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The United States was initially governed by what document? What replaced this?

The Articles of Confederation; this was replaced by the Constitution.

Once the PRC entered the Korean Conflict, 300,000 CCF soldiers poured into, around, and through UN lines during the fierce winter of 1950-1951. Prior to the retreat of UN forces a defensive stance was taken in and around a frozen reservoir known by what name?

The Chosin Reservoir

What gives the President their authority as the Commander and Chief?

The Constitution

Where does Congress get the authority to determine the size and organization of the Army?

The Constitution

The armistice which ceased hostilities between North and South Korea also created a border between the two countries. This border, which is roughly along the original 38th parallel separation, is known as what?


The birth of our Nation began with the signing of an important document. What was this document and what was the date?

The Declaration of Independence; July 4, 1776

What event sparked the United States into action and the official entry into World War II?

The Japanese attack of December 7, 1941 on Pearl Harbor

What war, formally referred to as a "conflict," has sometimes been referred to as "the forgotten war?"

The Korean Conflict.

The NKPA pushed UN forces all the way down to the outskirts of Busan (Pusan), where UN forces had created a 140 mile long defensive line around the southeastern tip of Korea. What was this defensive line known as?

The Pusan Perimeter

The NKPA had almost defeated UN forces in Busan and were about to overtake the Pusan Perimeter. What decisive action did GEN McArthur take that ultimately changed the momentum in the war for the UN's advantage?

The amphibious assault at Inchon, known as the "Battle of Inchon".

We celebrate November 11th as Veteran's Day. What was the original significance of this date?

The armistice ending the fighting of World War I occurred at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918. It was known for many years as "Armistice Day." The final peace treaty was signed at Versailles the following year.

What event touched off the Korean conflict and when did this happen?

The communist North Korean People's Army (NKPA) struck south across the 38th parallel into South Korea and quickly overran the poorly equipped army of the Republic of Korea (ROK); June 25, 1950

What event marked the end of the American Civil War?

The surrender of General Robert E. Lee and his Confederate Army to General Ulysses S. Grant and the Union Army at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, on April 9, 1865. The last major Confederate unit west of the Mississippi gave up six weeks later.

What is believed to be the origin of "chevrons" used in insignias of grade today?

The term "chevron" is an architectural term denoting the rafters of a roof meeting at an angle at the upper apex. Throughout history, the chevron has been employed as a badge of honor, as awards for gallantry or achievement, and as emblems of rank among knights and men-at-arms.

What is the Army Motto?

This We'll Defend

What U.S. Code governs the Army?

Title 10 United States Code (USC)

Where does the Army get its mission from?

Title 10 United States Code and Department of Defense Directive 5100.01

What is the main goal for Unified Land Operations?

To combine offensive tasks, defensive tasks, stability tasks, and defense support of civil authorities (DSCA) in coordination with joint services, other government agencies, other partner nations, and other military forces from partner nations.

What is the primary reason the Army exists?

To fight and win our Nation's wars through prompt and sustained land combat, as part of the joint force.

What is the Army's Mission?

To fight and win the Nation's wars through prompt and sustained land combat, as part of the joint force

One week prior to the Inchon Landing, the CIA and 8A sent a small commando team to collect intelligence on the Inchon beach (tide times, mud-flats, mine placements, etc). This was known as Operation ___________________.

Trudy Jackson

Who signed the Korean Armistice Agreement?

US Army LTG William Harrison Jr - representing the United Nations Command (UNC) North Korean GEN Nam Il - representing the Korean People's Army (KPA) & Chinese People's Volunteers Army

Where can the legal and regulatory foundations of the Army Ethic be found?

US Constitution, UCMJ, US Code of Federal Regulations.

Define The Army Profession?

Vocation of experts certified in the ethical design, generation, support and application of land power.

What is meant by the Army's role to Win?

We must be able to Attack and Defend successfully against enemy ground forces.

What caused the People's Republic of China (PRC) and the Communist Chinese Forces (CCF) to enter the Korean Conflict?

When US led United Nations (UN) forces had crossed the 38th parallel in pursuit of the NKPA, the PRC warned the UN not to approach the Chinese border. The UN Command ignored these warnings and the CCF took action to halt the advance of UN forces.

An Army Professional is certified in three areas. Name them.

a. Competence b . Commitment c. Character

As a unique military profession, the Army is built upon an ethos of trust, which buttresses four other essential characteristics of our profession. What are they?

a. Military b. Expertise c. Honorable Service d. Esprit de Corps e. Stewardship

In Military Expertise we develop and maintain professional knowledge in four broad fields. What are they?

a. Military-Technical field b. Moral-Ethical field c. Political -Cultural d. Leader Development

Our ability to fulfill our strategic roles and discharge our responsibilities to the Nation depends upon trust between four elements. Name them.

a. Trust between Soldiers b. Trust between Soldiers and their leaders c . Trust among Soldiers, their families, and the Army d. Trust between the Army and the Nation

What is the definition of a target? According to ADP 3-9. (Found on electronic page 13 of 24),

"A Target is an entity or object considered for possible engagement or other action (JP 3-60)."

What is the difference between "black water" and "gray water"?

"Black water" is from latrine sources and contains human waste; "gray water" is from non-latrine sources such as showers, laundry, kitchen, vehicle wash racks, and hand-wash devices.

4C exercises are part of special conditioning programs. What does "4C" stand for and what is it designed to strengthen?

"Four for the Core"; it strengthens the abdomen, lower spine, and pelvis, which comprise the trunk (core) of the body.

What is the AER Motto?

"Helping the Army Take Care Of its Own"

Explain what is meant by "mentoring"?

"Mentoring," also known as "mentorship," It is the voluntary developmental relationship that exists between a person of greater experience and a person of lesser experience that is characterized by mutual trust and respect.

What are the three tasks that fires supports? (Found on electronic page 11 of 24)

"Offensive, Defensive, and Stability."

What is the title of address of a Private First Class?


What word is commonly used to remember the procedure for applying immediate action?

"SPORTS" Slap upward on the magazine Pull the charging handle to the rear Observe the ejection of a live round or expended cartridge Release the charging handle Tap the forward assist Squeeze the trigger

What is the official song of the U.S. Army?

"The Army Goes Rolling Along"

What is current U.S. policy on the use of nuclear weapons?

"The United States may use nuclear weapons to terminate a conflict or war at the lowest acceptable level of hostilities."

What is current U.S. policy on the use of chemical and biological weapons?

"The United States will never use chemical or biological weapons."

Explain the Army principle Train as You Will Fight:

"Train as you will fight" means training under an expected operational environment for the mission. This means establishing in training what the unit can expect during operations to include the culture of an operational environment. Commanders and other leaders replicate cultural settings as much as possible during training, using role players or actual mission partners.

What is meant by "first aid" or "first aid measures"?

"Urgent and immediate lifesaving and other measures, which can be performed for casualties (or performed by the casualty himself) by nonmedical personnel when medical personnel are not immediately available."

What is the word inscribed on the suspension bar of the Medal of Honor?


It is a requirement that all TDY and PCS orders contain what statement in regards to weight control?

"You are responsible for reporting to your next duty station and/or school in satisfactory physical condition, able to pass the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT), and meet body fat standards in accordance with AR 600-9."

What does FEMA stand for?

(Found on electronic page 7 of 26), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

What does NIMS stand for?

(Found on electronic page 8 of 26), National Incident Management System (NIMS)."

What is the purpose of ESFs?

(pg2 para4) Organize relationships and responsibilities based on the type of incident

Adaptability requires Army Leader to do what 2 things? (pg8, para 28)

1 . Accept prudent risk in unfamiliar or rapidly changing situations 2. Adjust based on continuous assessments

What are the Army's two core competencies? (pg5, para 19)

1 . Combined Arms Maneuver 2. Wide Area Security

What is/was the mandatory possession date for the Army Physical Fitness Uniform (Black PTs)?

1 OCT 17

What is the mandatory possession date for the OCP ACU?

1 October 2019

What are the dimensions of a field-expedient straddle trench latrine?

1 foot wide by 4 feet long by 2(1/2) feet deep (additional trenches constructed parallel to one another and at least 2 feet apart).

What is the distance between grid lines on a combat map?

1 kilometer or 1000 meters

Field Services are required to provide Soldiers with how many showers and how many pounds of laundry per week?

1 shower, 15 lbs of laundry

What is the size of the Nameplate worn on service and dress uniforms?

1"x3" x 1/16" thick

How do you mechanically zero an M4?

1) Adjust the front sight post up or down until the base of the front sight post is flush with the front sight post housing. 2) Adjust the elevation knob counterclockwise, when viewed from above, until the rear sight assembly rests flush with the detachable carrying handle and the 6/3 marking is aligned with the index line on the left side of the carrying handle. 3) Position the apertures so the unmarked aperture is up and the 0-200 meter aperture is down. Rotate the windage knob to align the index mark on the 0-200 meter aperture with the long center index line on the rear sight assembly.

Name the four points of the body where pulse can be readily felt.

1) Carotid - at the neck, adjacent to the Adam's apple 2) Femoral - femoral artery in the thigh (felt in the side of the groin area) 3) Radial - on thumb-side of the wrist 4) Posterior tibial - big-toe side of the ankle

What are the six geographic combatant commands designated by the Unified Command Plan?


Explain the proper procedure for performing a function check on M16-/M4-series weapons.

1) SAFE: Place selector lever on SAFE. Pull and release charging handle. Pull trigger. Hammer should not fall. 2) SEMI: Place selector lever on SEMI. Pull trigger. Hammer should fall. Hold trigger to the rear and charge the weapon. Release the trigger with a slow, smooth motion, until the trigger is fully forward (an audible click should be heard). Pull trigger. Hammer should fall. 3) BURST: (M16A2, M16A4, M4 only) Place selector lever on BURST. Charge weapon and squeeze trigger. Hammer should fall. Hold trigger to the rear. Pull the charging handle to the rear and release 3 times. Release trigger. Squeeze trigger. Hammer should fall. 4) AUTO: (M16A3, M4A1 only) Pull the charging handle to the rear, charging the weapon. Squeeze the trigger. Hammer should fall. Hold the trigger to the rear, and cock the weapon again. Fully release the trigger, then squeeze the trigger again. The hammer should not fall because it should have fallen when the bolt was allowed to move forward during the chambering and locking sequences. 5) Always place weapon on safe when complete

What is the maximum effective range of the M249 with tripod and T+E?


What is a "fracture" and what are the two types of fractures? What is the difference?

1. A break in the continuity of a bone; two types -> closed fractures and open fractures 2. a closed fracture is a broken bone that does not break the overlying skin 3. an open fracture is a broken bone that breaks (pierces) the overlying skin.

How is precedence of relative grade determined by enlisted soldiers of the same rank?

1. According to date of rank; 2. By length of active federal service in the Army (when dates of rank are the same); 3. By length of total active federal service (when all above are the same); 4. By date of birth (when all above are the same) - older is more senior.

What are the six characteristics of effective intelligence?

1. Accurate 2. Timely 3. Usable 4. Complete 5. Precise 6. Reliable

Biological agents can be disseminated in what three forms?

1. Aerosols 2. Liquid droplets 3. Dry powder

What are the five principle military intelligence elements that support special operations?

1. All Source Section 2. Collection Management and Dissemination Section 3. Technical Control and Analysis Section 4. HUMINT Analysis Team 5. Geospatial Intelligence

What are the two continuing activities the Army intelligence process?

1. Analyze 2. Assess

What are 2 examples of pandemic outbreaks? (pg. 11, para 42)

1. Animal diseases 2. Crops affected by fungus, bacteria, or viruses

What three steps should be taken when approaching a potentially distressed Soldier (one who is having a combat or operational stress reaction)?

1. Ask - "Are you suicidal?" 2. Care - calmly remove any weapons or other items that may increase risk; never leave them alone 3. Escort - escort the Soldier to get assistance, staying at their side

What are the critical steps for Tactical Field Care?

1. Ask in a loud, calm voice "Are you okay?". Gently shake/tap casualty 2. Determine level of consciousness/responsiveness using AVPU 3. *Identify and control bleeding 4. *Check for breathing 5. *Check for burns 6. NOTE: if casualty is conscious, ask them what hurts

What are the five types of army command relationships?

1. Assigned 2. Attached 3. Operational Control (OPCON) 4. Tactical Control (TACON) 5. Administrative Control (ADCON)

What are the courtesies rendered by individuals during Retreat and To the Color if they are in uniform and in formation either with or without headgear?

1. At the first note of Retreat, execute "Parade Rest" at the command of the officer or NCO in charge. Remain at 2. Parade Rest until given "Attention" by officer or NCO in charge. 3. At the first note of To the Color, execute "Present Arms" at the command of officer or NCO in charge. Execute 4. "Order Arms" at the command of officer or NCO in charge.

What are the courtesies rendered by individuals during Retreat and To the Color if they are in uniform and not in formation either with or without headgear?

1. At the first note of Retreat, face flag and stand at attention (if flag is not in view, face direction of music). Remain at attention until last note of "TO THE COLOR" has been played. 2. At the first note of To the Color: If outdoors, render hand salute; if indoors, stand at attention. Hold this position until the last note of music has been played.

What are the four planning pitfalls?

1. Attempting to forecast and dictate events too far into the future 2. Trying to plan in too much detail 3. Using the plan as a script for execution 4. Institutionalizing rigid planning methods

What are the four characteristics of the offense?

1. Audacity 2. Concentration 3. Surprise 4. Speed

What are the 4 exercise that make up the 4C?

1. Bent-Leg Raise 2. Side Bridge 3. Back Bridge 4. Quadraplex

Name the three predisposing factors that make a Soldier more susceptible to becoming a DNBI casualty.

1. Breakdown in basic hygiene and sanitation practices 2. Weakening of the natural defenses of the human body 3. Harshness of the environment

What are the six fundamentals of Mission Command?

1. Build a cohesive team 2. Create shared understanding 3. Provide a clear commander's intent 4. Use mission orders 5. Exercise disciplined initiative 6. Accept prudent risk

What are the 6 principles of Mission Command?

1. Build cohesive teams through mutual trust 2. Create shared understanding 3. Provide clear commander's intent 4 . Exercise disciplined initiative 5. Use mission orders 6. Accept prudent risk

Part of a leader's preventive medicine measures for heat injuries is to obtain and use "heat condition". Heat Condition information is used to determine required water intake and work/rest cycles and may be reported in what two ways?

1. By category (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5); 2. By Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) Index.

What are the three functional areas that make up health service support?

1. Casualty Care 2. Medical Evacuation 3. Medical Logistics

What are the 6 steps in the MK19 cycle of operation?

1. Charging 2. Extract ing (delinking) 3. Cocking 4. Firing 5. Blowback 6. Automatic Feeding

What are the three goals of the Modern Army Combatives fighting strategy?

1. Close the distance 2. Gain the dominant position 3. Finish the fight

What are the three U.S. Army Combat Badges?

1. Combat Infantryman Badge (CIB) 2. Combat Action Badge (CAB) 3. Combat Medical Badge (CMB)

Name two ways to hold a compass?

1. Compass-to-Cheek Method 2. Center-Hold Method

Name the eight strength and mobility drills and activities.

1. Conditioning Drill 1 (CD 1) 2. Conditioning Drill 2 (CD 2) 3. Conditioning Drill 3 (CD 3) 4. Push-up and Sit-up Drill (PSD) 5. Climbing Drill 1 (CL 1) 6. Climbing Drill 2 (CL 2) 7. Strength Training Circuit (STC) 8. Guerilla Drill (GD)

What are the 4 Stability tasks conducted to re-establish a safe and secure environment? (pg1, para6)

1. Conflict Transformation 2. Unity of Effort and Unity of Purpose 3. Legitimacy and Host Nation Ownership 4. Building partner capacity

What are the three principles of CBRN passive defense?

1. Contamination avoidance 2. Protection 3. Decontamination

What are three aspects that enable effective staff support and intelligence analysis?

1. Critical thinking 2. Embracing ambiguity 3. Collaboration

What are the 2 supplementary terrain features found on a military map?

1. Cut 2. Fill

What are the six elements of the sponsorship program?

1. DA Form 5434.M 2. Welcome letter. 3. ACS Relocation Readiness Services. 4. Reception. 5. Orientation. 6. Inprocessing.

What are the 9 common senses of Dehydration?

1. Dark urine with a very strong odor 2. Dark, Sunken eyes 3. Low urine output 4. Fatigue 5. Loss of skin elasticity 6. Emotional instability 7. Thirst 8. "Trench line" down center of tongue 9. Delayed capillary refill in the fingernail beds

What are the three safety features found on the M9?

1. Decocking 2. Safety Lever 3. Firing Pin Block

Individual awards are grouped into what six categories?

1. Decorations 2. Good Conduct Medal 3. Campaign and Service Medals 4. Service Ribbons 5. Badges and Tabs 6. Certificates and Letters

What are the three sources of instability? (pg. 1, para 3)

1. Decreased support from the government based on what locals expect 2. Increased support from anti-government elements 3. Undermining the normal functioning of society

What are the three types of Operational Frameworks?

1. Deep-Close-Security 2. Decisive-Shaping-Sustaining 3. Main and Supporting Efforts

What are the steps a unit must accomplish in order to get a unit training plan approved?

1. Define unit mission 2. Conduct mission analysis on key collective tasks required to accomplish mission 3. Conduct a Commander's Dialogue 4. Receive approved collective tasks to train from commander 5. Develop course of action to train on tasks 6. Conduct a training brief with commander Receive approved unit training plan from commander

What are the three critical tasks of the Army Profession?

1. Develop expert knowledge 2. Apply military expertise 3. Certify Army professionals and organizations

What are the four types of army support relationships?

1. Direct Support 2. General Support 3. Reinforcing 4. General Support Reinforcing

Name the three methods for controlling external bleeding?

1. Direct pressure 2. Pressure dressing 3. Tourniquet

Army Leaders seek to deprive the enemy of the ability to adapt by 3 ways? (pg8, para28)

1. Disrupting communications 2. Forcing the enemy to continually react to new U.S. operations 3. Denying the enemy an uncontested salutary, in space or time, for reflection

What are the 3 minor terrain features found on a military map?

1. Draw 2. Spur 3. Cliff

What are the major health threats to field forces?

1. Endemic diseases 2. Food and waterborne diseases 3. Hazardous plants and animals 4. Entomological hazards (nuisance pests and disease-carrying vectors) 5. Toxic industrial materials (industrial and agricultural) 6. Deployment-related stress 7. Hazardous noise 8. Climatic or environmental extremes (heat, cold, wind-blown sand or other particulates)

What are the six forms of maneuver?

1. Envelopment 2. Flank Attack 3. Frontal Attack 4. Infiltration 5. Penetration 6. Turning Movement

The U.S. Army conducts 5 primary Stability tasks, what are they? (pg. 11, para 45)

1. Establish Civil Security 2. Establish Civil Control 3. Restore essential services 4. Support Governance 5. Support Economic and infrastructure development

What are the five primary Army stability tasks?

1. Establish civil security 2. Establish civil control 3. Restore essential services 4. Support to governance 5. Support to economic and infrastructure development

What are the eight sequential phases of the cycle of functioning of the M16- and M4-series weapons?

1. Feeding 2. Chambering 3. Locking 4. Firing 5. Unlocking 6. Extracting 7. Ejecting 8. Cocking

Army Operations are characterized by what 6 factors? (pg7, para24)

1. Flexibility 2. Integration 3. Lethality 4. Adaptability 5. Depth 6. Synchronization

What Soldier development programs does ACES provide?

1. Functional Academic Skills Training (FAST). 2. High School Completion Program. 3. English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) 4. Mission-related Language (Head start and Gateway). 5. Mission-required Language. 6. MOS Improvement Training (MOSIT).

What are the 10 types of National flags?

1. Garrison flag - flown on holidays and special occasions. 2. Post flag - flown daily except when the garrison and storm flags are flown. 3. Field flag - may be displayed from a flagpole only when distinguished visitors are present and only with the positional field flag. It is 6'8" in hoist by 12' in fly. 4. Storm flag - flown during inclement weather. 5. Interment flag - authorized for deceased military personnel and for deceased veterans. It is 5' in hoist by 9'6" in fly. 6. Boat flag - displayed only with positional boat flag colors and general officers flags. It is 3' in hoist by 4' in fly. 7. Ensign - displayed on vessels when required to indicate nationality. It is 2'4(7/16)" in hoist by 4'6" in fly. 8. Union jack - consists of a blue base with white stars similar in all respects to the union of the flag of the United States. It is flown on ships at anchor or tied up at pier. When flown with the US flag, the union jack will be the same size as the union of the national color being flown. 9. Grave decoration flag - this flag has a 7" hoist and 11" fly and is made of cotton muslin. 10. Automobile flags.

What are the three lines of effort that guide the development and employment of Special Operations?

1. Generating a force with a purpose 2. Sustained engagement, and executing operations across the spectrum of lethality 3. Influence in support of U.S. interests and host nation objectives

Name 4 crucial factors in staying healthy

1. Having adequate food and water 2. Good personal hygiene 3. Getting sufficient rest 4. Keeping your immunizations up-to-date

What are 5 major terrain features found on a map?

1. Hill 2. Ridge 3. Valley 4. Saddle 5. Depression

What are the five functional areas that make up personnel services?

1. Human Resource Support 2. Financial Management Operations 3. Legal Support 4. Religious Support 5. Band Support

Effective Army leaders make use of a four-stage counseling process. What are these four stages?

1. Identify the need for counseling 2. Prepare for counseling 3. Conduct the counseling session 4. Follow-up

What are 3 types of contour lines?

1. Index 2. Intermediate 3. Supplementary

What are the three PHASES of PRT?

1. Initial Conditioning Phase - normally conducted as part of the Army's Future Soldier Program or in ROTC to prepare future Soldiers to adapt to Army PRT. 2. Toughening Phase - develops foundational fitness and fundamental movement skills necessary for the sustaining phase. 3. Sustaining Phase - continues physical development and maintains a high level of physical readiness appropriate to the duty position and the requirements of the unit's C- or D-METL as it applies to ARFORGEN.

Soldiers and Civilians cycle through which two training domains?

1. Institutional training domain 2. Operational training domain

Army forces conduct training individually and collectively in three training domains. Name Them?

1. Institutional training domain 2. Operational training domain 3. Self-Development training domain

What are the six Warfighting functions?

1. Intelligence 2. Fires 3. Maneuver 4. Mission Command 5. Protection 6. Sustainment

What must Commanders consider when using the intelligence warfighting function?

1. Intelligence does not eliminate uncertainty entirely 2. Determining the appropriate balance between the time allotted for collection and operational necessity 3. Prioritizing finite resources and capabilities 4. Resourcing and prioritizing the intelligence warfighting function appropriately to have enough network capability 5. Employing organic and supporting collection assets as well as planning, coordinating, and articulating requirements to leverage the entire intelligence enterprise

What are the five basic criteria utilized when considering the employment of Special Forces in support of the joint force campaign or operation?

1. It must be an appropriate SOF mission or task 2. The mission or task should support the JFC's campaign or operation plan 3. The mission or task must be operationally feasible 4. Required resources must be available to execute and support the SOF mission 5. The expected outcome of the mission must justify the risks

What are the three principle roles of the TSOC?

1. Joint Force Commander 2. Theater of operations special operations advisor 3. Joint force special operations component commander

What four roles establish the foundation for NCO development and serve as measurements of success throughout an NCO's career?

1. Lead 2. Train and educate 3. Care for Soldiers and equipment 4. Maintain and enforce standards

What are the seven functional areas that make up logistics?

1. Maintenance 2. Transportation 3. Supply 4. Field Services 5. Distribution 6. Operational Contract Support 7. General engineering Support

What are the five ways the Stafford Act allows the President to provide federal support to civil authorities?

1. Major disaster declaration 2. Emergency declaration 3. 10 day emergency work authority 4. Federal primary responsibility authority 5. Accelerated federal assistance and support

What are the three categories in the Range of Military Operations (ROMO)?

1. Military Engagement, Security Cooperation, Deterrence 2. Crisis and Contingency Operations 3. Major Operations

Name the 13 endurance and mobility drills and activities.

1. Military Movement Drill 1 (MMD 1) 2. Military Movement Drill 2 (MMD 2) 3. 30:60s 4. 60:120s 5. 300-yd Shuttle Run (SR) 6. Hill Repeats (HR) 7. Ability Group Run (AGR) 8. Unit Formation Run (UFR) 9. Release Run (RR) 10. Terrain Run (TR) 11. Foot March (FM) 12. Conditioning Obstacle Course (CDOC) 13. Endurance Training Machines (ETM)

What are the five phases of force projection?

1. Mobilization 2. Deployment 3. Employment 4. Sustainment 5. Redeployment

What are the three foundational documents of the military preparedness policy?

1. National defense strategy 2. National military strategy 3. DODD 3025.18

Threat forces classify chemical agents according to their effect on the body. What are the five major types of chemical agents classified by threat forces?

1. Nerve 2. Blood 3. Blister 4. Incapacitating 5. Choking agents

What are the three core competencies of religious support?

1. Nurture the living. 2. Care for the wounded. 3. Honor the dead.

What are the 8 major groups of the M249?

1. Operating Rod Group 2. Barrel Group 3. Handguard Group 4. Buttstock and Buffer Assembly Group 5. Trigger Mechanism Group 6. Gas Cylinder Group 7. Bipod Group 8. Receiver Group

What are the five types of Peace Operations?

1. Peacekeeping 2. Peace enforcement 3. Peacemaking 4. Peace Building 5. Conflict prevention

What are the four steps of the Army's Intelligence process?

1. Plan and direct 2. Collect 3. Produce 4. Disseminate

What are the three information collection tasks?

1. Plan requirements and assess collection 2. Task and direct collection 3. Execute collection

What are the six interrelated categories of intelligence operations?

1. Planning and direction 2. Collection 3. Processing and exploitation 4. Analysis and production 5. Dissemination and integration 6. Evaluation and feedback

What are the 8 Operational Variables also known as PMESII-PT? (pg2, para 7)

1. Political 2. Military 3. Economic 4. Social 5. Information 6. Infrastructure 7. Physical Environment 8. Time

What are the 5 principles of FIRES?

1. Precision 2. Scalable 3. Synchronized 4. Responsive 5. Networked

Three principles of PRT ensure that Soldiers perform all PRT sessions, activities, drills, and exercises correctly and with the appropriate intensity and duration for optimal conditioning and injury control. What are these three PRINCIPLES?

1. Precision - strict adherence to optimal execution standards for PRT activities. Based on the premise that the quality of the movement or form is just as important as the weight lifted, repetitions performed, or speed of running. 2. Progression - the systematic increase in the intensity, duration, volume, and difficulty of PRT activities. 3. Integration - uses multiple training activities to achieve balance and appropriate recovery between activities in the PRT program.

All PRT sessions should consist of what three ELEMENTS?

1. Preparation Drill (PD) - a dynamic warm-up consisting of ten exercises that appropriately prepare Soldiers for more intense PRT activities. 2. Activities - should last 30-60 minutes and address specific PRT goals in the areas of strength, endurance, and mobility. 3. Recovery Drill (RD) - gradually and safely tapers off activities to bring the body back to its pre-exercise state.

Name the four foundational documents for national preparedness policy and doctrine:

1. Presidential Policy Directive 8 2. National Incident Management System (NIMS) 3. National Response Framework (NRF) 4. National Security Strategy

What are the three types of validated information requirements?

1. Priority intelligence requirements (PIR) 2. Intelligence requirements 3. Information requirements

What are the three primary objectives of punishment?

1. Protect society against the repetition of the offense. 2. Reform the offender so he/she will not repeat the offense. 3. Deter others from considering and committing such an offense.

For Army forces, name one of the four primary tasks that are associated with DSCA?

1. Provide Support for domestic disasters 2 . Provide Support for domestic chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear incidents. 3. Provide support for domestic civilian law enforcement agencies. 4. Provide other designated support.

Name the four Special Skills Tabs.

1. Ranger 2. Special Forces 3. President's Hundred 4. Sapper

What are the 7 steps to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)?

1. Receipt of Mission 2. Mission Analysis 3. Course of Action development 4. Course of action analysis 5. Course of action comparison 6. Course of action approval 7. Orders production, dissemination and transition

Name the eight Troop Leading Procedures.

1. Receive the Mission 2. Issue a Warning Order 3. Develop an initial plan 4. Start Troop Movement 5. Reconnaissance 6. Complete the Plan 7. Issue the OPORD 8. Evaluate and Assess

What are the four Stability Planning Considerations?

1. Recognize complexity 2. Balance resources, capabilities, and activities 3. Recognize planning horizons 4. Avoid planning pitfalls

What is the treatment for head stroke?

1. Remove clothing 2. Immersion in water (cold water if available) / use Ice Sheets 3. Place ice packs in the groin, armpits, and around the neck 4. Fan the entire body 5. Seek medical aid. 6. Evacuate immediately, and continue cooling during transport. 7. Give nothing by mouth.

What is the treatment for heat exhaustion?

1. Rest Soldier in shade 2. Loosen uniform and remove headgear 3. Have Soldier drink 2 quarts of water over a 1-hour period 4. Seek medical aid 5. Evacuate if no improvement in 30 minutes or if condition worsens

What are the critical steps for Care Under Fire?

1. Return fire as directed or required before providing first aid 2. Determine if the casualty is alive or dead 3. Provide care to the living casualty. Direct casualty to return fire, move to cover, and administer self-aid 4. Once enemy fire has been suppressed: approach casualty, administer lifesaving hemorrhage control (tourniquet for severe bleeding), move casualty, his weapon, and mission-essential equipment to cover or safety 5. Recheck bleeding control measures 6. Start Tactical Field Care

What are the components of an After Action Review (AAR)?

1. Review what was supposed to occur 2. Establish what happened 3. Determine what was right or wrong with what happened 4. Determine how the task should be done differently the next time

What are the three important aspects of intelligence reach?

1. Searches and queries 2. Data mining 3. Collaboration

What are the Department of States 5 areas in the Stability Essential Tasks Matrix (pg. 11, para 42)

1. Security 2. Justice and Reconciliation 3. Humanitarian and Social Well Being 4. Governance and Participation 5. Economic Stabilization and infrastructure

The Army Ethic informs, motivates, and inspires Army Professionals to do what 3 things?

1. Seek to discover the truth, decide what is right and act accordingly 2. Contribute honorable service in the conduct of the mission 3. Prevent misconduct and do what is right to stop unethical practices

What are the seven steps in PREPARING for counseling?

1. Select a suitable place 2. Schedule the time 3. Notify the subordinate well in advance 4. Outline the components of the counseling session 5. Organize information and draft a plan of action 6. Plan the counseling strategy 7. Establish the right atmosphere

Describe the 3 basic categories that female hairstyles are organized IAW AR670-1.

1. Short length • Hair that extends no more than 1" from the scalp • May be no shorter than 1/4" from the scalp • Bangs may not fall below the eyebrows and cannot be visible underneath the front of headgear 2. Medium length • Extends more than 1" from the scalp but does not extend beyond the lower edge of the collar • Not required to be secured and can fall naturally • No portion of the bulk of the hair will exceed 2" (measured from the scalp) 3. Long length • Hair length that extends beyond the lower edge of the collar • Must be neatly and inconspicuously fastened or pinned above the lower edge of the collar • No portion of the bulk of the hair will exceed 2" (measured from the scalp) • A bun, worn on the back of the head, may extend no more than 3-1/2" from the scalp and cannot be any wider than the width of the head

What are the major components of the M9?

1. Slide and Barrel assembly 2. Recoil spring and Recoil Spring guide 3. Barrel and Locking Block Assembly 4. Receiver 5. Magazine

What must happen when a Soldier is determined to be overweight?

1. Soldier will be enrolled in the unit's ABCP 2. Soldier will be flagged IAW AR 600-8-2 3. Soldier will be provided exercise guidance by the unit master fitness trainer and/or unit fitness training NCO in accordance with FM 7-22; nutrition counseling by registered dietitian (or health care provider, if a dietitian is not available); and assistance in behavioral modification, as appropriate, to help them attain the requirements of the Army.

Name the five main firing positions, typically used in combat?

1. Standing 2. Squatting 3. Kneeling 4. Sitting 5. Prone

What are the three COMPONENTS of PRT?

1. Strength - the ability to overcome resistance 2. Endurance - the ability to sustain activity 3. Mobility - the functional application of strength and endurance

What are the three levels a MET can be assessed at?

1. T - Trained 2. P - Needs Practice 3. U - Untrained

What are the three critical capabilities of FIRES?

1. Target Acquisition 2. Target Discrimination 3. Target Engagement

Name the three dominant positions and the additional controlling position that are taught in Basic Combatives?

1. The Mount 2. The Guard 3. The Rear Mount 4. Side Control (controlling position)

What are the two key components of adaptability?

1. The ability to identify the essential elements critical for performance in each new situation 2. The ability to change practices or the unit by quickly capitalizing on strengths and minimizing weaknesses.

Army forces are employed within a strategic context defined by what 3 things? (pg2, para 6)

1. The specific operational environment 2. The character of the friendly force 3. The character of the threat

Army Special Operations mission have what 4 characteristics? (pg13, para 40)

1. They are low visibility or clandestine 2. They have minimal signature 3 . They are used to foster habitual (indigenous) relationships 4. They employ precise and timely action and messages

Effective unified action requires Leaders who can do what 3 things? (pg3, para 12)

1. Understand 2. Influence 3. Cooperate with unified action partners

What are the five phases of the NIMS planning process?

1. Understand the situation 2. Establish incident objectives and strategy 3. Develop the plan 4. Prepare and disseminate the plan 5. Execute, evaluate, and revise the plan

What are the 4 levels of Maintenance?

1. Unit 2. Direct support (DS) 3. General support (GS) 4. Depot

Chemical agents can exist in one of what four forms (depending on temperature)?

1. Vapors 2. Solids 3. Liquids 4. Gases (or aerosols)

What is the rifling on the M4?

1/7 Right hand twist

What is meant my 1/7 twist?

1/7 means that the rifling twists clockwise one complete revolution in 7 inches

How many exercises make up the preparation drill?


How soon after the DA Form 5434 is received should a sponsor be assigned?

10 days unless the sponsorship is declined

How close will an eight-digit grid get you to your point?

10 meters

How close will a six-digit grid coordinate get you to your point?

100 meters

How much of your tuition does the tuition assistance grant pay?


What is the circular error of precision fires? Near precision fires?

10m, 10-50m

Wearing all MOPP over garments adds _____ degrees F to the WBGT index.

10° F

When the JSLIST is removed from the package, how long will it retain its protective qualities?

120 days

How many stars are on the blue silk shield that the Army Medal of Honor is suspended from?


How many total articles are there in the UCMJ?


What is the weight of the M249?


How many Mils are in one Degree?

17.7 mils

How many streamers are authorized for the US Army Flag?


What is M9 Chemical Agent Detector Paper?

2" wide detector paper and a resalable plastic storage bag. It has an adhesive backing for attaching to equipment and clothing and it is used to detect the presence of liquid chemical agents and aerosols. The paper indicates the presence of liquid V, G, H, and L agents by turning pink, red, reddish brown, or red-purple in color.

What is the maximum range of the MK19?

2,212 meters

What is the muzzle velocity of the M4?

2,970 fps

A tourniquet should be placed about how far from the wound

2-3 inches above the wound on the injured extremity, not over a knee or elbow

What is the weight of the M9 pistol with an empty magazine?

2.1 Pounds

What is the weight of the M9 pistol with a 15 round magazine?

2.6 pounds

In what elite unit did the Modern Army Combatives program begin?

2/75th Ranger Regiment

How many bones are there in the human skeletal system?


When a President or Former President of the U.S. arrives and leaves an army installation, how many gun salute do they get?

21 gun salute, both times

What is the basic load of ammunition for the M4?

210 Rounds total. (7 magazines with 30 rounds in each)

What DA form is used for the NCOER?

2166-9-1 for SGT 2166-9-2 for SSG-MSG/1SG 2166-9-3 for SGM/CSM

A commander investigating an EO complaint must provide a progress report to the GCMCA _______ days after the date on which the investigation commenced and every ______ days thereafter until completion.

21; 14

On NCOERs for SSG and above, the "Most Qualified" rating by the senior rater is limited to what percentage of rated NCOs?


What is the publication date of the latest revision of AR 670-1 and DA PAM 670-1?

27 May 2017

How many years of service does each service stripe represent?


The lensatic compass has a bezel ring; each bezel ring click is equal to how many degrees?


How long does it take a well-placed carotid artery choke take to finish an opponent?

3 - 7 sec

Upon receipt of a formal EO complaint, how much time does a commander have to provide a description of the allegations through command channels to their General Court-Martial Convening Authority (GCMCA)?

3 days.

What is the muzzle velocity of the .50 Cal?

3,050 ftper sec

What is the maximum range of the M4?

3,600 meters

M249 SAW (FM 3-22-68) What is the maximum range of the M249 (SAW)?


What is/was the wear out date for the Improved Physical Fitness Uniform (Grey PTs)?

30 SEP 17

What is the wear out date for the UCP ACU?

30 September 2019

What size projectile is fired from the MK19?

40 mm

What is the length of the MK19?


What is the basic load of ammunition for the M9?

45 Rounds

When the JSLIST is removed from the package AND worn, how long will it retain its protective qualities (wear time)?

45 days

The body contains _______ quarts of blood and takes about _______ seconds to circulate through the body and return to the heart.

5-6 quarts (about 5 liters); 20-30 seconds

What is the maximum effective range of the M9?

50 meters

What is the maximum effective range of the M4?

500 meters for a "point target" 600 meters for an "area target"

Wearing body armor adds _____ degrees F to the WBGT index.

5° F

What is the maximum range of the .50 Cal?


How many mils are there in a circle?

6400 mils in 360 degrees

The UCMJ is comprised of how many punitive articles?

65; 58 articles plus 7 sub-articles

If an appeal is made to a complaint case, it should be made through the next higher commander within the chain of command. How long do you have to make such an appeal?

7 calendar days following notification of the results of investigation and acknowledgment of the actions of the command to resolve the complaint or issue. This appeal should be made in writing on DA Form 7279, Part IV.

What are the three elements for a land navigation process known as Dead Reckoning?

7. Known starting point 8. Known distance 9. Known azimuth

What is the weight of the M2 .50 Cal machine gun?

84 lbs

What is the standard time allowed for the donning of the M50-series protective mask?

9 seconds

Describe the three elements of the DoD Insect Repellent System.

9. Permethrin on uniforms and mosquito nets 10. Application of DoD-approved insect repellent to exposed skin 11. Proper wear of the uniform

A rater must normally be the immediate supervisor of the rated NCO for a minimum of _____ consecutive days.


Who is the final approving authority for a Bar to Continued Service (formerly Bar to Reenlistment)?

A Commander who is one approval level higher than the commanding authority

Execution Decisions are usually tied to what?

A Decision Point

What is a TM?

A Technical Manual, outlines the specific scope of repairs on equipment

What is a battle?

A battle consists of a set of related engagements that lasts longer and involves larger forces than an engagement.

When does a battle occur?

A battle occurs when a division, corps, or army commander fights for one or more significant objectives. Battles are usually operationally significant, if not operationally decisive.

What is a series of related major operations aimed at achieving strategic and operational objectives within a given time and space?

A campaign.

Define Commanders Intent?

A clear and concise expression of the purpose of the operation and the desired military end state that supports mission command, provides focus to the staff and helps subordinate commanders act to achieve the commanders desired end state

What is a single display of relevant information within a commander's area of interest tailored to the user's requirements and based on common data and information shared by more than one command?

A common operational picture

What is a fragile state?

A country that suffers from institutional weaknesses serious enough to threaten the stability of the central government.

Define sexual assault.

A crime defined as intentional sexual contact, characterized by the use of force, physical threat, or abuse of authority, or when the victim does not or cannot consent.

What is Essential Element of Friendly Information (EEFI)?

A critical aspect of a friendly operation that if known by the enemy, would subsequently compromise, lead to failure, or limit success of the operation.

What is a decisive point?

A decisive point is a geographic place, specific key event, critical factor, or function that, when acted upon, allows commanders to gain a marked advantage over an adversary or contribute materially to achieving success.

What is an Award?

A decoration, medal, badge, ribbon, or appurtenance bestowed on an individual or a unit

What is a defeat mechanism?

A defeat mechanism is the method through which friendly forces accomplish their mission against enemy opposition.

What is the purpose of a defensive task?

A defensive task is a task conducted to defeat an enemy attack, gain time, economize forces, and develop conditions favorable for offensive or stability tasks.

What is a deliberate operation?

A deliberate operation is an operation in which the tactical situation allows the development and coordination of detailed plans, including multiple branches and sequels

What is meant by "inefficiency"?

A demonstration of characteristics that shows that a person cannot perform duties and responsibilities commensurate with the Soldier's current rank and MOS. This must be predicated on a pattern of acts, conduct or negligence that clearly shows that the Soldier lacks the abilities and qualities normally required and expected of the Soldier's rank and experience (i.e., long-standing unpaid personal debts).

What is a "finial"?

A flagstaff head - the decorative ornament at the top of a flagstaff.

What is a pandemic? (pg. 11, para 42)

A global disease outbreak

What is a guidon?

A guidon is a swallow-tailed unit marker, 20-inch hoist by a 27-inch fly, the swallow-tail end forked 10 inches. They are made of bunting cloth or nylon, unless otherwise specified. Guidons are approved by HQDA for units with an authorized strength of 20 or more military personnel

At the last note of retreat, what will happen?

A gun will be fired (if available) on military installations, followed by the playing of the national anthem or sound of "To The Color" (using a drum and bugle corps, a bugler, or recorded music) concurrent with the lowering of the flag. The flag will be lowered to ensure completion at the last note of the music. The same respect will be observed by all military personnel whether the national anthem is played or "To the Color" is sounded.

What is a hasty operation?

A hasty operation is an operation in which a commander directs immediately available forces, using fragmentary orders, to perform activities with minimal preparation, trading planning and preparation time for speed of execution.

What is an azimuth?

A horizontal angle, measured in a clockwise manner from a north base line, expressing direction.

What is a Line of Operation?

A line that defines the directional orientation of a force in time and space in relation to the enemy and links the force with its base of operations and objectives.

What is a Line of Effort?

A line that links multiple tasks using the logic of purpose rather than a geographical reference to focus efforts toward establishing operational and strategic conditions.

What is a map?

A map is a graphic representation of a portion of the earth's surface drawn to scale, as seen from above.

Special Operations forces can provide a supporting role in major combat operations by providing what to the Joint Force Commander?

A means to identify and engage selected high-payoff targets or to conduct sabotage, subversion, influence and / or intelligence activities in the enemy's sanctuary, rear area, or homeland

Define a Decision Point?

A point in space or time the commander or staff anticipates making a key decision concerning a specific course of action

What does a Surgical Strike provide?

A primarily unilateral, scalable direct action capability that is employed in counterterrorism, counter proliferation, hostage rescue, kill/capture operations against designated targets, and other specialized tasks of strategic importance

What is a "rating scheme?"

A published document showing rated Soldiers, their rating officials, and the effective date on which the rating officials assumed their role. This document must be made accessible, either manually or electronically, to each rated Soldier and each member of the rating chain.

What is meant by the term "administrative reduction?"

A reduction in grade that is not the result of a court-martial sentence or any other action under the UCMJ.

An operation in which, by direction of higher authority, all or part of a unit is replaced in an area by the incoming unit and the responsibilities of the replaced elements for the mission and the assigned zone of operations are transferred to the incoming unit is what?

A relief in place.

What is a Fourragere?

A rope like device worn to signify the award of a foreign decoration

Define actions on contact:

A series of combat actions, often conducted nearly simultaneously, taken on contact with the enemy to develop the situation

What is a Campaign? (pg7, para 24)

A series of related major operations aimed at achieving strategic and operational objectives within a given time and space.

What is a bullet comment?

A short, concise, to-the-point comment starting with action words (verbs) or possessive pronouns (his/her). Bullet comments should be kept to one line (never more than two), with no more than one bullet per line.

Describe a Common Operating Picture (COP)?

A single display of relevant information pertaining to a commander's area of operations and area of interest.

What is a tactical mission task?

A specific activity performed by a unit while executing a form of tactical operation or form of maneuver

Describe the magazine for the M9.

A standard staggered box magazine designed to hold 15 rounds

What is a training objective?

A statement that describes the desired outcome of a training activity in the unit.

What is a battle or engagement, employing lethal or nonlethal actions, designed for a specific purpose relative to the enemy, the terrain, friendly forces, or other entity?

A tactical action.

What is an intermediate staging base?

A tailorable, temporary location used for staging forces, sustainment and/or extraction into and out of an operational area.

What is a Mission Essential Task?

A task a unit could perform based on its design, equipment, manning, and MTOE mission

What is an Emergency Operations Center (EOC)?

A temporary or permanent facility where the coordination of information and resources to support incident management activities normally takes place.

What is the purpose of a Joint Special Operations Task Force (JSOTF)?

A temporary or semi-permanent grouping of special operations forces under one commander and formed to carry out a specific operation or a continuing mission.

Who are the final approving authorities for the AAM, ARCOM, MSM, LM and DSM?

AAM = Lieutenant Colonel and above ARCOM = Colonel and above MSM = Major General and above LM = Lieutenant General and above DSM = U.S. Army Chief of Staff

What publication covers Army Leadership?

ADP 6-22 and ADRP 6-22

What is the purpose of ADP 6-22, Army Leadership?

ADP 6-22 establishes the fundamental principles by which Army leaders accomplish their missions and care for their people.

What ADP/ADRP covers The Army?


What ADP/ADRP covers Operational Terms and Military Symbols?

ADP/ADRP 1-02.

What ADP/ADRP covers Intelligence?


What ADP/ADRP covers Unified Land Operations?


What ADP/ADRP covers Special Operations?


What ADP/ADRP covers Stability?

ADP/ADRP 3-07.

What ADP/ADRP covers Fires?

ADP/ADRP 3-09.

What ADP/ADRP covers Defense Support of Civil Authorities?

ADP/ADRP 3-28.

What ADP/ADRP covers Protection?


What ADP/ADRP covers Offense and Defense?

ADP/ADRP 3-90.

What ADP/ADRP covers Sustainment?


What ADP/ADRP covers The Operations Process?


What ADP/ADRP covers Mission Command?


What ADP/ADRP covers Army Leadership?

ADP/ADRP 6-22.

What ADP/ADRP covers Training Units and Developing Leaders?


What ADRP covers Army Universal Task List?

ADRP 1-03

What is AER?

AER is a private, nonprofit organization to collect and hold funds to relieve distress of members of the Army and their dependents. AER provides emergency financial assistance to Soldiers (active and retired) and their families in time of distress.

What is the purpose of AER?

AER provides emergency financial assistance to Soldiers (active and retired) and their families in time of distress.

How does AER provide financial assistance?

AER provides financial assistance by either a loan without interest, a grant or a combination of both

Accidents are reported in accordance with what regulation?

AR 385-40

What Army publication covers the Army Equal Opportunity (EO) Program?

AR 600-20 (chapter 6).

What regulation outlines when the flag of the United States is raised, lowered, or flown at half-staff?

AR 600-25; Salutes, Honors, and Visits of Courtesy

What Army doctrine covers the wear and appearance of the military uniform?

AR 670-1 & DA PAM 670-1

Why are there two publications to cover the Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms, and what is the difference?

AR 670-1 prescribes the Department of the Army policy for the proper wear and appearance of the uniforms, while DA Pam 670-1 the implementation procedures of that policy. Additionally AR 670-1 is vague on many aspects, whereas DA Pam 670-1 provides additional information. Army Regulations have a very thorough review process that can take many months to update, however DA Pam are more easily updated changes are needed. Therefore, the Army has adopted the use of the AR and DA Pam in order to provide Soldiers the most timely policy changes.

What AR covers the issue and sale of personal clothing?

AR 700-84

Is ASAP participation mandatory for Individuals that are command referred?

ASAP participation is mandatory for all Soldiers who are command referred. Failure to attend a mandatory counseling session may constitute a violation of Article 86 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).

What publication covers the counseling process?

ATP 6-22.1

What mnemonic should be used for determining the level of consciousness (scale from high to low) of a casualty?

AVPU: Alert - responds to Voice - responds to Pain - Unresponsive

Once the JSLIST is contaminated, how long will it provide protection?

About 24 hours

How are acronyms usually formed?

Acronyms are usually formed from the initial letters of a name or parts of a series of words.

What are some of the Activities included in a Surgical Strike?

Actions against critical operational or strategic targets; which include counter proliferation actions, counterterrorism actions, and hostage rescue and recovery operations

What are Counterterrorism actions?

Actions taken directly and indirectly against terrorist networks influence and render global and regional environments inhospitable to terrorist networks

What are Counter proliferation Actions?

Actions that prevent the threat and/or use of weapons of mass destruction against the United States, its forces, allies, and partners

What are the 4 primary ways that the Joint protection function uses to preserve the force? (pg2, para5)

Active defense measures Passive defense measures Application of technology and procedures Emergency management and response

What is Unconventional Warfare?

Activities conducted to enable a resistance movement or insurgency to coerce, disrupt, or over throw a government or occupying power by operating through or with an underground, auxiliary, and guerrilla force in a denied area

What are Fusion Centers?

Ad hoc cells designed to enable lethal and nonlethal targeting, facilitate current or future operations, and inform decision-making

What leaders attribute results from training under complex, changing conditions, with minimal information available to make decisions?


Describe a Bar to Continued Service (formerly Bar to Reenlistment).

Administrative action initiated by the commander to prevent a substandard soldier from reenlisting or reentering the service.

What are the different types of threat?

Adversary, Neutral, Enemy, Hybrid

What are the three general methods of disseminating biological agents?

Aerosol, vector, and covert

What do subordinates provide in order to enable the Commander to assess the readiness of a mission-essential task?

After Actions Review (AAR)

What is a hole-up area?

After hiding for several days, it is an area where you can recuperate and get or prepare food.

What are the Core competencies of Fires?

Air Defense Artillery and Field Artillery

n which domains do U.S. forces operate

Air, land, maritime, space, and cyberspace domains

What are the three component of the respiratory system?

Airway, lungs, and rib cage.

In 2012, changes to title 10, United States Code, allowed the President to perform what function? (pg. 9, para 32)

Alert and mobilize Army Reserve forces for Defense Support and Civil Authority Operations

How often should Soldiers be weighed?

All Soldiers will be weighed every 6 months, at a minimum. It is normally conducted in conjunction with the APFT

Who is authorized to carry an umbrella?

All Soldiers, during inclement weather when wearing the service, dress, and mess uniforms. Umbrellas are not authorized in formations or when wearing field or utility uniforms.

makes up the "Intelligence Enterprise"?

All U.S. intelligence professionals, sensors, systems, federated organizations, information, and processes supported by a network-enabled architecture

What are the Characteristics of Fires?

All Weather FIRES, Precision/Near Precision FIRES, Mass Area FIRES, Air and Space Integration and Inherently Joint

What is the title of address of a Major General? A Brigadier General? Lieutenant General?

All are addressed as "General".

What is the title of address of a Master Sergeant? A Sergeant First Class? A Staff Sergeant?

All are addressed as "Sergeant."

Why is it important to "Train Your Leaders to Know Their Subordinates and Their Families":

All leaders should know their subordinates at least two levels down—their strengths, weaknesses, and capabilities. The Army trains leaders to know and help not only subordinates, but also their families.

Who is the principal audience for ADP 1-02, Operational Terms and Military Symbols?

All members of the profession of arms.

What does AR 600-20 say about obeying orders?

All persons in the military service are required to strictly obey and promptly execute the legal orders of their lawful seniors.

How do information networks greatly enhance the potential for synchronization? (pg9, para 32)

Allow Commanders to more quickly understand the operational environments and communicate their intents Allows subordinate and adjacent units to use their common understanding of the operational environment and commanders intent to synchronize actions without direct control form higher HQs.

What are the six types of attack?

Ambush, Counterattack, Demonstration, Spoiling Attack, Feint, Raid

AER closely coordinates with what other organization?

American Red Cross

The protective mask will not protect against what two types of gases?

Ammonia vapors or carbon monoxide.

What is an Army Leader?

An Army leader is anyone who by virtue of assumed role or assigned responsibility inspires and influences people to accomplish organizational goals.

What is Information Collection?

An activity that synchronizes and integrates the planning and employment of sensors and assets as well as the processing, exploitation, and dissemination of systems in direct support of current and future operations

What is Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR)?

An activity that synchronizes and integrates the planning and operation of sensors, assets, and PED systems in direct support of current and future operations.

MK19 - 40 mm Grenade Machine Gun (FM 3-22.27) Describe the MK19.

An air-cooled, blow back operated, belt-fed machine gun that is fed by a disintegrating metallic-link belt and fires 40mm grenade cartridges

What is the difference between and alliance and a coalition?

An alliance is a formal agreement. A coalition is an arrangement between two or more countries for common action that is usually created for a focused short term purpose.

What is a decoration?

An award to an individual for a specific act of gallantry or service

What is an engagement?

An engagement is a tactical conflict, usually between opposing, lower echelon maneuver forces.

What is a vulnerability assessment?

An evaluation to determine the magnitude of a threat or hazard effect against an installation, personnel, unit, exercise, port, ship, residence, facility, or other site. It addresses who or what is vulnerable and how it is vulnerable.

What is a Priority Intelligence Requirement (PIR)?

An intelligence requirement that the commander and staff need to understand the adversary or other aspect of the operational environment.

Define Incident? (pg. 10, para 38)

An occurrence, caused by human action or natural phenomena that requires action to prevent or minimize loss of life or damage to property and/or natural resources

What is the purpose of an offensive task?

An offensive task is a task conducted to defeat and destroy enemy forces and seize terrain, resources, and population centers.

What is a military action, consisting of two of more related tactical actions, designed to achieve a strategic objective, in whole or in part?

An operation.

What is an Area of Operations? (pg12, para 48)

An operational area defines by the joint force commander for land and maritime forces that should be large enough to accomplish their missions and protect their forces

Who can propose the creation, modification, or elimination of any doctrinal term?

Any Soldier may contact a proponent for a given subject area. The proponent will consider the Soldier's proposal.

What is meant by the term "discrimination"?

Any action that unlawfully or unjustly results in unequal treatment of persons or groups based on race, color, gender, national origin, or religion.

What is meant by the term "racism"?

Any attitude or action of a person or institutional structure that subordinates a person or group because of skin color or race.

Who can initiate a Bar to Continued Service (formerly Bar to Reenlistment)?

Any commander in the Soldier's chain of command; however, the approval authority for the bar is the Battalion Commander for Soldiers with less than 10 years AFS, and Brigade Commander for Soldiers with 10 or more years AFS.

Who may impose nonjudicial punishment (Article 15)?

Any commanding officer, including a warrant officer, exercising command

What is a "radiological hazard?"

Any electromagnetic or particulate radiation that is capable of producing ions to cause damage, injury, or destruction. Radiological material causes physiological damage through the ionizing effects of neutron, gamma, beta, and alpha radiation (also referred to as ionizing radiation).

Who can make recommendations for an award?

Any person having knowledge of an outstanding act or achievement

What is a "flag"?

Any type of cloth device used to convey information.

Who can demonstrate leadership?

Anyone can demonstrate leadership.

Special Operations Forces make up approximately how much of the Active Army population?

Approximately 5%

When meeting an officer in the open, how far away should you be before rendering the hand salute?

Approximately 6 paces when our paths will bring you close by, or within speaking distance when making eye contact.

What is the length of the .50 Cal, overall?

Approximately 65.13 inches

What are mission orders?

Are directives that emphasize to subordinates the results to be attained, not how they are to achieve them.

What does ACU stand for?

Army Combat Uniform. This term applies to both UCP and OCP patterns

ACS (AR 608-1) What Does ACS stand for?

Army Community Service

ACES (AR 621-5) / Army Learning Centers (AR 621-6) What does ACES stand for?

Army Continuing Education System

AER (AR 930-4) What does AER stand for?

Army Emergency Relief

What does ADP 6-22 cover?

Army Leadership

What does APFU stand for?

Army Physical Fitness Uniform

What is the Army Slogan?

Army Strong

600-85) What does ASAP stand for?

Army Substance Abuse Program

What are the four requirements and expectations of character?

Army Values Empathy Warrior Ethos Discipline

What are the characteristics of the Character attribute?

Army Values, Empathy, Warrior Ethos, Discipline

Who has special and summary court-martial convening authority and may require support to conduct courts-martial?

Army brigade and battalion commanders, as well as joint task force commanders.

What are the 3 Army methodologies Leaders employ for Planning?

Army design methodology Military Decision Making Process (MDMP) Troop Leading Procedures (TLP)

What do Army forces do when "Seizing the Initiative?" (pg5, para 20)

Army forces strike the enemy, both lethally and non-lethally, in time, places, or manner for which the enemy is not prepared. This allow the Army forces to degrade the enemy's ability to function as a coherent force

How are Army operations characterized?

Army operations are characterized by flexibility, integration, lethality, adaptability, depth, and synchronization

What is the role of Generating forces?

Army organizations whose primary mission is to generate and sustain the operational Army's capabilities for employment.

What article of the UCMJ is designed to protect a Soldier from self-incrimination?

Article 31 - Compulsory Self-Incrimination Prohibited

How many members are on a court martial board?

As a minimum: • Summary 1 • Special 3 • General 5

What is the command given to return the unit to a line formation?

Assemble to the right, MARCH

Assessing protection is an essential, continuous activity that occurs throughout the operations process. What is Assessment?

Assessment is the determination of the progress toward accomplishing a task, creating a condition, or achieving an objective.

How far should field latrines be located from food operations and sources of water?

At least 300 feet downhill from unit food services facilities and at least 100 feet from any unit ground water source.

How long must a soldier be in the Army to receive a clothing allowance?

At least 6 months

What are the courtesies rendered by individuals during Reveille if they are in uniform and not in formation either with or without headgear?

At the first note of music, face flag and render hand salute (if flag is not in view, face direction of music). End salute on last note of music.

Name three actions by friendly forces?

Attack by fire Follow and Assume Breach Follow and Support Bypass Occupy Clear Reduce Control Retain Counterrecon Secure Disengage Seize Exfiltrate Support by fire

How does Fires support the Offensive Task?

Attacking targets throughout the area of operations with massed or precision fires, mortars offensive counter air, rotary and fixed wing air support, electronic attack and other joint fires assets

What is meant by the term "sexism"?

Attitudes and beliefs that one gender is superior to another

What are the key elements of command?

Authority and responsibility

How would you hold a lensatic compass?

Away from metal (weapons, electrical devices), level and firm

What are the five factors for selecting a hide site when evading the enemy?

B -blends in with the surroundings L -low in silhouette I -irregular in shape S -small in size S -secluded

Soldiers with a GT score of less than 110 should be referred to what?

BSEP - Soldiers with a GT less than 100 are normally automatically eligible. Soldiers with a GT between 100 and 110 may be command referred.

The Bar to Reenlistment was recently changed to what?

Bar to Continued Service

What is the most significant addition to the Bar to Continued Service program vs. the Bar to Reenlistment?

Bar to Continued Service applies to ALL enlisted ranks, even Soldiers in the NCO Career Status Program (formerly Indefinite Status)

What fundamentals must units at every echelon master in order to accomplish their missions?

Basic Soldiering, the Warrior Tasks, battle drills, marksmanship, fitness and MOS proficiencies

Who as the promotion authority for SGT-SSG?

Battalion Commander (O-5)

What does the acronym BDA stand for?

Battle Damage Assessment

What is the coordination element that provides selected operational functions between the Army and the air component commander (ACC)?

Battlefield Coordination Detachment (BCD)

What do battles affect?

Battles can affect the course of a campaign or major operation

Mission Command must be comprehensive, without being rigid, why?

Because military operations as a whole defy orderly, efficient and precise control. They are complex, human endeavors characterized by the continuous give and take of all participants

Why are Special Operations Forces frequently used in diplomatically sensitive missions?

Because special operations can provide a discreet, precise, politically astute, and scalable capability

When is a PMCS required to be performed?

Before, during and after the operation of a piece of equipment and also at weekly and monthly intervals

What are some items you can use for an expedient field splint?

Belt(s) Tree limbs Weapon Broom/mop handle

What exercises are conducted during the preparation drill?'

Bend and Reach Rear Lunge High Jumper Rower Squat Bender Windmill Forward Lunge Prone Row Bent-leg Body Twist Push Up

Unit organization should ensure reasonable span of control. Generally, commanders can effectively command and control how many subordinate units?

Between 2 and 5

Commanders must balance their time between what 2 things during the Operations Process?

Between leading the staff through the Operations Process and providing purpose, direction, and motivation to subordinate commanders and Soldiers

What are the components of the APFU?

Black and Gold running jacket Black running pants Black running trunks (with "ARMY" in gold) Black short sleeve T-shirt (with "ARMY" in gold) Black long sleeve T-shirt (with "ARMY" in gold) Black or white socks Running shoes

Friendly graphic control measures are shown in what color?

Black or Blue

Where is Building 1 located on all military installations?

Bldg 1 is the main post flag pole

Name three effects on enemy forces.

Block Fix Canalize Interdict Contain Isolate Defeat Neutralize Destroy Suppress Disrupt Turn

What are the six main components of the musculoskeletal system?

Bones, joints, muscles, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons.

What is the title of address of a Colonel? A Lieutenant Colonel?

Both are addressed as "Colonel."

What is the title of address of a Command Sergeant Major? A Sergeant Major?

Both are addressed as "Sergeant Major."

How is a task force represented on a unit symbol?

Box around the echelon amplifier

What is the main martial art that Basic Combatives (Level I) is based on?

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

What are the six types of Mobility Operations?

Breaching, Clearing, Gap-crossing, Combat roads and trails, Forward airfields, Traffic

At what level does the Department of Army standardize a units METL?

Brigade level and higher

What echelons typically conduct engagements?

Brigades and smaller echelons typically conduct engagements.

How do assessments help the commander determine progress towards attaining the desired end state?

By achieving objectives and performing tasks

How is military rank among officers of the same grade or of equivalent grade determined?

By comparing the dates of rank. An officer whose date of rank is earlier than the date of rank of another officer of the same or equivalent grade is senior to that officer.

What are the three principle ways that leaders have to develop others?

By counseling, coaching, and mentoring

How do multinational and interagency partners reinforce and complement Army intelligence capabilities?

By providing cultural awareness, as well as unique perspectives and capabilities.

How does Fires support Stability Task?

By saving lives, restoring essential services, maintaining and restoring civil order, and disaster relief

What is the quickest way to immobilize a broken leg?

By splinting it to the non-broken leg

How do Commanders earn their subordinates trust?

By upholding the Army values and exercising leadership consistent with the Army's leadership principles.

How do Commanders achieve surprise?

By varying the direction, timing, boldness, means, and force of the attack.

How is ACS staffed for the most part?

By volunteers

How is the ARC staffed for the most part?

By volunteers

What are WMDs?

CBRN weapons that are capable of causing a high order of destruction or mass casualties. WMD can include high-yield explosives

What is the first thing you do when handling a new weapon?


What is the Command List Integration?

CLI is a the process by which Soldiers are automatically integrated onto the SGT or SSG promotion list despite lacking an actual promotion board appearance

American Red Cross (AR 930-5) What are some activities that the American Red Cross offers?

CPR instruction, Blood drives, Swimming lessons, Communication services (by wire), Financial assistance, Counseling and referral services, Transplantation services, AIDS education, Health and safety services.

Individual Soldiers in the field rely on what primary methods to disinfect nonpotable water?

Calcium hypochlorite, water purification tablets or sachets, and boiling.

What types of socks are authorized for wear with the APFU?

Calf-length or ankle-length, plain white or black socks with no logos. If worn, ankle-length socks must cover the entire ankle bone, and calf-length socks will end at the middle point between the ankle and the knee.

What is it customary for all Officers of a unit, organization or installation to do on New Year's Day?

Call upon the commanding officer on New Year's Day. The commander may designate a convenient hour and place for receiving such visits or omit the visit if desired. Commanders may exercise the option to have such visits take place on a day other than New Year's Day if deemed more practical.

What does CPR stand for?

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

C3 is divided into what three stages

Care under fire; tactical field care; and tactical evacuation.

What accounts for the majority of accidents?


Give some examples of improvised latrines

Cat-hole, straddle trench, mound, deep pit, bored-hole, pail, and burn-out.

What are the three Leadership attributes?

Character, Presence and Intellect

What are the leader attributes?

Character, presence and intellect.

What does CBRNE stand for?

Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, & high yield Explosives

What are the two primary types of authorized water purification tablets?

Chlorine and iodine.

Name the 10 classes of supply and what each one covers.

Class I Subsistence Class II Clothing, OCIE, Administrative supplies Class III POL Class IV Construction Material Class V Ammunition Class VI Personal demand items Class VII Major end items Class VIII Medical Class IX Repair Parts Class X Civilian Acquired Services

What are the eight basic elements of the ACU (regardless of pattern)?

Coat, trousers, undershirt (sand or tan), undergarments, rigger belt (sand or tan), socks (tan, green, or black), combat boots (sand/tan or coyote brown), and headgear

What do commanders use to establish human connections, build trust, and create and maintain shared understanding and purpose?


What is collective leadership?

Collective leadership refers to the combined effects and interactions when leaders at different levels synchronize their leadership actions to achieve a common purpose.

What is collective training?

Collective training integrates and synchronizes the skills learned at the individual skill level. It includes unit level tasks and events, but also requires individual skill proficiency and capitalizes on multi-echelon, joint, interagency and multinational forces training opportunities as often as needed.

What is command?

Command is the authority that a commander in the armed forces lawfully exercises over subordinates by virtue of rank or assignment.

Who is responsible for training units and developing leaders?


What defines the limits within which subordinates may exercise initiative?

Commanders Intent

What are the 11 principles of unit training?

Commanders and other leaders are responsible for training; Noncommissioned officers train individuals, crews, and small teams Train to standard Train as you will fight Train while operating Train fundamentals first Train to develop adaptability Understand the operational environment Train to sustain Train to maintain Conduct multi-echelon and concurrent training

What are commanders and supervisors encouraged to do in order to ensure the ABCP does not interfere with Soldiers performance on the APFT?

Commanders and supervisors are encouraged to allow a minimum of 7 days between APFT and weigh-in, if feasible.

Commanders and Staff must consider what principles for effective use of the operations process?

Commanders drive the operations process Build and maintain situational understanding Apply critical and creative thinking Encourage collaboration and dialogue

Why do Commanders exercise mission command?

Commanders exercise mission command to give subordinates latitude in determining how to train their units to achieve the desired end state, building trust and initiative in subordinates.

Commanders express their visualization in 4 terms?

Commanders intent Planning guidance, including operational approach Commanders critical information requirements Essential elements of friendly information

What is the Commanders responsibility in providing religious support to the Army?

Commanders provide for the free exercise of religion for Soldiers, families, and authorized civilians and enable religious support functions as prescribed in Army regulations.

Who oversee the administration of military justice in their units and communicate directly with their staff judge advocates (SJAs) about military justice matters?


What is the means through which commanders exercise immediate and personal control over their forces?


What is the major service that Red Cross offers?

Communication between Soldiers and their families for both problem solving and emergency (especially the notification or "red cross message")

What is communication in reference to Operational Terms and Military Symbols?

Communication is an exchange of meaning that is only complete when the intended meaning is understood precisely by the intended audience.

Who has the promotion authority for promotion to SPC and below?

Company commander (or equivalent - Troop, Battery, Detachment)

What are the two types of formal Article 15 proceedings?

Company-grade and Field-grade.

All ASAP referrals are accomplished by the Commander or 1SG using what form?

Completing and signing the DA 8003 Referral Form.

What are the two components of planning?

Conceptual Detailed

What are hazards?

Conditions or natural phenomena able to damage or destroy life, vital resources, and institutions, or prevent mission accomplishment.

Name four supporting tasks of the Protection Warfighting Function:

Conduct operational area security Employ safety techniques Implement OPSEC Provide intelligence support to protection Implement physical security procedures Apply AT measures Conduct law and order Conduct survivability operations Provide force health protection CBRN operations EOD Coordinate air and missile defense Conduct personal recovery Conduct internment and resettlement

What two events should the commander conduct during the preparation phase of planning?

Confirmation Brief Rehearsal

What are the principles of the army health system?

Conformity, proximity, flexibility, mobility, continuity, and control

What is an Information system?

Consists of equipment that collects, processes, stores, displays, and disseminates information. This includes computers, hardware and software, and communications, as well as policies and procedures for their use

What is the Science of Control?

Consists of systems and procedures used to improve the commanders understanding and support accomplishing missions

Define Preparation?

Consists of those activities performed by units and Soldiers to improve their ability to execute an operation

What is meant by the term "Body Composition"?

Consists of two major elements of the human body: lean body-mass (which includes muscle, bone, and essential organ tissue) and body fat. Body fat is expressed as a percentage of total body weight that is fat. For example, an individual who weighs 200 pounds and has 18 percent body fat has 36 pounds of fat. Women generally have a higher percentage of body fat than men because of genetic and hormonal differences; thus, body fat standards differ among men and women by age groups.

What are the four stability mechanisms?

Control, Compel, Influence and Support

What are the terms of interactions?

Coordination, Consensus, Cooperation, Collaboration, and Compromise

When in the field, what is the recommendation concerning the use of cosmetics, perfumes, colognes, lotions, and soaps?

Cosmetics are not authorized in the field. Soldiers should avoid using anything that is scented since it can attract insects. Unscented lotions can be used to keep the skin from drying, cracking, and becoming infected.

How often should Soldier's be counseled?

Counseling should occur whenever necessary, however SPC and below must be counseled monthly on performance and professional growth. NCOs will be counseled quarterly utilizing their NCOER support form.

Describe the counseling requirement for Soldiers not recommended for promotion?

Counseling will: • Take place initially when the Soldier attains eligibility for promotion, • At least every 3 months thereafter Must include information as to why the Soldier was not recommended and what can be done to correct deficiencies or qualities that reflect a lack of promotion potential.

Describe the counseling requirement for soldiers not recommended for promotion?

Counseling will: • Take place initially when the soldier attains eligibility for promotion, • At least every 3 months thereafter • Must include information as to why the soldier was not recommended and what can be done to correct deficiencies or qualities that reflect a lack of promotion potential.

The term "heat illness" refers to a broad spectrum of disorders that result from total body heat stress. What are some examples of these disorders?

Cramps, heat exhaustion, heat injury, and heat stroke.

What type of approach do unit training plans use that progressively and systematically builds on successful task performance before progressing to more complex tasks?

Crawl-Walk-Run approach

What is the goal of stability operations?

Create conditions so that the local populace regards the situation as legitimate, acceptable, and predictable.

What is Fires role in decisive action?

Create effects and set conditions

What are the four requirements and expectations of the develop competency?

Creates a positive environment/fosters espirit de corps; Prepares self; Develops others; Stewards the profession

Adhering to applicable laws and regulations when exercising disciplined initiative builds what two areas?

Credibility and Legitimacy

What is a CAL?

Critical Asset List (A list of assets that should be defended)

What are some of the most significant considerations in determining protection priorities?

Criticality, vulnerability, and recoverability

Describe the difference between the focus and timelines of Current Operations, Future Operations and Plans

Current Operations - focused on "what is", timeline is hours to days Future Operations - focused on "what if, timeline is days to weeks Plans - focused on "what's next", timeline is weeks to months

What is meant by "DA Centralized" promotion level, and to whom does it apply?

DA Centralized promotions are managed solely by HQDA. Soldiers are both recommend for promotion and promoted by The Department of the Army. Soldiers in the rank of SFC-SGM/CSM are promoted under the Centralized system.

What is the form number for a permanent Hand-Receipt?

DA Form 2062

What Department of the Army form are Soldiers counseled on?

DA Form 4856

What DA Form is used to transmit sponsorship requirements to gaining commands?

DA Form 5434 or the Electronically Generated DA Form 5434-E

What Army Regulation covers the Army Materiel Maintenance Policy?

DA PAM 750-1

What publication describes the "fit" of each Army uniform?

DA Pam 670-1

What form will NCOs be counseled on?

DA form 2166-9-1A; NCOER Support Form

What DA form are a Soldier's promotion points calculated and maintained on (aka Promotion Point Worksheet - PPW)?

DA form 3355

What does DANTES do?

DANTES provides standardized testing services free to military personnel. Family members and civilians may take DANTES tests but must pay for each test taken.

What chemical is currently the standard skin repellent for the United States military?

DEET (N, N-Diethyl-M-Toluamide).

When providing CARE UNDER FIRE, what should you do if you find a casualty with no signs of life, no pulse, and no breathing?

DO NOT continue first aid measures - only provide care for the living casualty (AFTER the tactical situation permits).

What Department of Defense Instruction (DODI) establishes stability operations as a core U.S. Military mission? (pg5, para 18)

DODI 3000.5

What is meant by "decentralized" promotion level, and to whom does it apply?

Decentralized promotions are handled at the unit (company sized element) level. Soldiers are both recommend for promotion and promoted by the unit. Soldiers in the rank of PVT-SPC are promoted under the decentralized system.

What methodology does targeting use?

Decide, Detect, Deliver, Assess (D3A)

What does a star with a number inside it represent?

Decision Point

M2 - Browning .50 Cal Machine Gun (FM 3-22.65) What is the M2 .50 Cal machine gun used for?

Defend against low-flying hostile aircraft, support the infantryman in both attack and defense, destroy lightly armored vehicles, provide protection for motor movements, vehicle parks and train bivouacs, and reconnaissance by fire on suspected enemy positions

What is a DAL?

Defended Asset List. It shows what assets are being covered by defenses.

What does DANTES stand for?

Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support

What does DSCA stand for?

Defense Support of Civil Authorities

What are the forms of defense?

Defense of a linear obstacle, perimeter defense, and reverse slope defense

According to ADP 3-28, in reference to the All of Nation approach what is the military's primary contribution?

Defense support of civil authorities (DSCA)

Why is it important for a Commander to apply the appropriate degree of control?

Degree of control varies with each situation, effective commanders impose enough control to maximize total combat power while allowing subordinates freedom of action.

What are the three forms of retrograde?

Delay, Withdrawal, and Retirement.

What are the two types of targeting?

Deliberate and Dynamic

Which component of planning translates the broad operational approach into a complete and practical plan?

Detailed Planning

Focusing on the purpose of the operation rather than on the details of how to perform the assigned task minimizes what?

Detailed control and allows subordinates the greatest possible freedom of action

During the preparation phase, what is the focus of protection?

Deterring and preventing the enemy or adversary from actions that would affect combat power and the freedom of action.

What is the focus of the preparation phase of protection?

Deterring and preventing the enemy or adversary from actions that would affect combat power and the freedom of action.

What must Army and joint commanders do to ensure timely and effective FIRES?

Develop control measures early and emphasize them continuously throughout unified action

When will Commanders intervene during the execution of Mission orders?

Direct changes to the concept of the operation

When you sign a hand receipt, what does your signature establish?

Direct responsibility of the equipment

What is DDR and what is its purpose?

Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration. Purpose is to increase the stability of the security environment by disarming and demobilizing armed forces and by helping return former combatants to civilian life.

The Army culture of trust is built on the foundation of what two principles?

Discipline and Standards

What is critical thinking?

Disciplined and self-reflective, provides more holistic, logical, and unbiased analysis and conclusions

What are Special Operations Core Principles?

Discreet, Precise and Scalable Operations

What does "DNBI" stand for? Define it.

Disease and NonBattle Injuries; DNBI Soldiers are those who are lost to their organization by reason of disease or injury and who are not battle casualties.

What is operational reach?

Distance and duration across which a unit can successfully employ military capabilities

The "V" Device is authorized for wear on what decorations?

Distinguished Flying Cross Bronze Star Medal Air Medal ARCOM Joint Service Commendation Medal

What echelon is represented by two X's (XX)?


What is Defense Support of Civil Authorities? ADP 3-28 page 3 paragraph 6

DoD support, including Federal military forces, the Department's career civilian and contractor personnel, and DoD agency and component assets, for domestic emergencies and for designated law enforcement and other activities.

What can you do to help out ACS?

Donate Staple foodstuff to the food lockers, usable household goods, and volunteer your time.

How many Emergency Support Functions are there? Name Five

ESF #1: Transportation ESF #2: Communications ESF #3: Public Works and Engineering ESF #4: Firefighting ESF #5: Emergency Management ESF #6: Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services ESF #7: Logistics Management and Resource Support ESF #8: Public Health and Medical Services ESF #9: Search and Rescue ESF #10: Oil and Hazardous Materials Response ESF #11: Agriculture and Natural Resources ESF #12: Energy ESF #13: Public Safety and Security ESF #14: Long-Term Community Recovery ESF #15: External Affairs

How many guidons are units authorized to have?

Each element that is authorized a guidon is authorized only ONE; the only exceptions are for "training companies" who man have two - one for field use and a standby for display, and "split elements of the ARNG"

Only four finials are authorized to be used on flagstaffs. What are they?

Eagle - Presidential flagstaffs. Spearhead (arrowhead) - Army flagstaffs. Acorn - Markers and marking pennant flagstaffs. Ball - Outdoor wall mounted for advertising or recruiting.

What does the "Educate" portion of STEP consist of?

Education consists of Structured Self-Development (SSD) and the Noncommissioned Officer Education System (NCOES)

How is a tactical mission task expressed?

Either an action by a friendly force or an effect on an enemy force

What is an EMAC agreement?

Emergency Management Assistance Compact; A congressionally ratified organization that structures interstate mutual aid.

What is empathy?

Empathy is identifying and understanding what others think, feel and believe.

What are the two most important aspects of intelligence?

Enabling mission command and providing support to commanders and decision makers

Those operations where one force loses its freedom of maneuver because an opposing force is able to isolate it by controlling all ground lines of communications and reinforcement are what?

Encirclement operations.

How does a qualifying conviction under the Lautenberg Amendment affect your status as a soldier?

Enlistment/reenlistment is prohibited and cannot be waived, you cannot attend any service school, you cannot be promoted to the next higher grade, and you are nondeployable for missions that require possession of firearms or ammunition.

What is the most common initial treatment for anaphylactic shock?

Epinephrine (an "Epi-Pen") if it is available.

What is an "EOA"?

Equal Opportunity Advisor; normally a dedicated Equal Opportunity position at Brigade level and higher.

What is an "EOR/EOL"?

Equal Opportunity Representative / Leader; assistants to the commanders at battalion-level and below in carrying out the EO Program within their units.

What is the mission of the US Army Material Command?

Equips and sustains the Army, providing strategic impact at operational speed.

What does Essential Elements of Friendly Information (EEFI) establish?

Established elements of information to protect rather than to collect. EEFI's identify those elements of friendly force information that, if compromised, would jeopardize mission success

How often can you get the Good Conduct Medal?

Every 3 years

Who is responsible for meeting the standards prescribed in AR 600-9?

Every Soldier (Commissioned Officer, Warrant Officer and Enlisted). Self-discipline to maintain proper weight distribution and high standards of appearance are essential to every individual in the Army.

Who is required to perform a PMCS?

Every operator who is assigned a piece of equipment

A Bar to Continued Service (formerly Bar to Reenlistment) is reviewed how often?

Every three months or 30 days prior to PCS / ETS

What are the courtesies rendered by individuals during Reveille if they are in uniform and in formation either with or without headgear?

Execute "Present Arms" at the command of officer or NCO in charge. Execute "Order Arms" at the command of officer or NCO in charge.

What term describes "putting a plan into action by applying combat power to accomplish the mission?


What three components make up the commander's intent?

Expanded Purpose Key Tasks End State

A unit will typically be in "extended rectangular" formation during the conduct of PRT. What are the commands given to put a unit into extended rectangular formation?

Extend the left, MARCH Arms downward, MOVE Left, FACE Extend to the left, MARCH Arms downward, MOVE Right, FACE From front to rear, COUNT OFF Even number to the left, UNCOVER

What circumstances might cause a Soldier to move from the toughening or sustaining phases to reconditioning?

Extended deployment, field training, block leave, and recovery from illness or injury.

What is the maximum punishment a company grade officer may impose on enlisted personnel?

Extra duty: 14 days Restriction: 14 days Correctional custody: 7 days (E-3 and below) Forfeiture of pay: 7 days Reduction: 1 grade (E-4 and below) Oral or written Admonition/Reprimand

What is the maximum punishment a field grade officer may impose on enlisted personnel?

Extra duty: 45 days Restriction: 60 days Correctional custody: 30 days (E-3 and below) Forfeiture of pay: ½ of one month's pay for 2 months Reduction: • E-4 and below - one or more grades • E-5 and E-6 - one grade in peacetime (O-5 or higher in command) Oral or written Admonition/Reprimand

What is considered one of the most effective nonpunitive measures available to a commander?

Extra training or instruction

What FM covers Legal Support to the Operational Army?

FM 1-04.

What FM covers Religious Support?

FM 1-05.

What FM covers Foot Marches?

FM 21-18.

What FM covers Army Physical Readiness Training?

FM 7-22.

What is direct leadership?

Face-to-face or first-line leadership

Immediate action can correct rudimentary failures during the cycle of function. Name some of these failures.

Failure to fire, failure to feed, failure to chamber, failure to extract, and failure to eject.

What is meant by "equal opportunity" in the Army

Fair treatment for all persons based solely on merit, fitness, and capability, regardless of race, color, sex, national origin, or religion.

What is nuclear "fallout"?

Fallout is the arrival and settling of dust-like particles following a nuclear burst. These particles should be assumed to be radioactive.

When are Soldiers allowed to wear earrings with the military uniform?

Females Soldiers may wear small spherical gold, silver, white pearl, or diamond earrings with the service, dress, mess, and evening mess uniforms. Male Soldiers are not authorized to wear earrings with any military uniform, or in civilian clothes on duty.

When properly fitted and worn, the protective mask will protect the wearer against what?

Field concentrations of all known chemical and biological agents in vapor or aerosol form.

What are military symbols?

Figures used to represent types of military organizations, installations, and activities

What does the acronym FLIPL mean?

Financial Liability Investigations of Property Loss

What is the Army special operations forces operational methodology?

Find, Fix, Finish, Exploit, and Analyze (F3EA)

What does the term intersection mean?

Finding the location of an unknown point by sighting two or more known points

What warfighting function does the conduct of Air Defense fall under?


What do units build once they master individual and collective tasks under the conditions of their anticipated operational environment?

Flexibility, integration, lethality, adaptability, depth and synchronization capabilities

Aerobic training is characterized by low-intensity activity of long duration. What are some examples?

Foot marching, sustained running, cycling, and swimming.

Where are "bullet comments" used on the NCOER?

For DA form 2166-9-1 and 2166-9-2, all rater comments are captured in "bullet" format

What words are inscribed on the reverse side of the AAM?

For Military Achievement

What words are inscribed on the reverse side of the ARCOM?

For Military Merit

The primary Army Combatives School is located at ________________?

Fort Benning, GA

What is the goal of the total Army awards program?

Foster mission accomplishment by recognizing excellence of both military and civilian members of the force and motivating them to high levels of performance and service

What are the steps of the Army Design Methodology?

Frame the operational environment Frame the problem Develop an operational approach Develop the plan

What are the two categories of military symbols?

Framed, Unframed

What are the 2 components of Commanders Critical Information Requirements (CCIR)?

Friendly Force Information Requirements (FFIR) Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIR)

Transporting a casualty away from danger or to an evacuation vehicle is a key component of first aid. When doing so, care must be exercised to prevent what?

Further injury to the casualty.

What is the difference between Gambling and accepting prudent risk?

Gambling is staking success on a single event without considering the hazard to the force should the event not unfold as envisioned

What are generating forces?

Generating forces consist of those Army organizations whose primary mission is to generate and sustain the operational Army's capabilities for employment

What in the one requirement and expectation of the achieve competency?

Gets results

What is the self-development training domain?

Goal oriented learning that reinforces and expands the knowledge base, self-awareness, and situational awareness and it compliments institutional and operational learning and enhances professional competence and professionalism.

What uniform items are authorized to be worn with civilian clothing?

Gold cuff links (males), studs (males), tie bar (males), mourning band (males), black bowtie (males), handbag (females), clutch purse (females), footwear, socks, gloves, undergarments (drawers-males / brassieres and underpants-females), wool scarf, all-weather coat, fleece caps, PT uniforms.

What color are obstacle control measures?


What are some examples of aerosol dissemination of biological agents?

Ground- or air-bursting munitions, aircraft spray tanks, or boat- or truck-mounted aerosol generators.

During peacetime, who is the approving authority for the Soldier's Medal?


What are the two kinds of heat casualties?

Heat exhaustion and heat stroke

What is the mission of the Department of Homeland Security?

Help the United States become a safer, more secure, and resilient against terrorism and other potential threats.

What three words are inscribed on the front of the Good Conduct Medal?

Honor, Efficiency, and Fidelity

What are some types of "Cold Weather" injuries?

Hypothermia Frostbite Chilblain Snow Blindness Immersion Syndrome (Trench Foot)

Define hypothermia?

Hypothermia occurs when heat loss is greater than heat production and at the point where body core temperature drops below 95º F.

What is the Army's slogan for the SHARP program?


Can Soldiers use cell phones while walking in uniform?

IAW AR670-1 ch3-6(d) "Soldiers will not walk while engaged in activities that would interfere with the hand salute and greeting of the day or detract from a professional image. Examples include, but are not limited to, walking while eating, using electronic devices, or smoking cigarettes, cigars, or pipes. Soldiers are not authorized to wear wireless or nonwireless devices/ear-pieces while wearing Army uniforms,..."

What is a criticality assessment?

Identifies key assets that are required to accomplish a mission and addresses the impact of a temporary or permanent loss of the asset on the unit ability to conduct a mission.

Protection is considered during the Operations process to?

Identify threats and hazards Implement control measures to prevent or mitigate enemy or adversary actions Manage capabilities to mitigate the effects and time to react or maneuver on the adversary to gain superiority and retain the initiative

What are the keys to Protection Planning?

Identifying the threats and hazards Developing preventive measures Integrating protection tasks into a comprehensive scheme of protection

What type of commercial shoulder bag is authorized in uniform?

If a Soldier wears a shoulder bag in uniform, it must: • Be black or matching camo pattern • Not have commercial logos • Not see-through plastic or mesh *Can be worn on ONE shoulder or TWO but CANNOT cross the body diagonally

When a flag is no longer suitable for display, how should it be disposed of?

If not preserved, it will be destroyed privately, preferably by burning or by some other method that does not show irreverence or disrespect to the flag.

Army Retention Program (AR 601-280) / Army Directive 2016-19 What are some reasons that a soldier may be ineligible for reenlistment?

If the soldier is barred or flagged and if the soldier is enrolled in ASAP

What will make the Intelligence Enterprise ineffective?

If there is no collaboration between the different agencies

What are contour lines?

Imaginary lines on the ground connecting equal elevation, they represent high and low ground elevation.

What are the two general types of corrective action for a malfunction?

Immediate and remedial

What would your reaction be to an overhead flare?

Immediately crouch or lie down, and stop all movement

What would your reaction be to an overhead flare at night?

Immediately crouch or lie down, stop all movement and close one eye to keep "night vision" in one, while scanning with the other

What is the basic first aid measure for treating broken bones?

Immobilize the joints above and below the fracture

What is meant by "misuse of the government travel card"?

Improper use of the Government charge card is defined as using the charge card for items or expenses that are not reimbursable as part of official travel or other official duties.

What is an "IFAK"?

Improved First Aid Kit (every Soldier should have their own IFAK).

Traditionally, when is the only time the flag may be displayed in another manner?

In a dire emergency, the flag may be flown upside down as a distress signal.

Who qualifies for ACS?

In the United States, the following personnel are eligible for ACS assistance: • All active duty and retired military personnel and their family members, if otherwise eligible for services. • Members of the Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve when on active duty and their family members, if otherwise eligible for services. • Army appropriated fund (APF) and non-appropriated fund (NAF) employees and their family members, if otherwise eligible for services. • Family members of prisoners of war or personnel missing in action, if otherwise eligible for services. • Surviving family members of military personnel who died while on active duty, if otherwise eligible for services. In overseas commands, the Commander will determine eligibility according to international treatises and agreements.

What is meant by "IPE nearby" in MOPP Ready?

Individual MOPP gear is labeled and stored no farther back than a logistics site and is ready to be brought forward to the individual when needed. Pushing MOPP gear forward should not exceed 2 hours. A second set of IPE must be available within 6 hours.

Army forces conduct training at what two levels?

Individual and Collective

What is individual training?

Individual training allows for individuals to master fundamental skills. They are responsible for their own professional grown and for seeking out self-development opportunities.

On what command would you salute while in formation?

Individuals in formation do not salute or return salutes except at the command Present, ARMS.

Why do must Leaders make and implement decisions based on Information?

Information imparts structure and shape to military operations, it fuels understanding and fosters initiative

What elements make up the science of control?

Information, Communication, and Structure

When must counseling occur for the NCOER?

Initial counseling will be conducted within 30 days after the beginning of the rated period, and quarterly thereafter

Before signing a hand receipt what should you do?

Inspect the equipment for accountability and serviceability

Who will set the time of sounding reveille and retreat?

Installation Commanders

What are the three training domains the Army uses?

Institutional, operational and self-development

What are the sustainment principles?

Integration. Anticipation. Responsiveness. Simplicity. Economy. Survivability. Continuity. Improvisation.

What are the four primary means of collecting information?

Intelligence operations, reconnaissance, surveillance, and security operations

What is Intelligence synchronization?

Intelligence synchronization is the "art" of integrating information collection and intelligence analysis with operations to effectively and efficiently support decision-making.

What is ISR?

Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance.

What will increase the effectiveness of shaping activities and improve execution of counterterrorism and irregular warfare?

Interdependence between special operations forces and conventional forces.

What are internment and resettlement operations?

Interment is the detainment of a population or group that pose some level of threat to military operations. Resettlement is the quartering of a population or group for their protection.

What does the I A M represent in I. A.M. STRONG?

Intervene Act Motivate

What is a Tactical Action? (pg7, para24)

Is a battle or engagement, employing lethal or nonlethal actions, designed for a specific purpose relative to the enemy, the terrain, friendly forces, or other entity.

What is an Operational Environment?

Is a composite of the conditions, circumstances, and influences that affect the employment of capabilities and bear on the decisions of the Commander

What is Prudent Risk?

Is a deliberate exposure to potential injury or loss when the commander judges the outcome in terms of mission accomplishment as worth the cost.

Describe the Army design Methodology?

Is a methodology for applying critical and creative thinking to understand, visualize, and describe unfamiliar problems and approaches to solving them.

What is an Operation? (pg7, para 24)

Is a military action, consisting of two or more related tactical actions, designed to achieve a strategic objective in whole or in part.

What is Disciplined Initiative?

Is action in the absence of orders, when existing orders no longer fit the situation or when unforeseen opportunities or threats arise

What is planning? (pg. 14, para 58)

Is the art and science of understanding a situation, envisioning a desired future, and laying out effective ways of bringing that future about.

What is Authority?

Is the delegated power to judge, act, or command

Define Mission Command?

Is the exercise of authority and direction by the Commander using mission orders to enable disciplined initiative within the commander's intent to empower agile and adaptive leaders in the conduct of unified land operations

Define Situational Understanding?

Is the product of applying analysis and judgment to relevant information to determine the relation- ships among the operational and mission variables to facilitate decision making

What is an adjustment decision?

Is the selection of a course of action that modifies the order to respond to unanticipated opportunities or threats. Adjustments decisions may include a decision to reframe the problem and develop a new plan

When, and with what act, did the Civil War actually begin?

It began when South Carolina militia forces fired on Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor in April 1861.

Describe the structure of the NCO Support Channel.

It begins with the commander's CSM and ends with the section, squad, or team leader.

Why is building Host Nation Capacity fundamental to success? (pg. 4, para16)

It creates an environment that fosters community participation and human development (i.e. governance, political inclusion, and broad societal engagements)

What is the purpose of MDMP?

It integrates the activities of the commander, staff, subordinate headquarters, and other partners to understand the situation and mission; develop, analyze, and compare courses of action; decide on a course of action that best accomplishes the mission; and produce an operation order or order for execution.

What is the fires warfighting function? (Found on electronic page 9 of 24)

It is [to] the related tasks and systems that provide collective and coordinated use of Army indirect fires, Air and Missile Defense (AMD), and joint fires through the targeting process (ADP 3-0).

What is meant by the term "chemical agent?"

It is a chemical substance that is intended for use in military operations to kill, seriously injure, or incapacitate, mainly through physiological effects.

What is the Operational Environment? (pg2, para 7)

It is a composite of the conditions, circumstances, and influences that affect the employment of capabilities and bear on the decisions of the Commander.

What is a line of effort? (pg. 15, para 63)

It is a line that links multiple tasks using the logic of purpose rather than geographical reference to focus efforts towards establishing operational and strategic conditions.

What is an affirmative action plan?

It is a management document that consists of statements of attainable goals and timetables. It is required of all Army organizations, commands, agencies, and activities down to brigade level and is designed to achieve EO for all military personnel.

Define Combatives Training:

It is arduous physical training that is mentally demanding and carries over to other military pursuits. This training produces Soldiers who— • Understand controlled aggression and remain focused while under duress. • Possess the skills requisite to the mission, at all levels in the spectrum of force. • Have the attributes that make up the Warrior Ethos— personal courage, self-confidence, self-discipline, and esprit de corps.

What is a special feature of the barrel of the MK19?

It is designed to not overheat even after prolonged firing

How is the flag of the United States placed at half-mast? How should it be lowered from half-mast?

It is first hoisted to the top of the staff for an instant, then lowered to the half-staff position; the flag should again be raised to the top of the staff before it is lowered for the day.

When a threat or hazard is identified, what action must Leaders take?

It is imperative that the force is warned and begins responding to the action

What is a "cat-hole"?

It is simply a hole that is dug one foot wide and one foot deep. This can be used when individual waste collection bags are not available and must be completely filled in and the dirt packed down after use.

Define Running Estimate?

It is the continuous assessment of the current situation used to determine if the current operation is proceeding according to the Commander intent and if planned future operations are supportable

Define Unity of effort in regards to Stability Operations? (pg. 2, para 7)

It is the coordination and cooperation towards a common objective, even if the participants are not necessarily part of the same command or organization.

What is meant by the term "cycle of functioning" of a weapon?

It is the mechanical process a weapon follows during operation.

What is a Stability Mechanism? (pg. 16, para 69)

It is the primary method through which friendly forces affect Civilians in order to obtain conditions that support establishing a lasting stable peace.

What is intelligence?

It is the product resulting from the collection, processing, integration, evaluation, analysis, and interpretation of available information concerning foreign nations, hostile or potentially hostile forces or elements, or areas of actual or potential operations

Define Control?

It is the regulation of forces and warfighting functions to accomplish the mission in accordance with the commander's intent

Army Safety Program (AR 385-10) Who is responsible for the Army Safety Program?

It is the responsibility of each soldier

What is meant by the term "Chain of Command?"

It is the succession of commanders, superior to subordinate, through which command is exercised. It assists commanders at all levels in achieving their primary function of accomplishing the unit's assigned mission while caring for personnel and property in their charge.

What is the goal of Protection Integration? (pg1, para 3)

It is to balance protection with the freedom of action throughout the duration of military operations

When attempting to pass the guard using the Basic Combatives technique, what is the purpose of posting your leg?

It is used to create space between the hips of you and your opponent

When should extra training or instruction be used and what are the general guidelines for using it?

It is used when a soldier's duty performance has been substandard or deficient. An example would be a soldier who fails to maintain proper attire. Such a soldier may be required to attend classes on the wearing of the uniform and stand inspection until the deficiency is corrected. The training or instruction must relate directly to the deficiency observed and must be oriented to correct that particular deficiency. Extra training or instruction may be conducted after duty hours.

What must be done to a map before it can be used?

It must be oriented.

What must be done to any flag flown during hours of darkness?

It must be properly illuminated with its own source of light

What are the only two acceptable ways for displaying the US flag?

It should always be displayed flat or hanging free; it will not be used as a drapery; it is never festooned over doorways or arches, tied in a bow, or fashioned into a rosette.

Why is effective Military and Civilian teaming needed for Stability Operations? (pg. 2, para 7)

It starts with shared goals, aims, and objectives that develop to a relationship of shared trust and makes unity of effort possible.

What was the Purple Heart initially awarded for?

It was awarded for valor in the revolutionary war

What is JSLIST?

Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology

What is Joint Fire Support?

Joint fires that assist air, land, maritime, and special operations forces to move, maneuver, and control territory, populations, airspace, and key waters

What is the purposeful reliance by one Service's forces on another Service's capabilities to maximize the complementary and reinforcing effects of both?

Joint interdependence.

When did the Korean Conflict end?

July 27, 1953.

When was the current 50-star flag adopted?

July 4, 1960.

What is Flag Day?

June 14; on this date in 1956 the newly approved US Army flag was unfurled at Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by the Honorable Wilbur M. Brucker, Secretary of the Army. June 14, 1956 was the 181st anniversary of the United States Army.

What is the policy for attaching keys to the uniform?

Keys or key chains will not be attached to the uniform on the belt, belt loops, or waistband, unless they are not visible and do not present a bulky appearance under the uniform. When authorized by the commander, Soldiers may attach keys or key chains to the uniform when performing duties such as charge of quarters, armorer, duty officer/NCO, or other similar duties.

What is an example of a Technical Network that Commanders can leverage?

LandWarNet, it encompasses all Army information management systems and information systems that collect, process, store, display, disseminate, and protect information worldwide

What are the three types of boundary lines?

Lateral, Rear, Forward

What does the leader development process involve?

Leader development involves recruiting, accessing, developing, assigning, promoting, broadening, and retaining the best leaders, while challenging them over time with greater responsibility, authority and accountability

Define Leader Development?

Leader development is a continuous and progressive process, spanning a leader's entire career.

How can leaders mitigate resistance?

Leaders can mitigate resistance by anticipating what others value, their reactions to influence, their shared understanding of common goals, and their commitment to the general organization or the purpose of the mission and their trust in the organization and the leader.

Explain the term "Train Leaders to Think Critically and Creatively":

Leaders must be able to analyze challenging problems, keeping an open mind on different perspectives of problems and unconventional ways of solving problems.

What is organizational leadership?

Leaders that influence several hundred to several thousand people. Organizational leaders have staffs to help them lead their people and manage their organizations' resources. They establish policies and the organizational climate that support their subordinate leaders.

What is the most important determinant of combat power?


How does leadership develop within an individual?

Leadership develops when the individual desires to improve and invests effort, when his or her superior supports development, and when the organizational climate values learning

What is leadership?

Leadership is the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization.

What elements make up the art of command?

Leadership, Authority, and Decision Making

What are the five requirements and expectations of the lead competency?

Leads others Extends influence beyond the chain of command Builds trust; Leads by example Communicates

What are the three Leadership competencies?

Leads, Develops and Achieves

What are the two types of effects Fires can produce on a target?

Lethal and Nonlethal

What are the three forms of defense?

Linear, Perimeter, Reverse Slope

What are some different types of manual carries?

Litters / stretchers Fireman's carry Neck drag Cradle-drop drag Supporting carry Arms carry Fore-and-aft carry Four hand seat carry Pack-strap carry

What is logistics?

Logistics is planning and executing of the movement and support of forces.

What are the elements of Sustainment?

Logistics, personnel services and health services.

Where is the Legend of the map found?

Lower left margin

What is the definition of a METL?

METL is the doctrinal framework of fundamental tasks for which the unit was designed.

What are the two decision support tools that DOD created to perform criticality assessments in support of the vulnerability assessment process?


The arrow on a compass always points what direction?

Magnetic north

Define Passive Defense measures?

Making friendly forces, systems, and facilities difficult to locate, strike, and destroy

What circumference sites are used for taping male and female soldiers?

Male- Neck and Abdomen Female- Neck, Waist, and Hip (greatest protrusion of the buttocks)

How is the Regimental Distinctive Insignia (RDI) worn on the Army Service Uniform?

Males: centered 1/8" above the pocket flap, or 1/4" above any unit awards or foreign badges Females: centered 1/2" above the nameplate, or 1/4" above any unit awards or foreign badges *NOTE: if the coat lapel obscures the RDI, Soldiers may align the RDI to right edge of the unit awards or nameplate

How are unit awards worn on the Army Service Uniform?

Males: centered left to right on the flap of the right breast pocket, and centered between the top of the button and the top of the pocket Females: 1 to 2 inches above the top button of the coat and centered horizontally on the wearer's right side

How is the branch insignia worn on the Class A uniform for enlisted Soldiers?

Males: centered on the left collar, with the bottom of the disk approximately 1 inch above the notch, with the centerline of the branch insignia bisecting the notch, and parallel to the inside edge of the lapel Females: centered on the left collar, with the bottom of the disk approximately 5/8 inch up from center of the collar and lapel seam, with the centerline of the branch insignia bisecting the notch, and parallel to the inside edge of the lapel

How is the U.S. insignia worn on the Class A Uniform for enlisted Soldiers?

Males: centered on the right collar, with the bottom of the disk approximately 1 inch above the notch, with the centerline of the branch insignia bisecting the notch, and parallel to the inside edge of the lapel Females: centered on the right collar, with the bottom of the disk approximately 5/8 inch up from center of the collar and lapel seam, with the centerline of the branch insignia bisecting the notch, and parallel to the inside edge of the lapel

How are service ribbons worn on the Army Service Uniform?

Males: ribbons are centered (left to right), 1/8" above the left breast pocket Females: The ribbons centered on the left side, with the bottom row positioned parallel to the bottom edge of the nameplate. Females may adjust the placement of the ribbons to conform to individual body-shape differences

Which direction does the belt tab on the black web belt extend on the Army Service Uniform?

Males: to the wearer's left Females: to the wearer's right

What sustainment functions of personnel services?

Man and fund the force, maintain Soldier and family readiness, promote the moral and ethical values of the nation, and enable the fighting qualities of the army.

What are the four factors of Legitimacy and Host Nation Ownership?

Mandate, Manner, Consent, and Expectations

What types of units are specifically equipped and trained to conduct operational area security?

Maneuver Enhancement Brigades and Military Police

When did the President of the United States sign Presidential Policy Directive 8? (pg1 para1)

March 2011

What is the status of a unit that has a combat effectiveness of RED?

Marginally Operational

What is a transition?

Marks a change of focus between phases or between the ongoing operation and execution of a branch or sequel.

What are the four Air and Missile Defense Employment Principles?

Mass, Mix, Mobility, Integration

Who is considered the father of the Modern Army Combatives Program?

Matt Larsen

What are the five requirements and expectations of intellect?

Mental agility Sound judgment Innovation Interpersonal tact Expertise

Who is the principal audience for ADP 3-07? (pg. ii, para 2)

Middle and Senior Leadership, officers in the rank of MAJ and above, and those who support Commanders.

What are survivability operations?

Military activities that alter the physical environment to provide or improve cover, concealment, and camouflage.

What are the four requirements and expectations of presence?

Military and professional bearing Fitness Confidence Resilience

What is one of the biggest mistakes that tactical commanders can make in DSCA?

Military forces operating freely within civilian jurisdictions risk upsetting the constitutional balance between civil authority, the military, and the private sector

How does military leadership unique from civilian or private sector leadership?

Military leadership is unique because the armed forces grow their own leaders from the lowest to highest levels. It entrusts leaders to develop professionally and be ready to accept greater responsibility when called upon

Whose profile is on the Medal of Honor?

Minerva, the roman goddess of wisdom and righteous war

Why is it important for Leaders to adhere to processes and procedures?

Minimizes confusion, misunderstanding, and hesitation as leader make frequent, rapid decisions to meet operational requirements

What are the two primary causes of administrative reduction?

Misconduct and inefficiency

Commanders must use what to achieve maximum flexibility and foster individual initiative?

Mission Command

What does METL stand for?

Mission Essential Task List

What is "MOPP"?

Mission Oriented Protective Posture It is a flexible system of protection against nuclear, biological, and chemical contamination.

What is mission command?

Mission command is the exercise of authority and direction by the commander using mission orders to enable disciplined initiative within the commander's intent to empower agile and adaptive leaders in the conduct of unified land operations.

What is the exercise of authority and direction by the commander using mission orders to enable disciplined initiative within the commander's intent to empower agile and adaptive leaders in the conduct of unified land operations?

Mission command.

What is the title of address of a Warrant Officer?

Mister or Miss (Mrs., Ms.)

What are the two prescribed methods for performing rescue breathing?

Mouth-to-mouth and mouth-to-nose

What are the four primary Offensive tasks?

Movement to contact, attack, exploitation, and pursuit.

What is the Army Mascot?


What training technique allows for simultaneous training of more than one echelon on different or complementary tasks known as?

Multi-echelon training

What are the six Air and Missile Defense Employment Guidelines?

Mutual Support, Overlapping Fires, Balanced, Weighted, Early Engagement, Defense in Depth

What is the key condition for effective American civil-military relations?

Mutual respect and trust

Mission Command requires an environment of______and _________ among commanders, staffs, and subordinates.

Mutual trust Shared understanding

The Army Indefinite Reenlistment Program was redesignated as what on 1 October 2016?

NCO Career Status Program

What does NAI stand for?

Named Area of Interest

What is a state's primary military force that is readily available to respond to emergencies or disasters by the order of the governor?

National Guard

Are you required to contribute to AER to receive help?


Can a Soldier request separation if a Bar to Continued Service (formerly Bar to Reenlistment is imposed?


When taking immediate action for a "runaway gun" with the MK19, should you ever break the ammo belt?


Does the G-2/S-2 staff tasking authority over the information collection of assets?

No they can recommend only to the G-3/S-3 staff only using the orders process

Should you give a casualty with a head injury (or suspected head injury) anything to eat or drink?

No, DO NOT give the casualty anything by mouth.

Does an NCO receive an NCOER for time they are in ALC/SLC?

No, NCOs in certain schools receive a DA 1059 for completing the school. The DA 1059 is an evaluation report, and time captured under the DA 1059 cannot be reflected on the 2166-9 series form (NCOER).

Does a soldier have to accept an Article 15?

No, a soldier has the right to demand a trial by court martial, unless embarked on a vessel

Are Soldiers required to wear the brown/tan briefs that are part of the "clothing bag"?

No, both male and female Soldiers may wear commercially purchased undergarments (brassiere & underpants - females; drawers - males). However, female undergarments are limited to white, black, or other neutral colors that are not readily apparent when worn under uniform; males can wear either briefs or boxers in white, brown, tan, sand, or other neutral colors.

Is the mentoring process confined to the senior-subordinate relationship?

No, mentoring can occur between peers and notably between senior NCOs and junior officers. It can occur across many levels of rank and, in many circumstances, the mentoring relationship extends past the point where one or the other has left the chain of command.

Can a Soldier who is flagged for APFT failure get promoted?

No, no Soldier who is flagged for ANY reason will be promoted

Can Soldiers wear the "five-finger" shoes (shoes with individual toe compartments)?

No, shoes must accommodate all five toes in one compartment

If you notify your command of sexual assault, can you file a restricted report?

No, the chain of command must treat the report as unrestricted.

Is the green fleece cap authorized?

No, the wear out date for the green fleece cap is 30 September 2017, with the mandatory possession date of the BLACK fleece cap of 1 October 2017.

Can you salute as a prisoner?

No, you have lost the right to salute

Is the flag of the United States, when flown at a military post or when carried by troops, ever dipped in salute?


Can Soldiers on CLI earn more promotion points (such as by going to school, performing well at the APFT/range, earning awards)?

No. No additional promotion points, regardless of qualifications or achievements are granted unless the Soldier goes through the formal board process.

What does NCOER stand for?

Noncommissioned Officer Evaluation Report

Who are the primary trainers of enlisted Soldiers, crews and small teams?

Noncommissioned Officers

Who serves as the primary trainers for enlisted Soldiers, crews, and small teams?

Noncommissioned officers.

How are state and territorial flags displayed (precedence)?

Normally, state flags are displayed in order of admittance of the State to the Union. However, they may also be displayed in alphabetical order using the English alphabet. Territorial flags are displayed after the State flags either in the order they were recognized by the United States or alphabetically.

The Army has recently implemented a new initiative aimed at building on the trust and shared understanding and purpose of teams at the squad level. This initiative has the acronym NIMS. What does NIMS stand for?

Not In My Squad

How many "V" devices may be worn on a ribbon?

Not more than 1

What does the acronym OAKOC stand for?

Observation and fields of fire, Avenues of approach, Key terrain, Obstacles, Cover and concealment

During the preparation phase, protection focuses on what items?

On deterring and preventing the enemy or adversary from actions that would affect combat power and the freedom of action.

Commanders should base their mission command system on what?

On human characteristics and abilities

When attaching M9 Chemical Agent Detector Paper to clothing, where should it be placed?

On opposite sides of the body. If you are right-handed, place a strip of M9 paper around your right upper arm, left wrist, and right ankle. If you are left-handed, place the M9 paper around your left upper arm, right wrist, and left ankle.

Where do you normally find "cuts" and "fills"?

On roads along great contour changes such as mountains

When does a soldier receive clothing allowance?

On the anniversary month he/she entered the Army every year

What is the military end state for domestic support missions based upon? (pg. 7, para 20)

On the capability of civil authorities to discharge their responsibilities without further military assistance

During the sounding of reveille, when is the flag hoisted?

On the first note of reveille

Where do you walk when walking with someone that is senior to you?

On the senior person's left

How often are fire extinguishers in the barracks required to be checked for serviceability, and how can this be determined?

Once a month, a tag on the fire extinguisher indicating the date and initials of authorized unit safety personnel

Title 10, USC, establishes the basic structure of the Army. What Forces make up the Army?

One Regular Army and two Reserve Components: the Regular Army, the Army Reserve, and the Army National Guard of the United States. Army Civilians support all three components.

What is the "one-third/two thirds" rule as it applies to planning?

One-third of the time is allocated toward planning by the higher headquarters and two-thirds of the time for subordinate units to plan and prepare for execution.

During the evaluation of the casualty you suspect a broken back or neck. Should you move the casualty?

Only if their life is in immediate danger (such as close to a burning vehicle). Movement may cause permanent paralysis or death.

Who can assess METL readiness?

Only the commander can assess the readiness of a mission-essential task.

What are the two types of Head Injuries?

Open - visible and has evidence of bleeding Closed - no visible evidence of bleeding

What are operating forces?

Operating forces are those forces whose primary missions are to participate in combat and the integral supporting elements thereof.

What is the function of the Operating Force?

Operating forces consist of units organized, trained, and equipped to deploy and fight

A description of the broad actions the force must take to transform current conditions into the desired end state is defines as?

Operational Approach

What level of Command does Operational Art apply to? (pg9, para 36)

Operational art is not associated with a specific echelon or formation, it applies to any formation that must arrange multiple tactical actions in time, space, and purpose to achieve a strategic goal

What is Operational Art?

Operational art is the pursuit of strategic objectives, in whole or in part, through the arrangement of tactical actions in time, space, and purpose.

Where do Soldiers build on the fundamental skills, knowledge, and behaviors, which were developed in institutional training?

Operational assignments.

What are defensive actions? (pg5, para 21)

Operations conducted to defeat an enemy attack, gain time, economize forces and develop conditions favorable for offensive and stability tasks

What are offensive actions? (pg5, para 21)

Operations conducted to defeat and destroy enemy forces and seize terrain, resources and population centers

Commander's decision made during execution are critical because?

Operations never unfold exactly as envisioned and because understanding of the situation changes.

What are Special Operations?

Operations requiring unique modes of employment, tactical techniques, equipment, and training often conducted in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments

What are Hostage rescue and recovery operations?

Operations, which are sensitive crisis response missions, include offensive measures taken to prevent, deter, preempt, and respond to terrorist threats and incidents, including recapture of U.S. facilities, installations, and sensitive material

In addition to iron sights, name some other aiming devices in common use today.

Optics (Close Combat Optic (CCO) and Rifle Combat Optic (RCO)), Thermal Weapon Sights (TWS), and laser pointers/illuminators.

Army's Special Operations Forces supply how much of the Department of Defense's special operations capabilities?

Over half

What are "overseas service bars"?

Overseas service bars are small stripes worn on the jacket of the ASU to indicate 6 months of active Federal service in certain overseas areas which area typically combat related or Soldiers receive "hostile fire pay" for. Overseas service bars are also known as "Combat Stripes".

How are overseas service bars worn on the Army Service Uniform coat?

Overseas service bars are worn centered on the outside bottom half of the right sleeve, parallel to and 4" from the bottom of the sleeve

What are the Time in Grade (TIG) and Time in Service (TIS) requirements (without waiver) for promotion to _________?

PV2: TIG - 0 months; TIS - 6 months PFC: TIG - 4 months; TIS - 12 months SPC: TIG - 6 months; TIS - 24 months

What are the time TIG and TIS requirement for promotion WITH WAIVER to ______________?

PV2: TIS - 4 months PFC: TIG - 2 months; TIS - 6 months SPC: TIG - 3 months; TIS - 18 months

What are the TIG and TIS requirements for promotion to SSG in the primary and secondary zones?

PZ: TIG - 10 months; TIS - 72 months SZ: TIG - 7 months; TIS - 48 months

What are the TIG and TIS requirements for promotion to SGT in the primary and secondary zones?

PZ: TIG - 8 months; TIS - 36 months SZ: TIG - 6 months; TIS - 18 months

What are the five sections of the NCOER?

Part I - Administrative Data Part II - Authentication Part III - Duty Description Part IV - Performance Evaluation, Professionalism, Attributes, and Competencies Part V - Senior Rater Overall Potential

What are the four major parts of the DA form 4856?

Part I - Administrative Data Part II - Background Information Part III - Summary of Counseling Part IV - Assessment of the Plan of Action

What is Foreign Internal Defense?

Participation by civilian and military agencies of a government in any of the action programs taken by another government or other designated organization to free and protect its society from sub version, lawlessness, insurgency, terrorism, and other threats to its security

What is an operation in which a force moves forward or rearward through another force's combat positions with the intention of moving into or out of contact with the enemy?

Passage of lines.

Biological agents can be placed into two broad categories. What are they?

Pathogens and toxins.

Units conducting tactical operations must have clearly defined tasks and responsibilities. The commander uses control measures to impose restrictions that prevent units from impeding one another and establish specific responsibilities. What is the difference between permissive and restrictive control measures?

Permissive control measures allow something to happen. Restrictive control measures limit how something is done.

What are the two types of control measures?

Permissive or Restrictive

What type of authority is created by the actions of the commander and the trust and confidence generated by those actions?


Which Army Value must leaders have in order to take the initiative to make something happen or confront problems of discipline and/or disorderly conduct?

Personal courage

What are personnel services?

Personnel services are sustainment functions that man and fund the force, maintain Soldier and Family readiness, promote the moral and ethical values of the nation, and enable the fighting qualities of the Army.

What is meant by deglamorization of alcohol?

Personnel will not promote any function glamorizing the use of alcohol through drinking contests, games, initiations, or the awarding of alcoholic beverages as prizes in contests.

Where will Identification Tags be worn?

Personnel will wear identification tags around the neck, except when safety considerations apply (such as during physical training).

What are the phases of disaster response operations?

Phase 0 - Shape Phase 1 - Anticipate Phase 2 - Respond Phase 3 - Operate Phase 4 - Stabilize Phase 5 - Transition

When digging a straddle trench latrine, what do you do with the dirt?

Pile it at one end of the trench. Provide a shovel so that each soldier can promptly cover his excreta.

What should you do immediately after placing a tourniquet on a casualty?

Place a "T" and the time of tourniquet application on the forehead (or other conspicuous place) using a marker

Describe the basic steps for treating an open chest wound.

Place the inner surface of the airtight material (such as the outer wrapper of the casualty's dressing) directly over the wound after the casualty exhales completely. Ensure that the edges of the material extend 2 inches beyond the edges of the wound and secure with two-inch tape (found in the IFAK).

Name the four components of the operations process.

Plan, Prepare, Execute and Assess

What is the first step toward effective protection?


What is the maximum effective range of the MK19?

Point - 1,500 meters Area - 2,212 meters

What is the maximum effective range of the .50 Cal against point and area targets?

Point targets Single shot- 1,500 meters Area shot- 1,830 meters

What are the three categories that control measures symbols generally fall into?

Point, Line, Area

What position is the PRT leader at when giving all commands?

Position of Attention

What are the two forms of control?

Positive and Procedural

What Act prohibits the use of Active Army and Air Force as enforcement officials to execute state or federal law and perform direct law enforcement functions? (pg. 12, para 44)

Posse Comitatus Act

The force is often most vulnerable to an enemy or adversary surprise attack during which phase of an operation?


What is the Theater Army responsible for?

Preparation and administration support for the Army Forces assigned or attached to the Combatant Commander.

What are the five components of NIMS?

Preparedness, Communications and Information Management, Resource Management, Command and Management, and Ongoing Management and Maintenance.

What are the four categories of Army Prepositioned Stock (APS)?

Prepositioned Unit Sets Operational Project Stocks Army war reserve sustainment stocks War reserve stocks for allies

What is the mission of the protection warfighting function?

Preserve the force

What does PMCS stand for?

Preventative Maintenance Checks and Service

What is security assistance?

Programs that permit the US to provide defense articles, military training, and other defense related services by grant, loan, credit, or cash sales in furtherance of national policies and objectives.

What is the aim of security cooperation?

Promote stability, develop alliances, and gain and maintain access through security relationships that build both partner capacities and capabilities.

How are Soldiers points input on the DA 3355?

Promotion points are automatically calculated based on informational data contained in a Soldier's personnel (eMILPO) and training (ATRRS) files.

What is the purpose of operational area security?

Protect friendly forces, installations, routes, and actions within an area of operations.

Active Defense measures are used to protect what?

Protect the Joint Force, its information, its bases/base camps, critical infrastructure, and lines of communication from an enemy or adversary attack

What elements encompass preserving the force?

Protecting personnel, systems and physical assets

What is Protection?

Protection is the preservation of the effectiveness and survivability of mission-related military and nonmilitary personnel, equipment, facilities, information, and infrastructure deployed or located within or outside the boundaries of a given operational area.

What is the U.S. Army's Equal Opportunity policy?

Provide EO and fair treatment for military personnel and family members without regard to race, color, gender, religion, or national origin, and provide an environment free of unlawful discrimination and offensive behavior

What is the mission of Air Defense Artillery?

Provide fires to protect the force and selected geopolitical assets from aerial attack, missile attack, and surveillance.

What does Special Warfare provide?

Provides a capability that achieves impact largely by working with and through others to assess and moderate behavior, address local conditions, and/or build indigenous warfighting capability, typically in long-duration campaigns

What is a course of action sketch?

Provides a picture of the movement and maneuver aspects of the concept, including the positioning of forces

What does the intelligence warfighting function provide Commanders?

Provides the commander with intelligence to plan, prepare, execute, and assess operations

How does Fires support the Defensive Task?

Providing persistent 360-degree protection, early warning, and supporting of airspace control

What are Articles 77 through 134 of the UCMJ known as?

Punitive Articles

Mandatory unit EO training must be conducted at least how often?


Define Rules for the Use of Force (RUF):

RUF is established by state authorities and are equivalent of rules of engagement, except that they apply in domestic situations. They are restrictive and vary from state to state. Leaders must review them with their subordinates before every mission.

What factors make a command post effective?

Range, Continuity, Design, Capacity, Standardization

What is the most dominant position in the MACP?

Rear Mount

What are the 8 steps to Troop Leading Procedures?

Receive the mission Issue the Warning Order Make a tentative plan Initiate the movement Conduct a reconnaissance Complete the plan Issue the order Supervise and refine the plan

A mission undertaken to obtain, by visual observation or other detection methods, information about the activities and resources of an enemy or adversary, or to secure data concerning the meteorological, hydrographical, or geographic characteristics of a particular area is what?


Enemy graphic control measures are shown in what color?


What safety features are stressed in the motor pool?

Reduced speed, no smoking except in designated areas, fire extinguishers in buildings and vehicles, proper utilization of tool safety equipment (goggles, safety toe shoes, etc.)

What is meant by "personal hygiene"?

Refers to a set of practices intended to preserve the health of the individual Soldier and consequently the health of every Soldier who must work and live in close proximity to them.

What is the first step when attempting to provide first aid for burns?

Remove the casualty from the source of the burn to prevent further harm

What does the term resection mean?

Resection is the method of locating one's position on a map by determining the grid azimuth to at least two well-defined locations that can be pinpointed on the map.

In order for Soldiers to perform first aid effectively they must have a basic understanding of the structure and function of what three vital body systems?

Respiratory system, circulatory system, and musculoskeletal system.

What are the five mission areas of the National Planning frameworks?

Response, Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, and Recovery

What do stability tasks focus on?

Restoring host nation capacity and capability.

What are the two types of reporting for sexual assault?

Restricted Unrestricted

What is Restricted reporting?

Restricted reporting allows a Soldier who is a sexual assault victim, on a confidential basis, to disclose the details of his/her assault to specifically identified individuals and receive medical treatment and counseling, without triggering the official investigative process

What is rifling, what does it do?

Rifling is the lands and grooves cut into the barrel of the weapon imparting a spin on the bullet that facilitates stabilization of the projectile during flight.

What are the Army special operations operational planning considerations?

Right Partner, Right Location, Right Capability

What is the general rule for reading military grid coordinates?

Right and Up

The word SAFETY is often associated with what term?

Risk Management

When conducting a foot march, where are Road Guards placed in relation to the column and for what purpose?

Road guards are placed about 50 meters to the front and rear of the column to slow or stop oncoming or passing traffic.

What are the two most common malfunctions of the MK19?

Runaway gun Sluggish action

Effective plans and successful preparation, execution, and assessment hinge on accurate ___________?

Running Estimates

What survival concept does each letter in the word SURVIVAL stand for?

S- Size up the situation U- Use all your senses R- Remember where you are V- Vanquish fear and panic I- Improvise V-Value living A- Act like the natives L- Live by your wits, but for now learn basic skills

What staff section conducts analysis and planning to tailor intelligence capabilities to support the mission?


Who can you make a "restricted report" to?

SARC UVA Healthcare Provide Chaplain

EOR/EOLs will be appointed in writing and must be at the rank of ______ and above.


How many promotion points will Soldiers on the CLI have?

SGT - 39 points SSG - 14 points

Except for voluntary reductions, a reduction board is required for Soldiers in what grades?

SGT through SGM in all cases, and CPL/SPC when being reduced more than one grade

What SSD is required to be completed before a SPC/CPL can go to the promotion board?


What SSD is required before a SGT can go to the promotion board?


Why was the STEP promotion model instituted?

STEP will ensure appropriate training, education, and experience is complete before promotion to noncommissioned officer (NCO) ranks in order to best prepare them to fight and win in a complex world as adaptive and agile leaders and trusted professionals.

While there are many potential missions for Soldiers as part of DSCA, what are the overarching purposes of all DSCA missions?

Save Lives, Alleviate Suffering, and Protect Property.

What are the three core purposes of Army units supporting civil authorities?

Save lives, Mitigate Suffering, Protect Property

Proficiency in the art of command stems from what 3 areas?

School, self development, and operational and training experience

What are the two types of Movement to Contact?

Search and Attack Cordon and Search

Those operations undertaken by a commander to provide early and accurate warning of enemy operations, to provide the force being protected with time and maneuver space within which to react to the enemy, and to develop the situation to allow the commander to effectively use the protected force is what?

Security operations

What is a class 3 leak?

Seepage of fluid great enough to form drops and drip during inspection

What are the 2 guides to effective execution?

Seize the initiative Accept prudent risk to exploit opportunities

What does the acronym STEP stand for?

Select, Train, Educate, Promote

What is an SRB?

Selective Reenlistment Bonus

Which domain is planned, goal-oriented learning that reinforces and expands the depth and breadth of an individual's knowledge base, self-awareness, and situational awareness?

Self-Development training domain

What is the motto of the ACS?

Self-help, service and stability.

What is meant by "semi-centralized" promotion level, and to whom does it apply?

Semi-centralized promotions are typically done at the battalion (O-5) level. Soldiers are both recommend for promotion by their unit, by going through a "promotion board". Soldiers then compete for promotion with all Soldiers in the same MOS across the Army. The Department of the Army then selects the Soldiers, at this level, for promotion. Semicentralized promotions apply to SGT-SSG.

Describe the max effective rates of fire for the M4 Rifle.

Semiautomatic - 45 rounds per minute Burst - 90 rounds per minute Sustained - 12-15 rounds per minute

How are service stripes worn on the Army Service Uniform?

Service stripes are worn centered on the outside bottom half of the left sleeve, at a 45 degree angle, 4" from the bottom of the sleeve.

What is Operational Initiative?

Setting or dictating the terms of action throughout an operation.

What does the acronym SWEAT-MS stand for?

Sewage, Water, Energy, Academics, Trash, Medical and Safety

What does the acronym SARC stand for?

Sexual Assault Response Coordinator

What does SHARP stand for?

Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention

Define "sexual harassment."

Sexual harassment is a form of gender discrimination that involves unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature between the same or opposite genders when: • Submission to, or rejection of, such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of a person's job, pay, career, or • Submission to, or rejection of, such conduct by a person is used as a basis for career or employment decisions affecting that person, or • Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.

Which Joint Operational Phases do Special Operational Forces focus on preventing conflict?

Shape and Deter

What type of operation is a commander's primary means to plan, organize and execute information collection?

Shaping Operations

What is a declination diagram?

Shows the angular relationship between the magnetic north, grid north and true north

In a situation where your opponent anticipates your arm trap and roll, and posts his leg to prevent the maneuver, you can __________________?

Shrimp to the guard

How does the intelligence warfighting function facilitate situational understanding and support decision making?

Single source intelligence and All source intelligence

How many levels of MOPP are there? Describe them.

Six • MOPP Ready - carry mask; IPE nearby. • MOPP 0 - carry mask; IPE available. • MOPP 1 - don overgarment. • MOPP 2 - don protective boots. • MOPP 3 - don protective mask. • MOPP 4 - don protective gloves.

The iron sight rear aperture on the M16- and M4-series weapons is embedded in the carrying handle and has what two selectable apertures? What are they used for?

Small aperture: used for zeroing procedures and for mid- and extended-range engagements. Large aperture: used during limited visibility, close quarters, and for moving targets at close- or mid-range.

What are some methods of improving the taste of wild plants?

Soaking Boiling Cooking Leaching

Commanders should avoid basing their mission command systems on what?

Social and Technical Networks

What are the two broad categories of professionals in the Army Profession?

Soldiers and Army Civilians

A time limit on equal opportunity complaints is established in order to set reasonable parameters for the investigation and resolution of complaints, to include ensuring the availability of witnesses, accurate recollection of events, and timely remedial action. What is this time limit?

Soldiers and family members have 60 calendar days from the date of the alleged incident in which to file a formal complaint.

When is the only time that commercially designed protective headgear is authorized for wear with uniform?

Soldiers are authorized to wear commercially designed protective headgear while in uniform when operating motorcycles, bicycles, or other similar vehicles and are required to do so when installation regulations mandate such wear. Personnel will remove protective headgear and wear authorized Army headgear upon dismounting from the vehicle.

Can Soldiers that are enrolled in an ASAP rehabilitation program reenlist?

Soldiers currently enrolled in the ASAP rehabilitation program are not allowed to reenlist. However, Soldiers who need additional service time to complete their enrollment may be extended for the number of months necessary to permit completion.

Can you wear headphones in military uniform?

Soldiers may use headphones, including wireless or non-wireless devices and earpieces, in uniform while performing individual physical training in indoor gyms or fitness centers. Soldiers may not wear headphones while taking the Army Physical Fitness Test. Soldiers may not wear head-phones beyond the permitted area in any manner, including around the neck or attached to the uniform.

What is the Army's policy on the wearing of jewelry (what type and how much)?

Soldiers may wear a wristwatch, a wrist religious or identification bracelet, and a total of two rings (a wedding set is considered one ring) with Army uniforms, unless prohibited by the commander for safety or health reasons. All jewelry worn must be conservative. Identification bracelets are limited to the following: • Medical alert bracelets. • POW/MIA/KIA bracelets (black or silver only). • Only one item may be worn on each wrist while in uniform, or in civilian clothes while on duty. An activity tracker, pedometer, or heart rate monitor may be worn, in addition to the one item (watch or identification bracelet) authorized to be worn on each wrist. Male Soldiers with the black four-in-hand necktie may wear a conservative tie tack or tie clasp.

How many promotion points do Soldiers earn for resident training courses?

Soldiers typically earn 4 points per week (40 hours) of training

What will happen to Soldiers who fail to participate in or fail to respond successfully to rehabilitation?

Soldiers who fail to participate adequately in, or to respond successfully to, rehabilitation will be processed for administrative separation and not be provided another opportunity for rehabilitation except under the most extraordinary circumstances, as determined by the CD in consultation with the unit commander.

What must Soldiers do with their headgear when not worn?

Soldiers will carry headgear in their hands while wearing service, dress, mess, and evening mess uniforms. Soldiers may store their headgear in a cargo pocket or at the small of the beck while in combat uniform, so long as it does not present a bulky appearance.

When are Identification Tags required to be worn?

Soldiers will wear identification tags at all times while on duty in uniform unless otherwise directed by the commander.

What factors determine a positions leadership level?

Span of control, Headquarters level, Size of the organization, Type of operations conducted, Planning horizon, and Degree of control or autonomy

Anaerobic training is characterized by high-intensity activity of short duration. What are some examples?

Speed running, individual movement techniques, and negotiation of obstacles.

What does S.A.W. stand for?

Squad Automatic Weapon

What are Stability tasks?

Stability tasks are tasks conducted as part of operations outside the US in coordination with other instruments of national power to maintain or reestablish a safe and secure environment and provide essential governmental services, emergency infrastructure reconstruction, and humanitarian relief.

What is the focus of stability tasks?

Stability tasks focus on identifying, targeting, and mitigating the root causes of instability to set the conditions for longterm development by building the capacity of local institutions.

Activity symbols normally focus on what two types of activities?

Stability, Defense Support of Civil Authorities

What is Stabilization?

Stabilization is a process in which personnel identify and mitigate underlying sources of instability to establish the conditions for long-term stability.

What do leaders need to establish and enforce to ensure their organizations meet mission requirements?


When checking for the carotid pulse, what should you do if you cannot find a pulse?

Start CPR

What laws define how military forces support civil authorities?

State and Federal

What are the key planning factors for intelligence in force projection?

Staying out front in intelligence planning and understanding how to get intelligence support

CSDP (AR 710-2, DA PAM 735-5) What is "Supply Economy"?

Stopping haste, waste, and abuse of supplies, use only what is necessary

What are the three types of National flags normally flown over Army installations, and what are their dimensions?

Storm - 5' x 9'6" Post - 8'11(3/8)" x 17' Garrison - 20' x 38'

List some of the most common examples of malfunctions or symptoms that require remedial action.

Stove pipe, double-feed, bolt override, charging handle impingement, or if immediate action fails to correct the problem.

What is strategic leadership?

Strategic leaders include military and civilian leaders at the major command through DoD levels. They establish force structure, allocate resources, communicate strategic vision, and prepare their commands and the Army for future roles.

What are the three levels of leadership?

Strategic, Organizational, Direct

What should all leaders know about their subordinates?

Strength, weaknesses and capabilities

What is Stress?

Stress is not a disease that you cure and eliminate. Instead, it is a condition we all experience. Stress can be described as our reaction to pressure. It is the name given to the experience we have as we physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually respond to life's tensions.

Who is responsible for the training proficiency of their respective organizations and subordinates?

Subordinate leaders

What does it mean when a Commanders accepts prudent risk?

Successful commanders are comfortable operating under conditions of uncertainty, as they balance various risks while taking advantage of opportunities

What is the "Intelligence Enterprise"?

Sum total of the intelligence efforts of the entire U.S. intelligence community

What are the two classifications of Article 15 proceedings?

Summarized and Formal proceedings.

What are the three types of courts-martial?

Summary, Special, and General

What does SERE stand for?

Survive, Evade, Resist, Escape

How is influence developed and exercised? (pg. 12, paragraph 37)

Sustained partnerships with host nations, regional partners, and indigenous populations and institutions

What is synchronization? (pg9, para 32)

Synchronization is the arrangement of military actions in time, space, and purpose to produce maximum relative combat power at a decisive place and time.

What are the principles of personnel services?

Synchronization. Timeliness. Stewardship. Accuracy. Consistency.

What is intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance?

Synchronizes and integrates the planning and operation of sensors, assets, and processing, exploitation, and dissemination systems in direct support of current and future operations

What is freedom of action?

Synchronizing the sustainment plan with the operations plan to ensure supported commanders can operate freely and unencumbered due to limited resources.

What Training Circular (TC) replaced FM 4-25.11 as the Army standard for first aid techniques and guidance?

TC 4-02.1

What does "TCCC" stand for? What is it?

Tactical Combat Casualty Care (also "TC3"); prehospital care provided in a tactical-combat setting.

What can leaders gain by demonstrating flexibility? (pg7, para 25)

Tactical, operational, and strategic success

What are tactics?

Tactics are the employment and ordered arrangement of forces in relation to each other.

What do Special Forces use for an analytical, systematic approach focusing on the targeting process that supports operational planning to achieve the objectives of the JFC?

Targeting Cycle

What does targeting provide?

Targeting provides an effective method for matching the friendly force capabilities against enemy targets.

What is the Basic Combatives Course designed to produce?

Team, Squad and Platoon Trainers who can teach the basic tasks and drills that all Soldiers must know.

What can Commanders to leverage to minimize fratricide and increase mission accomplishment?

Technological advancements

What is the purpose of a common set of doctrinal terms and military symbols?

Terms and symbols can communicate a great deal of information with a simple word, phrase, or image and eliminate the need for a lengthy explanation of a complex idea.

What is meant by the phrase "disparaging terms"?

Terms used to degrade or connote negative statements pertaining to race, color, gender, national origin, or religion. Such terms may be expressed as verbal statements, printed material, visual material, signs, symbols, posters, or insignia. The use of these terms constitutes unlawful discrimination.

What does TABE stand for?

Test of Adult Basic Education

In DSCA, military forces support a primary (or lead) civilian agency. What do commanders need to realize achieving the military end state means?

That state, territorial, local, and tribal authorities become able to provide effective support to their citizens without the further assistance from military forces.

What is intelligence synchronization?

The "art" of integrating information collection and intelligence analysis with operations to effectively and efficiently support decision-making

What is meant by a "gig line"?

The "gig line" is line formed by proper wear of the Army Service Uniform where that the white shirt edge aligns with the front fly opening of the slacks and with the edge of the belt buckle.

What is the mission of ASAP?

The ASAP's mission is to strengthen the overall fitness and effectiveness of the Army's total workforce and to enhance the combat readiness of its Soldiers.

What is the basis for our trust in internal and external relationships

The Army Ethic

What is the Army National Guard's dual role?

The Army National Guard's dual role is as a state military force under the governor and as a reserve component of the Army that the President may mobilize for federal service.

What is the Army PPPT Program and who is eligible?

The Army Pregnancy Post-Partum Physical Training program; Soldiers diagnosed as pregnant or who are recovering from childbirth are exempt from regular unit physical training and APFT for the duration of the pregnancy and 180 days past the end of the pregnancy, but must be enrolled in the Army PPPT Program.

What is the Army's standard service rifle?

The Army standard service rifle is either the M16-series rifle or M4-series carbine

What is the objective of the Army Enlisted promotions system?

The Army's Enlisted Promotions System provides for career progression and rank that are in line with potential and for recognition of the best qualified Soldier, which will attract and retain the highest caliber Soldier for a career in the Army.

Define Esprit de corps?

The Army's common spirit, a collective ethos of camaraderie and cohesion within the team

What is the "Intelligence Warfighting Function"?

The Army's contribution to the intelligence enterprise

What is the institutional training domain?

The Army's institutional training and education system which includes training base centers and schools that provide initial training and subsequent professional military education for Soldiers, Military Leaders and Army Civilians.

The principles of Mission Command assist the commander and staff balance what 2 principles?

The Art of Command and Science of Control

What is the description of the .50 Cal, HB, M2 Machine Gun?

The Browning machine gun caliber .50 HB, M2 is a belt-fed, recoil-operated, air-cooled, crew-served machine gun. The gun is capable of single shot, as well as automatic fire, and operates on the short recoil principle.

Who is the only person authorize to wear branch insignia on the patrol cap?

The Chaplain

What must happen to any Soldier denied automatic integration onto the CLI?

The Commander must initiate a "Bar to Continued Service" IAW AR 601-280.

Who is the approving authority for the Good Conduct Medal?

The Company Commander

Who is responsible for Army-wide policies, doctrines, plans, and initiatives pertaining to the Army EO Program?

The Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1.

Who has the overall responsibility and management of the intelligence community?

The Director of National Intelligence (DNI)

Who does the G-2/S-2 staff recommends tasking of information collection assets and capabilities to?

The G-3/S-3 staff who will then use the orders process

The abdominal thrust is also referred to as what?

The Heimlich maneuver

Who is responsible for the overall supervision and administration of military justice within the Army?

The Judge Advocate General (TJAG).

What conveys the expectations that the Army wants leaders to meet?

The Leadership Requirements Model

Describe the M249.

The M249 machine gun is a gas-operated, air-cooled, belt or magazine-fed, automatic weapon that fires from the open-bolt position.

Describe the M4.

The M4 is a lightweight, 5.56-mm, magazine-fed, gas operated, air-cooled, shoulder-fired carbine. It fires in semiautomatic, three-round burst, or automatic using a selector lever, depending on the variant.

M9 Pistol (FM 3-23.35) Describe the M9 pistol.

The M9 pistol is a 9-mm, semiautomatic, magazine fed, recoil-operation, double-action weapon chambered for the 9-mm cartridge.

What is the highest award given by the Army in time of war?

The Medal of Honor

Why are all Soldiers in the U.S. Army now authorized to wear the Reverse-Side Full-Color U.S. Flag Cloth Replica upon gaining permission from their commander?

The Nation is at war and will be for the foreseeable future. As an expeditionary Army, our Soldiers' commitment to fight and win our Nation's War, at home and abroad, is best exemplified by permanently wearing the U.S. Flag insignia on the utility uniforms.

What is TC 7-22.7 also known as?

The Noncommissioned Officer's Guide

The Army's framework for exercising mission command is what?

The Operations Process

Who awards the Medal of Honor?

The President of the United States

Who is the only civilian authorized to exercise command in the military?

The President of the United States.

What decoration has George Washington's picture on it?

The Purple Heart

What was the first medal awarded in the U.S. Army?

The Purple Heart

What are the general rules for appointing a sponsor?

The Soldier should be in a grade equal to or higher ranking than the incoming soldier. The sponsor should be the same sex (gender) as the sponsor. The sponsor should be familiar with the unit or activity and community

What is the highest peacetime award for valor?

The Soldiers Medal

What act sets guidelines for reimbursements from federal fund to federal agencies and states?

The Stafford Act

Who is the approving authority for the Medal of Honor?

The U.S. Congress

What does the UCMJ establish?

The UCMJ declares what conduct is a crime, establishes the various types of courts and sets forth the basic procedure to be followed in the administration of military justice.

What agency within the Army is the lead for the National Response Framework Support Function #3, Public Works and Engineering?

The United States Army Corp of Engineers

What are the two patterns of Army Combat Uniform currently authorized?

The Universal Camouflage Pattern (UCP) The Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP)

Define physical readiness.

The ability to meet the physical demands of any combat or duty position, accomplish the mission, and continue to fight and win.

Define Expeditionary capability.

The ability to promptly deploy combined arms forces worldwide into any area of operations and conduct operations upon arrival.

What is operational adaptability?

The ability to shape conditions and respond effectively to changing threats and situations with appropriate, flexible, and timely actions.

What is meant by the term "gender discrimination"?

The action taken by an individual to deprive a person of a right because of their gender. Such discrimination can occur overtly, covertly, intentionally, or unintentionally.

Define national preparedness:

The actions taken to plan, organize, equip, train, and exercise to build and sustain the capabilities necessary to prevent, protect against, mitigate the effects of, respond to, and recover from those threats that post the greatest risk to the security of the Nation.

What is the US Army's greatest strategic asset; providing depth, versatility, and unmatched experience to the joint force?

The all-volunteer force.

What is Wide Area Security? (pg6, para 22)

The application of combat power to protect populations, forces, infrastructure, and activities; to deny the enemy positions of advantage; and to consolidate gains in order to retain the initiative

What is the Combined Arms Maneuver? (pg6, para 22)

The application of elements of combat power in unified action to defeat enemy ground forces, seize, occupy, and defend land areas and to achieve physical, temporal, and psychological advantage over the enemy to seize and exploit the initiative

What is the first "movement" of combatives drill #1?

The arm trap and roll

What is a mission command system?

The arrangement of personnel, networks, information systems, processes and procedures, and facilities and equipment that enable commanders to conduct operations

What is the art of command?

The art of command as the creative and skillful exercise of authority through timely decision-making and leadership.

On the back of the DA form 4856 is a block called "Assessment of the Plan of Action". What is this part used for?

The assessment is where the leader records if the plan of action achieved the desired results. It should be completed by both leader and individual being counseled and provides useful information for follow-up counseling.

During Shape and Deter, what do Army Special Operations Forces focus on?

The assessment, shaping, active deterrence, and influence activities

What is "command?"

The authority a person in the military service lawfully exercises over subordinates by virtue of rank and assignment or position.

What is meant by the "Rate of March"?

The average number of miles or kilometers to be traveled in a given period to include all ordered halts. It is expressed in miles or kilometers traveled each hour.

What decorative ornament is displayed at the top of an installation flagpole?

The ball.

What builds the foundation for effective offensive, defensive and stability operations? (pg8, para 27)

The capability for lawful and expert application of lethal force

When treating a casualty with an open wound, whose field dressing should be used?

The casualty's field dressing, if available.

What is command climate?

The characteristic atmosphere in which people work.

What is the only authorized method of estimating body fat?

The circumference-based tape method

What is the correct sizing of the ACU coat with respect to the trousers?

The coat will not extend below the top of the cargo pocket on the trousers and will not be higher than the bottom of the opening of the side pocket on the trousers.

Can the combat uniform be worn off-post?

The combat uniform may be worn off post unless such wear is prohibited by the commander. It can be worn in transit to and from your place of residence, but keep in mind that it is not normally considered appropriate for social or official functions off the installation, such as memorial services, funerals, weddings, inaugurals, patriotic ceremonies, and similar functions. Soldiers should not wear the combat uniform to any establishment that sells alcohol for consumption on the premises IF their activities in that establishment center on the drinking of alcohol.

What is the commander's intent?

The commander's intent is a clear and concise expression of the purpose of the operation and the desired military end state that supports mission command, provides focus to the staff, and helps subordinate and supporting commanders act to achieve the commander's desired results without further orders, even when the operation does not unfold as planned.

What is external trust?

The confidence and faith that the American people have in the Army to serve the Nation ethically, effectively, and efficiently.

What is Air Defense Artillery? (Found on electronic page 12 of 24),

The defensive measures designed to destroy attacking enemy aircraft or missiles in the atmosphere, or to nullify or reduce effectiveness of such attack either through surveillance actions or active engagements of aerial threat

What is meant by "vector" dissemination?

The delivery of biological agents by the use of vectors - such as fleas, ticks, lice, and mosquitoes.

What is the feature that makes the lensatic compass work well at night?

The dials and needles are luminous

What is a hybrid threat?

The diverse and dynamic combination of regular forces, irregular forces, terrorist forces, and/or criminal elements unified to achieve mutually benefitting effects.

What is the task of Operational Art? (pg9, para 35)

The effective arrangement of military conditions in time, space, and purpose

What does the intelligence warfighting function allow a commander to understand?

The enemy, terrain, and civil considerations

For the purposes of intelligence the term "enemy" includes what?

The entire range of threats

What is military expertise?

The ethical design, generation, support and application of land power, primarily in unified land operations, and all supporting capabilities essential to accomplish the mission.

What is a Surgical Strike?

The execution of activities in a precise manner that employ special operations forces in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments to seize, destroy, capture, exploit, recover or damage designated targets, or influence threats

What is Special Warfare?

The execution of activities that involve a combination of lethal and nonlethal actions taken by a specially trained and educated force that has a deep understanding of cultures and foreign language, proficiency in small-unit tactics, and the ability to build and fight alongside indigenous combat formations in a permissive, uncertain, or hostile environment

Define fire support.

The fires that directly support land, maritime, amphibious, and special operations forces to engage enemy forces, combat formations, and facilities in pursuit of tactical and operational objectives. (JP 3-09)

What is the fires warfighting function?

The fires warfighting function is the related tasks and systems that provide collective and coordinated use of Army indirect fires, air and missile defense, and joint fires through the targeting process

Who salutes in a group of soldiers not in formation?

The first person to see the officer should call the group to attention and everyone should salute

Who is the only enlisted member of the Chain of Command?

The first-line supervisor.

How will the fleece cap be worn?

The fleece cap will be pulled down snugly on the head with the bottom edge covering the ears, but not covering the eyebrows. In order to wear the cap properly, the bottom edge (all) may be folded, but not rolled

What is the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) Index used for?

The general use of the wet bulb-globe temperature index is to determine the amount of heat stress on the body. Monitoring the index enables leaders to determine the proper preventative measures needed during hot conditions.

What is the function of the Generating Force?

The generating force mans, trains, equips, deploys, and ensures the readiness of all Army forces

What is the goal of METL proficiency?

The goal of METL proficiency is to enable the unit to adapt to unexpected situations during mission execution

What is engraved on the reverse side of the Medal of Honor?

The grade, name, and organization of the awardee are engraved on the reverse of the Medal of Honor.

Describe the guidon of a TDA unit?

The guidons of TDA units are the applicable branch color with the branch insignia centered. Nothing will be above or below the insignia

What does the ACS symbol represent?

The heart = giving, the cross = help, the gyroscope = stability

What are the three main components of the circulatory system?

The heart, blood, and blood vessels (arteries, capillaries, and veins).

Who is typically designated as an NCO's senior rater and how long must they be designated as the senior rater before rendering an NCOER?

The immediate supervisor of the Soldier's rater; a minimum of 60 calendar days

Who is the rater for an NCO?

The immediate supervisor of the rated Soldier responsible for directing and assessing the rated Soldier's performance. The rater must also be a SGT or above and senior to the rated NCO by grade or date of rank.

What is the difference between a "casualty" and a "patient"?

The individual being provided first aid (either by self-aid, buddy aid, or combat lifesaver) is considered a casualty. Once medically trained personnel (combat medic, paramedic, or other health care provider) initiates care, the casualty is then considered to be a patient.

On a lensatic compass there are two rings, an outer black ring and an inner red ring, what are they used for?

The inner red ring is used to find degrees, and the outer black ring is used to find mils

What is the Army's institutional training and education system, which primarily includes training base centers and schools that provide initial training and subsequent professional military education for Soldiers, military leaders, and Army civilians?

The institutional training domain.

What must all military intelligence units and military intelligence Soldiers continuously train on in order to maintain a high degree of proficiency?

The intelligence core competencies

What is the intelligence enterprise?

The intelligence enterprise is the sum total of the intelligence efforts of the entire U.S. intelligence community.

What is the intelligence warfighting function?

The intelligence warfighting function is the related tasks and systems that facilitate understanding the enemy, terrain, and civil considerations.

What is a Theater Special Operations Command (TSOC)?

The joint special operations command through which the GCC normally exercises OPCON of SOF within the AOR.

Define Commanders Visualization?

The mental process of developing situational understanding, determining a desired end state, and envisioning and operational approach by which the force will achieve that end state

What is MDMP?

The military decision-making process

What is the ACS mission statement?

The mission of the ACS center is to— • Facilitate commander's ability to provide comprehensive, coordinated, and responsive services that support readiness of Soldiers, civilian employees and their families. • Maximize technology and resources, adapt to unique installation requirements, eliminate duplication in service delivery, and measure service effectiveness.

What is the movement and maneuver warfighting function?

The movement and maneuver warfighting function is the related tasks and systems that move and employ forces to achieve a position of relative advantage over the enemy and other threats.

What is the objective of FIRES planning

The objective of FIRES planning is to optimize combat power.

What is a good indicator that frostbite has occurred?

The onset of frostbite is signaled by a sudden blanching of the skin of the nose, ears, cheeks, fingers, or toes followed by a tingling sensation. When the pain you feel in these areas disappears even though they are still exposed, it is a good indication that frostbite has occurred.

The M249 is loaded, fired, unloaded and cleared from what bolt position?

The open bolt position

What are the training active organizations undertake while at home station, at maneuver combat training centers, during joint exercises, at mobilization centers, and while operationally deployed?

The operational training domain.

What is the Army's framework for exercising mission command?

The operations process

What process do commanders apply to unit training and leader development?

The operations process—plan, prepare, execute, and assess

What type of manual is used to perform operator level PMCS?

The operator's manual (10 series)

What is Back Azimuth?

The opposite direction of an azimuth.

How is the patrol cap worn?

The patrol cap is worn straight on the head so that the cap band creates a straight line around the head, parallel to the ground. The cap will fit snugly and comfortably around the largest part of the head without bulging or distortion. No rolling of, blocking, or alterations to the cap are authorized

What is the difference between pay grade and grade of rank?

The pay grade is an abbreviated numerical device with useful applications in pay management, personnel accounting, automated data organization, and other administrative fields. However, the numerical pay grade will not be used as a form of address or title in place of the proper title of address of grade. A soldier holding the numerical pay grade of E-5 will be addressed as "Sergeant," not as "E-5."

What is the most important element of the Intelligence Enterprise?

The people that make it work

What is the regional mechanism? (pg11, para 32)

The primary methods through which friendly forces affect indigenous populations, host nations, or the enemy to establish the conditions needed to safeguard our interests and those of our allies.

What is the primary objective of the Army Body Composition Program?

The primary objective of the ABCP is to ensure all Soldiers achieve and maintain optimal well-being and performance under all conditions.

is an Intelligence Analysis?

The process by which collected information is evaluated and integrated with existing information to facilitate intelligence production

What is Targeting?

The process of selecting and prioritizing targets and matching the appropriate response to them, considering operational requirements and capabilities

What is meant by "counseling"?

The process used by leaders to review with a subordinate the subordinate's demonstrated performance and potential.

What is the primary channel for correcting discriminatory practices?

The processing of EO complaints through the chain of command is strongly encouraged; however, it does not serve as the only channel available to soldiers and family members.

What is the protection warfighting function?

The protection warfighting function is the related tasks and systems that preserve the force so that commanders can apply maximum combat power to accomplish the mission

Define Sustainment.

The provision of logistics, personnel services, and health service support necessary to maintain operations until successful mission completion.

What is the purpose of unit training?

The purpose of unit training is to build and maintain ready units to conduct unified land operations for combatant commanders.

What is joint interdependence?

The purposeful reliance by one Service's forces on another Service's capabilities to maximize the complementary and reinforcing effects of both.

What is Operational Art? (pg9, para 35)

The pursuit of strategic objectives, in whole or in part, through the arrangement of tactical actions in time, space and purpose

What is internal trust?

The reliance on the character, competence and commitment of Army professionals to live by and uphold the Army Ethic.

Define stewardship?

The responsibility of Army professionals to strengthen the Army as a profession and to care for the people and other resources entrusted to them by the American people.

What is the role of FIRES?

The role of fires is to enable Army forces to seize and retain the initiative, prevent and deter conflict, defeat adaptive threats and succeed in a wide range of contingencies.

Who may lift a Bar?

The same authority that approved the Bar may lift it with a written recommendation by the unit Commander

What is developed during the planning phase of protection?

The scheme of protection which sets protection priorities for each phase or critical event of the operation

What is the science of tactics?

The science of tactics encompasses the understanding of those military aspects of tactics— capabilities, techniques, and procedures—that can be measured and codified

What is planned, goal-oriented learning that reinforces and expands the depth and breadth of an individual's knowledge base, self-awareness, and situational awareness; complements institutional and operational learning; enhances professional competence; and meets personal objectives?

The self-development training domain.

Who represents the connection between the Chain of Command and the NCO Support Channel?

The senior NCO - though not a formal part of the Chain of Command, the senior NCO MUST know and understand the orders in order to effectively implement them in the NCO Support Channel.

Who exits a military vehicle first?

The senior person, then in ascending order

Define Security Sector Reform.

The set of policies, programs, and activities that a government undertakes to improve the way it provides safety, security, and justice.

Define culture.

The shared beliefs, values, norms, customs and behaviors that members of a society use to cope with the world and each other.

What is decisive action?

The simultaneous combination of offensive, defensive, and stability operations (or defense support of civil authorities) that set the conditions for favorable conflict resolution.

What must be done for Soldiers (SSG and below) who meet advancement or promotion eligibility, without waiver, but are not recommended for promotion?

The soldier should be counseled. This counseling should be directed towards those areas in which the soldier needs to improve in order to qualify for the next higher grade.

What is a center of gravity?

The source of power that provides moral or physical strength, freedom of action, or will to act. The loss of center of gravity usually ends up in defeat.

What is the only finial device used with Army flags?

The spearhead.

How does the S-2/G-2 staff support the commander?

The staff utilizes information collection assets to visualize the terrain, determine threat strengths and dispositions, and confirm or deny threat courses of action.

Define personnel recovery:

The sum of military, diplomatic, and civil efforts to prevent isolation incidents and to return isolated persons to safety or friendly control.

How is honorable service defined?

The support and defense of the Constitution, the American people, and the national interest in a manner consistent with the Army Ethic.

What is the sustainment warfighting function?

The sustainment warfighting function is related tasks and systems that provide support and services to ensure freedom of action, extend operational reach, and prolong endurance.

Which warfighting function will the majority of DSCA missions stress?

The sustainment warfighting function.

What is Unified Action?

The synchronization, coordination and integration of activities.

Describe Unified Action?

The synchronization, coordination and/or integration of the activities of governmental, nongovernmental and military operations to achieve unity of effort.

What is Combined Arms?

The synchronized and simultaneous application of arms to achieve an effect greater than if each arm was used separately or sequentially.

Through training, units, leaders, and Soldiers achieve what?

The tactical and technical competence that builds confidence and adaptability.

What is the tactical level of war?

The tactical level of war is the level of war at which battles and engagements are planned and executed to achieve military objectives assigned to tactical units or task forces.

What is "Intelligence support to force generation"?

The task of generating intelligence knowledge concerning an operational environment, facilitating future intelligence operations, and tailoring the force

What is "Intelligence support to targeting and information capabilities"?

The task of providing the commander information and intelligence support for targeting to achieve lethal and nonlethal effects

What is Intelligence Operations?

The tasks undertaken by military intelligence units and Soldiers to obtain information to satisfy validated requirements

What is considered successful information collection efforts?

The timely collection and reporting of relevant and accurate information, which either supports the production of intelligence or is disseminated as combat information

What is the single most important event for managing training in brigades, battalions and companies?

The training meeting

Who is the EO officer for your company?

The unit commander. *NOTE: Commanders at all levels are the EO officers for their commands.

What does METL stand for and what is it?

The unit's Mission Essential Task List (METL) represents the doctrinal framework of fundamental tasks for which the unit was designed.

What is meant by "covert" dissemination?

The use of sabotage and terrorist personnel to contaminate targets. Targets may include harvest, processing, distribution, and preparation points, as well as water reservoirs.

What is FIRES?

The use of weapons systems to create a specific lethal or nonlethal effect on a target.

What are "iron" aiming devices (commonly referred to as "iron sights")?

The various types of mechanical sighting systems, typically consist of a front sight post and a rear aperture.

What is a contour interval?

The vertical distance between adjacent contour lines on a map.

Define mentorship:

The voluntary developmental relationship that exists between a person of greater experience and a person of lesser experience that is characterized by mutual trust and respect.

In order to expedite the body fat testing process, commanders are authorized to use what?

The weight for height table (screening table weight)

Normally, courts-martial are processed at what level?

Theater army, corps, division, theater sustainment command (TSC), or other headquarters commanded by a general courtmartial convening authority (GCMCA).

How many exercises make up the Recovery Drill and what are they?

There are 5, they are: Overhead Arm Pull Rear Lunge Extend and Flex Thigh Stretch Single-Leg Over

What is the service obligation incurred for promotion to SGT and SSG?

There is NO service remaining obligation for promotion to either SGT or SSG

How many state and territorial National Guard elements are there?

There is a total of fifty-four. All fifty states, the District of Columbia, territories of Guam and the Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico National Guard forces comprise the 54 state and territorial NG elements.

What is the dollar limit on AER loans?

There is no dollar limit. AER Assistance will meet your emergency need.

What are the four different kinds of burns that are likely to be encountered?

Thermal, electrical, chemical, and laser.

What are preventive medicine measures?

These are simple, common sense actions that every soldier can and must perform to preserve his health and avoid unnecessary injury while in the field or while deployed.

Why must chaplains and chaplain assistants be both adaptable and flexible?

These attributes remain a requirement since operational environments continue to be complex and uncertain, executed over extended distances in difficult terrain, and marked by rapid change and a wide variety of threats.

How are Special Operations forces sustained?

They are not self-sufficient. They are reliant upon regional or combatant command theater of operations infrastructure for virtually all logistics, personnel and health service support above unit organic capabilities.

How long to engagements last?

They are usually short, executed in terms of minutes, hours, or days.

What functions can Special Operations Forces provide outside designated theaters of war?

They can shape potential operational environments by working with host nation or friendly indigenous forces to assist with conflict avoidance or mitigation and set the conditions for the rapid introduction of other U.S. or allied forces

What do fire forces create? (Found on electronic page 3 of 24)

They create responsive, scalable, and accurate fires providing unprecedented reach and mobility for the Army and joint force commander."

When should manual carries be used?

They should only be used to move a casualty a short distance to a safer location (for example, under cover), to a greater level of care, or to a more efficient means of transportation (MEDEVAC or CASEVAC)

When foreign soldiers are invited by U.S. forces to participate in parades, where will they be positioned?

They will be assigned a position of honor ahead of U.S. soldiers. As a special compliment, a small escort of honor composed of U.S. soldiers will precede the foreign soldiers.

During the playing of the Army Song, how will individuals stand?

They will stand at attention and sing the lyrics of the Army Song when played.

What is the "Lautenberg Amendment?"

This amendment makes it unlawful for any person to transfer, issue, sell, or otherwise dispose of firearms or ammunition to any person whom he or she knows or has reasonable cause to believe has been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.

What actions may be taken against a soldier who knowingly submits a false equal opportunity complaint (to include a complaint containing information or allegations known to be false)?

This is punishable under UCMJ.

What is an "Army Combat Shirt" and how should it be worn?

This shirt is a hybrid between the undershirt and the outer ACU coat and designed to provide flame protection while maximizing breathability, moisture management, and comfort when worn as a system with body armor, etc. It is designed to be worn next to the skin in hot weather, without a t-shirt, and must be tucked into the ACU trousers. It can only be worn in a deployed or field environment.

What is considered to be one of the simplest and most effective practices that a Soldier can perform to protect themselves and others from the spread of disease?

Thoroughly washing or sanitizing the hands frequently.

Contamination avoidance involves both passive and active defensive measures. What are some examples of passive-defense measures?

Those measures taken to avoid being targeted and hit by a weapon system: operational security, camouflage and concealment, light discipline, hardening positions, dispersion of service members and equipment.

What information should the G-2/S-2 and G-3/S-3 staffs work together to collect, process, and analyze for the commander?

Threats, terrain and weather, and civil considerations that affect operations

How many times is each measurement required to be made?

Three times, sequentially (Each sequential measurement will be within 1 inch of the next or previous measurement.)

What is the minimum number of years that a soldier must reenlist for to be eligible for an SRB?

Three years

How many Norths are there on a military map?

Three: 1. True north 2. Magnetic north 3. Grid north

How is AER funded?

Through Voluntary Contributions from Soldiers (tax free), through unsolicited contributions, repayments of loans, and income from investments.

How are unified land operations accomplished?

Through decisive action.

How do Commanders exercise training and leadership development?

Through formal and informal chains, assisted by progressive, challenging and realistic training

How does layering Protection reduce the destructive effects of a threat or hazard?

Through the dispersion of energy or the culmination of the force.

How do Commanders drive the Operations Process?

Through understanding, visualizing, describing, directing, leading and assessing operations

How Are Special Operations usually characterized as?

Time sensitive, clandestine, low visibility, conducted with and/or through indigenous forces, requiring regional expertise, and/or a high degree of risk

What is the key responsibility of establishing a JSOTF?

Timely establishment

What status would a National Guard Soldier need to be in to conduct a Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) mission?

Title 10 or Title 32

Why does the Army synchronize its intelligence efforts with unified action partners?

To achieve unity of effort and to meet the commander's intent.

What is the purpose of acronyms and abbreviations is the profession of arms?

To allow the use of shorter versions of doctrinal and military terms for ease of discussion in speaking and writing.

To whom is the Purple Heart awarded?

To anyone, military or civilian, wounded or killed in action against an armed enemy

What is the Staff's role in the Operations Process?

To assist Commanders with understanding situations, making and implementing decisions, control-ling operations, and assessing progress.

What is the primary role of the unit field sanitation team?

To assist commanders in maintaining the health and the well-being of the Soldiers assigned to the unit.

What is meant by "IPE available" in MOPP 0?

To be considered readily available, equipment must be carried by each individual, stored within arm's reach, or be available within 5 minutes.

What is the aim of Stability Operations? (pg. 1 para 2)

To create a condition so the local populace regards the situation as legitimate, acceptable, and predictable

What is the main purpose of offense?

To defeat, destroy, or neutralize the enemy force

What is the purpose of the Intelligence Analysis?

To describe the current—and attempt to proactively assess— threats, terrain and weather, and civil considerations

What is the purpose of intelligence analysis?

To describe the current—and attempt to proactively assess—threats, terrain and weather, and civil considerations.

What is the mission of Field Artillery?

To destroy, defeat, or disrupt the enemy with integrated fires to enable maneuver commanders to dominate in unified land operations.

What is the Commanders role in the Operations Process?

To drive the operations process

What is the purpose of the Field Hygiene and Sanitation manual?

To enable individual Soldiers to remain healthy in the field and enable commanders to maintain a fit and healthy force capable of accomplishing the mission in any environment.

The use of Active deterrence often involves lethal and non-lethal activities, diplomatic and developmental efforts and the training of credible and effective foreign security forces to accomplish what goal? (pg12, para 36)

To enable the defeat of terrorists or insurgents in other countries before they can threaten the Unites State

The last step in splinting a fracture is the recheck the pulse in the injured extremity. Why?

To ensure that the bandages used to secure the splint and/or swelling have not compromised blood flow to the extreme

What is the main focus of the commander for the offense?

To expedite the outcome

Why do commanders use the philosophy of Mission Command?

To exploit and enhance uniquely human skills

What is the purpose of learning the Stand in Base in Basic Combatives?

To learn how to keep a standing opponent back while attempting to stand.

What is the job in an Army Intelligence Analyst?

To leverage the intelligence enterprise to create a more comprehensive and detailed assessment of threats and relevant aspects of the operational environment to facilitate mission command

How do you figure out a back azimuth?

To obtain a back azimuth from an azimuth, add 180 degrees if the azimuth is 180 degrees or less; subtract 180 degrees if the azimuth is 180 degrees or more

Why is a JSOTF normally established by a Joint Force Commander (JFC)?

To plan and conduct SO

Punishments may be announced at unit formations or posted on the unit bulletin board. What is the purpose for this?

To preclude perceptions of unfairness of punishment and to deter similar misconduct by other service members.

What is the purpose of military justice, as a part of military law?

To promote justice, to assist in maintaining good order and discipline in the armed forces, to promote efficiency and effectiveness in the military establishment, and thereby to strengthen the national security of the U.S.

What is the mission of the Army Chaplain Corps?

To provide religious support to the Army across unified land operations by assisting the commander in providing for the free exercise of religion and providing religious, moral, and ethical leadership.

What is the objective of the DA Military Awards Program?

To provide tangible recognition for acts of valor, exceptional service or achievement, special skills or qualifications, and acts of heroism not involving actual combat.

What is the purpose of the Army Clothing Allowance?

To replace initial issue items that become unserviceable

What is the purpose of RECONDITIONING?

To restore physical fitness levels that enable a Soldier to safely reenter the toughening or sustainment phase, and then to progress to a previous level of conditioning.

What is the purpose of intelligence?

To support commanders and staffs in gaining situational understanding of threats, terrain and weather, and civil considerations.

What is the purpose of ISR?

To synchronize and integrate the planning and operation of sensors, assets, and processing, exploitation, and dissemination systems in direct support of current and future operations.

What is the leader's role in motivation?

To understand the needs and desires of others, to align and elevate individual desires into team goals, and to inspire others to accomplish those larger goals.

What is toxic leadership?

Toxic leadership is a combination of self-centered attitudes, motivations, and behaviors that have adverse effects on subordinates, the organization, and mission performance.

Which training principle prepares units and individuals to be resilient?

Train to Sustain

What is the primary focus of a unit when not deployed?


What document provides a summary of the collective training objective, resource requirements and evaluation criteria for a given tasks?

Training and Evaluation Outline (T&EO)

What are the underlying logics of training and leader development?

Training and leader development, Training, Leader development, Role of the Commander

When using the "WORK/REST" column on the heat condition chart, "REST" means minimal physical activity (sitting or standing) and should be accomplished in the shade if possible. What are some examples of minimal physical activities that may be performed during "REST" cycles?

Training by lecture or demonstration, maintenance procedures on equipment, personal hygiene activities - such as skin and foot care.

Anaphylactic shock is a serious matter requiring immediate medical attention. While waiting for medical assistance, supportive first aid measures are generally limited to what?

Treatment of shock, respiratory failure (rescue breathing), and circulatory collapse or cardiac arrest (external chest\ compressions).

What is the maximum range of the M249 against an area target for both tripod and bipod?

Tripod -1,000 meters Bipod -800 meters

What is the maximum range of the M249 against a point target for both tripod and bipod?

Tripod -800 meters Bipod -600 meters

What is the dynamic process used by small unit leaders to analyze a mission, develop a plan, and prepare for an operation?

Troop Leading Procedures

What are troop-leading procedures?

Troop-leading procedures are a dynamic process used by small-unit leaders to analyze a mission, develop a plan, and prepare for an operation. TLP are used by commanders and leaders without a staff.

How are ACU trousers worn?

Trousers are worn buttoned and with a belt, Soldiers will wear trousers tucked into the top of the boots or bloused using the built in draw strings or commercial blousing devices.

What is the bedrock of the Army profession?


When performing Combatives drill #2, when you attempt to escape the rear mount by shrimping, you want to ________________ your opponent?

Turn into

What is the time limit for recommending an award?

Two Years

All company-sized units should have how many unit field sanitation teams appointed?

Two, one primary and one alternate (as directed by AR 350-1).

How many people should be utilized in the taping of soldiers?

Two, one to place the tape measure and determine the measurements, the other to assure proper placement and tension of the tape, as well as to record the measurement on the worksheet

How should recommendations for awards be submitted?

Typed recommendations will be the norm during peacetime. Handwritten printed recommendations are acceptable during wartime conditions.

What are the agencies that make up the intelligence community?

U.S. Air Force U.S. Army U.S. Coast Guard U.S. Marine Corps U.S. Navy

Who provides joint friendly force tracking for all services?

US Army Space and Missile Defense Command

What is the name of the map system that the U.S. uses?


How is Special Warfare employed?

Unconventional warfare, counterinsurgency, foreign internal defense, security force assistance, stability operations, and select intelligence activities such as preparation of the environment

Commanders use the Operations Process to drive the conceptual and detailed planning necessary perform what 3 functions?

Understand, visualize, and describe their operational environment To make and articulate decisions To direct, lead and assess military decisions

Who are unified action partners?

Unified action partners are those military forces, governmental and nongovernmental organizations, and elements of the private sector with whom Army forces plan, coordinate, synchronize, and integrate during the conduct of operations.

What is the synchronization, coordination, and/or integration of the activities of governmental and non-governmental entities with military operations to achieve a unity of effort?

Unified action.

What is the synchronization, coordination, and/or integration of the activities of governmental and nongovernmental entities with military operations to achieve a unity of effort?

Unified action.

What is the Army's operational concept?

Unified land operations

What is the Army's warfighting doctrine?

Unified land operations

What is the description of Unified land operations?

Unified land operations describes how the Army seizes, retains, and exploits the initiative to gain and maintain a position of relative advantage in sustained land operations through simultaneous offensive, defensive, and stability operations in order to prevent or deter conflict, prevail in war, and create the conditions for favorable conflict resolution.

What does UCMJ stand for?

Uniform Code of Military Justice

What does the acronym UVA stand for?

Unit Victim Advocate

Who has the promotion authority for SFC and above?

United States Army Human Resources Command (HRC)

Who establishes Army policy for developing doctrinal terms?

United States Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC)

What is unity of effort?

Unity of effort is coordination and cooperation toward common objectives, even if the participants are not necessarily part of the same command or organization—the product of successful unified action.

What does UTM stand for?

Universal Transverse Mercator

The first step in treating an open chest wound is to "uncover the wound," except when what conditions exist?

Unless clothing is stuck to the wound or you are in a CBRN environment, in which case uncovering the wound could cause additional harm.

What is Unrestricted reporting?

Unrestricted reporting allows a Soldier who is sexually assaulted and desires medical treatment, counseling, and an official investigation of his/her allegation to use current reporting channels (for example, the chain of command or law enforcement), or he/she may report the incident to the SARC or the on-call VA

What are the most effective protective measures against biological agents?

Up-to-date immunizations, good hygiene, area sanitation, physical conditioning, DOD insect repellant, and proper NBC training.

What are the two major components of the M4/M16 series weapons?

Upper receive and Lower receiver

Name two ways to orient a map?

Use a compass and terrain association

What is the purpose of nonjudicial punishment?

Use of nonjudicial punishment is proper in all cases involving minor offenses in which nonpunitive measures are considered inadequate or inappropriate. Nonjudicial punishment may be imposed to— • Correct, educate, and reform offenders whom the imposing commander determines cannot benefit from less stringent measures. • Preserve a Soldier's record of service from unnecessary stigma by record of court-martial conviction. • Further military efficiency by disposing of minor offenses in a manner requiring less time and personnel than trial by court-martial.

When performing rescue breathing, what method should be used for opening an airway?

Use the head-tilt chin-lift method UNLESS there is suspected spinal injury.

What does a "V" device signify?


What is the staff looking for as they monitor the conduct of operations during execution?

Variances from the scheme of maneuver and protection.

What are the three categories of sexual harassment?

Verbal, nonverbal, physical

When was "The Army Goes Rolling Along" dedicated by the Secretary of the Army?

Veterans Day, 11 November 1956, and officially announced on 12 December 1957

What are the eight forms of contact?

Visual, Direct, Indirect, Non-hostile, Obstacles, Aircraft, CBRN, Electronic Warfare

What is the key distinction between WMD and CBRN?

WMD refers to the actual weapon, while CBRN refers to the contamination or effects resulting from the employment of WMD and from the dispersal of CBRN materials.

CBRN threats and hazards include what three areas?

WMD, Improvised weapons and devices, and toxic industrial material (TIM

What is the most important need in a survival situation?


What is meant by "potable" water?

Water that is safely drinkable.

What does WMD stand for?

Weapons of Mass Destruction

For the purposes of intelligence, the term "terrain" also includes what?

Weather because it will have an impact on operations

What are some of the basic services offered by the Army Continuing Education Center?

What are some of the basic services offered by the Army Continuing Education Center? 1. Basic Skills Education Program (BSEP) 2. Advanced Skills Education Program (ASEP) 3. High School Completion Program 4. Service members Opportunity Colleges Associates Degree Program (SOCAD) 5. Veteran's Educational Assistance Program (VEAP)/Montgomery G. I. Bill (MGIB) 6. Skill Recognition Programs 7. Command Language Programs (Head start - Gateway) 8. Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) 9. Education Counseling Services 10. Learning Resource Centers

What does it mean to "Exceed Body Fat Standards"?

When a Soldier's percent body fat exceeds the standard specified in AR 600-9. Soldiers that exceed body fat standards are considered not in compliance with Army body fat standards.

How low can trousers be bloused?

When bloused, the trouser will not extend below the third eyelet from the top of the boot.

When should a tourniquet be used?

When evaluation of the casualty determines that the bleeding is life-threatening.

What is the role of the National Guard within the U.S.? ADP 3-28 page 8 paragraph 26

When federalized, National Guard personnel support DoD assigned activities in support of the Federal Government response. When not federalized, National Guard personnel support the State governors in fulfilling the responsibilities of the States.

What is the proper process for reporting to an Officer outdoors?

When reporting outdoors, the soldier moves rapidly toward the officer, halts approximately three steps from the officer, salutes, and reports (as when indoors). When the soldier is dismissed by the officer, salutes are again exchanged. If underarms, the soldier carries the weapon in the manner prescribed for saluting.

What is the proper process for reporting to an Officer indoors?

When reporting to an officer in his office, the soldier removes his headgear, knocks, and enters when told to do so. He approaches within two steps of the officer's desk, halts, salutes, and reports, "Sir (Ma'am), Private Jones reports." The salute is held until the report is completed and the salute has been returned by the officer. When the business is completed, the soldier salutes, holds the salute until it has been returned, executes the appropriate facing movement, and departs. When reporting indoors under arms, the procedure is the same except that the headgear is not removed and the soldier renders the salute prescribed for the weapon with which he is armed.

When can a unit award be worn?

When serving with a unit that received an award or if you were assigned to the unit when the award was assigned

When does the Army accommodates religious practices?

When such accommodations do not impede military readiness or hinder unit cohesion, standards, health, safety or discipline. Accommodating religious practices is weighed against military necessity and not guaranteed at all times.

When the US Army Flag is displayed in a stationary position, the streamer embroidered with what words should be in the center facing forward and completely identifiable?

When the U.S. Army flag is not being carried, the streamers will be arranged in such a manner that the first and last streamers are clearly visible.

When should the chest thrust be used in lieu of the abdominal thrust?

When the casualty has an abdominal wound, when the casualty is pregnant, or when the casualty is so large that you cannot wrap your arms around the abdomen.

When is a determination of percent body fat required to be made on personnel?

When their body weight exceeds the screening table weight OR when the unit commander determines that the individual does not present a Soldierly appearance.

When are Special Operations forces most effective?

When they are integrated and synchronized into the overall plan

What is the only time that you do not remove your headgear when reporting to an officer indoors?

When under arms

What is the difference between counseling and coaching?

While counseling is a review of demonstrated performance and potential, coaching refers to the function of helping someone through a set of tasks and relies on teaching and guiding to bring out and enhance capabilities that are already present.

What is the primary purpose for Army Support? ADP 3-28 page 5 paragraph 13

While there are many potential missions for Soldiers as part of Defense Support of Civil Authorities, the overarching purposes of all DSCA missions are, in the following order, to save lives, alleviate suffering, and protect property.

Recommended decorations will be expeditiously processed, and recorded in military orders and certificates by the final approving authority. In this case, what time frame is considered "expeditiously processed"?

Within 60 days

What is the difference between XCAS and GCAS?

XCAS are aircraft in flight loitering around a specific area, GCAS are aircraft on the ground in standby.

What color are CBRN areas marked in?


Army Sponsorship Program (AR 600-8-8) Should there be a sponsorship program for a soldier departing a unit?


Is the recipient of the Medal of Honor (Enlisted or Commissioned) entitled to a salute?


Will Soldiers who are command referred to ASAP be flagged?

Yes, IAW AR600-8-2 (Suspension of Favorable Personnel Action (flags).

Are the sleeves authorized to be rolled up or cuffed on the ACU coat?

Yes, Soldiers may roll up the sleeves of the ACU with the camo pattern exposed or turned inside out (as determined by the company commander). The sleeves must be rolled neatly above the elbow, but not more than 3 inches above the elbow. In a field environment only, Soldiers may wear their sleeves down and cuffed inside the coat one or two times

Are Soldiers authorized to wear the fire resistant Operation Enduring Freedom Camouflage Pattern (OEF-CP), also known as FRACU or Multicam uniforms?

Yes, Soldiers may wear the OEF-CP until the wear out date of the UCP ACU (30 Sep 19)

Can a Soldier receive medical care and counseling if they file a restricted report?

Yes, all medical and emotional support resources are still available to the Soldier.

Can female Soldiers wear their hair in a ponytail?

Yes, female Soldiers with "long length hair" as defined by AR670-1 can wear their hair in a ponytail ONLY during physical training.

Can you wear an electronic device on your belt or waistband?

Yes, only ONE electronic device may be worn. The device must not exceed the size of a "government-issued" electronic device, and the device and carrying case must be black.

Can Soldiers have a pen or pencil exposed on the uniform?

Yes, pens and/or pencils worn in the pen/pencil slots on the combat uniform coat can be exposed. Additionally, there are no stipulations on the colors that must be used.

Can the fleece cap (PT cap) be worn with the ACU?

Yes, the fleece cap can be worn with the combat uniform in a field environment when the ACH is not worn, on work details or other environment where the wear of the patrol cap is impractical. Installation commanders will determine temperature, wind chill, and extended duty time warranting wear of the fleece cap in "non-field / non-deployed" environments.

Can an individual appeal an Article 15?


How many promotion points to Soldiers earn for completing BLC

ZERO, however, a Soldier will receive 20 promotion points for achieving commandant's list, and 40 points if recognized as the Distinguished Honor Graduate or Distinguished Leadership Graduate.

What are the four types of Reconnaissance operations?

Zone, Area, Route, Recon in Force

Military symbols fall into two categories: framed and unframed. What is the difference?

a . Framed military symbols include unit, equipment, installation, and activity symbols. b. Unframed military symbols include control measure and tactical task mission symbols.

Assessment occurs during preparation and includes what activities?

a . Required to maintain situational understanding b . Monitor and evaluate running estimates and tasks c . Methods of evaluation and measures of performance d. Identify variances for decision support

Military response to Domestic Disasters happens at what four levels? (pg11, para 39)

a. At the direction of the governor for the state National Guard forces b. After a declaration by the President, by request of the Governor in the affected state c. At the direction of the Secretaries of the Army, Navy, or Air Force for capabilities not assigned to combatant commanders d. Through immediate response authority, which specifies certain conditions allowing military support in urgent situations

What are the steps to the Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) process?

a. Define the battlefield environment b. Describe the battlefield effects c. Evaluate the Threat d. Evaluate the Threat courses of action (most likely, most dangerous)

What tasks does the fires warfighting function include?

a. Deliver fires. b . Integrate all forms of Army, joint and multinational fires. c. Conduct targeting.

What are some critical aspects of effective intelligence synchronization?

a. Early and continuous teamwork with the commander and across the staff b. Expertise and proficiency in information collection and leveraging the intelligence enterprise c. Mastery of the intelligence process d. A collaborative environment for flexible, creative analysts to solve complex problems

What critical functions does the protection cell/working group monitor and evaluate for operational actions or changes?

a. Ensure protection focus support commanders intent b . Review and recommend adjustments to commander critical information requirements c. Monitor and evaluate personnel recovery operations d. Evaluate effectiveness of liaison personnel e . Evaluate movement coordination and control to protect critical paths f . Monitor adjacent unit coordination procedures for terrain management g. Monitor force health protection

In accordance with DODI 3000.5 the Department of Defense must be prepared to provide what tasks when civilian are not prepared to perform them? (pg5, para 18)

a. Establish civil security b. Civil control c. Restore essential services d. Repair/protect critical infrastructure e. Deliver humanitarian assistance

Mission Command Doctrine incorporates three ideas. What are they?

a. Exercise mission command b. Mission command philosophy c. Mission command warfighting function

That common operational picture is displayed on a map or another geographical form representing the area of operations and which has been overlaid with military symbols. What does it include?

a. Friendly and enemy units or ships. b. Boundaries. c. Control measures. d. Other elements that the commander deems necessary.

What is the foundation of unified land operations is built upon? (pg5, para19)

a. Initiative b. Decisive action c. Mission command

What are the intelligence core competencies?

a. Intelligence synchronization b. Intelligence operations c. Intelligence analysis

What are the 6 Mission Variables also known as METT-TC? (pg2, para 7)

a. Mission b. Enemy c. Terrain and Weather d. Troops and Support Available e. Time Available f. Civil Considerations

What are the types of defensive operations? (pg6, para 21)

a. Mobile Operations b. Area Operations c. Retrograde Operations

What are the factors for employment of Special Operations forces?

a. National policy b. Geographic combatant commander c. Joint forces commander or Ambassador Requirements d. The character of the operational environment e. The nature of the threat

Potential enemy threats come in what 2 forms? (pg4, para 17-18)

a. Non-State entity possessing weapons of mass destruction or other unique methods to challenge U.S. dominance by attacking public will b. Nuclear-state partnered with one or more non-state actors though ideological, religious, political, or other ties.

What does sustainment provide to the operational commander?

a. Operational reach b. Freedom of action c. Endurance

What are the three areas of focus of the professional language of land warfare?

a. Principle of Simplicity. b. Importance of clear communication. c. Importance of teaching the language.

What are the three waste management responsibilities of the individual Soldier?

a. Proper collection, handling, and disposal of liquid and solid human waste b. Collection and disposal of trash c. Cleanliness of individual living and work spaces

How do Commanders provide guidance and continuous feedback throughout operations?

a. Providing direction b. Stating clear, concise commander's critical information requirements (CCIRs) c. Synchronizing the intelligence warfighting function d . Participating in planning e. Collaborating with the G-2/S-2 during the execution of operations

What must Commanders take into consideration when planning for stability operations? (pg. 14, para 59)

a. Recognize complexity b. Balance resources , capabilities, and activities c. Recognize planning horizons d. Avoid planning pitfalls

What are shaping operations?

a. Reconnaissance operations b. Surveillance operations c. Security operations d. Intelligence operations

During preparation, the protection cell/working group is responsible for what actions?

a. Revises and Refines plan b . Determines protection indicators and warnings for information collection c. Emplaces systems to detect threats to the critical assets d. Directs operations security measures e. Prepares and improves survivability measures f . Conducts liaison and coordinates with adjacent units g. Rehearses h. Trains with defended assets i . Reviews personnel recovery readiness j . Established personnel recovery architecture k. Implements vulnerability reduction measures

What are the Joint Operations Phases?

a. Shape b. Deter c. Seize initiative d. Dominate Stabilize e. Enable civil authority

What are two Special Operations critical capabilities?

a. Surgical strike b. Special Warfare

A successful Whole of Governance approach requires that all participants are what? (pg. 3, para 11)

a. That they are represented, integrated and actively involved b. That they share an understanding of the situation and a problem to be resolved c. That they strive for unity to achieve common goals d. That they should integrate and synchronize capabilities and activities e. That they collectively determine resources to achieve common goals f. That they allocate resources to ensure continued information sharing, common understanding and integrated effort.

What must Commanders consider when planning and conducting stability tasks? (pg. 14, para 57)

a. The inform and influence activities in stability b. Protection of Civilians c. Lethal and Non-Lethal actions d. Intelligence

What is "Intelligence support to situational understanding"?

the task of providing information and intelligence to commanders to assist them in achieving a clear understanding of the force's current state with relation to the threat and other relevant aspects of the operational environment

is "Conduct information collection"?

the task that synchronizes and integrates the planning and employment of sensors and assets as well as the processing, exploitation, and dissemination of systems in direct support of current and future operations

What is the Operational Training domain?

training that organizations conduct at home stations, maneuver combat training centers, during joint exercises, at mobilization centers and while operationally deployed.

What are the end state conditions for stability operations?

• A safe and secure environment • Established rule of law • Social well being • Stable governance • A sustainable economy

The actual performance evaluation in the NCOER rates a Soldier against the Army Leadership Requirements Model. Thus, NCOs are rated against three ATTRIBUTES (what a leader IS) and three CORE COMPETENCIES (what a leader DOES). Name those six evaluation criteria and give examples of each:

• ATTRIBUTES Character: Army Values, Warrior Ethos, discipline, support of SHARP/EO/EEO Presence: military and professional bearing, fitness, confidence, resilience Intellect: mental agility, sound judgment, innovation, interpersonal tact, expertise • CORE COMPETENCIES Leads: leads others, builds trust, extends influence beyond the chain of command, leads by example, communicates Develops: creates a positive command/workplace environment, fosters esprit de corps, prepares self, develops others, stewards the profession Achieves: gets results

What are the two prescribed methods for opening an airway obstruction on a conscious casualty?

• Abdominal thrust - hands centered between the waist and the rib cage. • Chest thrust - hands centered on the middle of the breastbone.

What are the two types of CBRN defensive operations and what is the difference between them?

• Active defense - measures taken to defeat an attack with CBRN weapons by employing actions to divert, neutralize, or destroy those weapons or their means of delivery while enroute to their target. • Passive defense - measures taken to minimize or negate the vulnerability to, and effects of, CBRN attacks.

What is the difference between and oath and a creed?

• An Oath is a swearing or affirming to support a principle • A Creed is a statement of deeply held beliefs

Attempts should always be made to solve the problem at the lowest possible level within an organization. As such, the complaint processing system consists of two types of complaints - formal and informal. What is the major difference between these?

• An informal complaint is used when a soldier, family member, or DA civilian does not wish to file the complaint in writing. An informal complaint is not subject to time suspense. • A formal complaint is one that the complainant files in writing and swears to the accuracy of the information. Formal

What are some types of prohibited relationships between soldiers of different rank?

• Any relationship that compromises, or appears to compromise, the integrity of supervisory authority or the chain of command; • Any relationship that causes actual or perceived partiality or unfairness; • Any relationship that involves, or appears to involve, the improper use of rank or position for personal gain; • Any relationship that is, or is perceived to be, exploitive or coercive in nature; • Any relationship that creates an actual or clearly predictable adverse impact on discipline, authority, morale, or the ability of the command to accomplish its mission.

What are the seven most common types of Small Arms Ammunition (SAA) used with the M16- and M4-series weapons? How do you tell the difference between them?

• Ball - green tip (M855) or bronze tip (M855A1) • Tracer - orange tip (M856A1) or violet tip (Mk301, MOD 0) • Armor-Piercing (AP) - black tip (M995) • Short Range Training Ammunition (SRTA) - blue tip (M862 or M1037) • Blank - rosette-crimped tip (M200) • Close Combat Mission Capability Kit (CCMCK) - blue, red, or yellow plastic tip (M1042) • Dummy - longitudinal corrugations in the cartridge

What are the levels of the Modern Army Combatives Program?

• Basic Combatives (Level 1) • Tactical Combatives (Level 2) • Combatives Master Trainer (Level 3)

What three elements make up a combat assessment?

• Battle Damage Assessment • Munitions effectiveness assessment • Reattack recommendation

Name two complementary intelligence capabilities?

• Biometrics • Cyber • Document and Media Exploitation • Forensic

What are the basic colors of a map, and what does each color represent?

• Black - Indicates cultural (man-made) features such as buildings and roads, surveyed spot elevations, and all labels. • Blue - Identifies hydrography or water features such as lakes, swamps, rivers, and drainage. • Green - Identifies vegetation with military significance, such as woods, orchards, and vineyards. • Brown - Identifies all relief features and elevation, such as contours on older edition maps, and cultivated land on redlight readable maps. • Red - Classifies cultural features, such as populated areas, main roads, and boundaries, on older maps. • Red-Brown - The colors red and brown are combined to identify cultural features, all relief features, non-surveyed spot elevations, and elevation, such as contour lines on red-light readable maps. • Other - Occasionally other colors may be used to show special information. These are indicated in the marginal information as a rule.

In military symbols, what colors are used for a map overlay and what do they represent?

• Blue- Friendly forces • Red-Enemy forces • Black- boundaries • Yellow-contaminated area both friendly and enemy • Green- engineer obstacles, both friendly and enemy

How can a commander establish command presence?

• Briefings • Back-briefs • Rehearsals • Commanders Intent • Commanders Guidance • Battlefield Circulation • After Action Reviews • Personal Guidance

What is the difference between Casualty Evacuation (CASEVAC) and Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC)?

• CASEVAC is a term used by nonmedical units to refer to the movement of casualties aboard nonmedical vehicles or aircraft without enroute medical care. • MEDEVAC is the process of moving any person who is wounded, injured, or ill to and/or between medical treatment facilities while providing enroute medical care.

What are some of the types (Reason for Submission) of NCOERs?

• Change of Rater • Annual • Extended Annual • Change of Duty • Depart Temporary Duty, Special Duty, or Temporary Change of Station • Complete the Record • HRC-Directed • Relief for Cause • Senior Rater Option • 60-Day Option • Rater Option

What personnel and units are considered Army Special Operations Forces?

• Civil Affairs • Military Information Support operations • Rangers • Special Forces • Special Mission Units • Army special operations aviation forces assigned to the United States Army Special Operations Command

Name some of the outward indicators/signs that a closed head injury has occurred.

• Clear fluid or blood escaping from the nose and/or ears • Periorbital discoloration ("raccoon eyes") • Bruising behind the ears (also known as "Battle's sign") • Lowered pulse rate • Headache, nausea, and/or vomiting • Possible unconsciousness • Unequal pupil size

What does a commander's dialogue consist of?

• Collective tasks the unit should train IAW their ARFORGEN cycle • Current assessment of collective tasks to train • Time required to obtain proficiency on selected tasks • Potential risks of not training specific tasks and mitigation measures • Training environment • Significant unit readiness issues

Where do units get their mission essential tasks from?

• Combined Arms Training Strategy (CATS) • Army Universal Task List (AUTL) • Universal Joint Task List (UJTL)

What are the Army principles of unit training? (Name 5)

• Commanders and other leaders are responsible for training • Noncommissioned officers train individuals, crews, and small teams • Train to standard • Train as you will fight • Train while operating • Train fundamentals first • Train to develop adaptability • Understand the operational environment • Train to sustain • Train to maintain • Conduct multi-echelon and concurrent training

What are the Protection principles?

• Comprehensive. Protection is an all-inclusive utilization of complementary and reinforcing protection tasks and systems available to commanders, incorporated into the plan, to preserve the force. • Integrated. Protection is integrated with other activities, systems, efforts, and capabilities associated with unified land operations to provide strength and structure to the overall effort. Integration must occur vertically and horizontally with unified action partners throughout the operations process. • Layered. Protection capabilities are arranged using a layered approach to provide strength and depth. Layering reduces the destructive effect of a threat or hazard through the dispersion of energy or the culmination of the force. • Redundant. Protection efforts are often redundant anywhere that a vulnerability or a critical point of failure is identified. Redundancy ensures that specific activities, systems, efforts, and capabilities that are critical for the success of the overall protection effort have a secondary or auxiliary effort of equal or greater capability. • Enduring. Protection capabilities are ongoing activities for maintaining the objectives of preserving combat power, populations, partners, essential equipment, resources, and critical infrastructure in every phase of an operation.

What are the staff's additional tasks in mission command?

• Conduct military deception • Conduct civil affairs operations • Conduct airspace control • Conduct information protection • Maintain the network

What are the primary staff tasks in mission command?

• Conduct the operations process • Knowledge management • Synchronize information related capabilities (IRC) • Conduct cyber electromagnetic activities (CEMA)

Why is physical readiness training a mandatory training requirement?

• Considered by senior leaders to be essential to individual, unit, and force readiness. • Required by law for all individuals and units.

Name three intelligence disciplines:

• Counter Intelligence (CI) • Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) • Human Intelligence (HUMINT) • Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT) • Open Source Intelligence • Signal Intelligence (SIGINT) • Technical Intelligence (TECHINT)

What are the 11 Primary Missions of the U.S. Armed Forces

• Counter terrorism and irregular warfare. • Deter and defeat aggression. • Project power despite anti-access/area denial challenges. • Counter weapons of mass destruction. • Operate effectively in cyberspace. • Operate effectively in space. • Maintain a safe, secure, and effective nuclear deterrent. • Defend the homeland and provide support to civil authorities. • Provide a stabilizing presence. • Conduct stability and counterinsurgency operations. • Conduct humanitarian, disaster relief, and other operations.

What are the attributes needed to achieve the Develops core competency?

• Create a positive environment • Prepares self • Develops others • Stewards the profession

What forms are contained in the equipment record folder when the vehicle is dispatched?

• DA Form 2404 or DA Form 5988 E- Equipment inspection and maintenance worksheet • DA Form 2408-14 (only if something is deferred or on order for the equipment) • SF 91- Operator's report of motor vehicle accident • DD Form 518- Accident ID card • DA Form 5987 E or DD Form 1970- Vehicle utilization record

What are the three levels of enlisted promotions?

• Decentralized (Unit level) • Semi-centralized • DA Centralized

Judge advocates look to certain fundamental concepts of Army doctrine to help them identify and address operational legal issues. What are the fundamental concepts?

• Decisive action and unified land operations. • The warfighting functions. • The operations process. • Lines of effort and lines of operations. • Working groups.

What are sources of instability?

• Decreased support for the government based on what locals actually expect of their government. • Increased support for anti-government elements. • The undermining of the normal functioning of society where the emphasis must be on a return to the established norms.

List some examples of nonpunitive measures

• Denial of pass or other privileges • Counseling • Administrative reduction in grade, MOS reclassification • Admonitions and reprimands • Extra training/extra instruction

What five sets of characteristics will enhance the Army's operational adaptability?

• Depth and Versatility. • Adaptive and Innovative. • Flexibility and Agility. • Integrated and Synchronized. • Lethal and Discriminate.

What are the goals of ACES?

• Develop confident, competent leaders. • Support the enlistment, retention, and transition of Soldiers. • Provide self-development opportunities for Soldiers and adult family members. • Provide self-development opportunities for DACs. • Provide self-development opportunities for DAC ACES professional and support staff.

What are a few of the common signs of distress you may find in yourself or fellow Soldiers you may find when faced with too much stress?

• Difficulty making decisions • Angry Outbursts • Forgetfulness • Low energy levels • Constant worrying • Propensity for mistakes • Thoughts about death or suicide • Trouble getting along with others • Withdrawing from others • Hiding from responsibilities • Carelessness

All soldiers and civilians have a responsibility to help resolve acts of sexual harassment. What are the five techniques listed by AR 600-20 to deal with sexual harassment?

• Direct approach - confront the harasser and tell him/her that the behavior is not appreciated, not welcomed, and that it must stop. • Indirect approach - send a letter to the harasser stating the facts, personal feelings about the inappropriate behavior, and expected resolution. • Third party - request assistance from another person to talk to the harasser, or intervene on behalf of the victim to resolve the conflict. • Chain of command - report the behavior to immediate supervisor or others in chain of command and ask for assistance in resolving the situation. • Filing a formal complaint

What are the characteristics of the defense?

• Disruption • Flexibility • Maneuver • Massing effects • Operations in depth • Preparation • Security

What are some of the signs/symptoms of heat exhaustion?

• Dizziness • Headache • Loss of appetite • Nausea • Weakness • Clumsy/unsteady walk • Profuse sweating and pale (or gray), moist cool skin • Normal to slightly elevated body temperature • Muscle cramps • Heat cramps

What are the Commander's tasks in mission command?

• Drive the operations process • Develop teams • Inform and influence audiences

Professional development for Army leaders is comprised of what three categories?

• Education • Training • Experience

What are the three major categories of developmental counseling?

• Event-Oriented counseling • Performance counseling • Professional Growth counseling

What are the restrictions on eyeglasses and sunglasses?

• Eyeglasses or sunglasses that are trendy, or have lenses or frames with initials, designs, or other adornments are not authorized for wear. • Lens colors must be traditional gray, brown, or dark green shades. • Personnel will not wear lenses or frames that are so large or so small that they detract from the appearance of the uniform. • Personnel will not attach chains or ribbons to eyeglasses, or allow them to hang down the front of the uniform from such devices. • Glasses may not be worn on top of the head at any time.

Name some places where the US flag is flown night and day.

• Fort McHenry National Monument • The White House • The Moon • Arlington National Cemetery • Battleship USS Arizona, Pearl Harbor • US Capitol, Washington D.C. • Francis Scott Key's grave • Flag House Square, Baltimore, MD • Hospital Ship Hope

Commander's and staff use the science of control to understand what unit physical and procedural constraints?

• Fuel consumption • Weapons effects • Rules of engagement • Legal considerations

What are the three main products developed during the Decide phase of targeting?

• High payoff target list • Target selection standards • Attack guidance matrix

To measure mission accomplishment, commanders also consider if mission accomplishment was within what?

• Higher commander's intent of what the force must do and the conditions. • Specified timeline. • Commander's risk assessment for fratricide avoidance and collateral damage. • Unit's capability of continuing or being assigned future missions and operations

What are some of the signs/symptoms of heat stroke?

• Hot, dry skin • Headache • Convulsions and chills • Dizziness • Nausea • Weakness • Pulse and respirations are weak and rapid • Vomiting • Confusion, mumbling • Combative • Passing out (unconsciousness)

What types of operational environments may require a Peace Operation?

• Hybrid threat • Failing or failed states • Absence of the rule of law • Terrorism • Gross violations of human rights • Collapse of civil infrastructure • Presence of displaced civilians

To accomplish the PRT mission, what must NCOs do?

• Identify specific tasks that PRT enhances in support of the unit's C- or D-METL. • Prepare, rehearse, and execute PRT. • Evaluate PRT and conduct AARs to provide feedback to the commander.

Salutes are not required to be rendered or returned when the senior or subordinate, or both are what?

• In civilian attire. • Engaged in routine work if the salute would interfere. • Carrying articles with both hands so occupied as to make saluting impracticable. • Working as a member of a detail, or engaged in sports or social functions where saluting would present a safety hazard. • In public places such as theaters, churches, and in public conveyances. • In the ranks of a formation.

What are the objectives of ASAP?

• Increase individual fitness and overall unit readiness. • Provide services, which are adequate and responsive to the needs of the total workforce and emphasize alcohol and other drug abuse deterrence, prevention, education, and treatment. • Implement alcohol and other drug risk reduction and prevention strategies that respond to potential problems before they jeopardize readiness, productivity, and careers. • Restore to duty those substance-impaired Soldiers who have the potential for continued military service. • Provide effective alcohol and other drug abuse prevention and education at all levels of command, and encourage commanders to provide alcohol and drug-free leisure activities. • Ensure all military and civilian personnel assigned to ASAP staff are appropriately trained and experienced to accomplish their mission. • Achieve maximum productivity and reduce absenteeism and attrition among DA civilian employees by reducing the effects of the abuse of alcohol and other drugs. • Improve readiness by extending services to the total Army. • Ensure quality customer service.

What does recovery consist of?

• Inspecting and maintaining equipment and personnel • Accounting for personnel, equipment, training support items, and ammunition • Gaining insights on how to make the next exercise or event better

Name two intelligence products produced by the staff.

• Intelligence estimate • Intelligence summary (INTSUM)(GRINTSUM) • Intelligence running estimate • COP (intelligence portion of the COP/intelligence overlay)

What are the 4 primary means for information collection?

• Intelligence operations. • Reconnaissance. • Surveillance. • Security operations.

Reception and integration counseling serves two purposes. What are they?

• It identifies and helps alleviate any issues or concerns that new members may have, including any issues resulting from the new duty assignment. • It familiarizes new team members with the organizational standards, roles, and assignments.

In a "survival" situation, what are some key areas to focus on to maintain good personal hygiene?

• Keep your hands clean • Keep your hair clean • Keep your clothing clean • Keep your teeth clean • Take care of your feet • Get sufficient rest

What are the Army principles of leader development? (Name 5)

• Lead by example • Develop subordinate leaders • Create a learning environment for subordinate leaders. • Train leaders in the art and science of mission command • Train to develop adaptive leaders • Train leaders to think critically and creatively • Train your leaders to know their subordinates and their families

What are the tenets of standards-based training?

• Leaders know and enforce standards. • Leaders define success in the absence of standards. Leaders train to standard, not time.

The category of leads encompasses five competencies. What are they?

• Leads others. • Extends influence beyond the chain of command. • Builds trust. • Leads by example. • Communicates.

What considerations are evaluated when determining the degree of control to be applied to an operation?

• Level of acceptable risk • Delegation of authority and resources • Ability to sustain the force • Span of control • Forms of control

3 safety features commonly found in any barracks.

• Lights in stairwells • Fire lights (emergency lighting) • Fire extinguisher and alarms • Arms room safety procedures • First aid kits • CQ • Safety posters • Handrails • Storage of dangerous tools and chemicals

What is the type of ammunition fired from the MK19?

• M430 (HEDP) • M383 (HE) • M918 (TP) • M922 (DUMMY)

What are the steps for treating head injury involving trauma?

• Maintain a patent airway using the jaw thrust maneuver • Dress the head wound • Control Bleeding • Treat for shock • Seek medical aid • Monitor casualty for convulsions or seizures

What are the characteristics of the Intellect attribute?

• Mental agility • Sound judgement • Innovation • Interpersonal tact • Expertise

What are the characteristics of the Presence attribute?

• Military and professional bearing • Fitness • Confidence • Resilience

How do stability operations contribute to the military's role in prevention activities?

• Military engagement • Security cooperation • Military fact finding missions • Military to military consultations and warnings • Inspections • Observation missions • Monitoring

What are the steps to prevent or control shock?

• Move the casualty under a permanent or improvised shelter to shade them from direct sunlight. • Lay the casualty on their back unless a sitting position will allow the casualty to breathe better. • Elevate the casualty's feet higher than the heart using a stable object so the feet will not fall. • Loosen clothing at the neck, waist, or anywhere it is binding (unless in a chemical area). • Cover the casualty with a blanket or clothing to avoid loss of body heat.

What are the four primary offensive tasks?

• Movement to contact • Attack • Exploitation • Pursuit

The Army refers to nonjudicial punishment as an Article 15. What do the Navy and Marines call this form of punishment?

• Navy - Captain's Mast • Marines - Office Hours

What are the two basic types of toxins?

• Neurotoxins - disrupt nerve impulses • Cytotoxins - destroy cells by disrupting cell respiration and metabolism

Military Justice is administered at two punitive levels. What are they?

• Nonjudicial punishment - Article 15 procedures used by commanding officers for relatively minor offenses. • Judicial punishment - also known as courts-martial, the equivalent to trial by judge and jury.

The Science of Control is based on what 4 factors?

• Objectivity • Facts • Empirical methods • Analysis

When is the APFU not authorized for wear?

• On commercial travel • In off-post establishments (except for essential purchases such as gas) • At social or official functions off the installation • As restricted by the commander

What are some examples of prohibited relationships between officers and enlisted Soldiers, or NCOs and junior enlisted Soldiers, under the Army's new fraternization policy?

• On-going business relationships between officers and enlisted Soldiers, or NCOs and junior enlisted Soldiers, (does not apply to landlord-tenant relationships or to one-time transactions such as the sale of an automobile or house, but does apply to borrowing or lending money, commercial solicitation, and any other type of on-going financial or business relationship). • Dating, shared living accommodations other than those directed by operational requirements, and intimate or sexual relationships between officers and enlisted personnel, or between NCOs and junior enlisted soldiers. • This does not apply to situations in which a relationship that complies with this policy would move into noncompliance due to a change in status of one of the members (i.e., a case where two enlisted members are married and one is subsequently commissioned or selected as a warrant officer). This stipulation has come to be known as the "marriage stipulation." • Gambling between officers and enlisted personnel or between NCOs and junior enlisted personnel.

The secondary objectives of the Army Body Composition Program assist in establishing and maintaining what?

• Operational Readiness • Physical Fitness • Health • A Professional Military Appearance

What are some topics that should be discussed during a reception and integration counseling?

• Organizational history, structure, and mission • Organizational standards (such as discipline, maintenance, training, and fitness) • Organizational policies • Chain of command familiarization • NCO support channel familiarization • Key leader contact information • Soldier programs within the organization, such as Soldier of the Month/Quarter/Year, and educational and training opportunities • Security and safety issues • On- and off-duty conduct • Off-limits and danger areas • Personnel procedures • Initial and special clothing issue • On- and off-post recreational, educational, cultural, and historical opportunities • Support activities functions and locations • Foreign nation or host nation orientation, as applicable • Other items of interest as determined by the leader or organization

What are the 8 tenets of train as you will fight, as they relate to PRT?

• PRT must support full spectrum operations and promote quick transitions between missions. • PRT must support proficiency in combined arms operations and unified actions. • PRT focus is on training the fundamentals first. • PRT must be performance-oriented, conducted under realistic conditions, and mission focused. • PRT should incorporate challenging, complex, ambiguous, and uncomfortable situations. • PRT must incorporate safety and composite risk management (CRM). • PRT must be conducted under conditions that replicate the operational environment. PRT must be conducted during deployments.

Name some federal financial aid programs available to Soldiers through ACES

• Pell Grant • Perkins Loans • Guaranteed Student Loans

What are the information collection tasks?

• Plan requirements and assess collection. • Task and direct collection. • Execute collection.

What are the major mission command activities performed during operations?

• Planning • Preparing • Executing • Continuously assessing the operation

Name three methods of influence a leader may use:

• Pressure • Legitimating • Exchange • Personal appeals • Collaboration • Rational persuasion • Apprising • Inspirational appeals • Participation

What are the specific goals of the EO program?

• Provide EO for military personnel and family members, both on and off post and within the limits of the laws of localities, states, and host nations. • Create and sustain effective units by eliminating discriminatory behaviors or practices that undermine teamwork, mutual respect, loyalty, and shared sacrifice of the men and women of America's Army.

Once you begin chest compressions you should not stop until/unless ____________.

• Pulse is restored • You are relieved by other competent personnel • You are too exhausted to continue • The casualty is pronounced dead by an authorized person • Enemy fire prevents you from continuing (until moved behind cover)

Commanders have two primary means of dealing with misconduct, depending on the severity. What are these two methods/measures?

• Punitive (some kind of punishment) • Nonpunitive (sometimes referred to as administrative, and not considered punishment)

What are the two types of sexual harassment?

• Quid pro quo - a Latin term meaning, "this for that." Refers to conditions placed on a person's career or terms of employment in return for favors. Essentially this is, "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours." • Hostile environment - when behaviors at work (verbal, nonverbal, physical) unreasonably interfere with work performance.

Name the Tactical Enabling Tasks:

• Reconnaissance • Security • Troop Movement • Encirclement • Mobility • Relief in Place • Passage of Lines

What are the objectives of rehabilitation with ASAP?

• Return Soldiers to full duty as soon as possible. • Identify Soldiers who cannot be rehabilitated within the scope of this regulation and to advise their unit commanders. • Assist and refer Soldiers who cannot be rehabilitated in the ASAP to a treatment facility in the vicinity where they reside after discharge from the Army. • Help resolve alcohol and other drug abuse problems in the family, with the ultimate goal of enabling the Soldier to perform more effectively.

What are the duties of a Tactical Combatives Certified Instructor?

• Review platoon trainers' training plans to ensure quality control and safety. • Serve as assistant instructors for Basic Combatives Course certifications (conducted by a battalion master trainer). • Act as punchers during the Option 3 drill.

The Army Song is always played at the conclusion of what events

• Reviews • Parades • Honor Guard Ceremonies

Describe role 1-3 medical treatment facilities.

• Role 1 - Battalion Aid Station • Role 2 - Provides greater resuscitative capability at a BDE or higher facility • Role 3 - Combat Support Hospital

What are the current NCOES requirements for promotion?

• SGT - Basic Leader Course (BLC) • SSG - Advanced Leaders Course (ALC) • SFC - Senior Leaders Course (SLC) • MSG - Master Leaders Course (MLC) *effective FY18 • SGM - Graduate of the Sergeants Major Course (USASMC)

What are the current SSD requirements for recommendation/eligibility for promotion?

• SGT - completion of SSD 1 • SSG - completion of SSD 2 • SFC - completion of SSD 3 • MSG - completion of SSD 4

Who is the reduction authority for SPC/CPL and below? SGT/SSG? SFC through SGM?

• SPC/CPL and below: Company, troop, battery, and separate detachment commanders • SGT/SSG: Commanders with the rank of LTC or higher. • SFC-SGM: Commanders with the rank of COL or higher.

While there are many potential missions for Soldiers as part of DSCA, what are the overarching purposes of all DSCA missions?

• Save lives. • Alleviate suffering. • Protect property.

What are the five tasks security operations encompass?

• Screen is a security task that primarily provides early warning to the protected force. • Guard is a security task to protect the main body by fighting to gain time while also observing and reporting information and preventing enemy ground observation of and direct fire against the main body. • Cover is a security task to protect the main body by fighting to gain time while also observing and reporting information and preventing enemy ground observation of and direct fire against the main body. • Area security is a security task conducted to protect friendly forces, installations, routes, and actions within a specific area. • Local security is a security task that includes low-level security activities conducted near a unit to prevent surprise by the enemy.

At a minimum, what should legal assistance review during regular Soldier readiness processing to ensure Soldiers have their legal affairs in order and are ready to deploy?

• Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance beneficiary designations. • Requirements for wills or powers of attorney. • Servicemembers Civil Relief Act issues. • Any pending civilian or military charges. • Family care plan concerns.

Who does AER help?

• Soldiers on extended active duty and their dependents. • Members of the Reserve Components of the Army (Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve) on continuous active duty for more than 30 days and their dependents. (This applies to Soldiers on AD for training (ADT) or serving under various sections of title 10, United States Code). • Soldiers retired from active duty because of longevity or physical disability, or retired upon reaching age 60 • (Reserve Components) and their dependents. • Widows(ers) and orphans of Soldiers who died while on active duty or after they retired.

When must Soldiers wear headgear?

• Soldiers will always wear headgear with the Army uniform except: indoors, unless under arms • While in or on a POV, a commercial vehicle, or public conveyance • If it would interfere with the safe operation of military vehicles • To evening social events (after retreat) when wearing Army service, dress, mess, or evening mess uniforms

Who is exempt from the requirements of AR 600-9?

• Soldiers with major limb loss • Pregnant and Postpartum Soldiers • Soldiers hospitalized for greater than 30 days • New recruits (180 days from BASD)

If a complainant feels uncomfortable in filing a complaint with his/her chain of command, a number of alternative agencies exist through which a complaint may be processed. Name some of these agencies.

• Someone in a higher echelon of the complainant's chain of command • Inspector General • Chaplain • Provost Marshal • Medical agency personnel • Staff Judge Advocate • Chief, Community Housing Referral and Relocation Services Office (CHRRS)

What are some types of "event-oriented" counseling?

• Specific incidents of superior or substandard performance • Reception and Integration • Crisis counseling • Referral counseling • Promotion counseling • Transition counseling • Adverse Separation counseling

What three organizational components of military justice exist within the Judge Advocate General's Corps (JAGC)?

• Staff judge advocate (SJA). • Chief, United States Army Trial Defense Service (USATDS). Chief, U.S. Army Trial Judiciary.

What are the characteristics of offensive tasks?

• Surprise • Concentration • Tempo • Audacity

What are some of the signs/symptoms of shock?

• Sweaty but cool skin (clammy skin) • Pale skin • Restlessness or nervousness • Thirst • Severe bleeding • Confusion • Rapid breathing • Blotchy blue skin • Nausea and/or vomiting

What is the weight of the MK19 weapon system?

• System weight (Gun, Cradle and Tripod with feed throat) = 143 lbs • MK19 with feed throat = 78 lbs • MK64 = 21 lbs • M3 (tripod) = 44 lbs

What are the requirements to be integrated on the CLI for promotion to SGT?

• TIS - 47 months (48 for actual promotion) • TIG - 11 months (12 for actual promotion) • Not otherwise ineligible (flagged, etc) • Not denied by commander • Graduate of SSD 1

What are the requirements to be integrated on the CLI for promotion to SSG?

• TIS - 83 months (84 for actual promotion) • TIG - 11 months (12 for actual promotion) • Not otherwise ineligible (flagged, etc) • Not denied by commander • Graduate of SSD 2

What are the three categories of competencies?

• The Army leader serves to lead others. • The Army leader serves to develop the environment, themselves, others and the profession as a whole. • The Army leader serves to achieve organizational goals.

What are some of the primary differences between the M16-series and M4-series weapons?

• The M16A2 fires in the SEMI and 3-round BURST modes and has a 20" barrel. • The M16A3 is just like the M16A2 but fires in the SEMI and AUTO modes. • The M16A4 is just like the M16A2 except that it has an M5 Adapter Rail System (ARS) and a detachable carrying handle. • The M4 is similar to the M16 in design but has a shorter barrel (14.5") and shorter handguards, a detachable carrying handle, and a collapsible (four-position) buttstock. Like the M16A2, it can be fired in the SEMI and BURST modes. • The M4A1 is just like the M4 but is fully automatic.

What are the primary documents containing national preparedness doctrine?

• The National Preparedness Goal. • The National Incident Management System (known as the NIMS). • The National Response Framework (formerly known as the National Response Plan)

What are the three basic defensive tasks?

• The area defense. • The mobile defense. • The retrograde.

The art of tactics consists of three interrelated aspects. What are they?

• The creative and flexible array of means to accomplish assigned missions. • Decision making under conditions of uncertainty when faced with a thinking and adaptive enemy. • Understanding the effects of combat on Soldiers.

What are the two prescribed methods for opening an airway?

• The head-tilt chin-lift method • The jaw thrust method

What are the PRT System's phases?

• The initial conditioning phase (prepares future Soldiers to learn and adapt to Army PRT). • The toughening phase (develop foundational fitness and fundamental movement skills that prepare Soldiers to transition to the sustaining phase). • The sustaining phase (develop a higher level of physical readiness required by duty position and C- or D METL). Reconditioning phase (restores Soldiers' physical fitness levels that enable them to safely re-enter the toughening or sustaining phase and progress to their previous level of conditioning).

What are the elements that make up the Presidential Policy Directive 8?

• The national preparedness goal • The national preparedness system • National planning frameworks • Federal interagency operational plans • National preparedness report • Building and sustaining national preparedness

What are the objectives of bio-chemical testing (also called a urinalysis)?

• The objectives of Army's Biochemical Testing Program are to: • Deter Soldiers, including those members on initial entry on AD after enlistment or appointment, from abusing drugs (including illegal drugs, other illicit substances, and prescribed medication). • Facilitate early identification of alcohol and/or other drug abuse. • Enable commanders to assess the security, military fitness, good order and discipline of their units, and to use information obtained to take appropriate action (for example, UCMJ, administrative, or other actions, including referral to the ASAP counseling center for screening, evaluation, and possible treatment). • Monitor rehabilitation of those enrolled for alcohol and/or other drug abuse. • Collect data on the prevalence of alcohol and/or other drug abuse within the Army.

What are the guidelines for tucking and blousing the pants into the combat boots?

• The trousers must be tucked into the top of the boots or bloused using the draw strings at the bottom of the trousers or using commercial blousing devices. • The trousers should not be wrapped around the leg so tight that it presents a "pegged" appearance. • Devices will not be inserted into the trouser legs to create a round appearance at the bottom of the trouser leg. • The trousers should not extend below the third eyelet from the top of the boot.

When assessing training, what do commanders consider?

• Their own observations and those of subordinate leaders and other individuals • Feedback from after action reviews • Results of unit evaluations

What is the difference between a threat and a hazard?

• Threat - any combination of actors, entities or forces that have the capability and intent to harm United States forces or interests. • Hazard - conditions or natural phenomena able to damage or destroy life, vital resources, and institutions or prevent mission accomplishment.

Name two of the agencies that fall under the Department of Homeland Security:

• US Customs and Border Protection • US Immigration and Customs Enforcement • Transportation Security Administration • Secret Service • US Citizenship and Immigration Services • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) • United States Coast Guard

How do you treat burns?

• Uncover the burn by cutting clothing away from burned area • Apply the casualty's dry, sterile dressing directly over the wound • Watch the casualty closely for signs of life-threatening conditions • Check for other injuries • Treat for shock • Seek medical aid

What are the 12 Special Operations Force imperatives?

• Understand the operational environment • Recognize political implications • Facilitate military and interagency activities • Engage the threat discriminately Anticipate long-term effects • Ensure legitimacy and credibility • Anticipate and control psychological effects • Operate with and through others • Develop multiple options • Support long-term engagement • Provide sufficient intelligence • Balance security and synchronization

Commanders may direct drug testing under what conditions?

• Unit inspections. (either the entire or part of a unit) • Search and seizures/probable cause. • Competence for Duty. • Rehabilitation. • Mishap or Safety Inspection. • Consent (specimen may be provided voluntarily by a Soldier). • New Entrant. • Medical.

Chaplains and chaplain assistants plan, prepare, execute and assess religious support in support of unified land operations. In its planning process, a chaplain section or UMT plans for three categories of religious support for the Army. What are the three categories of religious support?

• Unit support. This covers the unit to which the chaplain and chaplain assistant are assigned or attached and is normally the first priority of support. • Area support. This covers Soldiers, members of the joint force, and authorized civilians who are not a part of the assigned unit, but who operate within that unit's area of operations. • Denominational or distinctive faith group support. This covers Soldiers and other authorized persons of the chaplain's denomination.

What are the ways that Soldiers can be identified as having a substance abuse problem?

• Voluntary (self-identification) • Commander / Supervisor Identification • Biochemical Identification • Medical Identification • Investigation and or Apprehension

Enlisted members generally do not exchange salutes, what are some examples of when they would exchange salutes?

• When rendering reports in formation • When reporting to an enlisted president of a board

When do you salute inside a building?

• When reporting to your commander • When reporting to a pay officer • When reporting to a military board • At an indoor ceremony • At sentry duty indoors

At every echelon of the force, the chaplaincy is the Army's primary agency for ensuring the right to free exercise of religion for Soldiers on behalf of the commander. Based upon the requirements of the operational mission, what is included as a Soldier right?

• Worshipping according to one's faith. • Seeking religious counsel and care. • Keeping holy days and observances. • Participating in rites, sacraments, and ordinances. • Practicing dietary laws.

The Army is a vital contributor to the joint force. In several missions, land power is decisive. There are eleven land power missions. (Name 6)

1. Counter terrorism and irregular warfare 2. Deter and defeat aggression 3 . Project power despite anti-access/area denial challenges 4. Counter weapons of mass destruction 5. Operate effectively in cyberspace 6. Operate effectively in space 7 . Maintain a safe, secure, and effective nuclear deterrent 8. Defend the homeland and provide support to civil authorities 9. Provide a stabilizing presence 1 0 . Conduct stability and counterinsurgency operations 11. Conduct humanitarian, disaster relief, and other operations

What were the primary rules outlined in the armistice?

1. suspended open hostilities; 2. withdrew all military forces and equipment from a 4,000-meter-wide zone, establishing the Demilitarized Zone as a buffer between the forces; 3. prevented both sides from entering the air, ground, or sea areas under control of the other; 4. arranged release and repatriation of prisoners of war and displaced persons; and 5. established the Military Armistice Commission (MAC) and other agencies to discuss any violations and to ensure adherence to the truce terms.

What is the birth date of the US Army?

14 JUN 1775

When was the American Continental Army Established?

14 June 1775

When did the Inchon Landing Operation (Operation Chromite) take place?

15 September 1950

How many campaign and battle streamers does the Army Flag have?


How many campaign streamers are authorized for the US Army Flag?


When was "V-J Day" (Victory in Japan)?

2 September 1945

How wide is the DMZ?

4 kilometers (4,000 meters)

When was "V-E Day" (Victory in Europe)?

8 May 1945

What does the uniform of the Army represent for Families?

A source of both pride and anxiety and of knowing the sacrifices ahead

When and where was the first atomic bomb dropped on Japan?

August 6, 1945; Hiroshima

What events, perhaps more than any other, precipitated an end to the Korean Conflict?

Dwight D. Eisenhower became President of the United States, Stalin died in the Soviet Union, and Mao Tse-Tung began to see that the war in Korea was detracting from his ability to address issues in China.

What was the actual title of Baron von Steuben's "Blue Book"?

Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States

What does the uniformed Soldier represent for the American Civilians?

Soldiers represent patriotism and selfless service; men and women in whom the Nation takes collective pride

When does an individual become a part of the Army Profession?

After taking an initial oath, each individual (military or civilian) becomes a member of the Army profession, but an individual is not a professional until certified. The transition from an aspiring professional to a professional in either community is not automatic. Initial certification occurs upon graduation or completion of the first qualifying event such as Advanced Individual Training for the Soldier.

Describe our Army Civilians?

Army Civilians are professionals who provide long-term continuity and important skills needed away from the battlefield. They also take an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. Although they are not subject to military discipline, they share the Army Values and follow the Army Civilian Corps Creed (see the inside page) that echoes the Soldier's Creed.

When and where was the armistice signed?

At 1000hrs on 27 July 1953, in Panmunjom

Who were the primary belligerents in the Korean War?

South Korea (Republic of Korea - ROK) and North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea - DPRK)

Define Stewardship?

Stewardship reflects the Army professional's responsibilities to the Army and Nation. As professionals, we remain responsible for today's missions, even as we build a better Army for tomorrow.

Who was the President of the Republic of Korea during the Korea War?

Syngman Rhee (or Ri Seungman)

What was Task Force Smith?

Task Force Smith was a Task Force sent to delay the nK forces' advance towards Busan. TF Smith was commanded by LTC Charles B. Smith. The TF was severely understrength and poorly equipped (much with outdated weapons systems). The NKPA easily overtook TF Smith near Osan, however the TF did successfully slow down nK's advancement on Busan.

The training programs of Baron Friedrich von Steuben were published and known by what name?

The "Blue Book."

What was the name of the plane that dropped the first atomic bomb?

The "Enola Gay."

What was the name of the first engagement between US and North Korea forces?

Battle of Osan

Why does the US consider the battles that took place in Korea from 25 June 1950 to 27 July 1953 not to be a "war" but rather a "conflict"?

By law, US Congress is only entity that can declare war. However, the President can engage US forces as he/she sees fit. Congress never declared war on North Korea.

In the last days of WWII, the US and USSR agreed to a line of demarcation between the occupation forces of those two countries as they moved onto the Korean peninsula. What was this line of demarcation?

The 38th parallel

What seal, displaying the designation "War Office" and originally used to authenticate documents during the American Revolution, was the model for the current Department of the Army Emblem?

The Army Seal

What is meant by the Army's role to Shape?

The Army's role to shape is to assist other nations to shape their own training and their military strength to be able to defend themselves

What is character?

Character ensures Army professionals use their expertise on behalf of the American people and only in accordance with the law.

What countries supported North Korea during the war?

China and Russia

What is commitment?

Commitment reflects each individual's willingness to put the requirements of the Army and Nation above their personal goals.

Who determines the size and organization of the Army?


When and by what means was the Medal of Honor established?

Congress authorized the creation of the Medal of Honor on July 12, 1862.

Define Cyberspace?

Cyberspace is a technological repository and means of transit for information, but its content originates with people on land

What was "D-Day", and when was it?

D-Day was the day the US invaded Europe at Normandy, France during WWII. It occurred on 6 June 1944.

What Department of Defense Directive governs the Army?

DODD 5100.01

What does DMZ stand for?

Demilitarized Zone

What are the hallmarks of units with high esprit de corps?

Discipline and pride are the hallmark of units with high esprit de corps.

What is discipline?

Discipline is behavior tempered by high standards of conduct and performance. Discipline reflects the self-control necessary in the face of temptation, obstacles, and adversity, and the fear to do the harder right instead of the easier wrong.

Who was the only female recipient of the Medal of Honor?

Dr. Mary E. Walker in 1865. Note: Mary Walker was also the first American woman to be a military doctor and a prisoner of war. Her Medal of Honor was revoked by the War Department in 1916, but was restored by President Jimmy Carter in 1977.

When, where, and by whom did the Army receive its first real training

During the winter of 1778 at Valley Forge by the former Prussian officer, Baron Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben.

What does the uniform of the Army represent for Soldiers?

For Soldiers it means that they have become part of something far bigger than themselves; a chance to serve their country and to change the world. It also means danger, long separations, grinding fatigue, and stress.

Who led the US forces at the Battle of Inchon?

GEN Douglas McArthur

Who was the first Commander in Chief of the Continental Army?

George Washington.

Define Honorable Service.

Honorable Service is the external manifestation of the Army professional's oath and ethical conduct.

A U.S. forces attack at what city in South Korea put the NKPA in full retreat back across the border and ultimately pushed them almost as far back as North Korea's border with China?


The Army has a dual nature. What is it?

It is both a military department (a part of the Armed Forces) and a military profession

What is the Land Domain?

It is the most complex of all combat domains and also where most countries are capable of having a defense, as some are unable to afford a navy, an air force and other forms of defense.

What is Unified Land Operations?

It is the synchronization of our efforts between Joint Services, other government agencies, other partner nations and other military forces from other partner nations

What is meant by the Army's role to Prevent?

It means that other countries believe that our force is credible, unbeatable, rapidly deployable, highly trained, well equipped and always ready to assist our allies and protect the U.S. interests

What is the importance of the Army Ethic?

It provides the moral basis for why our Army exists. It emphasizes the imperative of being an honorable leader, follower, and steward of trust with the American people.

What does the uniform of the Army represent for Veterans?

It represents one of the most important periods of their lives; pride in awards and decorations, and sometimes intense emotional and physical distress

Who was the leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) during the Korea War?

Kim Il-sung

What is Land power?

Land power is the ability, by threat, force, or occupation, to gain, sustain, and exploit control over land, resources, and people

Define leadership.

Leadership is the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization.

Which side won the Korea war?

Neither side won the war. The war ended in an armistice between the two parties. Technically the ROK and DPRK are still at war.

What is this year's "America's Army - Our Profession" theme?

One Army, Indivisible

What was the code name for the assault on the beaches of Inchon?

Operation Chromite

How does the Army accomplish its mission?

Organizing, equipping, and training Army forces for prompt and sustained combat incident to operations on land; Integrating our capabilities with those of the other Armed Services; Accomplishing all missions assigned by the President, Secretary of Defense, and combatant commanders; Remaining ready while preparing for the future

Prevent, shape, and win summarizes the Army's roles as part of the joint force. What do the Army's roles depend on?

Our roles depend upon our capabilities, depth, experience, and professionalism.

Who was the President of the US during the Korean Conflict?

President Truman

The Army's Vision captures the three strategic roles of the Army what are they?

Prevent, Shape and Win

What is pride?

Pride stems from an internalized recognition that obstacles, adversity, and fear can be mastered through discipline and teamwork.

Who was the first recipient of the Medal of Honor?

Private Jacob Parrott, Company K, 33d Ohio Volunteer Infantry, on March 25, 1863

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