Advertising Exam 2: Chapter 6

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Affective strategies fall into two categories:

(1) resonance, and (2) emotional

Selecting a source or spokesperson to be used in an advertisement is a critical decision. Four types of sources are:

1. Celebrities. 2. CEOs. 3. Experts. 4. Typical persons.

Emotional appeals are based on three ideas. Reasons for using them are:

1. Consumers ignore most advertisements. 2. Rational appeals go unnoticed unless the consumer is in the market for a particular product at the time it is advertised. 3. Emotional advertising can capture a viewer's attention and help develop an attachment between a consumer and a brand.

The effectiveness of an advertisement depends on the degree to which a spokesperson has one or more of the following source characteristics:

1. Credibility 2. Attractiveness 3. Similarity 4. Likability 5. Trustworthiness 6. Expertise

The most common slice-of-life format has four components:

1. Encounter 2. Problem 3. Interaction 4. Solution

Typical persons are one of two different types:

1. Paid actors or models who portray or resemble everyday people. 2. Actual typical, everyday people who are used in advertisements.

There are four variations on celebrity endorsements:

1. Unpaid spokespersons for charitable causes 2. Celebrity voice-overs 3. Dead-person endorsements 4. Social media, where celebrities tweet or send product information

What percentage of B2B ads utilize emotional appeal?


Celebrities are now used in about ____% of all advertisements.


Severity and Vulnerability

A business-to-business advertiser offering internet services may try to focus on the severity of down time if a company's internet server goes down or the firm's vulnerability to items such as hacker attacks.

CEO Spokespersons

A highly visible and personable CEO can become a major asset for the firm and its products. Michael Dell sometimes is the spokesperson for Dell Computers.

Appeal Strength

A key decision is how strong to make the fear in the advertisement. Most advertisers believe a moderate level of fear will be the most effective. Too much fear causes the viewer to turn away. Too little does not attract attention.

Clay animation

Another method of animation, which was made popular by the California raisins commercials.

______________ are using more emotional appeals.

B2B advertisers

Nudity or Partial Nudity

Both male and female models can be used.

Preemptive Messages

Claims of superiority based on a specific attribute or benefit of a product are preemptive messages. Once made, the claim normally preempts the competition from making such a statement.

Well-known songs have an advantage:

Consumers already have developed an affinity for the song that they can transfer to the product. Popular songs are often costly and some musicians refuse to sell them. Some advertisers now look for new, less-well-known musicians to reduce costs.

Animation Execution

In recent years the use of animation in advertising has increased, due primarily to the greater sophistication in computer graphics programs.

Decorative Models

Individuals in advertisements to adorn products as sexual or attractive stimuli. The models serve no other purpose than to attract attention.

Musical Appeals

Music gains attention and increases the retention of visual information at the same time. Most consumers remember the song along with images of the product or company.

Criticisms of Sex Appeals

One major criticism of sexually based advertising is that it has perpetuated dissatisfaction with one's body. The problem with the stereotyping of females in ads takes a different twist in other countries. For example, in Saudi Arabia and Malaysia, women must be shown in family settings.

What type of media presents the best outlets for rational appeals? Why?

Print media and internet ads, because they give the readers a greater opportunity to process copy information.

The slice-of-life approach was introduced and made popular by:

Procter & Gamble

What are two of the best media for emotional appeals? Why?

Television and the internet are two of the best medias for emotional appeals, because they have intrusion value and can utilize both sound and sight. Facial expressions can convey emotions and attitudes. Emotions can be tied with humor, fear, music, and other appeals to make a compelling case for a product.

Rewards to Response Efficacy

The combination of (1) intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, (2) response costs, (3) and the degree of self-efficacy contribute to response efficacy.

Overt Sexuality

The most strongly sexual method.

Subliminal Techniques

This involves placing sexual cues or icons in advertisements where they will affect a viewer's subconscious mind.


This is normally targeted toward women who might respond to more of a sensual suggestion than an overt sexual approach. Instead of strong sexual images, an alluring glance across a crowded room is shown.

Sexual Suggestiveness

This is used to make the product seem more sensuous.

Societal Trends

When determining the level of sex appeal to feature in an advertisement, the advertising team considers society's view and level of acceptance. Currently acceptance seems to be on the rise again.

Music can lead to

a better recall of the visual and emotional aspects of an advertisement.

The testimonial type of executional framework is being used when:

a customer in an advertisement tells about a positive experience with a product. In the business-to-business sector, testimonies from current customers add credibility to the claims being made.

A scarcity appeal is often used with other promotional tools, such as:

a price discount to encourage retailers who stock up.

The appeal to be used should be based on:

a review of the creative brief, the objective of the advertisement, and the means-ends chain to be conveyed

Slice-of-life Execution

advertisers attempt to provide solutions to the everyday problems faced by consumers or businesses. These advertisements normally show common things people experience, especially the problems they encounter. Then, the product is made available to solve the problem.

The creative decides about:

all of the other ingredients, including music, copy, use of color, motion, light, and size.

The computer graphics technology has:

allowed animation to move beyond personifications into creating real-life images.

Authoritative Execution:

an advertiser seeks to convince viewers that a given product is superior to other brands.

Unique Selling Proposition

an explicit, testable claim of uniqueness or superiority, which can be supported or substantiated in some manner.


an untestable claim based upon some attribute or benefit

Fear appeals

are used because they work. Fear increases both the viewer's interest in an advertisement and the persuasiveness of that ad.

Resonance advertising

attempts to connect a product with a consumer's past experiences in order to develop stronger ties between the product and the consumer.

Emotional advertising

attempts to elicit powerful emotions which eventually lead to product recall and choice, including trust, reliability, friendship, happiness, security, glamour, luxury, serenity, pleasure, romance, and passion.

Experts provide:

backing for testimonials, serve as authoritative figures, demonstrate products, and enhance the credibility of informative advertisements.

Most creatives view emotional advertising as the key to:

brand loyalty.

To be successful, rational appeals rely on:

consumers actively processing the information presented in an advertisement.

Rational appeals are effective when

consumers are willing to pay attention to the advertisement.

Promotional support conative advertisements are designed to support other promotional efforts using:

coupons, phone-in promotions, a sweepstakes, or some other form

Action-inducing conative approaches

create situations in which cognitive knowledge of the product and/or affective liking of the product may come later (after the actual purchase) or during usage of the product. A point-of-purchase display is designed (sometimes through advertising tie-ins) to cause people to make impulse buys.

Affective message strategies

designed to invoke feelings and emotions and match them with the product, service, or company. • Seek to enhance the likability of the product • Build recall of the appeal • Increase comprehension of the advertisement • Elicit emotions which then in turn affect the consumer's reasoning process, and finally lead to action

Conative message strategies

designed to lead more directly to some type of consumer behavior.

Generic messages

direct promotions of good or service attributes or benefits without any claim of superiority. They work best for a firm that is clearly the brand leader and dominant in the industry within which it operates.


effective in both getting attention and keeping it, which helps the ad cut through clutter. Humor is used in about 30% of all advertisements.

The primary benefit of scarcity appeals is that they:

encourage consumers to take action.

One form of authoritative framework is _______________ where a physician, a dentist, an engineer, or chemist states the product's advantages over other products.

expert authority

The primary disadvantage of featuring celebrities:

high cost

rational appeals are well suited for:

high involvement and complex products.

Informative ads work well in:

high involvement purchase situations. As a result, the informative framework continues to be a popular approach for business-to-business advertisers.

Fantasy executions are designed to:

lift the audience beyond the real world to a make-believe experience. Some fantasies are meant to be realistic. Others are completely irrational.

Musical memories are often stored in:

long-term recall areas of the brain

Rational Appeals

often follow the hierarchy of effects stages of awareness, knowledge, liking, preference, conviction, and purchase.

Sex appeals

one approach to building brand awareness

Advertisers must be careful to avoid letting the humor

overpower the advertisement. When humor fails, it is usually because the joke in the ad is remembered but the product or brand is not. To be successful, the humor should be directly connected to the product's benefits.

Expert sources include:

physicians, lawyers, accountants, and financial planners. These experts tend not to be famous celebrities or CEOs.

Informative ads:

present information to the audience in a straightforward matter.

Slice-of-life frameworks are more difficult to prepare in __________ advertisements:


Informative ads are prepared extensively for ___________, where only verbal communication is possible but are less common in television and print because consumers tend to ignore them.

radio advertisements

Theoretical explanation regarding the way fear works:

referred to as the behavioral response model

High involvement decisions

require considerable cognitive activity and consumers spend more time evaluating the attributes of the individual brands. Complex products require more time to absorb key information.

Goal of sex appeals

should be to use sex in a manner that is interesting, germane to the product, and within the ethical standards of the region.

Authoritative ads work especially well in:

specialty magazines. Advertisements using the demonstration executional framework are designed to: show how a product works. A demonstration is an effective way to communicate the attributes of a product to viewers. Demonstrations are often presented in: business-to-business ads. They allow a business to show how a product can meet the specific needs of another business.

The most common fantasy themes are:

still sex, love, and romance. As raw sex and nudity in advertisements are losing their impact, fantasy approaches are taking their place.

Demonstration-type ads are especially well suited to:

television. To a limited extent, the print media can feature demonstrations, especially when a series of photos shows the sequence of product usage.

More business ads are being placed on television because of:

the availability of high-quality graphics technologies, which allow various businesses to illustrate the uses of their products through animated graphics.

An executional framework is:

the manner in which an ad appeal is presented. If the ad appeal is the script in a movie, then the plot would be the actual executional framework.

A danger of comparative ads

the negative attitudes consumers may develop toward the ad. If viewers acquire negative attitudes toward the advertisement, these negative attitudes may transfer to the sponsor's product. This is especially true when the sponsor runs a negative comparative ad.

One product category that uses fantasy is:

the perfume and cologne industry.

One of the keys to informative advertising is:

the placement of the advertisement.

message strategy

the primary tactic or approach used to deliver the message theme


the process of placing hand-drawn characters digitally into live sequences.

The major advantage of comparative ads

they often capture the attention of consumers.

Scarcity appeals

urge consumers to buy a particular product because of a limitation. The limitation can be a limited number of the products available, or, more often, that the product is available for only a limited time.

Comparative Advertising

used when an advertiser directly or indirectly compares a good or service to the competition. The competitor may or may not be mentioned by name in the advertisement.

cognitive message strategy

utilized when rational arguments or pieces of information are presented to consumers. There are five major forms of cognitive strategies

The cognitive impression made on viewers of a sexually oriented ad depends on:

whether the viewer feels the advertisement is pleasant or offensive. If a viewer likes the ad, then a positive impression of the brand will result.

Types of executional frameworks include:

• Animation • Slice-of-life • Dramatization • Testimonial • Authoritative • Demonstration • Fantasy • Informative

What are the seven main types of advertising appeals?

• Fear • Humor • Sex • Music • Rationality • Emotions • Scarcity

The success of humor as an advertising tactic is based on causing consumers to:

• Watch • Laugh • Most importantly, remember

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