Acts 8-12

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Philip shares the verse Isaiah 53:1-9 with the Ethiopian Eunuch along the road. What does this verse mean?

It means that Jesus took away all of our sins and brought them on himself when he died on the cross so that we could be saved from our sins if we believe.

In Acts 8-12, where does the gospel spread to?

to Judea, Samaria, and Antioch

What did Peter's vision help Peter and the other believers understand?

That the Gentiles were true in their faith and had equal status in God's kingdom

Why was Saul the best choice person to take the gospel to the Gentiles?

1. As a Jew, he was trained in Scriptures 2. He grew up in a Greek-speaking environment; Tarsus; knew Hellenistic culture 3. He was passionate for the truth and could explain scripture in a way that those in Hellenistic culture could understand 4. He was a Roman citizen by birth; he knew the cast road system of the Roman empire

What was Paul's main message to Titus?

1. The church should be an agent of transportation, not through culture, wars, or assimilation, but through wise participation in culture 2. Devotion to Jesus and common good will show the beauty of God's message 3. Were called to a new way of life

How many letters did Paul write?

13 Pauline epistles (Romans to Philemon)

Why did God strike Herod Agrippa dead?

Because Herod allowed the people to worship him as a god instead of giving glory to God

How did Simon the magician respond to the teaching of God's word?

By offering the apostles money to buy the power of the Holy Spirit

What was Peter's vision?

He saw a sheet with unclean animals and a voice told him to "kill and eat", but Peter refuses to eat "unclean foods". God says "what God has made clean, do not call common". This happened 3 times.

What was the main reason Saul was so obsessed with persecuting and killing Christians?

He thought that the believers were leading people away from the truth, and this was considered blasphemy to Saul

What would have happened if Peter stubbornly refused to obey God?

He would have sinned against God and missed being part of building God's kingdom on Earth

Does Simon the Magician actually believe? Is his faith genuine?

Only God knows. We can only "read the evidence" of a person's actions.

What is glorification?

The act of being made completely holy when we go to heaven to be with Jesus

What is faith?

The act of expressing belief in Jesus Christ that comes from a heart that's been changed by the Holy Spirit

What is repentance?

The act of recognizing one's sin, taking responsibility for it, confessing it, and making a decision to act differently in the future

What is justification?

The legal declaration by God saying that a sinner is not guilty of sin and has been forgiven through the work of Christ

What is sanctification?

The lifelong process of the Holy Spirit making us more and more and more like Jesus in our hearts and our actions

What is regeneration?

The work of the Holy Spirit in which He makes spiritually dead sinners alive and gives them a new birth

What was the purpose of Paul's letter to Philemon?

Was to encourage reconciliation with Philemon's slave, Onesimus

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