All A&P Tests / Labs 1-6

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The most common type of cartilage is ________ cartilage.


Watery perspiration is an example of a ________ secretion.


Thin filaments at either end of the sarcomere are attached to the


The elbow is distal to the wrist.


The epidermis (top layer of skin) is deep to the dermis.


The thoracic cavity is inferior to the abdominopelvic cavity.


A joint pictured below is an example of a(n)

fibrous joint.

What is the function of the transverse tubules?

to transmit a muscle impulse into the cell interior

Which of the following is NOT a mechanism whereby neurotransmitters are rapidly removed from the synaptic cleft?

transport back up the axon to be immediately repackaged

An atom that has gained or lost electrons is called an ion.


The front of the hand is anterior to the back of the hand.


The lumbar regions are lateral to the umbilical region.


Blood cell formation


In spongy bone, you would not find ...


Idenitfy the number corresponding to the following: small pockets of synovial fluid that reduce friction and act as a shock absorber where ligaments and tendons rub against other tissues:


Figure 13.2 Spinal Nerves. Use Figure 13.2 to answer the following question(s): In which structure are sensory cell bodies located?


Write the number indicating the humerus

10 Humerus

The atomic weight of an element whose atoms contain 8 protons, 8 electrons, and 8 neutrons is


Write a number indicating the ilium

16 Illium

Write the number of the following: orbicularis oris


The first electron shell of an atom can hold a maximum of

2 electrons

The following are steps in the process of bone repair. 1. Cells of the periosteum and endosteum divide rapidly. 2. A fracture hematoma forms. 3. Osteoclasts and osteoblasts remodel the region of the injury. 4. An external callus encircles the bone at the level of the fracture and an internal callus organizes within the marrow cavity. 5. Osteoblasts replace the central cartilages with spongy bone. 6. Cells at the center of the callus differentiate into chondrocytes and cells at the edges of the callus differentiate into osteoblasts. The correct order of these events is:

2, 1, 4, 6, 5, 3.

The following is a list of the events that occur during a muscle contraction. 1. Myosin cross-bridges bind to the actin. 2. Calcium ion is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. 3. The free myosin head splits ATP. 4. The myosin head pivots towards the center of the sarcomere. 5. Calcium ion binds to troponin. 6. The myosin head binds an ATP molecule and detaches from the actin. The correct sequence of these events is

2, 5, 1, 4, 6, 3.

Write the number indicating the patella

20 Patella

Write the number indicating the tarsals

23 Tarsals

Figure 12.1 The Neuron. Use Figure 12.1 to answer the following question(s): Which area(s) of the neuron could be myelinated?


Indicate the number of: a pad of fibrocartilage that may help channel the flow of synovial fluid?


Write the number of the following: Frontal belly of occipitofrontalis (Frontalis)


Write the number of the following: orbicularus oculi


Refering to the above question, how many amino acids are made from this DNA segment?


Figure 13.2 Spinal Nerves. Use Figure 13.2 to answer the following question(s): Which root(s) would be carrying motor commands?


Parietal lobe


Write the letter of the following (this is a posterior view): biceps femoris


Write the letter of the following: (This is an anteriorview, right leg) Tibialis anterior


Write the letter of the following: Masseter


Write the letter of the following: lateral pterygoid


Write the letter of where you would find his sternal (jugular) notch

A Jugular notch

Write the letter indicating the mandible:

A Mandable

Write the letter indicating the xiphoid process

A xiphoid process

Area of the sarcomere overlapping with the thick and thin filaments

A- Band

Please match the following skin "layers":

A: stratum corneum B: stratum lucidum C: stratum granulosum D: stratum spinosum E: stratum germinitivum (basale) F: dermis

Which of the following substances increases in amount during cellular respiration (aerobic metabolism)?


A neurotransmitter substance released at motor end plates by the axonal endings


The chief neurochemical transmitter for the contraction of skeletal muscle is:


Destroys ACh


Myofibrils are composed primarily of

Actin and Myosin

Which of the following processes involves the use of specific carrier molecules?

Active Transport

Cells that store fat are called


Hypodermis; in mesenteries; surrounding kidneys; posterior to eyeballs


What is the primary tissue type pictured in this slide?


A metabolic pathway that provides for a large amount of ATP per glucose because oxygen is used. Products are water and carbon dioxide and ATP.

Aerobic respiration

A characteristic of the tissue that forms the inner lining of the respiratory passages is

All of these

During anaerobic glycolysis

All of these

Eccrine sweat glands differ from sebaceous glands

All of these

Which of the following contain keratin?

All of these

Joints that have some limited degree of movement are called ______.


Which region of the limbic system is primarily involved in the emotion fear?


Deodorants are used to mask the odor of ________ secretions.


Mammary glands are a modified type of ________ gland.

Apocrine sweat

Conducts impulses from CNS to internal organ muscles

Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)

Figure 12.1 The Neuron. Use Figure 12.1 to answer the following question(s): Identify the structure labeled "3".


On what part of the neuron are action potentials most typically transmitted?


Figure 9.2 Using Figure 9.2, write the letter of the following: H zone.


Occipital lobe


Using the figure below, write in the letter of the following: Polar region of phospholipid.


Using the picture below, write the letter indicating the centriole


Write the letter of the following: Trapezius muscle


Write the letter indicating the Atlas

B Atlas bone

Write the letter indicating the coronal suture

B Coronal suture

Write the letter indicating the obturator foramen

B obturator foramen

Most atypical connective tissue; extracellular fibers are soluble protein molecules found in liquidplasma, abundant extracellular matrix


What is the primary tissue type pictured in this slide?


What is the primary tissue type pictured in this slide?


Supports and protects body structures; stores fat; synthesizes blood cells

Bone tissue

What characteristic is shared by simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion?

Both involve the movement of a substance from regions of higher concentration to lower concentration without cellular energy.

Figure 1.1 Using Figure 1.1, write the letter of the following: Thoracic cavity.


Figure 9.1 Using Figure 9.1, write the letter of the following: Muscle fiber.


Frontal lobe


Using the figure below, write in the letter of the following: Nonpolar region of phospholipid.


Using the picture below, write the letter indicating a mitochondrion


Write the letter of the following: rectus abdominis


Write the letter indicating the lumbar vertebrae

C Lumbar vertebrae

Write the letter indicating the occipital condyle

C Occipital condyle

Write the letter indicating the spinous process

C spinous process

The hormone that functions to decrease the level of calcium in the blood


Serves as the actual "trigger" for muscle contraction by removing the inhibition of the troponin molecules.

Calcium ions

Use Figure above to answer the following question(s): What is stored in the structure labeled "7"?

Calcium ions

What is the primary tissue type pictured in this slide?

Cardiac muscle

Walls of the heart

Cardiac muscle tissue

The bones highlighted (in green/blue) are called the:


Stands up to both tension and compression; tough and flexible, providing resilient rigidity


What is the primary tissue type present in this slide?



Cartilaginous joint

Consists of brain and spinal cord

Central Nervous System (CNS)

In this spinal cord cross-section, the red arrow is pointing to the:

Central canal

The following would be found at the center of each osteon _____.

Central canal

This section (cut) is through which part of the human brain?


Unfortunately (for you) on your way home last night you were stopped by a police officer on suspicion of drunk driving. The officer asked you to walk the yellow line on the road and then place the tip of your finger on your nose. Which part of the brain was being tested by these activities?


Letter B in this picture indicates the:

Cerebellum (Light pink)

Cartilage cell


Cartilage cells


Which of the following is the site of cerebrospinal fluid production?

Choriod plexus

In the following picture of a cell, the organelles corresponding to the letter C are


What are the names of the projections indicated by letter A in this slide?


What moves a fluid medium across the surface of cells?


The dermis is composed mostly of

Connective tissue

Loose connective tissue (areaolar, adipose, and reticular); dense connective tissue (dense regular, dense irregular and elastic)

Connective tissue proper

Which of the following is NOT true concerning the atomic nucleus?

Contains particles that interact with other atoms

Used to convert ADP to ATP by transfer of a high-energy phosphate group. A reserve high-energy compound.

Creatine phosphate

The skin is called the _____ membrane.


Temporal lobe


Using Figure 2.1, write the letter of the following: Lipid.


Using the figure below, write in the letter of the following: Integral protein.


Write the letter of the following: (This is a posterior view, superficial layer) Extensor digitorum


Write the letter of the following: (this is an anterior view) Brachioradialis


Write the letter indicating the coracoid process

D coracoid process

Shafts of hair are composed of

Dead epidermal cells

The highlighted muscle (red) in this picture is called the:


Figure 12.1 The Neuron. Use Figure 12.1 to answer the following question(s): Identify the structure labeled "1".


The cytoplasmic extensions that, together with the cell body, provide the main RECEPTIVE surfaces for neurons are


Opening your mouth


When activated, lysosomes function in

Digestion of foreign material.

Which structure does not contain smooth muscle?

Digestive tract

The movement in the picture below is called


Which of the following is not true regarding RNA?

Double-stranded molecular structure

Using the picture below, write the letter indicating the cell nucleus


Which of the following statements is true?

Eccentric contractions perform a lengthening action.

Supports external ear, epiglottis

Elastic cartilage

Shrugging your shoulders


The tissue that always has a free surface exposed to the internal or external environment is

Epithelial tissue

The hormone that is sometimes used in hormone therapy to reduce osteoporosis


Non-living material located between the cells of a connective tissue

Extracellular matrix

Write the letter of the following: (This is an anteriorview, right thigh) Vastus lateralis


Write the letter of the following: zygomaticus


Write the letter indicating the spenoid bone:

F Spenoid bone

Endocytosis is a passive transport process.


Muscles have much more ATP than creatine phosphate.


Myelin is composed mostly of carbohydrates.


Translation takes place in the cell's nucleus.


Intervertebral discs, pubis symphysis, menisci of knee joint



Fibrous joint

Touching your chin to your chest


Write the letter of the following: (This is a posteriorview, right leg) Soleus


Write the letter indicating the frontal bone:

G Frontal bone

Write the letter indicating the vomer

G Vomer

Suppose that a DNA segment has the following nucleotide sequence: CTC-ATA-CGA-TTC-AAG-TTA. Which nucleotide sequences would a complementary mRNA strand have?


What is the name of the cell indicated by letter B?

Goblet cell

Renewal or modification of the cell membrane is a function of the

Golgi apparatus.

Neuron cell bodies

Grey Matter

Twisters ("raised")


Write the letter of the following: (This is an anterior view) Brachialis


Write the letter of the following: (This is an anterior view, middle layer) Flexor digitorum superficialis


Write the letter indicating the lacrimal bone:

H Lacrimal bone

Area in the center of the A band containing only thick filaments

H- Band

Which of the following is NOT a component of the integumentary system?


You finally emerge from your bedroom in the evening when you suddenly have an urge for some Nectar's fries. Which part of your brain is responsible for these hunger "pangs"?


Write the letter of the following: Platysma


Area of the sarcomere containing only thin filaments

I- Band

Cardiac muscle: I. is a voluntary muscle II. has intercalated disks to assist contraction III. always has at least 5 nuclei per cell IV. lines the blood vessels

II only

How would blocking the activity of acetylcholinesterase affect skeletal muscle?

It would cause spastic paralysis (muscles are contracted and unable to relax)

Write the letter of the following: (This is an anterior view, superficial layer) Flexor Carpi Ulnaris



Keratinized stratified squamous

Which of the following cells would one NOT expect to find in the dermis?


Write the letter of the following: (This is a superficialanterior view) external oblique


In a recording of a muscle twitch, the delay between the time a stimulus is applied and the time the muscle responds is called the

Latent period

Exercise throughout life helps muscles to retain strength and _______.


Many allergy sufferers take antihistamines to relieve their allergy symptoms. Which type of cell produces the molecule that this medication blocks?

Mast cell

Which brain structure is the red arrow pointing to?

Medulla Oblongata

You drank too much last night and, as a result, have been making frequent stops to the bathroom today. Which area of the brain is associated with this vomiting?

Medulla oblongata

If the area of the cerebral hemisphere corresponding to Broca's area is damaged, what is the result?

Motor control of the muscles associated with speech is lost.

Contains receptors for acetylcholine

Motor end plate

Most of the neurons in the brain and spinal cord are


Rod-like contractile elements within a muscle fiber



Myosin molecules

What is the primary tissue type pictured in this slide?


Which of the following cell types are least likely to reproduce?

Neurons of nervous tissue

In synaptic vesicles you would likely find ________.


A bond in which electrons are equally shared.

Nonpolar covalent bond

The cell's DNA is located in the


The four most abundant elements in the human body are

O, C, H, and N.

Bone producing cell


Bone-forming cells


Mature bone cells


Which of the following is not a hole or a space in a bone?


A condition that produces a reduction in bone mass sufficient to compromise normal function is


The hormone that raises the level of calcium ion in the blood

Parathyroid hormone

Consists of nerves carrying impulses to and from brain and spinal cord

Peripheral nervous system

Blood vessels directly supplying the spinal cord are found in the

Pia mater.

Liquid portion of blood


The red arrow in this picture is pointing to the:


Which of the following ions is the cell membrane most permeable to?


Abstract intellectual functions such as predicting the consequences of a particular response occur in the

Prefrontal cortex

Which of the following is not a function of membrane proteins?

Produces energy

The importance of ATP molecules to cellular processes is that it

Provides energy for cellular work when the terminal, high-energy bond is broken.

Upper respiratory tract

Pseudostratified ciliated columnar

The blue dot with letter B is on which bone?


Ligaments, tendons, aponeuroses

Regular dense connective tissue

A lack of exercise would

Result in thin and brittle bones

Type of fibroblast

Reticular cell

Bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes

Reticular connective tissue

Your A&P teacher is at her most boring today in lecture and you feel yourself begin to fall asleep. Which part of your brain is definitely not at its most active?

Reticular formation

Choose the best option for describing causes of some common forms of arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease and osteoarthritis is associated with a history of injury.

Shaking your head


Which of the following consist of a network of intracellular membranes with attached ribosomes?

Rough endoplasmic reticulum

Plasma membrane of skeletal muscle fiber


Functional unit of a skeletal muscle fiber


Cytoplasm of a skeletal muscle fiber


Series of membranous channels (modified e.r.) that surround each myofibril

Sarcoplasmic reticulum

The patella is classified as what kind of bone?


The bones of the wrists and ankles are classified as

Short bones

Walls of smallest ducts of glands and kidney tubules

Simple cuboidal

Walls of the air sacs of the lungs and lining blood vessels

Simple squamous

What is the primary tissue type pictured in this slide?

Skeletal muscle

Attached to bones

Skeletal muscle tissue

The muscle tissue which shows no striations is ________ muscle.


Synthesis of lipids takes place at the

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Walls of hollow organs

Smooth muscle tissue

Conducts impulses from CNS to skeletal muscles

Somatic nervous system

Figure 14.1 The Circulation of Cerebrospinal Fluid. Use Figure 14.1 to answer the following question(s): Identify the structure labeled "12".

Spinal cord

Which of the following correctly lists the components of the central nervous system?

Spinal cord and brain

Location of red bone marrow

Spongy bone




Surrounds each muscle bundle (fasicle)


Surrounds each muscle fiber


Surrounds entire muscle

Space between the neuron and the muscle

Synaptic cleft

Contains vesicles filled with acetylcholine

Synaptic knob

Use Figure above to answer the following question(s): Identify the structure labeled "2".

Synaptic vesicle


Synovial joint

The following is what type of joint?

Synovial joint

What region of the diencephalon filters and refines sensory information, allowing us to direct our attention to specific external stimuli?


Epithelial tissues are characterized by a lack of blood vessels


Because you were drunk on tequila, the thought of it makes you cringe and will for weeks to come ... Which area of the brain has created this unpleasant association?

The limbic system

When the body is placed in the anatomical position, which of the following is not true?

The palms are facing backward.

Which of the following is not correct concerning the skin?

The subcutaneous layer is between the dermis and the epidermis.

Cartilage tissues are likely to be slow in healing following an injury because

They lack direct blood supplies.

Which of these accurately describes afferent neurons

They transmit information from the periphery to the CNS

Which molecules would tend to make hydrogen bonds with other molecules?

Those in which the constituent atoms are involved in a polar covalent bond

The pink dot with letter A is on which bone?


A type of intercellular connection in which there is a partial fusion of the lipid portions of the two cell membranes is termed a(n)

Tight junctions

Lines the urinary bladder


A characteristic of cancer is a loss of control of cell division


Cardiac and skeletal muscle both possess striations.


Melanocytes can transfer granules of melanin into nearby epithelial cells.


The act of resting periodically during vigorous exercise has been shown to delay muscle fatigue.


The portion of a DNA molecule that contains the genetic information for making a protein is called a gene.


The Blue dot with letter B is on which bone?


Which of the following nucleotides occurs in RNA molecules, but not in DNA molecules?


Hollow space filled with fluid inside the CNS tissue


What are hollow cavities within the brain that are bathed by cerebrospinal fluid?


Which of the following is the most abundant inorganic substance in cells?


Please match with the appropriate letter using this picture of the skin:

Which letter corresponds to the subcutaneous layer (hypodermis)? C Which letter points to the blood vessels (artery, vein)? J Which letter is pointing to the arrector pili muscle? E Which letter is pointing to a sweat gland? G Which letter is pointing to a sebaceous gland? D

Groups of axons in the CNS

White matter

Which of the following correctly describes the structural arrangement of the cell membrane?

a bilayer of phospholipid molecules in which protein molecules are embedded

Placing a swollen ankle into a solution of Epsom salt is a common practice used to decrease edema (swelling). The Epsom salt solution is an example of

a hypertonic solution

Exocytosis is ____________________.

a process in which vesicles formed inside the cell fuse with the cell membrane and discharge their contents outside the cell.

The mechanical force of contraction is generated by a sliding of________.

a sliding of thin filaments past thick filaments

Saturated fats are distinguished by _______, whereas unsaturated fats are distinguished by ______.

all carbon atoms being joined with single carbon-carbon bonds; one or more double bonds occurring between carbon atoms

If you are the given an element's atomic number and atomic weight, what can you determine?

all of these

In reference to the eyes, the nose is:

all of these

Which of the following is a characteristic of carbohydrates?

all of these

In this spinal cord cross section, the red arrow is pointing to the:

anterior median fissure

What is the primary tissue type pictured in this slide?

areolar (loose) connective

The white matter of the spinal cord contains

bundles of axons that share common origins, destinations, and functions.

Why are calcium ions important for skeletal muscle contraction?

calcium triggers the binding of myosin to actin

Which of the following lists best illustrates the idea of increasing levels of complexity?

cells, tissues, organs, systems

In an isotonic contraction, the muscle:

changes in length and moves the "load."

Which sectional plane could divide the body so that the face remains intact?

coronal plane

Figure 14.1 The Circulation of Cerebrospinal Fluid. Use Figure 14.1 to answer the following question(s): Identify the structure labeled "2".

corpus callosum

Type of bond formed by an atom with four electrons in its outermost shell.

covalent bond

What kind of cancer is considered the most dangerous?

cutaneous melanoma

Tendons and ligaments are composed primarily of

dense (fibrous) connective tissue.

Based on what you've learned in this chapter, where would you assume ink for a (permanent) tattoo would be deposited?


The red arrow in this picture is pointing to the:


Damage at the cellular, tissue, or organ level often affects the entire system. This supports the view that:

each level is dependent on the others

During the recovery period, the body's demand for oxygen is:

elevated above normal resting levels

A basement membrane (or basal lamina) occurs between

epithelial and connective tissue.

A chemical reaction in which pairs of two different molecules trade positions with one another is a(n)

exchange reaction

Use Figure 7.1 to answer the following question(s): What is the name of the structure labeled "10"?

foramen magnum

Which of the following are not properly paired?

frontal lobe - relaying information to upper brain areas

The highlighted muscle (red) in this picture is called the (this is a posterior view):


Skeletal muscle fibers differ from "typical cells" in that muscle fibers

have many nuclei.

A type of bond important in holding different parts of the same molecule together into three-dimensional structure.

hydrogen bond

A bond in which electrons are completely lost or gained by the atoms involved.

ionic bond

The formation of cations and anions illustrates the attraction between:

ionic bonds

The highlighted muscle (red) in this picture is called the:

latissimus dorsi

A parietal membrane ________, whereas a visceral membrane _________.

lines cavities; covers organs

Which of the following activities would employ primarily isometric contractions?

maintaining an upright posture

If the resting membrane potential is -70 mV and the threshold is -55 mV, a membrane potential of -60mV will

make it easier to produce an action potential

A complete atom is electrically neutral because the number of

negative electrons and positive protons are equal.

A solution that contains equal numbers of hydrogen and hydroxide ions would be called


The atoms of the isotopes of a particular element vary in the number of


Two major parts composing a cell, along with the membrane surrounding each part, are the ______ and the ______.

nucleus and nuclear envelope; cytoplasm and cell membrane

Eye movement is brought about by all of these except _____.

ophthalmic nerve

Which of the following is not an example of an organic substance?


A bond in which electrons are shared unequally.

polar covalent bond

A blood clot stimulating the formation of more blood clotting is an example of

positive feedback

Red bone marrow can ______, yet yellow bone marrow will _______.

produce red blood cells and certain white blood cells; store fat (energy)

What is the primary tissue type pictured in this slide?

pseudostratified columnar epithelium

What is the primary tissue type pictured in this slide?

reticular connective tissue

In the following picture of a cell, the organelle corresponding to the letter B is

rough endoplasmic reticulum

Of the following ionic compounds, the one least likely to affect the concentrations of H+ and OH- ions is:


The tissue through which gases are exchanged between the blood and the air in the lungs is

simple squamous epithelium.

The type of muscle fiber that is most resistant to fatigue is the ________ fiber.slow (red)

slow (red)

The skin cells that make up the majority of dust on your furniture are from what kind of epithelium?

stratified squamous epithelium

What is the primary tissue type pictured in this slide (denoted by pink arrows)?

stratified squamous epithelium

Which of the following layers of the epidermis consists of a single row of columnar cells that undergo mitosis and includes pigment-producing melanocytes?

stratum germinativum

If cerebrospinal fluid was withdrawn during a spinal tap, a needle would be inserted into the

subarachnoid space

Where would you find the most adipose tissue?

subcutaneous layer.

Use Figure above to answer the following question(s): Identify the structure labeled "3".

synaptic knob (axonal terminal)

The difference in hydrogen ion concentration between solutions with pH 4 and pH 5 is


What determines the color of skin?

the amount of melanin produced by melanocytes

If the concentration of glucose in the water outside of a cell is higher than the concentration inside,

water will tend to leave the cell by osmosis

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