Allergies and Allergic Reactions

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The client diagnosed with a bee sting allergy is being discharged from the emergency department. Which priority discharge instruction should be taught to the client? 1. Demonstrate how to use an EpiPen, an adrenergic agonist. 2. Teach the client to never go outdoors in the spring and summer. 3. Have the client buy diphenhydramine over the counter to use when stung. 4. Discuss wearing a Medic Alert bracelet when going outside.

1. Clients who are allergic to bee sting venom should be taught to keep an EpiPen with them at all times and how to use the device. This could save their lives.

The client is highly allergic to insect venom and is prescribed venom immunotherapy. Which statement is the scientific rationale for this treatment? 1. Immunotherapy is effective in preventing anaphylaxis following a future sting. 2. Immunotherapy will prevent all future insect stings from harming the client. 3. This therapy will cure the client from having any allergic reactions in the future. 4. This therapy is experimental and should not be undertaken by the client.

1. Immunotherapy does not cure the problem. However, if immunotherapy is done following a reaction, it provides passive immunity to the insect venom (similar to the way RhoGAM prevents a mother who is Rh negative from building antibodies to the blood of a baby who is Rh positive). This is the purpose for immunotherapy in clients who are allergic.

The client in the emergency department begins to experience a severe anaphylactic reaction after an initial dose of IV penicillin, an antibiotic. Which interventions should the nurse implement? Select all that apply. 1. Prepare to administer Solu-Medrol, a glucocorticoid, IV. 2. Request and obtain a STAT chest x-ray. 3. Initiate the Rapid Response Team. 4. Administer epinephrine, an adrenergic blocker, SQ then IV continuous. 5. Assess for the client's pulse and respirations.

1. Steroid medications decrease inflammation and therefore are one of the treatments for anaphylaxis. 3. The Rapid Response Team should be called because this client will be in respiratory and cardiac arrest very shortly. 4. Because of its ability to activate a combination of alpha and beta receptors, epinephrine is the treatment of choice for anaphylactic shock. 5. The first step in initiating cardiopulmonary resuscitation is to assess for a pulse and respirations.

The nurse is developing a care plan for a client diagnosed with allergic rhinitis. Which independent problem has priority? 1. Ineffective breathing pattern. 2. Knowledge deficit. 3. Anaphylaxis. 4. Ineffective coping.

1. This can be an independent or collaborative nursing problem. It is an airway problem and has priority

The client in the HCP's office is complaining of allergic rhinitis. Which assessment question is important for the nurse to ask the client? 1. "What time of year do the symptoms occur?" 2. "Which over-the-counter medications have you tried?" 3. "Do other members of your family have allergies to animals?" 4. "Why do you think you have allergies?"

2. There are many over-the-counter remedies available. Therefore, the nurse should assess which medications the client has tried and what medications the client is currently taking.

The nurse on a medical unit has received the morning shift report. Which client should the nurse assess first? 1. The client who has a 0730 sliding-scale insulin order. 2. The client who received an initial dose of IV antibiotic at 0645. 3. The client who is having back pain at a "4" on a 1-to-10 scale. 4. The client who has dysphagia and needs to be fed.

2. This client has received an initial dose of antibiotic IV and should be assessed for tolerance to the medication within 30 minutes.

The charge nurse observes the primary nurse interacting with a client. Which action by the primary nurse warrants immediate intervention by the charge nurse? 1. The nurse explains the IVP diuretic will make the client urinate. 2. The nurse dons nonsterile gloves to remove the client's dressing. 3. The nurse administers a medication without checking for allergies. 4. The nurse asks the UAP for help moving a client up in bed.

3. Checking for allergies is one (1) of the five (5) rights of medication. Is it the right drug? Even if the drug is the one the HCP ordered, it is not the right drug if the client is allergic to it. The nurse should always assess a client's allergies prior to administering any medication

The client in the HCP's office has a red, raised rash covering the forearms, neck, and face and is experiencing extreme itching which is diagnosed as an allergic reaction to poison ivy. Which discharge instructions should the nurse teach? 1. Tell the client never to scratch the rash. 2. Instruct the client in administering IM Benadryl. 3. Explain how to take a steroid dose pack. 4. Have the client wear shirts with long sleeves and high necks.

3. Clients with poison ivy are frequently prescribed a steroid dose pack. The dose pack has the steroid provided in descending doses to help prevent adrenal insufficiency.

The nurse in the holding area of the operating room is assessing the client prior to surgery. Which information warrants immediate intervention by the nurse? 1. The client is able to mark the correct site for the surgery. 2. The client can only tell the nurse about the surgery in lay terms. 3. The client is allergic to iodine and does not have an allergy bracelet. 4. The client has signed a consent form for surgery and anesthesia.

3. Iodine is the basic ingredient in Betadine (povidone-iodine), which is a common skin prep used for surgeries. Therefore, the nurse should notify the surgeon if the client has an allergy to iodine.

The client comes to the emergency department complaining of dyspnea and wheezing after eating at a seafood restaurant. The client cannot speak and has a bluish color around the mouth. Which intervention should the nurse implement first? 1. Initiate an IV with normal saline. 2. Prepare to intubate the client. 3. Administer oxygen at 100%. 4. Ask the client about an iodine allergy

3. The client is cyanotic with dyspnea and wheezing. The nurse should administer oxygen first.

The nurse in the emergency department is allergic to latex. Which intervention should the nurse implement regarding the use of nonsterile gloves? 1. Use only sterile, nonlatex gloves for any procedure requiring gloves. 2. Do not use gloves when starting an IV or performing a procedure. 3. Keep a pair of nonsterile, nonlatex gloves in the pocket of the uniform. 4. Wear white cotton gloves at all times to protect the hands.

3. The nurse should be prepared to care for a client at all times and should not place himself or herself at risk because the facility does not keep nonlatex gloves available in the rooms. The nurse should carry the needed equipment (nonlatex gloves) with him or her.

The client asks the nurse, "Which time of the year is allergic rhinitis least likely to occur?" Which statement is the nurse's best response? 1. "It is least likely to occur during the springtime." 2. "Allergic rhinitis is not likely to occur during the summer." 3. "It is least likely to occur in the early fall." 4. "Allergic rhinitis is least likely to occur in early winter."

4. Early winter is the beginning of deciduous plants becoming dormant. Therefore, allergic rhinitis is least prevalent during this time of year.

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