Accommodations (Hotels)
As the hotel industry matures, corporations are either acquiring or merging with each other.
They range from 200-600 rooms with full service.
Airport hotels
American Hotel & Motel Association
An organization that rates and classifies hotels and awards them with Diamonds.
City center, resort, airport and freeway are all examples of hotels with this classification.
City, resort, airport, freeway
Examples of hotel locations.
Luxury, all suites, economy, budget
Examples of hotel price classifications.
Full service, mid-scale, extended stay, limited service
Examples of hotels with a level of service classification.
Extended-stay hotels
Hotels that are typically furnished, have a well-stocked kitchen, and cater to guests staying for longer periods of time.
Location, price and service
Ways hotels may be classified.
Vacation ownership
The fastest growing segment of the travel industry..