Adaptability Open to Change

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Change as an Opportunity

Notices when things change and sees it as an opportunity.


Open to Change Change as an Opportunity New Experiences Considering Others' Viewpoints Dealing with Stress

New Experiences

Open to new experiences including work environments, roles, and tasks.

D) Refusing to try something you have never done before.

All of the following actions are examples of being open to new experiences, EXCEPT: A) Covering for coworkers even if you haven't been trained to do their job. B) Experimenting with ways to make a new role or task more efficient. C) Staying in a new work environment despite feeling nervous or uncomfortable at first. D) Refusing to try something you have never done before. E) Viewing doing the same task or staying in the same role as "scarier" than gaining new skills.

D) Ignoring the situation or how you are feeling.

All of the following are good ways to deal with stress, EXCEPT: A) Taking some quiet time to yourself to step back from the situation and sort through your feelings. B) Asking a mentor or supervisor to suggest ways you can do better the next time when you make a mistake or feel you need to improve. C) Confiding in a friend about what is going on and how you are feeling. D) Ignoring the situation or how you are feeling. E) Going for a run or exercising so you can release your emotions in a healthy way.

E) Trusting that all advice is good advice.

All of the following traits are part of an adaptability skill set, EXCEPT: A) Viewing change as an opportunity to grow instead of being intimidated or scared by it. B) Being willing to take on new roles or assignments or work in a different environment than you're used to. C) Considering different viewpoints and being open to learning from them. D) Employing healthy strategies for dealing with stress if you receive negative feedback. E) Trusting that all advice is good advice.

Dealing with Stress

Handles normal amounts of stress. Uses feedback in a positive way. Is able to learn from things that go wrong.

B) Are willing to risk failure for the opportunity to grow through new experiences.

When someone is adaptable, they: A) Try not to end up in any situation in which they are unprepared or unskilled. B) Are willing to risk failure for the opportunity to grow through new experiences. C) Never ask for advice so they can avoid seeming incompetent. D) Ignore criticism as much as possible. E) Pass on opportunities they don't feel prepared for.

B) Seeing change as an opportunity to grow instead of being intimidated by it.

Which of the following actions describe the first trait of adaptability? A) Sticking with what you know you can do well. B) Seeing change as an opportunity to grow instead of being intimidated by it. C) Avoiding situations that make you feel uncomfortable. D) Being unwilling to learn new skills. E) Turning down opportunities because you are afraid you do not have the right skills.

E) Even if you receive advice that you decide not to follow, you can still learn from that viewpoint.

Which of the following statements is true about considering others' viewpoints? A) Asking for advice shows you are not prepared to do your job, so you should avoid it. B) It is too risky to ask for another person's viewpoint because you might get bad advice. C) It is impolite to ask for someone's opinion and then not exactly follow the advice they gave you. D) If you get advice from a trusted teacher or supervisor, it will probably apply to every situation. E) Even if you receive advice that you decide not to follow, you can still learn from that viewpoint.

Considering Others' Viewpoints

Will consider others' viewpoints and suggestions to get the job done.

C) You thank your boss for the opportunity and ask a few questions before deciding if you'll say yes.

You have been working in the bakery of a grocery store for a few months and your boss asks you to consider training as a cashier. What response shows that you are willing to consider this change? A) You say no - You're going to have to talk to customers all of the time, which could be very tiring. B) You say you will consider it - but only to be polite. C) You thank your boss for the opportunity and ask a few questions before deciding if you'll say yes. D) You say no - You just mastered how to make croissants and you don't want to let your coworkers down. E) You say yes immediately - You know cashiers make more money.

A) Talk to another coach and ask for advice on how to improve strategy and even out playtime.

You just coached your first soccer game. The kids all seemed to have a good time. Later, the mother of a player calls and says you had poor strategy and need to make sure her child plays more. How should you deal with the criticism? A) Talk to another coach and ask for advice on how to improve strategy and even out playtime. B) Decide that coaching is probably not one of your strengths and resign from your position. C) Make a survey for all of the parents to see if they agree with the mother that called you. D) Vent your frustrations in a post on social media so that people know how crazy the mother is. E) Dismiss the feedback as wrong and decide to keep the same coaching strategy for the next game.

A) Ask one of the other servers to quickly show you how to submit orders to the kitchen and jump in.

You work at a restaurant as a host or hostess. Your co-worker, who is a server, calls to say she got in a car accident on the way to work. Your boss tells you to help wait tables. You've never taken customer orders before. What should you do? A) Ask one of the other servers to quickly show you how to submit orders to the kitchen and jump in. B) Panic and leave immediately. C) Try to convince your boss that you have too much work at the hosting station, and there are already plenty of servers. D) Stick to hosting, but offer to make phone calls to the other servers to see if someone can cover the shift. E) Say you'll help wait tables but focus on hosting instead and hope the customers get up to leave.

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