Aging and Dying HHP

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Which of the following are spiritual needs of dying patients? 1. Need for hope and creativity 2. Need to complete a will for loved ones 3. Need to give and receive love 4. Need for meaning and purpose

1, 3, and 4

Which of the following are the three major psychological and behavioral patterns that individuals use in coping with the threat of death as identified by Therese Rando? 1. Retreat and conservation of energy 2. Attack and evaluate the threat 3. Attempting to master or control the threat of death 4. Exclusion from the threat of death

1, 3, and 4

Depersonalization of the dying patient can occur when 1. an illness is not well understood or rare. 2. physicians and nurses believe "nothing more can be done." 3. physicians and nurses avoid contact due to their own death anxiety. 4. hospital staff shifts change frequently.

2 and 3

Side effects experienced by patients receiving chemotherapy can include all of the following EXCEPT A) nausea and digestive problems. B) loss of hair. C) cyanotic lymph nodes. D) mouth sores.

C) cyanotic lymph nodes.

What are Diakonia, Metanoia, and Kairos?

Concepts that form a basis for hospice care

According to Daniel Callahan, what percentage of Americans believe that medical technology can always save their lives?


The most popular choice of casket in the United States is made of

gasketed steel.

What type of will is made orally?


In May 2013, which state senate passed and the governor signed the Patient Choice and Control at End-of-Life Act?


At the lower end of the price range, caskets are typically

cloth-covered plywood or pressboard.

A biopsy is BEST defined as

the surgical removal of a small amount of tissue for diagnosis.

The funeral business is generally viewed as a

"mystery business."

Excluding burial vault and cemetery costs, what was the average cost of an adult funeral in the U.S. in 2009?


Which of the following were normal functions of the undertaker in the late nineteenth century? 1. Laying out the body for the wake 2. Providing "aftercare" counseling for the bereaved 3. Transporting the body to the church for the funeral 4. Transporting the body to the cemetery for burial

1, 3, and 4

When was the first life insurance company established in the United States?


What year did informed consent achieve formal legal definition?


In what year was the first civilian helicopter medevac program established?


Due to the impact of managed care and greater emphasis on patients' rights, which of the following is true? A) The "Aesculapian authority" of physicians is being challenged. B) The "Aesculapian authority" of physicians is increasing. C) Physicians must practice excessive paternalism in making decisions for patients. D) Shared decision making is no longer feasible.

A) The "Aesculapian authority" of physicians is being challenged.

According to Richard Sandor, what is the "single most valuable asset of the skilled doctor"?

Accurate communication

Which of the following is a statement by a competent person about choices for medical treatment, should he or she become unable to make such decisions or communicate them in the future?

Advance Directive

Which of the following types of body disposition will delay decomposition the most? A) Open air disposal B) Corpse buried in a casket C) Corpse buried without a casket D) Body whose flesh has been washed from the bones prior to burial

B) Corpse buried in a casket

Which of the following is an example of resocialization? A) Learning about death from a hospice caregiver B) Getting married C) Relocating to a new neighborhood D) Joining a new urban gang

B) Getting married

According to Yvette Colon of the American Pain Foundation, what is a critical first step in assessing and managing pain?

Belief that pain is real

What is a fundamental principle in medical care which involves doing good or conferring benefits that enhance personal or social well-being?


Regarding a mature concept of death, which of the following is true about universality? A) Organisms that die cannot be made alive again. B) Death involves the cessation of all physiological functions or signs of life. C) All living things must eventually die. D) There are biological reasons for the occurrence of death.

C) All living things must eventually die.

Which of the following best defines socialization? A) A process of creating visionary beliefs B) Uprooting and restructuring basic attitudes, values, or identities C) Learning and internalizing the norms, rules, and values of the society in which a person lives D) Ways of thinking, feeling, and acting

C) Learning and internalizing the norms, rules, and values of the society in which a person lives

Regarding hospice and palliative care, what are the 3 C's of high-quality care?

Competent, compassionate, coordinated

What is ethnomedicine?

Conventional biomedicine and folk beliefs

Which of the following is generally considered an experimental technology? A) Harvesting of organs B) Cryonics C) Burial at sea D) Donation to science


Which of the following prefer cremation to ground burial? A) Judaism B) Christianity C) Islam D) Buddhist

D) Buddhist

What is the primary requirement of the FTC Funeral Rule?

Funeral service providers must give accurate, detailed information about prices and legal requirements to people who are arranging funerals.

What is the term describing a gradual erosion of the uniqueness of one's personality, causing residents to become increasingly dependent on staff for mundane needs?

Institutional neurosis

What is the condition when a person dies without having left a valid will?


Who provided aid-in-dying to more than 100 people and led a crusade to legalize physician-assistant suicide?

Jack Kevorkian

Which of the following terms BEST describes the process of a person who questions, "Am I responsible for bringing this illness on myself?"

Magical thinking

Which act allows physicians to prescribe lethal medication to terminally ill patients?

Oregon Death with Dignity Act (ODDA)

What is now viewed as a "vital sign" that should be considered along with temperature, pulse, respiration and blood pressure?


According to Jean Piaget, at what stage does a child learn to use language and symbolic thinking to understand the world?


In Piaget's model, what phase is marked by formulating concepts that are abstract or symbolic?


What is a "green" technique that can substitute for the conventional cremation process?


According to Barton Bernstein, the second legal stage in cases of terminal illness involves which of the following activities?

Survivors obtain sufficient funds to cover immediate expenses Notify the attorney and insurance representatives

__________ refers to strategies used to informally teach people about death and dying, involving an effort to change people's perceptions and behaviors.

Tactical socialization

What concept describes opportunities for learning that arise out of unplanned or unexpected occurrences?

Teachable moments

What do experts in trauma and emergency care call the first hour after serious injury?

The Golden Hour

What is the aim of meaning-based coping?

To maintain a person's sense of positive well-being

Which country spends more on health than any other industrialized country?

United States

What disorder of consciousness has been characterized as "awake but unaware" and also has been called "hopelessly conscious?"

Vegetative State

A "teachable moment" is one in which

an opportunity for learning arises out of ordinary experiences.

According to Leroy Bowman, modern funerals

are overlaid with such ostentation that the essential meaning and dignity of such rites has all but disappeared.

According to Kubler-Ross, all of the following are associated with a life-threatening illness EXCEPT


In the United States, the first insurance company was established

by the Presbyterian Synod for its ministers.

By acknowledging the inevitability of death we

can prepare for it

What current illness symbolizes the worst fears about dying?


Euthanasia comes from the Greek

easy death

Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross wanted to

educate medical interns about dying patients.

Funerals in the United States are mainly

focused on the welfare of the survivors.

The conventional written legal document used for specifying a person's wishes for the distribution of his or her estate after death is a/an

formally executed will

Roadside memorials

have a long history.

What is a holistic program of care for the dying?


In discussing how people understand death, the term "non-corporeal continuity" refers to the idea that

human beings survive in some form after the death of the physical body.

After cremation, the "ashes" are

in a granular state like coarse coral sand.

Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) refers to

intervention following traumatic events.

According to Barton Bernstein, the first legal stage in cases of terminal illness

involves the patient in long-range planning and arranging legal and financial affairs.

The FTC Funeral Rule requires that mortuaries

obtain express permission from the family in order to charge a fee for the embalming procedure.

What is now viewed as the "fifth vital sign?"


Who is at the center of the "ideal caring situation"?


Informed consent ideally occurs within a context where the

patient and health-care provider share in decision making.

Hospice programs are mandated to

provide bereavement follow-up services for the family.

According to Avery Weisman, coping with life threatening illness involves tasks of maintaining a sense of optimism and hope and confronting the problem and

revising one's plans as necessary.

Funerals are akin to other major transitions in a person's life in that they all involve

rites of passage.

In Piaget's model, the first two years of life are characterized as the


While more young people than ever claim no religion, there seems to be a growing interest in


The elements of the health care system are patient, institution, and


What is the oldest and most common form of cancer therapy?


What is the oldest effective form of cancer therapy?


The roots of modern emergency and trauma care can be traced back to

the Civil War.

Lullabies and nursery rhymes often contain

themes of death and violence.

According to Avery Weisman, the process of coping with a terminal illness can be divided into how many interrelated tasks?


Methods of treatment that the medical establishment considers unproved or potentially harmful are called

unorthodox therapies.

What type of settlement allows a person with terminal illness to sell his or her life insurance policy before death and receive a percentage of its face value?


More important than who is the death notifier, is how, when, and


Cancer symbolizes the

worst fears of our age.

When communicating a life-threatening diagnosis to a patient, a physician must consider the patient's 1. personality. 2. emotional constitution. 3. capacity for continued function under stress. 4. long-term health care insurance.

1, 2, and 3

Agents of socialization include 1. family and peers. 2. school. 3. employers. 4. religion.

1, 2, and 4

Which of the following fees are included in a mortuary's basic charge for professional services? A) Consulting with family members and clergy B) Placement of newspaper notices C) Cemetery or crematory services D) Flowers

A) Consulting with family members and clergy

In a study of nursery rhymes, approximately what percentage describe ways in which humans or animals die or are mistreated?

50 percent

In the study done by Helen Swain, what percentage of children said that death is unlikely or avoidable?

66 percent

Which of the following statements about embalming is true?

A body destined for burial may or may not be embalmed.

What is the Hawaiian "feast of tears?"

A joyful reunion of the bereaved

Which of the following BEST describes a lingering dying trajectory?

A patient dies from a progressive chronic illness.

What is ikigai ryoho?

A psychotherapy that helps patients live fully and meaningfully

Which of the following is considered a new direction in funerals and body disposition?

Having a space burial on a rocket

In Erikson's model, the years from about six to the beginning of puberty correspond to what stage?

Industry vs. inferiority

What is the purpose of post-trauma defusing?

To assure people involved that their feelings are normal

Jean Piaget's model of development emphasizes

cognitive transformations.

A living will allows an individual to

communicate instructions to their family for estate and funeral planning.

According to Erikson psychosocial development depends significantly on developing a sense of identity and is linked to the individual's

connectedness and independence.

Informed consent is based on a patient's competency to give consent, adequate understanding of proposed treatment, and

consent must be given freely.

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