Acts 1-14 Quiz Questions (Learn Style)

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In Stephen's speech, who brought Moses up as a child (Acts 7:21)? A. Miriam, his older sister B. Jochebed, the servant of Pharaoh C. Pharaoh's daughter D. The priest of Midian


In Stephen's speech, who brought the tabernacle into the land when they took it from the nations (Act 7:45)? A. Moses B. Samuel C. Joshua D. Elijah


In Stephen's speech, who was sold into Egypt (Acts 7:9)? A. Judah B. Benjamin C. Joseph D. Abraham


What city was Saul from originally (Acts 9:11)? A. Tyre B. Iconium C. Tarsus D. Derbe


What did the Lord tell Ananias he would show Saul as part of his being God's chosen instrument (Acts 9:16)? A. How he himself would die for the name of Christ B. Forgiveness for being involved in Stephen's death C. How much he must suffer for his name D. The extent of his glory and grace


What did the people of Lystra shout after Paul healed the man lame from birth (Acts 14:11)? A. Jesus Christ is king B. This man heals by the power of the devil C. The gods have come down to us in human form D. Praise the God of Israel


What did the priest of Zeus want to do for Paul and Barnabas (Acts 14:13)? A. Offer them homage B. Bring them into the temple of Zeus to sit on his seat there C. Offer sacrifices to them D. Give them gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh


What did the voice on the road to Damascus say to Saul (Acts 9:4)? A. Saul, Saul, why will you not repent and believe in me B. Saul, Saul, turn from your evil ways C. Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me D. Saul, Saul, why have you killed my servant Stephen


On Pentecost, what did they see (Acts 2:3)? A. Tongues of fire resting on each of them B. The Spirit of God descend like a dove C. The glory of God in the heavens D. Christ ascending into the clouds


Peter said what was true after Ananias sold his property (Acts 5:4)? A. The money was at his disposal B. The money was blood money C. The money should have been given to the poor D. The money would buy redemption for his soul if he had given all of it


What book was the Ethiopian eunuch reading when Philip met him (Acts 8:28)? A. Isaiah B. Psalms C. Genesis D. Daniel


What did Ananias do with the money from the property he sold (Acts 5:2)? A. Kept some for himself and brought the rest to the apostles B. Kept the whole amount and was unwilling to share any of it C. Donated it to the poor at the pool of Bethesda D. Gave half of it to his wife and the other half to the apostles


What did Paul and Barnabas say in the crowd that was claiming they were gods (Acts 14:15)? A. We are bringing you good news, telling you to turn from these worthless things to the living God B. We are not Zeus and Hermes as you suppose but messengers of the most high God of Israel C. Repent, and turn from these idols to Jesus who has healed this man D. The Lord is our God and the Lord is one, these are all worthless idols


What did Peter tell Cornelius all the prophets had testified about Jesus (Acts 10:43)? A. That everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins B. That all those who repent and are baptized would be saved C. That those who do the will of the Father would be Jesus brothers and sisters D. That by rising from the dead Jesus overcame death for both Jews and Gentiles


What did Peter tell Cornelius he had learned about the kind of people God accepts (Acts 10:35)? A. God accepts people from every nation who fear him and do what is right B. God accepts all people who believe in Jesus and his resurrection from the dead C. God accepts those who believe and are baptized D. God accepts anyone who seeks the Lord and keeps his commandments


What did the voice from heaven tell Peter to do with the animals in the sheet let down from heaven (Acts 10:13)? A. Kill and eat B. Offer them up as a sacrifice C. Bring them to the house of Simon the tanner D. Feed them


What happened to Paul at Lystra on the first missionary journey (Acts 14:19)? A. He was stoned and dragged outside the city and left for dead B. He was flogged with an iron tipped whip C. He and Barnabas were thrown out of the city D. They were put in prison for forty days and then told to leave the region


What happened to Philip when he came up out of the water from baptizing the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:39)? A. The Spirit of the Lord took Philip away B. The Ethiopian offered Philip a ride in his chariot back to Jerusalem C. Philip went back to Samaria D. An angel told Philip to go to Damascus and preach there


What two things did Ananias say that Jesus sent him to do for Saul (Acts 9:17)? A. Place his hands on him so he could see and receive the Holy Spirit B. Heal him so he could see and be baptized in the name of Jesus C. Use mud to heal his eyes and in Jesus name forgive his sin D. Heal his eyes and offer him the right hand of fellowship into the Christian community


Where was Saul when a light from heaven flashed around him (Acts 9:3)? A. As he neared Damascus B. As he was leaving Jerusalem C. When he stopped for lunch on the way to Damascus D. When his donkey turned off the road to Damascus


Who did God call at Damascus to restore Saul's sight (Acts 9:10f)? A. Ananias B. Barnabas C. Eutychus D. Alexander


Why did the people of Lystra think Paul was the god Hermes (Acts 14:12)? A. Because he was the chief speaker B. Because he was the one who healed the lame man C. Because he was shorter than Barnabas D. Because he spoke with his hands raised like Hermes


According to Joel, as a result of the Spirit being poured out, all of the following would happen EXCEPT (Acts 2:17)? A. Your sons and daughters would prophesy B. Your daughters would speak in tongues C. Your young men will see visions D. Your old men will dream dreams


How was Saul described as receiving his sight by the hands of Ananias after his vision on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:18)? A. Mud was placed on his eyes and when he washed it off he could see B. Something like scales fell from his eyes C. Ananias spoke so Saul could see D. Saul was told to go to the brook Cherith and wash to see


In Stephen's speech, on what mountain did the burning bush incident occur (Acts 7:30)? A. Tabor B. Sinai C. Nebo D. Pisgah


In Stephen's speech, what did Moses do when he was forty years old (Acts 7:24)? A. He left the house of Pharaoh's daughter in order to suffer with the Israelites B. He killed an Egyptian who was mistreating an Israelite C. He went into the desert in search of God D. God spoke to him in a burning bush that did not burn


In Stephen's speech, what did the Israelites ask Aaron to do for them (Acts 7:40)? A. Rule over them in place of Moses B. Make gods who would go before them C. Lead them back to Egypt D. Give them water in the desert


The sheet Peter saw descend from heaven had all of the following listed in it EXCEPT (Acts 10:12) A. All kinds of four-footed animals B. Fish of every kind C. Reptiles of the earth D. Birds of the air


What did Ananias and Sapphira do (Acts 5:1)? A. They became believers B. They sold a piece of property C. They went with the apostles to the temple D. They proclaimed Jesus' resurrection


What did Peter say could not keep a hold on Jesus (Acts 2:24)? A. The hands of wicked men B. Death C. Satan D. The prince of darkness


What was a problem Saul had when he attempted to get up after meeting Jesus on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:8)? A. He could not get up but had to be carried into the city B. He could not hear or speak C. He could not see being blinded D. He could not speak


What was the chief feature of the living God that Paul and Barnabas shouted to the crowd at Lystra (Acts 14:15)? A. He sent his son to die for their sins B. He has spoken to us through the prophets of old C. He made heaven, earth and sea and everything in them D. He healed this crippled man


What was the name of the group that Saul was seeking to bring back as prisoners from Damascus (Acts 9:2)? A. Christians B. Nazarenes C. The Way D. Messianic Jews


What will happen to the sun and moon on the day of the Lord according to Joel (Act 2:28)? A. Both the sun and moon will not shine B. They will flee away C. Sun to darkness and moon to blood D. The sun will scorch the earth and the moon will go dark


When Stephen was stoned, at whose feet did the witnesses lay their garments (Acts 7:58)? A. At the feet of Caiaphas B. At the feet of Annas C. At the feet of Saul D. At the doorstep of Pilate


Who did Paul meet at Lystra (Acts 14:8)? A. A man born blind B. The mayor of the city C. A man crippled from birth D. A sorcerer named Elymas


Who did an angel tell to go down to the road going to Gaza (Acts 8:26)? A. Peter B. John C. Philip D. Thomas


Who was Ananias' wife (Acts 5:1)? A. Mary B. Salome C. Sapphira D. Herodias


Why did Peter object to eating the animals let down in the sheet from heaven (Acts 10:24)? A. Many of the animals were not good for meat B. Peter could not catch the animals C. Peter had never eaten anything unclean D. Peter was not hungry


Why did those in Judea criticize Peter after the situation with Cornelius (Acts 11:2)? A. That he spoke to a Roman centurion B. That he accepted a Roman as a believer C. That he entered the house and ate with an uncircumcised man D. That he advocated paying taxes to Rome


Where was the Ethiopian eunuch reading the Old Testament scriptures (Acts 8:28)? A. On his horse B. On his throne carried by slaves C. Under a tree D. In his chariot


Who came to Lystra resulting in Paul being stoned (Acts 14:19)? A. Jews from Jerusalem B. The priest of the temple of Zeus C. The synagogue leader of Derbe D. Jews from Antioch and Iconium


Who was a centurion at Caesarea where Peter went after healing Dorcas (Acts 10:1)? A. Aeneas B. Ananias C. Jarius D. Cornelius


At Lystra, what god did they think Paul was (Acts 14:12)? A. Jupiter B. Poseidon C. Apollos D. Zeus E. Hermes


How was Christ portrayed in the passage of Isaiah the Ethiopian eunuch was reading (Acts 8:32)? A. As a lamb before the shearer is silent B. As the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world C. As the lion of Judah D. As the Son of David who will sit on the throne of his father David


In Stephen's speech, what did David ask for (Acts 7:46)? A. That he might provide a dwelling place for the God of Jacob B. That he might be forgiven for his sin with Bathsheba C. That he might be escape from the hands of Saul the king of Israel D. That he might sing to the Lord a new song


In Stephen's speech, what happened after Moses was in Midian for forty years (Acts 7:30)? A. An angel appeared to Moses in the burning bush B. The Lord spoke to him in the opening of a cave in a still small voice C. He offered sacrifices to the Lord God of Israel D. He received the law at Mount Sinai


In Stephen's speech, when did Jacob send their fathers to Egypt (Acts 7:12)? A. When they could not find food because of the famine B. When they wanted to trade the Egyptians for the crops of Canaan C. When they were driven out by the Canaanites D. When God told them to go down into Egypt


In Stephen's speech, who was the direct son of Isaac (Acts 7:8)? A. Jacob B. Esau C. Moses D. Lot


In Stephen's speech, who was the father of the twelve patriarchs (Acts 7:8)? A. Jacob B. Esau C. Moses D. Lot


What did Peter say when he saw a large gathering in Cornelius' house (Acts 10:28)? A. He thanked him and began to preach the good news of the kingdom to them B. Normally it was against the law to associate with Gentiles but God showed Peter not to call any man impure C. Normally it was against the law for a Jews eat with a Gentile but God had showed Peter no food is impure D. Normally it was Peter's duty to preach the good news only to Jews but God had showed him Gentiles could receive the message too


What did Peter see as he saw the heaven open prior to Cornelius' messengers arriving (Acts 10:11)? A. A lamb ready to be sacrificed B. A large sheet being let down by its four corners C. A basket of summer fruit some good and some rotten D. A plumb line next to a wall


What did each language group hear the apostles speak about (Acts 2:11)? A. The gospel of the kingdom of God B. The wonders of God C. The resurrection of Jesus D. The good news


What happened as Peter was speaking to Cornelius and his guests (Acts 10:44)? A. The blind and lame were healed B. The Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message C. The Gentiles repented and believed the gospel D. The Gentiles requested that they be circumcised


What happened when Ananias heard Peter's accusation that he had lied to God (Acts 5:5)? A. He went out and hung himself B. He fell down and died C. He repented and wept D. He fell at the apostle's feet asking for forgiveness


What question did the Ethiopian eunuch ask Philip that allowed him to tell the Ethiopian about Jesus (Acts 8:34)? A. Who is the lamb of God that was silent? B. Who is the prophet talking about himself or someone else? C. Why did the prophet use a lamb to talk about suffering? D. When are the things this prophet is talking about going to happen?


What was special about the Ethiopian Philip met on the road to Gaza (Acts 8:27)? A. He was learned in the Scriptures B. He was a eunuch over the treasury C. He was a Roman tax-collector D. He was a musician in the queen's court


What was the last thing Stephen said before he died (Acts 7:60)? A. Lord Jesus, receive my spirit B. Lord, do not hold this sin against them C. The Lord judge between you and me D. O Lord come quickly


When Saul was surrounded with the light, what did the men traveling with him perceive (Acts 9:7)? A. They fled in fear and hid themselves B. They heard the sound but did not see anyone C. They saw the light but could not hear the sound of the voice talking to Saul D. They were smitten like and fell like dead men to the ground


When Stephen looked up to heaven just before he died, what did he see (Acts 7:55)? A. Jesus in a chariot of fire B. Jesus standing at the right hand of God C. The Holy Spirit descending like a dove D. The glory of God leaving the temple area


When were the apostles all together in one place (Acts 2:1)? A. On Passover B. On Pentecost C. On the Day of Atonement D. On the Feast of Lights


Who dealt treacherously with the Israelites in Egypt according to Stephen (Acts 7:18)? A. Another king arose who saw the Israelites as foreigners B. Another king who knew nothing about Joseph C. Another Pharaoh who wanted to build the pyramids of Egypt D. Another king who hated shepherds


Who did Philip meet as he went down from Jerusalem on the desert road to Gaza (Acts 8:27)? A. An Egyptian B. An Ethiopian C. A Cushite D. A Midianite


Why did some make fun of the apostles who were speaking in tongues (Acts 2:13)? A. They thought they were mad B. They thought they had had too much wine C. They were like the false prophets of old D. They thought what they were saying was gibberish


Why was the crowd at Pentecost bewildered (Acts 2:6)? A. Because all of them saw tongues of fire resting on the apostles B. Because each one heard them speak in their own language C. Because the apostles proclaimed the good news with power D. Because the glory of the Lord was seen over the temple


How did Peter describe the coming of the Holy Spirit on Cornelius (Acts 11:15)? A. The Spirit came on them in power and might B. The Spirit manifested himself through them with signs and wonders C. The Spirit came on them as he had come on us at the beginning D. Their spirit spoke with the Spirit in us that they were the children of God


How did the Jews know that the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles at Cornelius' house (Acts 10:46)? A. They saw tongues of fire on their shoulders B. A voice from heaven announced the salvation of the Gentiles C. They heard them speaking in tongues and praising God D. They saw the heavens open and angels ascending and descending


In Stephen's speech, he brought all of the following accusations against the Jews of his day EXCEPT (Acts 7:51)? A. You stiff-necked people B. They had uncircumcised hearts and ears C. They turned away from the living God D. They always resisted the Holy Spirit


In Stephen's speech, how many years did Moses spend in Midian before the angel appeared to him in a burning bush (Acts 7:30)? A. Twenty B. Thirty C. Forty D. Fifty


In Stephen's speech, what two things did God promise to Abraham but Abraham had neither at the time they were promised (Acts 7:5)? A. The law or the nation B. A wife or a land C. A child and the land D. A temple or a synagogue


In Stephen's speech, what was the god like that Aaron made for the Israelites in the desert (Acts 7: 41)? A. A lion B. A demon C. A calf D. A snake


After Sapphira said that that was what they sold the property for what did Peter tell her (Acts 5:9)? A. The greedy will not inherit the kingdom of God B. Your husband is dead and you will also die for withholding money from the poor C. Your husband is dead, let this be a lesson to you D. The feet of the men who buried your husband are at the door to carry you out


At Lystra, what god did they think Barnabas was (Acts 14:12)? A. Jupiter B. Poseidon C. Apollos D. Zeus E. Hermes


How did the heavenly voice respond to Peter's objection that he had never eaten anything impure (Acts 10:15)? A. Obey the voice of the Lord B. Eat only the clean animals in the sheet let down from heaven C. God has made all animals to be eaten D. Don't call anything impure that God had made clean


In Stephen's speech, Abraham was said to be the direct father of _______ (Acts 7:8) A. Jacob B. Esau C. Moses D. Isaac


In Stephen's speech, what did God tell Abraham (Acts 7:3)? A. Walk before in righteousness B. Seek the Lord while he may be found C. Keep my law and you will live D. Leave your country and your people


In Stephen's speech, what did God tell Abraham would happen to his descendants (Acts 7:6)? A. They would cross the Jordan River and conquer the land B. They would become a great nation and God would lead them C. They would eat the bread of heaven and offer sacrifices to the God of heaven D. They would be strangers and enslaved for 400 years in a strange land


What did Peter accuse Ananias of doing in the keeping of some of the money from his sold property (Acts 5:3)? A. Betraying Jesus B. Denying Jesus C. Not loving mercy D. Lying to the Holy Spirit


What did Saul start doing after a few days with the Damascus disciples (Acts 9:20)? A. He received instruction about Jesus and his resurrection B. He took the Lord support with the believers there C. He went out into the desert to be alone with the Lord D. He preached in the synagogues that Jesus was the Son of God


What manifestation was there at Pentecost that the Holy Spirit had come upon them (Acts 2:4)? A. The room was full of light B. The sick were healed C. All were in one accord together D. They began to speak in other tongues


What prophet predicted of the events that happened at Pentecost (Acts 2:16)? A. Isaiah B. Jeremiah C. Zachariah D. Joel


What saying from Jesus did Peter remember when the Spirit come on those at Cornelius' house (Acts 11:16)? A. I will go away and send another Counselor to you B. When the Spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth C. The Spirit will tell you what you shall say in the days to come D. John baptized with water but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit


What was Paul and Barnabas' reaction when the people of Lystra treated them like they were gods (Acts 14:14)? A. They ran out of the city B. They silenced the crowd and preached Christ C. They turned over the tables in the temple of Zeus D. They tore their clothes and rushed into the crowd


What was Saul seeking to do when he found followers of the Way in Damascus (Acts 9:2)? A. Have them stoned them B. Have them flogged and expelled from the synagogues C. Exact a heavy tax from them D. Bring them as prisoners back to Jerusalem


What was the response when Saul asked "Who are you Lord?" after falling to the ground on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:5)? A. I am the way, the truth and the life, believe in me B. I am the Son of David who is to rule over Israel C. I am the Son of Man who is to come D. I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting


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