Ambulatory Coding {assessments}

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The correct code for Arthrocentesis of the left elbow:


Arthroscopy of left wrist with repair of triangular fibrocartilage and joint debridement.


Left nasal endoscopy for control of epistaxis.


Bilateral nasal endoscopy with total ethmoidectomy.


Indirect laryngoscopy with biopsy.


Direct laryngoscopy for removal of lesion.


Direct layrngoscopy with stripping of vocal chords.


Colposcopy of the cervix with a loop electrode biopsy.


Dilation and curettage of cervical stump.


Code the vaginal removal of a 252-gram uterus.


Diagnostic maxillary sinusoscopy, bilateral.


Nasal endoscopy with polypectomy.


Fitting and insertion of a pessary.


With the use of Surgery Guidelines in the CPT manual, match the following information to the heading under which it appears:

- Evaluating the patient in the post-anesthesia recovery area → CPT Surgical Package Definitions -"Special Services and Reports" is presented in the Medicine Section → Physicians' Services -List drugs, trays, supplies, and materials provided → Materials Supplied by Physician - Complexity of service → Special Report

With the use of the Surgery subsection indexes in the CPT manual, match the following code titles to the correct code range:

- Hand Joint: Arthrodesis → 26843-26844 - Excision--Malignant Lesions → 11600-11646 - Endovascular Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm → 34800-34834 - Transcatheter Procedures → 37184-37216

Modifier _________ is used to indicate that a separately identifiable E/M service was performed by the physician on the same day as the preventive medicine service.


Mr. White presented to the physician's office for his yearly physical. During the exam, Mr. White requested that the physician remove a mole on his shoulder. The mole was removed during the same office visit. The physician bills both an E/M code and a procedure code. Which modifier would you use on the E/M code?


What modifier would you use if you were coding only for the professional component of a diagnostic procedure?


The surgeon performed carpal tunnel release on Mrs. Shaw's left and right wrist. Which modifier would you use?


The modifier that indicates multiple procedures is:


The modifier that indicates that a physician provided only postoperative care


Mr. Jones is admitted to the hospital by the orthopedic surgeon for severe hip pain. The ortho surgeon provides an initial hospital visit during which it is determined that Mr. Jones has a fractured hip that will require surgical intervention. Mr. Jones is taken later that day to the OR where Dr. Ortho performs the surgical procedure to repair Mr. Jones' hip. Which modifier would you use for the hospital visit?


A surgeon performed an esophageal dilation on a 4-week-old newborn who weighed 3.1kg. What modifier would you use on this special circumstance?


Modifier ________ is used to indicate a repeat laboratory test on the same day to obtain multiple test results.


Multiple modifiers are indicated with which modifier?


Anesthesia for corneal transplant. CPT Code:


Assign a CPT anesthesia code for repair of cleft palate. CPT Code: Answer


Anesthesia for lumbar puncture. CPT Code:


Assign a CPT anesthesia code for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. CPT Code:


Anesthesia for vaginal hysterectomy. CPT Code:


Anesthesia for diagnostic arthroscopic procedure of the knee joint. CPT Code:


Assign a CPT anesthesia code for anesthesia services for an 76-year-old patient with mild systemic disease who receives anesthesia for total knee arthroplasty. CPT Code:

01402-P2, 99100

Assign a CPT anesthesia code for debridement of second-degree burns of left arm, 3% body surface area. CPT Code:

01951 (Here we would use the code for less than 4% since there was only 3% body surface. )

Anesthesia for Cesarean delivery only. CPT Code:


Daily hospital management of epidural, continuous drug administration. CPT Code:


Biopsy of a lymph node by fine needle aspiration without image guidance.


An incision and drainage of a sebaceous cyst of back.


Removal of 37 skin tags by electrosurgical destruction.

11200, 11201 X 3

Shaving of a 0.5 cm pyogenic granuloma of the neck.


Shaving of 1.5 cm epidermal lesion, scalp.


An asymmetric nevi, total excision size of 2.0 cm x 3.0 cm was removed from the patient's back. Pathology report identifies the specimen as "interdermal nevi." What is the correct CPT code assignment for this procedure?


Excision of 0.5 cm solar keratosis of the cheek with no significant margins.


Excision of basal cell carcinoma, abdominal wall, 1.2 cm in diameter, with 1-cm skin margin all around.


A physician performs a simple avulsion of the nail plate, second and third digits of the left foot.

11730-T1, 11732-T2

Repair of nail bed, third digit-left hand.


Repair of 3.4 cm laceration of the left forearm, single-layer closure with 4-0 Dexon.


Repair of 3.0-cm laceration of the scalp, 2.5-cm laceration of the left foot, and 6.0-cm laceration of the left lower leg.


Repair of 5.2-cm laceration of the left hand, dorsum, with layered closure.


Repair of 16.0-cm complex laceration of the left chest wall, utilizing multilayered closure.

13101, 13102, 13102

Excision of 2-cm squamous cell carcinoma from chest with repair of resultant 8-cm2 defect using V-Y plasty.


Patient presents for an excision of a sacral pressure ulcer with ostectomy, with primary suture.


With the use of a YAG laser, the surgeon removed a 2.0 cm Giant congenital melanocytic nevus of the leg. Pathology confirmed that the lesion was premalignant.


With the use of a laser, the physician removed two benign lesions on the right side of the back.


The surgeon fulgurates a 0.5 cm superficial basal cell carcinoma of the back.


Aspiration of one cyst, breast.


Puncture aspiration of a cyst of the left breast.


What year was CPT first developed and published?


Surgical exploration of stab wound of chest with included coagulation of blood vessels and enlargement of the wound.


Open treatment of four rib fractures, with fixation.


Removal of silver metal from deep tissue in the left shoulder.


Closed reduction of greater humeral tuberosity fracture, left.


Incision and drainage of hematoma of elbow.


Repair of lateral collateral ligament of right elbow using local tissue.


Patient is diagnosed with right humeral shaft fracture. The orthopedic surgeon performs an open treatment of the fracture using an intramedullary implant and locking screws.


Open reduction of right radial shaft fracture.


The patient was diagnosed with a dislocated right patella. The surgeon performed a closed reduction with the patient under anesthesia.


Open reduction with internal fixation, fracture of distal end (medial condyle) of left femur.


The orthopedic surgeon reduces a fracture of the left proximal tibia. After closed treatment and skeletal traction, the physician applies a short leg cast.


Open reduction of fracture of right medial malleolus.


According to information in 99468, what is the age of a neonate?

28 days or younger

Excision of bone cyst, toe (third digit of left foot).


Repair of hammertoe, second digit of left foot.


Closed reduction of three metatarsal fracture of right foot.

28475-RT x 3

Arthroscopy of right shoulder with rotator cuff repair.


Arthroscopy of the left elbow with limited debridement.


Arthroscopy of the left wrist with partial synovectomy.


Arthroscopic synovectomy (limited) of the left knee.


Scalpel excision of polyp from inside the nose, performed in doctor's office.


Partial excision of inferior turbinate.


Submucous resection of the inferior turbinates, bilaterally.


Removal of pebble from child's nasal passage, performed in the physician's office.


Patient treated in the ER for severe epistaxis; doctor performs extensive anterior packing, bilateral.


Flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy with biopsy of tissue.


FLexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy perfomed for removal of a dime lodged in the patient's larynx.


Flexible bronchoscopy with cell washings, brushings, and biopsy.

31623, 31625

Flexible bronchoscopy with bronchial biopsies.


Bronchoscopy with transbronchial biopsy of lung.


Bronchoscopy with laser destruction of a lesion of the bronchus.


Puncture aspiration of lung.


Thoracoscopy with wedge resection of lung.


Insertion of single chamber pacing cardioverter-defibrillator (transvenous electrode).


Relocation of pacemaker pocket.


Valvuloplasty of tricuspid valve with ring insertion.


CABG using two arterial grafts and three venous grafts.

33534, 33519

Application of right and left pulmonary artery bands.


Repair of ductus arteriosus by division (18 year old patient).


Removal of intra-aortic balloon pump, percutaneous.


Aortobifemoral bypass graft.


Catheter placement into the brachiocephalic artery (first order).


Blood transfusion.


Centrally inserted tunneled central venous access device with a subcutaneous pump on a 6-year-old patient.


Complete replacement of tunneled centrally inserted central venous catheter with subcutaneous port; replacement performed through original access site (45-year-old patient).


Creation of Brescia-Cimino fistula for chronic hemodialysis.


Open revision of AV fistula without thrombectomy, patient receiving hemodialysis.


Percutaneous thrombectomy of AV graft.


Percutaneous transluminal femoropopliteal artery balloon angioplasty with atherectomy.


Bilateral ligation of femoral vein.


Long saphenous vein stripping from saphenofemoral junction to below knee of left and right legs.


Laparoscopic splenectomy.


Bone marrow biopsy by needle aspiration.


The physician performs an extensive drainage of a lymph node abscess.


Suprahyoid lymphadenectomy.


The physician performs a complete axillary lymphadenectomy.


Injection for identification of sentinel node.


Excision of a mediastinal tumor.


The physician repairs a large laceration of the diaphragm that occurred during a car accident from the seat belt the patient was wearing through a transabdominal approach.


Imbrication of the diaphragm for eventration, transabdominal, nonparalytic.


Plastic repair of a bilateral cleft lip, primary, in one stage.


Plastic repair of the cleft lip/nasal deformity primary bilateral, one of two stages.


A direct ligation of esophageal varices.


Transection of the esophagus with repair for esophageal varices.


A physician is placing a nasogastric tube using fluoroscopic guidance.


A morbidly obese patient's stomach is partitioned with a staple line on the lesser curvature. A short limb of small bowel 90 cm is divided and anastomosis was accomplished to the upper stomach pouch.


Colotomy with removal of foreign body.


The destruction by electrosurgery of fourteen papilloma lesions in the anal area.


The gallbladder is removed under laparoscopic guidance.


Surgical repair of reducible inguinal hernia of a 4-month-old male, initial repair.


Repair of an initial reduced inguinal hernia; with a hydrocelectomy in a patient who is 28 months of age.


A nephrectomy with a total ureterectomy and bladder cuff, through different incisions.


OPERATIVE REPORT PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Right staghorn calculus. POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Same. OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: Right ESWL (electric shock wave lithotripsy). CLINICAL NOTE: This gentleman had a failed percutaneous nephrolithotripsy. He now is stented. The procedure was unsuccessful because of inability to access the kidney because of the stone. I decided to proceed with lithotripsy to see if we can create some more room, and maybe we will get lucky, but I told the patient he will likely require either multiple ESWLs or secondary attempt at PCN. PROCEDURE NOTE: The patient was given a general laryngeal mask anesthetic, prepped and draped in the supine position on lithotripsy table, stone targeted, shock had engaged. Unfortunately, we had to do the procedure without the simulator. Therefore, it took a longer time, but the patient tolerated it well. A total of 3,000 shocks at a maximum kv of 24 were administered to the stone. Some fragmentation was noted. We will see the patient early next year to see how he is doing, to schedule further treatment as required.


Ureteral endoscopy through an established ureterostomy with irrigation and the removal of a foreign body.


Complex cystometrogram with calibrated electronic equipment.


Cystourethroscopy with insertion of permanent urethral stent.


A complete transurethral electrosurgical resection of the prostate.


Urethral biopsy.


Fulguration of a urethral prolapse.


Urethromeatoplasty with mucosal advancement.


OPERATIVE REPORT PRE/POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Recurrent balanitis and phimosis. PROCEDURE PERFORMED: Circumcision. PROCEDURE: The child was given general mask anesthetic as well as caudal block for postoperative pain control. He was prepped and draped in the supine position, foreskin retracted, prepucial adhesions broken down. Circumcision was then performed using a dorsal slit technique. Hemostasis was achieved with judicious use of electrocautery and chromic ties. Prepuce was re-anastomosed to the penile skin using 5-0 chromic catgut. Vaseline gauze dressing was applied. The patient tolerated the procedure well and transferred to the recovery room in good condition.


The patient requires the lysis of post-circumcision penile adhesions.


Radical orchiectomy by inguinal approach due to a tumor.


The patient had a 3.8 cm testicular laceration repair from a baseball injury.


Bilateral vasectomy.


A radical retropubic prostatectomy with nerve sparing.


The marsupialization of a Bartholin's gland cyst.


Colposcopy of the vulva with five biopsies.




Complete removal of the vaginal wall, vaginectomy.


OPERATIVE REPORT PRE/POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Postmenopausal bleeding with probable polyp seen on saline sonohysterogram. OPERATIVE FINDINGS: Endometrial polyp seen arising from the left cornual region. Otherwise, benign uterine cavity. PROCEDURE: The patient was taken to the operating room and a general anesthetic was administered. The patient was then prepped and draped in the usual manner in lithotomy position and the bladder was emptied with a straight catheter. A weighted speculum was placed to allow for visualization of the cervix, which was grasped anteriorly using single toothed tenaculum. The uterus was then sounded to 9 cm in depth. The cervix was dilated to allow for insertion of the diagnostic hysteroscope. The uterine cavity was then inspected. Immediately apparent was a polyp arising from the left cornual region. Remainder of uterine cavity was inspected and appeared to be benign. Minimal endometrial tissue was otherwise present. At this point then, the hysteroscope was removed and polyp forceps was placed within the uterus. Attempt was made to grasp the polyp but this could not be grabbed with the polyp forceps. Therefore, a sharp curet was used and the polyp was thereby obtained and removed. A small amount of endometrial tissue was also obtained by curettage. Once this had been completed, the hysteroscope was reinserted and the cavity was re-inspected. It was confirmed that the polyp was removed. Otherwise, the endometrial canal then appeared normal. At this point, the procedure was terminated. Tenaculum was removed and good hemostasis was ensured at the cervix. The patient tolerated this procedure well. There were no complications. Fluid in was 325 cc and was equal to fluid out at the end of the procedure. Estimated blood loss was minimal.


Surgical hysteroscopy with removal of leiomyomata.


Patient presents for a laparoscopic salpingostomy.




Intrauterine cordocentesis. Do not code the radiological portion of the procedure.


Vaginal delivery with episiotomy and use of forceps, including postpartum care.


Antepartum care only after vaginal delivery by another physician, five visits.


Assign a code for a cesarean delivery with postpartum care and a ligation of fallopian tubes performed at the same operative session.

59515, 58611

A patient who has delivered twice by means of cesarean section receives complete obstetrical care and vaginal delivery services that include the postpartum care.


Code the treatment of a septic abortion that was completed surgically.


Induced abortion by dilation and evacuation.


Removal of cerclage sutures under general anesthesia.


Incision and drainage of an infected thyroglossal duct cyst.


The physician removes the entire thyroid.


The physician drills a burr hole in the cranium to drain a subdural hematoma.


Complex repair of intracranial arteriovenous malformation, supratentorial.


The physician resects an easily accessible arteriovenous malformation (AVM) in the infratentorial region of the brain.


The physician biopsies an intracranial lesion using stereotaxis.


The physician irrigates an existing ventricular catheter.


Diagnostic lumbar spinal puncture.


Posterior hemilaminectomy with herniated discectomy L2 thru L4.

63030, 63035 x2

OPERATIVE REPORT PRE/POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Herniated disc L4-5 on the left. PROCEDURE PERFORMED: Laminotomy, foraminotomy, and removal of disc at L4-5 on the left. ANESTHESIA: General. DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: Under general anesthesia the patient was placed in the prone position. The back was prepped and draped in the usual manner. Incision was made in the skin and extended through subcutaneous tissue. The lumbodorsal fascia was divided. The erector spinae muscles were bluntly dissected from the lamina of L4-5. The interspace was localized via x-ray. We then performed a generous laminectomy/foraminotomy and saw the problem. There was sequestered disc on the body of L4-L5. I entered the disc space and removed much degenerating material both medially and laterally. Having cleaned out the disc space, I was satisfied the root was decompressed. We passed a hockey-stick down the foramen and laterally there were no free fragments. We then irrigated the wound and closed the wound in layers utilizing double knotted 0 Chromic on the lumbodorsal fascia with 0 Vicryl, 2-0 plain in the subcutaneous tissue, and surgical staples on the skin. A dressing was applied. The patient was discharged to the recovery room in stable condition.


Laminectomy for excision of intraspinal lesion, extradural, lumbar.


The physician anesthetizes the vagus nerve.


Anesthetic injection of sphenopalatine ganglion.


Destruction of infraorbital nerve with neurolytic agent.


Removal of a superficial foreign body in the external left eye.


Sclera lesion excision, left eye.


Bilateral repair of blepharoptosis with frontalis muscle technique.


Removal of impacted cerumen from both ears.


Otoplasty of the right ear, with size reduction.


OPERATIVE REPORT PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Chronic otitis media with effusion POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Same PROCEDURE PERFORMED: Bilateral tympanostomies with placement of ventilation tubes PROCEDURE: After the patient was placed under general anesthetic, the right canal was cleared of wax and prepped with Betadine. A radial incision was made in the anterior-inferior quadrant and thick mucoid fluid was suctioned from behind this drum. A 0.39-mm ventilation tube was inserted. The left canal was then cleared of wax and prepped with Betadine. A radial incision was made in the anterior-inferior quadrant and thick mucoid fluid was suctioned from behind this drum. A 0.39-mm ventilation tube was inserted. The canal was then filled with Ciprodex on both sides and cotton in the external auditory meatus. The patient was awakened from her anesthetic and returned to the recovery room in stable condition. Prognosis immediate/remote is good. Blood loss is 0.


Urography, retrograde with KUB.


Supervision and interpretation of a hysterosalpingography.


RADIOLOGY REPORT EXAMINATION OF: Retroperitoneal sonogram, kidneys CLINICAL SYMPTOMS: Elevated creatinine RETROPERITONEAL SONOGRAM, KIDNEYS: Findings: The right kidney measures 12.6 5.4 5.0 cm. The cortex is thinned diffusely. The left kidney is smaller measuring 10.0 5.1 3.9 cm. The cortex is preserved. There is a 1.5 cm cyst seen anteriorly in the interpole region on this side. Bladder not well evaluated as the catheter is in place. There is mild prominence of the right proximal collecting system relative to the contralateral side in spite of the empty bladder. Cannot exclude mild caliectasis on this side. Also, cortical thinning suggests chronic renal insufficiency.


Follicular study, ultrasound of the pelvis nonobstetric, B-scan, and real time with image documentation follow-up.


Unlisted ultrasound procedure.


Unlisted codes are assigned to identify procedures for which there is no more specific code.


RADIOLOGY REPORT BILATERAL SCREENING MAMMOGRAM: The tissue of both breasts is heterogeneously dense. This may reduce the sensitivity of mammography. No significant masses, calcifications, or other findings are seen in either breast. IMPRESSION: NEGATIVE MAMMOGRAM There is no mammographic evidence of malignancy. A 1-year screening mammogram is recommended.


An 18 MeV radiation treatment, single treatment area.


Parathyroid imaging.


Liver imaging with vascular flow.


Vitamin B12 absorption study with intrinsic factor.


Cardiac blood pool imaging, first pass technique, multiple studies, with stress, with wall motion study plus ejection fraction without quantification.


Cerebrospinal fluid leakage detection and localization.

78650 Hint: Cerebrospinal fluid, nuclear imaging

Hepatic function panel.


Drug screening, confirmation, one procedure.


Alkaloids, quantitative, urine.


Fecal occult blood, three determinations by guaiac.


Three specimens for total gastric acid.


Blood analysis for HGH.


Sodium, urine.


Peripheral blood smear interpretation by physician with a written report.


The semen analysis including Huhner test.


The usual global surgery period for a major procedure is:

90 days

DIALYSIS PROGRESS NOTE: The patient was seen during CAPD while using 1.5% two liter fill volumes. She is on IV fluids. She appears dry. She doesn't have much edema but she is feeling much better. She still has some pain and tenderness on examination, but her spirits are better today and she is eating better. She finished all her breakfast. Her cultures so far are negative. The patient is on vancomycin and gentamicin for peritonitis, and we will continue that with pharmacy. Meanwhile, we will continue current dialysis prescription. We will keep her in the hospital for a couple more days, hopefully discharge either Sunday or Monday. The patient agrees with the plan.


ESRD-related services per day for one encounter (less than a month), for a patient who is 17 years old.


The patient presents for a serial tonometry with multiple measurements of intraocular pressure over an extended time period, same day, with interpretation and report.


Fitting and prescription of contact lens for one eye with medical supervision of adaptation of corneal lens.


Prescription of optical and physical characteristics of and fitting of contact lens, with medical supervision, corneal lens for aphakia, both eyes.


Audiologic function screening test for pure tone, air only.


Hearing test using pure tone audiometry; air only.


Hearing aid check, one ear.


Electrocardiogram with 15 leads including the interpretation and report.


Electronic analysis of dual-chamber pacemaker system with reprogramming including the evaluation of parameters at rest and during activity.


Catheter placement into the coronary arteries for coronary angiography with injections, imaging, supervision, and interpretation.


Transcranial Doppler study of the intracranial arteries, limited study.


Simple pulmonary stress test.


Plethysmography for determination of lung volumes.


Electroencephalogram recording for a patient in a coma.


Neurofunctional testing during brain mapping, by physician with test review.


Therapeutic IV infusion under the direct supervision of the physician of 45 minutes' duration.


The global surgery period includes:

all routine preoperative and postoperative care

This patient is diagnosed with psoriasis and presents to the clinic for laser treatment to 375 sq cm.


Hot packs applied to two areas.


What code is used to report routine postoperative care?


The CPT code that is used to report materials and supplies by the physician for which no other more specific CPT code exists is:


A new patient presents to the physician's office at which time the physician provides a comprehensive history and exam with a high complexity MDM.


CHART NOTE CC: Dizziness SUBJECTIVE: This 46-year-old female established patient presents today reporting feeling ill yesterday, and she has developed some dizziness. She feels like things stick in her throat and that her throat is"sticky." She has a past history of hypothyroidism and taking Synthroid 0.125 mg q day. her last TSH was last year and the level appeared to be normal at 0.49. OBJECTIVE: The patient appears to be in good health and in good spirits. Her BP is 120/81. Afebrile. HEENT normal. Neck is supple. No palpable masses are noted. No thyromegaly, tenderness, or nodes. TSA is elevated at 9.9. ASSESSMENT: Hypothyroidism (MDM was low). PLAN: Increase Synthroid to 0.15 mg q day. Recheck in 2 months.


A 7-year-old female established patient presents to the pediatrician complaining of ear pain x 3 days. A detailed history is then taken. She had associated fever of 101°F yesterday. Mom treated her with Tylenol. The fever this AM is 99°F. She has had some chills and cough as well as some difficulty breathing. No nausea or vomiting. No prior history of Otitis. Brother was sick earlier this week. The physician performed a detailed exam of the ENT as well as a limited exam of GI, Lungs, and Heart. Vital signs were taken in the office. The physician diagnosed the patient with Otitis Media and an Upper Respiratory Infection and prescribed an antibiotic. The MDM is stated to be moderate.


CAPD CYCLER DIALYSIS PROGRESS NOTE PATIENT: Mandy Horton ATTENDING PHYSICIAN: Ronald Green, MD This patient was reasonably stable overnight. She was evaluated empty. She was in no cardiorespiratory distress. Clear lungs, dullness at the bases. A few crackles but otherwise a somewhat irregular heart rhythm this morning. Echocardiogram pending. Abdomen soft. Exit site okay. She was going to be put on CAPD today. This is being done to facilitate some of her studies as we can work this around them. CT is planned for this morning. The CT will be a critical study since we do have significantly abnormal liver function and the question is what could be possibly going on there. She has an esophagitis consistent with herpes or CMV, and the situation could turn ominous depending on the CT results. We are also doing a calorie count to see whether or not we need to consider supplementing her if everything else works out. The dialysis plan today will be to use five 2.5-liter exchanges, three of them being 2.5% and two of them 1.5%. (MDM is moderate complexity.)


DIALYSIS PROGRESS NOTE PATIENT: Gloria Baxter ATTENDING PHYSICIAN: Ronald Green, MD This patient is continuing on CAPD. Her weight has fluctuated to some extent dependent on some GI losses. She has not been ultrainfiltrating aggressively, but she has not been eating well either. Over the last day or so she has had problems with hypotension, related to perhaps initially bradycardia and then subsequently to recurrence of atrial fibrillation with a more rapid rate. She did drop her weight to 154, and we have given her some saline boluses through the night. This morning she is reasonably stable. Her weight is 158 pounds. She has no congestive failure and no pain. Her abdomen is soft. Fluid clear. Cultures have remained negative. She had been on Unasyn coverage because of an elevated white count and suspected sepsis but that has not materialized. The management plan at this time is to discuss a different drug management plan with cardiology to see whether or not she is a candidate for a class III drug in view of the patient's intolerance to digoxin and/or quinidine. She may well tolerate digoxin at a lower dose, but the problem is it is not effectively blocking her ventricular response. The other component of her management will be to interrupt the antibiotic and observe her, and then thirdly she will get esophagogastroduodenoscopy today and a CT of her abdomen tomorrow to try to investigate the true core problem that she has. Finally, we are going to increase her Epogen slightly to try to push her hemoglobin up a little faster and try to keep her over 12. This will be substitute for her hypoalbuminemia and hopefully will maintain her blood pressure and her organ perfusion a little bit better. This illness is still serious. She is not thriving. She is not eating well, and her prognosis at this point is still extremely guarded. Code level II reaffirmed. (MDM is high complexity.)


An initial inpatient consultation with a detailed history, detailed exam and MDM of low complexity.


What CPT code is assigned to an ED service that has a detailed history and exam with a moderate level of MDM?


Dr. Martin provided 1 hour and 20 minutes of critical care services to Jack Smithton (age 64), who is in the Intensive Care Unit with acute respiratory distress syndrome.

99291, 99292

Donald Mayors is a homebound patient who is experiencing some new problems with managing his diabetes. Dr. Martin, who has never seen this patient before, drives to Donald's residence and spends 20 minutes examining the patient and explaining the adjustments that are to be made in the insulin dosage. The medical decision making is straightforward.


A 40-year-old established patient presents to the physician office for a preventive care exam.


CLINIC NOTE CC: Established patient presents for routine examination SUBJECTIVE: Sally is a 42-year-old female patient who presents today for a routine physical examination OBJECTIVE: BP 120/80. Pelvic exam: normal external genitalia. Vagina without discharge except for a scant amount of white discharge that appears normal. Cervix: Multiparous, clear. Bimanual exam is unremarkable. All systems are within normal limits. ASSESSMENT: 1. Normal BP. 2. Normal pelvic exam. PLAN: Return in 1 year or as needed.


History and exam of the normal newborn infant born in a hospital setting.


Home visit for stoma care and maintenance of a patient's colostomy.


Who publishes CPT?


When a physician performs a preventive care service, the extent of the exam is determined by the:


Codes from the E/M subsection Nursing Facilities Service are used to report services provided in nursing facilities that used to be known as:

All are correct (skilled nursing facility, long-term care facility, intermediate care facility)

In which CPT appendix would all modifiers be found?

Appendix A

In which CPT appendix would additions, deletions, and revisions be found?

Appendix B

The universal health insurance form for submission of outpatient services is the:


Which punctuation mark between codes in the index of the CPT manual indicates two codes are available?


Information given in the notes preceding a subsection is also contained in the section Guidelines.


A list of the unlisted procedures for use in a specific section of the CPT manual is contained in:


Where is specific coding information about each section located?


This act mandated the adoption of national uniform standards for electronic transmission of financial and administrative health information.


Which punctuation mark between codes in the index of the CPT manual indicates a range of codes is available?


Level II codes are not used in which setting?


Health care providers are ____ based on the codes submitted on a claim form for procedures and services rendered.


Which term reflects the technologic advances made in medicine that are incorporated into the CPT manual?


These elements would be part of the ____ history: employment, education, use of drugs.


A code that has all of the words that describe the code that follows is what type of code?

Stand alone

Modifier -58, related procedure or service by the same physician during the postoperative period, is used on what type of service?


The HPI must be documented in the medical record by:

The physician

When the words "separate procedure" appear after the descriptor of a code, you know which of the following about that code?

The procedure was a minor procedure that would only be reported if it was the only service provided.

Who requires a special report with the use of unlisted codes?

Third party payers

An established patient is one who has received face-to-face professional services from the physician or another physician of the same specialty in the same group within the past _________ years.


Critical care codes are reported based on:


Parenthetical phrases that sometimes follow a code or code group provide further information about codes that may be applicable.


Third-party payers determine the contents of a surgical package.


How often are Category III codes released?

Twice a year

Procedures that are experimental, newly approved, or seldom used are reported with what type of code?

Unlisted/Category III

Excision including simple closure of benign lesions of the skin includes this type of anesthesia:


Local anesthesia is defined in the CPT guidelines as:

all are correct

What are the divisions of the Surgery section based on?

body system

Which of the following represents three of the six elements that a special report must contain?

nature, extent, need

Endoscopic procedures within the Urinary subsection, Kidney subheading, are often divided based on this unique factor:

existence of a stoma

Endoscopic procedures within the Urinary subsection, Kidney subheading, are often divided based on this unique factor:

initial or subsequent

This information is placed after some codes in the CPT manual and contains helpful information.

parenthetical information

Within the Male Genital System, the greatest numbers of codes fall under what category?


Which of the following represents the contents of a surgical package?

preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative services

The words that follow a code number in the CPT manual are called

procedure/service descriptor

A modifier:

provides additional information to the third-party payer

A triangle before a code indicates that the code description is or has been:


When using an unlisted code a(n) ____ must accompany the claim.

special report

The surgical package includes:

typical follow-up care

The term that describes the study of the motion and flow of urine is:


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Post translational modifications of proteins

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ADN 140 - PrepU - Focused Assessment 1

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Chapter 3: Using Operators and Decision Constructors

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