Allies vs. Axis, Phoney Way & Miracle of Dunkirk

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What was the Blitzkrieg?

"Lightening War"

What countries does Germany attack in April, 1940?

1. Denmark 2. Norway

How long did it take Germany to conquer Norway?

2 months

How many miles of water lies between Britain and German occupied France?

31 miles

How many Allied troops were brought back to Britain?


What was the phoney war?

A period of time when no fighting was happening for about 7 months.

Expand on the phoney war...

Allied troops stationed along France's border waiting for German invasion. England preparing for an attack by the German Luftwaffe (German airforce)

Who are the Allies?

Britain, France, Commonwealth Countries (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India & Egypt)

Who was the P.M. of the United Kingdom during the early part of the war?


Who was the person who took over the role of English Prime Minister and who assured the people?


What would these soldiers do once they had parachuted in?

Destroy vital communication and transportation links (radio towers, telephone lines, bridges)

Where is Dunkirk located?


Who was the Axis Powers?

Germany, Italy (1939) and Japan

How long did it take Germany to conquer Denmark?


What did the German panzers (tanks) do?

In surprise attacks they would crash through enemy lines, driving as for forward as possible.

What was the Battle of Britain?

In the summer and fall of 1940, German and British air forces clashed in the skies over the United Kingdom. A significant turning point of World War II, the Battle of Britain ended when Germany's Luftwaffe failed to gain air superiority over the Royal Air Force (RAF)

Were the people of Britain impressed and assured with Chamberlain during this time?


Did the German troops attack the retreating Allied force?

No the troops didn't but the Luftwaffe did bomb Dunkirk while the Allied soldiers were retreating.

With the Allied troops back in Britain, was there anything left to defend France?

No. Consequently, the French government surrenders to the Germans on June 22, 1940.

The Allied Forces (British, French, etch) were stranded and surrounded on what area of France?

Port of Dunkirk - only way back to Britain was from this area

Who were P.O.W.'s?

Prisoners of war. And any german prisoners were sent back to Germany.

Where did the German army push towards?

Pushing there army to the coast (English Channel) instead of Paris as the French and Allies expected.

How does the short distance between Britain and German occupied France make the people of England feel?


When did the phoney war take place?

Sept. 1939 to May 10, 1940

What happened in May 10, 1940?

The German Wehrmacht (armed forces) invade The Netherlands.

What was the Operation Sea Lion?

The German goal of invading Britain

What quickly happened after the invasion of Belgium?

The invasion of France

What was the Miracle of Dunkirk?

Thousands of British soldiers stranded on the beach of Dunkirk. British PM rounded thousands of boats (fishing boats, ferries, dinghies, any boats) were requested to cross the English Channel to get the stranded Allied soldiers.

When the panzers were doing their job, what was supporting their attack?

War planes would bomb the enemy below & German soldiers would parachute into enemy territory.

Was this method successful for the Germans?

Yes, they invaded France pretty quickly. Attacks swift and thorough and leave defending army confused and eventually surrounded.

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