuromuscular bundle sit in the rib?

- Bottom of the rib - Costal groove - VAN

What is a hiatus hernia?

- Bulging of OE on top of Diaphragm - There are 2 types

From where does the Thoraco-dorsal nerve arise & what does it innervate?

- C6-8 - Posterior cord of brachial plexus - Latissimus Dorsi

When may the sternum be split?

- CABG (coronary artery bypass graft) - Removal of retro-sternal goitre - Accessed for bone marrow biopsy

What is the level of the Manurbrio-sternal joint and what other structures are located here?

- Can be palpated - T2 - Ligamentum Arteriosum

What is located between the Subclavius & Pec minor and what is its role?

- Clavi-pectorial Fascia - Protects the brachial plexus and subclavian vessels if the clavicle is broken

What is Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia?

- Diaphragm did not fuse and form properly - Abdominal organs push into chest cavity

What is the Anterior Intercostal Membrane a continuation of?

- External Intercostal Muscles - Between the costal cartilages

Outline some examples of Intracapsular Fractures

- Femoral Head - Neck of femur

What is the Pulmonary Ligament?

- Fold of pleural membrane below the the root - Attaches lung to mediastinum - Allows pulmonary veins to expand when there is increased venous return

Liberation Hypothesis

- Freda Adler's "Sisters in Crime" - gain equality with men in other spheres, they will also gain equality in crime - predicts convergence in both number and types of crime - end result: criminal parity

Gary Ridgeway and "The Judith Factor"

- Gary met Judith at Parents Without Partners, they lived together - she seemed to have slowed down his killing - somewhat changed his attitude toward women - his daily routine was no longer conducive to killing and dumping bodies - he didn't want to get caught and lose Judith and his new life - found DK and NK scratched on his work locker (apparently stood for No Kill and Don't Kill, mean to remind Ridgeway not to kill anyone) - claims he stopped killing after he met her - there are some confirmed kills post-Judith, but his rate of killing appears to have decreased VERY markedly - later said he lied because he didn't want her to know that he had killed during their relationship

Dr. Shipman and Kathleen Grundy

- Grundy was found dead, lying on her sofa fully dressed on June 14th, 1998 - she was an extremely active and fit 81-year-old and wealthy ex-mayor - daughter Angela became suspicious of her death, but Shipman told her that her mother had died of old age and there was no need for an autopsy - Angela reluctantly agreed and buried Mrs. Grundy - After reading her mother's "new" will which left everything to Dr. Shipman, Angela knew something was wrong and went to the police - the forgery of the will was established and Mrs. Grundy's body was exhumed to perform a thorough post-mortem - post-mortem revealed huge amount of diamorphine (heroine) in her system (lethal dose would have killed her within hours)

Identify the main structures of the Thoracic Vertebrae

- Heart shaped vertebral body - Vertebral foramen - Transverse& Spinous Process - Superior & Inferior Articular Process - Costal facets (the superior, inferior& transverse) - Superior and inferior vertebral notches

Where do intercostal veins located posteriorly on the left around T8/T9 drain into?

- Hemiazygous vein - Drains into Azygous vein

Herb Baumeister Apprehension

- Herb was trolling gay bars and bringing home young men for sex and killing them - police got a tip from a victim's friend who supplied a license number - when Herb was confronted he refused to cooperate, but Julie eventually gave consent to search the property - search turned up the remains of 11 men, only 5 of whom were ever identified - Baumeister suicided prior to being brought to trial

What are the ligaments of the Hip Joint?

- Iliofemoral Ligament - Pubofemoral Ligament - Ischiofemoral Ligament

What 4 arteries are responsible for supplying the femoral head and neck?

- Inferior Gluteal artery - Deep femoral artery - Lateral Circumflex Artery - Medial Circumflex Artery - Make the Cruciate Anastomosis

What is Tietz Syndrome?

- Inflammation of the costal cartilage (costs-chronditis) - Symptom is chest pain

What is a Tension Pneumothorax?

- Injury to lung - Air comes rushing out - Collapsed lung - Air flows into pleural cavity, lung cannot expand properly - Building up pressure continues to push the structures on the other side - mediastinum & heart shifts - Life threatening

What nerves supply the thoracic wall ?

- Intercostal nerves - Long Thoracic nerve - Thoraco-dorsal nerve - Medial & Lateral Pectoral nerve

Where do the anterior intercostal veins drain into?

- Internal Thoracic Vein - Located on the inside of the thoracic wall

What are the notches of the Manubrium called?

- Jugular notch - Clavicular notches

Karla Homolka as Evil Woman

- Karla helped Paul procure young girls of her acquaintance - participated in the capture of the one of the murder victims - subsequently found evidence that suggest Karla was an active and willing participant in the their 3 murder victims including her sister

At what point is the needle inserted in attempt to relieve pressure of Cardiac Tamponade?

- Larreys Point (45 degrees to the skin between the xiphisternum and costal margin)

Where does the Lateral Pectoral Nerve emerge from and what does it innervate?

- Lateral cord of the Brachial Plexus - Pec Major

Describe the journey of the Right Phrenic Nerve

- Lateral to right Brachiocephalic Vein - Runs anterior to lung root - Across pericardium then to diaphragm

Where do intercostal veins located on posteriorly on the left below the diaphragm drain into?

- Left Ascending lumbar vein - Crosses over & drains into Azygous vein

Describe the journey of the Left Phrenic Nerve

- Left side of the left Subclavian Artery - Crosses left Vagus Nerve - Approaches aortic arch - Crosses anterior to root of left lung - Descends across pericardium to diaphragm

Gray Zones

- Levi developed term to describe the circumstances and the relational dynamics between prisoners and guards within Nazi concentration camps - exchange of roles between oppressor and victim - individuals within gray zones are victims who become perpetrators - people who decide, having themselves suffered under conditions of extreme oppression, to subjugate their fellow victims - this imitation takes place under ambiguous circumstances, therefore making judgement and punishment difficult

What is located in the Interlaminar Space

- Ligamentum Flavum

M.O. of Male Serial Killers

- M.O. is multi-modal - victims are usually killed as the end result of a process of torture and abuse often involving sex (overkill is common) - methods vary

Vital Issues When Interviewing Serial Killers

- Maintaining objectivity - Acknowledge their perspectives - Recognizing that asking the "right" questions is more important than finding quick answers

What are the borders of the Superior Thoracic Aperture ?

- Manubrium - T1 - 1st Rib & costal cartilages

What nerves innervate the Thoracic Wall?

- Medial Pectoral Nerve - Lateral Pectoral Nerve - Long Thoracic Nerve

Where does the Medial Pectoral Nerve emerge from and what does it innervate?

- Medial cord of the Brachial Plexus - Pec Major & Minor

Belle Sorenson Gunness

- Norwegian immigrant - appears to have killed a couple of husbands for insurance - also killer her many children - eventually bought a farm and placed personal ads in newspapers soliciting males to sell their stuff, bring the cash, and runt he farm with her - a formed hired hand was convicted of arson in connection with burning of Belle's house (where a headless female body with 3 children was found in ashes), suspicions remain that this was contrived by Belle and she escaped - after fire, "murder farm" was discovered, remains for about 40 people were recovered

What movements can take place in the thoracic region

- Note that there is limited movement due to the way that the ribs attach - Flexion - Extension - Rotation

What does the Lateral Thoracic Artery supply?

- Pec Major - Pec Minor - Serrates Anterior - Breast - Subscapularis

What structures pass through the Greater Sciatic Foramen?

- Piriformis - Superior gluteal nerves and vessels (superior to piriformis) - Inferior gluteal nerves & vessels (inferior to piriformis) - Internal pudenal nerve - Sciatic nerve - Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh

Why may a chest drain need to be done?

- Pleural effusion - Haemothorax - Pneumothorax

Where is the Transverse Thoracis/ Sternocostalis muscle?

- Posterior lower sternum to inner costal cartilages of ribs 2-6 - On inside of thoracic wall

What are the functions of the thorax?

- Protection: ribs - Breathing: lungs - Pumping: heart - Conduit: great vessels, trachea, OE, thoracic duct

What structures are found in the hilum(root) of the lung?

- Pulmonary arteries (above veins) - Pulmonary veins (2 pairs) - Bronchioles (at the back) - Bronchi Lymph nodes

What attaches to the Ischial Tuberosity

- Sacrotuberous ligament - Hamstring muscles - Quadrates Femoris

Evidence Against Dr. Shipman

- Shipman tried to claim Mrs. Grundy was a junkie and back dated her medical records to suggest an addiction problem - search of his house found typewriter on which the fake will had been made, Shipman denied ever seeing the will but his fingerprints were found on it and Mrs. Grundy's were not - search of his house yielded some mysterious jewelry (33 pieces were eventually identified as coming from victims)

What is the Triradiate?

- The carriage that separates bones of pelvis - Disappears as bones begin to fuse

How are ribs 11 and 12 different to the rest of the ribs?

- They have no tubercle - Rib 12 has no costal groove - No neck

Which ribs are true, false and floating?

- True: Ribs 1-7 - False: Ribs 8-12 - Floating: Ribs 11 & 12

What happens to the viscera in relation to mediastinal divisions when standing compared to lying down?

- When lying down everything shifts up - Arch of aorta is transected by plane on standing but on lying, it is superior to plane - Bifurcation of trachea is inferior to plane on standing but on lying it becomes bifurcated by plane - Central tendon of Diaphragm is at T9/10 on standing but moves to the level of T9 when lying

Women and Violent Crime

- about 80% of persons arrested for violent crime are male, about 20% were females - females have been increasing incrementally as a proportion of criminals in recent years, even among violent offenders where their participation remains small

Female Serial Killers Victims

- adults only: 81% (94% men) - children only: 14% (1% men) - strangers only: 43% men (61% men) - males only: 38% (23% men) - females only: 14% (42% men) - involving more than one state: 24% (like with males, traveling is less common) - kill both males and females in approximately equal proportions than male killers, who tend to focus on killing young females

Gary Ridgeway Confessions

- agreed to confess in order to avoid the death penalty - many believe Gary was less than forthcoming in his "confession" - displayed confusion, memory problems and possibly deceptions - careful not to admit to committing murders in other jurisdictions not subject to the deal

Female Serialists Typology Based on Victim/Offender Relationship

- alpha females - beta females - omega female

Women and Violence

- argued that women are only violent for expressive purposes (reaction to rage, fear or long term abuse) - second wave feminists: crime by women is an act of self defense and rebellion against patriarchy and its brutal repression women

How Aileen is Different from Typical Serialists (Smith)

- argues Aileen's murders were unplanned (references interrogation) - offers imperfect self defense as another option or excessive force to collect for services rendered, or homicide while intoxicated - points to the fact that Aileen also expressed some remorse, some of the time - denies premeditation or some mission to "get" men who pay for sex - concludes these aren't typical serial murder cases or even capital cases

Female v Male Serial Killers (Hickey)

- average age of offender at first killing: 39 (men 29.5) - average span of offender killing: 6 years (men 8 years) - average number of victims: 3.1-3.9 (men 3.7-4.7) - killed all of their victims in same year: 29% (men 39%)

Why else might women be less crime prone, especially less violent crime prone?

- biologic: less testosterone or other sec related physiological differences - criminological: female socialization into pro-social norms is better, more complete or otherwise more successful than with males - psychological: differences make women less violent or crime prone than men - opportunity: being physically smaller/weaker or existing within more circumscribed social roles limit chances for crime, especially violent crime

Dr. Shipman Background

- born into working-class family in 1946 - kept his distance from his peers - Mom thought her family was superior, especially her son Harold - very close with his mother, she was very controlling of him as a student - comparatively bright in his early school years - mediocre when he reached upper school level (but determined to succeed, re-sat his entrance examinations for medical school) - accomplished athlete - failed to form meaningful friendships with his contemporaries

Herb Baumeister

- born to affluent parents ("normal" upbringing) - had mental/behavior problems - diagnosed with schizophrenia - never quite fit in with his peers and had some employment problems - married a teacher and opened a Sav-A-Lot Thrift - thrift store was a big success and Herb and his wife Julie bought an 18-acre estate in a suburb of Indianapolis - Herb seemed ashamed of his body and went to great lengths to hide his homosexuality - son Erich found half of a buried human skeleton while playing in the yard, but Herb said it was his doctor father's dissecting skeleton that he had buried when he cleaned the garage

Evolution of a Serial Killer (Gary Ridgeway)

- born with or acquired traumatically some significant degree of cognitive dysfunction, significant learning and articulation problems - became sexually attracted to his mother (blame the mom) yet hated her for belittling him for bedwetting - some experts suspect this is the root of the deviant merging of love and hate in his mind before age 14 - Ridgeway claims he and his brothers called mom "the warden" and that she was a controlling clean freak - MacDonald Triad: bed wetter, put a cat in a container and suffocated it, set fire to at least 1 structure

Women, Violence and Gray Zones: Resolving the Paradox of the Female Victim-Perpetrator

- characterizes Karla Homolka as both victim and perpetrator - dual status blurs the boundaries of established notions of "victim" and "offender" by contextualizing how women's actions are criminalized - concludes that Karla's culpability and agency for her crimes are not being revoked by taking into account her "grayness," rather, they are mitigated by her victimization and her coercion - this case illustrates the difficulty in trying to attribute violent women with complete responsibility for their actions or conversely, absolving them of any accountability - it is not completely apparent where coercion ends and agency begins, gray zones help to develop a more nuanced understand of the complicated relationship between victimization and agency

Team Killers Victims

- teams did not show the marked preference for young female victims usually seen with male soloists - there does seem to be a preference for adult strangers - like soloists, they tended to victimize people in high risk situations (e.g. prostitutes, runaways)

Marybeth Tinning Motive

- craved the attention their deaths brought - other Munchausen moms or caregivers make the kid sick for attention but end up "accidentally" killing them - father died when she was pregnant with first child Jennifer (Jennifer died of natural causes, may have been caused by botched abortion and some evidence Marybeth tried to induce her birth), believe Jennifer's death unhinged her - multiple personality: never diagnosed, but some report she seemed to have two totally different personalities - in one case she was reported of saying "God told me to kill this one too"; visionary killer?

Evil Woman (Team Killers)

- demonization of the woman in "killer couples" - portrayed as more evil than her male partner - 'power behind the throne,' the one who instigated the killings even if she did not carry them out - especially strong narrative in cases with child victims (women are 'monsters' lacking maternal instincts)

Gary Ridgeway Atypical Attributes

- eventually had a long-term apparently stable relationship with 3rd wife Judith - under Judith's influence, attended church - reported IQ of 80 which is below average, most serialists are average or above - very stable employment - victims of varying races

Karla Homolka

- example of competing narratives associated with female serialists (helpless victim of Paul or as evil incarnate driving Paul to commit the crimes)

Female Hedonistic Lust/Thrill Killers

- exceedingly rare - some experts have argued that females participate in these types of murders only as a compliant victim with a male - look most like the typical male serial killer in terms of motive - psycho-sexual motives and almost always (if not always) kill with a male ringleader - fatal violence and personal sexual gratification are connected - motive to kill is intrinsic to their personality and personal sexual pleasure

Yorker's International Study of Healthcare Serial Killers (2006)

- excludes euthanasia - 86% involved nursing personnel - 55% of people prosecuted were women - victims were usually critically ill, very young or very old - injection was most common way to kill - many perps were diagnosed with Munchausen by proxy syndrome - others were sadists who enjoyed having the power of life and death - a few financially profited

Female Serialists and Fantasy (Schurman-Kauflin Report)

- fantasies are not generally regarded as drivers for female serialists - all 7 participants reported feeling isolated as kids, teens, and adults - spent their alone time engaged in violent fantasies about homicide - fantasies appear to have developed more specificity and detail over time - killing commenced once fantasy fully elaborated - researched forensics to avoid detection - successful murders contributed to self esteem

Aileen Fits Serial Victim Profile

- female often alone in high risk street sex industry - violently attacked on several occasions previously, began carrying a gun a few months before the first kill

Female Serialists Victim-Offender Relationship

- female serial killers are more likely to kill someone they knew either personally or occupationally - males are more likely to kill stangers - post 1975, there was an increase in stranger killing for female serialists - female serialists who killed strangers most likely to choose children or patients (are these really strangers?) - female serialists who killed family were most likely to choose husband (most common) or children in the home

Wayne Williams and Fiber Evidence

- fibrous debris removed from the bodies of 12 murder victims were associated with objects from the everyday environment of Williams - after news accounts of fiber evidence appeared the murderer began dumping the bodies in water either nude or in only underwear (shows it is important to prevent leaks, serialists tend to follow investigation closely) - lab found a number of yellowish-green nylon fibers on bodies of victims - fibers were unusual and attributed to a limited amount of carpeting, a search of William's house recovered similar fibers in their carpet - investigators determined the chance of randomly finding a housing unit with this type of carpet was 1 in 7,792 - expert witnesses testified that it was highly unlikely that any environment other than that present in Wayne Williams' house and car could have produced the combination of fibers and hairs found on the victims - some think he is innocent or at least not guilty of all of the child killings

Marybeth Tinning's First Child

- first child Jennifer is born sick and dies in January 1972 without every leaving the hospital - death believed to be natural - possible catalyst to Tinning's crimes

Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo (Ken and Barbie Killers)

- first victim was Karla's little sister, Tammy Homolka - abducted, raped and murdered at least 2 Canadian schoolgirls

Bruce Mendenhall

- from Albion, Illinois - worked as a trucker for 18 years - victims were all female, many of whom were prostitutes - initially identified through surveillance footage - search of his truck yielded a sack of bloody clothes, latex gloves, guns, razor blade, nightstick and sex toys - DNA from 5 dead women found on some of the seized items - believed to have varied killing method - convicted of 1 but suspected in 9 others - wife died after he was imprisoned and left him insurance money - tried to use insurance money to hire hits that would make it seems like the truck stop killer was still at large; this got him another 30 years on conspiracy to commit murder

Karla Homolka Sentencing

- got a plea deal, served only 12 years and got out in 2005 (based on status as compliant victim - mitigating factor) - subsequent finding of video tapes was a big scandal

Marybeth Tinning Background

- grew up in upstate New York - not particularly bright (worked as a nurse's aid, odd jobs as a waitress and bus driver, volunteered with ambulance corps) - very isolated geographically and socially - indications of abuse by father - father rejected her, she craved his approval (pathological need for attention and approval as an adult) - told self-aggrandizing "tall tales" as an adult (cast herself as the hero) - exhibited fearfulness of authority figures

Gary Ridgeway's Murders

- pled guilty to 48 murders in 2003 but in 2011 a 49th body was found and he received an additional life sentence - many experts put the number of murders in excess of 60, but he now claims 80+ - most murders happened in 1982-1984 - may have killed as late as 2001, but definitely as late as 1998 - runaways, prostitutes, and hitchhikers, mostly picked up on the strip and strangled from behind

Gary Ridgeway Apprehension

- had been a suspect (arrested in prostitution sting in 1982 and in 1984 contacted police to say he might have seen one of the victims in 1983) - passed a polygraph test in 1984 and went into the inactive file - police looked at Gary again in 1986 when past violence against prostitutes was uncovered - arrested in 1987 and his home and vehicle were searched - couldn't make anything stick but asked Gary to provide a routine saliva sample before releasing him - when DNA testing became available, authorities were able to match DNA from his saliva with DNA from the vaginal washes of several Green River victims - upon his arrest, Gary said "You guys didn't catch me, technology did"

Gary Ridgeway Unlucky in Love

- incapable of normal, healthy relationships with women - became fascinated by prostitutes in bars he frequented - failed marriages with first 2 wives - string of girlfriends who all dumped him - felt profoundly rejected by women and this angered him - began focusing hatred on vaginas and other aspects of femininity which he felt possessed too much power and control over men

Female Hedonistic Comfort Killers

- kill primarily in order to obtain money or comfort - normally kill an insured loved one or someone from whom they will inherit - may kill troublesome family members whose absence will improve the pleasantness of their lives in some way - many experts argue it's the most common type serialist although some argue that so many angel of death type serialists go undetected its hard to know for sure - comfort killer is the stereotypical female serialist and current data suggests the stereotype is right

Drew Peterson

- killed 3rd and probably 4th wives and was physically abusive to 2nd and probably 1st wives - being a police officer (sergeant) may have facilitated his ability to escape justice for so long - was found guilty of murdering his ex-wife in 2012 and in 2015 was charged with two counts of murder solicitation for his efforts to have the prosecutor who sent him away for 38 years killed in a hit

Hickey's Study on Healthcare Killers

- killer had to have been charged with killing or attempting to kill - covered 35 year period (1970-2004) 41 offenders and 38 cases in all - most worked alone - 46% male and 54% female - 66% nurses - 22% aides - 12% doctors - 51% received life sentences or the functional equivalent

Killing Team "Leader"

- leader normally gains psychological power and thrill not only from kills but getting his team to do his bidding - leaders frequently have significant criminal records

Aileen Wurnoes

- linked to the killing of seven men with a gun - mistakenly labeled the nation's first female serial killer, though she was far from it

Mobile Serial Killers

- local serial male offenders appear to be the most common type in recent years, but traveling killers still present a substantial problem - FBI developed Highway Serial Killing Initiative between 2009 and 2011 to identify victims of traveling serial killers - over the past 30 years, over 500 bodies of victims have been found alongside or near freeways and highways - FBI has amassed a database of over 275 suspects in the highway murders, and almost all of them are long-haul truck drivers - prostitutes are easy targets for traveling serial killers - other victims in highway murders include stranded motorists, hitchhikers, and person who inadvertently come into contact with these killers

Female Serialists

- most empirical data suggest that 10% (155) of serial killers are women - not dissimilar to their proportion of violent criminals more generally - unlike males, few female serialists have criminal history/criminal career

Motives of Male Serial Killers

- most have a combinations of motives - two most common motives: sexual gratification and control - money is a motive at least some of the time for almost 20% of male serial killer

Team Killers Mode of Killing

- most teams did not dispatch victims quickly and kept them around for torture or mutilation - multiple killing methods were common - similar to male serialists

Dr. Shipman Death of Mother

- mother developed terminal lung cancer - Harold willingly played a major supportive or caretaker role - behavior during his Mom's final months closely parallel his subsequent behavior as a serial killer (probably how he learned his endearing bedside manner) - towards the end, she experienced severe pain from which her sole relief was drugs provided by her doctor - young Harold watched as the family doctor gave her morphine and her pain disappeared - her death left him with a tremendous sense of loss (abandonment, rejection) - left him with the image of the patient with a cup of tea nearby, finding sweet relief in morphine

Intelligence of Serial killers

- myth that male serial killers are all highly intelligent (very few even hold college degrees, most have high school only or less or maybe some vocational training) - media likes to glamorize serial killers (Ted Bundy the law student, although he flunked out)

Wayne Williams (Atlanta Child Slayer)

- one of the first highly publicized African American serial killers - police stake out a bridge on Chatahoochee River, heard a car stop and then a splash, pulled Williams over - 2 days later, Nathaniel Cater's body was recovered downstream - 22 months, 30 victims (most but not exclusively male and between 7 and 28 years of age) - only convicted of murdering 2 young men

Compliant Victims (Team Killers)

- only category of female serialist recognized by authorities and the FBI until Aileen Wuornos (acted alone) - compliant victims are abused and controlled by their male partners; they have come to believe their own survival depends on co-operating in the victimization of others

Dr. Shipman Hyde Years

- played the role of dedicated, hardworking, and community-minded doctor - gained patients' absolute trust and earned colleagues' respect - subordinates report he was sarcastic and abusive - good at masking his dark side when it suited him - local undertaker became suspicious (patients seemed to be dying at an unusually high rate and they were unlike most home deaths); confronted Shipman but Shipman explained it away - undertaker's daughter was still suspicious and reported it to local police, but police investigation found that diagnoses and treatment records matched perfectly; failed to notice he had rewritten prescriptions after patients' death

Female Serial Killers Method of Killing

- poison only: 19% (not tracked for men) - strangle/smother only: 19% (21% men) - shoot only: 25% (37% men) - stab only: 5% (8% men) - blunt force only: 5% (6% men) - combination of poisoning, beating, strangling, stabbing, and/or shooting: 27% (28% men)

Investigation of Dr. Shipman

- police realized Grundy probably wasn't the only victim - realized Shipman had urged families to cremate their dead (impossible to test for poisons) and stressed no further investigation was necessary - discovered he altered medical records to indicate he was treating the patient for what he would claim as the cause of death - got his supply of drugs by continuing to prescribe morphine to people who had died or who never needed opiates

Psychological Profiling

- profiler match the personality characteristics of a certain type of offender with those of a suspect - investigators use batteries of interviews and testing to establish their base of information - experts are frequently called on to predict future behavior of offenders including pedophiles, child molesters, rapists, and other sexual deviants

Victim Profiling

- profilers identify the personality and behavioral characteristics of crime victims who tend to fall prey to certain types of offenders. - information can be gathered through personal records; interviews with witnesses, victims, family, and friends; crime scene examination; and autopsies.

Solvability Factors

- quality of police interviews with eyewitnesses - circumstances that led up to the initial stop of the murderer - circumstances that established probable cause to search and seize physical evidence - quality of the investigations at the crime scene(s) - quality of the scientific analysis of the physical evidence

Dr. Shipman Yorkshire Years

- remained isolated in medical school - met his future wife Primrose when he was 19 - got his degree and joined a medical practice where he was seen as outgoing - staff said he was unnecessarily rude, confrontational, combative, and liked to belittle and embarrass - while at Yorkshire, he would write fake prescriptions for himself to facilitate his addiction; senior partners found out and eventually forced him out and into rehab in 1975 - two years later he paid a fine of just 600 pounds and was accepted into another medical practice

What is McBurneys Point?

- right side of abdomen - 1/3 from the ASIS to the umbilicus - common location for Appendicitis

Male Serial Killer Victimization

- serialists usually hunt within their own ethnic group - lifestyle (e.g. being alone, especially at night) - most kill strangers - some killed a combination of family, friends, strangers and/or acquaintances

Team Killers Self-reported Motives

- sexual (like male soloists, teams commonly engaged in rape, sodomy, etc.) - money - control - enjoyment of torture most teams report more than one motive

Myth that serialists want to get caught

- should expect them to have made serious efforts to conceal their identity, if not the crimes themselves - expect them to be resistant to confessing (accomplished liars in many cases) - do not count on polygraphs

Pathology of Team Killers

- simultaneously a spectator and a participant - fulfill power and control needs through direct destruction of victims and vicariously in watching their partners kill - pathology of the relationship is often symbiotic: one often needs a "follower" and the other a "leader"

Killing Team "Followers"

- some "followers" evolve from reluctant helper to eager participant as the killing goes on but many seem uninclined to engage in violence except in the context of the team - often have less serious or even no significant independent criminal record - most followers probably wouldn't have become violent criminals but for hooking up with their leader (tends to be the case less with leaders, they seem to harbor their own criminal/violent propensities)

Dr. Harold Shipman, "The World's Most Prolific Serial Killer"

- some British authorities suggest he may have caused as many as 400 deaths What was his MO? - gains confidence of female patients - ostensibly caring and concerned - overdoses his elderly female patients on either morphine or diamorphine (heroine) - reminiscent of his mother's death

Green River Killer's Career (Gary Ridgeway)

- started killing using Green River MO in 1982 - many experts suspect previous kills in 1970s or even 1960s but he denies this - arrested in 2001, admits to killing "shortly" before that but couldn't remember any details - last confirmed kill in 1998

Potential Explanations for Increasing Minority Participation in Serial Killing

- statistical "blip," time will tell - changes in offending behavior - 2008 FBI change in definition from 3 to 2 kills may be bringing in more drug and gang crime - African Americans are overrepresented among all homicide offenders, perhaps the product of urban underclass neighborhoods (although this doesn't explain change) - we could be counting African American serialists more accurately than before (relative lack of media coverage or public perception that serial homicides involving minorities are part of "regular urban homicide" and/or drug/gang related)

Marybeth Tinning Other Crimes

- stole money out of Carol's purse - believed to have staged burglary of her home to cover theft of Joe's bowling club money - stole resusci baby and ambulance supplies while volunteering on ambulance crew - arson of trailer (caught fire while she was home alone) - admitted to attempting to kill her husband Joe

Dr. Shipman Death

- suicided in 2004 (rare for a serialist), the day before his 58th birthday - used a ligature made of bed sheets to hang himself from his cell window - believed that he killed himself so that his wife would receive a full National Health Service pension, which she would not have been entitled to had he died after the age of 60 - served only 4 years of his sentence and never confessed

Marybeth Tinning Crimes

- suspected of killing 8 of her 9 children but autopsies for others were all inconclusive or cited natural causes or were never performed - Death certificates for first 8 cite natural causes (SIDS) - only Tammi's death certificate indicated foul play - usual MO was to show up with unconscious and/or recently deceased child and claim some version of s/he suddenly stopped breathing; in some cases she reported seizures - suspicion arose after her adopted child Michael died - authorities pushed after Tami Lynne's death and she confessed to smothering 3 of her children, although the later retracted that confession - convicted only for Tami Lynne's death - sentenced 20 to life and was paroled in 2018 after serving 31 years

Antecedent ("Crime Phases")

Was the killer involved in fantasy about killing, simply planning to kill, or both? Was the act spontaneous or did the murderer have a plan, including a designated day and time?

Victims of Gary Ridgeway

- thought society and law enforcement wouldn't care because his victims were prostitutes - thought little effort to catch him would be made - first bodies were found in the summer of 1982 but no task force or other concerted effort by law enforcement occurred until 1984 - Gary though they were garbage, could kill them without guilt

Dorthea Puente

- took in elderly people as boarders - allegedly took care of them in exchange took their social security checks - killed some, buried them in the side yard and then continued to cash their social security checks - grandmotherly killer: appearance deceptive/above suspicion - arrested a few days after police excavated second body from her yard, in Los Angeles sitting in a bar, where a patron recognized her from news coverage of the case - eventually charged with nine slayings

Trial of Dr. Shipman

- tried for 15 murders but suspected of many more - prosecutor dismissed euthanasia or mercy killing on the basis that none of the dead had terminal illnesses - about 75% of his victims were older women - prosecutor claimed he had killed the 15 patients because he enjoyed doing so - patterns emerged like ambulance-telephone scam; Shipman would pretend to call emergency services and pretend to cancel them we "found" a patient dead - jury found him guilty on 15 counts of murder and 1 of forgery - judge passed 15 life sentences for the murders and 1 4-year sentence for forgery

Employment of Male Serial Killers

- unemployed or underemployed is common - blue-collar and unskilled labor are far more common professions for male serial killers than are high-level white-collar type jobs (although there are some white-collar serial killers like Herb Baumeister)

Female Serialists Race Differences

- unlike male serial killers, female serial killers fo appear almost exclusively white - Hickey's work found 93% were white and 7% were African American (up to 2004)

Utility of Profiling

- use as an investigative tool where leads are limited - provide direction to a lagging investigation - give psychological insights in conducting interviews - develop systematic computer tracking of unsolved serial murder cases - facilitate communication among jurisdictions dealing with serial offenses - offer critique of investigative procedures, forensic evidence collection, and sampling - provide insights for the application of theories used to explain crime and criminal behavior - evidence corroboration

Victims of Male Serial Killers

- vast majority of male offenders since 1975 killed at least one stranger - young females, especially if they were alone, ranked the highest in general preference of male offenders - tend to die more violently than do victims of other homicides - male serial offenders wanting to kill their mothers or fathers usually find themselves killing someone else

Male Serial Killers

- vast majority of serial killers are male - most male serialists exhibit malignant narcissism and sadism - psychopaths/sociopaths - in Hickey's study, male solo killers account for 76% of all serial killers 2004-2014

Female Visionary Killers

- very few - often psychotic - many of them are extrinsically motivated to commit murder by a hallucination commanding them to kill, often from God or Satan

Gary Ridgeway and "Trophies"

- victim's jewelry was significant - took jewelry from most of his victims, hid it first in his house and later in outdoor locations away from home - left in ladies' room at work - jewelry may have been significant because of the theft of his chain at the hands of a hooker

Female Serialists Victim Selection (Holmes and Holmes)

- victims of female serial killers are likely to be known to the killer (unlike males) -- probably an artifact of the prevalence of comfort killers among female serialists - hedonistic comfort killers nearly always kill those they know well as their motive for killing is usually inheriting or collecting on life insurance so they kill family or others close to them

How is Ridgeway a "typical" or stereotypical male serial killer?

- white (stereotype) - killed mostly in his 30s (mid-to-late 20s more typical) - socially awkward (typical) - killed young women (typical) - worked as a truck painter, blue collar job (typical) - deliberately selected marginalized or "easy" victims (typical) - sexual sadist lust type murderer (typical)

Female Disciple Killer

- women who kill when under the influence of a charismatic leader, usually male - motive is psychological (craves acceptance and praise from her "idol") - leader selects the victims according to his own design, but disciples usually carry out the murder

Elizabeth Bathory

-1560-1614 historical vampire known as he Blood Countess originally lived in Carpathian mountains, -mental illness in family, possibly due to incest. -bizarre fits of rage possibly due to epilepsy married Count Nadasdy at age 15 who introduced her to torturing her servants vain, promiscuous, attractive, cruel Folktale: She struck a servant girl one day for a minor offense and drew blood. She later noticed that the skin where the blood was on her hand somehow seemed fresher and more pliant. She firmly believed that if she bathed in the blood of young virgins (especially pretty ones, drank it) she would be beautiful. She abducted peasant girls and viciously killed them and bathed in their blood. when she began killing nobles, an investigation began and she was put under house arrest until her death 4 years later from natural causes

Which of the following is considered to be the threshold potential for action potential creation


Which of the following is the average resting potential of a neurons membrane


How to christains respond to the Black Death?

-Attend church, confess sins, seek forgiveness OR -Engage in "sinful" behaviors; drinking, gambling, prostitution

Battle of Milvian Bridge

-Constantine asked Christian God for help -saw a vision of a cross and had soldiers paint it on their shields -should have lost the battle because they were outnumbered but instead won


-German commander who deposed of Romulus Augustulus -sent representatives to Constantinople to acknowledge his authority over Italy -much of the Western territories were already broken up into a number of Germanic barbarian kingdoms

Julius Caesar

-a military leader who joined forces with Crassus, a wealthy Roman, and Pompey, a popular general -adopted son was Octavian

Pax Romana

-a period of peace and prosperity that lasted 200 years -Rome gave the Med. world peace, law, good gov't -provincial governors tried not to interfere with customs and religions of areas (not stirring things up) -efficient gov't changed people's attitudes (more loyal)

Constantine the Great

-after Augustus' stepped down 20 years later, Constantius (new Augustus of West) died -Constantine took his place- won Battle of Milvian Bridge -later defeated Augustus of the East and united the empire again -political and economic policies same as Diocletian Accomplishments: 1) founded new capital- Constantinople 2) aided spread of Christianity (built churches after killing his wife) 3) issued the Edict of Milan -after his death, successors were ineffective and puppets of barbarian invaders

Economic Forces

-debasement of currency -economic slavery of tenant farmers -trade and industry declined

Social Forces

-developed caste systems -excessive poverty and wealth -brutal entertainment

Roman Laws

-developed legal principles & practices that are still used today -"all men are equal"

Barrack Emperors

-emperors that were placed in charge by the military -caused a century of disorder -army appointed and deposed emperors at their will


-from Greek philosopher Epicurus (taught Athens) -concerned with human happiness -"happiness is freedom from pain" -achieved by living calm, simple, regulated lives -later became personal enjoyment over moral conduct -Epicureanism came to mean a person fond of luxury and pleasure

Political Forces

-heavy taxation of farmers -greed of governors -dishonest officials -lack of senate leadership


-invaded Italy -conquered all but a few possessions of the eastern map conquered by Charlemagne at the request of the pope- 36 individual dukedom


-invaded and conquered Britain -went into England after Romans had left

Romulus Augustulus

-last official Roman Emperor of the West- 14 years old -deposed by Odavacer who took over


-later named Augustus meaning "exalted one, sacred majesty, or one who is worthy of respect and reverence" -maintained peace within the empire by developing the army into a highly disciplined professional, loyal body -stabilized the gov't (civil service, census) -developed trade and industry (system of roads) -encouraged science, art, and literature


-led by Alaric -forced into empire by the Huns -soundly defeated the Romans at the battle of Adrianople -invaded italy and captured Rome -founded a kingdom in southern France and Spain


-led by Atilla -Asiatic Mongolian Tribe that drove the Germanic tribes into the empire -defeated at Chalon; empire gradually collapsed


-led by Clovis -crossed the Rhine River and settled in north Gaul -built strong kingdom -without franks Christianity would be a minor religion


-led by Genseric -driven from Spain by the Visigoths -founded an empire in Northern Africa -invaded and plundered Rome -conquered by the armies of the eastern Roman Empire


-led by Theodoric -entered the eastern Roman Empire -invaded italy at the suggestion of the eastern roman emperor and defeated Germanic tribes there founded brief, but brilliant empire in Italy


-made Christianity official state religion -imposed harsh punishments on those who continued to worship pagan gods -pagan worship continued but in secret in fear of persecution


-strong willed army leader who became the emperor of Rome -ruled with an iron fist and severely limited personal freedoms -took the throne when empire was about to collapse -abolished all old forms of republican empire -established an ABSOLUTE MONARCHY -tried to establish a set method of succession -kept empire united but DIVIDED IT INTO 2 ADMINISTRATIVE PARTS -became Augustus of the East


-the city named after Constantine -became capital of the empire after it was moved from Rome -became center of trade and grew in wealth


-the philosophy that preached good citizenship and stressed being a good citizen -ideal of the brotherhood of mankind -happiness was the greatest good -taught that a divine lawgiver had a fixed plan -should accept what life brings (good or bad) -believed all people were alike because they shared the power of reason

Who did John Douglas work with

Wayne Williams and Atlanta Child Murders

Where is Gatsby's mansion located?

West Egg

Warfarin key counselling points

. Indicated for the prevention and treatment of venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, stroke following MI and prevention of thromboembolism in atrial fibrillation. Always take the same brand of tablets. You need to have your INR tested regularly. tests the time it takes you to clot blood compared to someone not taking warfarin. Normal target is between 2 and 3. If too low at risk of clots if too high risk of bleeding. Once stable will only have to test every 4-weeks. should be taken at the same time each day, usually in the evening.Warfarin is affected by vitamin K (warfarin inhibits vit k reductase enzyme, which activates vit k, which is an important cofactor in the activation of vitamin k dependent coagulant proteins). Vit K is found in leafy green vegetables, broccoli, brussel sprouts. Eat a normal balanced diet with no drastic changes in order to keep your vitamin K intake normal. Alcohol can also affect warfarin levels, and changes in smoking habits. limit to max 2 standards/day. Notify your doctor if you notice any unusual bruising/bleeding. never take more than one dose per day. if you forget, take as soon as remebered.

how many pairs of spinal nerves attach to the coccygeal


How long does it take for iso-osmotics (macrogol 3350) to work?

1 to 3 days. works by delivering liquid to the bowel rather than drawing it from surrounding tissue.

What are the 2 ways in which you could treat an Obstructed Coronary Artery?

1) Coronary angioplasty, balloon is inserted and inflated which increases size of lumen , stent holds it open 2) Thrombokinase is injected in catheter, dissolves clotted blood

Results of the Fall of Rome

1) Greek language forgotten in the west 2) Latin declined as its correct usage was neglected 3) education almost disappeared- not many schools 4) libraries and art treasures were scattered/destroyed 5) art and sciences were neglected 6) knowledge of skilled handicrafts was gradually lost 7) communication became difficult as roads fell 8) commerce and industry partially ceased 9) cities declined or were destroyed

Society/Cultural Influences

1) Greeks provided basis of Roman culture (philosophy, literature, science, architecture, language, law) 2) laws today based off of Roman laws

Contributions of Rome to modern Civilization

1) Political- imperial (monarchies) and municable (city) gov't- still basic patterns for modern gov't 2) Law- Roman law is base of many legal systems today 3) Culture- gave great treasury of literature, Greco-roman culture is foundation of western civilization, modern romance languages and half English from Latin 4) Religion- Christianity still a basic element in Western civilization today and is a major religion

What are the 2 branches of the Axillary Artery which are underneath the Pectorals Minor muscle?

1) Thoracoacromial 2) Lateral Thoracic

Augustus Caesar

1) best and first roman emperor 2) formed a stable gov't 3) emperor when Christ was born 4) decreed that strict moral standards should be met

Results of fall of Rome

1) greek language was forgotten 2) Latin declined as its correct usage was neglected 3) education almost disappeared 4) libraries and art treasures were scattered and destroyed 5) art and sciences were neglected 6) knowledge of skilled handicrafts were gradually lost 7) communication became difficult as roads fell into disrepair 8) commerce and industry practically ceased 9) cities declined or were destroyed

Roman Architectural Skills

1) massive Roman buildings 2) aqueducts 3) triumphal arch 4) large bath houses 5) huge amphitheaters 6) The Colosseum 7) Roman roads 8) The Parthenon

Four elements of MSBP

1) parent fabricates an illness or induces an illness in the child 2) caregiver repeatedly seeks medical care for the child's falsified illness, subjecting the child to unnecessary medical procedures 3) parent denies any knowledge as to the source of the child's illness 4) child's symptoms disappear when the caregiver is separated from the child

The Influences of Christianity

1) worship of one true God 2) new code of Christian morality introduced (10 Com.) 3) man's dignity and importance as a child of God 4) equality of all men 5) idea of sanctity of marriage 6) dignity of labor stresses 7) many social and charitable institutes such as schools, hospitals, orphanages were established

How many branches come from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd part of the Axillary Artery?

1, 2 and 3

What happened in the 1000's to Palestine?

1000's Seljuk Turks conquered Palestine and attacked Byzantine empire Byzantine emperor appeals to pope for assistance

Henry II


Henry IV



10th Emperor, Flavian Dynasty, Built the Arch of Titus, in power during eruption of Vesuvius, destroyed Jerusalem

Maximilian I



14th Emperor, 1 of the 5 Good Emperors, built Hadrian's Wall

how many were killed in columbine

15 including two shooters

Charles V


Maximilian II


Rudolph II


Antoninus Pius

15th Emperor, 1 of the 5 Good Emperors, stopped the persecution of Jews

Ferdinand III


Leopold I


Marcus Aurelius

16th Emperor, 1 of the 5 Good Emperors, Philosopher and general, last Good Emperor

Joseph I


Charles VI


Charles VII


Francis I


Joseph II


3rd Crusade

Against King Richard the Lion hearted (Britain), King Philip Augustus (France), and Fredrick Barbarossa (Holy Roman Empire). Barbarossa drowns in Saleph River Richard and Philip argue - Philip returns - Seized English land in France Richard fights Saladin

Septimius Severus

20th Emperor, Severan Dynasty, reformed the Praetorian Guard


22nd Emperor, Severan Dynasty, first emperor from the equestrian class and from the Praetorian Guard, killed Caracalla

Dustin Pedroia

2nd Baseman for the Boston Red Sox. Really Fast.


2nd Emperor, Julio-Claudian Dynasty, retired to Capri

platelet phase

2nd hemostasis step: platelets adhere to vessel and platelets aggregate together forming a *platelet plug*

Where does the spinal cord end?

2nd lumbar vertebrae

How many openings are there in the Right Atrium ?

3 Superior vena cava Inferior vena cava (looks like a hole in RA) Coronary sinus

How many cusps does the Aortic Valve have?

3 semilunar cusps

What % of people have their left coronary artery giving the PDA?


prostate gland

30% of semen, milky color

What's the average life expectancy during the late Middle Ages?


during the reign of ____ was the senate basically powerless


The western empire officially fell in what year?

476 A.D

The Green River Killer

49 confirmed victims another 50 possible. Targeted prostitutes, and teenage runaways multiple crime scenes, he collected trophies and left arcane clues at crime scene for police. Organized mission oriented killer

What is the surface marking of the Horizontal Fissure of the lung?

4th rib

how many pairs of spinal nerves attach to the lumbar


how many pairs of spinal nerves attach to the sacrospinal


normal resting heart rate

60-100 bpm

What happened in the 600's with the Arabs ?

600's - Arabs conquered Palestine

What is the surface marking of the Oblique Fissure of the lung?

6th rib

beginning of rome how many kings were there before the first Emperor



7th Emperor, Year of the 4 Emperors

how many pairs of spinal nerves attach to the cervical spine


how long does it take for stimulant laxatives to work?

8 to 12 hours Examples: Bisacodyl, Senna. works by speeding up peristalsis.

Otto I the Great


Otto II the Red



9th Emperor, Year of the 4 Emperors, Flavian Dynasty, built the Colosseum

What are the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg?

A signboard in the valley of ashes

What is mercenary?

A solider who serves for pay in a foreign army.

What increases the depth of the socket at the Hip Joint?

Acetabular Labrum

The primary neurotransmitter found in humans is


Where does William's army fan out?

Across English countryside

Why was Jesus eventually killed,according to Romans?

Afraid he would lead the Jews in a revolt against Romans.

The world's first Emperor was

Agustus 27 BC

caught in Moscow, convicted of killing 48, police found a chessboard with all but two squares filled in with dates of his possible victims, life in prison, will first spend 15 years in solitary confinement

Alexander Pichushkin

Was the last emperor in the Severan Dynasty. He reign was peaceful but he was able to handle the new and rising Sassanid Empire. He attempted to make peace with the Germanic tribes by bribes and diplomacy. The legions thought of this as a disgrace to Rome and swiftly killed him.

Alexander Severus 222 A.D. - 235 A.D.


Align along nerve fibers. Provide insulating layers of myelin

An epigraph is a quotation at the beginning of a work that reflects on that work. How does the epigraph to The Great Gatsby reflect on Gatsby's story?

An epigraph is a quotation at the beginning of a work that reflects on that work. How does the epigraph to The Great Gatsby reflect on Gatsby's story?

the zodiac killer

An unidentified serial killer who killed people in the late 1960s and the early 1970s. He had 5 confirmed dead victims, claimed to have killed 37 people.

Anaphylaxis and treatment

Anaphylaxis is the most severe form of allergic reaction. It is potentially life threatening. Anaphylaxis can affect your whole body. Symptoms include lips and tongue swelling, shortness of breath, wheeze or persistent cough, loss of consciousness, collapse, vomiting and diarrhoea. EpiPens are intended for use in people who have been assessed and advised by their doctor as needing an EpiPen to treat their severe allergic reaction. Check expiry! Store at room temp. Form fist around EpiPen and PULL OFF BLUE SAFETY RELEASE. Hold leg still and PLACE ORANGE END against outer mid-thigh (with or without clothing). PUSH DOWN HARD until a click is heard or felt and hold for 3 seconds. Call ambulance.

A short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person


Hillside Stranglers

Angelo Buono and Kenneth Bianchi

What symptoms may be found in someone with a partially blocked coronary artery?

Angina, muscles become ischemic due to the lack of oxygen

What is the Germanic tribe that dominates the kingdom of Britain?

Angles and Saxons

Eye drops to recommend for allergies?

Antihistamines (oral) Antihistimine eye drops: Livostin (Levocabastine), Zadtidine (Ketotifine). Mast cell stabilisers (but they have to be used 4 times a day on an ongoing basis as a preventative): Cromofresh, Rexacrom (Cromoglycate). DON'T recommend eye drops containing naphazoline for more than 3 days as it masks the underlying condition and can cause rebound congestion. Clear eyes allergy ad redness one contains it, be careful.

He was given the name Pius because he saved senators from there execution handed down by his father Hadrian. He focused on the arts and on sciences, building temples, theaters, and mausoleums in Rome. It was the most peaceful time the empire had ever seen, and all maters around the empire were dealt with by their local governor instead of the Emperor. He died of natural causes.

Antoninius Pius Augustus 138 A.D. - 161 A.D.

Why does complete loss of sensation usually not occur unless 2/more intercostal nerves are anaesthetised?

Any particular area of skin usually receives innervation from 2 adjacent nerves hence overlapping of dermatomes occurs

What level does the descending aorta pass through the diaphragm?

Aortic hiatus T12

Describe the structure of the patella bone

Apex Base Articular surface

Hydrocortisone 1% what is the difference between the sensitive and normal formuation?

Apply 1-2 times daily, max 2 weeks. This strength can be applied to the face - avoid eye area. Any age. Purple one: HC is dissolved already and can be absorbed into the skin. Pink one: HC is dispersed, needs to be dissolved first before it can be dissolved and then absorbed. (this delayed step makes it take longer for the HC to be absorbed so it is less likely to cause irritation).

Most important religious office in England?

Archbishop of Canterbury

Interneurons- (Association or internuncial neurons)

Are found entirely within the brain and spinal cord. These are multipolar neurons and link with other neurons. These neurons direct incoming sensory impulses to appropriate parts for processing and interpreting. These cells congregate in nervous tissue called nuclei which is similar to ganglia of the PNS.

What is a dermatome?

Area of skin that is supplied by a single spinal nerve

what advances did the roman empire give us?

Art Sports Stadium Transportation

What is the name of the surgical procedure used to look at the knee joint?


The Arts get financial support from the Medici family and who else?

Arts also supported financially by government and church authorities Italian Renesance includes some of the most well-known artists/art in history

Why do some think rats caused the Black Death?

As long as there are ships there will always be RATS Fleas attach themselves to rats Spreads throughout the major port cities of Western Europe

what parts of the world does Poliomyelitis effect people

Asia and Africa

What would you day is the principal reason for Daisy's appeal to Gatsby?

Aside from Daisy being attractive I would say that Gatsby is in love with the idea of Daisy rather than Daisy herself.

Dimitri Payet

Attacking Midfielder for Marsellie & France

Miguel Almiron

Attacking midfielder for Atlanta United and Paraguay

Concordat of Worms (1122)

Conference between church leaders and political rulers Takes place in a small German town Issues of investiture remain Supposed to settle the issue of investiture once and for all, but Investiture will remain


Atypical antipsychotic. Blood test to determine neutrophil count is vital as patient can develop neutropenia which can develop to fatal agraulocytosis. Constipation is also a major side effect that can be life threatening (recommended it is prescribed with a laxative). Associated with substantial weight gain, dyslipidaemia and hyperglycemia.

Who was the 1st emperor of Rome

Augustus Caesar

Was the great nephew of Julius Caesar, was the first Roman emperor. He started the era "Pax Romani" (The Roman Peace), and conquered lands stretching from Hispania to Germania, and even south into Egypt and Africa. He created a standing army and greatly upgraded roman infrastructure. He died in 14 A.D.

Augustus Caesar 27 B.C - 14 A.D.

How was Augustus's rule different from of the emperors after him.

Augustus kept republican traditions; his succors were more autocratic.

What was Augusts relationship with Caesar

Augustus was a nephew to Caesar later adapted him as a son.

Discuss Fitzgerald's use of the automobile in this novel. What do you think might have made the automobile an appealing symbol to Fitzgerald in the early 1920s?

Automobiles were a symbol of money. The middle class had them but the filthy rich used them as validation and a symbol of their garish success. THey were large opulent and the people used them irresponsibly.


Axons originating from different parts of the nervous system and leading to the same neuron


Axons that have myelin sheaths


Axons that lack myelin sheaths

Where do intercostal veins located posteriorly, on the right drain into?

Azygous Vein which drains into the Brachiocephalic Vein


Bacterial Conjunctivitis. Signs and Symptoms: include acute redness, eye discomfort described as a gritty irritation or burning, but not painful. The discharge which occurs is sticky and purulent (whitish-yellow or pus-like) and often causes the eyelids to stick together when waking in the morning. Vision is not usually affected, except the discharge may cause some blurring which clears with blinking. Management: Usually resolves spontaneously within 7-10 days, however antibacterial eye-drops or ointment can hasten resolution time. Chloramphenicol eye-drops: 1-2 drops in each eye q2h while awake for the first 48 hours, followed by 1 drop q4h for a further 3 days. Alternatively, apply a short (1.5cm) strip of chloramphenicol eye ointment along the inside of each eyelid q3h. Drops could be used during the day and ointment at night. As bacterial conjunctivitis is contagious, advise patient to avoid touching their eyes or sharing towels and facecloths. Contact lens wearers have a greater risk for more serious eye conditions such as giant papillary conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis. These patients must be referred to an optometrist or doctor without delay. Refer if photophobia (sensitivity to light) as well a children under two years of age

Was co-Emperor with Pupienus during The Year of The Six Emperors. Balbinus was main job was clerical work in Rome while his counter-part was off fighting wars. He was assassinated by the Praetorian Guard after the death of Pupienus.

Balbinus Augustus 238 A.D. - 238 A.D.

Hakeem Olajuwon

Basketball all-time leading blocked shots

What do the nobles hate King John?

Because John takes land from the nobility to add to his own royal estate and Raises taxes, they rise up against John. They force him to sign a document that protects their hereditary rights

Benzoyl peroxide

Benzac AC. A first line treatment for mild to moderate acne. It works by it killing the germs (bacteria) that cause acne, and softens and removes outer layers of the skin. It also reduces redness, soreness and inflammation and it helps to unplug blocked pores. Note: Benzoyl peroxide bleaches clothing and hair. Make sure the benzoyl peroxide has completely dried before the treated skin touches clothes or bedding and wash your hands well after using. The choice between gel, cream and wash is based on preference and skin type. Gels are more suited to oily skin. It is best to start treatment with the lower strength (2.5%) especially if you have sensitive skin, then if necessary, you can increase the strength gradually. Washes can be used once or two times a day. Leave on the skin for 30 seconds before rinsing thoroughly. Apply gels and creams as a thin layer once daily. At the start, for the first 3 days when you begin treatment, apply the the cream or gel for a short time (about 2 hours), then wash it off. If you tolerate this, with no irritation, then apply once daily, at night, and leave on the skin overnight, washing it off in the morning. Some people may tolerate twice daily applications. If your skin peels or becomes very dry, use an oil-free moisturiser. Acne responds very slowly to treatment, so it may take several weeks to months to notice improvement.

Where is the valley of ashes?

Between West Egg and New York City

What is the Costochondral Joint?

Between the cartilage and the rib

Where is the Pericardial Cavity located?

Between the parietal and visceral pericardium


Blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart

prevent substances from penetrating brain tissue

Blood-brain barrier

At the end of the book, Nick imagines what the continent must have been like when it was first seen by Dutch sailors. How does this contrast with the environment described in the novel?

Both "Eggs" in their own ways become a symbol of greed, vapid desire and broken dreams. They are separated by the rotting grey Valley of Ashes. THere is no more hope in Long Island as the Dutch sailors might have once felt; now the lives of people on both sides are just as rotten as the valley.

Compare and contrast the character of Daisy and Myrtle Wilson

Both Daisy and Myrtle are unhappy in their respective marriages. THey each seem to want a different guy (Daisy wants Gatsby and Myrtle wants Tom). Both are lovers of Tom. Daisy is the wife and Myrtle is the mistress. Daisy is wealthier while Myrtle lives in the desolate valley. Daisy is related to Nick while Myrtle is not.

how are the United States and the Roman Republic a like

Both have three branches of government


Bricanyl (SABA) used to treat cough, wheeze and difficulty breathing caused by respiratory problems such as asthma and COPD. It works by opening air passages in the lungs to make breathing easier. Terbutaline is called a 'reliever' medicine because it quickly relieves your breathing problems. It starts to work within a few minutes and the effect will last between 3 to 5 hours.

a person has a brain injury; he knows what he wants to say but cannot vocalize the words. the part of his brain that is most likely affected here is

Broca's area

What are the branches of the thoracic aorta?

Bronchiole Oesophageal Pericardial Mediastinal Posterior intercostals Subcostal's Superior phrenic

Black Death

Bubonic Plague - medical name


Bundles of axons that make up part of the peripheral nervous system


Buspirone acts at specific serotonin (5HT1A) receptors. It is only effective for generalised anxiety disorder—activity has not be demonstrated in any other anxiety disorder. Response to treatment may take up to 4 weeks. Dizziness is the most common side effect. May affect performance of skilled tasks (e. g. driving); effects of alcohol may be enhanced. Buspirone should be taken at the same time each day and consistently with or without food. Patients taking buspirone should avoid consuming grapefruit juice.anxiolytic when other medicines haven't worked or are contraindicated.

Where does the Diaphragm originally develops from?


What provides the motor supply of the Diaphragm?

C3,4,5 Phrenic nerve

From where does the Long Thoracic Nevre arise?

C5-7 of Brachial Plexus

where does motor division transmit impulses

CNS to muscles or glands

Which ion is critical for synaptic transmission of a nerve impulse


Was the third emperor in the Julio-Claudian dynasty. He was a successful general and was loved by the Roman people. He was a fair and just ruler for the first six months, but started to build extravagant buildings for himself and his friends and craved more power. He was the first Roman emperor to be assassinated by the Praetorian guard.

Caligula Caesar 37 A.D. - 41 A.D.

Aciclovir (Topical)

Can help minimise the cold sore appearing when applied at the first signs (tingling stage). Does not treat cold sores. (Commonly caused by HSV-1) apply to lesions every 4 hours (5 times daily) for 5-10 days, starting at first sign of attack. Lifestyle: Keep moisturised to prevent it from drying out and scabbing over. They are contagious when the sore is still weeping so avoid kissing, sharing towel, utensils, touching your eyes.


Can only sell if they have been diagnosed with a migraine or you can determine based on questioning that they suffer from migraines in a consistent nature. Adult 18-65 years 50 mg (some patients may require 100 mg); dose may be repeated after at least 2 hours if migraine recurs (patient not responding should not take second dose for same attack); maximum 300 mg in 24 hours. This medicine may make you sleepy. Can't take if pregnant or breastfeeding. Interacts with MOA (ie selegiline), SSRI, St johns wort.

He was the son of the previous emperor Septimius. He co-ruled withs his father until his death, and that ruled with his brother until he had him murdered. He made an edict that stated all freeman around the empire were granted citizenship and issued another edict that allowed the worship of christianity. He was killed by his own bodyguard while traveling to Parthia.

Caracalla Augustus 198 A.D. - 217 A.D.

Sensory Neurons (Afferent Neurons)

Carry impulses from the peripheral body parts to the brain or spinal cord. Changes occur inside or outside the body and stimulate receptor ends or receptor cells, triggering a sensory nerve impulse. These impulses travel along the sensory neuron axons to the brain or spinal cord.

What type of joint is the Manubrio-Sternal joint?


What type of joint is where the ischium, pubis and ilium fuse (Acetabulum)

Cartilaginous joint

"It's really his wife that's keeping them apart. She's a Catholic, and they don't believe in divorce."


Describe symptoms and result of black death

Chills, fever, vomiting, boils/sores, muscle spasms From first contact to death usually only a matter of days 1/3rd of the population of Western Europe wiped out

What is runners knee?

Chondromalacia Knee cap rubs on the femur bone Due to cartilage of patella become soft Part of patellofemoral pain syndrome (pain at front of knee)

Haemorrhoid cream counselling points

Clean and dry the anal area well before using. Wash hands thoroughly. it is ideal to apply the cream after a bowel movement. For external haemorrhoids squeeze a small amount onto the finger and apply. For internal haemorrhoids lubricate the tip of the tube with some of the cream and gently insert the nozzel into the rectum and squeeze. Make sure you still have the tube squeezed as you withdraw the nozzle Proctydedyl:Suppository Adult insert 1 suppository into the rectum 3 times daily for 1 week, followed by twice daily for 1 week, then once daily for one week Ointment Adult apply to the affected area 3 times daily for 1 week, followed by twice daily for 1 week, then once daily for 1 week.

location of columbine

Columbine, Colorado

Mass murders examples

Columbine, Jonestown

He devalued Roman currency and was a peaceful emperor. He was the first emperor to tax the senatorial class which counts for one of the reasons he was assassinated. He was very strong and liked to take part in gladiatorial games. He was killed when a rival family sent a gladiator to strangle him while taking a bath.

Commodus Augustus 180 A.D. - 192 A.D.

What nerve is associated with foot drop?

Common fibular aka peroneal Involved in dorsiflexion of the foot

Peripheral Nervous Syste (PNS)

Composed of the nerves that connect the central nervous system to other body parts


Contains 3 different strains of inactivated bacteria, it works by stimulating your immune system to fight these bacteria that can cause secondary bacterial infections. This means that if you get a cold, your immune system is in a much stronger condition to fight serious bacterial complications (complications that can affect the chest, sinuses and ears) that can occur when your immune system has been weakened. Ask who it is for! Ask if they are well today! If they take it when they are unwell, it can impact the body's ability to mount an effective immune response against the bacteria. Wait until you are feeling better. Any age is safe Safe in pregnancy (inactivated bacteria) CAUTION if the patient is on immunosuppressants, will need to confirm with their specialist. Does not contain any antivirals. DOES NOT PREVENT THE FLU OR COLDS. Provides 2-3 months protection. It is not a substitute for the flu shot. It is a 3 day course 12+ take 1, 2, 4. Under 12yrs take 1, 1, 2.


Contains 8mg codeine and 500mg paracetamol Codeine can make some people drowsy, but not everyone. Can cause constipation. Take 2 tablets every 4-6 hours Max 8 tablets in 24 hours. Need photo ID.

Nurofen plus

Contains ibuprofen 200mg, codeine phosphate 12.8mg. Take 2 tablets, then 1 or 2 tablets every 4-6 hours. Maximum of 6 tablets in 24 hours. Need photo ID.


Contains paracetamol 450mg, codeine phosphate 9.75mg and doxylamine 5mg Paracetamol and codeine work together to stop the pain messages from getting through to the brain. Doxylamine is a sedating antihistamine. Used for the relief of moderate to severe pain including toothache, pain from surgery, tension headaches, migraines and period pain. Take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours. Maximum 8 tablets in 24 hours. Don't need to take it with food.

What happens to the Visceral Pleura of the lung when it reaches the root of the lung?

Continuous with the Mediastinal pleura

"All right...I'm glad it's a girl...And I hope she'll be a fool - that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool."

Daisy Buchanan

"I'd like to get one of those pink clouds and put you in it and push you around."

Daisy Buchanan

"You remind me of a - of a rose, an absolute rose."

Daisy Buchanan

"I've been everywhere and seen everything and done everything. Sophisticated-God, I'm sophisticated!"

Daisy Buchannan

Why does Nick think that Gatsby may be disappointed with Daisy?

Daisy could not possibly live up to the dreams that Gatsby had about her.

How does Daisy behave after Gatsby goes overseas? What does her behavior show about her feelings for Gatsby?

Daisy decided to marry Tom shortly after Gatsby left for the war. When she received a letter from him, she drank herself into a stupor before her wedding...... she loved him, but her feelings were fickle.

How would you describe Daisy's state of mind during dinner? What does she say and so that helps reveal her inner conflicts?

Daisy seems flighty and struggling for attention at the beginning of the dinner, however there's a painful awkwardness that sets in after the phone call when she and Tom disappear into the house.

What causes Winged Scapula?

Damage to the long thoracic nerve which innervates the Serrates Anterior

Was declared Emperor after he lead a successful revolt with his Balkin Legions against Philip I. He reinstated the position of Censor, whose job was to take the census and keep up public morale. He co-ruled with his son for one year until he died in battle fighting the Goths.

Decius Augustus 249 A.D. - 251 A.D.

Changing from dabigatran to warfarin

Declining renal function or adverse effects, e.g. persistent dyspepsia, may require a change from dabigatran to warfarin. The patient's renal function determines when warfarin should be started: Creatinine clearance ≥ 50 mL/min - start warfarin three days before stopping dabigatran Creatinine clearance 30 - 49 mL/min - start warfarin two days before stopping dabigatran

death of 10 women in Kansas, sent letters to police and was caught sending a disk with letters on it, life sentences, 2180 parole eligibility

Dennis Rader

BTK Killer

Dennis Rader; a sexually motivated serial killer that was active for over 20 years; described killings as "projects"

what are the three different progesterone only pills?

Desogestrel (Cerazette) Levonorgestrel (Microlut) Norethisterone (Noriday) - You take a pill every day, with no break between packs of pills. - You can take the progestogen-only pill if you're over 35 and you smoke. - You must take the progestogen-only pill at the same time each day. If you take it more than 3 hours late (traditional progestogen-only pill) - or 12 hours late (desogestrel pill) - it may not be effective. - If vomiting occurs within 2 hours of taking it another should be taken as soon as possible. If a replacement pill is not taken within 3 hours (12 hours for desogestrel) of the normal time, or in cases of persistent vomiting or very severe diarrhoea lasting more than 24 hours, additional precautions should be used during illness and until 2 consecutive progestogen-only pills are taken. - Some medicines may affect the progestogen-only pill's effectiveness - ask your pharmacist or doctor for details. - Your periods may stop or become lighter, irregular or more frequent. - You'll need to use condoms as well as the progestogen-only pill to be protected against sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Describe the setting of the valley of ashes where George and Myrtle live. What aspects of the setting imply that it is intended to have a symbolic meaning as well as a literal one?

Desolate; full of ashes, strange gardens, and smoke; dim and crumbling; full of people more like ghosts than men; gray, cloudy, obscure, and bleak. Fitzgerald takes a lot of time to describe this setting in a detailed and poetic way. He focuses on the specifics of this area which is just a setting but must play a larger role in the story than just that if he's devoting this much time to its detailed description

What does Louis IX do about feudalism?

Destroys many feudalist traditions within France Outlawed both serfdom and private wars between local lands/counts

Voltaren 25mg

Diclofenac potassium. Take initially 50 mg, then 25-50 mg every 8 hours if necessary; maximum 150 mg daily Always try paracetamol first before working your way up to NSAIDs. Contraindications: On Warfarin -they need to discuss with their doctor. On lithium. Don't give if they have poor kidney function, uncontrolled Bp. History of stomach ulcers or upset stomach, make sure they take it with food. If they have asthma can let them know that only 5-10% of asthmatics that take NSAIDs have a flare up. It doesn't always happen. If it happens advise them to use their blue inhaler.

Dimethyl fumarate

Dimethyl fumarate is in a class of medications called Nrf2 activators. It works by decreasing inflammation and preventing nerve damage that may cause symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Dimethyl fumarate comes as a delayed-release (releases the medication in the intestine to prevent break-down of the medication by stomach acids) capsule to take by mouth.


Direct Anticoagulant. Is used to prevent and treat blood clots. Preventing blood clots helps lower your risk of stroke, deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE). Twice daily dosing (morning and evening). Swallow the capsules whole with a full glass of water so the capsule doesn't get stuck in your throat. Do not crush, chew or open the capsules. This will release all the medication at once and increase the risk of side effects. Take with food if tummy upset.Limit alcohol while you are taking dabigatran. If you forget to take a dose, do not take a double dose - this increases your risk of bleeding. If the next dose is less than 6 hours away, skip the missed dose and carry on as normal. If there are more than six hours until the next dose, take the missed dose as soon as you remember. You are at increased risk of bleeding. Contact your doctor if you: become short of breath, cuts/nosebleeds that don't stop, blood in urine (pink), stool (dark tarry) or vomit (coffee ground), if you cough up blood. INTERACTIONS: NSAIDS, Fish oil, ginkgo, ginseng, garlic. DOESNT INTERACT WITH FOOD LIKE WARFARIN.

Was the third and last emperor of the Flavian Dynasty. He was the younger brother of Titus Caesar and was appointed Emperor by the senate after his brothers death. He strengthen the roman economy by raising value of roman coinage and repaired the destroyed Rome. He was the first emperor that called himself god. He was assassinated by court officials in 96 A.D.

Domitian Caesar 81 A.D. - 96 A.D.


Dozile For oral use in adults & children over 2 years of age other than in medicines used for the treatment of insomnia. For oral use for the treatment of insomnia when sold in the Manufacturer's original pack containing not more than 10 dosage units. Do not drink alcohol while taking this medicine. Take dose approximately 30 minutes before bedtime. If you still feel sleepy the next day, do not drive or use tools or machines. Do not use for more than 7 consecutive days. side effects: constipation, dry mouth

On the day after the confrontation between Tom and Gatsby in New York City, what does Gatsby instruct his gardener not to do?

Drain the pool

Elagabalus Augustus 218 A.D. 222 A.D. Elagabalus was only fourteen years old when he came into power in the Roman Empire. During his reign he created a new deity which he made all the senators worship. He was married five times and prostituted himself around the palace. Elagabalus was assassinated by the Praetorian Guard when he was 18 years old.

Elagabalus Augustus 218 A.D. 222 A.D.

Later Middle Ages architecture?

Emergence of the gothic style - 12th century (France) Great height, pointed arch, flying buttresses, stained-glass Windows, natural light. Attention drawn upward

What are emollients and moisturisers?

Emollients soften the skin and they contain fats or oils such as lanolin. Moisturisers add moisture to the skin and usually contain a humectant like glycerine or urea which pulls water from the dermis or the atmosphere into the outer layer of your skin called the epidermis. If an emollient and a steroid cream or ointment are prescribed at the same time, apply the emollient 15-30 minutes before the steroid. Use a soap substitute that is SLS free like emulsifying ointment. Soap substitutes should be gently rubbed onto your skin before rinsing off completely, or you can add them to bath water and soak in the bath for 10-20 minutes, then rinse them off. Lifestyle: Fire hazard from emollients containing paraffin. Examples: Cetomacrogol, Cetomacrogol + glycerol, urea cream, fatty cream.

The ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes and relate to their feelings


Who made Christianity official religion of Rome?

Emperor Constantine made it legal for freedom of religion


Emperor of Rome and founder of the Flavian dynasty who consolidated Roman rule in Germany and Britain and reformed the army and brought prosperity to the empire


Emperor of Rome who adopted the Christian faith and stopped the persecution of Christians (280-337)


Emperor who ended persecution of the Christians, Edict of Milan, and moved the capitol to Constantinople


Emperor who established the Tetrarchy

estradiol + norethisterone

Estradiol, an estrogen, compensates for decreasing endogenous estrogen production in menopausal women. This can reduce bone loss and alleviates symptoms such as vaginal atrophy and vasomotor instability. Norethisterone Progestogen is added to a long-term estrogen therapy for hormone replacement in women with a uterus to prevent cystic hyperplasia of the endometrium and possible transformation to cancer. brands: Kliogest,Kliovance, Trisequens

Clobetasone butyrate

Eumovate Stronger than the 1% HC but not potent. Only use in patients 12y > Can only sell it from the manufactures packaging as the dispensary one does not have the same info on the box/leaflet. Again this is only for treating flare ups, check they are using a good barrier cream and a good soap substitute.

What are the actions of the ITB?

Extends hip Abducts hip Laterally rotates hip Lateral knee stabilisation


Extensions of the cell body that receive electrochemical signals


Extensions of the cell body that send information in the form of nerve impulses away from the cell body

What can be done to help manage Compartment Leg Syndrome>

Fasciotomy Incision of fascial septum Relieves pressure in the compartments


Female sex hormone

What nerve innervates the Pectinous?


What bone rotates to lock the knee?


Potency of differnt antihistamines

Fexofenadine: One of the most potent. Has a relatively short duration of action. Levocetirizine (Levrix) is also one of the most potent, it can also help to reeive congestion. Bilastine: Rapid onset, long lasting. Loratadine has a slower onset of action because it needs to be metabolised to it's active form. Cetirizine may cause drowsiness in susceptible patients.

What is the Pericardium made of?

Fibrous Pericardium Serous Pericardium - parietal & visceral

What structures can be found in the Popliteal Fossa?

Fibular nerve Tibial nerve Popliteal artery Lesser saphenous vein Sural nerve

What is the value for this letter ( L)


What are the troubles that King John has with foreign affairs?

Fights a war against King Philip II of France Loses war AND the region of Normandy which had been part of English Kingdom since William the conqueror

What is the pleural membrane?

Fine serous membrane

Developments in Education in West

First modern universities established in the Latin West Latin still considered the language of education

What happens when Henry IV as sums the crown?

First significant conflict with church happens when he assumes the crown Main conflict between Henry IV and pope Gregory VII over the issue of investiture

When does the name "Holy Roman Emperor/Empire" appear first?

First time this name appears in written text is during the reign of Otto the Great

Counsel on how to use a Respimat inhaler

First time: Insert the cartridge: Keep the cap closed. Remove clear base - press the safety catch while firmly pulling the base with other hand. Insert the narrow end of the cartridge into the inhaler. Press down on a hard surface (such as a table) to secure the cartridge into the device and close the base. Prime the inhaler: To ensure the device releases the medicine properly, you will need to prime it. Do this by turning the clear base in the direction of the arrows on the label until it clicks (half a turn). Open the cap, push the release button on the front, until you see the mist come out of the mouth piece. You may need to do this a few times. To use: Load the dose: Hold the inhaler upright with the cap closed. Turn the base in the direction of arrows until until you hear a click. Breathe out: Breathe out, away from the device. Do not blow directly into your device. Inhale your dose: Open the cap and press your lips around the mouthpiece without covering the air vents on either side. Breathe in slowly and deeply through your mouth. Press the dose release button and continue to breathe in. Hold your breath for up to 10 seconds. Breathe out slowly. There is a counting device on the side of your inhaler that tells you how many doses are left. When it gets into the red section, it is time to get a new inhaler.

Michael Jordan

First true global athlete

What is the value for this letter ( V)


What is the value for this letter (D)

Five hundred

An event or scene taking place before the present time in the narrative is inserted into the chronological structure of the work


What's the best example of Renaissance ideals/values?

Florence, which is run by the Medici family who originally made their money in trade

What is a Pleural Effusion?

Fluid in the pleural cavity which compresses the lung which may be due to Pneumonia, cancer or an infection

NeutraFluor5000 or Clinpro5000

Fluoride is commonly used in dentistry to strengthen enamel, which is the outer layer of your teeth. Fluoride helps to prevent cavities. Q's to ask Have you used this product before? Has it been recommended to you by a dentist? If not, tell them to see their dentist first. Side effects aren't common. Rare cases of dental fluorosis can occur when too much fluoride is consumed when teeth are still forming underneath the gum.


Flurouracil. Indicated for superficial malignant and premalignant lesions. Wash and dry the area before applying a thin layer to the affected areas or as directed. Best applied in the morning but if BD then do it late afternoon to avoid it spreading to other areas when sleeping. Apply with finger, gloves or cotton bud (non-metalic applicator). Warn patient that skin will look red, inflammed and crusty- this is normal. It means the treatment is working. After treatment it may take weeks or months for the redness to fade. Remind patient to protect themselves from sun - as skin is more sensitive.

What do Humanism and scholasticism have in common?

Focus on the "classical" disciplines - history, language, literature, ect. . . - Greece and Rome

Where did the papal court move? Why?

Following the death of Boniface, the papal court moved to Avignon France. A series of 7 French popes rule from Avignon Commonly known as the Babylonian Captivity of the Papacy (Avignon Papacy)

Why does Gatsby lose Daisy during the confirmation at the Plaza? Could he have done anything to win her, do you think? If he could have, why doesn't he?

For all Gatsby's romantic illusions about Daisy, she is pretty superficial. Tom fills Daisy in about how Gatsby got his money through shady crime deals. Daisy seems to lose interest in Gatsby.

What is this a starting point of?

For modern British history

Dexchlorpheniramine (Polaramine)

For oral use in adults & children over 2 years of age treatment of insomnia: Manufacturer's original pack containing not more than 10 tablets. Not available unless you sold the liquid formulation?? can only sell for allergies/hayfever. 2 mg every 6 hours


For osteoarthritis 0.025%: apply a pea-sized amount to the affected area 4 times daily (not more often than every 4 hours); it may need to be used for 1-2 weeks before pain is relieved. For neuralgia: 0.075% apply a pea-sized amount to the affected area 3-4 times daily (not more often than every 4 hours); for painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy continue treatment for 8 weeks then review. Avoid contact with eyes, mucous membranes, irritated, inflamed or broken skin and avoid inhalation of the vapour. Do not have a hot shower or bath just before or after application as this may enhance the burning sensation and do not apply under tight bandages. Wash hands immediately after use (or wash hands 30 minutes after application if hands treated). A transient burning sensation may occur during initial treatment (particularly if too much used or if administered less than 4 times daily), but this will resolve with continued use. Avoid applying heat (heating pads, hot water bottles, heat lamps) to the area where the product has been used.

Buscopan (Hyoscine butylbromide)

For the relief of muscle spasm of the gastrointestinal tract. binds to muscarinic M3 receptors in the gastrointestinal tract 1. This prevents acetycholine from binding to and activating the receptors which would result in contraction of the smooth muscle. The inhibition of contraction reduces spasms and their related pain during abdominal cramping. Take 1 (20mg) QID. If you are still having issues after 48 hours go and see your doctor. The prescription formulation is 10mg so make sure you point this out to patients if they have had it on prescription before! Side effects are anticholinergic: Changes in vision Dizziness, Dry mouth Constipation.


For the treatment or prophylaxis of influenza. Tamiflu stops the virus replicating further which means it will assist the patient to recover faster and be able to return to work or school earlier. Start the course within 1-2 days of onset of influenza symptoms.

Prochlorperazine (Nausafix, buccastem)

For treatment of nausea associated with migraine In packs containing not more than 10 tablets or capsules. Can repackage. Can also be sold for nausea associated with emergency contraception by accredited pharmacists. It is a dopamine antagonists and act centrally by blocking the chemoreceptor trigger zone. Place the tablet high up along your top gum, under the upper lip either side of your mouth. The tablet must not be swallowed whole or chewed. The tablet will soften and adhere to the gum. Allow it to dissolve slowly and completely - this may take between 1 and 2 hours. Most people find that after a few minutes they no longer notice the tablet. The tablet should not be moved about the mouth with the tongue as this will cause it to dissolve too quickly. This medicine may make you sleepy. If this happens, do not drive or use tools or machines. Do not drink alcohol. Protect your skin from sunlight—even on a bright but cloudy day. Dry mouth and constipation may also occur.

Ependymal Cells

Form an epithelia-like membrane that covers specialized brain parts and forms the inner linings that enclose spaces within the brain and spinal cord

Bipolar neurons are commonly

Found in the eye and nose

How did the 4 kings kill Becket?

Four knights make the journey to Centerbury Cathedral Confront Becket- becket ordered them out Knights attack Becket. Becket eventually stabled to death on the floor of Canterbury Cathedral

Has the first emperor in the Year of the Four Emperors. He was previously the governor of Hispania and became emperor during the rebellion of Julius Vindex. He was assassinated by the Praetorian Guard in 69 A.D.

Galba Caesar 68 A.D. - 69 A.D.

Year of the 4 Emperors

Galba, Otho, Vitellius, Vespasian

Was co-Emperor with his father Valerian. He ruled over the Western Roman Empire while his father ruled the east. Hewon many victories in modern day Germany, and put down multiple revolts by his generals in regions of the empire.

Gallienus Augustus 253 A.D. - 268 A.D.

Murdered at least 49 women in Washington, caught through DNA evidence, gave up victims location to not have death penalty, serving 48 life sentences

Gary Ridgway

What does Gatsby's friendship with Meyer Wolfshiem imply about his own background?

Gatsby appears "shady" by connection. Wolfsheim is clearly doing some dirty business

What are Gatsby's feelings by the end of the chapter?

Gatsby is blissfully happy and hopeful

How is Nick's attitude toward Gatsby ambivalent even at the moment when he says goodbye to him?

Gatsby is lost in his fantasy. He is lost in the illusion that Daisy will come back to him and they will live a meaningful life.

Tom, Mr. Sloane, and a young lady visit Gatsby and the lady invites Gatsby to come to dinner with them. What does Gatsby's response tell us about his social sensitivity? What connection, if any, do you think this scene might have with Gatsby's love of Daisy?

Gatsby is not a good reader of people or their intentions. He doesn't get the hint... several hints, and it shows.

What indications are there that the green light will have a powerful emotional significance to Gatsby?

Gatsby is so near and yet so far away from a green light. He is stretching out his arms toward an elusive goal that he cannot quite reach

Describe the gradual revelation of Gatsby's character. What do we learn about him and when? Why is this an appropriate way of learning about him?

Gatsby is something of an enigma for the beginning of the novel. It isn't until Nick and Daisy fit into the scene that Gatsby's character slowly comes out

Why do you think Daisy sobs when Gatsby shows her his shirts?

Gatsby overwhelms her with these tangible signs of his affection and when he takes his shirts, ordered from England, out of his cabinet and throws them on the bed- symbolize

When a Daisy admits that she loved Tom, why does Fitzgerald write, "It looks like Gatsby killed a man"?

Gatsby realizes that no matter how hard he tries, Daisy doesn't view him as good enough

How does Gatsby characterize Daisy's voice? What do you think he means by this?

Gatsby says that Daisy's voice is full of money because Daisy has always lived a life of privilege, and always will.

Gatsby's tragedy is that he chooses the wrong dream (Daisy). Has he been corrupted by society? Or is his choice an indication that he is part of the corruption

Gatsby simply buys into the corruption that most of the other characters do. The whole concept of the American Dream, money, Daisy, the parties was rotten before Gatsby decided that he wanted to be a part of it.

What is Gatsby's view of the past? When Nick says that Gatsby "wanted to recover something, some idea of himself perhaps, that had gone into loving Daisy," what do you think he means?

Gatsby wants evrything he has idealized since he and Daisy last parted. He wants the past to disappear...... no Tom, no money, no nothing....... just the two of them the way he thought it would be.

Why does Gatsby stop giving parties?

Gatsby wants to be alone with Daisy. This is what he has always wanted

When does James Gatz change his name? Why?

Gatsby was out warning the rich folk to get their boats off the lake because a storm was coming in... and when asked his name he said it was Gatz rather than Gatsby. He wanted to sound like one of the crowd or possibly disassociate himself from his poor family.

What is Gatsby doing when Nick first sees him?

Gatsby's reaching out towards something, staring at a green light across the water which Nick says could come from a light at the end of a dock

What does Gatsby offer Nick in return for Nick's cooperation in inviting Daisy to his house?

Gatsby, aware that Nick may be in a tough financial situation, offers to "set him up in business" so that he can make some money

What does Gatsby tell Nick the night of the accident? Why?

Gatsby, in his misery, tells Nick the story of his first meeting with Daisy. He does so even though it patently gives the lie to his earlier account of his past

"God knows what you've been doing...You may fool me, but you can't fool God."

George Wilson

"When are you going to sell me that car?"

George Wilson

Describe George Wilson. How does he react to Tom's arrival?

George has blond hair and light blue eyes; he is spiritless, anemic (lacking power, vigor, vitality, or colorfulness; listless; weak), and only faintly handsome. He seems hopeful for something that Tom may bring (we're led to believe it has something to do with a car that Tom was going to sell him).

The Children's Crusade (1212) NEED TO KNOW DATE

German/French boy has dream where Christ tells him to peacefully convert Muslims in Holy Land to Christianity. Thousands of children March to the Mediterranean Sea. Then reportedly sold into slavery throughout North Africa In reality, probably just ordered to return home by King Philip of France

He co-ruled with his brother Caracalla. The two brothers fought constantly, they even at one point wanted to split the empire in two. He was murdered in his mothers hand under orders from his brother.

Geta Augustas 209 A.D. - 211 A.D

What did the Romans do for entertainment?

Gladiator Fights Chariot races Dinner parties

Why is it important for a pt to keep using glaucoma treatment?

Glaucoma is an eye disease in which progressive damage to your optic nerve can result in blindness (fluid isn't drained, build up of pressure). Often there are no symptoms. Treatments are available to help prevent further damage. To reduce the effects of glaucoma, it's important to use your eye drops every day. The effect of the medication wears off so if you do not use your eye drops on time, your eye pressure will rise even though you cannot feel it. If using 2 or more types of drops at the same time, wait 5 minutes before putting the next drop in your eye to prevent dilution of the first medication.

What muscles are involved in Hip Extension?

Gluteal Maximus Hamstrings Adductor Magnus (accessory)

What attaches the to the Greater Trochanter of the Femur?

Gluteus Medius & minimus Gemellus muscles Obturator externus Piriformis

Thibaut Courtois

Goalkeeper for Chelsea FC & Belgium

Marc-André ter Stegen

Goalkeeper for FC Barcelona & Germany

Manuel Neuer

Goalkeeper for FC Bayern & Germany

Hugo Lloris

Goalkeeper for Tottenham & France

What is Jordan Baker's occupation?


Was co-Emperor with his son Gordian the Second. He was emperor for only one month. He hung himself after losing a battle to a Governor loyal to Maximinus Thrax.

Gordian The First 238 A.D. - 238 A.D.

He was the son and co-Emperor with his father Gordian. He died in battle facing a much more well trained force in Carthage.

Gordian The Second 238 A.D. - 238 A.D.

Was declared emperor after the death of Pupienus and Balbinus. He was the last emperor to open the Temple of Janus, and sent a large army to counter attack the Sassanid Empire. His death is still unknown but he died in battle fighting the Sassanids.

Gordian The Third 238 A.D. - 244 A.D.

Bill Russel

Got the most rebounds in a single game

Tiberius Gracchus

Grandson of General Scipio, Elected tribune in 133BC, Proposed law to take land back from Senators and give it to the landless, Very popular with the masses, Opponents organized a riot where he was killed

Color of Unmyelinated Axons


National epics greatly influenced by what?

Greatly influenced by the epic tales of Greco-Roman literature Hero figure/ on a journey/ encounters great encounters/ engages in great battles/ tragic flaw, ect. . .

What is the architecture of Middle Ages?

Greco-Roman: Dome-shaped, very few Windows, dark, damp, cold. Attention is drawn downward

What was the spoken language in the Byzantine Empire


Gregory does what to the church?

Gregory centralizes power of the church: cannon law now supreme to all other law codes papacy can be judged by no one Pope has sole power of investiture Pope has ability to depose emperors

What does Gregory resort to doing to Henry IV?

Gregory resorts to excommunicating Henry in order to make his point Also urges Germanic tribes to select a new emperor

First serial killer

H.H. Holmes

built the murder castle during world's fair

H.H. Holmes

Was the adopted son of Trajan. Hadrian travelled to every province in the Roman Empire, and was especially in love with Greece. He rebuilt Athens as the new cultural center of the Empire, and built Hadrian's Wall in Britannia. He wore mainly military clothing and when traveling he slept with the soldiers. He pulled Roman legions back from the middle east. He died of natural causes.

Hadrian Augustus 117 A.D. - 138 A.D.

What muscles are involved in Knee Flexion?

Hamstrings Gracilis Sartorius TFL Poplieus Gastrocnemius Plantaris (accessory, synergist muscles)

Dr. Death

Harold Shipman

used morphine to cause victims to OD

Harold Shipman

Who's arm/force is defeated? and Who gets the crown?

Harold's army defeated; William assumes the crown of England

Referral points for diarrhoea?

Have a fever above 39.5 ºC Blood or pus in your poo. Signs of dehydration (eg, thirst, dry mouth, lack of energy, passing less urine than normal, dizziness, confusion, or the skin on the back of the hand is slow to return to position after being pinched upwards) Strong pain in your tummy or bottom Long-term medical condition (eg, diabetes needing insulin treatment or heart or kidney disease) Take certain medications, including the contraceptive pill (back-up methods are advised) or have diarrhoea lasting more than two days. Babies under 6months, Very young children can quickly become dehydrated and this can make them seriously unwell. Lifestyle: Electrolyte replacement therapy, don't have sugary drinks! dilute it coz it can make dehydration worse.

Why does Gatsby throw extravagant parties?

He believes that Daisy may come to a party some night.

once William has an accurate count of his kingdom, he can initiate what?


What happens to King Edward?

He dies

Why is Gatsby so unsettled by Daisy's daughter?

He forgot she existed and realizes she's a complication

Which of these details is true about Gatsby's past?

He fought in the war

Why is King John called one of the worst monarchs in English History?

He has troubles with Foreign affairs and the church.

What was one thing Justinian hoped to do

He hoped to regain the lost part of the Western Roman Empire

Why does Gatsby want to have tea with Daisy in Nick's house? Why doesn't Gatsby ask Nick for this favor himself?

He loves Daisy and wants to see her. The reason he wants to do it specifically at Nick's house is because Nick lives next door to Gatsby, so this would make for an easy setup for her to see his great big house and come over to his place.

Keith Hunter Jesperson

He murdered eight women in the U.S during the early 90s and he became the happy face killer because he drew smiley faces at the end of each note he sent to prosecutors

What is Meyer Wolfshiem's claim to fame?

He rigged the 1919 World Series.

What does Gatsby reply when Nick asks him how he makes his money? Why does Nick find that significant?

He says it is his private affairs. That's pretty poignant, since it directly avoids the question. The only reasons that Gatsby would not answer is if his business is illegal.

What did Justinian do to the Roman law

He simplified the law so it could be understood

What does tom do when he and Daisy return from their honeymoon?

He starts having an affair and gets caught when he wrecks his automobile and his mistress breaks her arm. To make matters worse, the story ends up all over the newspapers

What does Gatsby tell Nick he wants Daisy to do?

He tells Nick he wants Daisy to leave Tom.

What does Klipspringer want from Nick? How does Nick react to this?

He wants to pick up a pair of tennis shoes. Nick is pretty revolted by him and hangs up the phone

Charles Manson

He was a serial killer/cult leader who murdered many people, including Sharon Tate. He was sentenced the death penalty, but his sentence was changed to life in prison after Furman v. Georgia

How was Julius Caesar Veiwed by most Roman citizens during his lifetime

He was extremely popular

How was julius ceaser viewed by moist roman citizens during his lifetime.

He was extremely popular

Why did Gatsby drop out of college?

He was humiliated by having to work as a janitor to pay his tuition.

Why was Constantine important to Roman history. How did he change the empire?

He was important to Rome's history because he was considered to be the first Christians emperor. He made Christianity legal and allowed for freedom of religion throughout the empire. Moved the capital from Rome to Byzantium witch he renamed Constantinople (modern day Istanbul). Constantinople would remain the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire and later Byzantine Empire.

Why was Trajan important in Roman history

He was the first emperor born outside of Rome (Spain) popular general who is considered one of the best emperor for his effort in building roads,libraries and helping farmers and orphans. Rome was at its largest point from a territory standpoint during his reign.

Why does Nick not tell Gatsby the cops are on to him?

He's too disgusted with his behavior in protecting Daisy

Headlice treatment

Head lice spread easily through close head-to-head contact with other people. Anyone can catch head lice; catching them has nothing to do with not being clean. Dimethicone 4% lotion is a very effective head lice treatment. Dimethicone kills head lice by suffocation (blocking their air supply) and stopping them from being able to regulate water. Apply the lotion to dry hair, using enough product to thoroughly moisten the hair and scalp, and combing it through with a regular comb. Leave on for at least 8 hours (overnight) before washing off. Repeat the treatment 7 to 10 days later. Insecticides kill head lice by poisoning them. Examples of insecticides include permethrin, phenothrin and malathion. These products are usually applied and left on the scalp and hair for a few minutes and then combed and washed out. repeat the treatment in 7 days to kill any newly hatched eggs. Aerosol formulations is potentially flammable and should not be applied close to a naked flame (such as a cigarette or candle) or an external heat source (such as a heater or hairdryer). LIFESTYLE: Inform school if your child has lice to minimise spread, cut fingernails to help prevent infection from scratching, keep long hair tied back or cut short, don't share hats or combs.

What is Cardiac Tamponade?

Heart compression Heart is unable to expand fully Limits volume of blood into the ventricles as they cannot expand Fibrous tissue is tough and cannot stretch to accommodate fluid etc Fluid around the heart builds up

"Jimmy was bound to get ahead."

Henry Gatz

What was the outcome of Becket being killed?

Henry II ruined. Gets 25 lashes to show how sorry he was for Becket's death. Becket is Worshiped as a martyr.

Murder at the Cathedral

Henry growing more frustrated with Becket in Royal Court, he said "...will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?..." Four knights overhear Henry and kill Becket for him

"Barefoot in the snow"

Henry waits "barefoot in the snow" for audience with Gregory In reality, he does wait three days outside a castle in northern Italy before Gregory will see him. Will eventually lift order of excommunication against Henry

Why is King Henry II happy about the choice of the new Archbishop of Canterbury?

Henry's good friend THOMAS BECKET is appointed of Archbishop of Canterbury believed Becket will SUPPORT his efforts Becket actually RESISTS Henry's efforts in most instances

At the end of the chapter, Nick describes Gatsby kissing Daisy in Louisville five years before. What is Gatsby giving up when he kisses her? Why?

Hes giving up the illusion...... it was a good dream, but the girl he'd been pining for had only existed in a memory.

How mobile are serial killers?

Hickey's study suggests that serial killers are not as mobile as we may think It is a myth that most or all male serial killers travel around the country killing as they go to escape detection - Place Specific killers tend to kill where their position or role provides them with plentiful opportunities to kill vulnerable victims, hence they tend to amass higher body counts - possibly increased urbanization makes it easier for serial killers to remain anonymous without moving around - increased urbanization might also make the phenomenon more likely

who becomes the new king?

His brother in law Harold is named new king

What is Gatsby's dialogue like in this chapter? What does it tell us about Gatsby?

His dialigue is awkward, nothing like the confidant man we think he is up to this point. In this chapter we see a quiet, unsure, and secretive

Why is Gatsby's father so proud of him?

His father is proud about how far his son had "made it" in life.

Who rules after Philip II?

His grandson, Louis IX

N'Golo Kante

Holding Midfielder for Chelsea and France


Holding midfielder for Real Madrid and Brazil

Henry IV is also a ...?

Holy roman emperor

Was only Emperor for less than a year. He was declared Emperor by the senate only to die of the plague, he was only one of 13 emperors to die of natural cause's.

Hostilian Augustus 251 A.D. - 251 A.D.

What is pre patellar bursitis?

Housemaids knee Inflammation of pre patellar bursa

He ruled with an iron fist and fixed previous problems, split the empire in half and ruled the Eastern part, doubled the size of the Roman army

How did Diocletian succeed in preserving the empire?

It was easier to protect the borders because the empires were smaller and things stayed more in control with more than one authoritative figure

How do you think the splitting of the empire into two parts helped it survive for another 200 years?

What did he have to learn?

How many people? How much land? How many farms, mills, businesses, etc?

Who was the first Capetian monarch?

Hugh Capet

Orlistat (Xenical)

Lipase inhibitor, reduces the absorption of dietary fat, is for weight control, including weight loss, weight maintenance and prevention of weight regain in adults with a Body Mass Index (BMI) ≥ 30. Take 1 capsule immediately before, during or up to 1 hour after each main meal. Maximum of 120mg 3 times daily.

Rossmo's Typology of Offender Hunting Style and Geographic Space

Hunter - identifies and selects a victim in his home area Poacher - travels away from his home area to find victims Troller - doesn't really hunt, opportunistic killer who attacks while engaged in normal routine activities Trapper - enjoys laying traps for victims

Nick says that "this has been a story of the West, after all." What do you think he means by that?

I think Nick means to contrast the decadence of the East with the real world of the West. Both he and Gatsby are midwesterners. They go to the East for different reasons but the East seems to corrupt and morally ravage all who enter.

With Jordan in his arms, Nick thinks of a phrase: "There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired." How do you think this phrase reflects on the events of the novel so far? Do you think that Gatsby would agree with the phrase?

I think the phrase suits Gatsby just fine. Gatsby's parties seem like a singles mingle free for all even though most of the couples are married. Gatsby watches from afar, immune to the pursuits. This however is not totally true because he has always been pursuing Daisy .


If the net effect is excitatory but subthreshold, an impulse is not triggered, but the neuron is more excitable to incoming stimulation than before

What important ligament attaches superior to the Interochanteric Line?

Iliofemoral Ligament

Why was it so important that people attend these universities?

Improve ones life on earth and ensure eternal salvation


Impulses leaving a neuron of a neuronal pool

How does Gatsby dress for his first meeting with Daisy?

In gold and silver

What is epistle?

In the Christian bible,letters writer by disciples.

What is the weather like in this chapter? How does it reflect on the emotional climate of Gatsby and Daisy?

In this chapter, there is very heavy rain during the first part of the meeting between Daisy and Gatsby. Then, after about half an hour, the sun comes out. I think this is sort of a metaphor for the way things are going between the two of them.

Describe two incidents involving automobiles in this chapter. What role do automobiles seem to play in the novel so far?

In this novel, cars are a symbol of the attitudes of the rich. Practically everyone in the story is a bad driver, especially the rich people. They do not seem to care about anything -- their lives are empty. This is symbolized by their driving.

What is Compartment Leg Syndrome?

Increase in fluid due to haemorrhage, oedema or inflammation Pressure rises but the septa forming the compartment boundaries wont stretch Structures distally become ischemic

in order to continue warfare, what must the monarchy do

Increase taxes

Political Results

Increased power of Western European monarchs as most nobility wiped out

atrial reflex

Increased venus return increasing the rate of firing and they stretching during ventrular diastole

Elidel (Pimecrolimus)

Indicated for atopic eczema when other therapies have been ineffective or inappropriate. It is an immunomodulater. Avoid excessive exposure to sunlight. Do not drink alcohol (it can cause facial flushing and skin irritation).


Loss of WBC production (leukocytes, monocytes, and granulocytes)


Loss of water, causing something to shrink

2nd Crusade

Louis VII (France) and Conrad III (Holy Roman Empire) NAMES NOT ON QUIZ A total military failure

Fosamax (alendronate)

Indicated for osteoporosis and pagets disease. osteoporosis: 1 tablet once weekly on same day each week. Take on an empty stomach at least 30 minutes before food (breakfast or another medicine). Swallow whole with plenty of water. Make sure you remain upright for at least 30 minutes. If you take calcium, iron or antacids - seperate these by 2 hours. Maintain good oral hygiene (brushing teeth and flossing) to help osteonecrosis which is associated with fosamax. Contact doctor if you experience jaw pain. Lifestyle: exercise (dance, aqua jogging), eating calcium foods.

Imiquimod cream

Indicated for the treatment of external genital warts, actinic keratoses and superficial basal cell carcinoma. immunomodulator tricks the body into developing immune response to trigger apoptosis of diseased tissue. WARTS: Apply 3 times a week, on alternate days followed by a 2-day treatment free interval until lesions resolve. Maximum of 16-weeks. Rub in and leave on 6-10 hours, then wash off with mild soap and water. CARCINOMA: Apply to lesion and 1cm beyond it on 5-days of each weeks for 6-weeks. Asses 12 weeks after completing treatment. Rub in and leave on 8 hours, then wash off with mild soap and water. Patient counselling: Expect the skin to become inflammed. Cream should be washed off before sexual contact. The cream can damage latex condoms.

Where is the pudendal nerve & internal vessels located in relation to the Piriformis?

Inferior, leaves lower part of the Great sciatic foramen

What is Clergymans Knee?

Infrapatellar bursitis Inflammation of the bursa which is located below the patella

Why was Diocletian important in Roman history? How did her change the empire

Inherited an empire that was in bad shape,Rome had been losing territory and was in depression economically. Created reforms to strengthen the empire such as putting more money into the army into the army and limiting prices to fight inflation. To make the empire more manageable,he split the empire into eastern and western empire. He ruled the east and appointed a co-emperor to rule west.


Inhibits the enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) which is responsible for breaking down acetaldehyde in the body.. Acetylaldehyde is a byproduct of ethanol ingested and when it remains high in the blood stream (because the enzyme isn't breaking it down for us) it can cause very unpleasant symptoms.


Inhibits viral replication. Take 3 tablets (500mg x 3) as a single dose. It must be used as soon possible after the first symptoms of a cold sore appear such as tingling, itching, burning, redness or swelling. Famciclovir should not be used if a hard crust has already formed on the cold sore. Can only be used in people 18 years and over if they have had a cold sore before. Famciclovir does not kill the virus. The virus that causes this infection continues to live in your body. Contraindicated in people with kidney issues, if pregnant (can use the compeed patches or zovirax cream). If someone is buying it to have on hand and they are female, remind them not to take it if they are pregnant or breastfeeding.

autorhymic cells

Initiate action potentials have unsable pace maker potentials use calcium influx for rising phase of action potential

What are the action & innervation of the External Intercostal Muscles?

Innervation: Intercostal nevers Action: Expands ribcage during INHALATION

What structures are located in the costal groove of a rib?

Intercostal vessels and nerve

What veins unite to form the brachiocephalic veins?

Internal Jugular Vein Subclavian Vein

What structures pass through the Lesser Sciatic Foramen?

Internal pudenal nerve and vessels

What vessels are used in CABG?

Internal thoracic Great Saphenous Radial artery

What is the line between the trochanters on the back?

Interochanteric crest

Post-offense behavior ("Crime Phases")

Is the killer using the media to insert himself into the investigation? Does the killer make contact with investigators?

What separates the Greater and Lesser Sciatic Notch?

Ischial Spine

What caused the Roman Empire to split

It grew to big

Why is the first rib not commonly fractured?

It is protected by the clavicle (located inferior & posterior)

What is the motive publicly given for Wilson's murder of Gatsby?

It is said that Wilson was a mad man and went crazy.

St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum)

It should not be prescribed or recommended for depression because there are no standardised St John's wort preparations in New Zealand. Additionally, it can induce drug metabolising enzymes and has serotonergic actions. A number of important drug interactions, including serotonin syndrome with antidepressants, have been identified. The amount of active ingredient varies between different preparations of St John's wort and can lead to unpredictable effects.

Whay was the Byzantine Empire named the Byzantine Empire

It waas found as Byzantium

Where did Daisy meet Gatsby?


what is the house of commons

Lower house

After Jordan tells Nick the story of Gatsby and Daisy, Nick says that Gatsby "came alive to me, delivered suddenly from the womb of his purposeless splendor." How does the metaphor of birth help explain what Gatsby's behavior had meant to Nick up to then?

It would seem, from Jordan's story, that Gatsby was born in an instant. It was as if Gatsby had no past, no childhood. Gatsby had re-created himself in the years following the war

"He's the man who fixed the World Series back in 1919."

Jay Gatsby

"It was a terrible mistake, but in her heart she never loved anyone except me."

Jay Gatsby

Killed 17 men, Tracey Edwards flagged down police car, 15 life sentences but murdered in prison

Jeffrey Dahmer

The Milwaukee Cannibal

Jeffrey Dahmer

Who was the founder of Christianity?


How is the comparison of Gatsby with Christ ("he was a son of G-d... and he must be about His Father's Business") ironic? If the comparison with Christ were to continue through the book, what would happen to Gatsby?

Jesus was always about his Father's busuiness, and his father was always aware of what he was doing...... it was always the right thing. Gatsby, on the other hand, had turned his back on his father, who knew nothing of his actions. Had he continued, he'd be disowned.

One of the first serial killer profilers

John Douglas

30 bodies buried on his property, put to death by lethal injection

John Wayne Gacy

The Killer Clown

John Wayne Gacy

"He wants her to see his house...and your house is right next door."

Jordan Baker

"It takes two to make an accident. I don't like careless people. That's why I like you."

Jordan Baker

Who is Jordan Baker?

Jordan is described as the "balancing girl" - the girl Nick originally thought was snobbish but later came to like for her confident air.

Who was the first emporer

Julius Ceaser

What is the weakest part of the rib?

Just anterior to the neck (due to the change in direction)

Under who did the Byzantine Empire get to its greatest point


Who was leader after Constantine


Who is the angle-saxon king?

King Edward

Who establishes trial by Jury?

King Henry II

Who is the next King?

King John

What is the largest joint in the body?

Knee joint

Willis Reed


What nerve roots does the knee reflex test?


What is the vertebral layer of the Iliac Crest?


What vessels are located in the anterior inter ventricular groove?

LADA - branch from left coronary artery Great cardiac vein


Lacosamide is thought to enhance slow inactivation of voltage-gated sodium channels, resulting in stabilisation of excitatory neuronal membranes and suppresses repetitive neuronal discharges that generate seizures.

Marcus Aurelius

Last of the "Good Emperors", Wrote "Meditations" personal reflections of his beliefs, End of the Pax Romana

Where is the Obturator Externus located and what is its function?

Lateral rotation Inserts onto greater trochanter External surface of pelvic bone

Constantinople had a shortage of what

Law Enforcement

Offender Profiling

Law enforcement agencies collect data, often using case studies or anecdotal information, which then are transformed into general descriptions of the types of persons most commonly associated with a certain type of criminal activity.

what does legislature mean?

Law making body


Layered membranes that lie between the bony coverings and the soft tissues of the central nervous system, protecting the brain and spinal cord


Leader of the Roman Empire who disguised it as a republic, and under who the Roman Empire came to be at its greatest extent.

How find the Medici family lead to control?

Leads to control of most of the banking systems and financial institutions Becomes the greatest patron of the arts

Because of the slight improvements in trade, architecture, and food in the later Middle Ages, what does this lead to?

Leads to rapid growth in urban areas (major metropolitan cities) Paris - 80,000 London - 35,000 Most cities 5,000-10,000

Where is the Left Circumflex Artery located?

Left atrioventricular groove

What artery gives the PDA (posterior descending artery)?

Left coronary artery

Clayton Kershaw

Left handed pitcher that throws a lot off-speed pitches.

what does Edward I call a meeting of?

Legislative assembly

a person suffers a traumatic brain injury. with therapy he regains motor function, speech and balance. however, he is now prone to anger and outbursts and is described as having a very different personality. which area of the brain is most likely compromised

Limbic system

Who benefits greatly from the crusades?

Merchants become very wealthy from new trade

Was co-Emperor with Marcus Aurelius. He was the lesser of the two emperors with Marcus having more power. He allowed free speech in Rome and when the Tiber flooded he brought Rome out of a famine do to the drowning of most of their animals. He died of small pox in the year 169 A.D.

Lucius Verus 161 A.D. - 169 A.D.

Lysine supplement

Lysine is an essential amino acid that is necessary for growth and tissue development. It also has antiviral properties. In some people regular lysine use can help reduce outbreaks and improve symptoms.

Means of attack


location selection


use of weapon


escitalopram, citalopram

MOA: SSRIs -> inhibit serotonin reuptake USE: For depression and anxiety, PD, GAD (2-4 week onset), SAD (8-12 week onset) AE: nausea, GI upset, diarrhoea, dry mouth, diminished sexual function and interest, Can cause serotonin syndrome in presence of MAOI or another serotonergic drug. Serotonergic medicines include antidepressants, lithium, St John's wort, sumatriptan, tramadol and pethidineTake special care if also taking aspirin, NSAIDs, warfarin and other anticoagulants - increased risk of bleeding. Escitalopram is the active S enatimor. Citalopram is equiv to half the dose od escitalopram. Max escitalopram dose is 20mg and 40mg for citalopram. Increasing the dose anymore has no clinical benefits and increases risk of side effects ie QT prolongation.

What is that document called? What does it mean?

Magna Carta (Great Charter) Even the king is not above the law


Male sex hormone

What religion did many of the early Christians convert from?

Many converted from Judaism.

What do the eyes of Dr. T. J. Eckleburg symbolize to George Wilson? What is significant about this symbol?

Many critics suggest that the eyes symbolize God looking over a sinful land

What are the crusades seen as?

Many see the crusades as an opportunity to gain material wealth, possessions, land, ect. . .

Was the first Roman Emperor to not be from the senatorial class. He showed military reluctance on all fronts that his predecessor started. He added value to roman currency. He was executed when a new emperor came to power with support of the previous emperors daughter.

Marcrinus Augustas 217 A.D. - 218 A.D.

Was co-Emperor with Lucius Verus. He was also considered a accomplished philosopher who had written Meditation, a book still read today. He fought a successful war with the reinserting Parthian Empire and put out a revolt in the eastern providences led by Cassius. He died of natural causes.

Marcus Aurelius Augustus 161 A.D. - 169 A.D. with Lucius Verus, 169 A.D - 177 A.D. alone, and 177 A.D. - 180 A.D. with Commadus.

Which of the following is not a disorder included in Avon Recklinghausens disease

Marfan syndrome

Was declared Emperor after his germanic legions assassinated his predecessor. He doubled the pay of soldiers, along with constant warfare, the tax prices were raised to compensate. He persecuted Christian religious leaders, even the Pope had to leave Rome. He died in battle while trying to put down a senatorial revolt.

Maximinus Thrax 235 A.D. - 238 A.D.

Meclozine (Sea Legs)

Meclozine works by blocking the chemical histamine, in the brain, that is known to trigger nausea and vomiting. To prevent motion sickness, meclozine is best taken the night before you travel or 1 hour before travel. You can wait to take meclozine when the feeling of sickness starts, but it does not work as well. SE: Drowsiness/dizzy. Recommended that you don't drive. Avoid alcohol as it can make this worse.

Which meniscus is more likely to tear?


Where is the Adductor Tubercle located and what attaches here?

Medial condyle of femur Adductor Magnus

What are the borders of the femoral canal?

Medial: lacunar ligament Lateral Femoral vein Anterior: Inguinal ligament Posterior: Pectineal ligament, superior rams of pubic bone and pectinous

What's the name of the family that runs Florence?


What did merchants do with guilds?

Medieval merchants began to unite into organizations / associations Convoy system

Melatonin counselling points?

Melatonin is a hormone normally produced by your body. It helps to control your body's sleep pattern and sleep-wake cycle. The level of melatonin in your body increases soon after the onset of darkness and is highest between 2-3 am. Melatonin production is suppressed by light. It seems that less melatonin is produced as you age. In New Zealand melatonin is available as tablets and capsules and has different uses. Melatonin may be prescribed for children and young people up to the age of 18 years who have neurodevelopment disorders that make it difficult to sleep. For sleep problems, take your melatonin dose 1 or 2 hours before bedtime, after a meal or with a snack. It is important to take your dose at the correct time. If taken at the wrong time of the day it is likely to cause daytime sleepiness. Swallow SR tablets whole. The effects of melatonin may not be immediate and it may take a few days for you to experience the full benefits. It's important to take your dose OD at night rather than every now and again. Limit or avoid alcohol. Be careful when driving.

Estradiol patches

Menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) is likely to offer overall benefit to women with menopausal symptoms affecting their quality of life if they are aged < 60 years or within ten years of menopause. Prescribe oestrogen + a cyclical oral progestogen regimen (ie Provera)* or a levonorgestrel IUD if the woman still having menstrual periods or final menstrual period < 12 months ago, if not Prescribe oestrogen + a cyclical or continuous oral progestogen regimen† or a levonorgestrel IUD. 1 patch to be applied twice weekly continuously, with cyclical progestogen for 12-14 days of each cycle in women with a uterus; initiate therapy with 25 micrograms/24 hours patch for 3 months; subsequently adjust according to response. If using patches, apply the patch to clean and dry area of non-irritated skin on the lower abdomen. The waistline should be avoided because tight clothing may rub the patch off. When one patch is removed, the next patch should be applied on a different area (avoid using the same area for at least one week).

Methotrexate key points

Methotrexate is an immunosuppressive medication, which means that it weakens the body's defense system or immune response. It is used to treat some auto-immune conditions related to an 'over-active' immune system such as rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis. Methotrexate is also used as an anti-cancer agent and Chron's. It works by stopping the growth of cancer cells. report immediately the onset of any feature of blood disorders (e.g. sore throat, bruising, and mouth ulcers), liver toxicity (e.g. nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, and dark urine), and respiratory effects (e.g. shortness of breath). Do not take any anti-inflammatory pain relievers such as ibuprofen or diclofenac without talking to your doctor first. Limit alcohol intake to 1-2 standard drinks once or twice a week. Limit the amount of time you spend in the sun, make sure you use sunscreen (SPF of 30 or higher on your skin and lips) and wear sun-protective clothing when outdoors. Do not use sunbeds. Take folic acid on a different day from your methotrexate. If you or your partner are considering pregnancy you should not take methotrexate. Go for all of your tests (e.g. blood tests) • Regular tests are needed to check for side effects


Metoclopramide is used to treat and prevent nausea and vomiting due to a variety of causes such as cancer medication, a migraine headache or following surgery. It is also used to treat on-going heartburn when the usual medicines do not work well enough, and it is used in people who have poor emptying of their stomachs. works by blocking a chemical in the brain, called dopamine, known to trigger nausea and vomiting and its also assists with contraction in the stomach, which speeds up stomach emptying and helps to keep your digestive system moving. Has not been associated with any significant increase in risk of major congenital malformations or other adverse pregnancy outcomes. However, it is associated with drug-induced movement disorders and female gender is a risk factor for the development of this adverse effect. If you are taking metoclopramide three times a day, spread your doses evenly throughout the day - every 8 hours is recommended. Alcohol can increase the risk of side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness and or lightheadedness. Diarrhoea is common initially, goes away with time.


Metoprolol is used to treat many conditions such as after a heart attack (to prevent heart damage), heart failure, high blood pressure (hypertension), and irregular heart beat and preventing migraines. swallow the tablets whole. Beta-blockers can cause an increase in blood glucose levels, especially when you first start taking them. This effect usually settles with time.Beta-blockers may reduce the warning signs of a low blood sugar level. For example, you may not have the feeling of fast, irregular or strong heartbeats (palpitations) or tremor, which can occur when your blood glucose is going too low. Tiredness, Headache, Nausea are quite common when you first start taking metoprolol, and usually go away with time. Be careful when getting up from either lying down or sitting to avoid falls.

"Let us learn to show friendship for a man when he is alive and not after he is dead."

Meyer Wolfshiem

"Yeah, Gatsby's very careful about women. He would never so much as look at a friend's wife.

Meyer Wolfshiem

What ribs are located at the bottom of the Mid-Clavicular and Mid-Axillary line?

Mid-Clavicular: Rib 8 Mid-Axillary: Rib 10

Miralem Pjanic

Midfielder for Juventus & Bosnia and Herzegovina

Marco Verratti

Midfielder for PSG and Italy

Luka Modric

Midfielder for Real Madrid & Croatia

Toni Kroos

Midfielder for Real Madrid & Germany

Michael Bradley

Midfielder for Toronto FC & the United States

Christian Eriksen

Midfielder for Tottenham & Denmark

Dele Alli

Midfielder for Tottenham & England

Where can the femoral pulse be palpated?

Midpoint of inguinal ligament Halfway between ASIS & pubic tubercle

What is Nick's home state?


What is the name of the valve between the left atrium & ventricle and how many cusps does it have?

Mitral valve 2 cusps - bicuspid

Sensory Receptors

Monitor the external environmental factors, such as ligh, sound, condition of the body's internal environment (O2 levels)

What does Tom confess to Nick when they meet that fall? Does he regret what he has done?

Months later, Nick runs into Tom Buchanan on New York's Fifth Avenue. Tom admits that it was he who sent Wilson to Gatsby's; he shows no remorse, however, and says that Gatsby deserved to die

Mixed Nerves

Most of the nerves in our body include both sensory and motor fibers

What do most cities suffer from during the Middle Ages?

Most suffer from atrocious sanitary conditions Air and water pollution, sewage, garbage/waste, ect. . . Opportunity for disease to spread quickly

Somatic Nervous System

Motor functions of the PNS that are consciously controlled

Autonomic Nervous System

Motor functions of the PNS that are involuntary or subconsciously controlled


Motor functions of the nervous system employ peripheral neurons, which carry impulses from the CNS to resposive structures

Who claims to be in the "artistic game"?

Mr. McKee

Who shot Gatsby?

Mr. Wilson


Mucolytic. Not safe in pregnancy or breastfeeding.

"Daisy, Daisy, Daisy! I'll say it whenever I want to"

Myrtle Wilson

"He had on a dress suit and patent leather shoes, and I couldn't keep my eyes off him..."

Myrtle Wilson

"I married him because I thought he was a gentleman."

Myrtle Wilson

"I'd like to get one of those police dogs."

Myrtle Wilson

How does Fitzgerald describe Myrtle Wilson? Does her physical appearance reflect her character in any way?

Myrtle is described as a thick, stout, sensuous woman in her mid thirties; she's no real beauty but she has a smoldering vitality. The passion and liveliness of her body over any other characteristics shows she's controlled by her bodily impulses.

How does Myrtle behave as the party progresses?

Myrtle is no longer as full of life (vitality) as she was when he first met her. Now she's displaying a hauteur which is growing more and more over the night, displaying a fake superiority which she has no right to claim

How does Myrtle react to Tom's arrival?

Myrtle seems exuberant and vivacious. She walks sensually down the stairs; she's full of life and very sexual and she makes passionate eye contact with Tom. She was clearly awaiting his arrival.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

NBA player who played for the Bucks and Lakers

Isiah Thomas

NBA player, Arthurs role model- he went to St. Josephs

Is there a Lingula on both lungs?

NO - only left lung!


Nausicalm For oral use for nausea & vomiting. Manufacturer's original pack containing not more than 6 tablets. For oral use for insomnia. Manufacturer's original pack containing not more than 10 tablets. Take 1 tablet (50mg) up to 3 times daily. For motion sickness take 1-2 hours before departure. This medicine may make you sleepy. If this happens, do not drive or use tools or machines. Do not drink alcohol.

When is the French nation-state seen?

Near the end of the Dark Ages , begin to see the origins of the French nation-state

Was the last emperor in the Julio-Claudian dynasty. He focused on mainly diplomacy by making peace with the Parthian Empire. He had a taste for the fame and power. Many romans believed he started the great fire in Rome to make room for his new palace. After he was taken out of power he committed suicide in 68 A.D.

Nero Caesar 54 A.D. - 68 A.D.

Was the first Emperor to be elected by the senate after the assassination of Domitian. He had trouble securing the finances of Rome, and asserting himself into the military. After the revolt of the Praetorian guard he was forced to adopt the general Trajan as his successor since he had no children of his own. He died of natural causes.

Nerva Caesar 96 A.D. - 98 A.D.

A child presents with multiple tumors, some cutaneous and subcutaneous pain, and visible spots on the skin. Which of the following is the most likely pathology associated with these circumstances

Neurofibromatosis type 1

A 24 year old presents with headaches, dizziness, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and slow but progressive hearing loss. While there may be many causes, of the following, which best gives the cause of the persons symptoms

Neurofibromatosis type 2

Sensory fibers- (Or Afferent fibers)

Neuron processes that bring sensory information to the CNS

Neuronal Pools

Neurons within the central nervous system are organized into neuronal pools, which are groups of neurons that make hundreds of synaptic connections with each other and work together to perform a common function

The substance that is released at axon all endings to propagate a nervous impulse is called


Anthony Davis

New Orleans Pelicans A.D (The Brow)

Literature in northern Renaissance

Niccolo Machiavelli - The Prince ..."the end justifies the means"...

"...You're rude. Daisy's sitting in there all alone."

Nick Carraway

"I decided to go east and learn the bond business. Everybody I knew was in the bond business, so I supposed it could support one more single man."

Nick Carraway

"Now it was again a green light on the dock. His count of enchanted objects had diminished by one."

Nick Carraway

"So we beat on boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."

Nick Carraway

"They're a rotten crowd. Your worth the whole damn bunch of them put together."

Nick Carraway

"They're a rotten crowd... You're worth the whole damn bunch put together."

Nick Carraway

Who are neighbors in this book?

Nick and Gatsby

Where does Gatsby recognize Nick from?

Nick and Gatsby fought in the same battle in World War I

How does Nick characterize the guests at Gatsby's party? What do his characterizations tell us about how Nick feels about most of these people? What sense of life in the Jazz Age do we get from the description of this party?

Nick becomes an observer rather than an active participant. Nick is repulsed by the shallow superficiality of the people at the party. THe people have no other interest other than money and the illusion of happiness rather than happiness itself.

How does Nick describe himself at the beginning of the novel?

Nick begins the story by telling us that he does not pass judgment on people.

Plato held that reality was an imperfect reflection of an ideal, permanent realm. With this in mind, what would you say Nick means when he says that "Jay Gatsby sprang from his Platonic conception of himself?"

Nick believed that Gatsby modeled himself on an idealized version of who Jay Gatsby really was.

Discuss Nick Carraway's character. How reliable is he as a narrator? What aspects of his character make him an effective narrator

Nick carraway is made the narrator he is a reliable one he tells us that he reserves all his judgments therefore the reader is lead to believe what he is saying is coming from an 3rd person objective point of view. Nick's history seems to be upper middle class and quite "normal" as opposed to the vapid elite of East Egg. Nick is a pretty credible character.

How does Nick characterize Tom and Daisy at the end of the book? What has each of them "smashed" during the course of the novel?

Nick characterizes them as vapid and self-indulgent. There is no substance to them. Both characters have destroyed even the illusion of real love, caring, compassion and humanity. They make Nick sick to his stomach

How does Nick describe Tom Buchanan?

Nick describes Tom as enormously wealthy, violent, forceful, aggressive, sturdy, supercilious, arrogant, aggressive, and cruel

In this chapter, Gatsby's dream seems to be fulfilled. What indications are there, though, that reality cannot satisfy his dream?

Nick describes a moment between the Gatsby and Daisy where they both seem to be completely happy and lost in the moment. He also sees that the real Daisy can't live up to the "status" she's been given in Gatsby memory. Nick knows that Daisy will never be the woman Gatsby has wanted all the years because he's made he so big and so perfect in his mind. The passion and love of the dream will not long extend itself to the reality.

Describe the ambiguity in Gatsby's character that strikes Nick.

Nick has always been impressed by Gatsby's confidence yet, as he examines Gatsby further, he big gins to see this confidence as superficial.

How does the tone of Nick's description of Tom reveal Nick's feelings about Tom?

Nick isn't very fond of Tom. He sees him as dangerous, violent, threatening, and pompous in a way

What does Nick learn about Jordan Baker after he has sent some time with her?

Nick learns that he is very attracted to Jordan Baker BUT Jordan is extremely cynical, with a masculine, icy demeanor that Nick initially finds compelling

What is Daisy's real response to the party, according to Nick?

Nick said Daisy was "offended" by party,"because it wasn't a gesture but an emotion

Karl Malone

Nicknamed "The Mail Man"

What is NRT?

Nicotine replacement therapy helps you to give up smoking by relieving the desire to smoke. It helps you to manage some of the withdrawal effects by providing your body with nicotine. It is usually used for 8-12 weeks but can be taken for a longer time if needed. You can start nicotine replacement therapy while you are smoking, to help you cut down on the number of cigarettes you are smoking and eventually quit. Encourage them that NRT can double their chance at actually quitting.

Can the first rib be palpated?


Can you differentiate between the fibrous & parietal serous pericardium?

No - they are fused

Did Gatsby want to go to Oxford?

No, he really wanted to go back to Daisy. He was sent to Oxford by some clerical error, so it seemed.

Does the left lung have a horizontal fissure?

No, only oblique

Orphenadrine citrate

Norflex. Used to treat muscle spasms and pain such as back pain and tension headaches. It may be helpful for short-term relief and is usually used together with other therapies such as physiotherapy and exercise. Orphenadrine acts in your central nervous system to produce its muscle relaxant effects. The usual dose of orphenadrine is 1 tablet two times a day. Constipation is quite common when you start taking orphenadrine. can take a laxative. You also need to eat more fruit, vegetables, brown bread and bran-based breakfast cereals and drink & plenty of water. Dry mouth, chew sugar free gum, suck on ice chips.

What happened with all the people in Palestine now that the Arabs conquered it?

Nothing, they still Allowed Jews and Christians to live there and practice their religions

What muscle is sandwiched by the gemelli muscles and what are its action, innervation & attachments?

Obturator Externus Origin: Inferior rams of pubis & ischium Insertion: Medial greater trochanter Innervation: Obturator nerve Action: Laterally rotates hip

What is the value for this letter (M)

One thousand

Who has the ability to invest bishops with their office? What do the kings do then?

Only Church leaders have ability to invest bishops with their office Kings and emperors have ability to "invest" bishops with land, honorary titles, ect. . .

Where is the musculi pectinati located in the LA?

Only the left auricle

When a word is formed from a sound


Counsel on how to use a Handihaler

Open: Press the green button on the side of the handihaler to open the lid. Lift the lid to see the mouthpiece. Pull on the mouthpiece to reveal the capsule chamber. Load the capsule: Spiriva capsules come packaged in blister strips. Peel back the foil from one blister strip to release one capsule. Place the capsule into the capsule chamber. Close the mouthpiece firmly until you hear a click. Pierce the capsule: Press the green button on the side to pierce the capsule. Breathe out: Sit upright, tilt head back (into 'sniff' position) and breathe out gently. Do not breathe into the device. Inhale your dose: Put the mouthpiece into your mouth and seal lips firmly around it. Breathe in rapidly and deeply through your mouth. You will hear the sound of the capsule vibrating in the chamber. Remove the Handihaler from your mouth and hold your breath for up to 10 seconds. Take two breaths from one capsule: To get your full daily dose, you must use your inhaler twice from the same Spiriva capsule. You will not need to pierce the capsule again. Discard the used capsule: After inhaling your dose, open the mouthpiece and discard the used capsule. Close the mouthpiece and the lid of the inhaler.

Was only Emperor for three months from January to March 193 A.D. He was a high ranking military figure and a senator. When in power he tried to restore the discipline of the Praetorian Guard, the plan failed and the Praetorian Guard assassinated him in March 193 A.D.

Pertinax Augustus 193 A.D. - 193 A.D.


Phenergan At the dose pack sizes of promethazine available, it can only be used for bad hayfever/allergies. Adult 25-75 mg at night, or 10-20 mg 2-3 times daily. Law states that for oral use for the treatment of insomnia or or the prevention/treatment of motion sickness in people over 2 years when sold in the manufacturer's original pack containing not more than 10 dosage units.

Who was the first significant French King?

Philip II (Augustus)

Counsel on how to use an accuhaler

Open: hold the accuhaler in one hand, and with the thumb of the other hand push the thumb grip away from you until you hear a click. This reveals the mouth piece. Load the dose: hold the inhaler in a horizontal position. Slide the lever away from you until you hear a click. Breath out: breathe out, away from the accuhaler. Do not blow directly into your device. Inhale your dose: place the mouth piece in your mouth and form a seal with your lips. Breathe in deeply and forcefully through your mouth. Remove the accuhaler and hold your breath for up to 10 seconds. If you need another dose, wait for 30 seconds and then repeat the process. Close: the inhaler by sliding the thumb grip towards you. Cleaning and storing your accuhaler: wipe the mouthpiece with a clean dry tissue. Do not wash the mouthpiece or allow it to get wet when cleaning. Close the device when not in use. When to start a new accuhaler: there is a window on the side of the accuhaler called a dose counter. When it turns red it is time to get a new accuhaler.

Why are nurses the most likely to engage in healthcare killing behaviors?

Opportunity: Routine Activities Theory - when the routine activities of a motivated offender and vulnerable victim converge in time and space without the presence of a capable chaperone, crime will occur Those who crave life and death power may be attracted to the nursing field

What are the origin, insertion, innervation and action of the Vastus muscles?

Origin: Insertion: Innervation: Action:

What is the origin, insertion, innervation & action of the Pectineus?

Origin: Insertion: Action: Innervation"

What are the origins, insertions, action & innervation of the Pectorals Major?

Origin: Insertion: Innervation: Action:

What are the origin, insertion, innervation and action of the Rectus Femoris?

Origin: AIIS Insertion: Quadricep Tendon Innervation: Femoral nerve Action: Flexion of hip, knee extension

What are the origin, insertion, innervation and action of the Sartorius?

Origin: ASIS Insertion: Medial part of Tibia Innervation: Femoral Nerve Action: Hip flexion, knee flexion, abduction

What are the origin, insertion, innervation and action of the Piriformis?

Origin: Anterior surface of sacrum Insertion: Greater trochanter Innervation: Sacral nerve, S1-2 Action: Lateral rotation of thigh, abduction of flexed thigh & extends thigh

What are the origin, insertion, innervation and action of the Gracilis ?

Origin: Inferior body of the pubis Insertion: Medial part of the tibia Innervation: Obturator nerve Action: Adducts thigh, medially rotates tibia, flexes knee

What are the origin, insertion, innervation and action of the Superior Gemellus?

Origin: Ischial spine Insertion: Greater trochanter (medial) Innervation: Action:Lateral rotation of thigh, abduction of flexed thigh & extends thigh

What are the origin, insertion, innervation and action of the Gluteus Medius?

Origin: Outer surface of the ilium Insertion: Greater trochanter (posterolateral) Innervation: Superior gluteal nerve Action: Abduction, medial rotation, HIP STABILIZER

What are the origin, insertion, innervation and action of the Gluteus Maximus?

Origin: Posterior Ilium, sacrum & coccyx Insertion: Gluteal tuberosity of femur & ITB Innervation: Inferior gluteal nerve (L5-S2) Action: Laterally rotates thigh, abducts thigh, extends hip

What is the action, innervation, function and attachment of the Adductor Magnus?

Origin: inferior pubic ramus Insertion: linea aspera, adductor tubercle Action: powerful thigh adductor Innervation: obturator nerve (posterior division)

If a patient was complaining about hard lumps in their pits of their stomach, what could this be due to?

Ossified Xiphoid Process

Was emperor for only six months. After he came to power the country again split into civil war. During a campaign against the rebels, he committed suicide in order to keep the republic in one piece. For this act he earned the respect of the people because he died a very honorable death.

Otho Caesar 69 A.D. - 69 A.D.

"I've been drunk for about a week now, and I thought it might sober me up to sit in a library."

Owl Eyes

What vessels are located in the posterior inter ventricular groove?

PDA - posterior descending artery Middle cardiac vein

Oscar Robertson

PG for Milwaukee Bucks

Antihitamines - what to recommend for pregnancy.

PREGNANT: Allergic rhinitis may be reduced by applying ointment, e.g. Vaseline, around the nostrils to trap dust and pollen.6 Steam inhalation or a saline nasal spray or rinse may help relieve nasal congestion. If symptoms are intolerable, an intranasal corticosteroid spray, e.g. beclomethasone, budesonide or fluticasone, may be considered. Second-line choices include oral non-sedating antihistamines, e.g. cetirizine or loratadine, cromoglicate nasal spray and eye drops (Rexacrom). Oral sedating antihistamines may be considered third-line but should be avoided from the 28th week of pregnancy due to potential neonatal adverse effects. Oral or nasal decongestants should be avoided in pregnancy. Eucalyptus oil and menthol-containing products should be avoided.

Tranylcypromine (pronounced tran-il-sip-roe-meen)

Parnate. MAOI. tranylcypromine cannot be taken with Otrivin, dextromethorphan, phenylephrine, serotonin drugs like sumatriptan. While you are taking tranylcypromine, and for two weeks after stopping, you MUST not eat certain foods and alcohol. These may cause a very serious reaction and include: cheese, meat or yeast extracts (e.g. Marmite®, Vegemite). If you take an MAOI and you eat high-tyramine foods, tyramine can quickly reach dangerous levels. This can cause a serious spike in blood pressure and require emergency treatment.

What were the Roman upper class called?


What is the term for the period of rome that means "Roman peace" or "time of peace" and how long did it last

Pax Romana 200 years.

Results of the Black Death

Peasant revolutions/serfdom over Workers demand higher pay Production on the rise

Giving non-human subjects human characteristics


Was the first Syrian Emperor, who when he came to power made peace with the Sassanids. He was sympathetic to Christianity as a religion, some writers even speculated that he was the first Christian Emperor. He through the largest party Rome has ever held for Rome's millennium. He was overthrown and killed by a successful revolt by his successor.

Philip The Arab 244 A.D. - 249 A.D.

Ken Griffey Jr

Played for the Mariners in center Field. Got his Jersey Number retired on August 6th 2016 before the game.

Ichiro Suzuki

Played on the Mariners and Marlins but is super fast

Manny Machado

Plays Third base for the Baltimore Orioles.

Yadier Molina

Plays catcher for the St. Louis Cardinals.

Javier Báez

Plays in the infield for the Chicago Cubs.

Robinson Cano

Plays second base for the Seattle Mariners.

What were the Roman lower class called?


What may cause Cardiac Tamponade?

Pleural effusion Blood in the cavity Pericarditis?

What is found in the pleural cavity?

Pleural fluid - keeps most

Contagious viral illness that in its most severe form causes nerve injury leading to paralysis, difficulty breathing & sometimes death


what disease is almost eradicated in the US?


Who excommunicates King John and why? What does that same person do to England?

Pope Innocent III. Puts England under interdiction

What does Pope Urban II do when the Byzantine emperor appeals to him for help?

Pope Urban II call for crusade to free the Holy Land - Council of Clermont (1095) Said : "Deus vult" - God wills it

How did the pope get so many people to fight in the crusades?

Pope promises atonement for sins Debtors would have their debts canceled Criminals pardoned

What structure is involved with unlocking the knee?

Poplietus muscle

Enema administration

Position client on side-lying with knee up to chest. Squeeze the tube slightly so that the drop of contents (ie microlax) smears the tip, to make insertion easier. Insert the nozzle fully into the rectum, for kids under 3 just insert halfway. Squeeze out the contents by squeezing the tube. Make sure you still have the tube squeezed as you withdraw the nozzle.

Describe the course of the Azygous vein

Posterior Runs over the root of the right lung Intercostal veins drain into here

What does the Internal Intercostal muscle continue as posteriorly?

Posterior Intercostal Membrane

After an action potential is propagated, which one of the following ions rapidly diffuses out of the cell into the tissue fluid


What are the military Results of the Crusades?

Pretty much a failure from the standpoint of crusading armies of Western Europe New military strategies, siege tactics that'll be utilized in later conflicts

What is the function of the sacrotuberous ligament?

Preventing body weight from rotating the pelvic girlde forwards


Probenecid increases the excretion of uric acid in the urine, which in turn reduces the concentration of uric acid in the blood. Would use in pts with normal renal function. Patients taking probenecid need to ensure they maintain sufficient fluid intake to prevent the formation of renal stones Keep taking probenecid every day, even during a gout attack. Probenecid takes 2 to 3 months to become fully effective..

What are the Medial & Lateral Circumflex Arteries branches of?

Profunda Femoris Artery


Prostate enlargement usually starts in middle age. It is very common Doxazosin is used to treat symptoms of an enlarged prostate such as difficulty in beginning the flow of urine, weak urine flow and the need to urinate frequently or urgently (including during the middle of the night). It works by relaxing the muscles in the prostate and part of the bladder. It does not make the prostate smaller. Doxazosin is also used for other conditions such as high blood pressure, but this is less common as well as helping pass kidney stones. Doxazosin can cause dizziness and fainting, especially after the first dose. Take this dose at bedtime. Alcohol can increase the chance of side effects such as feeling dizzy or faint.

Neuroglical Cells

Provide physical support, inuslation, and nutriets for neurons ( Responsible for developments of the nervous system before birth)

Was co- Emperor with Balbinus, they were voted into power after the death of Gordian I and Gordian II. He was killed by his German auxiliaries troops while he was battling Maximinus.

Pupienus Augustus 238 A.D. - 238 A.D.

What muscle of the hip helps to stabilise the femoral head in the Acetabulum? What are its action, innervation & attachments?

Quadrates Femoris Origin: Ischial tuberosity Insertion: Interchronateric crest Innervation: Branch of sacral plexus Action: Laterally rotates thigh, adductor

How would you be able to distinguish Osteoarthritis of the hip on an X Ray ?

Reduced joint space (cartilage loss) Bony spurts (growth of bone)

Northern Renaissance Architecture

Rejection of the gothic style Return to "classical" Greco-Roman style

effects of GABA

Relaxation, calming

Miconazole/Clotrimazole and Hydrocortisone

Resolve Plus Micreme H Canesten Extra Apply once or twice daily. Don't apply to broken skin. If it looks infected, refer. Ask the location of the infection - fungal likes to grow in moist environments. Fungal rashes have more defined borders whereas eczema rashes are more diffuse. Stop using this product when the inflammation/red aspect of the rash has cleared (2 weeks) then you need to switch to just an antifungal cream, continue with that 2 weeks after the rash has cleared.

Adapalene (Differin)

Retinoid used for treating acne on the face, chest or back. It works by unblocking the pores on the skin and in this way prevents blackheads and whiteheads. Adapalene also has anti-inflammatory properties, so it reduces the soreness and irritation of acne. Apply thinly once daily in the evening to clean dry skin. Females of child bearing age must be using effective contraception. Adapalene makes your skin more sensitive to sunlight so use good sunblock. You are not supposed to donate blood during treatment and for at least 4 weeks after discontinuing therapy.

Which ribs are most commonly fractured?

Ribs 4-10

Where are the AVN & SAN located?

Right Atrium

Where does the Coronary Sinus drain?

Right Atrium

Bryce Harper

Right Fielder for the Washington Nationals.

What is the Crista Terminalis & where is it located?

Right atrium Where the wall becomes smooth

What is the Infundibulum of the heart & where is it located ?

Right ventricle Smooth wall which leads to the pulmonary trunk

Alaskan serial killer, owned a bakery, took prostitutes to Alaska to hunt them

Robert Hansen

5 murders, appeared on the dating game, convicted of 10 murders, up to 130, on death row at San Quentin

Rodney Alcala

The Dating Game Killer

Rodney Alcala


SSRI. It may take a few weeks for paroxetine to start working. Feelings of anxiety in the first few weeks of therapy are common, but should get better. Discuss with your doctor. If your depression continues to get worse, see your doctor. Do not stop taking paroxetine without talking to your doctor first. Paroxetine can impair your ability to do tasks such as driving or using machines. Alcohol makes this worse. Associated with high risk of weight gain and sexual dysfunction compared with other SSRIs.

What structures pass anterior to the neck of the first rib?

Scalene Medius ?

What tubercle is located on the 1st rib and what muscle attaches here?

Scalene tubercle, Anterior Scalene muscle

Which of the following forms the myelin sheath in the peripheral nervous system

Schwann cells

Drugs that interact with lithium

Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, Angiotensin-II receptor antagonists Diuretics: thiazides, spironolactone, furosemide Other: metronidazole, tetracyclines, topiramate, medicines that affect electrolyte balance

What is serotonin syndrome?

Serotonin syndrome occurs when the level of a chemical in the brain, called serotonin, gets too high. Signs/Symptoms: Flu-like symptoms: sweating, fever, headache, diarrhoea feeling agitated or restless, fast heart rate or irregular heartbeat, loss of muscle coordination or twitching muscles.

What does Nick acknowledge is one of Jordan's worst qualities?

She cheats and lies

According to Jordan, what did Daisy do on her wedding way? Why?

She received a letter from someone and got completely drunk.

Why does Tom break Myrtle's nose?

She says Daisy's name

Why does Tom attach Myrtle at the end of the party? How does this exemplify Fitzgerald's description of Tom in Chapter One?

She says Daisy's name. To assert his power and contempt over Myrtle; he does it simply because he can. It shows him as a violent man (which Nick's tone described).

What is the role of menisci in the knee joint?

Shock absorber Reduces friction

obstructive shock

Shock that occurs when there is a block to blood flow in the heart or great vessels, causing an insufficient blood supply to the body's tissues.


Short chains of amino acids

Souvenirs taken


wound patterns


Cystitis referral points?

Signs of upper UTI refer. (Fever, chills, N/V, lower back pain). UTI's are rare in men and can happen in older men due to prostate enlargement. Children: maybe an abnormality in the structure/function of their urinary tract Pregnant. UTIs in pregnancy are treated with antibiotics, even if you have no symptoms. If left untreated, UTIs can progress to cause a serious kidney infection known as pyelonephritis. They have also been linked with higher rates of low birth weight of the baby and premature birth Need to be an accredited pharmacist to sell trimethoprim. So refer to a doctor or another pharmacist if not accredited. Cystitis normally resolves on its own but, but antibiotics will speed up the healing the process.

Key points about sildenafil?

Sildenafil is used for men with erection problems (erectile dysfunction). It increases blood flow to the penis, to help achieve an erection. To work well, sildenafil needs to be taken 30 minutes or more before sex. Sildenafil does not work so well for men with diabetes, those who have had prostate surgery or have severe erectile dysfunction. Sildenafil should not be used if you are taking medicines called nitrates. Nitrates are usually used for chest pain (angina) and other heart conditions. Nitrates and sildenafil should NOT be taken together, as both medicines together can cause a dangerous drop in blood pressure and collapse. If sildenafil doesn't work, other PDE5 inhibitors such as tadalafil (Cialis) or vardenafil (Levitra) may work better.

What movies did Ed Gein inspire

Silence of the Lambs, Psycho, Texas Chainsaw Massacre

What are the most traded things during this time?

Spices, sugar, citrus fruits, rice, cotton are traded

Northern Renaissance

Spread of renaissance ideals and values to the rest of Europe Spain, France, Germany, England throughout the 15th and 16th centuries

Kill more than one person at two or more locations linked by motive with no cooling off period

Spree Killers

What role does the ITB play with the knee joint?

Stabilises knee extension

Daniel Sturridge

Striker for Liverpool & England

Gabriel Jesus

Striker for Manchester City and Brazil

Romelu Lukaku

Striker for Manchester United and Belgium

Edinson Cavani

Striker for PSG & Uruguay

Karim Benzema

Striker for Real Madrid & France

Cristiano Ronaldo

Striker for Real Madrid & Portugal

Harry Kane

Striker for Tottenham & England

Clint Dempsey

Striker for the Seattle Sounders & the United States

What is the pressure in the pleural cavity & what is the clinical significance of this?

Sub atmospheric Allows inhalation as air will move from high pressure (outside) to low pressure (inside)

What is the Internal Thoracic Artery a branch off?

Subclavian Artery

What muscle is located near the angle of the ribs, on the posterior side of the thorax?


What was Aquinas' best known written work?

Summa Theological. Also wrote extensively about the 7 Deadly sins and 7 Cardinal Virtues

What are the borders of the popliteal fossa?

Superomedial: semimembranosus & semitendinosus Superolateral: biceps femoris Inferior: medial and lateral heads of gastrocnemius

What did the people blame the Black Death on?

Superstition - evil spirits, witchcraft Anti-Semitism : Jewish minority population in most communities Christian Beliefs - "Angry God" who seeks punishment

Microglial Cell

Support neurons and phagocytize bacterial cells and cellular debris


Surrounds the myelin sheath

What type of joint is the Sterno-clavicular joint?

Synovial, more movement is allowed here

Nick thinks that, given the state of their marriage, Daisy should leave Tom, but it is clear to him that she has no intention of doing so. What indication is there that Tom and Daisy are closely linked despite their marital difficulties?

Tom and Daisy seem to be pretty set in their ways. They're both used to money and attention. Both are a part of the advanced, sophisticated, elite crowd which views the world in a scorned, cynical way.

How does Nick meet Tom's mistress?

Tom takes Nick into the city and on the way there stops off at her house/her husband's garage to meet her. They then go into the city and have a party at the apartment Tom rents for Myrtle and their indiscretions

Lithium key counselling points

Take each dose with food. The tablets should not be crushed, chewed or swallowed with hot liquids. Drink plenty of water and avoid dietary changes which reduce or increase sodium (salt) intake. Do not stop taking this medicine without consulting your doctor. Stop taking this medicine and contact your doctor if you experience loss of appetite, diarrhoea, vomiting, muscle weakness, lack of co-ordination, drowsiness or lethargy progressing to giddiness and imbalance, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), blurred vision, slurred speech, tremor, and muscle twitching. These symptoms may mean that your lithium levels need to be checked. Your family members should also be aware of these symptoms. Tell your doctor immediately if excessive urination or excessive thirst develop. Females of child-bearing potential To prevent an unplanned pregnancy, use contraception for the whole time you are taking lithium and do not stop using contraception at any time while taking lithium. It is important to contact your doctor immediately if you are planning a pregnancy or if you become pregnant. Do not stop taking lithium until you have discussed this with your doctor as there are risks to yourself and your unborn child from uncontrolled mood disorders. This medicine can increase the risk of a baby having a birth defect when taken during pregnancy, make sure you understand the risks to an unborn baby when taking lithium. Target plasma lithium conc: 0.4-1 mmol/litre (lower end of the range for maintenance therapy and elderly patients). Samples should be taken 12 hours after the dose. Perform weekly after initiation and after each dose change until concentrations are stable, then every 3 months thereafter.


Temporary fainting

What is the value for this letter ( X )


What could cause a Mediastinal Shift?

Tension Pneumothorax Lung tumours

Holy Roman Empire(Germany)

Term, "Holy Roman Emperor/Empire" appear for approximately, 150 years after.


Tetracycline. Can be used to treat infections, acne and maleria/prophylaxis. Take with food and a large glass of water. Remain upright for at least 30 minutes after taking dose. Doxycycline can cause severe indigestion and problems with your throat and oesophagus (gut) if the tablets are not swallowed properly Do not take indigestion remedies, or medicines containing iron, calcium, or zinc 2 hours before or after you take this medicine. Protect your skin from sunlight—even on a bright but cloudy day. Do not use sunbeds.

What does Gatsby not have the heart to tell Mr. Gatz?

That his son made his fortune from bootlegging.

What straight was the Byzantine Empire built on

The Bosperous Straight

Geoffrey Chaucer

The Canterbury Tales Pilgrimage to Canterbury Cathedral

What period of time followed the Western Roman Empire Falling

The Dark Ages

What did Fitzgerald call the 1920s?

The Jazz Age

List the names of works by Leonardo da Vinci

The Last Supper, The Mona Lisa

Emergency Supply rules

The pharmacist can provide an emergency supply of prescription medicine for a person who has previously been supplied with the medicine on prescription by an authorised (NZ registered) prescriber for a particular condition. Best practise that they have been prescribed it within the last 3-6 months in order to ensure its still clinically appropriate. Supply cant exceed 72 hours or use minimum pack ie inhaler or 1 strip of OC. CANT GIVE CONTROLLED DRUGS

Who does King Henry II have to ask for the power of investiture? What does he say to King Henry II?

The pope, and he says no.

Synaptic transmission

The process of crossing the synaptic cleft with a message

How was the roman republic different from the roman empire

The republic was ruled by elected representatives; The empire was not

At the end of the chapter, Gatsby is standing alone, looking out at Daisy's house. Where else in the novel does he do this? How is this different?

The scene is reminiscent of the first time Nick had seen Gatsby. Gatsby is staring over the water into the green light,

Which of these is a reminder of the issues of money and class in the novel?

The song that Klipspringer plays on the piano


The structural and functional units of the nervous system

John Wayne Gacy

The worst American serial killer, who brutally raped and murdered 28 young men and buried them in the crawl space under his house.

Why do Nick and Tom go to the "valley of ashes"?

Tom wants Nick to meet his mistress

22 or more miners, Krystal Surles survived a cut to the throat and was able to identify him, executed in Texas by lethal injection

Tommy Lynn Sells

Cross Country Killer

Tommy Lynn Sells

He expanded the Roman Empire to the largest boundaries. He upgraded Rome's infrastructure, reshaping the way the city of Rome looked. He took over the region of Dacia in Germania and defeated the Parthian Empire. He died of a stroke when sailing back to Rome.

Trajan Caesar 98 A.D. - 117 A.D.

Iron Counseling Points

There are a different forms of iron available in New Zealand, such as ferrous sulfate (Ferrograd, each 325mg tab has 105mg elemental iron- Modified release formulation) and ferrous fumarate (Ferro-Tab, each 200mg tab has 65mg elemental iron) (ferrous is the Latin word to describe iron). Each of these has a different amount of actual iron (called elemental iron). Iron supplements are best taken on an empty stomach (usually 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals). But, if you get an upset stomach take with food. Avoid having dairy products (milk), tea, coffee or antacids within 2 hours before or after this medication because they decrease its effectiveness. Taking vitamin C (such as orange juice or apple juice) with iron may increase its absorption. Liquid iron can cause temporary discolouration of the teeth. Can darken stool. This is common and usually nothing to worry about, but can be a sign of bleeding. Constipation usually settles as your body gets used to the medication. Tell your doctor if troublesome

Motor Neurons- (Efferent neurons)

These are multipolar neurons and carry nerve impulses out of the brain or spinal cord to effectors. Motor impulses stimulate muscles to contract and glands to release secretions.

Bipolar neurons

These neurons are found within specialized parts of the eyes, nose, and ears

Unipolar neurons

These neurons are located outside the brain and spinal cord.

Doxylamine succinate (Dozile capsules), Diphenhydramine (Unisom Sleep Gel).

These sedating antihistamines make you drowsy enough to drift off to sleep but it won't knock you out like a benzo. 1 capsule 20 minutes before bedtime. Can only be sold for people 2yr and up however would be cautious with young people. Ask what the issue is (falling asleep or staying asleep?), ask about sleep hygiene. Not for long term use, refer if still needing after 7-10 days. If they are traveling check how long the flight is because the drowsiness effects can last 8hours. If it is a long term issue you would want to lean towards a more natural route (clinicians REM sleep)

How are Daisy and Nick related?

They are cousins

When does Tom first realize that Daisy loves Gatsby?

They discuss going into town and Tom notices the passionate gaze Gatsby gives towards his wife. Things really fall apart when Tom receives confirmation of his suspicions.

Why did the roman empire grow to be such a power?

They had a Good army, location

What was Nero known for? How did he treat Christians?

This emperor is famous for his discrimination against Christians. When a terrible fire broke out in Rome A.D 64,be blamed it on the Christians and is said to have played a fiddle and danced while Rome was burning. Nero often persecuted and killed Christians and is believed to have killed Apostle Paul and petter.

Synaptic cleft

This is a gap between neurons that neurotransmitters pass through

Pia Mater

This is a very thin layer and contains many nerves and blood vessels that nourish underlying cells of the brain and spinal cord

Motor Function

This is what we use to act on those sensations or perceptions. Motor functions of the nervous system employ peripheral nerurons, which carry impulses from the CNS to responsive structures (muscles)

What is the Italian Renaissance?

Time period of great creativity and change in most areas of society-cultural, political, social, and economic Transformative time period that differs from the past


Tiotropium (LAMA) is used to treat the symptoms of COPD such wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath. It reduces your symptoms over the long term. Tiotropium opens air passages in your lungs, making breathing easier. Tiotropium must be used every day. It is a long-acting bronchodilator, which means that it works throughout the day. Available as different inhaler devices: Spiriva Respimat which is a mist inhaler (2 puffs inhaled od) Spiriva inhalation capsules to be used with the handihaler device.(1 cap inhaled od).

Was the first Emperor to be the son of the previous emperor. He finished the Colosseum and brought Rome out of two disasters, the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius and the great fire of 80 A.D. He died from hay fever in 81 A.D.

Titus Caesar 79 A.D. - 81 A.D.

Why does Gatsby throw his weekly parties?

To impress Daisy

Why does Nick move to New York?

To learn about the bond business

Why were most Roman soldiers stationed on the bordes of the Empire?

To protect against barbarian invasions

Why was the Hadrian wall built

To serve as a protection from invaders


To treat mild urinary tract infections, the dose is usually 50 mg four times a day for 5 or 7 days. To treat more severe urinary tract infections or infections that happen often, the dose is usually 100 mg four times a day for 7 days. To prevent urinary tract infections, the dose is usually one tablet (50 mg or 100 mg) each night after you have epmtied your bladder. Take each dose with food or milk. If taken on an empty stomach, it may cause stomach upset. Contact your doctor if you develop persistent cough or shortness of breath (contra-indicated with (G6PD) deficiency, an inherited disorder caused by a genetic defect in the RBC enzyme G6PD, which protects RBCs from oxidative injury). This medicine may colour your urine yellow or brown, this is not harmful.

At the end of the novel, Daisy chooses to be with


"An Oxford man! Like hell he is! He wears a pink suit."

Tom Buchanan

"Civilization's going to pieces...It's up to us, who are the dominant race, to watch out or these other races will have control of things."

Tom Buchanan


Treatment should be continued indefinitely to prevent further attacks of gout by correcting the hyperuricaemia. The target serum urate of 0.36 mmol/L. Common adverse effects associated with allopurinol include nausea, vomiting and rash. lifestyle: you increase your risk if you drink a lot of sugary drinks or alcohol, or eat too much food that is rich in purines, such as liver, meat or seafood. when you start taking allopurinol, gout attacks can still happen in the first few weeks or months, as you are increasing your dose. When you start allopurinol, your doctor will also prescribe a low-dose non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) or colchicine to reduce the chances of these attacks. Keep taking allopurinol every day, even during a gout attack. Blood tests: when you first start taking allopurinol, you will need to have blood tests to monitor your serum urate levels every 4 weeks until the target level has been reached. Then you will need blood tests 3-6 monthly to check serum urate and your kidney function. If you develop a rash stop taking allopurinol. Contact your doctor immediately - even if the rash is mild. This can develop into a severe allergic reaction.

Von recklinghausens disease-neurofirbramtosis type 1 and 2, schwannomatosis

Type 1: pediatiric benign tumors typified by café au lait spots type 2: adult onset of benign peripheral nerve tumors, often in the ear Schwannomatosis : benign widespread tumors on peripheral nerves

Progenitor Cells

Type of stem cells that can be made into the type of cell needed for proper function of the nervous system

Diphenhydramine hydrochloride

Unisom SleepGels For oral use in adults & children over 2 years of age other than in medicines used for the treatment of insomnia For oral use for the treatment of insomnia when sold in the Manufacturers original pack containing not more than 10 dosage units. Takes 1 capsule at bedtime for up to 7-10 days. If you still feel sleepy the next day do not drive or use tools or machinery. Do not take with alcohol.

what is the house of the lords

Upper house

Humira (adalimumab)

Used to autoimmune conditions such as RA, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and skin diseases such as psoriasis. Humira is usually used when other treatments have not worked well. It is a type of medicine called a TNF inhibitor. This helps to reduce swelling (inflammation) and weaken your immune system, thereby slowing or stopping the damage from the disease. usual dose is 40 mg every 2 weeks. Take your Humira pen out of the fridge and leave it at room temperature for 15 to 30 minutes before injecting. choose an injection site, such as on the front of your thighs or your abdomen (belly). The injection site should be different from your last injection site, at least 3 cm away. Slide off cap 1 - the grey cap. Slide off cap 2 - the plum-coloured cap. Squeeze a sizeable area of skin around the injection site. Put the grey end of the pen firmly against the injection site, at a 90 degree angle. Press and HOLD the plum-coloured button. Keep holding the pen firmly against your skin until the yellow indicator moves into the mushroom-shaped window and comes to a complete stop. Dispose of the used pen in your sharps container

Glyceryl trinate spray (GTN) counselling

Used to relieve angina (chest pain which may spread to your throat, jaw, neck, shoulders or arms.) It happens when the blood supply to the muscles of your heart are restricted, due to narrowing of the blood vessels supplying the heart. Works by widening blood vessels, letting more blood and oxygen reach the heart which reduces strain on your heart, making it easier for the heart to pump blood. If you experience chest pain (angina), chest ache or chest discomfort, you should: Stop what you are doing sit down and rest. Use one spray under your tongue and wait 5 minutes. If your angina is relieved by rest or your spray, you can resume your activities gently. If the pain is still present, use another spray and wait 5 minutes. If the pain is still present, call 111. To avoid chest pain before doing some activities (like exercise): 1 spray under the tongue 5-10 minutes before the activity. Check the expiry date written on the canister. After this date the spray may not work. Do not use GTN spray if you are taking medicines used to treat erection problems. Headaches are quite common when you use GTN spray and should settle after a few days.

how do you drain CSF out of brain with hydrocephalus

VP shunt

Valaciclovir (Oral)

Valaciclovir is used to treat infections caused by viruses, such as herpes simplex virus (which causes genital herpes) and herpes zoster (which causes shingles). It works by stopping the growth of the viruses that cause the infection. It reduces the severity of the infection and stops it from spreading. Valaciclovir helps the infection heal faster and lessens pain and itching. Valaciclovir does not kill the virus. Valaciclovir is converted to aciclovir in the body and it has the advantage of 2 to 3 times a day dosing vs aciclovir which requires 5 times dosing.


Ventolin, resipgen, SalAir. Salbutamol is used to treat cough, wheeze and difficulty breathing caused by respiratory problems such as asthma and COPD. It works by opening air passages in the lungs to make breathing easier. Salbutamol is called a 'reliever' medicine because it quickly relieves your breathing problems. It starts to work within a few minutes and the effect will last between 3 to 5 hours. Common side effects when you first start using but usually go with time: Feeling shaky, tremor, headache.

Was the first emperor in the Flavian Dynasty. He was a brilliant military commander in Briton and in the Middle East. During the year of Four Emperors he was declared emperor by his eastern legions. He won the following civil war and became emperor of the whole Roman Empire. He built the Colosseum and died of natural causes.

Vespasian Caesar 69 A.D. - 79 A.D.

King Henry II wants the power of what?

Wants the power of investiture because since he is the ruler he thinks he should have all that power to choose or appoint the bishops

Economic Results

West discovers valuable products from east which will lead to great expansion of trade - merchants are the new elite, wealthy in Europe alliances are formed between kings and merchants because they're the wealthiest. Spices, sugar, citrus fruits, rice, cotton are traded

Tim Duncan

Western All-Star, #21, Power Forward, Plays for the Spurs

Many aspects of Roman society remained similar from the republic to the empire such as religion, slavery, social status, and laws. These all mainly remained the same, and although laws changed slightly, but were still similar

What aspects of Roman society remained similar from republic to empire?

Rome's increasing wealth and expansion were both negative changes. It caused a serious growing discontent among the lower classes of society and a breakdown in military order. These problems led to a shakeup of the republic and the emergence of a new political system. As Rome grew, the gap between the rich and poor widened. While the upper class had big estates, the lower class was made up mainly of farmers, who used to be soldiers, who ended up having to sell their land to the owners of the large estates.

What changes to the Roman Republic do you consider negative? Why?

Economic turmoil was one factor that contributed to the fall of the Roman Republic. Large estate owners farmed with slaves while small farmers couldn't compete with them. Small farmers had to sell their land and move into the city, where they became poor and homeless. These poor farmers made up ⅓ of the Roman population. Another factor that contributed to the fall of the Roman Republic is Caesar's control. A civil war occurred over the power of Julius Caesar which hurt Rome.

What factors contributed to the fall of the Roman Republic?

To distract and control the masses of Rome, the government provided free games, races, mock battles, and gladiator contest. There also were 150 holidays a year and on these days, the Colosseum would fill with the rich and the poor alike.

What measures did the government take to distract and control the masses of Rome?

Caesar was a strong leader and skilled at military strategy. He was consul for one year then, a governor of Gaul. The senate appointed him dictator for life. Caesar governed as an absolute ruler and instituted a number of reforms. Some of these reforms were things such as, granting Roman citizenship to many people in provinces, expanding the senate, helped the poor by creating jobs, started colonies, and increased pay for soldiers.

What role did Julius Caesar play in the decline of the republic and the rise of the empire?

Method and Manner ("Crime Phases")

What type of victim or victims did the murderer choose and what method was used to kill, such as poisoning, shooting, stabbing, beating, drowning, strangulation?

Augustus created a system of government that survived for centuries. Even after he dies, his form of government keeps Rome stable. This is his greatest contribution because this gives Rome a stable empire to live on for a very long time.

What was Augustus' greatest contribution to Roman society? Why?

Integrative Function

What we sense is then brought together from the peripheral nerves to the central nervous system creating sensations. These sensations add to memory and generate either a conscious or subconscious response.

Inflation, decline of agriculture economy, growing population, loss of patriotism, mercenaries, economy fall, reached limit of expansion, taxes were raised. The economy was the most important because it affected everything else.

What were the main internal causes of the empire's decline?

The main reasons for the Romans' success in controlling such a large empire was that Augustus was a very capable ruler and he set up an efficient government with paid civil servants. Augustus stabilized the frontier, glorified Rome with splendid public buildings, and created a system of government that survived for centuries. He also set up a civil service. He paid workers to manage the affairs of government, such as the grain supply, tax collection, and even the postal system. Although the senate still functioned, civil servants drawn from plebeians and even former slaves actually administered the empire. Even after Augustus' death, the empire maintained stability because of the system of government he had established.

What were the main reasons for the Romans' success in controlling such a large empire?

How are Daisy and Gatsby different when Nick returns to the house after a half an hour?

When Nick returns after giving Gatsby and Daisy 30 minutes to themselves, Daisy's face is tear-stained and Gatsby is glowing. It is clear that the two of them have shared some deep emotions and that Gatsby, at least on one level, believes his dream is slowly becoming reality.

What is Coronary Artery Bypass Graft?

When coronary artery is blocked Uses internal thoracic artery, radial artery and the great saphenous vein to bypass the blockage so is connected to point after blockage

Threshold Potential

When many sub-threshold potential changes must combine to reach threshold, and once threshold is achieved, an action potential occurs.

Economy- effected everything

Which of Rome's internal problems do you think were the most serious? Why?

Rick Barry

Who is the only player to lead the NCAA, NBA, and ABA in scoring?

Magic Johnson

Who was the famous basketball player that brought public awareness to HIV/AIDS?

Allen Iverson

Who won the title of 'NBA's Most Valuable Players' in Season 2000-01?

More attention was focused on the Eastern part and the Germanic tribes came from the West, so the East was more protected

Why do you think the eastern half of the empire survived?

Why does George Wilson lock Myrtle in the bedroom?

Wilson has clued into the fact that his Myrtle is having an fair. This is why he locks her in the room. George plans on letting her out in a few days and leaving with her.

What evidence had Wilson found that his wife was having an affair?

Wilson shows Michael a dog leash (that Tom gave her) he found on their bureau. Wilson makes figures out that something is up because they don't have a dog.

Hector Villalba

Winger for Atlanta United and Argentina

Marco Reus

Winger for Borrusia Dortmund & Germany

Ousmane Dembele

Winger for Borrusia Dortmund and France

Christian Pulisic

Winger for Borrusia Dortmund and the United States of America

Federico Bernardeschi

Winger for Juventus and Italy

Mohamed Salah

Winger for Liverpool and Egypt

Lorenzo Insigne

Winger for Napoli & Italy


Winger for PSG & Brazil

Kylian Mbappe

Winger for PSG and France

Gareth Bale

Winger for Real Madrid & Wales

How will he learn these things?

With a census

I the following statement true? Roman emperors were often power-hungry military generals


Where was Tom educated?



a Jew who was born in Bethlehem to Joseph and Mary

rest and digest, Maintains daily necessary body functions


Bundle of His

a bundle of modified heart muscle that transmits the cardiac impulse from the atrioventricular node to the ventricles causing them to contract


a compound that is released by cells in response to injury and in allergic and inflammatory reactions, causing contraction of smooth muscle and dilation of capillaries.

the vampire clan

a cult lead by a 16 year old in the 1990s and they started to kill people including a fourteen year old


a drastic drop in the value of money coupled with a rise in prices

sickle cell anemia

a genetic disorder that causes abnormal hemoglobin, resulting in some red blood cells assuming an abnormal sickle shape


a group of three powerful rulers


a guild is the same thing as a labor union

Kobe Bryant

a guy from the lakers


a nation or group of territories ruled by a single powerful ruler or emperor

civil war

a period of conflict between groups within the same country.

H.H. Holmes

a psychotic doctor and was the first documented American serial killers who killed many in Chicago he confessed to killing 27 he killed.

Donald Henry Gaskins

a rapist, cannibal responsible for the santa rosa murders from 1972-1973 and he when he was younger he was arrested a lot for robbery and rape and when he was 22 in 1955, he escaped prison. He was executed in the electric chair in 1991.


a viral infection of the nervous system from the bite of an infected mammal resulting in death and brain death

Bobby Joe Long

abducted, sexually assaulted, and murdered at least 10 women in the Tampa Bay area during an 8-month-period in 1984

Distrubutive shock

abnormal distribution of blood flow in the smallest blood vessels results in inadequate supply of blood to the body's tissues and organs.

varicose veins

abnormally swollen, twisted veins with defective valves; most often seen in the legs

Creutzfeld Jacobs/bovine spongiform encephalopathy

accumulation of infectious proteins called prions, results from livestock feed and is fatal

Lizzie Borden

accused, but found not guilty of killing her father and step-mother with an axe

differentiates left from right

parietal lobe

Brain disorder caused by the loss of dopamine-producing neurons


Myra Hindley

she murdered and r***d 5 children


heart muscle


shedding of the blood from the endometrium

When did James Gatz change his name to Gatsby?

age 17

risk factors of parkinsons

age, gender, heredity


agonist at opioid receptors resulting in inhibition of ascending pain pathways in the brain and spinal cord, altering the perception and response to pain. Tramadol also inhibits re-uptake of noradrenaline and serotonin which may contribute to its analgesic activity. Treats moderate to severe pain and post-operative pain. Max 400mg/day. may make you sleepy. If this happens, do not drive or use tools or machines. Do not drink alcohol. Stop treatment and seek immediate medical attention if signs or symptoms of toxicity occur (excessive sleepiness, difficulty waking, confusion, shallow breathing, seizures).

what can prescription and illegal drugs do?

alter the brains chemistry


an apostle who had enormous influence on Christianity's development


an apostle who traveled to Rome from Jerusalem and became the first bishop there

anaphylatic shock

an extreme, often life-threatening allergic reaction to an antigen to which the body has become hypersensitive.

Shaquille O'Neil

sheuller trick

Jack the Ripper

an unidentified English murderer in the 19th century near Whitechapel

intercalated discs

anchors cardiac cells together and allows for the passage of ions.

iron deficiency anemia

anemia caused by inadequate iron intake

What theory might explain money as the #1 motive for female serialists?

anomie (strain) - blocked access to legitimate avenues of monetary success for women - women are paid less for the same work - blocked educational and occupational roads to financial success - more pressure to innovate and find non-legitimate avenues to success - might explain seeming decline in female participation found post 2004

Fusidic acid

antibiotic eye ointment.

how do you treat bacterial meningitis


Aciclovir (topical)

apply to lesions every 4 hours (5 times daily) for 5-10 days, starting at the first sign of attack. Safe in pregnancy/breastfeeding. If they wear contact lenses- important to wash hand before touching eyes. If eye is infected REFER.

how are women treated during the Roman Republic

as second-class citizens

ventricular ejection

as ventricular pressure rises and exceeds pressure in the arteries, the semilunar valves open and blood is ejected

P wave

atrial depolarization


atypical (2nd gen) antipsychotic


atypical (2nd gen) antipsychotic. Blocks receptors in the dopamine pathway


atypical antipsychotic. Associated with substantial weight gain, dyslipidaemia and hyperglycemia.

Multiple sclerosis

automimmune disease which damages myelin impairing impulse conduction


became bishop of the city of Hippo and taught that humans needed the grace of God to be saved and that people could not receive God's grace unless they belonged to the Church and received the sacraments

where is the cerebrum located

between cerebrum and midbrain


blood clot

The term central nervous system refers to the ________.

brain and spinal cord

what does hydrocephalus cause

brain damage

Attaches brain to spinal cord

brain stem

what is involved in multiple sclerosis

brain, spinal cord, optic nerves

dicrotic notch

brief rise in aortic pressure as blood rebounds off closed valve

Serial predators usually create a ___________ between their crimes and their residence.

buffer zone

What does Louis IX do to strengthen central government?

by expanding royal courts

postive inotropic agents

caffine and hormones

What are the origins of the Italian Renaissance?

can be traced back to northern Italy in the Mid 14th century


can be used for seizures. It acts by blocking voltage-gated sodium channels in neuronal membranes. This suppresses repetitive neuronal discharges and reduces synaptic propagation of excitatory impulses associated with seizures and pain transmission. In bipolar disorder the mechanism of action is thought to be due to depressant effect on dopamine and noradrenaline turnover. In diabetes insipidus carbamazepine promotes water retention by stimulating release and potentiating the effects of antidiuretic hormone. SE's: Headache, ataxia, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, blurring of vision, dizziness, unsteadiness, and allergic skin reactions are dose-related, and may be dose-limiting. These adverse effects are more common at the start of treatment and in the elderly. They may be reduced by altering the timing of medication or by using a modified-release preparation. Carbamazepine can cause bone marrow supression. Seek immediate medical attention if symptoms such as fever, rash, mouth ulcers, bruising, or bleeding develop..


cant pump to lungs


cant pump to the body

bundle branches

carry the impulse toward the apex of the heart

intrinsic pathway

cascade of clotting factors leading to the formation of a clot within an injured vessel

right sided heart failure

causes swelling in extremities

contains nucleus & cytoplasm, largest part of cell

cell body

Where is the limbic system located?

center of brain

4 regions of the brain

cerebrum, diencephalon, brainstem, cerebellum

angina pectoris

chest pain that results when the heart does not get enough oxygen

what do later stages of parkinsons effect

chewing and swallowing

network of blood vessels lining the ventricles

choroid plexus


chronic inability to obtain requisite sleep


class of mental illness resulting in panic attacks, obsessive compulsive disorders


class of mental illness typified by a loss of touch of reality and bizarre behavior

Caused by impact to your head or after a whiplash-type injury



condition of excessive cerebrospinal fluid in brain


condition of excessive sleep


condition of rapid lapse into REM sleep


condition of temporary twitching and falls resulting from a torrent of electrical activity in brain

symptoms of hydrocephalus

confusion, Headache, lethargy

The major role of the interneuron is to

connect motor and sensory neurons in their pathways

tunica externae

connective tissue

ductus arteriosus

connects the pulmonary artery to the aorta, bypassing the lungs

foramen ovale

connects the two atria in the fetal heart


covers the heart

right brain functions

creativity, intuition, art


deficit in visual symbol and language processing affecting the ability to read

Alzeimer's disease

degenerative brain disorder affecting mainly the elderly caused by protein buildup

Parkinson's disease

degenerative brain disorder resulting from dopamine issues causing tremors and function loss

atrioventricular node

delays impulse by 1/10 of second, allowing atria to contract before ventricles sends impulse to the septum of the heart goes to the bundle of hiss

receives impulses



depends on preload capacity

muscular arteries

distal to elastic arteries; deliver blood to body organs

female secondary sex characteristics

distribution of body fat, breast enlargement, and relatively hairless appearance of the skin, wider hips, acne, oily hair

symptoms of CVA

dizziness, aphasia, dysphagia

negative intropic agents

drugs anestetics

outer part of meninges

dura mater

Most data suggests that the majority of killing teams are _____.

dyads (comprised of only two members)

How should the law treat MBPS?

either as - just a particularly vicious form of child abuse - psychiatric disease that prevents the mother from exercising proper judgement author's opinion - society reacts with a vengeance against women who deviate from certain prescribed roles (especially mother) - society's prejudice prevents courts from recognizing MSBP as a legitimate medical disorder - if the law acted in accord with medical research, a mother suffering from MSBP who is charged with the murder of her child would be able to assert a successful diminished capacity defense

nerve impulse

electrical message

Venule walls

emigration of wbc

function of limbic system

emotion and memory

Female Serialists Overtly hostile violent

emotionally unstable, impulsive and violent. History of violent behavior, generally don't plan to kill but their violent outbursts might lead to death

Inflammation of the brain



endometrial tissue located outside the uterus

tunica intima

endothelium connective tissue

male secondary sex characteristics

enlarged larynx (Adam's apple) deepening voice facial and chest hair pubic hair coarser skin texture large increase in height

collateral routes

ensure blood delivery to heart even if major vessels are occluded

Seizures believed to be a result of spontaneous uncontrolled electrical activity of neurons


what does the unicameral eventually become

eventually becomes a bicameral meaning two houses

what affect did Christianity have on the Roman empire

eventually it cause the collapse of the Roman empire

Jane Toppan

example of a power seeker - got a sexual thrill out of obtaining life and death power over her patients and got in bed and held many of her victims as they died - informally adopted by the Toppan family to whom she was an indentured servant - sister and father eventually placed in insane asylums - got training as a nurse and cultivated the Jolly Jane persona for patients and certain doctors but was horrible to co-workers - confessed to 31 murders in 1901


female hormone that stays high if pregnant

common symptoms of encephalitis

fever, lethargy, headache


foreign soldier who fought for money and accepted lower pay than Romans; felt little sense of loyalty to the empire

Neurotoxic intoxication

foreign substance which blocks neurotransmitter receptor sites


formation of blood cells

where do spinal nerves extend

from cord through each vertebrae

where is broccas speech area located

frontal lobe

which lobe is responsible for personality

frontal lobe

Eddict of Milan

gave full freedom of worship to Christians in the empire without fear of persecution

Council of Nicaea

gave internal peace to the Church by reaffirming chief doctrines of Christianity

more severe symptoms of encephalitis

hallucinations, paralysis

Female Serialists Inadequate

have few coping skills, limited intelligence, low self-esteem. Primarily want to please their partner which they sometimes do by engaging in murders and assaults led by their partner

how did ceaser gain control of rome?

he won a civil war

symptoms of concussions

headaches, light sensitivity

symptoms of meningitis

headaches, neck stiffness, sensitivity

congestive heart failure

heart is unable to pump its required amount of blood

on opposite side of body. Sudden, severe headache


NT that stop impulses


What is the meeting between Gatsby and Daisy like initially?

initially, their conversation is stilted and awkward. They are all inexplicably embarrassed; when Gatsby clumsily knocks over a clock, Nick tells him that he's behaving like a little boy. Nick leaves the couple alone for a few minutes. When he returns, they seem luminously happy, as though they have just concluded an embrace. There are tears of happiness on Daisy's cheeks."


inner lining of the uterus

The two major functional properties of neurons are

irritability and conductivity


is used to treat orthostatic hypotension (sudden fall in blood pressure that occurs when a person assumes a standing position). Midodrine is in a class of medications called alpha-adrenergic agonists. It works by causing blood vessels to tighten, which increases blood pressure.

blood clots lodge in carotid artery, blocking the flow of blood to the brain

ischemic CVA

What is the doomsday book?

it is inevitable: cannot be avoided

Traveling Serial Killers (Mobility Classifications)

kill in more than one state

Place Specific Serial Killers (Mobility Classifications)

kill only in particular places, usually killer's home or work

Local Serial Killers (Mobility Classifications)

kill within the general area of a city or county but do not kill in more than 1 state

Antihypertensives commonly used to treat pre-eclampsia?

labetalol nifedipine methyldopa.

Now that nobles are gone because Kings took their land, who do the kings "partner" with

merchants are the new elite, wealthy in Europe alliances are formed between kings and merchants because they're the wealthiest.

Team killers tend to operate ______. They are ______ to be place specific than soloists.

locally (and in proximity to their killing sites) less likely

what divides the cerebrum into left and right hemispheres

longitudinal fissures


loss of function in 2 limbs

results of CVA

loss of functions or death

risk factors of cerebral palsy

low birth weight, premature birth, multiple births

Dominant Role in Killing Teams

males usually assume control and are dubbed the masterminds - as late as 2004 FBI only categorized females in mixed gender non-related killing teams as compliant victims - female participants are often assumed to be coerced into participating - possibly wrong, some evidence females have assumed dominance in some teams


marked with a cross; image on armor or weaponry

potential to carry an electrical current because there is a difference in charge

membrane potential

Synaptic vesicles

membranous sacs that contain and release neurotransmitters

temporal lobe function

memories, hearing, smell


memory formation


men that made up Jesus' 12 disciples

3 parts of the brain stem

midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata

How did Caesar expand the boundaries of rome

military conquest

The fall of the roman empire was caused by what few things

military overspending, government corruption, invasion by barbarian tribes.

why did the Roman Empire succeed

military power new advances tactics phlanks formation

why did the roman empire succeed

military power, strong leadership, and isolation

Genene Jones

modern day Toppan - 1980s in Texas - 10 kids died in ICU on her watch but nothing was proven - took a job at a small pediatric clinic - made babies sick so she could "save the day" but sometimes she couldn't and they died - local hospital got suspicious about all the cases associated with her and launched an investigation which eventually incriminated her

Hickey's study suggests _______ is the #1 motive for women.


Crimes are _______ likely to occur closer to an offender's domicile.

more the father he or she travels away from home base, the fewer crimes he or she will commit

John Stockton

most career assists

Female Power Seeker (Power and Control Killers)

motivated by a desire to seek ultimate domination of one person over another by deciding when the other's life ends

carry impulses from the brain to muscles & glands

motor neurons

treatment for concussions

no screen time

gaps in the myelin sheath where membrane is exposed


Damage to the spinal cord that results in a loss of function, such as mobility and/or feeling

spinal cord injury

How is meningitis diagnosed?

spinal tap


spread by Alexander the Great in 330 B.C.


paralysis of 4 limbs

Cerebral palsy

paralysis of voluntary muscle control usually due to temporary oxygen deprivation

severe symptoms of meningitis

paralysis, coma, death

digestion, defecation, & diuresis (urination) division



ondansetron is indicated for nausea and vomiting due to cytotoxic chemotherapy or radiotherapy, and surgery. There is some evidence to support use for other conditions associated with nausea and vomiting such as acute gastroenteritis. Ondansetron is a specific 5HT3-receptor antagonist. It reduces the vomiting reflex by blocking serotonin at 5HT3 receptors both peripherally in the gastro-intestinal tract and centrally in the chemoreceptor trigger zone. Ondansetron prolongs the QT interval in a dose-dependent manner. This can lead to abnormal and potentially fatal heart rhythms, including Torsade de Pointes.7 Advise patients to immediately report irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, dizziness, or fainting while taking ondansetron. Common adverse effects include, fatigue, headaches and drowsiness. Constipation is also very common and can exacerbate symptoms of bloating and abdominal discomfort.

ventricular pressure

opens the valves

milder seizure

petit mal


phagocytize foreign substances and help activate T cells

treatment for cerebral palsy

physical therapy, occupational therapy, drugs

inner layer of meninges

pia mater


picture made up of small tiles or pieces of glass

Mobility of Female Serialists

place-specific killers (common) - 1/3 of female serial murderers were place-specific - nursing homes, hospitals, private homes, etc. place-specific serialists were responsible for nearly half of all murders committed by female offenders

frontal lobe function

planning, movement, emotions

Peripherial artery disease

plaque build up reduces blood flow to hands and feet

Both male and female serialists tended to select as victims people who were or are easily rendered ______.

powerless Why? easier, more convenient, fulfilled a need to feel more powerful than the victim

chronic leukemia

predominant cell is mature but does not function normally


present when there is a valve defect

effects of multiple sclerosis

problems with vision, balance, speech


process of semen leaving the body

completely unable to form personal attachments


controlled behavior


educated with good career


highly manipulative


origin of illness likely to be an innate condition


takes calculated risks, minimizes evidence, fraud schemes


very organized, plan every detail


Semi-lunar valves

pulmonary and aortic and prevents blood from backflowing

what does the PNS do

receives info and transmits commands

in the sentence "Commodus was a capricious ruler'" what does "Capricious" mean



red blood cells

hemolytic anemia

reduction in red cells due to excessive destruction

quick & unconscious response to a stimulus


The pathway the impulse travels

reflex arc

Etiology of Male Serial Offending

rejection was by far the most common theme surrounding the lives of male killers as children, which very likely originated from the experience of a dysfunctional family, sexual abuse, and alcoholism

The typologies designed specifically with reference to female serialists tend to be _____ in nature.




ventricular diastole

relaxation of the ventricles


release of a ripened egg


removal of small portion of the vas deferen

papillary muscles

responsible for pulling the atrioventricular valves closed by means of the chordae tendineae

cardiogenic shock

results when an inefficient heart cannot sustain adequate circulation

After the NT has done its job, it is taken back into the axon terminal



the Roman emperor who legalized Christianity in the empire and it spread throughout the empire; moved the capital of the empire from Rome to Byzantium

nerve impulse or action potential

reversal of charges

Nerve impulse transmissions occurring along myelinated neurons are called:

saltatory conduction

Smith's Criticism of Feminists

says they should have embraced Wuornos as an example of what happens to abused and neglected girls, stating that she was virtually ignored by feminists and victim's right advocates

what was the main difference between the Senate and the assembly

senators were patricians assembly members were plebians

parietal lobe function

sensation, spatial knowledge, math

where does sensory division transmit impulses

sense organs to CNS

carry impulses from sense organs to the brain

sensory neurons

how does an impulse travel for a response?

sensory neurons, interneurons, motor neurons

why was that Hadrian's Wall built did it work and why

served as a defensive wall yes the wall worked and because it kept the invaders out

effects of parkinsons

shaking, stiffness, difficult to walk



what does the motor cortex of the frontal lobe control

skeletal muscles

serotonin effects

sleep, mood, pain


slow rate

septal defects

small holes in the wall between the atria or the ventricles

risk factors for CVA

smoking, hypertension, family history

tunica media

smooth muscle, touches the blood

What theory might explain Gary Ridgeway's third wife Judith's effect on his killing behavior?

social bond theory/social control theory elements of social bonding include attachment to families, commitment to social norms and institutions (school, employment), involvement in conventional activities, and the belief that these things are important

What theories might help explain this seeming trend to less mobility among serialists?

social disorganization - as private, parochial, and public networks disintegrate, crime is more likely social control theory - as social bonds deteriorate crime will increase

disorganized, impulsive, and spontaneous


erratic behavior, rage and anger


has a tendency to leave clues and evidence due to spontaneous nature


likely to be uneducated, unable to keep a steady job


may form an attachment to a particular group


origin of illness is likely to be in the environment and upbringing


Regulates activities that are under conscious control

somatic NS

what divisions are in motor divisions

somatic and autonomic

Involved in reflexes

somatic and peripheral


spent most of adult life in craft/trade, teacher/mentor

fight or flight, takes over to increase activities


2 divisions of the autonomic nervous system

sympathetic and parasympathetic

Preparing the body for the "fight-or-flight" response is the role of the ________.

sympathetic nervous system

space where neurons can transfer an impulse to another neuron


small space between cells

synaptic cleft

two parts of the diencephalon

thalamus and hpyothalamus


the amount of tension the contracting ventricle must produce to force open the semilunar valve and eject blood

coronary heart disease

the clogging of the vessels that nourish the heart muscle


the dispersal of the Jews


the father or head of the Christian Church

Presynaptic neuron

the neuron carrying the impulse into the synapse

what does the parliament do so King Edward I doesn't get a revolt against him

the parliament passed a tax increase and the king enforced it, making him not responsible

why did rome become a republic

the people were fed up with kings


the practice of eating the flesh of one's own species.

Beta females

they are provoked to kill by emotions such as jealousy and hatred, they may kill impulsively

ventricular walls

thicker than those of the atria; the wall of the L ventricle is thicker than that of the R ventricle

Investigative Failures

three main reasons to explain failures in criminal investigations - cognitive biases, such as tunnel vision, that can facilitate errors in reasoning - organizational traps, such as groupthink, to which investigators sometimes succumb as a function of working in their agencies - probability errors, such as the "prosecutor's fallacy" where an assumption that the odds of a statistical event points strongly to the odds of a defendant being guilty

Stephen Curry

three point shooter

minimum impulse strength




why did Nero burn Rome

to kill all the Christians

why is internal communication critical?

to maintain homeostasis

causes of spinal cord injuries

trauma or disease


tricyclic antidepressant. Should also never be co-administered with SSRIs or venlafaxine.

Ridgeway Externalization of Urge to Kill

tried to claim the following were his kill triggers - bossy women - lazy co-workers - conniving hookers

The Roman empire was the first civilization to conquer most of the world true or false


is the following statement true or false Agustus emerged as the victor of a series of Civil Wars


is the following true or false The consuls were elected by the assembly but usually took orders on the Senate


How long do osmotic laxative lactulose take to work?

up to 48 hours. They work by attracting large amounts of water into the bowel, to make softer.

Omega females

use sexuality to deceive their victims, they are emotionally detached from them and kill coldly and usually for material gain

Alpha females

use violence to protect themselves or others from harm. These are cases of "self defense" against the "victim" who is actually an abuser.


used for the relief of moderate to severe pain such as after an injury, or operation or pain caused by a terminal illness such as cancer. Some types of morphine are short-acting or immediate release (Sevredol), usually taken every 4 to 6 hours. and others are long-acting or slow release (m-Eslon SR), usually taken two times a day (12 hours apart). Limit or avoid drinking alcohol while you are taking morphine. Taking morphine with alcohol can make you more sleepy, drowsy or dizzy. Constipation is very common.

Roman roads

used for trading and travel

Tranexamic acid

used to reduce or stop heavy bleeding caused by heavy menstrual periods, nose bleeds, dental procedures or surgery (operations). Tranexamic acid works by slowing the breakdown of clots. When you bleed your body forms blood clots to stop the bleeding. In some people, these clots break down (or dissolve) causing too much bleeding. By slowing the breakdown of clots tranexamic acid prevents further bleeding.


used to treat moderate to severe depression. It is believed that mirtazapine works by increasing the activity of certain chemicals working in our brains called neurotransmitters. These pass signals from one brain cell to another. Although we don't know for certain, the neurotransmitters that are most likely to be involved in depression are thought to be serotonin and noradrenaline.

Suboxone (buprenorphine/naloxone)

used to treat opioid (narcotic) dependence/addiction. Buprenorphine belongs to a class of drugs called mixed opioid agonist-antagonists. Buprenorphine helps prevent withdrawal symptoms caused by stopping other opioids. Naloxone is an opioid antagonist that blocks the effect of opioids and can cause severe opioid withdrawal when injected. It has little effect when taken by mouth or dissolved under the tongue. It is combined with buprenorphine to prevent abuse and misuse (injection) of this medication. This combination medication is used as part of a complete treatment program for drug abuse (such as compliance monitoring, counseling, behavioral contract, lifestyle changes).


used to treat some bladder control problems and urinary conditions such as overactive bladder, incontinence, urinary frequency (the need to pass urine more often than usual) and urinary urgency (the need to pass urine more urgently than usual). It works by relaxing the muscles in the bladder and in this way controls the release of urine eases the symptoms. Anticholingergic side effects


used to treat some types of breast cancer. Some breast cancers need the female hormone, oestrogen, to grow. Tamoxifen slows the growth of the cancer by blocking the effects of oestrogen in the breast.

What protects the spinal cord?

vertebral column and meninges

Why was Wuornos mistakenly believed to be the first female serial killer in the U.S.?

victims were totally random strangers and she robbed them (reflected typical male criminality)

end diastolic volume

volume of blood in each ventricle at end of ventricular diastole

What are the troubles that King John has with the church?

wants the power of investiture like his father, Henry II. Keeps disobeying Pope Innocent III so is eventually excommunicated Still disobeying the pope. England placed under interdiction

what was the original British parliament

was a unicameral legislature

if there had never been a roman empire what do you thinkour world would be like now?

we wouldn't have as many advances in technology

fertilization (conception)

when a sperm and egg unite


when valves allow blood to flow backwards into chamber

blood pressure

when ventricle relaxes the pressure decreases

fallopian tube (oviducts)

where fertilization takes place


where fetus is protected & nourished (womb)


where sperm is stored and mature

seminal vesicles

where sugar nourishment for sperm comes from

neurons with myelin

white matter

Female Serialists Covertly hostile

¢suppress rage and express it secretly often targeting their own children or other vulnerable available victims

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