Alaska Exam 1 Questions

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In what year was Alaska officially declared a state? a. 1904 b. 1896 c. 2000 d. 1959


According to archaeologists, what was the estimated population of the Alutiiq/Sugpiaq? a. 100-200 b. 90,000 - 100,000 c. 20,000 - 25,000 d. 45,000 - 50,000

20,000 - 25,000

Which of the following animals was an essential component of the Athabascan diet due to its high fat content? (a) Moose (b) Caribou (c) Beaver (d) Hare


How did the Tlingit and Haida mainly handle arrangements of their dead? Mummification Cremation Burial in a box


Which of the following Athabascan regional bands is the only oceanic group residing along the shores of the Cook Inlet? (a) Gwich'in (b) Dena'ina (c) Koyukon (d) Tanana


What personal decoration was seen as a symbol of wealth? Nose pins Face paint Dentalium Shell necklaces Tattoos

Dentalium Shell necklaces

What covers the walls of sleeping areas in Yupiit houses? Mud Leaves Furs AC/DC posters


What is the Alutiiq term for a wise spiritual leader who has the ability to communicate with spirits? a. Kas'at b. Shaman c. Kamleika d. Baidarka


Where were the Sugpiaq / Alutiiq located in Alaska? a. Kodiak Archipelago b. Aleutian Islands c. Fairbanks d. St. Lawrence Island

Kodiak Archipelago

What was the social-political organization of St. Lawrence Island (Siberian) Yupiit? a. Matrilineal b. Patrilineal c. Democracy d. Communist


What purpose did the Community Centers serve in Alutiiq society? a. Place for women to cook and discuss political matters b. Recreational area for children c. Place for men to make tools and conduct meetings d. Storage area for large tools and hunting equipment

Place for men to make tools and conduct meetings

Which one of these aquatic animals do the Yupiit people not hunt? Orcas Polar bears Fish Seals

Polar Bears

True or False: The Yupiit people generally have less adornment than other Alaska Native groups.


What is the meaning of endogamy? Marriage within the group Grass here and there Marriage outside of the group Marriage to multiple women

Marriage within the group

What kind of lineage were the Tlingit/Haida people? Matrilineal Patrilineal Bilateral


Interment rituals were handled by... a. Tlingit or Haida clansmen b. Slaves owned by the Tlingit and Haida groups c. Tlingit or Haida clanswomen d. Members of the opposite moiety

Members of the opposite moiety

What was the purpose of the shaman?

The shaman's purpose was to provide spiritual assistance. For example, they would predict outcomes of hunts, battles, and travels. They would also alter weather, prevent calamities, and heal some from sickness.

How many living Iñupiats live today? A. 19,000 B. 10,000 C. 5,000 D. 72,000


Select the correct term for this definition: "A group of people who lived in a region, shared residence in several communities, intermarried, engaged in joint ceremonies and were at peace" a. Tribe b. Society c. -kwaan d. Neighborhood


How many Athabascan ethnic-linguistic groups are there? 15 11 20 17


How many Athabaskan languages are there? A. 11 B. 12 C. 8 D. 5


How many Aleut/Unangan people were found mummified in several caves on Kagamil Island? 200 234 881 1,500


What depicted the women from the St. Lawrence from other tribes a. 3 or more Tattoos down their chin and neck b. Long hairstyles c. The amount of bracelets on their wrist d. The war markings they would wear on their face during combat

3 or more Tattoos down their chin and neck

How many distinguishable Central Yup'ik dialects are there? 4 5 6 7


How many different units of Iñupiats were there? A. 2 B. 3 C. 5 D. 1


The Iñupiat used several different tools to get everyday jobs done, what was the most important tool that allowed them to start fire and to drill holes in wood, bone and ivory? a. An axe b. A bow drill c. A lenker rod d. A chisel

A bow drill

What was Raven, and what was it used for?

A cultural hero and trickster who constantly disrupted the moral order by deception. The activities of Raven were used to exemplify concepts of right and wrong in Athabascan children.

Athabascan people are characterized as being flexible and adaptable people. State and describe an example of an Athabascan group adapting to its environment or adapting a practice from a neighboring Native group.

A variety of answers are possible. Some examples include the Dena'ina people adapting to their environment by building fishing platforms to deal with tides, Dena'ina adapting kayaks (baidarka) from neighboring tribes for sea mammal hunting, and Deghitan adapting qasigih (large men's community house) from Yupits. Other answers involving housing structures could be possible (caches, plank dwellings, etc.).

When did the Iñupiats start using dogs for travel? A. From the start B. Before 1500 AD C. After 1500 AD D. They never have used dogs

After 1500 AD

Which of the following is NOT a spiritual belief held by the Alutiiq people? a. There is constant spiritual recycling between all the planes b. There are 5 levels above the world and 5 levels below c. Llam Sua is the invisible spirit of all things d. After death, a person's spirit ascended to Heaven or descended to Hell

After death, a person's spirit ascended to Heaven or descended to Hell

What does ANCSA stand for? a. Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act b. American Nature Compromise Safety Act c. Alaskan Native Colony Spatial Act d. Anchorage Native Controlled Spending Act

Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act

In your own words explain why you think Alaska has benefited greatly from the construction of the Alaskan pipeline (referencing: economy, state revenue, and movement of oil)?

Alaskan Pipeline has boosted the economy with its surplus in oil supply making up 85% of the state's budget. The pipeline is 800 miles long and is the largest financed construction project in history. It is 48 inches in diameter and moves oil at a rate of 5.5 miles per hour. The oil industry provides many individuals with labor opportunities. The Alaskan Pipeline today has become a big tourist attraction bringing the state an increase in revenue.

The Unangans lived in what area of Alaska? a. Aleutian Islands b. Fairbanks c. St. Lawrence Island d. Norton Sound

Aleutian Islands

What is the most spoken language by people living on the Gulf of Alaska? a. Aluttiq b. Native American c. Russian d. Siberian


What kind of tissue do Eskimos have that keeps them warm in the harsh winters? A. Brown adipose tissue B. Epithelial tissue C. Connective tissue D. Nervous tissue

Brown adipose tissue

How did the Unangans get into their houses before Russian influence? a. Front door b. Underground tunnel c. Window d. By pole ladder through the ceiling

By pole ladder through the ceiling

What is a wooden house to store food and clothing to prevent theft from birds and animals called? Qesha Cache Potlatch Nahani


What mountain the the Tlingit supposedly cross in order to get to their current location? Coastal Mtns Rocky Mtns Appalachian Mtns Denali

Coastal Mtns

How were homes kept warm? A. Sea Mammal Intestines B. Earth Insolation C. Whale Skin D. Fur

Earth Insolation

Group Membership among the Tlingit and Haida was determined by patrilineal descent a. True b. False


Which of the following is NOT a significant Athabascan ceremony? (a) Grass dancing (b) Menstruation isolation (c) Stick dancing (d) Potlatchs

Grass dancing

Which one of these things isn't done at the "Messenger Feast," Kevgiq? Dancing Eating Hunting Gift-giving


Which two diseases, brought over by immigration, were highly responsible for the death of so many Alaskan Natives? a. Strep Throat and Ear Infection b. Meningitis and Chickenpox c. Influenza and TB (tuberculosis) d. Pneumonia and Lyme Disease

Influenza and TB (tuberculosis)

Which of the following about the period of seclusion is false? a. The young person learned about their changing body b. It always occurred when they turned 15 c. It was for young women d. There was a ceremony afterward

It always occurred when they turned 15

What occurred with a "Song Duel"? a. Women would sing songs almost like their own form of karaoke. b. The children would sing in a concert for the elders before ceremonies. c. Men would challenge each other in singing songs to insult each other until someone withdrew in shame. d. The whole community got together and would sing songs in remembrance of the ones who passed.

Men would challenge each other in singing songs to insult each other until someone withdrew in shame

What tool is used for hunting animals in Alaska? A. Bow & Arrow B. Hunting Sword C. Shotgun D. Microblades


Describe the lasting effects of the Molly Hootch case.

Molly Hootch claimed a lawsuit against Alaska, stating they were not providing equal opportunities for education for all children. Specifically, Molly Hootch believed there was a shortage of local High Schools in Alaska Native villages. The case was settled in 1976, and the Alaskan government agreed to build schools, kindergarten through 12th grade in all communities with at least 10 school age children. Local schools for Native Alaskans decreased the dropout rate and doubled as a community gathering area for socializing

Who has the most authority over children in matrilineal descent? (Aleut/Unangan) Father Mother's Brother Mother Mother's parents

Mother's Brother

What did the Russians originally come to Alaska in pursuit of? a. Salmon b. Otter fur c. New plant species d. Education

Otter fur

What did the Iñupiat do with the names of the deceased to make sure that they weren't forgotten? a. Got tattoos of the names on their skin. b. Carved the names onto the boats they traveled in. c. Named a day after them. d. Passed down the name to newborn infants

Passed down the name to newborn infants

Describe the relationship the Unangan/ Aleut peoples had with the Russian explorers and Promyshlenniki and how it might have impacted their culture?

Promyshlenniki brought over fur trappers and traders interested in sea otter. And they used coercion to get the Unangan men to hunt for them. The Unangan men became the backbone of the Russian-American Company which controlled their activities and forced them to hunt. With the discovery of the Pribilof Islands and the Russian-American Company forced the relocation of the Unangan to harvest the seals. This led to warfare, starvation, and disease in the Unangan culture which left only 20% of the population after contact with Russians and Promyshlenniki.

In the Sitkan Zone of the Terrestrial Environment, what is the climate? A. Cold winters/ Cool Summers B. Cold winters/ Hot Summers C. Rainforest temperature with mild/ damp climates D. Warm winters/ hot summers

Rainforest temperature with mild/ damp climates

What are the two moieties (groups) of the Tlingit Raven Wolf Owl Moose Seal Salmon

Raven Wolf

Briefly explain the two different moieties (groups) of the Tlingit and how it affects their marriage and living arrangements

Raven and Wolf moieties Must marry someone from other group Marriages are arranged by the mother and her brother Women went to live in husband's moiety Children were raised by their uncles

What countries influence was forced upon the Unangans? a. Germany b. Russia c. America d. Japan


When the Russians first arrived in Alaska, what were they in pursuit of? a. Fox fur b. Whales c. Sea otter fur d. Native Alaska women

Sea otter fur

Which of the following is not a type of totem pole created by the Tlingits and Haidas a. Free Standing Poles b. Shame Poles c. House Posts d. Mortuary Posts

Shame Poles

Compare and contrast the Ocean Bay and Kachemak traditions practiced by the Alutiiq people.

Similarities: both developed new tools for hunting Differences: Kachemak had abundance of cylindrical stones, which are thought to have been used as weights for fishing nets; Kachemak had much more elaborate burial practices that signified a social hierarchy; Ocean Bay was around 7500 years ago while Kachemak was around 3800 years ago

What was the material used by Athabascans to allow for greater flexibility on their bows and sewing? (a) Sea mammal intestine (b) Sinew (c) Willow bark (d) Dentalium shells


What type of transportation was used to for trade or warfare? a. Kayaks b. Skin boats c. Toboggans d. Small umiaks

Skin boats

During the time period of Russian influence, what disease devastated populations of the southern coastal regions? a. Smallpox b. Influenza c. Polio d. Malaria


What was the outcome of the Molly Hootch case? a. Salmon fishing was banned b. Natives were forced to split their land equally with the government c. State government would build K-12 schools in communities with more than 10 children d. Rugby was declared the official state sport of Alaska

State government would build K-12 schools in communities with more than 10 children

Which animal was the most important to the Unangan/Aleut diet? Whales Halibut Steller Sea Lion

Steller Sea Lion

What were the Alutiiq previously called before the 1980s? a. Inupiaq b. Sugpiaq c. Aluet d. Tlingit


What were women trained to do? A. Hunt B. Fish C. Partake in Song Duels D. Tanning


1. What is the group called that fought for the right for Alaskan Natives to become U.S. citizens? a. The Coalition for Alaskan Native Rights (CANR) b. Alaskan Native Rights Forever (ANRF) c. Alaskan Natives Against White Encroachment (ANAWE) d. The Alaskan Native Brotherhood (ANB)

The Alaskan Native Brotherhood (ANB)

Explain the difference in Native "modernization" done by the Russian Orthodox church and William Duncan in the village of New Metlakatla on Annette Island versus the more common and promoted method of cultural change done by Sheldon Jackson and American Missionaries

The Russian Orthodox church and William Duncan both approached cultural change and modernization as something that could be a compromise and combination of cultures between people while Sheldon Jackson and American Missionaries wanted to assimilate the Native people and force them to be more English by mandating that the only language spoken at the school's was english.

Describe the Yupik "Bladder Feast" and its spiritual importance to the Central Yupiit.

The Yupiit believed a seals life force was contained within its bladder; the natives would inflate the seal bladder for three days of dancing. The bladder feast was the Central Yupiit ceremony for thanking seal spirits for a bountiful hunting season. A shaman would return the inflated seal bladders to the ice and reincarnate the seals spirit. This reflects the Yupiit belief that man d

.Which is false about the "Messenger Feast"? a. They invited groups from another area to their home community. b. The kids would do a huge celebration to welcome the guests. c. The visitors were presented gifts. d. There was several days of feasts, dances, and games.

The kids would do a huge celebration to welcome the guests.

Explain the significance of mummification for the Unangans.

The significance of mummification for the Unangans is to reserve the spiritual power, which is believed to reside in each individual. An example as to how mummification played a role was for whale hunters to take flesh from the deceased in hopes of gaining assistance from the spirit when whaling.

Why was it crucial for the Iñupiat to be technologically advanced?

Their advancements allowed them to survive whatever conditions they were faced with. This is why they either often moved from territory to territory during the change of seasons. It was easier for them to adapt to the climate with the inventions they had already made.

Describe some reasons as to why the Iñupiat live in semi-subterranean houses.

They lived in the semi-subterranean houses because it provided them with insulation. It kept them out of the cold weather and protected them against the wind. They also had a cold air trap so that they could keep the cold air out by entering the house through a tunnel. They had a smoke hole on top so that they could cook inside and have ventilation. This was the best housing for them that was more permanent. Otherwise they would live in temporary dome like or tipi houses for the summer and winter when they would travel for hunting reasons.

Why do Iñupiat women have such large hoods attached to their parkas? a. It makes is easier to carry food back and forth. b. Women wear it to show that they are of higher status. c. They use it to tote their children around to keep them out of the elements. d. It creates a sense of security.

They use it to tote their children around to keep them out of the elements

Explain what the Chilkat robe was, when it was worn, and what it demonstrated

This garment was woven by women based on a totemic design drawn by men. It acted as the most distinctive item of the Tlingit and Haida groups. It was made from goat wool and cedar bark strips to be worn or displayed on ceremonial occasions and demonstrated the great wealth of the owner. The Chilkat robe also served as a major trade item.

Why is it believed that the Unangans lived on the northern sides of the islands? a. To avoid harsh south winds b. The landscape was more beautiful c. Other groups of people lived on the southern parts d. There was more animals to hunt

To avoid harsh south winds

1. In 2001, what Governor signed the Millennium Agreement? This agreement made it a state policy to work with and recognize Alaska Native Tribes. a. Sheldon Jackson b. Tony Knowles c. Sarah Palin d. James Cook

Tony Knowles

What was the primary animal the Yupiit used for clothing and materials a. Raven b. Seal c. Walrus d. Killer whales


What is the economy of Alaska not based on? A. Alaskan Pipeline B. Trade C. Mining D. Weapons


The hunting of what animal is associated with elaborate rituals performed by the Alutiiq people? a. Black bear b. Whale c. Fox d. Fish


Select the two most important aspects of the Unangan culture? Whale and Sea Otter Spirits Polar bears The Baidarka Initiation ceremonies

Whale and Sea Otter Spirits The Baidarka

A Tlingit/ Haida totem pole would be commissioned for which of the following: Death of a clan head Failure to pay debt Decoration of the door of a home all of the above

all of the above

Men wore what two varieties of headgear at sea? a. googles and diving masks b. circular spruce root hat and bentwood visor c. headbands and visors d. they wore no headgear at all

circular spruce root hat and bentwood visor

Which of the following about Alutiiq whaling is false? a. rendered human fat was used while hunting b. whalers were viewed with both awe and terror c. whalers ritually transformed themselves before hunting d. whalers used whale calls to attract the whales

whalers used whale calls to attract the whales

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