American Government: Reading Quiz 2

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a system of government in which power is divided by a constitution between a central government and regional government


what country was the first to adopt federalism as its governing framework

United States

nations with diverse ethnic or language groupings are most likely to have _______ arrangements


the central government shares power of functions with lower levels of government such as regions or states

federal government

the most fundamental power that the states retain is that of ________


the power to develop and enforce criminal codes, to administer health and safety rules, and to regulate the family via marriage and divorce laws


authority possessed by both state and national government such as the power to levy taxes

concurrent powers

specific powers granted by the constitution to congress (Article I, Section 8) and to the president (Article II)

expressed power

provision from article IV section 1 of the constitution requiring that the states normally honor the public acts and judicial decisions that take place in another state

full faith and credit clause

powers derived from the necessary and proper clause of Article I, Section 8, of the constitution; such powers are not specifically expressed but are implied through the expansive interpretation of delegated powers

implied powers

wherever there is a direct conflict of laws between the federal and the state levels, the issue will most likely be resolved in favor of _________ ______________

national supremacy

Article I, Section 8, of the constitution which provides congress with the authority to make all laws necessary and proper to carry out its expressed powers

necessary and proper clause

power reserved to the state government to regulate the health, safety, and morals of its citizens

police power

powers, derived from the tenth amendment to the constitution that are not specifically delegated to the national government or denied to the states

reserved powers

in addition to these expressed and implied powers, the constitution affirmed the power of the national government in the ______ ______ (Article VI) which made all national laws and treaties "the supreme law of the land"

supremacy clause

the power that the constitution does not delegate to the national government or prohibit to the states are "reserved to the states respectively or to the people"; also known as the "reserved powers amendment" because it aims to reserve powers to the states

the tenth amendment

what are the most important ways that government can organize power

unitary and federal governments

lower levels of government primarily implement decisions made by central government

unitary government

a centralized government system in which lower levels of government have little power independent of the national government

unitary system

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